Chapter 02.1

It was thrilling being a newlywed. Like most girls of her generation, it was the endgame, what every girl fantasized, marrying the man of their dreams and living happily ever after. She always knew she'd marry him, her childhood sweetheart, even when at times she didn't see how it would ever be possible. She loved him and he her.

Being on their honeymoon was both a strange and wonderful experience. For April Martin-Smith it wasn't the endgame, her life was just beginning. Everything she knew and believed was either wrong or only mostly true. All the rules and social norms she'd learned and lived by no longer applied. Of course, her husband had grown accustomed to this strangeness over time. Learning which rules he could be bend and which could be completely broken. Unlike April, he was able control the pace, backing off when things became too much or going full speed when he'd gotten the hang of things. Despite orbiting around John her entire life, April was thrust into this fast, new and exciting life with little preparation. It was like taking an exit ramp off the freeway and finding yourself in the middle of a Monaco Grand Prix.

Travel was a prime example. No more rushing through crowded airports only to wait for your opportunity to board a crowded airplane. Using a private jet would still involve the hassle of fighting traffic getting to the airport, and dealing with luggage.

With more than 250 agents working in the field supplying the sexual energy, which fuel the mysterious Ring of Power, giving John Smith his god-like power, he mightier than ever and growing stronger.

There was no need to use jet plane, private or commercial, he simply engulfed the two of them in a transparent energy bubble, then flew them around the world at supersonic speeds. Or they would merely materialize unnoticed, where he envisioned them to be. Seeing a specific place in his mind, they would then appear, usually the hotel lobby of a four-star hotel, or a particular room of a luxurious villa.

John never said why he was cutting their honeymoon short, but both he and April agreed it was time. It had been almost four weeks since their wedding. Despite their wonderful adventures, visiting many exotic lands the all the world over, the wild incredible sex, they were ready to return home. Returning home to the familiar, mundane. April laughed at that thought, their lives were anything but routine. Regardless, both were eager to begin their new lives as husband and wife.

Unannounced in a small tempest John and April materialized in the foyer of her mother's home. Their luggage preceding them back to the mansion. Both keen on check on their respective mothers and learning what had transpired in their absence.

Expecting to hear her mother rush to the foyer investigating the disturbance, April was amazed to find her mother not home; she was usually home at this time a day. Reaching out mentally, John learned she was across the street, at one of the neighbors' homes. Judging from the sexual energy she was transmitting, she was apparently working.

Uncharacteristic for her to working at this hour. Not that Candace Martin was lazy, she just had a routine that April knew and understood. Perhaps with the recent the promotions within John's organization, her mother once again accepted the challenges of leadership.

"Therapy can be a tricky thing," Candace said instructing her neighbors. "But you two have been working very hard, and it is beginning to show results. Mmmm...yes, that just right, keep up that pace."

Her neighbor was sweating, but continued sliding his cock in and out of her pussy at the right pace She told him, while bending forward willing herself not to cum. He had a nice cock, large and thick, and he was providing a nice buzz that would result in a strong orgasm if he continued. Stretching forward, Candace pulled the wife towards her by her knees and resumed licking the folds of her pussy. Moving her tongue in and around, savoring the new flavors, intentionally avoiding the clitoris while focusing on her exterior major lips, much to the delight and frustration of the young wife.

"Ooohhh, that's feels so good", she said stifling a moan. "You are so right; a woman's touch is so different from a man's, including those you've coached." She panted, on the brink of yet another orgasm. "So, I need to practice this technique on one of my neighbors when our husbands are at work," the young woman asked, moaning even louder.

"Definitely," Candace said, spreading her fingers in a "V" to expose the clit she'd been neglecting. "And inviting one or two people to join you two occasionally will do wonders to spice up your sex life. Don't you agree?" She asked looking over her shoulder at the woman's husband.

