Chapter 06.1
Evan was enjoying being a "kept man", and benefits it offered him were surprising. Most unexpected was the true feeling for "his girls", which is how he liked to refer to them. Such as after a vigorous round of sex, leaving them panting and sweating, he'd say, "Well, I had to take care of my girls!" After the gift of the car, he didn't expect anything more, but the small gifts: food cards, shirts and other clothing kept coming.
He and the girls still got together but not quite as frequently as at first, perhaps twice a month. Since Evan was fucking them individually now and they all had more energy it was only natural that their group sex was slowing down a bit.
It was Ida Mae who literally asked permission from the others to begin dating. She'd become very popular recently. She'd turned down many a suitor, until she met someone she wanted to know better. She was finally ready to commit if her little family agreed. Her prospective boyfriend as It turned out was a professor she'd met at a seminar. He was tenured at another local and more prestigious university a little farther north.
"Of course you can date," they all agreed, surprised that she felt the need to ask. As it turned out that he had a decent size cock, Ida Mae reported back and she'd been a tiger in bed, which he admitted he liked. He referred to her as "beautiful", it made her a little uncomfortable at first, she didn't see it, but the truth was that she was beautiful. There was indeed a swan beneath that ugly duckling demure that Ida Mae had become too accustomed to wearing.
It wasn't long before Connie, too, had offers to date.
As for Lisa, she found that the days were going by very quickly. Although she was accomplishing a great deal during that time, she'd write for a few hours daily, her lesson plans seemed to write themselves, her classes were full and the students fully engaged. On the nights that she met with either Evan or her group, sex was great and plentiful. She also found she was being hit upon more often than ever. Did she really have time for a relationship too?
They knew when all this started it wasn't going to last, she just never thought it would burn itself out so quickly.
She talked with Ida Mae and Connie and they all came to the same conclusion. They would discuss it with Evan at their next gathering.
Meanwhile at John Smith Inc. (JSI), after the successful launch of "Summer Tan™" and "TITS™", the newly named instant breasts enlargement product, (typical for many marketing department, after exhaustive research to find the right name for a product, they approved the most obvious), JSI was finding it hard to recruit qualified workers.
That's where April Martin-Smith came in, among the many programs that the shelter offered; vocational training had just added. But to adequately prepare the disadvantage and homeless, they were going to need more space, perhaps even an additional facility.
April had become very good at getting what she wanted. There was a building next to the "homeless shelter" that was vacant and boarded shut, it had been for lease, but until recently no one was interested in it. She called the number on the advertisement.
Acquiring a small library of data on breasts cancer and reviewing it, John had his team consider unconventional scientific approaches and asked questions such as, "What if this particular treatment worked, what would the results look like?" or "How would a particular cure have to work in order for the treatment to kill the cancerous cells?" His team came up with several ideas, but they were novices, this wasn't their field of expertise. They suggested John should recruit a few scientists experienced in cancer research. They didn't suspect that John was already in the process of doing just that. These experts would find the right set of situations where John could simply make a molecule react in a way it normally wouldn't, thus producing the cure. It was just a matter of finding the right sequence.
Things returned to normal, or as normal as things can get on his island. Chance walked through the village greeted with warm smiles and great affection from the residents of the tiny hamlet. Everyone knew him and his routine, strolling through their village. He wore his trademark white shirt slacks and black sandals. On days like this he wore his straw fedora and dark sunglasses.
As he sauntered by, people would engage him in small talk or ask his advice on a particular matter. For his part, Chance would bend low to interact with toddler and children, even the local pets hungered for his attention. Everyone loved him and for Chance, he couldn't imagine anywhere else in the world he'd rather be.
It was a beautiful day, as were most on the tiny tropical island. The high was predicted to reach 83 degrees; there was a cool ocean breeze blowing and ruffling Chance's shirt at his abdomen. His tight six pack and sizable pictorial muscles left loose material over his stomach flapping in the breeze like kite attempting to rising in the air. This was paradise and Chance hadn't been this happy since his late twenties.
