Chapter 04.1
Meet "Airtight Amy" & Bubbles; Penny & Curtis catch Wendy.
After a quick tour of the manufacturing plant, John Smith and Tammy made their way to R&D where human testing the breasts enhancement product John help develop was underway.
John didn't have his father's knack for science, but more than made up for it with his imagination. By simply willing certain molecules do things they normally didn't do, resulted in a breasts enhancement product that not only was temporary, but looked and felt natural. Walking gingerly after their prolonged personal conference, Tammy led John through the lab. Sensing her discomfort, John concentrated for a moment, taking care of it. Tammy smiled as the soreness in her pussy disappeared replaced with a tingle telling her she could go again, soon, her gait returned to normal. John always so thoughtful, taking care of the little things, she thought.
Two volunteers, subjects A & B sat naked in separate exam rooms. Both were JSI (John Smith Inc.) employees. "Subjects A" a beautiful Latina in her early twenties with at best "A" cup size breasts, mostly nipples.
"Subject B" was a divorced mother of Irish descent with two girls of her own also in their twenties. Her breasts were sagging badly, one a little longer than the other. Once they proudly rode high on her chest, now looking more like deflated balloons. John was surprised to also learn that she was well past retirement age, but like many people today, had to continue to work retirement was a luxury she couldn't afford.
JSI had been a life saver. She was alone, her children now on their own, her husband left her years ago for a younger woman. She was a very pleasant woman, never once complaining. She'd be the first to admit that she'd also put on a several pounds over the years, but the constant sex at JSI had helped her to look at life differently hence the opportunity for breasts enhancement, despite it being temporary.
"We need a control subject?" John asked already knowing the answer. Tammy followed John as he left the observation area and entering exam room number two where "Subject B" sat. She recognized him immediately and made no effort to cover herself. With all the sex and nudity within the company, few people were shy about being seen naked.
As John began to explain who he was, "Subject B" interrupted him to tell him that she knew who he was an how much of an honor it was to meet him. As they shook hands, John did a light probe and quickly learned all about the woman. Despite her best efforts, she was still struggling financially to make ends meet. Through telepathy he told Tammy to increase her wage by 45%. John thanked her for volunteering and that he was sure she'd enjoy the results.
Although she didn't know what that meant, she easily agreed, completely mesmerized by the charming young company founder. Without asking permission, John reached forward cupping her sagging breasts, stunning the woman, but again she did nothing to protest. He lifted both in his palms feeling their weight and then they all watched as her breasts firmed, regaining their former shape, retracting until they were back high on her chest where they'd once been. They looked good, but John wasn't satisfied. An admitted breasts man, he further shaped them, clearing any age blemishes and discoloration, shaping her areolas into perfect circles and providing a little extra sensitive to her eraser like nipples. The were perfect.
John was feeling particularly generous, and had the woman stand so he could see the rest of her. Her legs weren't bad, but like many women, she accumulated cellulite and her ass was fat. John took care of that too. When he was done, she looked more like she was in her early thirties than her mid-sixties. Although, tempted to do a complete makeover, John stopped there. The extra money would help her to eat better, which he also put into her mind.
Needless to say, "Subject B" was delighted with the results and reached forward to thank him and tell her how happy she was, but John froze her. He told her that her new body was any unintended side effect of the drug trials. The lab assistant merely injected her with the serums the company created and these were the results. Other than her new shape, which was now a classic hourglass, perhaps a little top-heavy, she looked the same.
Meanwhile, "Subject A" received the proper injections and the results were immediate. "Subject A" grew two cups sizes or more and her breasts looked amazing. She was so happy, until she realized that she had nothing to wear out of the exam room or at home. Fortunately, Tammy had considered that and there was a stipend to cover clothing and a selection of bras and tops for her to choose.
Once alone, Tammy laughed, "Got a little carried away there?"
"Just feeling extra generous today." He replied, while caressing her ass. She knew he was ready to go at her again.
"Do you want to go to my office or have you somewhere else in mind?" Tammy asked.
Before he could answer, Tammy felt a little nauseous, as she opened her eyes, she realized she was standing in the lobby of an exclusive Midtown hotel, "I guess that answers my question," she said.
"Call your secretary and tell him that you won't be back, you're in conference with me for the rest of the day."
Tammy smiled as she made the call, afterwards she and John exited the elevator walking towards their suite.
"Ah...back at the scene of the crime..." April said as the three entered Dinah's elegantely decorated home. She had to admit that Dinah did have great taste for furnishings.
