Update 03
I called out to David and when he came into the room I handed him his backpack. He gave me a quick hug that said here's your hug but people are watching, Mum.
They piled into Belinda's minivan and I waved as they headed down the road. I turned to go back inside but I could feel someone watching me. I turned back and looked around for a moment before I spotted movement in the window of the neighbour's house. There was Kat, standing in the open window of her parent's bedroom with her t-shirt lifted, exposing her breasts. I laughed but I looked around nervously, wondering if anyone could see. On the spur of the moment, I took a step back into the doorway so that no one else could see and returned the gesture while grinning like a lunatic.
It wasn't the first time that day that I questioned my sanity. It was undeniable that I was doing things that I never had even considered before. Things that had I considered or heard of a friend doing I would be shocked but as I said earlier, I can't deny the appeal. It turned me on something fierce to be behaving so recklessly and so wantonly.
I sat down at the table and took what felt like the first breath of the whole mad day. My stomach grumbled at me reminding me that I hadn't eaten yet and I felt incredibly thirsty. As I thought about why I was so thirsty I was struck by the absurdity of it all and came over with a fit of the giggles. I couldn't believe how many times I had orgasmed today, it had to be a personal best or at least close to it and it was no surprise that I was a bit dehydrated.
I ate my dinner and tried to focus my mind elsewhere but it kept drifting back to highlights of the day. The excitement of realising I had flashed Jeromie with the wet shirt, then intentionally flashing him. The crazy moment of handing him my panties. The fear when I realised I had been caught was so rapidly replaced by the trepidation of doing something I had never done before, followed by the exultation of discovery and overwhelming joy of multiple orgasms. The discovery of not only enjoying making Kat cum but the discovery that I had a natural talent for it and a lot of enthusiasm for it too.
I cleaned up the rubbish left from dinner then went into my bedroom. I realised that no amount of air freshener and open windows was going to stop the bedroom from smelling like a brothel so I stripped all the linen from the bed again. I bundled it up in my arms and carried it to the laundry, almost getting high on the delicious smell coming off them.
"God damn it, Kat. What have you done to me? I'm getting wet again."
I spoke to the world at large but there was no one there to respond. Even the Angel and the Devil had gone quiet again for now. I put the load of washing on then went out to the clothesline to check if what I had hung out earlier had dried. Even though the sun was now setting it was still stinking hot and there was still next to no breeze. It was going to be a horrible night for sleeping that's for sure.
I took the dry sheets in and made the bed for the third time that day. It was during this that Peter came home. He walked in the door looking very proud of himself. I felt a little flip in my stomach as I looked at him and I was reminded of how I used to feel when I hadn't seen him all day. It made me realise that that feeling had been missing for quite some time and a big part of it was that he rarely smiled when he saw me these days. It was a sad thing to realise what had become of our marriage.
"Hi, Honey. So what's the big news?"
"I got the promotion I've been after."
Another shock of realisation as I thought back over the conversations we had had recently and I was sure he hadn't mentioned a promotion to me.
"Pardon? What promotion? I didn't know you were in line for a promotion?"
"I'm sure I told you about it."
"When. I'm sorry but I honestly can't remember you telling me about it."
I could see the smile starting to slip into a frown as he thought back himself and realised he may not have told me after all. It hurt my heart to see it, but I didn't want to ruin the upbeat mood he was in.
"Doesn't matter, tell me about this promotion."
His face lit up again and I couldn't help but smile at his happiness.
"Well, there's been a possibility for a long haul job because one of the guys doing it was talking about retiring. I told the boss that if it happened I would like to be in line for it. Well, he announced his retirement this week and the boss came straight to me. He said if you want it, it's yours."
I could feel my heart sinking as he went on. A long haul job? He had never discussed this with me. Long haul meant interstate trips, which meant even more time away from home. More time away from David and more time away from me. Sure things were tighter since my job folded but we were far from being in financial trouble. This was a decision he was making, no, one that he had already made, without my input and without any consideration for what I would want.
My face must have been showing what my heart was feeling because I could see the smile sliding off his face and going to confusion and then anger.
"What? What's the problem now?"
"What's the problem now? What do you mean by that? Since when have I complained to you about anything?"
"You're pissed off that I took this job? Are you serious? I'm doing this for us."
"Which part Peter? The part where we see even less of each other? The part where you spend less time with your son than you already do?"
"If you hadn't lost your job I wouldn't need to do this."
That stung and I was becoming pissed off. I don't rant and scream when I'm angry though. I looked him in the eye and told him straight, in a calm, albeit sad voice.
"You know damn well that wasn't my fault. We don't need the money that desperately, Peter, but you do what you feel you have to do."
I could see he wanted to rant and rave at me but I could also see that there was a touch of guilt there too. He wanted this and he knew I wouldn't so he had thought he could guilt me into agreeing and it hadn't gone to the plan he had in his mind.
"Well... well, I don't have time to discuss this tonight, I have to get going now."
"You've just done a twelve-hour shift, you shouldn't be driving anywhere."