"Sweetie, I think Candace has a good point," he was panting. He'd been fucking Candace like this for over ten minutes. Few men were capable of sustaining this pace, normal women would be screaming for him to stop, cumming and squirting several times, but not Candace. She had been given the ability to delay her orgasms indefinitely, or cum at will.

The wife screamed as she came harder than before and Candace sucked up her cum while continuing to tongue fuck her. That was all her husband needed and he roared as he came, filling Candace with another load of his cum.

"I think it's time to switch positions again. Let's see what you two have learned." Pulling forward the still hard cock popped from Candace's pussy dripping with their combined juices.

Eagerly swinging around to eat Candace's pussy again, she was new to this diet, reluctant at first, but eventually changed her mind. Candace told her she did okay for being her first time, but always the overachiever she took it as a challenge, like being told, "Not bad for a rookie." So, she begged Candace to show her again. Now she was impatient to show Candace what she learned.

But before she could, her husband held his dripping cock out to her. Like any good wife, she wasted no time engulfing it and cleaning it of all remnants of the other woman's pussy juice. She was pleasantly surprised to learn she loved the taste of pussy. It was like nothing she'd ever tasted before. She wondered if all pussies tasted this good, while silently promised to find out. She made a big deal of licking and swallowing her husband's cock, while fondling his balls, pausing only to say.

"Mmmm...Candace, you taste so good, I can wait to taste your pussy, again." She giggled, surprising herself with bluntness of her statement. It was so unlike her.

"Okay," her husband said. "I can take a hint," pulling his newly cleaned cock out if her mouth reluctantly. She playfully wiggled her narrow ass at him and he moved closer so she could grabbed his cock and guided it to her wet cunt. He eagerly shoved it deep until he bottomed out. She loved his cock, coming almost every time he entered her.

Before she had time to savor the moment, Candace pulled the young woman's face into her waiting snatch. Admiring her large natural tits bouncing to the rhythm of her husband strokes, building slowly until reaching the pace he'd been taught, Candace remembered what it was like to be young and in love. Reaching out for those breasts, Candace felt her nipples harden on her tongue.

"Now simply do the things that I was doing to you." Instructed Candace. The young woman no longer needed any instructions. She was determined to please her sex therapist, and knew exactly what to do, though it was difficult to ignore her pounding her from behind. She remembered how patient Candace had been with the both of them. Particularly herself, she was a slow learner when it came to oral sex, having to be shown several times how to suck cock without gagging. It was fortuitous they'd met at the supermarket only yesterday afternoon. Her lovemaking with her husband would be better, now. They'd practice together and apart, improving with each encounter. Until the day Candace would pronounce them experts and present their certificates. For now, she tried hard to concentrate on her therapist's pussy. It was a pretty pussy. She'd seen a few, never this close before.

"That's good, but slow down some, that's better. Remember it's not a race." Candace coached them and they immediate responded. Both were panting and perspiring, it was apparent they weren't going to last much longer. The young wife could no longer concentrate on the tasty pussy in front of her.

"Ohhhhh... fuck me! Fuck me with that big fucking cock, you mother fucker!"

Swearing was something his wife never did, talking during sex was never done. It was just the trigger he needed to get him off. He was amazed at stamina. Normally, he'd fuck only until he came and his wife seemed to have. "Did she really cum all those times before?" He wondered. She never was very vocal, not like this. He'd been fucking both women for over an hour, cumming only once until now. He was proud of himself. He was indeed a stud. He'd be able to fuck as many women as he wanted, now. This was much better an idea, then he first thought. His wife was imaginable. It was a great idea, he could believe he'd been so resistant earlier.

"Here it comes, you pussy munching slut!" He roared in reply and gushed forth filling his wife completely. Tempted to stop as the best orgasm of his life began subsiding, he kept pumping into her and she squealed again and again. Just as she was calming down, Candace pulled her face back into her forgotten pussy again. The young wife frantically licked and attacked Candace's clit. She knew what she liked and tried her best to duplicate it.