Candace and Dinah followed her into the great room where the lesbian orgies had taken place and where John had hung Dinah on the wall, tormenting her with the "bag-lady" mental images she'd never forget. Dinah had placed a large painting of a lake scene on that wall to help her forget about that horrible night.
"Well," April said. "I don't see any reason to doddle."
"How may I serve you Mistress?" Dinah asked bowing forward hoping her good attitude might lessen her punishment.
Candace stood next to her daughter leaving the offending attorney standing alone in the center of the room.
April appraised the woman who persecuted her, changing her from an innocent young woman into a butch dyke simply because she could. Dinah was truly a beautiful woman, requiring little makeup, even being in her early fifties. He hair was meticulous crafted and made her look regal. As for her magnificent body, years of calisthenics, exercising and dieting had shaped her body into that of a woman thirty years younger. Dinah deserved a special punishment, and now April knew just what it would be.
"I think she needs a makeover, what you think mother?"
Not knowing what her daughter had in mind, Candace had to agreed that the best punishment for Dinah would be to desecrate her temple of a body.
"What do you have in mind?" she asked. However, instead of answering her mother's inquiry April simply proceeded. "Dinah, you are returned to your original state of mind, lesbianism and all."
April watched as Dinah's eyes seemed to focus more sharply and lust that had been bottled up for all these months poured forth. A sly crooked smile came across her face. She was back.
Before Dinah could thank her mistress, she realized that there was more and this may not be what it appears.
"I'm thirsty." April said as she sat in a comfortable lounge chair that wasn't there just seconds before. Seeing one for her, Candace also sat. Moments later tall glasses of ice tea appeared on the table the separated the two chairs.
Dinah remained in the center of the room, uncertain what would happen next, trying to steady herself.
Picking up her glass, "Mmmm.... I do love a good ice tea." April said as she sipped from her frosty glass.
Candace followed; it was a very delicious "Mmmmm.... Southern sweet ice tea", still unsure where this was heading.
"Oh, where are my manners!" April said as table appeared with three glasses of ice tea for Dinah. "Help yourself," April encouraged.
Dinah obeyed. Picking up the first of the three glasses and taking a sip. She almost choked. It wasn't the sweet ice tea she expected, but a Long Island Ice Tea, Extra Long.
"What's the matter, dear. Aren't you familiar with that drink? Just like the one you ordered for me when I was but an innocent and naïve girl who was in awe of you and thankful you were kind enough to take me under your wing? Do you remember ordering for me?" She paused.
Dinah didn't dare respond.
"Of course, I knew nothing of the potency of the drink nor your intentions. Drink up, you've two more glasses to go. That is the number of glasses you had me drink, isn't it?"
Cringing, Dinah gulped down half and took a breath, then continued. She slammed the empty glass to the table harder than she intended and picked up the second glass and did the same. She was just beginning to feel the effects and thought, "Good I'll be too drunk to care what she does to me."
The third glass seemed to be moving and Dinah had to make a concerted effort to grab it with both hands. She took a deep breath and gulped it down and triumphantly put it with the other two empty vessels. She turned to face her mistress as the combined effects of the concoction hit her.
"Okay, I think we are ready to begin." April announced. "How are you feeling dearie? Don't bother answering, I really don't care." Turning to her mother, she smiled and turned back to her helpless victim.
Suddenly Dinah was attached by forces that ripped her clothing from her body as if they were made of paper. Pulling from every direction, even her shoes and lingerie were torn from her body leaving the confused woman totally naked before them, her expensive clothing now tattered rags on the floor around her.
She was staggered. Nevertheless, Dinah was more beautiful naked than clothed. She swayed on unsteady legs as the alcohol distorted her equilibrium and as she struggled to recover from the force of the surprise attack. Her natural "C" Cup breasts sagged only slightly, like a teardrop, making them more appealing. Still firm shadowing her muscular abs which led down to a closely cropped inverted triangle of dark brown hair ending just above her sex. Her pussy was stunning too, just a little meat falling out of the taco, shapely legs ending in dainty feet, toes painted bright red.
"Yes, you definitely need of a makeover." April said and then appeared to be in deep thought, then said. "Your tits are too small."
Dinah gasped loudly as her breasts began to inflate. Lifting up off her chest and filled out, no longer sagging, then they began to grow larger and rounder, until they were almost twice their original size and defying gravity as they protruded from her chest.
