Chapter 01

The sequel to "A Gift from my Father"

On the surface John Smith Inc. looked like any other "white collar" firm. It occupied all the floors of a small low rise in the suburban office park of Mountain View CA. Professional dress codes were maintained, and no one would guess what they really did. If anyone were to ask they were told personnel and property management. What almost no one was prepared for how all that was about to dramatically change.

It was true, that was essentially what they did, although it didn't barely cover all the pies John Smith had his fingers in. Since the beginning, John Smith made a commitment to his agents to take care of them during their transition period. That usually included housing in some cases, electronic equipment, (cellphones, computers, printers, etc.), often transportation, (including automobiles, air and train transportation), but most importantly, human resources issues and taxes.

John Smith & Associates now had almost 500 agents. If you included the support staff, JSA employed over 650 people and needed many more. In addition to managing the homeless shelters and skate parks, they had their hands in so many other business and ambitions to take on more, the small staff was no longer capable of dealing with the day to day business.

It was also important to stay out of the crosshairs of local government, law enforcement and the IRS. Not that they were doing anything illegal, although they did bend the rules just a little.

Considering the firm's main purpose was to support the activities of John Smith and that of his agents, and the new master and mistresses of the rings, until they were ready to break off on their own. Normal office culture would be bent if not completely broken.

It made more sense now to incorporate, which was long overdue. If they were to grow and expand, that meant hiring almost a hundred new employees. These employees would be accounting people, clerks, IT specialist, secretaries, HR specialist and security personnel, to name the most obvious, including experienced corporate officers and capable managers. The first thing was a change of leadership at the top.

Stepping out of the elevator and into the new offices only recently inhabited the new CEO, strolled across the marble floor, her designer heels clicking loudly as she past the large receptionist desk. Three young pretty receptionists busily answering phones, typing into their computers, pausing for only a moment to admire the tall thin redhead as she passed, on this third day of tenure.

Tammy Bowen entered her office and before she could hang up her coat, her secretary brought in her a cup of coffee and handed her a tablet while he slipped quickly into her chair, turned on her computers and organized the few items on her desk. He was very efficient and within thirty seconds was out of her way as she scrolled through the screens on the tablet, then sitting in the plush white leather executive chair. Tammy had found him a few years ago and couldn't be without him.

As he knelt before her, she opened her legs, hanging one over the arm of the chair while the other rested on her secretary's shoulder. He used long tongue strokes, kissing her and licking around the diamond stud attached to her labia which seemed to glow with its own light. He found delightful to touch with his tongue but knew not to bother it too much. It didn't take long for her to have a delightful and efficient climax. Just as smoothly he used a towel to pat her dry and then used in on himself. Standing he asked, "Will you be having cock this morning?" Already firm, tenting his trousers, he was gifted in that department, too.

"Is this data the most current," she asked as eyed the tablet, clicking back and forth between the many pages. "Yes, of course," almost insulted by the question. He stood not as tall as she, due to her six-inch heels.

"What time am I addressing the department heads?" She asked pivoting towards her computer looking at her calendar seeing the event just as he replied. "Ten AM, Ms. Bowen."

"Damn it."
She said, as she fondled him through his pants, he was hardening nicely. She really wanted to be fucked this morning.

"I'm afraid that I am going to have to postpone that," she frowned, squeezing him harder, he moaned softly. Releasing him she knew there would always be time for that. The new report changes her time table, she will need to rewrite her presentation and she only had an hour.

He was disappointed. He was more than simply her secretary, she always made him feel special. His former boss and CEO, taken him for granted.

Tammy, Ms. Bowen, did not. She seemed to know what it was like to have to please an executive, and not simply by sharing sex. Although he seemed to be a gay man, he was truly bisexual, particularly when it came to Tammy.

Sitting herself down, Tammy began to altered her PowerPoint presentation. She made a few key changes here and there, as a result of the new data she'd received.

Seated in the large plush conference room were all the department heads, eight in all. This being John Smith Inc., it was a diverse group of five women and four men. Tammy had met all of them separately, at the beginning of the week, this was her first department head meeting. She had worked hard on her presentation. Hating long boring meetings, she planned on sandwiching the more mundane with the more exciting as she outlined her plan for the John Smith Incorporated. However, the numbers she reviewed threw a monkey wrench into her plans, she'd need to work faster.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I had a formal presentation planned." She pointed to the cover slide of her presentation but shut it down. "As many of you know John Smith and I go all the way back to the beginning, and he's giving me carte blanch to make any changes I deem necessary. The truth of the matter is that we are growing, you all are aware of that, and growth is a good thing. But we're not keeping up! What is the problem? Can't we find people who want to work?"