"I'll be fine. I'll just sleep in the cab."
He turned and walked back out the door and all I could do is stare at it after him. No goodbye, no hug, no kiss, nothing. He didn't even ask where David was. I heard the car start up and drive off down the road and I felt something inside of me break a little.
Chapter Seven.
I'm not even going to pretend that I was alright that night. I was a sobbing mess and it took a long time before exhaustion took over and sleep finally came to me. I would normally be up early but the lack of sleep kept me in bed until it got too hot and uncomfortable to stay there. I am normally one for not going to bed on an argument either but in this case, I think it gave us both a little time to cool down. I looked at my phone and two messages were waiting for me. One from Belinda saying they had got to the cabin and set up for the night and the boys were already having a great time. The other was from Peter.
"I'm sorry we fought last night. Yeah, you may be right that this is something that I want to do but I also want to do it for us. it's not entirely selfish. Are we okay? Call me when you get up."
My initial response was another flare-up of anger but I was too tired to maintain it. I also knew that if I spoke to him straight away I would likely say something mean. I went and made myself some breakfast and a coffee and sat at the table, staring out the window at nothing in particular until the caffeine started doing its thing. Then I started to write out a response.
"Peter, I'm sending you a message because at the moment if we talk it will probably end in another fight. As for the job, like I said last night, you do what you feel you need to do. My biggest concerns with it are that you already see so little of David that you are going to lose him. He is of an age where he needs his Dad. I know you will be home between runs but how long for and how long are the runs? Will you be tired and cranky and not want to spend time with him? I don't want to see either of you hurt by that. It certainly gives us a lot less time together too. That doesn't bother me as much as it used to because even when you are here lately our love life hasn't been a priority to you. I don't know, maybe I'm just not as attractive as I once was or it's just not as important to you anymore but I have missed it. Ultimately, I want you to know that I will still be here, the question is will you still want me to be?"
That last question is something that has been circling my brain a bit lately and I was scared of the answer but it had to be asked now. I thought of something else and sent it as a new message then put my phone down.
"I know you will want to answer and reassure me straight away but I don't want you to do that. I want you to think about it, I mean REALLY think about it and we can talk later. Please be safe on the road and know that you are loved."
Even I thought it was weird the way I finished that last bit. "Know that you are loved." What the hell was with that? I could have just said "I love you" but I don't want him to feel pressured into replying the same way. Was I telling him that he was loved but not necessarily by me? Did I love the memory of who he used to be? Was it just an affection because he is the father of our son? I was getting morose thinking about it and decided to do something else to take my mind off it.
walked into the bedroom and picked a pair of shorts and a t-shirt for the day, then went rummaging in the drawer for underwear. As I searched through it I found my bathers. They were a one-piece that I bought when David was learning how to swim and I doubt they had been worn since. I was never really one for bathers. Mainly because I just didn't do much swimming these days. When I was a little kid it was usually in a creek near home and I would just wear my underwear. When I became a teenager I just added a t-shirt to the ensemble. It was very rare that there were boys around when we went swimming so it didn't even really occur to us to buy bathers. Certainly nothing as exciting as a bikini.
These were Navy blue and I wasn't even sure they would fit me anymore. They were mum bathers, purely functional. The only thing about them that could be considered even mildly racy was the higher cut hips on them. I remembered the first time I put them on and realising that I would have to have a shave and a trim before I could be seen anywhere public with them. At the time I was annoyed by the inconvenience but I laughed as I realised that after yesterdays efforts that wouldn't be necessary at all.
I know this all sounds like it was a foregone conclusion that I was going next door for a swim but that was far from the truth. I was still feeling very conflicted about what had happened with both Kat and Jeremy. I was very much of the opinion that I wouldn't be going over there. Honestly. I think.
A "Mmhmm."
D "Yeah right."
"Oh, not you two again."
Although there was no one to see, in my mind I could see the eye roll and the disappointed look of the angel as well as the devious smirk of the devil. Once again I questioned my sanity but then rationalized that I knew it wasn't real, just my overactive imagination, so clearly, I was sane. Maybe.
I picked up the bathers as well as a pair of underwear along with the shorts and shirt and went into the bathroom. The house was already getting quite warm and I knew it was only going to get worse as the day went on so I re-opened a few windows in hope of a breeze.
I hopped in the shower, cleaned myself and made sure nothing needed trimming. When I got out, I dried off and tried on the bathers. Now it had been several years since I had worn these and obviously, I had changed shape a bit since then. I have never been a big girl but then I'm not the skinny teen I once was either. The bathers went on okay but they were a little fuller than I remember them being. My boobs were bigger as was my butt but I kind of liked the way they filled out my bathers a little more. The biggest thing I noticed though was the way that filling it out more, along with the extreme hair removal I did yesterday, caused a bit of a camel toe. At first, I noticed that and immediately decided they were too small. Then the more I looked, the more I was reminded of Kat's lovely pussy until it began turning me on thinking about showing it off a little.