"Oh, my gawd!" Dinah squealed, not daring to say more.
"Much better," April said as she watched Dinah struggle with the new weight on her chest. "Oh, that will never do." She strengthened Dinah's back muscle to better support the added weight.
Seeing what her daughter had in mind, Candace said as she eyed the human Barbie doll, "Now her butt is to narrow, don't you think?" Candace complained.
"Yes, mother, your right."
Dinah's ass immediately began to swell larger and wider as did her upper thighs, stopping once they were also twice their original size.
"Now her waist is to wide," Candace whined.
"Right again. Good eye mother."
Dinah's waist began to shrink until it was nineteen inches. "Better?" April asked her mother. Candace agreed and then suggested. "The hair color isn't right. She should be blonde, don't you think?"
April smiled at her mother, "You're really good at this." And instantly Dinah's hair turned Platinum blonde including the hair just above her pussy.
"Well, the carpet does match the drapes, but I think her pussy needs to be bald. What do you think?" Candace asked.
"Hmmm.... I think your right, but let's hold off on that for a moment. Her face doesn't match her new body."
Slowly Dinah's face began to change, growing younger and prettier. Skin softening and glowing with youth, until she looked thirty years younger.
Drunk and feeling surprisingly youthful, Dinah watched her body changes from a huge wall length mirror that hadn't been there before. She looked like a distorted image of herself at twenty-one years old. Was April turning her into a young bimbo? That would never work out, she still had important work to do for the organization.
But, April was far from done. She added a couple of "tramp stamps" and piercings to her clit and nipples, as she did this Dinah nearly came as April amped up Dinah's sensitivity in both areas. Dinah could come from wearing a tight thong or bra.
"Turn around dear, let me see my work." April commanded.
On wobbly legs Dinah complied.
On her big bubble butt was written in bold red cursive, "This ass belongs to everyone!" and on the back of her right shoulder, "Bubbles".
"I get the ass tattoo, but shoulder tat, not so much," her mother said, "Bubbles?"
April burst into laughter, surprising her mother, she explained. "It's her new name. The bimbo will be called Bubbles!"
Dinah completed her turn, and stood still as the news creeped into her muddled brain. "What?" She yelled, and then quickly remembered her place, covering her mouth with both hands lifting her huge tits and almost dropping to her knees as her arms brushed against her ultra-sensitive nipples. "Ohhhh...."
"It's okay, go ahead and play with them, you're going to find yourself doing that a lot in the next several weeks and months." April told the naked bimbo.
The pleasure was so intense and felt so good, Dinah couldn't help herself, despite resenting being called a bimbo. Dinah pulled on her nipples and lightning exploded behind her eyes, as she came hard, falling to her knees. Her pussy was a swamp, her juices running down her legs. Mistakenly she grabbed her pussy thinking more of staining the carpet than the results. She moaned and rolled on the floor as she came harder and she'd only barely touched herself.
Dinah shameless played with her newly altered body parts while April and Candace talked, completely ignoring the newly created bimbo. After a few minutes, when April decided that Dinah had enough pleasure, she turned it off like a hitting a switch.
Once again able to control herself, humiliated, Dinah tried climbed back to her feet, falling the first two times due to her inebriation and different center of gravity, but finally succeeding. The woman staring back at her from the mirror barely resembled the old Dinah. "If this is what she'd planned for me, this isn't too bad. It could even be fun." She thought of all her lesbian friends that would love the new Dinah.
"Stand still, idiot I don't want to lobotomize you." April yelled, she could have easy frozen the bimbo, but April wanted to really fuck with what was left of Dinah's intellect.
"You know mother, you're right. The cropped pubic hairs are too dignified, something more suited for a mature and intelligent woman than a common bimbo, bald it is." Just like that Dinah's pussy was bare and would remain that way whenever the bimbo was present.
"Since I've already tipped my hand I may as well state the obvious. Bubbles is the name I've chosen for your alter ego, the bimbo, who now inhabits part of your brain. She's exclusively heterosexual, she loves cock in every shape and form, the more the merrier. She comes out only when you aren't doing legal work or working on projects for the organization that require your intellect. She'll have her own wardrobe, it will manifest itself when needed, her tastes run in the range of pink, pretty much all shades of pink."
As April completed the sentence all the polish on Dinah's nails fingers and toes turned a bright pink.
