Chapter 06.2
"Hey dad, I know. But she's changing. I don't know if I like that."
"We all change, son. We grow and we mature. It's natural." Dr. Smith consoled his son.
John didn't answer. His father had been quiet for the last several weeks. John had given him many tasks to perform, the cancer cure test had been going well. A cure was now just days away.
Additionally, he was monitoring all the other projects John launched, including the recruitment of new agents. Dr. Smith had never been happier. For John, it was like having a second brain.
"You know son, you've taken this Master of the Ring of Power to a whole new level. I couldn't have imagined this when I wore the ring. I have to admit, I'm out of my depth. I suppose you've a plan. I know you've walled off part of your consciousness that I can't access. I don't blame you. I just want you to know how very proud you've made me."
John didn't answer, he didn't have to. Turning to watch his wife and lover sleep, the nipples on her perfect breasts moving slightly with the rise and fall of her breathing. He was tempted to wake her. His sexual appetite knew no limits.
Checking into his hotel suite was fairly routine, Chance had traveled in his reduced plain unassuming alter ego. He was about the size of Kevin Hart; in fact, the comedian had inspired Chance. The pair of flight attendants he picked up thought he was the talented comedian. Chance saw no need to tell them otherwise.
They were pleasantly surprised however when they shed their clothes, they also shed their inhibitions. Neither were gay, but upon seeing each other naked it was only natural for them to kiss. They were friends. They naturally admired each other's young bodies. A little light touching and playful pinching and licking wasn't out of line. Eating a pussy, that was new. Despite it, they eagerly put on a show for Kevin. He deserved it. As he pulled out his huge cock, they were only too happy to share.
Hours later, Chance still in disguise left the two asleep in each other's arms, thoroughly fucked and happy. They had an early flight tomorrow morning.
Chance was off for his rendezvous.
Everyone was in great spirits. Over the last several months, they'd become closer than family, definitely more intimate.
They were serious and prepared for anything, but was relieved and horny once the burden was lifted. They agreed that one last orgy was in order. Ida Mae, Connie and Lisa looked half their age. Naked they could give a corpus an erection. Evan had never shirked his responsibilities and was more than up to the task. His "girls" had a plan, dividing him in thirds, lips and face, chest and nipples and of course cock, balls and ass. They were determined to make this last time one for the "ages". They drew straws and would begin with Ida Mae kissing his face and lips, Connie drew his chest and nipples while Lisa got everything below the waist. At least that was their plan, Evan had other ideas.
He'd let them begin as planned, but for reasons they could not understand or care, they would end up sucking a pussy or tit and coming like they've never before.
All of three of them had come a long way since it all began. Ida Mae for one had become a very good kisser and it was confirmed once she began dating. She possessed a long and flexible tongue and the softest of lips. Evan had without her knowledge had sweetened her breath making her kisses legendary. She then turned them on him and he knew most men would have imagined they were the only ones in the world.
Connie caressed his lean abdomen while licking and sucking his nipples. Most men didn't know how sensitive their nipples were. Those men were the "Wham! Bam! Thank you, ma'am!" type; never taking time to make love their women. Evan definitely wasn't one of them. Connie knew that even a man's arm pits were an erogenous zone, as was his navel and lower stomach and small of the back (sacrum). She proceeded with her plan attacking all of them.
As for Lisa, her plan was to allow her girl friends to attack first, hard and quick. She'd fondle and caress lightly his scrotum licking a little here and there until he was preoccupied and then attack when she heard his breathing change. Then she'd take him down her throat, she'd gotten very good at "sword swallowing", she like to call it.
The plan was a good one and would have worked on almost anyone else, but Evan loved to fuck with his girls, as much as he loved fucking them.
As they all laid naked on the bed, the girls on their mission, Evan satisfied to let them have their way, bodies were in very close proximity. For reason's Ida Mae couldn't explain, her hand strayed while she tongue danced with Evan and found a juicy pussy. Connie was sucking working Evan's nipples and suddenly found a soft large breast nearby, and the nipple seemed more appealing. When Lisa pulled off Evan's cock to breath, she found a juicy pussy of her own, leaving her hand stoking Evan's cock, her mouth locked on the pussy. As they all writhe on the bed, the girls realizing their plan was lost, Evan put his cock in the nearest hole which turned out to be Connie's pussy.
