Chapter 05.1

Penny & Curtis rescue Amy, Dinah realizes her mistake & Evan's fun gets better.

The now all too familiar tone sounded in her mind alerting Dinah that she had less than sixty seconds to retreat to a safe place before the bimbo Bubbles takes over her body. It wasn't so much her body anymore, but a transformed Bimbo body to go with the simple mind of her now alter ego.

"Excuse me, Kevin. Please come in. I'll be right back." Dinah said and then made a hasty departure.

"No, you won't." Bubbles said as she materialized into a body made for one reason.

Dressed in the most revealing pink robe she could have imagined, Bubbles returned in Dinah's place, she made a lame excuse for Dinah and was soon on her knees sucking Kevin's salami.

Like her or not you have to admire Dinah's survivor and resourceful spirit, she wasn't ready to admit defeat. She managed to slowly accumulate several sets of her expensive clothing in her office closet. It took her days to complete a simple letter of explanation to her secretary Donna, a middle-aged black woman and one of the most efficient legal secretaries Dinah ever known.

Despite the amount of work Dinah did for JSA, she remained a partner at the law firm where April and John first discovered her.

The carefully crafted the note, was light on specifics, purposely so as not induce the bimbo to come out too soon. Dinah used many large unnecessary words, and several Latin terms, Donna would get, but not fully appreciate until later.

Donna had become quite concerned about her boss, thinking all the stress had finally taken its toll on the woman and she'd lost her mind. She observed her Dinah attempting to sneak into her office naked. As their eyes met, Dinah turned a bright crimson, but didn't utter a word. Donna appeared to have shrugged it off, chalking it up to Dinah being Dinah. The woman did live an alternate lifestyle. Not one Donna approved, especially with her strict Christian upbringing, but she'd learned over the years that Christianity is really about forgiveness and being tolerance. She tried not to judge.

The email she received a few minutes later from Dinah, was an attempted to explain her nudity, but Donna was anything but naïve. And Dinah regretted the moment she sent it. She lied, saying something about testing a new fabric, that had failed leaving her naked. Of course, it didn't explain her lack of lingerie or shoes. Donna had to give her points for creativity, but it was an obvious lie, but probably the best Dinah could come up with under the circumstances.

If Dinah's strange behavior wasn't enough, Donna had heard rumors of a young bimbo stalking and fucking the partners. Dinah was the only woman partner, the men were all mostly pigs, they kept mistresses and regularly "stepped out" on their wives. But again, Donna didn't judge, she wasn't surprised to learn they'd taken advantage of the bimbo, they'd have taken any slut who happened by. It wasn't much different than what she'd witnessed during Dinah's lesbian years. She wasn't sure what cured her boss of her lesbian tendencies, perhaps a big cock and a man who knew how to use it, she'd have bet.

Dinah knew she'd eventually need to turn to Donna for help. If she expected Donna's help, she'd have to tell the truth, something rare for a lawyer. Or maybe as close to the truth as Donna could handle. She would have to be a little more creative.

Dinah imagined the conversation with her secretary, "I accidentally pissed off a very powerful witch that turned me into a part time bimbo. The bimbo that's been stalking the partners, when the bimbo is satisfied, I turn back to me, just with no clothing."

Donna had to help her. She couldn't continue to walk the halls naked; Donna could bring clothes and make excuses for her. Dinah learned the hard way not to wear any jewelry that she liked and wanted to keep, if it didn't fit the bimbo's taste, it was lost forever. She wondered where it all went, but that was the least of her concerns. When Bubbles appears, she was often dressed in horrible pink costumes, Dinah's clothes simply vanish. In hindsight, it's probably for the best; Bubbles' shape and size would probably ruin her clothes anyway.

How did she lose control this time, she wondered? She was working, focused on a case and when one of the partners stuck his head in and began talking about an after work event. "That was it! Bubbles heard about the event as I began to imagine it." She thought that she'd dismissed that notion quickly enough, but Bubbles had other ideas. Bubbles hadn't been fucked in a couple of days and she took advantage of the moment.