Candace was ready for her own orgasm; her newest pussy eating pupil was working hard and needed to be rewarded. "Oh, my Gawd!" Candace cried and she let lose all her pent-up juices, practically drowning the young woman as she desperately tried to catch all the precious nectar before it disappeared. The side effect of holding off her orgasms was that they when she did cum, it would be the combined impact of all those she suspressed.

"That was something to watch," her husband said handing her a towel, kissing her and licking her face, tasting the delicious juices. "Mmmm...good!" He said squeezing the nearest tit and playfully biting her nipple. As he retreated he slapped her on her narrow ass, something he never did and she moaned. She never expected to like being slapped on her ass, like that, but she did, how strange.

Once again clothed as husband and wife played, and Candace watched she smiled. Seeing that their guest was ready to leave, they separated and both brought Candace into a tight hug. His cock was hardening again, Candace gave it few strokes goodbye. Fingered the young wife's sopping pussy for a bit as they kissed, she'd caused a mixture of cum to leak and run down the wife's leg. She was reluctant to leave, but if her plan was to work, she needed to know when to leave. Squeezing her large tits once more then gently biting a nipple, Candace withdrew. As they walked her to the door, her star pupil handed Candace a check for services rendered and thanked her again with a light kiss on the lips. Candace gladly accepted; telling both how much she enjoyed working with them.

"Remember, next week we'll be studying anal." Candace said, smiling broadly as she exited the house. "Don't forget to practice."

Stuffing the check in her bra, she giggled a bit, she didn't need the money, but she had to charge the couple something. Once weaned off the company plan John's agents were encouraged to find jobs that weren't too confining and allow them to earn comfortable wages until they found people they could manipulate, without violating their master's primary rule, "Do no harm." Which meant manipulation was limited to the rich and affluent. Living off the interests of her investments Candace was financially independent.

Crossing the street, she felt it, that unmistakable presence of her master, John Smith. "They're back!" She squealed and hurried home. "The kitchen..." She was being led to him by instinct.

She tried to calm herself. It was to no avail. She couldn't help it. She was dizzily addicted to her master. All his female agents had the same reaction, it was strongest in those that served him the longest. Some were cool about it, not letting it show, despite feeling like a puppy with a child, completely out of control emotionally. None could resist for long.

Sitting at the dinette, sipping a cup of coffee, John watched April dig through the fridge looking for cold cuts to make sandwiches. Even after their honeymoon and all the sex, she still flirted with him, wiggling her round ass at him. He was tempted to strip her naked and take where she stood.

It had been nearly a month since the wedding and beginning their honeymoon, both looked good, healthy, tanned and relaxed.

"Welcome home," she cried out as she entered the kitchen calmly. Candace wanted to greet her daughter first, but her steps betrayed her. Moving past her towards John, April used her telekinesis guiding her mother to her. They hugged and kissed. "Thanks darling. You know I can't help it, right?"

April giggled. "Of course, mother. I'm getting used to it. Fortunately, I can do something about it now." She declared while looking at her husband and sticking her tongue out at him in jest.

In the blink of an eye, John was standing next to mother and daughter, and joined them in a group hug. Candace kissed her daughter once more before slipped into her master's embrace. She smelled of sex, needing a shower from her recent engagement, but now she was a swamp. Like the others, she tried and failed to control her reaction. She was in his arms now. She was dripping down her legs, times like these she wished she'd worn panties. She was embarrassed, but knew that April understood better than most.

Candace's thoughts revealed themselves to John's gentle probe. He considered cleaning her as only he could, but thought better of it. She and April needed some alone time, they could talk as she bathed. He'd be free to check in on his mother, only a block away. He was torn. He wanted to fuck Candace. She was one of his favorites, there would be time for that later.

John talked to his wife silently as they were now able to do, unknown to others and kissed her passionately for a minute, as Candace squirmed, wishing to trade places. Then he simply dematerialized leaving mother and daughter alone.

"Wow! That's new!" Candace said, looking at her newly wedded daughter differently.