She looked at the human relations director, Estella Cruz and waited for an answer. Estella was unaccustomed to being put on the spot like that but was very prepared. She explained that they were in the process of interviewing several candidates, in fact they were bringing on a new hire today and moving forward with another.

"This process is too slow, no offense to you Estella. But we need to bring almost a hundred new people before the end of the year just to keep up with the support of our current agents in the field and Mr. Smith is expanding his field agent corps rapidly. I don't want us to be the bottleneck."

She had their undivided attention. As she hoped everyone was staring at her, her eyes met everyone of theirs, and then her eyes glowed orange for about two seconds. She watched everyone else, as each one responded as their eyes glowed orange for a second and then a smile crept across each face. She had them. No one realized what had happened, but they were all eager to follow the lead of their new CEO.

"Things must change, people. If we work hard, the rewards will be great." She asked if there were any questions. No one had any, they all applauded enthusiastically as Tammy smiled and left, the meeting was over. They all knew what they had to do.

All departments had meeting with their group leaders, it was stressed that team work was essential and would be rewarded. Each department head had the undivided attention of their managers, when their eyes flashed orange, seconds later the flash was returned.

Through out the company as work groups met new instructions were disseminated eyes flashed unnoticed by everyone. Things were about to change dramatically.

Things began rather innocently, then began to snowball.

In the customer service department, the lead clerk sighed heavily, "This cellphone account again. I hate working with these guys." Suddenly inspiration hit her. "Hey, Jim! If you take this account from me, I'll show you my tits!" She and Jim had been working together for over a year and if they each hadn't already been in a relationship would have likely been dating.

"Ugh! No way!" Jim replied familiar with the account, not consciously registering how strange the offer was. "Not that I don't want to see your tits, I know they must be awesome, but you'll need to do better than that. How about at blow job and show me your tits?"

She countered, "Only if you cum on my face!"

Jim said.

Thinking that she had made the deal of the century, Julie wheeled her chair to him, Jim stood and dropped his trousers as Julie pulled her sweater over her head and quickly pulled off her bra.

Watching one of her many porn films on his computer, Nate was slowly stroking himself. Who would have dreamed that the new CEO of the firm he worked at was a former porn star, having won several accolades for her work including "Best New Starlet".

His boss choosing that moment to enter the office they shared, seeing the porn on his computer and her assistant stroking himself. She paused and then immediately recognized the woman getting her pussy eaten. Something inside changed. Instead of being upset, seeing the piles of work she'd left for him had been completed, she startled him by getting on her knees and saying, "You need to be rewarded for getting all that work done so quickly," and taking his average size cock in her hand a began licking it before engulfing it completely.

As the video continued to play in the background, it revealed the cute blonde with big tits engaged in a sixty-nine was indeed their new CEO.

Joe was running late. He needed to get the last order picked up and on his truck in order to make his connection at UPS. He'd been doing this job for over a year and understood the system. He could have UPS pick it up, but he'd miss the small window getting it on the right truck without paying next day rates.

"Anita, I need that package now or I'll miss my window," Joe said.

Anita worked in IT Services and had reimaged a new laptop and had upgraded a new cell phone for Dennis Sour. She was a typical IT tech; her world was most important and other people's deadlines didn't matter to her.

"It's not ready." She said as she was still tinkering with the software. Sour was an important person in the organization. She needed to make certain the software was installed correctly.

"Fine. You could have told me, bitch. You're always making me late."

If Anita was offended you couldn't tell. She simply smiled and continued working.

"Nothing to say for yourself, well fuck you!"

Before she could become angry, something changed as did her response. "Promise, promises!"

Joe replied, as he looked at Anita who only smiled.

Rushing to where she was working, he pushed her forward and she bent over presenting her ass. Kicking her feet apart, he pulled her yoga pants down. Her panties were soaked, he quickly discovered. Pulling out his hard cock, he wasted no time shoving it into her wet hole from behind.

Anita had been married for six years and had always dreamed of having rough sex from her husband, but he was always so kind and considerate, the thought never entered his mind.

