Chapter 05.2

"Yeah, yeah, I know the drill," Frank said and got up from the overstuffed chair, pulled the keys off the hook on the wall and walked down the hall to the stairwell. Elizabeth followed behind him.

At the bottom of the stairs a huge locked door stood in their way. Keying it, he moved forward, walked down a long hall to the end, where another door stood. Using his keys again he opened a large room with dim illumination and about a dozen gurneys.

Stunned Elizabeth saw, chained spread eagle to each gurney a naked woman. Increasing the level of lighting he retrieved a small mirror from his pocket and began inspecting each one. Putting the mirror under each nose, he was determining if the women were still breathing. All were like the first, drugged and unconscious. He reached up and squeezed the tits of a naturally busty woman and then pulled on her nipples. After a minute of molesting his victim, he pulled out a small jar of Vaseline and coated his right index finger and slid it between her legs and into her pussy.

Elizabeth was quickly becoming angry, she wanted to act, but needed to let his play out. She steadied herself, she needed to understand what she was dealing with in order to rescue all the victims. She tried not to look, instead moved around the room. In the center of the room, where she found her girl. Like the others helpless and drugged. She probed her mind, she was out. All of them were.

Frank apparently like this part of the job and made the rounds twice before heading back to the exit. Elizabeth just made it there before him and watched helplessly as he locked the door and traveled back to the stairs.

"Yes, I'm going to need back up," she thought.

For reasons she couldn't explain, Wendy began to strip. It didn't take much; it was a summer dress and she didn't have any undergarments. She was stunned to watch her hands move without her consent or ability to control. It was a light flowery print she pulled off and she was naked in under a minute.

"Not you Wendy..." Rick said, then seeing her once proud tits withered and hanging from her chest, "Shit! What the fuck happened to your tits?"

Penny stepped forward, "The same thing that's going to happen to your cock, if you don't answer my questions truthfully. Wendy is a slow learner; you can see the results. I'm hoping you aren't, but there are many other things that could happen to you, besides shrinking your cock if you refuse. So, I'm going to ask this question once. Where is Amy?"

"Shit, Wendy what have you done? Fuck, you're here for Airtight Amy!"
Rick said. "Don't hurt me. She's here! West wing, should be on the third floor in her bedroom or with Sam."

Curtis stiffened. "Just a minute. What do you mean 'Airtight Amy"? He asked before Penny could. He approached the director ready to beat him to a pulp.

"Explain," Penny asked not certain what it meant, despite being as involved in sex, she never watched much porn.

Swallowing hard, Rick knew they wouldn't like his answer. "It's just her porn name. Almost all the actors and actresses have stage, I mean porn names."

Curtis was almost in Rick's face now, Penny asked him to calm down, he did just a little. "Why that name?" Curtis already knew the answer.

He hesitated and Penny took that moment to do a light probe, what she learned stunned her. He Swallowed hard again and replied. "Because she likes to take it in all of her holes, ass, pussy and mouth at the same time. It's her thing. She even has a thing she says. He paused, expecting a fist in his face. "This is porn, everyone's got a gimmick." He was pleading, knowing that Curtis was about to hurt him.

"Curtis, wait. He's been drugged too." Penny told the young man. "Isn't that right Rick. Tell us who you really are." Penny was in his head, lifting the drug induced persona that was in place.

Rick stumbled to his knees for a moment, all eyes were on him. He struggled back to his feet; his whole-body language seemed to have changed. "I'm Rick Stewart, high school media head, I specialize in film and video. What the hell am I doing...holy shit!" Rick grabbed his head in pain as he suddenly felt a rush of memories dumped on his fragile mind, and he remembered everything over the last six months.

"Fuck! I'm sorry about your friend Air...I mean Amy, can I help in any way?"

During Rick's confession, Wendy took a moment to pulled her dress back on, still not understanding why she took it off in the first place. It was too bad, she like the old Rick, this guy was a bit of a wimp. Finally, it was time to rescue Amy and she could get her tits back to normal. She hated the way they just flopped about.

"I can lead you to her or at least where she should be." Rick said, suddenly thinking how he could help.

They followed Rick up the double stair case and down past three bedrooms to what looked like the master suite. The door was open and the room was empty. There were signs that Amy must have just left, the impression on the sofa hadn't yet returned to normal.

"Where is she?" Curtis asked.

"Samantha's office is on the third floor, there's a stair case just to the left. Rick said as they ran to the designated area."

"Wait a minute, you mean Sam is a woman?"
Curtis asked as they ran up the stairs.

Securely fastened to the fucking machine, Amy tried to relax. Although she was becoming accustomed to the daily workouts, cumming dozens of times before the program shut down and leaving her lying unconscious. She never remembered being taken off the machine or being cleaned up. She'd wake up and it would be a new day, sometimes she'd find herself already engaged in some activity, her day already in progress. That was strange.

Sam lined up the twin dildo's she nicknamed "Pete" and "Repete", Repete was the slimmer of the two went into Amy's ass, but not today.