An idea suddenly dawned on Dinah, "I'm going about this all wrong, instead of trying to starve the bimbo; I needed to make peace and get her to help me, too." But how could she have a conversation with herself?

Snapping her fingers, she smiled broadly, at the "eureka moment", she had the perfect solution. Having about twenty minutes before needing to leave for court; she pulled out the camera she kept for videoing depositions. Sitting behind her desk she recorded a message to her alter ego.

"Hello Bubbles, I never thought I would be saying this, but I want to propose a truce." She paused, Dinah thought about the word "truce" and realized that she needed to keep the language simple. "What I mean, Bubbles is that we needed to stop fighting. It's so embarrassing to wake up in a public place or office naked and have no clothes. If you are willing to help me by having some of my clothes nearby for me to wear after you leave, that would be great. I am willing to hook you up with some hot guys I know. In fact, we could even set up a schedule. You could have regular dates if you want? If you understand and agree, please respond on this video."

Dinah put the video in her purse, with the intention of leaving it for Bubbles in the VCR at home. She would have preferred to send it electronically to a device, but the technology would only confuse the bimbo.

That night at home, Dinah set the video cassette in the player, turned on the television and began to imagine munching on the pussy of her favorite blonde celebrity. Within a minute she felt herself losing control, Bubbles was right on time.

Bubbles shivered at the thoughts Dinah left lingered in her shared mind. Bubbles was naked at home and horny, no surprise. She immediately began caressing her mammoth tits, pulling on her nipples, and cumming quickly. It was a nice way to enter the world. But it wasn't enough, and she began to finger her juicy pussy while sucking on her nipples, alternating between the right and left. It was almost as good as having someone else do it for her. Bubbles came again, harder. She fanned herself as she continued to chew on her nipples. Nipples were so much fun, she thought. Cumming again, she found herself temporarily satiated and looked up to see a big note written on a sheet of paper addressed to her.

"Bubbles, please watch this video. If you watch all if it there's a nice man with a big cock that will arrive around eight to play with you."

Bubbles squealed and jumped up and down, her tits bouncing wildly. Stopping she jiggled her way to the television and found that everything was set all she had to do was push the "play" button.

Wendy didn't want to obey; she'd be in a lot of trouble for giving out Rick's contact data. But this bitch wasn't fucking around. "It's in my phone." She shrieked. "In my contacts. Please let me get it for you."

While Wendy retrieved her phone and wrote down the data as she was asked, Curtis stood motionless as a soldier ready for his next command. Wendy handed Penny the address.

"Good girl. Now put your clothes on we're going to see your friend Rick."

It was pretty cramped. The last thing Curtis would have wanted was Wendy sitting on his lap. But they'd arrived in Penny's Vette, it had no back seat and it was imperative they take Wendy with them.

In Curtis' current mental state, it didn't matter. And Wendy didn't dare complain; she was all too happy to sit on Curtis' lap she could feel his monster just below.

"Before we go, I'll give you a chance to redeem yourself. Tell me what you did to Amy and Curtis. Remember, before you speak, lies will be severely punished and I have a very active imagination."

Wendy did something she never did before; glancing down at her withered tits which made her dress fit funny, and she considered the ramifications of her actions.

"If I tell you, will you restore my breasts?"

"You're in no position to negotiate, Wendy. But I will tell you this, if this all concludes favorably, I may. But right now, I'm losing my patience with you."
Penny said, leaving no doubt that she was serious.

"Okay, that's good enough. I'll help you. I spiked both their drinks with a mind controlling drug. I planted thoughts in both of them, but I didn't do much to Amy, because I wasn't interested in her. I just wanted Curtis for myself."

Penny considered what Wendy said. "A mind control drug, that explains a lot. But where'd she get them, does she have more?" That didn't matter right now. She's not a complete idiot, and she's cooperating, but Penny knew she couldn't be trusted.

"How long does it work? Are the effects temporary?"

Wendy responded. "I got the drugs from Rick; I don't know where he got it. The effects are temporary, I was told, but implanted suggestions can last for a long time, if reinforced periodically, or eventually they will fade. That's what I was told, anyway. This was the first time I used them," she lied.