"Yes, fuck me! Fuck me like the bitch I am!" Anita squealed as she came.

After leaving a large deposit in her married pussy, and Anita vowing never make him late again if he promised to fuck her often like he just did.

There was a knock on her door. "Enter," she said without looking up.

The large blonde woman, often referred to as "big boned" took two steps into the office, before adjusting her blouse, unbuttoning the first five buttons. She'd already discarded her heavy bra, allowing her large bosoms to swing freely with each step.

"Good Afternoon Ms. Bowen." She said, walking up to the desk where Tammy continued to work. Tammy had learned long ago, it was fine to work comfortably in ones' office, unscheduled visitors got what they got. She was typing away on her portable keyboard, her shoeless feet propped on her desk, keyboard in her lap.

"Good Aftern...Eloise, what can I do for you?" She paused, seeing the girls had made an appearance. Next to cock, tits and pussy were tied for second place.

Eloise ran the shipping and receiving department with a staff of four men and two women. She was nervous for many reasons and berated herself for being so bold as to bring idea to her new boss, but she didn't understand why she felt compelled to expose herself.

She hesitated, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have come." She pulled her blouse closed, turning crimson at the presumption that her new CEO would like her tits.

Setting her keyboard aside revealed that Tammy had neglected to wear any panties today, her pussy was exposed and looking very inviting to Eloise. "I think you should cum, that is after me." Tammy said as she spread her legs wider and fingered her wet pussy.

Eloise smiled and felt her pussy moisten, "she was right after all, cumming here at work would be so naughty." She took a few more steps towards her boss and slid uneasily into one of the two guest chairs in front of Tammy's large desk. "I had an idea as an incentive for my people, but needed your approval," the large blonde said as she watched her boss rub her pussy. She was quickly becoming aroused as she heard the squishy sounds coming from Tammy's cunt.

"I'd love to hear about them, but first we need to attend to a growing need of mine."

Eloise didn't need to be asked, she got from her chair as Tammy did and walked over to the large couch. Tammy was dwarfed by the larger woman, coming only as high as the woman's bustline.

"Hmmm... these look inviting," Tammy cooed as she pulled out the left tit and began licking the nipple. Eloise had what the guys would call a "great rack" only she wasn't into guys. Reluctantly Tammy let the large breasts pull away from her hands as Eloise fell to her knees to begin licking her boss's drenched pussy.

Eloise had followed Tammy's porn career and had collected almost all of Tammy's DVDs. She'd fallen for Tammy in large part due to her numerous girl on girl scenes and her award-winning film, "Dykes on Bikes". Eloise wasn't very adventurous but the videos had increased her interest in getting a "Hog" herself and finally coming out of the closet.

Now she was sucking her boss's pussy, Tammy Bowen of all people. She sucked and licked this pussy as if she'd never have another chance.

It was the first day of work for three new hires, two women and one man, (Jill, Rose and Pete). Although they wouldn't be working in the same departments the new employee orientation was the same for everyone. Being a small company, everyone was pretty much on a first name basis.

Jill was hired to be the newest accountant, she wasn't a CPA, as was the case with her new colleagues, but she hoped to be one day. She was in her mid-twenties and had worked her share of dead end retail jobs before finding this one. She hoped it would be her big break. She wore her long brown hair loose today although she preferred ponytails particularly when working out. She was a bit of a fitness nut. Beneath her business attire was a hard body, honed after many hours in the gym and cross training. She swam, ran, biked and hiked. Her athletic body and smallish tits allowed her to excel in every sport she attempted. Tennis however remained a mystery to her and was her newest obsession. It was the only sport she couldn't master from the beginning and it drove her to improve. She entered a lot of tournaments hoping to learn from better players.

The newest employee to the shipping department was the big boned Latina named Rose. She had plenty of experience having worked at many large companies, this was her first stint with a small firm. She was looking forward to it. She used to chide herself for having the typical Latina body, which used to be a good thing until she reached her forties. She found herself thickening, despite what she ate, her butt seemed to grow out of nowhere and her already large tits were now huge.