"Hey hon, you've got that wrong. Repete is supposed to go in my ass, not my pussy. Pete is too big for my smaller hole." Amy told her wife and manager.

Sam was growing weary of this married woman banter. "I know what I'm doing." Sam replied and adjusted Pete, then went to the bag she brought and pulled out one of Amy's vitamin syringes and quickly stabbed Amy's ass.

"Ow, that hurt. Are you angry with me for some reason? I was only kidding around with the redhead valet. I don't really think she eats my pussy better than you."

Sam retrieved the cock gag and roughly shoved it in Amy's mouth and secured it tightly. Tears began to flow from Amy's eyes. The earphones were placed on her head and turned on. Sam had a little packing to do. Amy's reprogramming would be complete in just under an hour. Her private plane would be ready and soon they'd be off to LA then to Florida. She turned on the machine and left Amy to the mercy of the machine.

"Hello Amy, you recognize my voice, don't you?" Although Amy couldn't answer, she knew it was Samantha her wife, manager of three years. "Of course, you do. You'll be surprised to learn that I am your mistress. SLEEP!"

Amy's mind fell in to a deeps sleep, this wasn't the first time, it felt as familiar as a comfortable shoe.

You've done very well Amy. I am very pleased. You like to please me don't you Amy. It's okay you can cum when you please your mistress." Amy moaned as loud as the gag would allow and she came hard, the twin dildos working her over. "Mistress is pleased, you can cccuummmm!"

"Good girl!"
Amy came again almost as hard. She'd been programmed to cum whenever her mistress said "good girl".

"It's time to say goodbye to Airtight Amy, she's no longer a part of you. Oh, you'll remember her and cherish your time as her but you are no longer her. Tell me Amy who are you?" Though gagged, Amy spoke in her mind what her mistress asked her to say. "No longer Airtight Amy, goodbye Airtight Amy. I'll miss you. I love you, but bye-bye."

"Good girl!"
The recording anticipating Amy's responses and she shuddered through an intense orgasm.

"You are Amy the slut, Amy the whore, you are a high-priced whore a so called 'Call girl' and work for your pimp whose part of the Russian mafia. Who are you Amy?" Her mistress asked again.

"I'm a slut, a whore, a high-priced 'Call girl' and work for my pimp, don't fuck with us, he's a part of the Russian mafia."

"Good girl!"


"You will repeat this while you're fucked on this machine. You will believe it because you are a 'Good girl!' aren't you Amy?"

Amy came again, harder than before. If she wasn't before, she was now multi-orgasmic and on a hair trigger.

"Rick, what are you doing here? Did you change your mind? Eager to want to fly down to LA with me? Excited to see if we have any potential new starlets for your porn series?"

"Sorry Sam, no. But these people are looking for you."

Penny and Curtis stepped forward while Wendy stayed behind Rick.

"What the fuck! Who the hell are you and how did you get in here?" Seeing Wendy hiding behind Rick she attacked.

"So, Wendy, you're a traitor. That's fine I can take care of you, too." Sam reached for her Glock 31 pistol, but before she could reach it her arm froze and wouldn't move. She reached with the other hand and it too froze while extended. A strange look crossed Sam's face, one that hadn't been seen there in many years, it was fear.

"Just what are you planning to do with that?" Penny said as took Sam's chin in her hand and turned the woman to face her and the group.

"I've just one question for you, and I warn you, I know that your first instinct is to lie to me, I won't tolerate it. So, I suggest that you don't. I will know and it will cost you dearly. Ask Wendy, that's why she decided to cooperate. Do you understand? Are you ready?"

Samantha realized it wasn't her they were after and that gave her some leverage. "You are here for Amy, I get it. She's down the hall in the gym; she'd being prepared for her new life. Back off or you will never get the old Amy back; she'll be Airtight Amy or a common street whore, perhaps a combination of both."

Realizing that she may have a point, Penny released her hold on the blonde. Curtis was just about to dart out of the room when Sam spoke. "You'd better wait, unless you want a lobotomized nympho on your hands."

That gave Penny a chance to do a deeper probe and she learned much more about the woman, who she was and what she was up to. She also learned that she wasn't bluffing. But Penny was certain it wasn't anything she couldn't reverse.

"Curtis it's okay. Go rescue Amy and be careful her mental state is precarious at best. I will be in to help once I deal with this bitch." It was a mental message, no one else could hear.

Everyone was surprised to see Curtis ignore Sam's warning and sprint out of the room.

"He's going to be sorry." Sam said as she watched her only bargaining chip fade.

"No, it's you who are going to be sorry. Sex trading is a serious crime. You're going to see the inside of a prison cell for a long time." Penny said as she stepped closer to Sam, who had nowhere to run. "I'm in somewhat of a dilemma; I'm not sure exactly what I should do with you. But for now, I think you need to be taken down a peg or two." Penny said, not wanting to jeopardize Amy's rescue. "For now, you will truthful answer any question put to you and volunteer any information that would be helpful. And you will end each statement by saying, 'I'm such a worthless slut.' Do you understand?"