That was good news. Curtis sat still in the front passenger seat, oblivious to the fact that Wendy was sitting on his lap or the conversation that had just taken place. He looked straight ahead, apparently in a trance. Penny hoped that was all it was.

"Okay Wendy, why don't you take a nap? I'll wake you when I need you."

As if hypnotized, Wendy collapsed forward. Penny caught her head as she slumped into the dash. It didn't look like a very comfortable position; there would be no long term affects, Penny surmised.

Looking into Curtis' mind, Penny saw where the hypnotic suggestions were and removed them. She replaced them with a command to remember everything that happened from the time just before the party to the present.

She watched his eyelids flutter and his eyes opened wide with a surprised.

"Fuck...What's this bitch doing sitting on my lap," his first words. With both hands he grabbed her around her throat, he was going intent on strangle her. Then, for some reason stopped, letting her loose, her head bouncing off the dash as he calmed down. Turning to Penny, "Thank you! I don't know if I could have stopped until she was dead. I'm really worried about Amy. She was drugged and participated in an orgy against her will. Fuck! She's not herself. We've got to find her."

Penny had to calm him again.

"Take it easy Curtis. Now that we know what happen, and we know where she is likely to be. We can rescue her. There may be some rough stuff..."

Before she could continue, Curtis interrupted her. "I can protect you. We'll find her and get her back if I have to punch out anyone who stands in our way."

Penny thought to herself, "They are likely to have security, nothing I can't handle. I just need to make sure Curtis doesn't fuck things up." She took a deep breath.

"Curtis, I don't need protecting, I can take care of myself and you. I need you to be patient. We have the advantage of surprise and Wendy is feeling very cooperative right now so we've that working for us, too. We may need to converse silently, so I'm going to establish a telepathic link between us."

She set up the link and Curtis heard her in his mind. "We are likely going to meet resistance. I need you to be calm and follow my lead. I will tell you when to act. By the way, it's a two-way thing, so I can hear you too."

Curtis thought, unconcerned by the strangeness of what Penny had done. "I'm up for anything if it will get Amy back."

It was a quick drive to the address they hoped to find Rick. It was in a very an affluent neighborhood, homes valued well over five million dollars. They parked in front of the mansion, Penny's corvette among other expensive cars.

"I guess it's time to wake up this train wreck. Don't be hard on her. In fact, it may be best not to engage her until we get Amy back."

Curtis nodded.

"Wendy, wake up. We're here."

Penny and Curtis watched as Wendy began to stir. "I'm sorry. I must have dosed off. That was quick." Wendy said as she shook her head trying to remove the cobwebs.

"How do you think we should proceed?" Penny asked their reluctant ally.

"I've lost track of time." Glancing at the clock on the car dash she could see it was early afternoon. "They're shooting a video, judging from the number of cars. We'll go in together. I'll introduce you as new talent that Rick must see. I hope you're not shy, he'll want to see you both naked or it will be a very short meeting. I'll ask him about Amy and then it's up to you."

"You mean they're shooting porn!"
Curtis was about to choke Wendy, again. Until he heard Penny's voice in his head and he calmed down faster than he thought he possible.

"Of course, lover boy, what did you think, a music video?"

Samantha left Amy strapped to the machine to be fucked into accepting her new reality. The first of many orgasms was already building and Airtight Amy would soon be a crossover star.

After the long shoot, Amy was tired. She'd fucked all five men and three women. She'd sucked cock and ate pussy. She couldn't remember the first time she ate pussy, but she was torn between which she like best. It was her job after all and she loved it. She was good at it. She won awards and had accolades from her peers to prove it.

Her lesbian wife and manager kept her schedule and she was in high demand. Her success allowed them to hire a valet for Amy. A cute little redhead with tiny tits and a cute ass. She would do a lot of miscellaneous jobs, such as preparing meals, do the grocery shopping, cleaned the house and even administered Amy's vitamin injections, when Sam told her. On some occasions she'd even "Fluffed" Amy before her next scene she was very good at oral sex and Amy enjoyed that part best.