April addressed the new Dinah. "This is kind of like a Dr. Jekyll and Ms. Hyde thing. I've creating a split personality within you Dinah. The bimbo, Bubbles, is interested in girly things and fucking big hard cocks, unfortunately, she isn't very bright and is easily persuaded. As you can see, she's in her twenties and as you can imagine she's very fertile. You'll need to be careful or you both could become very pregnant."
Actually, April was lying. Not only would Dinah/Bubbles not get pregnant, but she was protected from every form of STD. But since Dinah didn't know that, she'd have more to worry about.
April and Candace watched as Dinah/Bubbles tried to understand what was being said, but for some reason found her nails more interesting. The bimbo was eager to come out.
"As for you, the real Dinah, when Bubbles is in control, you will be in the backseat. You'll have little if any control over the bimbo's actions, you will be more like a conscious. She may hear you or choose to ignore you. In time, you may learn to steer the bimbo and keep her out of serious trouble until you are back in control. When you do regain control, you will change back into your normal body, except you will be naked. So, you'll need to plan well, lest you find yourself being arrested for indecent exposure. What would your clients think of that? Just to show you I'm not without some compassion, as a warning you will feel the change coming and have about sixty seconds before it occurs. Just enough time to excuse yourself or find shelter, perhaps."
To illustrate her point, April snapped her fingers and changed Dinah back and forth between the two personalities and bodies. Candace pointed out a few more things April needed to fix, such as giving Bubbles "bee stung" lips, to better aid her in cock sucking and a higher pitched voice to go with Bubble's limited vocabulary. April almost gave her a lisp, but both she and her mother decide that was too much.
"Before we meet Bubbles, Dinah, do you have anything you'd like to say. You can speak freely without the fear of reprisal."
Dinah stood stunned completely drunk and barely comprehending all the things that April had said. Her hard body still looking like a classic Playboy model standing in front of a fireplace hand on the mantle. "What's the matter, cat got your tongue? Okay, well you had your chance."
April snapped her fingers, and announced, "It's time to meet Bubbles!"
In a surprising flash, Bubbles stood in five inch pink high heels, a pink mini skirt with silver sequence and a matching halter top that barely contained her generous tits. Her nipples were erect and could be easily seen through the thin fabric.
"Hiya Mix Tricks. Wait that's not right...I mean Mistress! It's important to make a good first impression." She said as she smacked her bubble gum. "Like, are there any guys coming around, cause I'm like super horny and stuff."
"Bubbles, do you know who I am? And who this is", pointing to her mother.
"Sure, you're my mistress, you made me. Thanks. And that's you mom, Candy something." Bubbles said, her face scrunched as she concentrated to think. It was a difficult task.
"Close enough," April chuckled. "No, I'm afraid there's no guys coming today, would you like Candace to eat your pussy? She very good at eating pussy."
"Ewww! No way José, I don't do girls. Only cock for this girl! I'm strictly dickly!" Bubbles said defiantly and then giggled.
"Okay, well we'll be going now, unless Dinah has something to say. Bubbles will you let Dinah come back to say goodbye?"
"Okey dokey!" The bimbo said and just like that Dinah was standing naked where the bimbo had just been standing.
"Wait, you're not going to leave me like this, really? I don't know how to be with this person in my head. She's so fucking horny. All she thinks about is getting off. Right now, she wondering where I keep my dildos." Dinah pleaded.
Candace! Please. You can eat my pussy. See, it's right here. Better yet, let me eat yours." Dinah implored.
"Sorry, as tempting as that is, I'm going to pass. See you around. Don't forget to hide your phone and change the code or your going to have a house full of men very soon." Candace taunted the poor woman, still under the influence of the alcohol.
"Pretty shrewd mother, giving Bubbles the idea to invite a few men over, the day isn't over yet."
As April and Candace left, Bubble reemerged and Dinah took the backseat in her mind. Bubbles ceased Dinah's phone and managed to find the contacts in her iPhone.
It didn't take long for her to make a few calls and getting a couple of guys to agree to stop by after work. Then Bubbles found Dinah's collection of sex toys.
She woke suddenly and sitting upright in the bed. She was naked she felt her tits jiggle on her chest. "Tits?"
Something wasn't right. She was sore. Sore in places she never expected she'd be sore. Her pussy ached. "Pussy?" Despite having the minty taste of toothpaste in her mouth there was something else. "Did I forget to floss?" She couldn't remember. She felt the pull of the covers. There was someone else in her bed. Turning to her left, all she could see was blonde hair, lots of it. "That's, not right? Is it?"
She poked the shoulder covered by all the hair.
