Chapter 02.2
Becoming the Mistress of the Ring of Temperance was unusual, to say the least. Elizabeth Brooks had already lived a very long life, approximately a hundred and fifty years. They weren't always been good. She'd seen a lot and did many things she wasn't proud of back then. That all changed when she met John Smith.
She loved working for John Smith. He was the most imaginative, creative and loving masters she'd ever served. Although still connected to him, she now had much more freedom than she had since she was a young woman, before being lured to the ring. She was free to do whatever she liked, whenever she wanted. She could truly be independent.
It wasn't much of a stretch for her to transition into the life of a private detective. She been a spy of sorts for most of her life. She was good at it. The missions John had sent her on and her ability to become invisible, now for much longer periods of time, made the adjustment easy. She was always quick, for short periods of time, like bursts, even with her new size. Now she was faster and still discovering new things she could do. Despite not being able to change her appearance, not yet. If seen, she could confuse others enough they'd be unsure, and unable to remember what she looked like.
These new skills combined with her natural curiosity would make her a very good PI. Like the others, sexual energy fueled her ring, but being with and around people of integrity and honor also powered it. Elizabeth could sense when people were honest and of good characters. Justice was her guiding principle. So, it would come as no surprise that she had her own little projects working in the background.
She wasn't surprised, after "hanging up her shingle" she inundated with calls, email and texts from husbands and wives looking for proof of a cheating spouse. She looked forward to those as they would provide sexual energy. What did surprise her were the amount of missing persons calls. These interested her the most, but she was reluctant to begin with something so tough. Then again, she wasn't any ordinary rookie private detective.
Parking her aged and beat-up black '97 Toyota Camry in the alley behind the building. It had seen better days, but that was the point. It blended in, her red Mercedes would not.
Her target, a middle-aged white man, presently in apartment 301 of the squat apartment building. The fire escape stairs would be the perfect perch for her to take the photographic proof her client would need in court.
Clad in old blue jeans, a black tee-shirt, her favorite pair of worn Nikes, hair stuffed in an old Dodger ball cap, she blended in well enough to go unnoticed. Despite no longer being petite, due to her encounter with Esmeralda, she was big enough that her gender couldn't easily be ascertained. Not that it really mattered, but keeping things simple was her motto, after all these years Elizabeth was careful. Choosing not to use her more obvious gifts, unless necessary.
With the stealth of a cat burglar she quietly ascended the metal stairs until she was just below the window. As she suspected, they were fucking, she could feel it, her diamond picking up the sexual energy and making her horny as well. She faded into an invisible state and climbed the final few steps. It was a warm night in Los Angeles, most tenants left their windows open and the blinds up. Most windows were without screens, and occasionally a bit of curtain was blown out by the slight breeze. Most of the apartment buildings in the older parts of the City of the Angels didn't have air conditioning, it wasn't needed in the mild Southern California climate. Except for August, it could become unbearably hot and stuffy in that month, but most people simply tolerated it. In the suburbs, that was a different story.
Retrieving her camera from her backpack, it too immediately became invisible, like everything she touched while in this state. She made certain the flash feature wasn't engaged and Elizabeth began taking pictures of the couple. They were extremely active and fucked like they were acting in an adult video. "This is too easy", she thought. Getting good close ups of the action, and panned out to get the entire sparsely furnished room. Thinking she had all the incriminating pictures she needed, she be home early enough to catch "The Daily Show" with Trevor Noah. Being thorough, she reviewed what she had and realized she needed better close ups, those she had left doubt to the man's identity. She focused on remedying that issue.
The young athletic woman was riding her lover reverse cowgirl, bouncing up and down on his impressive cock as her smallish breasts bouncing as she clearly enjoyed the sex. She was black mixed with something, dark brown, short curly hair and a very pretty face. As Elizabeth continued snapping off pictures, she still wasn't getting a good closeup shot of the cheating husbands face. She needn't have worried, it didn't take long before the woman jumped off and began to sucking her lover's cock, apparently enjoying the flavor of her own juices. The look on the man's face was perfect. She got a close up that would definitely eliminate any dispute about who he was or what he was doing.