As much as I was enjoying the fantasy I decided to take it back off and get dressed in my normal clothes. I went about the day of doing house chores but considering that neither David nor Peter were home, there was very little to do. I thought about watching a movie or something but I knew it would be too hot to sit on the leather couch. I was even thinking about going for a drive because I was so bored. It was at that moment that my phone pinged. I looked and saw the message was from Peter. I was quite nervous to read it. I was glad he had taken his time but I was concerned about what it might say. Finally, I plucked up the courage to open it.
"Hey, Jess. I guess you're right, this is something that I wanted to do. I honestly thought I had told you about it though. I am sorry about that but at the same time, this is also something that I feel I need to do as well. Not just for me but as I said, for our family. I promise to make more of an effort with David. I honestly didn't realise I was letting things slip so badly there. As for us... well, that is a bit harder to say. First of all, let me say that I do love you and I want to remain married to you but, well, there's no other way to say it other than, I just don't feel the excitement that I used to anymore. It's not that I want another woman or anything like that. I just don't get turned on much anymore. I don't think that it's all that weird, I mean blokes talk about it all the time that they just aren't into it the way they once were. Maybe it's just that I'm getting older or maybe there's something wrong with me, I don't know. I just want you to know that it isn't personal, I just don't really care if we don't do that stuff anymore. I hope this makes sense. I am sorry though."
"You're only thirty-two you fucking idiot! Do you think I'm stupid?"
I had yelled it out loud, even though I knew he couldn't hear me. It isn't personal my ass. It's as personal as it gets. I couldn't believe he was saying this shit. I was convinced of one thing though and it broke my heart. For whatever reason, be it he was fucking someone else or there was something wrong with his health, he stated quite clearly that our sex life was over. I didn't know whether to cry hysterically, throw something in anger, file for divorce or get into a gangbang somewhere. I think I went through all those emotions on loop for about an hour as I tried to rationalise it in my head.
I walked outside to try and clear my head but when I opened the door I was hit by the searing heat and blinding light of another day being baked in drought. It was the opposite of a cold sharp shock but had a similar effect. I stomped around the yard muttering under my breath and sweating my ass off. I must have looked like a crazy person.
As I was working through it in my head I realised that I didn't want to divorce Peter. It would ruin everything we had worked for, probably send us both broke and would do even more damage to the already touchy relationship between Peter and David. Likewise breaking things was only going to end up expensive. I had already cried buckets and was pretty much out of tears at this point.
I was disturbed from my reverie by a huge splash and laughter from next door. I looked up to see Jeremy climbing back out of the pool as Kat laughed at him. He was in shorts and a t-shirt so I assumed she had pushed him in when he wasn't expecting it. When I looked at her she immediately looked back at me, as though she felt the weight of my glance on her. She licked her lips unconsciously as she stared at me and I felt my pussy tingle in response. Then Jeremy was by her side, his shirt clinging to his wet body and the tingle travelled throughout my whole body.
D "You know they both find you attractive, unlike Peter."
A "Shut up Devil, you're not helping."
"Neither are you, Angel."
I whispered under my breath.
Kat was giving me a knowing look, the way some women will. As though they know that something is wrong and most likely what it is, but are allowing you the privacy to say something or keep it to yourself.
"You okay Jess? You look like you're cooking out there."
I probably look like a crazy person I thought but yes it was very hot and I was quite sweaty.
Jeremy smirked the way that only young men seem to be able.
"Why don't you come and join Kat in the pool?"
Kat looked at him as though he had missed some obvious point.
"I'm not in the Aaaahhhh!'
There was another huge splash as Kat hit the water this time. I couldn't help but laugh.
"You know what? Yes, I will thanks."
Decision made I went into the house and stripped naked. A part of me, encouraged heavily by the Devil, wanted to go over there bare assed naked but I knew that wasn't an option. I pulled the swimsuit on again and hastily made sure nothing was hanging out that shouldn't be. I threw my t-shirt back on over it and headed next door. I felt like a rebellious teenager as I practically ran around to their door. I wondered if the entire neighbourhood was checking out my cameltoe and my ass as I moved but in reality, they all had blinds closed and aircon going. I probably could have walked there naked and not be seen. The thought sent a thrill through my body that hardened my nipples, making them stand to attention.
I knocked on the door and was greeted by a yell from the yard.
"The door's unlocked, just come through, we're all wet now."
Mmm me too, I thought.
It felt weird going into the neighbour's house, especially dressed the way I was but it was exciting too. It just increased that rebellious teenager feeling. I walked out the back door and stripped my t-shirt off. I could feel their eyes crawling all over my body and settling on the parts that I wanted them to look at the most. God, it felt good to be wanted. Jeremy peeled his wet shirt off over his head then his shorts came off too. He already had his speedo's on under them. Both Kat and I stared as he put on this little display. He stood there looking at us as we both openly stared at him. I almost gasped as his cock twitched and began to grow. Damn, that was a nice looking cock.