"Ow! Is it time to get up already?" Asked a groggy feminine voice. She turned over, pulling the hair from her face. She smiled brightly, "Good morning, honey," and pulled Amy down into the most sensuous morning kiss. Her mouth was fresh and tasty, she "tongue wrestled" with the other for a while before withdrawing.
"I guess we really should get up. You've a busy day. The shoot is scheduled for ten," looking at the clock, she groaned. "It's late. We've got to get going."
Amy just stared at the blonde woman whom she'd just shared a very intimate kiss. She too was naked. Her perky small breasts and hard nipples catching her attention as she pulled back the covers, revealing a bald pussy and jumped out of bed.
"Who are you? Where am I? Why are we naked and in bed together?" Amy asked. The image of the pussy still burned into her mind. She didn't understand why, but her own pussy dampened. "What the fuck?"
The woman, turned looking at Amy with a confused look on her face. "Wow, someone had too much to drink last night." She covered the short distance around the bed and sat next to the still unmoved Amy and began to pat her legs over the covers. "It's alright," she consoled the shaken woman. "I hate it when you drink too much. I warned you but what do I know?" She pulled back the covers, "I know what you need." Before Amy could react, the woman spread Amy's legs and dove in and began licking and sucking her pussy.
She was so stunned that Amy didn't resist, leaning back giving her the access she needed. The woman obviously knew what she was doing, Amy felt the familiar tingling and was quickly rewarded with a very nice morning orgasm. Amy held the blonde's head tightly as she rode it out and her juice were consumed.
"Mmm...yummy as always. But we don't have time for more. You've got your yoga, a shower and a light breakfast and then off to the shoot."
Amy hadn't yet recovered from her orgasm, moaning and patting her pussy.
"You would think that with all the sex you have as a porn star, you'd get tire of it, but there's sex and then there's making love, right. We can have more of that after the shoot and you're all cleaned up."
"Porn star?" Amy repeated.
"Did you do drugs last night? I told them to keep that stuff away from you." She cried forcefully and then sighed. "Mother fuckers! You're Airtight Amy! You've made hundreds of videos. You may be the most sought-after new comer in the business. You may soon be bigger than Jena Jamison."
Something in Amy's brain clicked. That sounded right, "I am 'Airtight Amy'. "But who the fuck is this woman? Obviously, we are lovers, how long? She seems to know me pretty well." Amy thought as she remembered her programming.
"Okay, sweetie. It's beginning to come back to me." Amy said. "Tell me who you are again."
"Fucking drugs! No more Amy. Lay off the fucking drugs. You don't know how much that hurts," she shouted on the verge of tears. "I'm your fucking girlfriend, goddamit! Three fucking years, Amy. We've been together for three years. I'm your fucking manager, valet, nurse maid. Shit, Amy we love each other. Who the fuck am I, anyway?"
"Okay, okay..." Amy hugged the woman to her chest as she wept, trying to console her lover. "I will stay away from the drugs," she promised.
"You promise!" the blonde asked, not quite believing her.
"Yes, I promise." Amy replied.
The blonde still nestled in Amy's ample bosom, smiled. It was working.
"You know they should have named you 'Ample Amy', for an Asian woman, you've got awfully big tits." She said and pulled a perky nipple in her mouth nursing for a moment, and getting Amy hot and bothered again.
"Perhaps we should skip the yoga this morning," Amy said and positioned them into a classic sixty-nine. Amy spread her lover's pussy and began licking and sucking while she felt her pussy receiving the same treatment.
Later that morning, on the set of their porn shoot, the director gave Amy the run down on the scene they'd be shooting. "Okay Amy, this is your last scene for this vid, after you suck off these three guys, you will get 'airtight' it's okay if you suck one of the guys while the other fucks your ass or pussy, but as you know we'll finish this with your moniker scene, with all your holes filled. Any questions?"
Amy thought, "Oh, airtight, all my holes filled, I get it. Damn, I'm perverted." She smiled brightly, "Nope, let's do this."
"And don't forget, somewhere before your final hole is filled, you need to say your signature line."
"My what?"
"You know that thing you always say before your last hole filled, usually your mouth. So, you can't say it then."
"Come on baby. It's your thing, remember..."
Amy's girlfriend held up a homemade "cue card" which read... "Airtight is so right!"
Amy smiled and mouthed "thank you" to her lover. "Yeah, of course. I got this."