She was on top of the world. Amy thought of her new valet as an extension of Sam's love. Sam was so good to her, but these days was so busy. The shooting of the remake of Barbarella was just days away, and Amy was practicing on the fucking machine daily and reading the script. She'd be ready for whatever they threw at her.

Little did Amy know, Sam felt sure she'd gotten all she could from the surprisingly talented abductee and she was ready to sell Amy to the highest bidder. The Russian mafia had made the best offer, they would probably make her a high-priced hooker. With all the footage Sam had, she could release several videos over time increasing, Amy's value, she'd be in high demand. Everyone would make a small fortune, except Amy. She wouldn't even know what happened. It would be simple; Sam would simply reprogram the fucking slut, making her into anyone she wanted.

In her office away from prying ears, Sam checked on her cargo. She was in a pretty good mood; a very large payday was only hours away.

Thumbing through her recent calls, finding the number she wanted, she pressed the button on her Android phone and waited for the call to connect. It was picked up on the second ring.

"Hello!" She spoke calmly to her subordinate. "Is everything ready? Good. How many do you have? What! Are you fucking kidding me? That's less than you promised." She was quickly becoming irritated, "We all have fucking quotas, you know. Are they at least ready for transport? You need to get them to LAX tomorrow by nine. Yes, in the morning, you moron! My private jet will be waiting." She waited for his questions; the idiot always had more questions. "I don't fucking care how you do it, idiot. Drug them again, tell them they're flight attendances, I don't give a shit, mother fucker! Do I have to do all of your thinking for you?" She was losing her cool. He was an idiot, but he had a huge cock and reached places Sam needed scratched from time to time. "And don't you dare be late, mother fucker. I've got impatient buyers lined up and waiting." More useless banter followed, she was pissed. "You don't need to know the details. Just do as you're fucking told, mother fucker! Don't you dare disappoint me." She severed the line, wishing for the times when you could slam the phone down.

Sam was agitated now, her calm completely shattered. She summoned the little redhead valet. How are things progressing? Does she suspect anything?

"No, mistress, Miss Amy is happy. She doesn't suspect that you are selling her tonight. When are you planning to reprogram her?

"Tonight, after we finish her last video. We may be here late, tonight. Prepare two doses of the drug and bring them to me."
Sam told the woman, she didn't remember her name, it wasn't important. She might sell her too.

Sam was looking forward to getting rid of Amy. She had become so clingy and needy; Sam needed the valet just to get some peace and quiet. No wonder she chose not to married, too much work. She'd soon be done with the slut, and her life could return to normal.

Still Sam was undecided as to exactly what Amy's reprograming would be. She toyed with the notion of torturing her by letting her remember her true identity with no way to free herself? Maybe not, Amy had been a cash cow, and that would be cruel. Not that Sam particularly cared, but the slut had been very cooperative. No, she wouldn't do that, it would be bad karma. Perhaps it would best to simply turn her into a cock hungry fuck slut and cum bucket with no idea of who she was. It would be easier on Amy, and less trouble. Besides, it was less work for her.

"Slut," she called to the redhead, "Before you go..." Sam lifted her short skirt and spread her legs; she neglected to wear any panties, today. "See if you can get me off and lose the top. Let me see those pretty little titties."

Falling obediently to her knees before her mistress, pulling off her top, her tiny pink nipples erect, she leaned forward and began licking her pussy. She'd done it before. She liked pussy; it was her now her favorite flavor. Spreading the small lips, she flattened her tongue, running it up the soft pedals of the rose, which was Sam's pussy. In reality it wasn't anything special, but to her it was the most beautiful thing she'd ever seen. She was becoming more aroused by it. She needed her mistress' nectar; it was the only thing that would quench her thirst.

Sam let out a deep moan and thought, "if this slut continues to eating my pussy this good, I might need to keep her around a bit longer." It was good to be in charge.