"Well, you two are both in your swimsuits and here I am in wet clothes. I guess I better put something more suitable on. She turned and walked off into the laundry. I watched after her and sucked in a breath of surprise and delight as she stepped back out of the laundry completely naked. She stood there long enough to allow me to feast my eyes before moving on into the house. I was starting to get wet, really wet, and I realised I was going to get quite a damp patch on my crotch real soon. I walked over to the steps and descended into the water, as much to hide the impending wet spot as to cool down. The water was lovely and cool but was doing nothing to reduce my core temperature. Jeremy dove into the water and after swimming to the other end turned around and swam slowly under the water back towards me.
I knew he was checking out my body under the water and I loved every second of it. I turned around to give him a look at my ass, then turned back so he could see my pussy, barely hidden by the thin material. When he surfaced I smiled at him.
"So, like what you saw?"
"Absolutely. Looked very tasty."
"Oh, she is."
We both looked up as Kat walked out the door wearing only the bottom half of a bikini. Damn, I wish I owned a bikini. Then I realised what she had just said.
"Do you know what I found out yesterday Jer?"
"What's that?"
"Jess, here, had never tasted another woman's pussy before, but we sorted that out didn't we."
She gave me a cheeky smirk as I blushed madly. I thought if you can't beat them join them.
"Yes we did and I made your girlfriend cum all over my face."
Kat laughed then sighed as she relived the memory. Her nipples hardened before our eyes as she thought about it.
"Yes, well, Jess is quite the fan of pussy now I believe."
Jeremy chuckled.
"Who isn't though Kat? Eating pussy is the best."
I turned to him, not wanting to be outdone.
"I think Jeremy likes to smell pussy too. I assume that's one of the things you did with my wet panties yesterday."
He smiled back at me.
"Just one of the many. I have to say, fresh from the source is always best though."
I was so fucking turned on by this point that I was aching. I turned back to Kat, who sat down on the edge of the pool and dangled her feet in the water.
"So, Jess. I know you enjoyed having your pussy eaten and you genuinely seemed to relish your first taste of pussy. The question is though, would you do it again if given the opportunity?"
"I doubt anyone could stop me."
I knew where this was going and I wanted it. I wanted it so bad I was practically salivating in anticipation. Kat grinned then sat down with her feet in the water. She moved her butt right up to the edge and spread her legs apart. There was a wet patch right in the centre of her bikini bottoms as she placed her hands on the ground behind her and leaned back onto them. I had slowly been moving closer to her the whole time and I was now standing between her knees.
I didn't ask her or look for approval. I was taking her and that was all there was to it. I reached up and pulled the crotch of her bikini to the side and took a brief moment to admire her glistening lips. As I watched her hole began to gape a little and a fresh drop of her cum trickled out and down. I dove in, tongue first, making sure I caught and didn't waste that precious drop. I immediately began slurping, sucking and licking her to the absolute best of my ability. I felt Jeremy's hands on my shoulders and he kissed my neck as I ate his girlfriend.
I could feel Jeremy's hard cock grinding against my ass as his hands slid down off my shoulders, taking the straps of my swimsuit with them. I had to release Kat momentarily so I could pull my arms free of the suit. I felt it tugged down to my waist, freeing my breasts and there was a hand on each one almost instantly. He rolled my nipples between his rough, man-sized fingers while I was grinding my ass back against his cock as I continued to devour Kat's pussy. She had one of her hands running through my hair as she supported herself with the other. She was moaning and her hips were thrusting gently up and down.
Jeremy moved back as his hands gripped the side of my bathers then pulled them down to my knees in one swift movement. I heard him take a breath then he submerged and pulled the swimsuit off me completely. I had a brief moment of amazed wonder as it dawned on me that I was completely naked, outside, during the day with my tongue buried as deeply as I could get it in a girl's pussy. I never would have believed in a million years that this whole scenario was even remotely possible, yet here we were.
What the fuck am I doing?
D "Being a slut and loving every second of it."
A "Oh, yes you are."
Jeremy's hands pushed on the inside of my thighs and I automatically spread my legs apart. My feet came off the ground but Jeremy was there supporting my weight by holding onto my hips. I felt the tip of his cock prodding around my opening but he couldn't support me and line himself up at the same time. I reached down between my thighs with one hand as I held onto Kat with the other, then helped guide him home.
It wasn't the smoothest entry as the water was washing away the lubrication but we still managed it with some wiggling and when the head of his cock brushed against my cervix I had the first of many orgasms that day. As I came, so too did Kat and she moved back a little as though she was hypersensitive. It gave me a chance to breathe and focus on the sensation of a new cock inside me for the first time in many years.
Everyone held still for a moment or two and I looked over my shoulder at Jeremy.
"This will work a lot better if we are out of the water."
He smiled as he knew I wanted more and wasn't going to deny him, and god, did I want more. Kat started to get up on wobbly legs.
"I have an idea."
She went inside while we got out of the water and when she returned she was carrying two bean bags. Now that was a good idea. She dropped them then looked at us both standing there. She walked over to me all sultry and sexy as hell. I damn near purred myself. She put her arm around my waist and pulled me in close to her until our bodies meshed together. We began to kiss quite passionately and I could hear her moan under her breath.