"You don't know the half of it." She laughed.

"I need a bath, care to join me? We can talk and I can unwind. You can tell me all about your honeymoon and don't leave out any details."

It was like old times, mother and daughter sharing stories and catching up on the things they missed.

Childhood friends, now college roommates, "the girls" as they'd been dubbed, (Jill, Ellen and Barbara) were thoroughly enjoying their Spring Break Caribbean vacation. It was their first trip outside the country without their parents. The girls were giddy. They'd laid out on the beaches working on their tans hiding behind large sunglasses while ogling all the guys. Hit a few night spots, dancing, drinking a little and having the time of their young lives. The trio found it was true, there was indeed safety in numbers. They never let themselves be separated. They shopped at all the local stores and giggled all through lunch, reliving recent events.

However, everywhere they went, there were rumors of a club that offered the most unique experiences sexual and much more. Try though they might by the end of their first week, they each decided that they needed to learn firsthand about this club, though secretly they all knew they shouldn't.

Traveling a short distance to a seaside village, they entered a villa where good Reggae music played just soft enough so conversations could happen without shouting. People of every sort were milling about, dancing, drinking, talking and generally having a good time. The unmistakable odor of strong marijuana filled their noses. They felt comfortable in their summer attire, despite being more conservative than they usually dressed. Caution was the rule of the day. Several different men offered to buy them drinks, but each time they smiled, and politely declined preferring to order their own. They seemed to be making smart decisions.

After about ninety minutes, and only three drinks later they realized that they were becoming much more inebriated than they should have. The drinks had ordered were only light fruity cocktails, how was that possible? Little did they know; the bartender was working together with one of the men they'd turned down and he spiked their drinks. The first was a drug combination that made their first drink twice as potent as a Long Island Ice Tea. The succeeding drinks contained a drug making them susceptible to suggestions and hyped up their libidos. I wasn't long before all three were under the control of some very bad men.

They didn't know when they left the club, but they were in a private room with six men. Soon they were naked, not remembering when or where they'd shed their clothes. They began by sucking the cocks of every man there. Once they finished that they began fucking like sluts. They'd all had a few boyfriends, and they'd sucked their share of cocks and had sex. This wasn't like back home. It was more exciting. Here there were a lot of men, as soon as one finished another was ready to take his place. It wasn't long before they were each taking on two or three men at a time.

Amazed at her ability, Jill was swallowing the largest cock she'd ever seen as easily as if she'd done it all her life. It wasn't just long but thick. She gagged occasionally, making all sorts of choking sounds, salivating sloppily, as she continued to swallowing until she'd taken it all down her throat. Then she let it slid out and coughing as she caught her breath.

Her C-cup tits jiggled wildly, her nipples hardened as she sucked one cock after the other. She'd never been this sexual excited before, perhaps being fucked from behind at the same time may have been the reason. She'd never had anal sex before, but for some reason she agreed to try it when asked.

Being double penetrated was something Barbara never thought she'd try, but here she was with one large cock in her pussy and a smaller one in her ass. As she came again, moaning and then screaming at the top of her lungs, she realized that she was cumming continuously. Everything she tried made her come. She'd never dreamed that something like this was even possible, let alone something she'd experience. Her tiny tits were being squeezed and mauled and for some reason she loved that, too. How did the men know that she would really love it? She didn't want it to end.

Bouncing up and down on a large cock with both hands wrapped around a monster cocks as big as her arm seemed surreal to Ellen, but here she was and her bliss was growing. She'd lost track of how many times she'd cum on this cock alone. She alternated sucking between the two in each hand, sucking on one for a while before switching to the other, all the while slowly bouncing up and down. She must of have done something right because before she knew it one of the cocks sprayed her face with thick salty cum. That triggered her own climax and she came again.