As if tempting fate, his cell phone began ringing a tone he'd not heard in months, sighing he answered it in his usual cheerful voice.
"It's been a long time. There must be trouble."
Penny's phone rang starling her; she snapped it up quickly, the ringtone identifying the caller.
"Hello, Penny." Elizabeth said. "I got your text. I was thinking about calling you. I could use some help down here. If you're not too busy, do you think you could fly to LA immediately? There's a bit of trouble, I could really use your support. I can't really talk about it on the phone."
Elizabeth said trying to be brief as possible but hoping her friend would understand.
"Elizabeth this is quite a coincident, we just landed at LAX."
Elizabeth didn't believe in coincident, "Really? Where are you staying? I can meet you there, it's very important."
Penny turned to Sam. "Where are we staying?"
Reluctantly Sam revealed she had a house in Toluca Lake, Elizabeth was familiar with the area and would meeting them in ninety minutes.
The house was more a kin to a small mansion. It had eight bedrooms, a den, entertainment room as well as a nice pool with waterfall. It was just what the weary travelers needed.
Craving some alone time, Amy and Curtis chose a bedroom and wouldn't be heard from for several hours.
In the kitchen, Penny enjoyed a light salad while Wendy worked on an omelet for Sam and herself. Rick meanwhile took advantage of the pool and spa. The traffic on the 405 was bad, but the 101 was even worse, but since becoming a Mistress of the Ring of Temperance, Elizabeth had borrowed one of John's tricks and managed to make any vehicle she drove "phase out of sync" with normal matter, allowing her to literally drive through traffic. Passing through any solid object made driving in LA traffic simple. Turning the vehicle invisible just made sense. After all, people would freak out if they saw a car racing into stalled traffic. Elizabeth would be on time, and perhaps even a little early. The architects of the Los Angeles freeway system were truly geniuses, it's a shame that the traffic was ten times more than it was designed to handle.
After greeting each other warmly, Penny introduced her to Wendy and Sam. The introduction wasn't flattering, Sam was constrained by forces she didn't understand and could do nothing but smile nervously unable to speak. Wendy understood the terms of her deal with Penny, more than ever she wanted her breasts restored. They felt like dead weights and looked awful. For the first time in a long while she wished she'd had a bra.
Moving to a more secluded room, Penny was eager to learn about Elizabeth's urgent matter.
"So you're dealing with not just a kidnapping, but you suspect Human Trafficking?" Penny asked trying to make sure she understood correctly. She was stunned. "Elizabeth, I'm dealing with something very similar, and we caught one of the people behind it. I wonder if our cases are related."
Penny explained further what Amy had endured, and how Samantha, was the local or regional contact. Elizabeth had to use all her self-control, not to march into the next room and wreck Sam; Penny had never seen her friend angry. She looked as if she were going to peel Sam's skin off for starters. If nothing else, Elizabeth was the embodiment of restraint. She knew there would be time for that later. What they needed now was a more thorough interrogation. Sam was still hiding some critical information. Together they would learn the truth.
Returning to the kitchen they observed Wendy watching the huge big screen television which took up half of the entire wall in the adjacent den. Sam hadn't moved, despite her situation, she had been around long enough to know what the two amazons were planning. She just needed to tough it out a little while longer, she thought. But, she'd never encountered a mistress of the ring, let alone two.
Elizabeth approached the Wendy, Penny following closely. Wendy steadied herself. She knew she could wear this one out, too.
"Wendy, I'm only going to ask you once. I don't have the patience for your bullshit and I'm not like Penny, she's got a good heart and is reluctant to hurt people. I don't suffer from that particular trait. If you don't tell us what you know about this and any other human trafficking plans or organizations, you will wish I'd taken your life, instead."
