Chapter 07.1
Confrontation at the docks & April finds out about Bubbles & Dinah's arrangement.
Since I've a lot of characters in this saga, it's probably time to re-familiarize readers of the cast and their part in this story. I will be bringing back many more characters from AGFHF (A Gift from His Father).
Cast of Characters
John Smith - "The most powerful and creative Master of the Ring of Power", according the Trio. At the age of eighteen inherited "Ring of Power", a magical ring, from his father Dr. Zachary Smith. The ring endows its owner with god-like powers such as mind reading and mind control, allowing him to become anything he can imagine. Having the ability to convert anyone into "agents" of the ring, John has over 200 agents and still recruiting more. The more agents he has, collecting sexual energy, the more powerful he becomes. At the end of AGFHF, he'd captured the other four ancient rings, reinvented them and promoting his most loyal lieutenants to masters of the ring, bestowing on them similar powers to his own, but at a fraction of his power.
The Ring of Power - Is the most powerful of the five ancient rings. No one really knows the origins of the rings; some experts suggest that they are extraterrestrial. Most agree that they are very old. The wearer, also called the master or mistress, has the power to control minds, change and alter physical shapes and more. The Ring of Power is fueled by sexual energy transmitted to it by the agents of the ring. It is unknown specifically how the other rings are powered, but is likely related to the unique properties of each ring. It is also a prison for all the former masters who have abused its power. It is there that their consciousness is kept until they are considered honorable to ascend. Only a few have proven worthy. The master or mistress of the Ring of Power is able to convert ordinary people into agents (or slaves as some think of it) by affixing a jewel to the agent. Diamonds are the most powerful, and found on every agent. Emeralds, rubies, sapphires and other precious stones have other purposes. But diamonds are used to collect sexual energy either by direct connection or by being in the vicinity of a sexual act.
Dr. Zachary Smith: Former Master of the Ring of Power and now imprisoned within the ring for abusing his powers and the only man who's escaped from this imprisonment, (only to be later caught and returned). Although not completely disclosed, it is believed that his abuse of power had something to do with his unborn daughters (triplets) and attempting to duplicate the powers of the ancient ring. He communicates telepathically with his son John and acts as a guide and mentor. This is one of the greatest secrets of the ring; no one but the masters and former masters knows this truth.
Agents of the Ring of Power - Former masters and mistresses used to enslave the people of their choosing - those then served as an extension of themselves, increasing their reach and power. Masters of the modern era refer to them as agents, and grant them special favors for their service. John Smith (the current master of the Ring of Power) believes in treating his agents more like employees. Special diamonds are affixed to the agents, (labia for women, ears for men) through which sexual energy is collected and then transferred to the Ring of Power. The converted sexual energy is what gives the ring's master strength, power, and allows them to do amazing things. In return for their service, John Smith, like his predecessor, has given his agents many benefits (favors) such as long lifespans, increased beauty and physical attractiveness, immunity from diseases, and limited mind control powers. To some of his special agents, John had granted extraordinary powers, such as shape shifting or telekinesis. His agents have the freedom to live their lives as they choose, as long as they maintain their regular quota of energy transfers and answer when summoned.
Carmen and Maria: Two of John's first and favorite agents, once undocumented indentured servants of his stepmother Jacquelyn Winchester Smith, John transformed them into ravishing tall succulent beauties endowed with all the powers most of his agents enjoy to assist him in the capture of sexual energy. In Chapter 27, they were given enhanced mind reading powers, the ability to communicate telepathically between each other and John. They were also given enhanced speed and agility and formable knowledge of hand to hand combat. However, since these skills weren't needed in they are both untested and forgotten.
April Martin-Smith: Childhood sweetheart, newlywed wife of John Smith and Mistress of the Ring of Chastity. John had sheltered April from a lot of his life until she was abducted and turned into a butch dyke forgetting her true life, by one of the former mistresses. Dinah was responsible for her abduction and corruption. Since becoming a "ring slinger" April became able to punish the lawyer by splintering her mind into another personality, the bimbo known at Bubbles.
Candace Martin: The mother of April Martin-Smith, a former nurse and divorced mother. Having a crush on Candace while he was young, John rejuvenated her body and she has become one of his favorite agents and lovers.