The girls were too out or it to understand their peril. The only experience they had close to this was that night at the lake house when they each had their boyfriends up and they all made out. Perhaps that's why they weren't alarmed. Or maybe it was the potent cocktail of drugs in their systems overriding their fear. This particular drug combination had been tested thoroughly, the men knew there was no escaping and they could do whatever they imagined. The fact that they'd never being part of an orgy, didn't enter the girl's minds. By now, they eagerly did whatever asked and felt good, everything they did felt good. The more they came the more they wanted to do.

A few hours later, the drug still coursing through their brains, covered in man cream, the girls were still horny. The men had tired and so the girls turned to each other. It began innocently, with lightly caressing themselves, rubbing their own pussies and pulling on their nipples. Together on the king size bed, as one came the other two watched and cheered her on. Soon they were eager to help each other, to get off. That evolved into light kissing, licking and then sucking, nipples at first and then pussies, while the exhausted men watched.

Neither girl had been with another woman, but you'd never have known it. Eagerly they engaged in all sorts of lesbian behaviors suggested. Jill followed the suggestion to licked Barbara's pussy and suck out of all the yummy cum deposited there. Ellen was given two large two headed dildos. She had one sliding in and out of Jill's pussy, the other end into her own. Then she did the same with the second, only she'd inserted in their assholes. It was a sight to behold, neon pink and green double-end dildo stuffed into each orifice. Barbara was obviously a breast freak, feed on both of her friends' tits making their nipples hard and long. None of the girls noticed the men filming them. Their attention was focused on each other as they played, never questioning where the sex toys came from.

Hours later, the girls awoke. It was dark and warm. Neither could understand why their movement was restricted. They were relieved when they called, each one was there. They were tired, stiff, hungry, and smelling of sex. Neither could remember getting there. Their eyes were slowly adjusting to darkness. They weren't far from each other. When it became light enough for them to see they were horrified to find they were imprisoned, each in small separate cages, still naked, dried cum everywhere and smelling like they hadn't bathed in weeks. Bottles of water and sandwiches were placed just outside their cages, well within reach.

After several minutes of yelling, and swearing, their memories began to return. As they remembered they wept. Then they resumed screaming and pleading for their release. "We're goddamned American citizens! You fuckers can't do this to us!" Jill yelled at one point.

Regardless of their screams and curses no one could hear. They didn't know they were in the basement of the same villa in a soundproof room. They didn't see the camera watching them. Famished they ate and drank the food that was left for them. They didn't know that it too had been drugged.

After several more days, they had no way of knowing how many, they began to fall into a routine. They woke, allowed to use the toilet, hosed off, feed and drugged, slept and fucked for hours. Then it repeated. They had a lot of sex. They didn't seem to be able to resist. They had sex with a variety of people, men and women of all colors, shapes and sizes.

The next time they woke things were different, they were shacked to twin beds, still naked. The room dark warm and muggy. They couldn't do much to console themselves. They wept as more memories of all they'd been through tormented them. Despite it all, they were still horny and masturbated shamelessly. It seemed they weren't being drugged quite as much or they'd simply changed drugs to make them simply sex-crazed. They began to lose hope of ever being freed.

"What do you think their going to do with us?" Barbara finally asked the question they'd all been thinking but were afraid to ask.

"Probably sell us into slavery or keep us here indefinitely." Jill volunteered. By now, they suspected their activities had been videoed. But were helpless to do anything but what they were told.

The heavy banging on the large door alarmed the men. Guns drawn, the leader instructed his men to open the door, they were ready to open fire. After a few heartbeats, a scrawny small black man entered the room, he was only about five feet four inches tall, not at all what they expected.

He pointed to the leader, apparent from his being shielded by his men and said. "I know who you are and what you have been doing. This is no longer permitted. You will discontinue immediately and turn the women over to me this instant." The little man squeaked.

The leader, looked at the tiny man and burst into laugher. His men all followed suit while still training their weapons on the insane little man.

"I'm not going to wait much longer," he tapping his leather shoe impatiently.