Sam prepared herself. Her mind didn't really understand what she was up against, despite all that she had seen and experienced. Leaning low Elizabeth looked deeply into Sam's eyes. Sam stared back defiantly.
It was perfect, Elizabeth was now looking right into the young woman's mind. It was an easy task to find where she'd kept the information they wanted, it was the behind the biggest door Sam could imagine erecting. But Elizabeth couldn't get at it, without doing severe damage to Sam's brain. Elizabeth needed Sam to volunteer the information. Once she unlocked the door, Elizabeth could probe deeper and get everything she needed and more. From Sam's vantage point, it was apparent that Elizabeth was a force to be reckoned with. She looked every part of the threat she'd made.
Something changed. Sam saw them lying about her home in various stages of undress. And Sam was extremely aroused. Elizabeth's brown breasts jiggled on her chest as they defied gravity as she and Penny giggled and played with each other. They stopped and turning to Sam sipped their cocktails.
"Sammy, you were telling us about your plans, don't stop now." Elizabeth said as Sam fingered Penny's pussy, she had a large diamond piercing her labia and Sam was strangely drawn to it. She wanted to lick and play with the diamond and the lips surrounding it.
The scheming woman considered, "By telling them what they want to know, I'll be able to fuck both these black princesses," Sam decided. And without a second thought, she confessed the entire plot. What she didn't know of course was all of this was in her mind. She believed that she was in control and it was she teasing and leading the two on. She'd even believed she pulled out her favorite "strap-on" dildo and Penny was sucking the huge black phallic while caressing Sam's leg.
In reality, it was a simple confession. Sam admitted she had a team of thugs bringing about a dozen slaves to her plane for transportation to Miami in the morning, scheduled to leave at 9AM from hanger 69.
It was clear beyond a shadow of a doubt that these were the women Elizabeth had at the mansion. The two cases were indeed one in the same.
It was still early in the evening, by clubbing standards. If not, then by what Carmen and Maria thought. They were at their favorite Miami club. This particular club was notorious for having a few concealed rooms where couples or small groups could hook up for spontaneous fucking uninterrupted for hours.
Many were taking advantage of the facility as both Carmen and Maria absorbed the sexual energy from them as well as the small crowd of admirers they attracted. They were regulars and of course had a reserved table. It worked well for all concerned. The manager loved to be able to display these exotic beauties. It was good for business and the girls had a panoramic view of the place.
Of course, both were dressed as daring as they could in public without being arrested. As trend setters, they wore the latest and skimpiest styles, showing off their best attributes. Both had stop wearing lingerie years ago, as it became too expensive replacing the souvenirs their lovers, male and female kept for themselves.
The two were more stunning now than when John Smith first sculpted them from the shy tiny undocumented indentured servants his stepmother Jacqueline Smith had kept in fear of deportation. They were now more than a foot taller. Their womanly assets (breasts and asses) enhanced along with a vocabulary that a Rhodes Scholar would envy, able to speak not only perfect English, but several other languages, fluently. Both were avid readers with a thirsty for knowledge.
Their beautiful faces required very little makeup if any, and their long raven hair, never had a split end and was easily molded into any style. The regulars at the club paid homage while the newbies looked on in awe. Once or twice a night, a few brave souls attempted an awkward pick up. Unaware the two could not only read minds, but communicate with each other telepathically, never understanding why some of their ilk succeeded and others failed.
It was a slow night, but things promised to pick up. The Heat had just beaten the Knicks again in an early game and the locals were feeling good. Maria noticed a better looking clientele seemed to be making their way inside. Yes, this would be a good night, indeed. Suddenly, both of their phones chimed, alerting them that an important text had been received. Carmen picked up her phone from off the table as Maria did the same.
"Hey girls, I hope this text message isn't catching you at a bad time? I'm afraid there's a bit of trouble heading your way. Call when you have the time to talk. Elizabeth."