Elizabeth Brooks: The one of the oldest of John Smith's agents (well over a hundred years old) and was one of his most trusted agent (John's right-hand). She has the power of invisibility, total recall and a few other enhancements. She Is now the Mistress of the Ring of Temperance.
Mary Smith: The mother of John Smith, and secret lover of Dr. Zachary Smith (former Master of the Ring of Power) and in many ways was his prisoner. He controlled her and she had limited freedom until the death of Dr. Smith. Through no fault of her or John, they become intimately involved and eventually she became one of her son's agents. Although they speak frequently and maintain a mother son relationship, they meet weekly as lovers.
Jacquelyn Winchester Smith - John's stepmother and Dr. Smith's widow. Standing at 5"5' bears a striking resemblance to Andie MacDowell. Comes from old money (yes, that Winchester Family). John calls her Jackie; no one else gets away with it. She and Dr. Smith had three daughters (triplets), Heather, Isabel and Samantha. John's birth and life remained a secret, kept from his family until after Dr. Smith's death. When John learned he had family he sought them out. Upon meeting them they tried to kill him. Eventually he won "Jackie" over and they too became lovers. John controls her to a point. She loves to play tennis.
Chance Goodwin - One of the original agents/slaves to the Ring of Power once thought to be long dead. Chance himself doesn't know how old he is and has long ceased caring. He fought and lost an epic battle with John Smith when they met. John rewarded him with a promotion to Master of the Ring of Diligence and one of John's best friends.
Penny Jones - Mistress of the Ring of Kindness. She was introduced early in AGFMY, interested in a normal life but was pulled back into John world by Elizabeth when she was the dyke Liz. Recently, Penny had landing tenure at a prestigious university.
Our story continues...
Spring break was just a few days away, finals were almost all completed and the Smith triplets (Heather, Isabel & Samantha) were longing to getting away to a warmer climate, perhaps Miami or San Diego. Northern California was cold during the winter months. Not nearly as cold as many other places, but still cold. Then there was the all too often rain storms, this California's rainy season. Sometimes, it's one rain storms after the other and weeks could pass without seeing the sun.
Relaxing in the locker room, minutes before her big race, Heather tried to think of nothing. She had developed into quite the swimmer and was entered in three events: the Women's 200 Individual Medley, which consists of butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke and freestyle in that order. The Freestyle relay 4×200 and her best event, the Women's 200 Backstroke. In stands were her sisters and mother Jacquelyn Smith. They never missed her meets. She was hoping her brother John Smith might also make an appearance. But she knew better than to get her hopes up, he was always very busy.
Heather didn't quite know what to make of her older brother. Every time she tried to focus on him she'd become distracted in the most embarrassing ways, her pussy would begin to itch and she'd crave for her brother's large hard cock. That wasn't normal, was it? She was so embarrassed by it, that she couldn't bring herself to confide in her sisters or mother. Even now as she relaxed in the warm spa, she began to feel the effects of her thoughts. As she became aroused again, she knew some important things had been blocked from her mind. She needed to stop. It always ends in the same way. She'd masturbate to a great conclusion and forget what led her down that path in the first place. As the tingling between her legs increased, she fought to ignore the impulse to take care of it. She balled her fist, then grabbing the edges of the small pool as she sat squirming. She had to resist. She needed to remember where she was and how embarrassing it would be to be caught, but she was losing.
Fortunately, her coach chooses that moment to check on her star. "Hey champ, how's it going, ready to add another victory to our season?"
Startled out of her daydream, she welcomed the interruption, "You bet coach. Is it time?" She climbed out of the tiny pool, squeezing off most of the water and quickly joined her teammates. Her coach watched carefully as she pretended to be checking her tablet, as the twenty-something athlete jiggled past her. "How does that girl swim so fast with those big tits," she mused. Heather's swimsuit like all her teammates hugged her like a second skin, leaving her shoulders bare and cutting high on her hips and crotch, leaving little to the imagination. It was almost obscene.
Heather was a tall narrow girl with small hips but big breasts. They were only C-Cups, but on her skinny frame looked at least two sizes larger. One would think the drag alone would prevent her from achieving any success. What they never suspected was that once in the water, Heather was capable of reducing her breasts size to what amounted to that of an A-Cup, thus removing the drag and allowing her to take as much as two seconds off her time.