They piled into Belinda's minivan and I waved as they headed down the road. I turned to go back inside but I could feel someone watching me. I turned back and looked around for a moment before I spotted movement in the window of the neighbour's house. There was Kat, standing in the open window of her parent's bedroom with her t-shirt lifted, exposing her breasts. I laughed but I looked around nervously, wondering if anyone could see. On the spur of the moment, I took a step back into the doorway so that no one else could see and returned the gesture while grinning like a lunatic.
It wasn't the first time that day that I questioned my sanity. It was undeniable that I was doing things that I never had even considered before. Things that had I considered or heard of a friend doing I would be shocked but as I said earlier, I can't deny the appeal. It turned me on something fierce to be behaving so recklessly and so wantonly.
I sat down at the table and took what felt like the first breath of the whole mad day. My stomach grumbled at me reminding me that I hadn't eaten yet and I felt incredibly thirsty. As I thought about why I was so thirsty I was struck by the absurdity of it all and came over with a fit of the giggles. I couldn't believe how many times I had orgasmed today, it had to be a personal best or at least close to it and it was no surprise that I was a bit dehydrated.
I ate my dinner and tried to focus my mind elsewhere but it kept drifting back to highlights of the day. The excitement of realising I had flashed Jeromie with the wet shirt, then intentionally flashing him. The crazy moment of handing him my panties. The fear when I realised I had been caught was so rapidly replaced by the trepidation of doing something I had never done before, followed by the exultation of discovery and overwhelming joy of multiple orgasms. The discovery of not only enjoying making Kat cum but the discovery that I had a natural talent for it and a lot of enthusiasm for it too.
I cleaned up the rubbish left from dinner then went into my bedroom. I realised that no amount of air freshener and open windows was going to stop the bedroom from smelling like a brothel so I stripped all the linen from the bed again. I bundled it up in my arms and carried it to the laundry, almost getting high on the delicious smell coming off them.
"God damn it, Kat. What have you done to me? I'm getting wet again."
I spoke to the world at large but there was no one there to respond. Even the Angel and the Devil had gone quiet again for now. I put the load of washing on then went out to the clothesline to check if what I had hung out earlier had dried. Even though the sun was now setting it was still stinking hot and there was still next to no breeze. It was going to be a horrible night for sleeping that's for sure.
I took the dry sheets in and made the bed for the third time that day. It was during this that Peter came home. He walked in the door looking very proud of himself. I felt a little flip in my stomach as I looked at him and I was reminded of how I used to feel when I hadn't seen him all day. It made me realise that that feeling had been missing for quite some time and a big part of it was that he rarely smiled when he saw me these days. It was a sad thing to realise what had become of our marriage.
"Hi, Honey. So what's the big news?"
"I got the promotion I've been after."
Another shock of realisation as I thought back over the conversations we had had recently and I was sure he hadn't mentioned a promotion to me.
"Pardon? What promotion? I didn't know you were in line for a promotion?"
"I'm sure I told you about it."
"When. I'm sorry but I honestly can't remember you telling me about it."
I could see the smile starting to slip into a frown as he thought back himself and realised he may not have told me after all. It hurt my heart to see it, but I didn't want to ruin the upbeat mood he was in.
"Doesn't matter, tell me about this promotion."
His face lit up again and I couldn't help but smile at his happiness.
"Well, there's been a possibility for a long haul job because one of the guys doing it was talking about retiring. I told the boss that if it happened I would like to be in line for it. Well, he announced his retirement this week and the boss came straight to me. He said if you want it, it's yours."
I could feel my heart sinking as he went on. A long haul job? He had never discussed this with me. Long haul meant interstate trips, which meant even more time away from home. More time away from David and more time away from me. Sure things were tighter since my job folded but we were far from being in financial trouble. This was a decision he was making, no, one that he had already made, without my input and without any consideration for what I would want.
My face must have been showing what my heart was feeling because I could see the smile sliding off his face and going to confusion and then anger.
"What? What's the problem now?"
"What's the problem now? What do you mean by that? Since when have I complained to you about anything?"
"You're pissed off that I took this job? Are you serious? I'm doing this for us."
"Which part Peter? The part where we see even less of each other? The part where you spend less time with your son than you already do?"
"If you hadn't lost your job I wouldn't need to do this."
That stung and I was becoming pissed off. I don't rant and scream when I'm angry though. I looked him in the eye and told him straight, in a calm, albeit sad voice.
"You know damn well that wasn't my fault. We don't need the money that desperately, Peter, but you do what you feel you have to do."
I could see he wanted to rant and rave at me but I could also see that there was a touch of guilt there too. He wanted this and he knew I wouldn't so he had thought he could guilt me into agreeing and it hadn't gone to the plan he had in his mind.
"Well... well, I don't have time to discuss this tonight, I have to get going now."
"You've just done a twelve-hour shift, you shouldn't be driving anywhere."
"I'll be fine. I'll just sleep in the cab."