The two looked at each other. "Damn, just as things were beginning to look get interesting." Maria thought to Carmen. She smiled. It was a joy being able to communicate with each other this way.
They returned the call a few minutes later from Carmen's black 2020 BMW X1 sDrive28i. She didn't need an SUV, but she loved sitting high and enjoyed watching the other cars scrabble to get out of her way. Maria joked that her car had become notorious, because Carmen wasn't the best driver, having frightened more than a dozen motorist and pedestrians alike. In truth, it was much more car than she could safely handle. It was strange that despite having had a half dozen minor "fender-benders", no one ever complained and even when the police intervened, they never once found Carmen at fault.
Both women had heard there was active human trafficking in the Miami area, but not more than that. If Elizabeth and Penny had proof, that would be big. There was much to do before they arrived. Maria closed her eyes and held on as Carmen sped through the mostly empty streets of Miami.
"TITS™" was an instant hit, catching Wall Street completely off guard. Stores couldn't keep it on the shelves, demand was high. Some even complained that it was selling for too little. Few really expected the product to work. However, what many didn't foresee was the pleasant side effect it would have on the economy.
Previous lonely women were now going out on dates, which was good for local economies. Women now needed even more clothing to fit their newly enhanced shapes, causing the retail chains to demand more product, which had textile manufacturers hiring and working overtime to meet the demand.
Plastic surgeons saw a bounce in their business, too. Although the public was raving about it, many didn't want to the up and down of having big tits and then not. It gave them a no risk trial at breast enhancements and learning what they and their partners liked, also to compete the cost of breast enhancement were sharply reduced.
Karen Taylor was a twenty-eight-year-old office worker from Peoria, IL. She'd been ridiculed most of her life for being almost completely flat chested, despite having a nice ass. She was one of the first in lined to buy a can of "TITS™". She didn't regret a moment of it. Later she was sporting a proud pair of "32 Bs" which for her was huge.
While Marianne Jaworski a waitress at one of the larger restaurant chains famous for breakfast, noticed her tips double when she was able to show off a little cleavage, which her former "A cup" breasts couldn't do. However, after a few doses, she was surprised at how easily she became aroused. She began masturbating on her breaks. When she greeted a family of four; a toddler, an infant, mother (glad to have the morning off from cooking) and her attentive husband, leading them to their table she began having strange and exotic thoughts. Marianne found herself imagining what both parents looked like naked. "I'll bet he's got at least seven inched of wood, and mom looks like she's got a pair of double Ds. I bet she'd got big nipples from nursing."
Marianne blushed deeply by these unusual thoughts, "What the fuck are you thinking?" she asked herself while repeating back the order, somehow getting it correct. She could understand undressing the father; he was hot in an older man sort of way, but the mother? At that moment, she imagined herself nursing on one of the milk heavy tits while fingering the mother's pussy. She got a little tingle below. "Wow where'd that come from?"
She shook if off and continued working her job. It was a busy morning that was good. But it did little from keeping perverse thoughts of the father fucking her reverse cowgirl while his wife watched as she expressed milk from her fat nipples all over the two of them.
As her shift continued, Marianne had erotic thoughts about almost all the adults she saw. At one point she imagined her boss, old Mr. Grumpy fucking her in the restroom bent over the wash bowl. It made her so wet, she had to make several trips to the restroom to add napkins to suck up her womanly secretions.
Another such case was Lilly del Rio, a thirtysomething office worker from Amarillo, Texas. She too had been almost flat chested her entire life. When puberty came and left the only thing Lilly got was severe cramps and her period. "TITS™" changed her life.
As an office clerk for a software company, none of the salespeople gave her more than a second glance. They were courteous, but clearly the clerks with the bigger boobs got the most attention. But after an application of "TITS™" that all changed. She could wear tops and dresses that showed off her new assets. She over applied the recommended dosage and developed overnight a set of double DD cup breasts. Over the next few days she was the center of attention, despite it being obvious that she'd used the product, none of the men cared.