The leader became annoyed and shouted back. "Have you a death wish? It was funny at first, but I am quickly irritated." He sat down and took a long pull on the large joint he was smoking, "End him!" Just as he finished his order, it occurred to him, "How did this puny little man get past my guards." Just as his men were about to open fire. "Wait!"

He was standing again. "Who are you?" He demanded. "And how did you get past my guards?"

"What you don't recognize me?"
The little man said. "Oh, that's right. Just a minute."

Without warning the tiny black man exploded into a huge muscular giant with an angry scowl. "Perhaps you recognize me now!" His voice boomed.

"Shoot him! Shoot that mother fucker!" Their leader shouted, gesturing excitedly with his out stretched hand as he recognized the giant!

The men fired their weapons! The noise of guns firing in the closed room was deafening. As smoke filled the room it obscured their target, when they stopped firing and the smoke cleared, they saw the giant hadn't moved. The bullets stopped in midair only a few feet from their target. It was like something from the Matrix movie when Neo realized he was "The One".

The giant mimicked the film and looked at the bullets and they fell to the floor. No one could move. Fear over took the leader and he began to pleaded. "I'm sorry Mr. Goodwin. We...I didn't realize it was you. Don't hurt us." The leader had heard stories about entire gangs simply vanishing. Only days later look-alikes appeared around the city, working honest jobs with no idea whom they resembled. That's what had made it so easy for him to take over and run the crime on the island, stepping into the void that was created. Drugs, prostitution, slavery and pornography were all his for the taking, or so he believed.

The gang leader knew of Chance Goodwin from the television footage he'd seen, Chance was often on the local news, this time it was for the opening of another school for the poor and disadvantaged. He'd also heard through backchannels the Chance Goodwin was much more than he appeared to be and wasn't anyone you wanted to cross.

He didn't know, of course, that Chance Goodwin was Master of the Ring of Diligence. Chance had lived a very long life, his real age was thought to be 263 years young, but even Chance didn't know for sure. After taking possession of his ring, he returned home to a hero's welcome. The story was that he'd made a small fortune in the mainland of the United States and was now spreading that wealth among the people of his birthland.

Dressed finely in his trademark white slacks, black sandals and a long sleeve white shirt, a few opened buttons revealing solid pecs as the shirt strained at the seams about his powerful arms. His bald head, meticulously groomed mustache and goatee made him look more like a man on holiday than the threatening menace of crime.

"I'm still waiting," he said taking a few steps forward dwarfing those around. Abruptly they could move again, and no one dared oppose him.

"What's the matter. Need some instructions? Okay, for beginners, I want the girls here immediately. And, I want all their belongings. You have three minutes." Chance barked.

"Go! Hurry you heard the man," the leader yelled at his men in a voice that was two octaves higher than normal. He too was moving quickly, pulling the girls purses from a nearby cabinet and gently placing them on the coffee table where he'd been smoking. About to follow the path his men took, when Chance challenged him. "Where do you think you're going?"

"I...I... going for their clothes."
He stammered, knowing that he was really attempting to escape through the secret door, only he knew about.

In addition to increased strength, stamina, ability to change sizes without diminishing his power, Chance's influence, or mind control or what they called "glamouring" in vampires movies was enhanced and he could read most minds to some extent.

"Come here, we need to talk about your retirement," Chance said.

Minutes later, the girls stood in front of him naked, heads down and shaking with fear. They were told nothing and presumed they had been sold. Chance read their thoughts and attempted to easy their minds.

"Ladies, I'm here to take you home. Please find your belonging on the table, we will leave once you're dressed."

The women looked up as if their ears had betrayed them, they saw their belongings and moved swiftly. Finding their soiled clothing in a large pile, along with their purses and mobile phones. The first thing Ellen did was checked her phone, it had blown up with messages, voice, text and others. Barbara found her clothes, they smelled horrible, but wasted no time sliding into her once tight jeans, they all had lost a weight. Despite the odor she was happy to have them on. She didn't waste time with panties and bra, she just wanted out of there as soon as possible. Tabling her phone, Ellen looked at her friends, they could see her smile, telling them it was true. She and Jill followed Barbara's lead not bothering with her bras and panties.