"Hey Wendy, what are you doing here?" He looked her up and down as he always did, something wasn't right, but she seemed to be in a good mood. He'd figure it out. He always did. He'd fucked her plenty of times and knew well enough to be thankful for the times when she wasn't pissed off.

"I've got some new talent for Rick. Is he in?" Wendy gestured to with her thumb point to Curtis and Penny. Penny was pawing Curtis and acting flirtatious, kissing his neck and licking his ear. Curtis reluctantly played along too, rubbing Penny's tits through her clothes. "Damn, she's got nice tits," Curtis thought. "Thank you, but stay alert." Penny said. Curtis blushed a little, forgetting Penny could hear his thoughts. That quickly vanished as Penny began fondling his package through his jeans.

Not paying any attention to the couple, he replied.

"Yeah, he's in the studio. I think they're on a break. Your timing may be good."

Wendy said, saunter forward leading the two candidates towards the studio.

Watching Wendy's ass as she led the other two, he began visualizing her naked again. Remembering that her ass was her best feature, despite she believing it was her tits. "Her tits! That's it. What the fuck happened to her amazing rack," Realizing what was wrong, he inhaled to ask her, when the thought completely vanished from his mind. "I have more important things to do, the warehouse needed inventorying." He thought.

Penny smiled, as she watched his face change. He wouldn't be disturbing them. Wendy led them down the hall and into the large room labeled "Studio One". It was well equipped and resembled what you'd expect to find in any professional Hollywood studio. Rick was bent over a computer reviewing the recent footage he'd just shot.

"Hey Rick, how's it hanging?" Wendy asked the director. The place was empty except the four of them, and a young intern who was giving head to one of the leading men. Rick had been focused on his task and didn't notice them on the opposite side of the studio. The guy just sprayed her face with cum, it was dripping off her face. Despite squeezing her eye closed, he'd still managed to get some in her eye, when she blinked, she hated when that happened. It was everywhere. He had a lot of cum. She stood, found a towel and they left together.

Rick looked up, and replied, "Long and to the left, growing by the second. It's good to see Wendy." Recognizing her voice, he pulled himself away, standing he greeted her with a kiss, and a squeeze of her ass. She didn't seem to have bothered with panties, he noticed. When the kiss ended he asked about her friends.

"This is Penny and Curtis; they think they have what it takes to get into the business. Curtis has a big cock, Penny a long talented tongue, among other things."

"Really? I'd like to see that. Go ahead and disrobe, both of you."

Months after their first party; they all decided to gathering twice a week at Lisa's home, it was big and close to the campus, and not far from where the other two lived. Deciding to alternate the days, to be discreet. On those days, they would watch a movie, go for a swim, or just fuck. The four of them were becoming like family.

Everything in the three professor's lives just got better. They dressing nicer, added a little more makeup, changing their hair color and style. Their professional appearance was more important and they dressed a little sexier. Ida Mae received the most complements; she was told several times that she was beautiful, causing her to blush in the sweetest way.

When they weren't fucking, they were exercising or doing yoga. The pounds and inches began to melt from their bodies and they felt good and healthy, acting younger and more alive than they had in years. Colleagues suspected there was romance in their lives; they would never have suspected it was a student they were all fucking and each other.

Spontaneously, one by one they began giving Evan small gifts. It began with food cards and then simple clothing items such as shirts, graduating to pants and slacks. A few weeks later, after they'd fucked each other silly, they presented Evan with the keys to a brand-new Porsche 911. All three women contributed. Lisa traded in her husband's Porsche, getting really good deal to upgrade. Ida Mae took care of insurance, tax and license while Connie paid the balance, and the upgrades, such as custom interior and custom wheels.

Stunned by their generosity, Evan politely refused, it was just too much. He told them he benefited more; what they'd taught him about sex would fill volumes of books. Besides, he enjoyed their company, they were easy to talk to and he loved their intimate time together.

Nevertheless, the professors insisted. They didn't know how or why they felt so rejuvenated and happy, but they attributed it to the sex with Evan. They admitted that this thing wouldn't last, and this was simply their way of recognizing this special time and saying thank you.