Buying a few outfits that showed off her newly enhanced girls didn't hurt, either. She also realized how much she needed to have a cock sliding down her throat. She'd always resisted the opportunity to perform oral before. She just didn't like the idea. But now, she spent both her breaks and lunch period on her knees getting her dose of protein from the source. As sales increased and mood in the once uptight office changed Lilly became more popular.
There were more stories like this, but the majorities were cries of gratitude from women all over the country for what was being hailed as the great equalizer.
Returning from her date, Bubbles was giddy with joy. She was able to suck off her date twice before letting him fuck her. He had a nice cock and knew what to do with it. Sucking him off first which gave him some endurance and he fucked her a long time before coming inside her. The movie wasn't too bad either. It was something about a talking spider being far from home, or something like that Bubbles told Dinah in her video. She never paid much attention to the movies.
Watching Bubble's video the next morning, completely unaware of what she'd done after returning to her original and true self. Dinah was pleased, she'd finally made peace with the bimbo. It seemed to be a pretty go deal. Dinah got to control the days and Bubbles the evenings and nights. For almost two weeks it had been working fine. The only problem was that Dinah's sexual urges were still there and going unmet.
Bubbles seemed to be a little more relaxed, not obsessed with Dinah's lusting for other women as long as she didn't do it for too long, and when she did she'd get a warning twitch, Bubble's way of telling her to knock it off.
It was a long shot, but Dinah had planned on letting Bubbles have as much freedom as she could. She would occasionally provide big sisterly advice and make certain she continued her birth control pills. She was in a sense trying to be a best friend to her alter ego. If she could, perhaps Bubbles would allow her to have a little happiness in this situation, too.
Weeks later Dinah left Bubbles a tape, telling her how proud she was of her and how much she's grown in the last four weeks since they decided to stop fighting. She wanted to say truce, but she didn't want to confuse the bimbo.
She ended the video by telling Bubbles how happy she was that she was finally having fun. She sighed and looked sad, telling her that she however was very lonely. As much fun as it was to communicate like this, she missed being touched. Dinah cried, and the tape ended abruptly.
The next morning, Dinah was amazed to see a very short tape from Bubbles.
"Dinah, you've like been so good to me the last few weeks. I think you deserve to be happy, too. So, I won't tell April if you find a friend to play with, but only one friend. And I get it, if you need some time to find the right one. I've had four weeks of being, like super happy and stuff. So, like you should have like two weeks to find a lover to settle down with. When April finds out, she's like going to be mad at me. But that's okay. I'm willing to face her if it's for my best friend."
Dinah squealed in delight. Immediately three women came to mind, she was getting hot just think about them. But they all were like her, no commitment, they just liked fucking around. If she was to pull this off, she needed to find someone interested in an exclusive relationship. Dinah couldn't believe she was even thinking of that. But she was getting older, perhaps it was time to settle down.
Two more names came to mind. They were acquaintances, not friends and she had no idea what they were into currently. She'd find out, soon enough.
It began innocent enough, Paris Flagg was eager to meet after receiving the call from Mrs. April Martin-Smith, who for some reason was interested in the property next to the homeless shelter that she managed. Other than that he didn't know much about his prospective customer. The land and building had been on the market for almost three years. No one was remotely interested in it, mostly since it was adjacent to the center.
Having a little bit of time on his hands he decided to see if "Goggle" could provide some insight. He punched in her name and was surprised by so many things it was hard to focus on one.
First of all she was an accomplished business woman in her own right, married to a wealthy and powerful man, who seemed happy to stay in the background. Second, she was much younger than he thought and was knockout gorgeous. "Too bad she's married," he thought, and then chuckled, as if he'd have a chance with a woman like that.