He turned and walked back out the door and all I could do is stare at it after him. No goodbye, no hug, no kiss, nothing. He didn't even ask where David was. I heard the car start up and drive off down the road and I felt something inside of me break a little.
Chapter Seven.
I'm not even going to pretend that I was alright that night. I was a sobbing mess and it took a long time before exhaustion took over and sleep finally came to me. I would normally be up early but the lack of sleep kept me in bed until it got too hot and uncomfortable to stay there. I am normally one for not going to bed on an argument either but in this case, I think it gave us both a little time to cool down. I looked at my phone and two messages were waiting for me. One from Belinda saying they had got to the cabin and set up for the night and the boys were already having a great time. The other was from Peter.
"I'm sorry we fought last night. Yeah, you may be right that this is something that I want to do but I also want to do it for us. it's not entirely selfish. Are we okay? Call me when you get up."
My initial response was another flare-up of anger but I was too tired to maintain it. I also knew that if I spoke to him straight away I would likely say something mean. I went and made myself some breakfast and a coffee and sat at the table, staring out the window at nothing in particular until the caffeine started doing its thing. Then I started to write out a response.
"Peter, I'm sending you a message because at the moment if we talk it will probably end in another fight. As for the job, like I said last night, you do what you feel you need to do. My biggest concerns with it are that you already see so little of David that you are going to lose him. He is of an age where he needs his Dad. I know you will be home between runs but how long for and how long are the runs? Will you be tired and cranky and not want to spend time with him? I don't want to see either of you hurt by that. It certainly gives us a lot less time together too. That doesn't bother me as much as it used to because even when you are here lately our love life hasn't been a priority to you. I don't know, maybe I'm just not as attractive as I once was or it's just not as important to you anymore but I have missed it. Ultimately, I want you to know that I will still be here, the question is will you still want me to be?"
That last question is something that has been circling my brain a bit lately and I was scared of the answer but it had to be asked now. I thought of something else and sent it as a new message then put my phone down.
"I know you will want to answer and reassure me straight away but I don't want you to do that. I want you to think about it, I mean REALLY think about it and we can talk later. Please be safe on the road and know that you are loved."
Even I thought it was weird the way I finished that last bit. "Know that you are loved." What the hell was with that? I could have just said "I love you" but I don't want him to feel pressured into replying the same way. Was I telling him that he was loved but not necessarily by me? Did I love the memory of who he used to be? Was it just an affection because he is the father of our son? I was getting morose thinking about it and decided to do something else to take my mind off it.
walked into the bedroom and picked a pair of shorts and a t-shirt for the day, then went rummaging in the drawer for underwear. As I searched through it I found my bathers. They were a one-piece that I bought when David was learning how to swim and I doubt they had been worn since. I was never really one for bathers. Mainly because I just didn't do much swimming these days. When I was a little kid it was usually in a creek near home and I would just wear my underwear. When I became a teenager I just added a t-shirt to the ensemble. It was very rare that there were boys around when we went swimming so it didn't even really occur to us to buy bathers. Certainly nothing as exciting as a bikini.
These were Navy blue and I wasn't even sure they would fit me anymore. They were mum bathers, purely functional. The only thing about them that could be considered even mildly racy was the higher cut hips on them. I remembered the first time I put them on and realising that I would have to have a shave and a trim before I could be seen anywhere public with them. At the time I was annoyed by the inconvenience but I laughed as I realised that after yesterdays efforts that wouldn't be necessary at all.
I know this all sounds like it was a foregone conclusion that I was going next door for a swim but that was far from the truth. I was still feeling very conflicted about what had happened with both Kat and Jeremy. I was very much of the opinion that I wouldn't be going over there. Honestly. I think.
A "Mmhmm."
D "Yeah right."
"Oh, not you two again."
Although there was no one to see, in my mind I could see the eye roll and the disappointed look of the angel as well as the devious smirk of the devil. Once again I questioned my sanity but then rationalized that I knew it wasn't real, just my overactive imagination, so clearly, I was sane. Maybe.
I picked up the bathers as well as a pair of underwear along with the shorts and shirt and went into the bathroom. The house was already getting quite warm and I knew it was only going to get worse as the day went on so I re-opened a few windows in hope of a breeze.
I hopped in the shower, cleaned myself and made sure nothing needed trimming. When I got out, I dried off and tried on the bathers. Now it had been several years since I had worn these and obviously, I had changed shape a bit since then. I have never been a big girl but then I'm not the skinny teen I once was either. The bathers went on okay but they were a little fuller than I remember them being. My boobs were bigger as was my butt but I kind of liked the way they filled out my bathers a little more. The biggest thing I noticed though was the way that filling it out more, along with the extreme hair removal I did yesterday, caused a bit of a camel toe. At first, I noticed that and immediately decided they were too small. Then the more I looked, the more I was reminded of Kat's lovely pussy until it began turning me on thinking about showing it off a little.