Having gotten all she shots she needed from that position, as if on cue, and they changed positions again, this time doggystyle, both facing her. This was the shot she was hoping for, she had hit the bullseye. Not soon after she got the "money shot" as he roared announcing his released and they both came. They seemed to have endless energy, and after a short rest he was eating he out, until she came again. Elizabeth had more than enough impeaching pictures and was ready to call it a night.
Appearing to finally be sated, the man pulled on his pants, zipped up, and donned his discarded shirt and coat, stuffing his tie into its pocket. Realizing that he was planning to leave, the young woman pulled on a sexy robe which did nothing to hide her impressive athletic body, long hips, shaved pussy and smallish tits. After cinching her robe, she sashayed to her lover and on tip toes finding his ready mouth. They tongue wrestled for a while until in an unexpected act of betrayal, she felt the sharp pinch of a syringe stab her in her tight ass.
Although surprised by the unexpected turn of events, Elizabeth had the good sense to switch her camera to video mode and caught it all.
Realizing what he'd done, the young woman struggled, but whatever the drug was, it worked quickly and she crumbled into the bed, unconscious.
Capping the syringe and pocketing it for disposal later, he retrieved his phone, and dialed a preprogrammed number.
"Hey! Yeah, she's ready for transport."
A stunned Elizabeth quickly stored her camera, trying to decide if she should act. Her instincts told her to wait, she'd stumbled into something bigger than a cheating husband. She watched as he stood over the young woman.
He pinched her right protruding nipple. "Too bad this robe isn't enough to cover her, but the blanket and sheets would do for now. Besides where you're going it won't matter," he said aloud.
From her perch on the fire escape, Elizabeth watched as a car quietly pulled into the alley and parked below. The man's phone pinged. Now fully dressed, he rolled his victim in the blankets and heaved her over his shoulder, while checking his text message.
"Too bad baby, even a chocolate beauty like you won't be missed in a big city like LA. A white girl, maybe? But a black girl, new in town, no family, working as a waitress, no one will miss you, sorry babe." The man spoke as he spun slowly around the room looking for anything he may have missed.
Elizabeth took that moment to "tag" both he and the girl. She didn't know what else to call it. She'd be able to track both of them. She already had a name and address for the man. The girl, she'd have to do some digging after they left. She worried she may have stumbled into a "human trafficking ring".
From the small makeshift stage in the warehouse, CEO Tammy Bowen shocked her employees with her announcement at her weekly address.
"...And now for some interesting news, our founder and the board have approved my proposal to create a manufacturing division of John Smith Inc. We will create a special line of cosmetics for both women and men."
The truth was, due to the growth trajectory John set his company on; they needed to be more self-sufficient. Accepting the advice of hired experts and recognizing the many financial advantages (taxes and others) of manufacturing products, it seemed the logical course.
"These cosmetics will be very unique, there's nothing like them on the market today," Tammy pronounced with a gleam in her eyes. She explained further her vision. "We will begins small and slowly eventually adding more products over time." When the applause died she continued. "We will release our first product just in time for summer! We're calling it Summer Tan™".
"It will be more than just a tanning cream and sunblock, Summer Tan™ will provide three full months of protection and tan," the CEO claimed. "There will be different shades and hues. And of course, a tan remover product will also be available, which the marketing team suggested should cost just a bit more."
There were cheers and astonishing looks, but she wasn't done.
"Following the success of Summer Tan™, we will launch a range of products to firm and enlarge breasts, temporarily. It would be guaranteed to last for thirty days," Tammy said with a bit of a smirk across her face.
"And for men, we will introduce a product that will enlarge their favorite muscle, in length and girth. Not like the gimmicks and false promises seen on porn websites. This product will be guaranteed to work. It too will be temporary, lasting for three days or so. Now, we could make these enhancements permanent, but that wouldn't help our bottom line as much, now would it. Perhaps later we will."
What she didn't reveal was how these products would be the "real thing" and would do exactly as advertised. Working with a few scientists, John Smith observed the biological challenges in producing such products and simply made the impossible possible at the molecular level.
From all over the warehouse, employees cheered and shouted a full range of questions, top among them were, could they get samples. Tammy responded that not only would samples be available, but many jobs needed to filled, several employees were already recommended for the opened positions. More cheers erupted from the gathered sixty or more employees.