From there things got very hot very quickly. Ida Mae had to abandon Evan's face, for Lisa pussy that she'd been fingering. Connie had been sucking Ida Mae's left tit, soon went after the right as well. Leaving Lisa free to eat Ida Mae to her first orgasm.
And so, it went, Evan fucked each one as they sucked and licked any open hole available. Even after Evan came in each he'd continue to fuck, never losing his erection. He slid his cock into every hole the girls possessed, hours later, hungry, thirsty and tired. They stopped for thirty minutes before going at it again.
When it was finally over, the girls had lost count how many times they'd cum. They showered, talked and kissed before parting. Knowing they'd never get together like this again, it was bitter sweet. Evan would always have a special place in their hearts, but likely he'd never fuck any of them again, though they each hoped they were wrong.
As for Evan, another chapter in his life, was closing, one that he'd cherish forever. His gifts to his girls would last for years, but eventually it would fade if they didn't work to maintain it.
With Sam believing she was in control of things it was a simple matter to arrive early and enter their small chartered jet. It had seating for sixteen, plenty of space for the girls and their captors, but Elizabeth, Penny and the others would make twenty. Weight wasn't the issue, they weren't bringing any luggage, it was simply a matter of seating, there wasn't enough.
Believing they were models heading for a special event in Miami, all the captured women sauntered out of the bus and into the waiting chartered jet inside hanger 69 at LAX. Most were dressed in jeans and shirts that they had been captured in. None worn any undergarments, models were accustomed to that; it interfered with the quick changes they were expected to perform.
Everyone was in a good mood, yet there was little conversation. It was the new drug's influence, of course. They believed almost anything they were told and didn't question any instructions. A few attempted to converse with each other failed. It was a struggle and quickly abandoned when the only replies they got in return were polite smiles.
It was hard to hide in the small aircraft, so they didn't. As the entourage of women and guards approached the plane, they were snared by Penny's mind control and never suspected the true number of people on board.
Even the flight attendant didn't notice the extra people. After making sure all her guests were comfortable, she recited her safety protocols to her most attentive audience. Ten minutes later they were climbing to 3,000 feet and headed east.
The guards, Sam and Wendy found places on the floor. Sam once again imagining she was participating in an orgy, this time with all the women and men. She had to be tough with them at first, but being men they easily accepted the situation and she enjoyed their cocks while she ate one pussy after the other.
The guards were unarmed immediately, Elizabeth taking their firearms and storing them out of the way.
Amy and the others watched in awe as both Elizabeth and Penny controlled everyone else. Amy cried on Curtis' shoulder as she watched how easily the others were manipulated. Sam seemed content to sit on the floor with an interesting grin on her face. It was one that Amy recognized as the one she wore when she was having sex. It infuriated her. She continued to cry quietly as Curtis tried to console her. Penny saw it all and realized what had taken place. Though neither Amy nor Curtis would know, she altered Sam's dream reality; it no longer was an orgy but became a gangbang, with filthy dirty men using any and all of her holes. She had no control and was screaming when she didn't have a cock down her throat. She couldn't cum and male seaman covered her bruised body. She looked a mess and smelled worse. The look on her face became one of horror, but, she didn't utter a word and remained still. Amy looked again and knew she wasn't enjoying herself, now. She caught Penny's gaze and knew that's where it came from and she smiled for the first time in days.
Penny and Elizabeth talked quietly away from the others. "Okay, we've got Sam to get us to the meeting. We still don't know what to expect or who's on the top of this organization," Elizabeth tells Penny. "So at this point we don't know any more than Sam." Penny countered.
It took some time and a lot of sex, but Maria and Carmen had found what they sought. It was time to move on and pick up with Chance.
"He said he'd be waiting out front." Carmen said aloud, speaking for the first time in hours, as they idled in the hotel drop-off and pick-up zone.
She looked all around but didn't see him. "Hey, who's that waving at us?" Maria asked as they both turned their attention to the tiny black man walking towards their SUV.