His first job after college, Pete was assigned to the administrative department where he hoped to move quickly into management. It was a clerical position, but you had to start somewhere. His father had encouraged him to go white collar after he'd spent so many years as a successful sales representative. Pete was a natural, loved the detailed work and excelled at all the Microsoft Office Suite programs. Eventually he hoped to move into IT security, but that was after a short term in administration. A huge fan of the NBA, Pete was excited that his favorite team had just acquire the skills of LeBron James, his favorite player. Pete played a little college ball but didn't have the size or skills to do better than come off the bench. He wore his tight black curly hair close cropped and his beard and mustache immaculately trimmed.

Orientation was typically what you'd expect to find. Learning the company structure, the fringe benefits, company access to the intranet, and filling out paperwork. What surprised all of the new hires, during their tour was how open and friendly all the employees were towards each other. There was even an amazing amount of touching and feeling that made the newbies a little uncomfortable.

Seeing this reaction, their HR facilitator mentioned this was a big part of the company's culture. If this made them uncomfortable, perhaps they needed to reevaluate their employment decision. She explained that employees were encouraged to use private rooms to have sex and to do it during their lunch periods or break times. However, there were many times when employees had been observed having oral sex in public areas, when only a few people were around. Management had a tendency to looked the other way, if it was discreet, otherwise employees could be reprimanded for not following the decorum.

The newbies learned the health benefits were outstanding, employees paid very little out of pocket expenses and the copays were ridiculously low. There was also a new incentive to motivate those who were less physically fit that reduced out of pocket expense to almost nothing.

After the morning of orientation, the new hires were released to return to their departments to begin to learn their job responsibilities. However, they were encouraged to meet as a group occasionally to help each other more quickly assimilate.

Over the next several days, the three new hires worked extra hard to learn their new jobs and to fit in. They agreed to meet at the end of the week to compare notes and see how the others were doing.

Thursday, Pete noticed that he was becoming more comfortable with the discreet sex that was going on around him. But, he was unprepared when his colleagues, Joann asked if she could give him his welcome aboard blowjob. She had of course had simply made that up, and Pete was tempted to take her up on it but felt a little uncomfortable and passed. He was surprised as he realized his normal conservative views on sex had seemed to have changed, he wouldn't have considered accepting a blowjob from a colleague he barely knew a week ago. Today, he was on the fence. Friday, he accepted Joann's offer and she crawled under his desk, pulled down his pants and worshiped his "Grande", while he attempted and failed to compete a report.

Joann was more than an accomplished at this task, her petite size made it easy to fit under the many desks she'd only recently begun to visit. She didn't seem to have any preference towards gender and seemed to really enjoy oral sex.

It was at lunch Friday the newly hired trio sat together and evaluate their first week. Pete was eager to confess he could truly say he'd been initiate into the new company. But, was shocked to learn that both Rose and Jill had similar experience to share.

Jill acknowledged in her department they all worked very hard, but with her help by Wednesday they had gotten ahead for the first time this quarter. As a result, her boss called for a short celebration. She expected cake and coffee and had to steady herself when she learned that meant random sex with her coworkers. She'd gotten fucked soundly by not one but two of her male cubical partners. She was almost panting as she told the story. She kept looking at Pete, he seemed to have grown aroused as she told her story. She fantasizes being either on her knees or back while she sucked him off or let him pound her pussy.

Topping both of her newbie friends' stories, Rose acknowledged being both on the receiving and giving end of her indoctrination to the company culture. Stunned she admitted she'd never been into women, but there she was being fucked from behind in the warehouse when her boss, Eloise found them and instead of reprimanding them, she pulled her pants down and Rose eagerly ate her first ever pussy. Not only did she enjoy it, she's been in her boss's office every day since, for a little one on one coaching.

Having shared their stories, the trio found themselves extremely excited and lusting after each other in ways they couldn't explain. As it was at this company "Casual Fridays" meant something more, too. The thermostat was usually turned up and more skin than would be socially acceptable was on display. Pete was displaying a massive erection. Both women had removed their bras when they learned from a kind coworker, it was normally the practice to be braless on Fridays. The unmistakable scent of sex in the air, more than normal on Friday's at the offices of John Smith Incorporated. Perspiration was beginning to bead on the brows of the trio of new hires, until Jill spoke.

"I'm sorry if you guys take this the wrong way, but I have just got to get fucked and I don't care by which one." Jill surprised herself, she'd never consider sex with another woman until that very moment.

Both Pete and Rose spoke at the same time. Rose suggested a place in the warehouse that was secluded. While Pete said he knew of a couple of empty office that should work.