Evan knew that he could influence people into giving him whatever he wanted, the old Evan would have taken advantage of these women. But it wouldn't mean nearly as much. He'd taken his master's unspoken advice and given of himself unselfishly and it came back one hundred-fold. Nevertheless, he still felt a little apprehensive for accepting such an expensive gift.

But to be honest, Evan had been doing a little work on his professors, behind the scenes. He pushed thoughts encouraging them to exercise. For Ida Mae, he had compelled her to care more about appearance. While for Connie it was to be more discriminating in what she ate. The biggest lift was the rejuvenating their middle-aged bodies, removing cellulite as they slept and other physical irritations.

When Ida Mae found that her bras no longer fit anymore. She should have been surprised that she'd grown a full cup size, but Evan had groomed her to simply accept the changes and enjoy them.

Connie should have noticed that her ass was shrinking, and her clothes were fitting much better, particularly when she discovered she could fit into many of the long-forgotten outfits she kept in the back of her closet.

As for Lisa, the one who started it all, she may have received the most. She should have noticed that her orgasms were getting stronger and even more enjoyable. It didn't take much effort for her to get off. Her nipples and breasts were just as sensitive as pussy. And best of all, she could focus her mind more easily, and concentrating difficult task became simpler. In fact, everything seemed effortless. Lisa even decided to dust off the old novel she began many years ago. It lay dormant on the desktop of her computer, a constant reminder of her failing as a writer. But now, the words were just pouring out of her. When she wasn't teaching, exercising or fucking, she was writing.

Evan was a kept man. His appetite for sex was growing and his recovery time was nearly nonexistent. He bedded more than a few lucky coeds that caught his eye, but never missed a chance to be with his women. And now that he had transportation, he surprised Ida Mae and Connie several times a month for a little one on one fun. He never disappointed. He was surprised by how different they were when it was just the two of them together.

Connie was especially passionate and could fuck for long periods of time before begging him to stop. Ida Mae had become an expert at fellatio.

At JSI, after the successful release, "Summer Tan" was the talk of the nation! Companies like Proctor and Gamble, Lever Brothers Johnson & Johnson began to notice the little company. And as for "Tittie Grow", the marketing department had yet to decide on a more marketable name, it was ready for its launch.

All the human trails were successful and the FDA fast-tracked its approvals. The products affect would last between three to four days before another application would be needed. The retail price was $29.68 for an eight-ounce spray bottle, good for four to five applications. Almost all retail chains wanted to sell it, including the "big box stores". With two new revenue streams the profits were estimated to be just under a billion annually. JSA investments in their agents and people would no longer be drain on the company. They were on a path to the "Fortune 100", and their CEO Tammy Bowen reluctantly granted interviews, modestly crediting her team of employees and scientist for their successes.

Acquiring a small library of data on breasts cancer and reviewing it, John had his team consider unconventional scientific approaches. Asking questions like, "What if this particular treatment worked, what would the results look like?" or "How would a particular cure have to work in order for the treatment to kill the cancerous cells?" His team came up with several ideas, but they were novices in this field. They suggested he should recruit a few scientists experienced in cancer research. John was already in the process of doing just that. These experts would find the right set of situations where John could simply make a molecule react in a way it normally wouldn't, thus producing the cure. It was just a matter of finding the right one.

It was mid-morning; the sun broke through the normally shaded windows and Chance's guests began to stir.

As for himself, a man well over two hundred years old, Chance required very little sleep; he'd fucked all the women at least twice as the mini orgy continued into the early morning hours. He pushed Rose and Toni from his bed an hour ago to begin preparing breakfast.

The tropical nights were warm but comfortable, the orgy ended when people just became too tired fuck or suck any longer. Comically, some were still entwined and simply dosed off. It was a bit of shock for some to find themselves together, sticky with cum or with strange tastes lingering in their mouths.

Maxine woke to find herself with her head resting on her son Bobby's thigh, his morning wood inches from her mouth. She was amazed to see her daughter Barbara in a similar situation, only it was her brother's head resting between her legs.