"And now, we have one hour or playtime before our work day begins, Tammy announced looking at the clock on the wall, it was 0700 hours exactly. People often showed up extra early for their shifts, simply for the unique fringe benefits. "Since it is sexy robe day, why don't we begin our little orgy and start the day off right."
Having spent sufficient time admiring each other's robes, most of which were either transparent or barely covering important areas, they were discarded. Groups of twos, threes and fours were formed. Familiar having sex with each other in public and private people moved around and easily joined each other. Most of the men were already sporting impressive wood; the women already aroused and things got underway swiftly.
A slender woman from accounting helped Tammy out of her sexy red robe to find her clad in black bra and crotchless matching panties. It was perfect and she went straight for Tammy's pussy. For her part, Tammy found nearby a large brown cock belonging to one of the new men in shipping/receiving. Wasting no time, she measured it with her mouth and tongue, finding it the perfect size. Most of her workforce, by now had sex with their CEO in some variation, and they loved her. She was just as horny as themselves and although the boss, she was down to earth, real, warm and genuine. They'd do anything for her. They loved their jobs and things just seemed to be getting better every day.
One of the more creative workers lined up his favorite four female sex partners taking turns fucking each for ten to fifteen strokes before moving to the next. While on the other side, the same four women sucked cocks or pussies, whichever were next in line. Soon there were two lines and ten women, fucking and sucking as the line slowly moved. As the men orgasmed and lost their erections they were replaced, the same with the women when they tired. Others simply fucked and sucked while keeping an eye on the big clock on the wall. With about five minutes remaining the disciplined group stopped as if a bell had rung, cleaned the area, donning their robes once more and headed for their work areas.
Morale at John Smith Inc. was soaring. During the day employees submitted their names for the new manufacturing branch and talked insistently about being a test subject for the new products.
Having learned his lesson, Evan tried to keep a low profile. But that was becoming harder to do every day. Among the coeds, his reputation preceded him. He was rumored to have a large cock and know what to do with it. He was fucking a lot, but so much that he was actually turning women away, but they were persistent. Women were actually corning him in the library or in the stairwell. A few even worked together, acting as lookouts while the other sucked his cock or fucked him quickly. Regardless, he never failed to satisfy them and his reputation grew.
So as not to horde all the girls for himself, Evan would often convince his stalker she'd come to him for advice on how to meet one of his friends, with the intention of fucking. He'd change their thoughts to asking about what a particular buddy liked in a girl.
Before long, it became cool to date geeks and nerds. Evan slowly learned that being in the background, had many advantages. Nevertheless, it seemed as if the entire female population of the university had heard the rumors and speculated if they were true. Though deterred they adapted, learning to get to Evan through his close friends.
Beginning their sophomore year, the guys pooled their resources and managed to lease a small three-bedroom house just off campus. It was a lucky find, the landlord was cool, and allowed them to pay rent in the rears. Evan's buddies just chucked it up to their good fortune.
It surprised no one that there was always a girl or two bringing over food and staying for the night. Evan easily made his quota, even insisting it be increased. He knew his master was pleased with the changes in his behavior. But to Evan's surprise, he discovered a thirst knowledge he never expected. It was tempting to cheat on homework assignments and projects, but where was the challenge it that. Evan was curious and wanted to learn more. The academic challenges made him stronger, even if he failed his lesson, he learned what he did wrong and didn't make the same mistake again.
"Dude," one of his acquaintances from his philosophy class said, "My frat, Alpha Epsilon Pi is having it's annual toga party this weekend, you've gotta come. It's going to be off the chain."
With his new investment in his education, parties came and went without Evan noticing. Furthermore, he'd become so popular a brief appearance at any party made it an automatic success. Evan was popular with the faculty, too. One he made the Dean's list, he never left. His professors loved his inquiring mind and his unpresumptuous outlook on life. They often calling on him just to gage if they were reaching their students as they'd intended.
Evan never suspected he was the favorite topic of the female faculty, young and old. The rumors were embellished, no one could live up to them, but they all wondering where the facts parted from the fantasy. Each secretly wishing to meet him somewhere away off campus to learn the truth.