The two liked Pete's suggestion and followed him quickly from the cafeteria to the administration department where people seemed to be working quietly, except for the typical office noise, copiers, phones and keyboards clicking.

Once in the small office, almost simultaneously the three began pulling off clothes and tossing them about. Jill pulled Pete to her as she kneeled over Rose lowering her pussy to her coworker's eager mouth. It would be Rose's second pussy in as many days.

They all acted if possessed. Neither of them would have recognized their behavior just five days earlier. On some level they knew they had changed, but right now they didn't care. What was important was sex. Sex with each other and fitting in at this wonderful company.

It wasn't long before Rose had Jill cumming. She'd never been eaten out by a woman and Rose seemed to be a very quick learner. Jill fell away leaving Pete's hard cock swaying in the air for the briefest of moments, before Rose pushed him on his back and climbed on board and impaled herself on Pete's impressive stalk. She bounced up and down, like she'd lost her mind, her enormous tits bouncing in every direction as she quickly was getting herself off on the larger than normal cock. Although she tried to be quiet, Rose had always been a loud fuck, her screams alarmed her two friends. Thinking quickly Jill shoved one of her tits in Rose's mouth as the Latina continued to cum, only a little more quietly.

Pete had good stamina, but seeing his coworkers engaging in lesbian sex was enough to push him off the ledge. He growled loudly as he let loose several ropes of his man juice filling Rose's pussy. When he pulled out, Jill moved quickly to recover the wasted seed she'd been hoping to taste, completely ignoring she was getting it second hand from the pussy of her coworker. She didn't seem to understand that fact until she'd gobbled it all up and her newfound skills induced Rose replacing the depleted cum with her own.

Pleasantly surprised she enjoyed the taste Jill continued to eat her first pussy while Pete lined up his rejuvenated cock with Jill pussy and began fucking her like she'd only dreamed possible. They fucked and sucked for well over an hour and when they were done they reassembled themselves, tried to look like nothing had happened and attempted to leave the office unnoticed.

It was approaching two in the afternoon, the office looked the same, but there were groans, shrieks and the slapping of flesh that made it obvious that there was more fucking going on. The three returned lustful kisses and feels, promising to meet weekly at a minimum.

When Pete returned to his cubical, Joann was sitting in his chair, facing away from him. She swiveled his chair and faced him, taking his breath away. She was naked and fingering her pussy. She had amazing tits, large and defying gravity, she was completely shaven and she was making wet slouching sounds with the fingers in her pussy.

"Oh, there you are. I think it's time you returned the favor. My fingers are far too small to do this right. Do you think you can help?"

A big smile crept slowly across Pete's lips and he responded, "I don't know, sounds like you're well on your way. Maybe I'll just watch for a while and see how this goes."

"Being coy?" How cute,"
she thought. But Joann was more than up for the challenge. She pulled her fingers away and brought them to her mouth licking her juices off. "While this is fun," pulling on one of her large nipples with her other hand, "I really like playing with others better than solitary." Sucking on her fingers, she made him remember the blowjob she'd given him the other day.

Despite having just fucked his two newbie friends, Pete was rock hard and ready to take on his coworker, after all he did owe her a fuck.

He stepped closer and looked around as if to say, where are we going to do this. Realizing what he was waiting for Joann smiled and said, "Lose the clothes silly. We're doing this right here, it is "Casual Friday" after all.

Pete shrugged and slipped off his loafers, his pants quickly followed and soon he was just as naked as Joann. "Mmmm..." Joann sighed, "I knew you were sporting some lumber." She jumped up and grabbed the desk with both hands while shaking her fabulous ass at him.

Pete didn't need any more invitation than that. Stepping behind her Joann grabbed his cock and rubbed it up and down between her legs coating it with her juices as she cooed with delight. Before Pete could say anything smart, she shoved him into her velvet glove and practically sucked him the rest of the way in.

Pete was no novice, although only in his twenties, he'd been with his share of women and girls. It seemed he was on more than one occasion "Cougar Bait". But Joann's pussy was something special. It was deep, wet and her kegel muscles strength was off the charts. She gripped him so tightly he was afraid that she hurt him, but she was careful and let him go whenever he was ready. They soon got into a good rhythm and she stood up so he grabbed her incredible tits as they fucked.

From her office, Tammy observed the various cameras throughout the company. She could feel the sexual energy in the building doubling and then tripling. Her master would indeed be pleased.