The scene began, Amy was making out with a handsome Latino man with plenty of muscles, tattoos and close-cropped hair. In short order she had his pants around his ankles and his cock in her mouth. She worshiped his cock, licking the outside and then up and down the front and back. Her tongue swirling around it like it was made out of candy.
Two guys entered the room, one Black, the other Asian, they helped Amy out of her clothes, of course she wasn't wearing any underwear. The Black man began eating her pussy while the Asian man played with and sucked her tits and nipples.
All the while Amy continued to suck on the cock, while gently caressing his balls. She was doing a very god job as the Latino man erupted and Amy sucked it all down, just as the man licking her pussy pulled an orgasm from her, cause some of the cum to leak out of the corner of her mouth.
The Latino man pulled away his softening cock and Amy pulled the black cock to her mouth. It was huge, thick and long. She'd had bigger, she was a porn star after all, she'd had a lot of cocks, this was large, but far from the biggest. She did the same as she'd done with the previous only now, she used her hands too.
The Asian man pulled off his clothes revealing a lean swimmer's body with tattoos and piercing. He even had a barbell piercing his cock. Amy pushed the black man down on his back and straddled him lining up her pussy with the monster. She lowered herself and the shaft slid into her as she cooed enjoying being filled. Amy was oblivious to the camera men as they moved about capturing close ups and interesting angles. She was slowly riding the cock reverse cowgirl. She turned and beckoned the Asian man who was slowly stroking his cock as he watched Amy's tiny pussy swallow the huge cock.
The Latino man was pouring ample lubricant on his cock as he prepared to enter Amy's ass. She took the pierced cock and looked it over for a moment then stuffed into her mouth swallowing it whole. She pulled it out and looked the Latino man and told him to quick fucking around and put it in her ass, then she held the pierced cock as she rested with half the black cock in her pussy.
"Air Tight is soo soo right!" Amy announced and sucked the cock back into her mouth. As the cock in her ass matched the rhythm she'd set as she leaned forward on the huge black cock.
The director let them fuck like that for a while, as still photographs were taken and Amy felt a huge orgasm building. These men were pros and would be paid extra if they all came together, coating Amy with their cum within seconds of each other. The scene would be awesome.
Amy pulled the cock from her mouth and shrieked as the cock in her hand went off, catching her in her face, just missing her squinting left eye. The black cock in her pussy exploded and shoot huge strings of cum all over her pussy and abs.
Finally, the cock in her ass took a few long strokes and pulled out as in fired off serval roped in and on her gaping asshole.
"And cut! Great job!" the director yelled, his cock bulging in his pants. "Amy, what can I say. Just what I was led to believe. You're the greatest!"
"Here..." Amy said as she pulled the director closer and unbuckled his belt pulling out his five inches and sucking him off to a quick cum. She licked her lips and climbed to her feet. Her girlfriend handed her a robe, which she slowly pulled on, not bothering to cinch the ties and wiping her mouth on the sleeves, cum running down her body and a broad smile on her face.
"Amy, why don't you go get a shower and I will settle with the director."
"Sounds good to me." Amy said as she strutted off the set waving to the cameramen as she entered the nearby shower room.
The director was looking at the raw video they'd just shot. "Damn, that bitch is hot! She really believes she's a porn star. I think we need to hold on to her a bit longer. Give her another dose of the stuff. I'll set up another shoot. We're gonna make a small fortune off this slut. Then maybe we'll let her go."
Samantha smiled and nodded. She went to the cabinet unlocked it and took out two doses. She walked the short distance where the director was admiring his work, and Samantha looked over his shoulder. "Yes, I think we've really found something here."
"Do we still have that fucking machine we used a few weeks ago?" Sam asked him.
"Yea, why do you ask?"
"No reason. Bend over it's time for your medicine."
The director did as he was told and dropped his pants. Samantha stabbed him in his ass with the syringe she'd prepared. "Okay, you can pull them up." She watched as the director did what he was told. It was a shame, she wanted that cock in her, after watching Amy she was very horny. It would have to wait. "You can go back to editing the video. When it's perfect, you can go to bed and jerk off thinking of me."
"I've great news," Samantha told Amy as she entered the lounge where Amy laid naked reading a recent copy of People magazine and rubbing her pussy. "Your video was so good; they want you to star in a full-length Sci-fi feature, the remake of the 1968 classic Barbarella. We've got to begin working on it immediately. Turnover, so I can give you your vitamin supplement."
An hour later, she woke to find herself still naked on her back, and her feet in stirrups as if she were having her routine medical exam.