Paris was not bad to look at, but was about thirty five pounds overweight, mostly due to the habit of consuming too much beer and not exercising. Besides, he was working constantly, trying to pay off his student loan. He could have saved a lot of money had someone told him how lucrative the real estate business could be, if one applied themselves.
An honest man, Paris never kept anything from his clients and while others sought short cuts, Paris did the hard work, put the hours in and was finally beginning to see the rewards of his efforts. Commercial real estate was where he thought he could thrive. So after selling a few homes and comparing the time and effort it took, he opted for the other side of the business.
He met Mrs. Martin-Smith at his small office at his brokers firm. It was a nice place; all the people friendly and helpful, almost like family. They all liked him and made him look like a big shot to all his clients and prospects. April glided into the office and Paris stood and greeted her. April's online pictures didn't do her justice. She could have been wearing a potato sack and had her hair in a ponytail, and she'd still have been a knockout. Paris was smitten.
Being a mistress of one of the five powerful rings, April had learned to quickly read people. The fact that she could scan his thoughts didn't hurt. She knew Paris inside and out within the first ten seconds. She was flattered to learn about his infatuation and that he'd "Goggled" her. However, it was business before pleasure. She was her unusual witty and charming self without trying. She gave him a little more leg than she thought he should see and April toyed with him, interested in seeing how far she could take him as she flirted. He thought she was off limits, since she was a married woman, making her little game all the more interesting. She'd fuck him, but she'd have to seduce him.
"Monogamy was such a silly thing", she thought. She'd had many lovers; most John knew of, she giggled to herself, who was she kidding? He knew of them all. Of course, he was okay with it, if it made her happy. After all, she could certainly take care of herself now and should she not, he'd know. Unlike when she was corrupted by Dinah, he'd be there in seconds. Heaven help that man or woman that hurt her in the slightest.
Turning her attention back to business, Paris' innocence made her giddy. He reminded her of John when they were still in their teens before all the magic rings and mind control began. He was sweet. She liked sweet.
She wondered if he possessed a big cock. If not, he would soon enough. She didn't know the limits of her powers, perhaps today she'd find out.
It turned out that Paris was very competent, despite his young age, April guessed he not much older than herself. Then she tapped into his mind again to confirm it. His birthday was in October, six months after hers.
Negotiations were fierce. The owner wanted to lease and April insisted on purchasing. Representing the owner, Paris was logical and firm. Being able to read minds gave April the advantage, knowing the number he'd settle with was a huge advantage. The fact that the property was only viable for one customer gave her another advantage. With the owner's blessing they settled on a price thousands of dollars less than April was prepared to pay.
With documents signed and April's banker transferring the funds, the business side of the meeting was done. April insisted they have lunch, her treat. Not wanting to disappoint his new customer, and completely under April's spell Paris agreed.
Lunch was good, the liquor flowed, and poor Paris didn't stand a chance. Before he realized it he was in April's luxury hotel suite, he didn't remember taking off his clothes, but seeing April naked was a sight he'd never forget. She was even more beautiful, than he could have imagined. Her fabulous breasts appeared to float off her body. They were perfect and truly impressive, medium size areola, ripe nipples, not too big, but then she was just getting started. Her slightly muscular abdomen, small waist flaring out to a perfect ass and bald pussy, dared Paris to compare with any woman he'd ever seen or imagined.
He was harder than he'd ever thought he could become, despite the amount of alcohol he'd consumed, his six inches pointing to the ceiling. April continued to toy with him. She wanted to stroll over to him to kiss, but she decided that he needed to taste her pussy first.
She sat back on the bed and spread her long lovely legs, Paris may have been out of his depth, but he knew an invitation when he saw it, and quickly made his way to the center of her joy. He knelt before her; she rubbed her clit, and her nether libs opened. Her scent was prominent; it was sweet and womanly, further intoxicating her victim.
He gazed down at her glistening pussy, as if seeing a woman's center for the first time. It was glorious. He waited for the invitation, April caught his eyes and he knew what she wanted.