He tried the door, but it remained locked. And Carmen rolled down the window. "You must be confused, who are you looking for?"
"I'm looking for you, Carmen. And I can see you two have only grown more beautiful since we last saw each other." Came the familiar baritone island accented voice.
"Chance, is that you?" She wanted to say more, but he cut her off, indicating that he would explain once inside. "Oh?" Maria beat her to the door locks releasing it and Chance quickly jumped in.
"How fast can you get to the port?" Chance asked as he transformed back into his normal size and the car adjusted to the increased weight.
Carmen smiled. "It's about nine miles from here, and about twenty minutes, I can get us there in ten. Why?"
Maria wore a worried look as she held her breath and stared at the giant. "Getting us there in fifteen will be fine, I'll explain as we go." Chance said and watched as Maria relaxed considerably.
The workers had just left, sweeping up the remains of their saw dust and miscellaneous debris from the construction of the new state of the art training building. A cleaning crew would be there in a few hours to polish, wax and shine everything for the debut of JSI training facility.
Inspecting her latest project April strolled through the massive building, noting how careful the team of carpenters and workers had been removing almost every ounce of dirt and dust.
Tomorrow the facility would be christened in a large formal affair that included many city and state officials. Training classes would commence almost immediate afterwards.
It was amazing how much could be done so quickly with the right motivation. Greasing palms sometimes didn't mean money, but favors and of course sex. Not that April had to sleep with anyone, she of course, had at her disposal was countless men and women eager to fuck and suck whoever required it. The huge facility was silent now tomorrow morning it would be bustling with guests, instructors and students. But for now the building was empty and quiet, except for the sounds of her heels echoing through the first floor as she strolled.
Startled at first, sound of the front door opening and closing, breaking her solitude. She felt his presences and she relaxed. She was expecting him, he couldn't help himself. He was drawn to her like a moth to a flame. He did try. It been a few months, hadn't it? He must be almost mad with lust by now.
It wasn't something April wanted, somehow he'd overcome her memory wipe. He'd probably been stalking her, not that it was that hard to find her. This project was getting a lot of attention. However, had she wanted to disappear it was easy enough to do. Over the last few months she'd been too busy to sneak away. She felt him watching.
Paris was surprised that she was alone, no one guarding her not even an assistant to accompany her. She was very near. He could taste her lips. He was hardening. He her heard her footfalls getting closer and his heart raced. He'd be cool; she can't know how much he wanted her. Following the sound he entered the large auditorium and spotted her walking slowly up the center aisle. He sprinted forward, so much for playing it cool, but stopped as he reached the door. He pulled it open. She stood still looking up at him, unsurprised at seeing him.
He thought he could play it off, "I heard the facility was opening tomorrow and wanted to see the place for myself." He consider saying. Even from as far away as he was he could see April almost laugh as if she'd heard the thought. He took a few deliberately slow steps further and lied. "I'm surprise to find you here. I came by to admire what you did with the property. I have to say I'm impressed."
"Liar," April said and walked past him.
Stunned, Paris turned quickly and followed her into the main lobby. All the new furniture was in place, it still required light cleaning, and the carpeted islands still had small remnants of debris.
"What do you want me to say? I'm completely infatuated with you and I can't think of anything else. I've been compensating by fucking almost every woman that I've seen. But they're not you! What have you done to me?"
"Ahh...truth," April said smiling and turning to see her lover's painful smile. He was doing a good job of restraining himself. She was ready to fuck. Her appetite was now almost equal to that of her husband.
"We've about two hours before the cleaning crew arrives. Do you want to fuck or talk; we can't do both, not here anyway."
He didn't need to be asked twice. He ran into her arms, something weird happened and he found himself naked and the two of them lying in a bed in the middle of the lobby. He couldn't imagine how this had happened, but he was beyond caring. He kissed her and he felt her wet pussy sliding up and down his hard cock. Not in, just sliding over it coating it with her juices. It felt heavenly. She stoked him that way for several more times until she was ready and her pussy on its own sucked him inside.