"Amy, as preparation you need to practice being fucked by a real fucking machine."
Samantha said as she adjusted the double shafts of the machine aligning it with one dildo at the entrance to her pussy and the other at her asshole.
"This is the pivotal scene," Sam explained. "You've been captured by the evil queen and she is trying to fuck you to death. But Airtight Amy would prove to be too much for the machine and burn it out."
Satisfied that the dildos were properly aligned, Samantha moved back to the control panel, slowly nudging the dildos forward until they pierced Amy's holes. "Mmm...." Amy moaned. "Bring it on!" She was ready for a good fucking.
"Oops, I almost forgot the mouth cock, after all, your Airtight Amy." Samantha said and attached a small cock gag to Amy's head. After making sure it was adjusted just right. Samantha went back to the control panel and was about to turn it on then, swore. "Fuck, I forgot to give you your vitamin supplement."
Amy tried to tell her that she just gave her one not more than ten minutes ago, but the cock gag didn't let a single word escape.
"Don't worry this will only take a minute," Samantha said and stabbed a new syringe into Amy's ass.
Samantha needed Amy's mind open to new suggestions as well as being fucked senseless. She turned on the machine. It began slowly at first, slow full strokes, at level one. Amy was heating up quickly as the drugs entered her nervous system and pleasure centers. When the program took the machine to level two, Amy was on the brink of the first of many orgasms. At level three, Amy came hard and screamed into her gag.
Samantha knew the time was now to resume programming her. With earphone secured to her head. The taped message would be repeated on a loop.
"Amy I'm your lesbian lover, Samantha, you call me Sam. After three years together, you finally asked me to marry you. We had a fabulous ceremony immediately following the AVN Awards where you, Airtight Amy won Best New Starlet."
"Each time you cum, you will remember how much you dreamed of this life as a porn star. Each time you cum, the old life that lingers in your subconscious will fade away, until it is completely wiped away. You are Airtight Amy, porn star and newlywed, married to your manager and lesbian lover Sam."
"You are attached to this fucking machine to prepare for your biggest role ever. You will be calm and ride out every orgasm loving it and knowing that you will defeat the evil queen and her fucking machine. After all, you are Airtight Amy!"
Setting the timer for 60 minutes, Samantha left her helpless victim to be fucked into accepting her new reality. "I will check on you in a little while. Have fun my love." She said, but Amy couldn't hear.
She was giddy, playing with her tits and pussy. Learning she could squirt; it didn't take much effort. It was good for her to play; she was so sensitive that a strong breeze across her naked nether region could make her come.
Always up, giggly and happy, she was named appropriately or was it because of her name that she was so bubbly? Regardless, it was driving poor Dinah nuts. Bubbles was in the driver's seat and there was nothing Dinah could do but enjoy all the orgasms and try to get her to behave once the men arrived.
"Men!" Dinah lamented. "Fucking men. If it weren't for men, one man in particular, she'd not be in this predicament." She wanted to believe that, but if there was one thing that Dinah had learned over the years, it was that it wasn't their fault. The blame was solely hers. She should have been more careful. She should have investigated April; she may have learned that she was protected. Perhaps, perhaps not. But it was her fault, she was arrogant.
It had been a rough few days for Dinah. She tried to say busy at work, there was plenty to do. It was the only way that she could stay in charge. She found herself lusting after the beautiful young temp they'd brought in to help with the clerical work for a new case that they'd recently acquired. Dinah found herself wondered what the big breasted girl looked like naked, did she shave her pussy or keep just a little bit of pubs. It was torture, because Dinah learned that as soon as she began thinking along those lines the bimbo would come out and take control. She was such a prude when it came to sex with women. "I'm strickly dickly." The bimbo would say in that high-pitched annoying whine.
So, Dinah was punished in that way, too. She was a lesbian, but apparently a celibate lesbian.
On the night of her birth, Bubbles anxiously waited for the guys to arrive, but her play made her all sweaty and dirty, she needed a shower or better she'd have a bubble bath. She loved bubble baths, who'd have guessed. While she soaked, she played with her big titties which floated above the water surface. Her nipples were hard, she was really anticipating getting fucked by a big hard cock. If she was lucky, she'd get two.
Out of the tub she dried herself and jiggled to the bedroom to look for something to wear, but none of Dinah's clothes fit her. Just as she was about to pout and become sad, until the exact thing she was hoping to find in the closet, miraculously manifested itself on her voluptuous frame in the cutest shade of pink.