Evan had truly changed since the dream-like meeting with his master. He'd done a complete one-hundred-and-eighty-degree turn. His second meeting with John was much different. It was much shorter and felt much better. John cited examples of the things Evan had done, praising him for it and telling him how it showed real growth. John was indeed proud of Evan's progress. The meeting couldn't have come at a better time. It was just what Evan needed to hear, pushing him want to do even better. He would, he promised himself.
"A toga party? Sounds like fun!" Evan readily agreed. "What time? Do I get to wear a toga?"
In the campus security office, the Captain Miller, head of security, completed his report to the college president. The second coed in two weeks had disappeared. No one knew where she'd gone. She simple left her dorm one night and never returned. He'd need to notify the police.
Mother and son enjoyed each other's company, it was like old times with a few wrinkles or mature changes. Scanning his mother's thoughts, John learned she was indeed happy with her life. Happier than she'd ever dared dream. It pleased him to learn that Mary wasn't lonely. She had many regular lovers, whom genuinely cared for her. It was with those she did more than have physical sex, but was truly intimate. And of course, there were countless agents whom she interacted with, some who hoped to gain favor with John by making sure that his mother was cared for. It was an interesting and satisfying life.
Kissing his mother once more, with less tongue lest he'd be tempted to linger. Showing off, he hovered over the bed cleaned himself instantly dressed and vanished. He had many things to attend to, first of all was the new company which bears his name.
Once the girls had showered, they relaxed, lounging on their twin beds, clad in towels, around their heads and bodies.
"I'm sore in places I didn't know I could be sore in," Jill announced, as she replied to a text from a mutual friend.
"I guess so," Ellen said. "I didn't know you liked anal sex?"
"I don't, at least I didn't. I'm not sure. I mean, I might want to try it again. I don't know if it was the drugs or I found something out about myself." Jill countered.
"At least you didn't try double penetration," Barbara declared. "Whose idea was that? I simply did whatever anyone suggested. It was so weird. I'm not even sure if I liked it. I mean I had huge orgasms, but everything made me cum."
"I know what you mean," Ellen agreed. "I couldn't believe how big those guys were. I've never had so much cum in all my life." She paused, her girlfriends waited as she twirled a loose lock of hair. "The weirdest part was eating your pussies. I don't know for sure, but I think I liked it. Playing with you two like that, I mean," she paused again, "is making me horny just thinking about it."
Relieved that the ice was broken, "I'm a little embarrassed to say this," Barbara admitted, "but I kind of liked it when you were eating me and I was eating Jill and playing with her big tits."
Jill laughed. "I don't have big tits. Their only C-cups."
"Bigger than mine," Barbara cried jealously.
"And bigger that mine, too." Ellen agreed.
Jill laughed and hesitated before asking, she felt as if the temperature in the room climb several degrees. "I'll understand if you guys say no, but I would like to fool around a little with you guys if..."
"Thank GOD someone asked," Barbara said as she yanked the towel from her body. "I can't remember being this horny. My pussy is so wet I can smell myself and I was the last one out of the shower."
Without any more discussion, the girls discarded their towels, giggling and squealing as they fondled, kissed and licked each other lovingly. Ellen dove into Barbara's shaved pussy and did the things that she'd want to be done to her. It wasn't long before Jill went after Ellen's pussy and Barbara completed the daisy chain by going after Jill's neglected snatch.
Screaming and shrieking as one after the other came, as they sucked up each other's juices like a it was the best thing they've ever tasted. They learned a lot about what each other liked that evening. Not only did Jill have the largest tits, she loved having them sucked.
Barbara had the smallest breasts, but they were the most sensitive. While Ellen learned how to squirt when both her friends ate and played with her pussy. They appeared insatiable not being able to get enough of each other. It was nearly two in the morning when they finally exhausted themselves and fell asleep in each other's laps.
Morning came abruptly, when the room phone rang at 10:30 startling them from their slumber with the old fashion telephone ring.
"Good Morning," the cheerful baritone voice said, "I hope that you all rested well. I've received word that your families will be arriving this evening, I assume you already know that. My staff is preparing a feast fit for a king, you are all welcome to stay at my villa or I can simply have a car take you to and from your hotel at your pleasure."
Barbara answered the phone and was making a series of positive replies while gesturing with face and hands letting the girls know that it was Chance Goodwin and that arrangements had been made for everyone. Barbara agreed that they would love to stay at his villa and that he could indeed send a car for them around three.