He was now thrusting into her as she wrapped her long legs around him. He didn't know where he got the strength or stamina, but he fucked her that way for a long time. April squealed loudly encouraging him on and spraying him as she came over and over again. Before he could comment they'd somehow changed positions and she was riding him cowgirl. He loved watching her marvelous tits bouncing and swaying with each bounce on his cock. He was beginning to feel that familiar tingle and it felt really good. He knew he wasn't ready to cum, but it felt a hundred times better than he ever remembered. Then, it was upon him and he came. He came hard and roared loud and long. April came too, squeezing her pussy hard and in spurts like a hand squeezing all his cum into her womb. Paris could only grunt as he came and came some more.
As he regained consciousness, he laid naked on his back, looking up at a fully dressed April. She looked unfettered by their romp, smelling like lilacs and looking radiant.
"It's time to get up sleepy head, the cleaning crew just pulled into the parking lot." Before he could think of a response his clothes appeared on the bed next to him and April went out to greet and stall the workers.
As he stood from the bed after tying his left shoe the bed vanished as if it had never existed. Paris shrugged and walked out to where April had been engaged with the crew of ten men and women.
"Paris, this is George and his cleaning team. They all used to be homeless living in the shelter, now George has started this cleaning business and they work for him. Paris sold me this property. Put up a good fight but gave me a great deal."
The diverse group of workers greeted Paris and one of the older men snickered and said something about meeting April and Paris. The comment wasn't lost on Paris.
"Well, we better get busy, we've a lot of work to do and I want to keep this contract. Nice meeting you Paris, Mrs. Martin-Smith. Let's go guys." George said and they left them standing on the steps.
"I'm hungry, you're buying. We'll take my car." April announced and Paris didn't argue but climbed into April's sports car and they drove away at a rapid pace.
During their meal, Paris asked again what April had done to him and why. He was very much intimidated now and reluctant to ask, thinking she was a witch of some sort. April gave him a quick explanation assuring him that she wasn't a witch of any sort, but the Mistress of the Ring of Chastity, explaining that it meant morality, purity, wisdom and honesty. Expounding further that she sees many of those same qualities in him, which may explain their attraction and his being able to overcome her casual mind wipe.
He grew a little more confident and asked about her husband, she again gave the briefest of explanations, but assured Paris it was okay and he may one day meet him, but perhaps not. April admitted that she's had many lovers, but none seemed to be like him. She wasn't certain of what to do.
"Will we continue to be lovers," he asked as his heart seemed to be breaking. She really didn't know. This was new ground for her. She did enjoy his company. Not as much as John, but he was fun and lovable, like a little puppy, one she could fuck and could fuck her back.
"I think for the time being, but when it ends you won't remember me and your life will return to normal," she assured him.
"So you play with me until you tired, and then toss me away like old shoes." He said a bit stronger than he meant, causing April to frown.
She told him in a tone he didn't expect, one that caused his fear to return, this was temporary. She could end it now and spare his feelings if he liked. He gasped and pleaded with her not to, completely accepting her terms. Her light mood was gone and she dismissed him, but then countered with an invitation to the opening which he eagerly accepted.
When she returned home to her husband they fucked like they invented the sport. April and John loved each other immensely and she confided in her husband about recent events.
He smiled and said while softly stoking her cheek, "Now you're beginning to understand my life. Have fun. Do no harm. Try to leave things better than you found them. You can't do better than that." April agreed and she fell asleep in her husband's arms.
The next day was a great celebration and with the success of the two new products sweeping the country the media was on hand to record the event. John stayed in the background while Tammy and April took bows and answered questions. Even when reporters figured out who he was and thought they had John cornered he slipped away and they never found him again.
Their plane landed on time at Miami International Airport, they taxied to their hanger and deplaned. Penny and Elizabeth let the girls go before them, they didn't know what to expect, really.
After hearing about who Sam had tried to turn Amy's into and who she was supposed to whore for, and Sam confirmed. It clearly a Russian backed group of thugs they would be dealing with. There would be guns; the two powerful mistresses of the rings had to decide if they wanted to catch little fish or go for the big fish, if they opted for the latter they'd have to let things play out.
As a chartered bus pulled into the hanger, and the girls stepped back, they knew it was time to choose.