Leaning forward, he took her hand in his and licked her fingers clean, savoring her taste, which reminded him of fresh cherries. He had to have more. She pulled her hand away and he slowly moved to his target. Stretching forth his tongue he licked the top of her opening just below her clit. The tastes of cherries exploded on his tongue. It was incredible and he fought to control himself, as he grabbed her under her thighs capturing her ass and began eating her out like his life depended on it.
April leaned back enjoying his ministrations, when he strayed off course she corrected steering him by his head and magically moving his tongue where it would do the most good.
After about ten minutes it was too much for even the experienced goddess and April came hard, almost drowning Paris with the volume of her juices, and he drank like a man possessed.
Was it something in her vaginal secretions, Paris didn't know? What he did know was not only was he harder than he could ever remember being in his life, but his cock was growing and changing. It became thicker, more at the top. The head seemed to shrink a little or was it because just below the head it grew thick. It didn't hurt. When it stopped it reminded him of a cobra jutting up from between his legs.
"Now that's a cock!" April said, as she resumed rubbing her clit, legs spread wide and her nipples hard as diamonds. "I'm ready for a test drive, how about you?"
Unsure who was controlling whom, Paris looked up from his colossus cock and moved between April's legs. The tip of his cock barely touching her opening. There piercing labia was a bright diamond he couldn't help admire. Then her pussy pulled him in swallowed him completely. He'd never seen nor heard of anything like that happening. Her lips opened wider as his entire shaft was sucked in. He was balls deep; he could feel the diamond and the pleasure was incredible. How it could feel this good without him cumming was outside of his understanding? She was tight and warm, her pussy felt like a throat moving over his cock.
Before he could wonder any more, April pulled his face towards hers and kissed him like he'd never been kissed before. Surely, Aphrodite herself couldn't have been more sensuous. He felt the involuntary flex of the monster that was now his cock. As good as it felt just being in April's pussy, Paris knew that it would feel a thousand times better once he came.
He reluctantly broke the kiss, gazing into April's eyes and he was lost. Nevertheless, planting his hands on the bed on both side, staring at the twin plump nipples he was dying to nurse upon, he pulled. He didn't move. Not until April relaxed her pussy's fist like grip on his cock was able he pulled out slowly. The feeling was amazing. Watching his newly transformed cock emerge from within her depths, coated in her juices made him want to plunge back in. But he was trying to restrain himself. He'd fucked his share of women before. April, however was in a league of her own. Just as the head began to appear, he shoved it back in slowly as he could. It was torture. April cooed as she enjoyed the feeling. It was good. John was a thousand times better, but considering what she'd done to the innocent man, he was performing better than she expected.
After three more torturing slow strokes, he couldn't hold back any longer and began fucking her like a piston. It was a steady stroking on the verge of desperation. April was moaning now. He was good. She'd done well, she'd created a human fucking machine, and she shrieked!
That was all Paris needed to hear and he roared loudly as he came like he never dreamed possible.
After what seemed like minutes, he collapsed falling to the mattress just to the left of her. She too was still panting, amazed at how good it was.
From her pussy she expelled their combined syrup like juices in a slow flowed. Paris' mighty cock began to deflate and he slowly recovered. April turned to her side and watched her new toy stir. Seeing her lovely tits so near, Paris reached out to fondle then nurse on them. A few moments later, his ministrations had April amped up again.
He seemed to know what she wanted and he went down on her lapping up their sweet nectar and bringing her off again.
Before she let him go, she fucked him twice more, and he knew he'd have to see her again. Their time together was unworldly.
April watched as he seemed to come out of a trance, they'd showered, played some more. April admired close up the cock she'd constructed. She'd already made up her mind that he could keep her gift. She'd be back to claim it now and then, admitting that April and Paris would be spending time together.