She should have been upset, at her behavior and that of her children, but remembering how much sex she'd had and how she enjoyed each climax made her giddy and eager for more. She just kept coming, it was wonderful. She fucked her son more than once. She ate her daughter's pussy several times and she reciprocated too many times to count. The more she reflected she realized she'd had sex with everyone in the house several times, including their host, Chance. She never thought she'd fit his huge cock inside her but she took it all and then some. He stretched her to her limits and she ached to have him inside her again.

For Jill Davis it was the same, but different. She was so happy to have been freed from her captors, even happier to see her mom and dad. She loved her parents very much. It was strange to wake with the memories of having sex with them. She couldn't explain how it happened, but she didn't regret a minute of it. Her father fucked her in all three of her holes, cumming on her tits and in her ass, while her mother licked those same orifices clean. She happily returned the favor. She too was astonished to realize that she'd had sex with everyone, reliving it made her happy and horny. She worried it was a result of the perversion she and her girlfriends had suffered at the hand of their kidnappers. Then she remembered how happy everyone was as they shared intimacy during and after sex.

As everyone woke, they found plenty of towels and robes placed nearby. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the smell of bacon, eggs and other foods helped bring the group around.

A few of the women stuffed towels between their legs, but were reluctant to cover themselves. Last night had left them feeling more loved than they ever thought possible. Lou and Bobby's morning wood was put to good use as Ellen and Debra utilized both for their own pleasure. The rest couldn't resist the coffee or went off to the bathroom. Chance watched from the balcony overlooking the great room as his guest seemed to suffer no ill effects or have remorse from the impromptu orgy.

Toni and Rose worked together making sure there was plenty of food, and drink, no one dressed, except Toni and Rose who wore aprons that hid very little. Soon everyone was eating and sitting in small groups discussing the night's activities. There were plenty of giggles and laughter, a little petting and several kisses as it looked as if things were about to resume again.

Clad in a pair of boxer briefs that fit like a second skin, Chance walked among his guest. He smiled and had bright smiles returned. Everyone was happy and greeted him as you would expect. He wondered if they were still all under the influence of the potent potion, but no one seem to be acting out of character, except they all remained naked, fondling each other, as they ate and drank.

Chance knew he'd have to say something, what he didn't quite know. But the light mood everyone was in would make things a lot easier. When he'd reached the center of the room, all eyes were on him. He looked at them. Remembering the looks of ecstasy on their faces as they came, each one different none seeming to regret it. The only two other men, Lou and Bobby also wore huge smiles. Apparently, they too had appreciated their experiences.

"Good Morning, I can see by your faces that everyone seemed to have no regret about last night, and early this morning." He paused to give anyone who hadn't a chance to speak, no one did.

"Let me say that it wasn't my intention that you be drugged, turning this family reunion into a family orgy. It was an unintended mistake."

Lou Davis took that opportunity to speak, "Mr. Goodwin, may I call you Chance? I'm a pretty good judge of character, and it was obvious to everyone that you were as surprised as all of us. It was the wine that did it, right? It was very delicious, by the way. I just want to know one thing, where can I get a case of that stuff?"

Everyone laughed. Chance told the story about the wine, leaving out its origins and who actually sent it to him. He apologized and asked if there was anything, he could do to make it up to them.

Maxine Baker, jumped at the chance to speak. "My only regret is that my husband wasn't here to enjoy this. And since I can't take back any wine for him, I guess I'll have to slowly ease him into our new lifestyle."

Chance asked, clearly not seeing this coming. "You are going to continue to fuck each other?"

This time is was Debra Cook's chance to speak. "Well of course we are!" Pausing for a moment to think. "How does that saying go? How are you gonna keep'em down on the farm, once they've seen Paree?" Everyone laughed and she continued. "Our eyes have been opened, no one got hurt, we all loved it, each other and we love you. We know it has to end, here at least, but when we get back home, we all intend to continue to love our family and each other. We're not sure where this will lead, but we're going into it with our eye wide open." Everyone in the room cheered.