As soon as she put down the phone, Ellen shouted. "Finally! I gonna get some cock! All this pussy is getting boring!"
Both Barbara and Jill threw pillow at her. They too were hoping to have a turn with their host and savior.
The airport was probably the one place on the island where Chance was anonymous. The previous day when he'd left his car, it was because he knew the fragile mental state the girls were in. They needed to feel as if they had choices. They didn't need to watched over. He'd see them again, soon enough.
The island airport was small, it featured a single massive terminal and one runway. The runway, however, was built long enough to accommodate the largest of airliners. Since he was there, Chance decided to stop at the United Airliner's United Club lounge for a drink and make a few phone calls. On the way through the cavernous terminal he spied his favorite treat, a trio of off duty flight attendants on the way to their hotel or apartment.
Chance had a healthy sex drive before becoming the Master of the Ring of Diligence, now it rivaled that of John Smith's. Flexing his hidden muscle, he changed course to intercept the women. Using his best native accent, he asked.
"Excuse me ladies, but do you know where one can go to catch a flight off this island?"
It was a silly line, but he only needed an icebreaker to get them to stop and talk. The trio looked up at him, taking in his muscular frame as they made their way to his eyes.
"I can't say that I can," the first one, a redhead with green eyes said. "What do you girls think?" The second, an Asian beauty responded as the redhead had hoped, "Gee, I dunno. Seem like it would have to be a large place with public access. But I can' think of what it would be called." The third a tall brunette with golden skin said, "Perhaps this tiny island doesn't have one of those thingies, whatever their called. You may need to take a boat."
Chance smiled broadly and began talking up the redhead as the other two looked him over more closely. The Asian flight attendant nudged the taller one and pointed to a framed poster picture of a man that bore a striking resemblance to Chance. It was a large display, his arms open as he welcomed visitors to the island.
Before long they'd invited Chance to their hotel room for a cocktail, which Chance understood as code for, "Yes, we'd love to fuck you silly, after a couple of drinks."
The tiny bar provided all the alcohol necessary and the girls began to really loosen up. Apparently, it wasn't their first time inviting a man to their room for a between flights tryst. They were unprepared for what they'd got. Most men were good for one or two fucks and then were content to watch the girls pleasure themselves, before falling asleep. They never expected fuck all night and walk funny the next day.
Already well endowed, before becoming a ring master, and having actually scared more than a few women away with the monster that living in his trousers, Chance was practiced at being careful. Now, being easily able to control minds of most women he encountered, he could quickly calm the most uptight woman into accepting his gift. And like all of John's agents, he was immune to all sexually transmitted diseases and virtually healthy for life.
Once relaxed, the flight attendants stripped down to their panties, giving Chance a glimpse of what was in store for him. Each woman possessed better than c-cup breasts. The redhead had stunning tits, with coral colored puffy nipples. While the Asian woman had cone shaped tits with long nipples, which looked huge on her small frame. Although the golden skinned woman had the smallest tits of the three, they were spectacular. Almost floating off her chest with large areoles, they jiggled wonderfully with each step she took. They were the kind Chance loved sliding his cock between.
Once getting Chance out of his clothes, and the initial shock wore off, the three went after him in a well-rehearsed attack. The redhead and the golden skinned woman went after his cock, while the Asian woman his mouth. As Chance responded, his hands were everywhere at once. The women had no idea how he'd managed to get their panties off so quickly, and soon he was face deep in pussy as the other two shared his cock and balls. Over the course of the next hour, they women traded places until Chance had eaten each pussy to a robust explosion, leaving each of them panting and caressing each other as they waited for what came next.
Forming a chain of sorts, Chance laid on his back while the golden skinned woman slowly slid down his massive cock. Wanting to be eaten again, the redhead squatted on his face, while the Asian woman, played with all three, licking balls, sucking tits and rubbing clits. It became a game, after each woman came, and they came loud and long, they would change positions. This went on for well over an hour, and Chance hadn't come once. Realizing that this was going to be a marathon, the women changed their strategy. They attacked him two at a time allowing the third to rest. But Chance wouldn't allow it. For some reason, each time one of the women tagged out to rest, she felt compelled to played with her pussy until she came, or feel the overwhelming need to lick any vacant orifice.