While working in his office and listening to SiriusXM Radio Real Jazz station Paris did the paperwork he'd been putting off. In the back of his mind he remembered having met with Mrs. Martin-Smith. He remembered how gorgeous she was and smiled. She was married and way out of his league. Besides, mixing business and pleasure never worked out well for those involved. The music was playing softly in the background, he'd occasionally smile at something one of the hosts would say about a particular composition. He'd been an avid fan jazz for decades. Just then he heard the Count Basie orchestra began to play one of his most famous pieces, "April In Paris". One of Paris' personal favorites for many reasons including the obvious. Despite this version being instrumental only, Paris found himself sing the lyrics softly.
"I never knew the charm of spring
I never met it face to face
I never knew my heart could sing
I never missed a warm embrace"
He swayed gently in his chair as the music washed over him as he continued to sing the memorized words.
"Till April in Paris,"
He stopped; eyes wide. His cock hardened bulging in his pants almost painfully. The piece was almost completed. Paris sang louder and with more emotion. What was happening?
"Till April in Paris
Whom can I run to?
What have you done to my heart?"
We'd fucked. Shit! No, they'd made love. It was beyond anything he'd imagined possible. His erection was now painfully hard in his pants and he almost ripped them open allowing a monster cock to spring forth. "And she gave me this..."
Like a cobra waiting to strike his enhanced cock hovered over his lap. "I must have her again."
The Basie orchestra just finished the fabulous crescendo and Count Basie's voice said, "One more time," and the orchestra started again. "Yes," Paris said, knowing that he was smitten. The band played to the crescendo again and stopped and Count Basie said "One more once!" And the band began again with more enthusiasm.
"Yes, once more at once!" But he knew that he couldn't just drop in on the married woman. So he did the only thing he could do. He grabbed the monster in front of him. He couldn't believe how large he'd become. Gripping it tightly he could feel it was all him, warm, thick and stiff, Looking like a cobra wearing a hat.
He began stroking the length of his shaft, surprised at the time it took to go back and forth, but it was doing the trick. He focused on April and all the things they'd done together. How could he have forgotten?
Leaning back he stroked and closed his eyes as he imagined it was April stroking him or her mouth sucking his cock. He couldn't imagine her sucking his cock. She didn't. They did just about everything else, but that. He wondered why not that? Trying though he did, he couldn't imagine April sucking his cock. In fact, his erection began to soften the more he thought about it.
Then he saw in his mind's eye those magnificent breasts jiggling before him, those plump ripe nipples as he resumed stroking himself realizing he wasn't far from finishing.
A few more strokes and he exploded, rope after rope of seaman shooting over his head and then landing on his face and chest. It felt almost as good as the real thing. Much better than any of the other times he'd jerked himself off.
"Till April and Paris! Who I will run to? Look what you done to my heart!"
John and April made time for each other at least once a day for an hour or more. April was licking the butterscotch tasting cum from her husband's cock. She never tired of sucking John's cock. He wasn't the least bit tired and would probably fuck her unconscious if he was true to his routine. Since becoming a mistress of one of the powerful rings, her sex drive seemed to have no limit. Of course, John was aware and approved of her taking a lover or two. He was aware of her recent "boy toy".
As she rode him cowboy style she saw an image of Paris jerking off to her. "That's interesting," she thought. He'd overcome her mental block of their tryst. She didn't know how that was possible, but couldn't ponder if further as John had maneuvered them into missionary and was pounding her so good she was about to cum again.
She did. It was on the level of the most powerful he'd ever given her. She screamed, laughed and then she passes out.
Before John laid next to her, he moved a few strands of hair from her face. He still thought she was the most beautiful woman on earth. He flexed his muscle, she moaned but didn't wake. He pulled out; her sweet secretions coated his massive cock. She was a vision. His Apes. His childhood sweetheart.
"Before you go there, son, remember the choices you had. She wanted this as much as you if not more. She doesn't regret her decision and she too is having a little fun with it." His father Dr. Zachary Smith said.