Sam looked at Penny like she had two heads, but was compelled to answer. "Of course, I understand. I don't believe it." She struggled to keep silent afterwards but couldn't. Her eyes grew wide and she announced, "I'm such a worthless slut."

Rick and Wendy giggled loudly unable to hide their emotions at Samantha's humiliation.

She glared at them and them, "What the fuck are you laughing at?" She stopped and fought but quickly lost. "I'm such a worthless slut."

The two laughed harder. Penny almost forgot about Amy. "Bring her along", Penny said as she swiftly left the room.

Curtis found Amy strapped to the fucking machine, gagged with a set of earphones on her head. Finding the switch to the machine he turned it off as quickly as he could.

Amy was still shuddering through another orgasm, as the machine slowed and both dildoes pulled out of her ass and pussy. She was dripping with sweat, cum and drool as he removed the penis gag.

She didn't see him or seem to recognize him. Her nipples were as erect as pencil erasers, and her tits jiggled as Curtis released her from the stirrups and carried her to a nearby couch. Her face was wet, she simply stared straight ahead.

"Amy, you're free. I'm here. It's okay Amy. It's me, Curtis. Say something." Curtis begged her.

"I'm a slut, a whore, a high-priced 'Call girl' and work for my pimp, don't fuck with us, he's a part of the Russian mafia." Amy said and then repeated. "I'm a slut, a whore, a high-priced 'Call girl' and work for my pimp, don't fuck with us, he's a part of the Russian mafia."

She began to become agitated as she repeated it again this time with more force.

Penny arrived to witness the results of Amy's brainwashing. "Don't worry Curtis, I can fix this." Penny placed both hands on either side of Amy's head and calmed her. Then closing her eyes, she concentrated. There was lot of programming to be dealt with, but Penny knew just how to take care of her student. After a few tense moments for Curtis. Amy looked up and saw him. She called him by his name and Penny got out of the way so they could embrace. She squeezed her naked body against him tightly and found his mouth. A few moments later, when she pulled her lips from his, she looked around and saw the people that had taken advantage of her, she jumped to her rubbery legs, and her equilibrium was off since she'd been fucked so thoroughly by the machine that Curtis had to catch her.

She looked at Wendy, Rick and Sam, "You and you and you, too." She broke down and cried. "I thought we loved each other. You made me love you." She yelled at Sam. "What the fuck was that last thing? You were done with me and going to turn me out to be a whore. I was your Airtight Amy. You loved me, no you used me. Why? What did I ever do to you?" Her gaze fell on Wendy. "Why? Did having my Curtis mean that much you were willing to destroy me? Did it?" Amy yelled.

Wendy surprised herself, stepped forward, admitting her part and how much she regretted it. She was only interested in getting Curtis for her own. She even admitted to being selfish. That was a huge step for her, but not nearly enough for Amy, Curtis or Penny.

She looked at Samantha again. "What do you have to say for yourself? Why did you do this to me?"

Despite her attempts to hold back Sam spilled everything. "I run a human smuggling ring here in the US and I needed girls. You were only abducted because of your performance at the orgy. You were drugged. The porn videos were a bonus. But after a while your drug induced performances were more of the same and I decided I could make more money selling you than wasting time filming you."

Sam covered her mouth; she couldn't believe what she'd confessed. "I'm such a worthless slut."

"Yes, you are!"
Amy said tears welling up in her eyes again. "So, I meant nothing to you! You made me think we'd been married for three years. Why did you do that?"

Sam confessed. "I was stalling for time, your videos were selling well and I needed to wait until I had enough girls in LA to sell. Oh, fuck. I'm such a worthless slut."

"Take it easy Amy,"
Penny consoled her. "Those feeling will wear off in a few hours. But you did uncover so interesting information, we can't ignore."

Penny turned to Sam, who by now was very afraid of the woman. Tell me more about this rendezvous in LA. Again, Sam sang like a canary. Telling all everything she knew and planned.

"Looks like we've got a plane to catch; everyone let's get going. Rick looks like you're a victim like Amy, so you can go."

Rick looking around at all the faces while consider his options, and asked if he could come along. He'd hoped he could be of some help. Penny shrugged as she pulled her phone from her pants.

Onboard the luxurious private jet, a Bombardier Learjet 31A, everyone took their seats. Penny and Sam sat up front, Curtis and Amy in the back while Wendy and Rick sat facing each other in the middle. The flight attendant made sure that everyone was comfortable, a minute later the plane rose effortlessly into the sky.

Penny's phone rang, she snapped it up quickly, the ringtone telling her who it was.

"Hello, Penny." Elizabeth said. "I got your text. I was thinking about calling you. I could use some help down here. Do you think you could fly to LA immediately? There's a bit of trouble, and I could really use your help. I can't talk about it on the phone." Elizabeth said.

"Elizabeth this is quite a coincident, I was planning to call, we just landed at LAX."
Next page: Chapter 06.1
Previous page: Chapter 05.1