Chance understood, that explained their reluctance to dress. "Well, you are welcomed to stay as long as you like. I may not be accessible, as I have many matters that require my attention." He turned to Maxine. "Maxine, you are welcomed to invite your husband again. You too, Joann and Debra, I can send my jet for them both."

Debra acting as spoke person said, "As tempting as that is, I speak for all of us by saying that won't be necessary. This was a lovely experience and we'll always cherish it. But we'd just fuck it up if we tried to duplicate this magical accident. We've some plans in mind on how to bring our husbands in to the fold. What we would like, however..." she paused, "would be asking too much to continue this experience until tomorrow morning when we will have to head back home?"

"Not at all,"
Chance said. "One more day to play is the least I can do. Please let me know if there is anything you require."

"There is just one more thing,"
Lou Davis said. "Would Toni and Rose be free to join us again?"

"I'll need to ask them, but I'm sure they love to."
Chance agreed and turning towards the kitchen to see both women smiling broadly and nodding their consent.

And so, as if there was no more to say, Chance watched as they turned to each other and resumed where they'd left off. Chance smile broadly as he watched until he was pulled into the group and his boxers discarded.

Scaling the wall effortlessly, while following her tracker which seemed to be leading her towards the main building. Pausing only for a moment Elizabeth checked one more time to make certain all her electronic devices were silenced. The last thing she needed was her cell phone going off or Apple Watch chiming at the wrong time.

The property had a lot of trees to hide behind, but there were many large open areas, reminding her of a small park. The property was much bigger than it appeared from the street, several acres she guessed, with four or five separate structures. She was led past the main building to a smaller one just past the huge pool.

She froze, seeing an armed guard walked out of the shadows, he moved with purpose, had she been seen? She'd learn later he couldn't see her, but for some reason was coming right at her. Within range of her mind probes she did a light scan. He was expecting company.

She was close enough for her to hear his side of the conversation with his command. "...right in front of me?" He whipped his assault rifle around. "Infrared is detecting a heat..."

Elizabeth swore, dropped quickly to the ground and rolled hard to her left three times.

"This must be the right place, if they are being careful enough to use infrared. Being invisible isn't going to be enough; I wish I'd learned this sooner. If I could mask my body heat with some sort of coolant or mask," Elizabeth lamented.

There was a faint click and Elizabeth thought she'd been found. The armed guard was still approaching her last position. She felt a cool substance sliding all over her body and then heard a familiar voice in her mind.

"Elizabeth, don't be alarmed. You've just activated your new heat signature mask. It's an upgrade part of your invisibility infrastructure. You don't have time to talk and you must be in stealth mode or you wouldn't have triggered it. When you have time to discuss things you know how to reach me. Out!"

The guard was almost on top of her. She stood with practiced silence and walked backwards and behind a nearby tree, careful not to step on any loose branches.

"There's nothing out here. Perhaps you need to get that thing recalibrated?" The guard said as he swung his assault rifle about looking for intruders.

Confident that she was now completely undetectable, Elizabeth followed her tracking device to the building. It seemed to have a basement, unusual for buildings in Southern California, and this building like the other appeared to have been newly constructed, perhaps in the last year or two. That meant it probably had the latest security protocols. The guard surveyed the area a little while longer and then began to head back to the building where Elizabeth suspected her abductee was being kept. This gave her an idea.

At the door he tapped in the security code and pulled the door open, unnoticed Elizabeth slipped him inside behind him. She made a mental note of the code, for later reference and followed him to a large room that served as their command center, break room and lounge. Two large guards were reviewing the video of the mysterious heat signature while a fourth guard sat in an overstuffed chair texting on his phone.

"See, it was there and then it just disappeared," the two security guards manipulated the footage looking for a clue.

Elizabeth watched the replay and had to agree that it looked like a person. She thought about erasing it but that would simply make them more suspicious.

"It's time, Frank, your turn to check on the sluts. Make sure they are still alive. Remember to check their breathing. If any of them die, it's our asses."
Next page: Chapter 05.2
Previous page: Chapter 04.2