The yoga pants appeared to be painted on, nothing was left to the imagination, her camel's toe was pronounced and her top was nothing more than an overstretched pink tee-shirt. It fit her tightly which helped to keep her big girls from bouncing too much. She went to apply her makeup only to see that like her nails, her face was flawlessly made-up. All that remained was her hair. It too seemed to require very little attention.
Just as she was about to open a bottle of scotch, the doorbell rang. Bubbles ran as fast as she could in her five inch heals her tits bouncing practically obscuring her vision.
"Hiya honey," Bubbles said as she opened the door to the perfect stranger.
"Ugh...hello. Is Dinah home? I'm Greg. She called and asked if I could stop by."
"Hi Greggy. Dinah stepped out for a bit, but will be back soon, she asked me if I could entertain you until she returned. Please, come in?"
"Okay..." Greg answered reluctantly. "Will she be back soon? And by the way who are you?"
"Oh yes. I'm her niece Bernice, but everyone just calls me Bubbles."
"Bubbles, eh? I think I can see why."
Still reluctant, Greg entered the house and looked around. It looked about what he'd expected. Dinah had very good taste.
He asked Bubbles a few routine questions, like her age and was surprised to learn she was in her mid-twenties, he'd have guessed late teens. Although he tried not to look at her body it was screaming for attention and she was doing everything she could to get him to focus. Which really didn't take much effort. Greg took a seat and tried to converse with Bubbles but quickly learned that she wasn't very smart.
Eventually, Bubbles managed to steer the conversation to her favorite subject, Greg would soon learn where she was smart. His attempts to be polite and ignore her advances, were futile, before he could stop her, she was pulling off her top in order to prove her tits were real and insisting that he feel them to be certain.
It was too much for Greg could bare. She had his pants around his ankles and his cock in her soft mouth in record time. He fucked her face for several minutes before he came on her face and tits. He surprised himself, and was ready to fuck her hot pussy as soon as she pulled him to the plush carpeted floor. They tried many positions, and Bubbles came in each, while Greg seemed to be holding out for the finale. He wanted to fuck her tight ass.
An hour had passed and Greg thought that surely Dinah would be home by now. She wouldn't be happy to learn he'd been fucking her niece. Bubbles seemed to have similar ideas and insisted he couldn't go until fucked her ass, or else she would tell Dinah how he took advantage of her.
Before he could protest, he was sliding his rejuvenated cock between Bubbles' huge tits. Once he was hard enough, Bubbles made an acrobatic maneuver that ended with his cock in her tight ass. She bounced on top of him as her huge tits bounced out of control. Bubbles loved anal sex and came with him as he released everything that he had left deep in her bowels.
All this time, in the back of her shared mind, Dinah had been yelling. Some of it getting through, like the name Bernice, Bubbles never would have come up with that on her own.
Despite herself, she could feel everything that Bubbles did, so that when Bubbles came, Dinah felt it too, but to a lesser degree. She hated being fucked by Greg's dirty cock. Who knows where it had been? Greg had a bit of a reputation for being interested in fucking anything with a hole in it. When he put it in her ass, that is Bubbles ass, Dinah was fuming until Bubbles came again.
When they'd finished fucking, Greg cleaned himself up. It was getting late and Dinah still hadn't shown up. Greg was ready to go. He kissed Bubbles goodbye and then began to give Bubbles a long message for her to tell Dinah. There were big word and one or two legal phrases that Bubbles would never remember let alone pronounce. And then she felt it. She was losing control and Dinah would be in control in less than sixty seconds.
"Greggy, could you wait here for a minute. I just remembered something. Don't leave yet I'll be right back sweetie."
"Why the hell not," Greg thought, "I've been there half the day already." He had to admit that Bubbles was a good fuck. Not much on conversation, but Lordy that woman could fuck.
Dinah was back, she had cum dripping from both her pussy and ass. She needed to ger rid of Greg, he'd want to stay and talk. He might even want to fuck. She shivered at the thought. She pulled on her robe and hoped she didn't smell like the slut she obviously was.
Dinah came out of he bedroom and down the stairs where she saw Greg standing in the foyer. She realized that if she was annoyed with him for fucking her niece, she'd get him to leave quickly.
It worked flawlessly and Greg was on his way to wherever. Dinah was alone and able to take a breath. She went to the kitchen and made herself a cup of tea. Using a napkin, she wiped the cum away that was dripping from both her holes.