The new training program they used on the new hires had worked exactly as was predicted, better in fact. All this extra fucking could mess with productivity, but her managers were prepared and productivity would not suffer. Employees more than willing to put in the overtime, without be compensated.

Tammy read Eloise's list of possible incentive for the upcoming productivity challenge and liked what she read. She'd make a few changes, but the idea was sound, the boss would be putting her ass (literally) on the line. If successful it could be a quarterly incentive.

There would be four prizes, the same regardless of the winner's gender.

1st Place - A VIDEO WITH TAMMY. That of course meant a porn video, that would be sold. Depending on sales, could mean significant residuals, too. It would be billed as "Tammy's Return", a limited edition, guaranteed to sell thousands of downloads. It also would mean spending serious time together with the former porn queen.

2nd Place - DINNER WITH TAMMY. It would be more like a date at an expensive restaurant and if dinner went well, like on most dates, there would be sex.

3rd Place - PLAYTIME WITH TAMMY. Kind of like "Casual Fridays" on steroids. You'd be invited to Tammy's office and there would be a lot of sex.

4th Place - ORAL WITH TAMMY. No fucking, but a lot of sucking.

If that doesn't inspire her employees to work harder, she didn't know what else would. She chuckled to herself. John told her that she'd have to be creative. This certainly qualified. She'd have to find a little reward for Eloise, too. She was confident that it would be a success.

With all the sex going on within the walls of her company, she was quickly becoming full, it was time to transfer the collected sexual energy to her master. As a benefit of her promotion, the mere act of transferring her package was almost as satisfying as an orgasm. In many ways, much more satisfying then all of the sex she had before her conversion.

Assuming a comfortable position she tensed her body and flexed jerking forward. It was as if she were actually touching her master. Being in the same room could make her cum. This was almost as good. As her package was successfully transferred she came and it was good.

He had a tendency to be impatient at times. Sometimes after a promotion and more responsibilities it can change a person. Dennis Sour was more often moody. With the ascension of Chance and Elizabeth to masters of their own rings, Dennis was next in line for a promotion. He still didn't believe it, but the boss saw something in him that he didn't see himself. He was determined not to fail him.

It wouldn't be unexpected that someone in the position Dennis found himself in to be hard on his underlings. It was the opposite for Dennis. He was very understanding and nurturing, besides if necessary he had people to be the "bad cop".

He was expecting a new cellphone and laptop computer, it would be shipped out today. But, since he was just in San Francisco and the new office were in Mountain View, he could drive there today and not have to wait and extra day. John Smith Inc., had grown so large, it now made sense to have a corporate contract on things like phones and hardware, since the company paid the bill, he had no complaints. Gone were the good old days when John would simply conjure up whatever his team needed.

Entering the corporate offices for the first time since the dedication was a little strange. He felt the sexual energy the moment he stepped into the lobby. "Damn! Is everyone here fucking each other?" He thought. The sign on the counter said, "Casual Friday" which meant the receptionist desk wasn't staffed on Fridays. A virtual receptionist popped up on the large monitor on the counter. She of course was the eyes and ears of an employee who was back in the office somewhere.

After going through the programmed greeting, suddenly another voice interrupted the virtual receptionist said, "Oh my Gawd! You're him. I mean you're Mr. Sour. Don't go away, I'll be right there. Oh, damn it, who are you here to see?"

Dennis was chuckling to himself. He didn't expect to be recognized. But, a smart receptionist or clerk should know the company officers, field and otherwise. He was impressed.

"I'm not expected. I'm here to see Tammy, is she available?"

"Let me check. She's in."

A few moments later, a lovely young twentysomething walked into the lobby and greeted Dennis with a proper handshake. "Allow me to escort you to Ms. Bowen's office."

It was a short walk to the elevator and up to the fifth floor. Tammy's secretary accepted the hand off. He was dressed as if he were headed out drinking on pride day, his shirt fit him tightly, like a muscle shirt hugging his small chest. He was very polite and professional, asked that Dennis wait a short moment as Tammy completed a call. Before Dennis could take a seat in the plush leather couch, Tammy opened both of the large doors to her office and greeted Dennis professionally. Then giggled loudly, pulling him into a tight embrace, and they kissed like long lost lovers, until Tammy remembered herself and pulled Dennis into her office shutting the doors.