Following Chance into the bright light of the midday sun, they were full of questions and happy to simply be free. Marching to the white limousine, the chauffer held the opened, and they piled inside. Although skeptical, after being abducted, inside of the spacious car they watched as the local police began raiding the villa. They almost didn't notice the small women offering them water and packaged snacks. The girls were hungry. It was true they had indeed been rescued.

As tears of joy ran down their faces, as they ripped open their snacks Chance explained, "Ladies, I am sorry for how you've been treated. Before you begin answering your messages and calling your loved ones, I want you to consider a few things."

Chance explained he was an entrepreneur, local sports hero who made good and had some influence on the island. He made it clear they were free to do whatever they liked, pausing only for a minute to tell the driver to head directly for the airport. He asked them to make sure they still had their passports. They were surprised to see that nothing in their purses seemed to be missing.

With their phones in hand, they were eager to contact worried family and friends, letting them know they were alright.

Chance said. "You could tell your parents, families and friends of your ordeal or you could tell them you've been off on a smaller island without cell reception and invite them to my home, I will arrange all the transportation."

Suspicious, Ellen asked. "Why? Why do you care so much? I get that you are rich and handsome." That last part slipped out unintentionally, causing Ellen blushed deeply and pause. Chance waited patiently for her to regain her composure. "I'm sorry, but why are you willing to do this for us?"

"Ellen, is it?"
She nodded impressed that he knew her name.

"I can see you are an intelligent woman. My interests are strictly selfish, this is my home. I do this for my family, friends and businesses. We are promoting this island as a major tourist destination. We've all but eliminated the crime. The men that abducted you were small time operators, simply filling the void left by the big fish we've already apprehended." Chance said and smiled as he mentally soothed the women's concern.

In the time that it took to reach the airport all three had returned the calls from concerned family and friends, taking Chance up on his offer. Chance got out at the airport, leaving the driver with instructions to return the girls to their hotel. Upon their arrival they would learn their bills had been paid, and belongings had been packed for shipment home, however their suite was still available to them. Chance said he'd call them tomorrow to make arrangements to meet or wait until family arrived. Either way, he'd send a car for them.

Upon arriving back at their hotel, the girls were stunned by Chance's generosity. As they took turns showering and cleaned their minor wounds thought of Chance filled their minds. Each knowing they would gladly do anything to have a few minutes alone with him.

In a reflective mood, she congratulating herself for her efforts. Her dream of becoming a university professor had finally been realized. She'd done it mostly on her own, without the use of her new gifts. Being the Mistress of the Ring of Kindness, she was able to influence the right people to fast-track her application and offer her a prestigious position at UC Berkley's School of Psychology. Like April, Chance and Elizabeth, Dr. Penelope "Penny" Jones was able to control the minds of most people, inspire loyalty, integrity and compassion, the main traits of her ring.

The University of California at Berkley is the right place for her to be, she decided. College campuses were full of young adults with overactive libidos, tapping into huge deposits of sexual energy would be easy. Despite no longer having a quota, her ring still feed off sexual energy and those qualities she inspired.

Amazed at all the things she could now do, Penny was tempted to try her new powers to see what she could do. But, knowing John's wishes, she was reluctant to do something just because she could. She knew she could "bimbofy" both women and men. Men weren't referred to as bimbos, perhaps nicer words, like dumb-jock, male slut or dumb stud. Penny couldn't imagine who would deserve such a fate. John had dummied down two of the former mistresses of the rings, but they did deserve that, and he was angry for what they did to April and Elizabeth. Bimbofying meant more than simply dumbing one down, it meant transforming one's body into a sex object. She couldn't imagine why she'd want to do that.