As much as I was enjoying the fantasy I decided to take it back off and get dressed in my normal clothes. I went about the day of doing house chores but considering that neither David nor Peter were home, there was very little to do. I thought about watching a movie or something but I knew it would be too hot to sit on the leather couch. I was even thinking about going for a drive because I was so bored. It was at that moment that my phone pinged. I looked and saw the message was from Peter. I was quite nervous to read it. I was glad he had taken his time but I was concerned about what it might say. Finally, I plucked up the courage to open it.
"Hey, Jess. I guess you're right, this is something that I wanted to do. I honestly thought I had told you about it though. I am sorry about that but at the same time, this is also something that I feel I need to do as well. Not just for me but as I said, for our family. I promise to make more of an effort with David. I honestly didn't realise I was letting things slip so badly there. As for us... well, that is a bit harder to say. First of all, let me say that I do love you and I want to remain married to you but, well, there's no other way to say it other than, I just don't feel the excitement that I used to anymore. It's not that I want another woman or anything like that. I just don't get turned on much anymore. I don't think that it's all that weird, I mean blokes talk about it all the time that they just aren't into it the way they once were. Maybe it's just that I'm getting older or maybe there's something wrong with me, I don't know. I just want you to know that it isn't personal, I just don't really care if we don't do that stuff anymore. I hope this makes sense. I am sorry though."
"You're only thirty-two you fucking idiot! Do you think I'm stupid?"
I had yelled it out loud, even though I knew he couldn't hear me. It isn't personal my ass. It's as personal as it gets. I couldn't believe he was saying this shit. I was convinced of one thing though and it broke my heart. For whatever reason, be it he was fucking someone else or there was something wrong with his health, he stated quite clearly that our sex life was over. I didn't know whether to cry hysterically, throw something in anger, file for divorce or get into a gangbang somewhere. I think I went through all those emotions on loop for about an hour as I tried to rationalise it in my head.
I walked outside to try and clear my head but when I opened the door I was hit by the searing heat and blinding light of another day being baked in drought. It was the opposite of a cold sharp shock but had a similar effect. I stomped around the yard muttering under my breath and sweating my ass off. I must have looked like a crazy person.
As I was working through it in my head I realised that I didn't want to divorce Peter. It would ruin everything we had worked for, probably send us both broke and would do even more damage to the already touchy relationship between Peter and David. Likewise breaking things was only going to end up expensive. I had already cried buckets and was pretty much out of tears at this point.
I was disturbed from my reverie by a huge splash and laughter from next door. I looked up to see Jeremy climbing back out of the pool as Kat laughed at him. He was in shorts and a t-shirt so I assumed she had pushed him in when he wasn't expecting it. When I looked at her she immediately looked back at me, as though she felt the weight of my glance on her. She licked her lips unconsciously as she stared at me and I felt my pussy tingle in response. Then Jeremy was by her side, his shirt clinging to his wet body and the tingle travelled throughout my whole body.
D "You know they both find you attractive, unlike Peter."
A "Shut up Devil, you're not helping."
"Neither are you, Angel."
I whispered under my breath.
Kat was giving me a knowing look, the way some women will. As though they know that something is wrong and most likely what it is, but are allowing you the privacy to say something or keep it to yourself.
"You okay Jess? You look like you're cooking out there."
I probably look like a crazy person I thought but yes it was very hot and I was quite sweaty.
Jeremy smirked the way that only young men seem to be able.
"Why don't you come and join Kat in the pool?"
Kat looked at him as though he had missed some obvious point.
"I'm not in the Aaaahhhh!'
There was another huge splash as Kat hit the water this time. I couldn't help but laugh.
"You know what? Yes, I will thanks."
Decision made I went into the house and stripped naked. A part of me, encouraged heavily by the Devil, wanted to go over there bare assed naked but I knew that wasn't an option. I pulled the swimsuit on again and hastily made sure nothing was hanging out that shouldn't be. I threw my t-shirt back on over it and headed next door. I felt like a rebellious teenager as I practically ran around to their door. I wondered if the entire neighbourhood was checking out my cameltoe and my ass as I moved but in reality, they all had blinds closed and aircon going. I probably could have walked there naked and not be seen. The thought sent a thrill through my body that hardened my nipples, making them stand to attention.
I knocked on the door and was greeted by a yell from the yard.
"The door's unlocked, just come through, we're all wet now."
Mmm me too, I thought.
It felt weird going into the neighbour's house, especially dressed the way I was but it was exciting too. It just increased that rebellious teenager feeling. I walked out the back door and stripped my t-shirt off. I could feel their eyes crawling all over my body and settling on the parts that I wanted them to look at the most. God, it felt good to be wanted. Jeremy peeled his wet shirt off over his head then his shorts came off too. He already had his speedo's on under them. Both Kat and I stared as he put on this little display. He stood there looking at us as we both openly stared at him. I almost gasped as his cock twitched and began to grow. Damn, that was a nice looking cock.