Before room service ended for the night, a small feast of sandwiches, wine and cheese was delivered. The delivery woman couldn't help but hear what was going on in the suite, as the naked golden skinned woman answered the door. And for some reason she too, felt compelled to help the woman tame the giant. At almost 3AM, Chance stepped out of the bathroom looking like a million dollars as all four women were passed out in different parts of the suite, thoroughly fucked, cum leaking from their pussies and pleasant smiles on their sleeping faces.
After almost an hour of talking, most of it through her mother's bath, Candace asked the question she desperately wanted to ask her daughter. "So, what's it like to be a sex goddess?"
"Mother, I'm not a sex goddess." April objected.
Candace said nothing, knowing how her daughter's mind worked.
Thinking about it, April had to admit, her mother had a point. She did now possess powers that allowed her to be a goddess of some small sort. Her sexual appetite had tripled from what it once been and she was always ready for sex. In fact, she was tempted to initiate sex with her mother as she bathed, not that they hadn't had sex together before. Now, however, she could demand it and few could resist.
In her mother's bedroom, Candace wore a simple bathrobe loosely tied and tended to her face, and seated at her vanity. All the while watching the wheels turn in her daughter's head.
"Well, mother you do have a point." April admitted aloud. "It's kind of like being able to have all the ice cream you want, whenever you want, but knowing that it will make you fat." She paused, "But it won't."
From her position seated on the bed, she turned and looked at her mother. Candace suddenly stopped what she was doing and stood. She didn't intend to, but she did. She opened her robe and shrugged it off letting it fall to the floor around her feet.
April's eyes took in her mother's flawless naked body. For a woman almost fifty she had the body of a twenty-year-old. Her large breasts sat high on her chest, her abs were tight and flat, slightly muscular. She had a narrow brown landing strip just above her sex. Candace was aroused. Her nipple hardening right in front of April's eyes. Her pussy opened slightly and began to drip. Both women could smell her arousal.
Candace said nothing but took a few steps towards her daughter and dropped gently to her knees before her as April's clothing just vanished, and she spread her legs. Their naked bodies were almost identical, it was like looking at twins. Candace didn't waste a moment, pulling her daughter's thighs wide she began licking her pussy. Slowly at first, then more desperately. Once she found what she sought, she savored the taste. Somehow, they both managed to get into the king size bed and Candace continued to eat her daughter through three strong orgasms before April released her from her control.
Candace was panting, stunned and horny. Reading her mind April hit her with the orgasm that she'd been denied, a 6.3 on the Richter scale. Moaning as she rocked back and forth on the bed for several minutes until April released her, again.
"My god child," Candace said as she fought to get her breath back, "that was incredible. I had no control over my body. I'm almost sorry I asked." She laughed for a while, her pussy still tingling.
"It's so easy to do, mom. It's kind of scary. You knew I wouldn't hurt you, right?"
"Sweetie, I loved it and I love you. I'll just have to remember not to make you angry." She said jokingly, but she knew that their relationship had just changed in a subtle way. As mother and daughter kissed, and caressed in post orgasmic cuddling, April heard that thought, too.
Knowing that he'd be coming to check on her work, Tammy paced. She just didn't expect him so soon. She had nothing to fear or worry about. John would be pleased with her accomplishments. Morale at the company was about as good as it could be. The first trials with the new products had begun. "Summer Tan" was due to hit the streets in early Spring. The lawyers had gone over the products claims carefully and the right wording had been added to the packaging. In a few short months, she'd done an amazing job. So why was she worried? Tammy asked herself again and again. Then she remembered.
She had no control over herself around John Smith. He was her master. He made her one of his agents. When he inserted his finger in her most private parts, affixing the diamond to her labia, she knew she'd never refuse him anything. Being totally lost to his influence was common. All of them felt that, especially the woman. She was one of his first, he picked her. Tammy would do anything for him, immediately without hesitation. He'd need only to show the slightest interest in any particular thing and she'd be all over it, or him or her.
Was it that she was afraid her employees to see her so...subservient? Was it pride? If it was, she'd better get over it because he was near. She could feel it. Not in the building, yet, but within a few miles. He'd be here soon.