Having been teaching for weeks, Penny found she loved it. Her students responded to her methods, finding her style fresh and excitingly different from their older professors. Penny was happier than she'd been since she was a little girl, spoiled by her parents.

She didn't ponder these thoughts long. She laid naked in her bed, legs spread wide as her lover of the day ate her pussy, again. He'd fuck her again, too. He was impressed by his own stamina. They'd been making love all night.

Stunned by how much sex she craved, Penny needed to be discrete, so as not to be thought a slut. Afterall, she had an image to maintain. Cumming again, she felt the need for a female touch. This too, was new. Not that she'd not had sex with another woman before, it was hard to avoid, being one of John Smith's agents. But she never craved it, not like she did now.

She summoned her lovers' girlfriend who had been napping, on the opposite side of the bed. Penny had worn her out. She was new to lesbian sex, tonight her first time. Tempted by her boyfriend with the idea of a threesome. Something they talked about occasionally.

Penny felt obligated to make sure this would be something special. Indeed, it had. The girl had never cum so much in her life. Penny had to admit, she may have overdone it. The poor girl came so many times she passed out from all the pleasure.

For now, Penny didn't need much from her, except her marvelous breasts required attention. Penny loved to having her breasts, suckled and squeezed.

As John materialize in his mother's home, his father brought up the subject once again.

"Johnny, I know you don't want to talk about this, but I think we have to." His father said from his prison within the Ring of Power.

Dr. Zackary Smith, once Master of the Ring of Power now one of the many imprisoned former masters incarcerated for abusing their power. Dr. Smith however transcended the status of prisoner to some degree, though still imprisoned he was now more like a "trustee". When not advising John, he lorded over the other inmates.

"Dad, we've had this discussion several times already. You know my position. It's none of my business."

"Johnny, you're an American citizen. This is your businesss. I know that you are aware of what is going on. You must do something."

Interrupting their private conversation, John heard the familiar voice he so loved. "Johnny, is that you? Of course, it you! You're finally home."

His mother Mary Smith scampered down the stairs, excited to see her son again, her magnificent naked breasts bouncing as her wonderfully naked body came into view. While at home Mary seldom wore clothes anymore, unless she was cold. She too was an agent of the ring, and although her son and her master, like all the other women were helpless in his presence.

Although, John didn't technically convert his mother into an agent of the ring, something his father did when he was the Master, despite her status was dormant. John did offer her the choice, after she repeatedly stalked him. And to be fair, it wasn't John's idea to have sex with her, at least not the first time. But that's "water under the bridge".

Mary Smith looked like a woman half her age. Launching herself into his open arms, as they met, John was magically just as naked as she. As they embraced tightly, his aroused cock slid up to her navel as her pussy opened and bathed the length of his shaft.

They kissed not as a son and mother, but passionately as "desperate lovers". After taking her breath away, Mary pulled her lips from his long enough to ask about his honeymoon, before resuming sucking face.

In a flash they were in her bed and she was sucking his cock like she'd done many times before, but it seemed all new to her. Several minutes later, she was on her back and his huge cock was stroking back and forth for several minutes before she could no longer take it and came like only John could make her. When she'd shudder through two more huge climaxes he pulled out and she took him once again in her mouth and he released a huge load which she savored before swallowing.

"Hmmmm...I love that," she said as the taste of butterscotch overwhelmed her taste buds. "You never really told me why you picked that particular flavor, but I do love it."

John chuckled and the talked about everything getting caught up on each other's lives.

Morale had never been higher at John Smith Incorporated. Work was being done right the first time, errors were low, employees were working well together like a professional football team headed for the Super Bowl. Added incentive for increased production and teamwork, "Sleepwear Sunday" and "Noontime Nudes" were instituted. In addition to employees fucking like rabbits, they working extra shifts most at no extra compensation. Work didn't seem like work. Finding new qualified employees was no longer a problem. Everyone was happy and loved their jobs.​
Next page: Chapter 02.2
Previous page: Chapter 01