Stopping suddenly, she propping one door open, she called out to her secretary asking for him to call shipping to see if Dennis' package had left the building. If it hadn't to have someone bring it up immediately.

Dennis was impressed again. "How did you know?"

"You forget, I know you. And I bet you're a little more impatient than I remember."

"Guilty as charged. By the way, what the fuck are you doing here? The place is emanating sexual energy on the level you'd expect to find at a frat party."

"Oh that. It's "Casual Friday". Wait until you come back after I initiate my new employee incentives",
Tammy laughed.

The two talked about old times and what things were happening in the field. Tammy admitted that she missed being in the field, interacting with the other agents, on some days. They talked some more until interrupted by Tammy's secretary. "Eloise is here with Mr. Sour's package."

"Excellent. Please send her in."
Tammy turned to Dennis, "I want you to meet the head of my shipping department."

Eloise entered the large office carrying Dennis' package. "I pulled it off the truck, it was on its way to the shipper." She said as she walked towards Dennis, greeted him and handed him his package.

"Dennis this is Eloise, probably the best shipping manager in all of California."

Dennis smiled and thanked Eloise as he tried not to stare at her naked breasts. She was in the habit of letting the girls loose whenever she entered Tammy's office. Being that it was "Casual Friday", it was a quick adjustment since top was already pretty revealing.

"Have a seat everyone. Would you like a drink?" Tammy offered as she strolled to her office refrigerator and pulled out a Dos Equis. "I'd like one, how about you Eloise?" Dennis said. "Dos Equis is my favorite."

Eloise replied, "Sure, why not? It's close to closing time somewhere."

They all drank, laughed and talked. Soon it became clear that Eloise was hitting on Dennis. That confused Tammy. Eloise continued to play and touch Dennis' leg as the third beer began to make its present felt.

Tammy asked, "Eloise dear, please don't take this the wrong way, but if I didn't know better I'd say you are shamelessly flirting with Dennis. I thought you were although recently out of the closet, a dedicated lesbian."

Eloise chuckled loudly. "Is it that obvious? Well, if I must be completely honest. And, since I can't hold my liquor worth a damn. I'm afraid that I have to confess that Dennis is a lesbian's dream come true."

Eloise went on to explain that she knew that Dennis used to be Denise and that since he's a shape shifter, she was hoping to have sex with him or her. She went around and around before it became clear that she wanted Dennis to shape shift into a "chick with a dick". It was her the ultimate lesbian fantasy.

Everyone was just drunk enough so that Dennis agreed, but only if Tammy would participate.

As soon as everyone was naked, the ladies watched Dennis transform. First all his body hair disappeared slowly at first and then completely. His facial features softened and his facial hair also disappeared. Finally, his masculine chest softened and his pectoral grew and became real breasts, nipples and areolas growing until his tits were large firm "C Cups". His cock grew hard and long.

Eloise squealed and jumped on him, as the hair on his head grew long past his shoulders, completing the illusion. Tammy was sucking his cock while Eloise sucked and played with his tits. Dennis meanwhile fingered one than both pussies as long as he could. The stimulation was quickly becoming too much for him and he came deep in Tammy's throat.

Fortunately, one of his new perks with his promotion was sexual endurance and stamina. Within a few quick minutes he was hard again and fucking Eloise missionary style as their breasts rubbed and bumped together while Tammy took any opening she could find. After Eloise came three times, living her fantasy. Dennis fucked Tammy, then morphed into a complete woman and they formed a daisy chain. It was well past quitting time when they were done.

Eloise thanked Dennis as he changed back into his male self and they kissed again, a little less passionately than before. Retrieving her clothes Eloise dressed and returned to her department to finish some electronic paperwork.

"We're just across town, why don't we see each other more frequently?" Tammy asked hoping she wasn't stepping into something uncomfortable for Dennis.

Dennis agreed that it made no sense and that if she was okay with it, he'd like to remedy that immediately, asking her out for lunch the following week.

"By the way," he said. "You've probably not heard yet, the boss cut his trip short and is going to be home tomorrow."

Tammy gasped, "I thought I'd have more time. Do you know what prompted that?"

"I don't know, but it hasn't anything to do with you or your operation. He's been watching and is pleased with you as always. He didn't really say, but it sounds important enough to cancel his month-long honeymoon."

Next page: Chapter 02.1