"Well, you two are both in your swimsuits and here I am in wet clothes. I guess I better put something more suitable on. She turned and walked off into the laundry. I watched after her and sucked in a breath of surprise and delight as she stepped back out of the laundry completely naked. She stood there long enough to allow me to feast my eyes before moving on into the house. I was starting to get wet, really wet, and I realised I was going to get quite a damp patch on my crotch real soon. I walked over to the steps and descended into the water, as much to hide the impending wet spot as to cool down. The water was lovely and cool but was doing nothing to reduce my core temperature. Jeremy dove into the water and after swimming to the other end turned around and swam slowly under the water back towards me.
I knew he was checking out my body under the water and I loved every second of it. I turned around to give him a look at my ass, then turned back so he could see my pussy, barely hidden by the thin material. When he surfaced I smiled at him.
"So, like what you saw?"
"Absolutely. Looked very tasty."
"Oh, she is."
We both looked up as Kat walked out the door wearing only the bottom half of a bikini. Damn, I wish I owned a bikini. Then I realised what she had just said.
"Do you know what I found out yesterday Jer?"
"What's that?"
"Jess, here, had never tasted another woman's pussy before, but we sorted that out didn't we."
She gave me a cheeky smirk as I blushed madly. I thought if you can't beat them join them.
"Yes we did and I made your girlfriend cum all over my face."
Kat laughed then sighed as she relived the memory. Her nipples hardened before our eyes as she thought about it.
"Yes, well, Jess is quite the fan of pussy now I believe."
Jeremy chuckled.
"Who isn't though Kat? Eating pussy is the best."
I turned to him, not wanting to be outdone.
"I think Jeremy likes to smell pussy too. I assume that's one of the things you did with my wet panties yesterday."
He smiled back at me.
"Just one of the many. I have to say, fresh from the source is always best though."
I was so fucking turned on by this point that I was aching. I turned back to Kat, who sat down on the edge of the pool and dangled her feet in the water.
"So, Jess. I know you enjoyed having your pussy eaten and you genuinely seemed to relish your first taste of pussy. The question is though, would you do it again if given the opportunity?"
"I doubt anyone could stop me."
I knew where this was going and I wanted it. I wanted it so bad I was practically salivating in anticipation. Kat grinned then sat down with her feet in the water. She moved her butt right up to the edge and spread her legs apart. There was a wet patch right in the centre of her bikini bottoms as she placed her hands on the ground behind her and leaned back onto them. I had slowly been moving closer to her the whole time and I was now standing between her knees.
I didn't ask her or look for approval. I was taking her and that was all there was to it. I reached up and pulled the crotch of her bikini to the side and took a brief moment to admire her glistening lips. As I watched her hole began to gape a little and a fresh drop of her cum trickled out and down. I dove in, tongue first, making sure I caught and didn't waste that precious drop. I immediately began slurping, sucking and licking her to the absolute best of my ability. I felt Jeremy's hands on my shoulders and he kissed my neck as I ate his girlfriend.
I could feel Jeremy's hard cock grinding against my ass as his hands slid down off my shoulders, taking the straps of my swimsuit with them. I had to release Kat momentarily so I could pull my arms free of the suit. I felt it tugged down to my waist, freeing my breasts and there was a hand on each one almost instantly. He rolled my nipples between his rough, man-sized fingers while I was grinding my ass back against his cock as I continued to devour Kat's pussy. She had one of her hands running through my hair as she supported herself with the other. She was moaning and her hips were thrusting gently up and down.
Jeremy moved back as his hands gripped the side of my bathers then pulled them down to my knees in one swift movement. I heard him take a breath then he submerged and pulled the swimsuit off me completely. I had a brief moment of amazed wonder as it dawned on me that I was completely naked, outside, during the day with my tongue buried as deeply as I could get it in a girl's pussy. I never would have believed in a million years that this whole scenario was even remotely possible, yet here we were.
What the fuck am I doing?
D "Being a slut and loving every second of it."
A "Oh, yes you are."
Jeremy's hands pushed on the inside of my thighs and I automatically spread my legs apart. My feet came off the ground but Jeremy was there supporting my weight by holding onto my hips. I felt the tip of his cock prodding around my opening but he couldn't support me and line himself up at the same time. I reached down between my thighs with one hand as I held onto Kat with the other, then helped guide him home.
It wasn't the smoothest entry as the water was washing away the lubrication but we still managed it with some wiggling and when the head of his cock brushed against my cervix I had the first of many orgasms that day. As I came, so too did Kat and she moved back a little as though she was hypersensitive. It gave me a chance to breathe and focus on the sensation of a new cock inside me for the first time in many years.
Everyone held still for a moment or two and I looked over my shoulder at Jeremy.
"This will work a lot better if we are out of the water."
He smiled as he knew I wanted more and wasn't going to deny him, and god, did I want more. Kat started to get up on wobbly legs.
"I have an idea."
She went inside while we got out of the water and when she returned she was carrying two bean bags. Now that was a good idea. She dropped them then looked at us both standing there. She walked over to me all sultry and sexy as hell. I damn near purred myself. She put her arm around my waist and pulled me in close to her until our bodies meshed together. We began to kiss quite passionately and I could hear her moan under her breath.