This was yet another gift from her generous brother. They both knew that she'd never be able to compete outside of her college division, John had warned, before granting her the power. Though it couldn't be proven, it was cheating, he justified. It was one of the things that she admired the most about her brother, his honestly. There were many other things too, but as she tried remembering, she found herself again becoming aroused.
All three races were close, but so how Heather managed to pull just ahead in the last half length to provide the winning points for her team to win. It was still all a blur to her. During her team celebration where both coaches and players accepted praise for their efforts, Heather noticed she was getting a lot more of attention from her head coach. There was plenty of hugs and touching initiated by the older woman. Heather didn't mind the attention; she liked older women, perhaps later when she didn't have her family's private celebration, she'd see just how interested her coach really was.
Jacquelyn no longer had the control over her daughters as she once did. She justified it by admitting that they were old enough now to make responsible decisions. She has little say in the things they did or where they went. Since their trust funds had kicked in and they were adults, they pretty much did as they wanted. She was happy they chose to remain at home. "Or was that John's decision? What a strange thought. John having a say..." She stopped in mid thought, shuddering as a small orgasm wet her pussy. It happened sometimes when she thought of him, followed by anger. When she thought about the how long it's been since she last saw him last. "It's been months since he'd been by to see any of us." She didn't understand the power he had over her, things always became a little fuzzy when she tried. But, he never demanded anything of her or his sisters. They were family. He had filled his father's shoes, in many ways. More ways than Jacquelyn was willing to admit.
There were times when she wondered if things may have been different had she and her daughters embraced her stepson instead of treating him so maliciously when they first met. She'd have had more control over how she raised her daughters, perhaps.
This reflective mood led her and the girls to enjoy each other in ways a mother and daughters should never. Since everything was out in the open, now they felt free to enjoy each other's company. They weren't lesbians; they enjoyed a large hard cock occasionally. Playing with the help was still one of their favorite distractions. And Jacquelyn still had her girlfriends, still gay, she thought. Perhaps she should have gone after their husbands, too. Not like they'd stop her. "Perhaps she'd look into that. She was getting too much pussy and not nearly enough cock."
Heather was the oldest of the triplets, and the most dominate by far. Jacquelyn yielded to her more often than she'd like. In this case, she insisted that her mother reward her performance with one of her own. Jacquelyn giggled at the naughty thought, but wasted little time crawling between her daughter's long legs and licking her off to three very satisfying finishes representing Heather's three victories. Meanwhile, Sam and Isabel alternated between the each other in their mini lesbian orgy. It didn't always happen, but sometimes when they got together like this...
"Did she dare to hope or even think?" Jacquelyn admonished herself. She did miss him. She loved him, she couldn't help herself. It was her punishment, she realized. Wanting but rarely having. Having but forced to share. It was a sweet torture. If she could end it, would she be strong enough to do it? She doubted it. When she was with him for whatever period of time, it was worth the agonizing lonely nights without him.
It was almost like ringing a doorbell. He didn't want to frighten them with his sudden appearance. John had grown so powerful now that he rarely drove his cars anywhere anymore, choosing instead to simply teleport himself. He needed only to consider where he wanted to be, see it (taking care so as not to appear before anyone not accustom to his coming and going in this manner) and simple appear.
It wasn't so much as hearing a tone as it was sensing his presence and not being alarmed by it. As usual, John's timing was perfect. Jacquelyn had just finished cuddling with her daughters, leaving them to rest before moving on to the next round of their little party. It usually included a few toys and scented oils. They weren't novices and everything was set aside on a tray where their servant and part time lover Ana left it waiting should things progress this far. Ana was jealous of these family gatherings that excluded her. After all, she was family, sort of. She'd served them for almost ten years. She was treated much better than any of the previous staff. But Jacquelyn insisted that this be her special time with her daughters, particularly since it could summon their master.
Ana knew about John Smith, step son, brother and lover. She didn't like him. Of course, he fucked all of them whenever he wanted. Came and went at will. But she didn't see the hold he had on them; perhaps she was right thinking him a demon. She rapidly crossed herself as her Catholic upbringing had taught her. But then again, they were rich; perhaps that was the way all rich people behaved behind closed doors. They paid her well and the fringe benefits, meaning all the sex she enjoyed was great. She wasn't really a lesbian, at least she didn't think of herself as one. She had sex rather often with one or more of her employers. She didn't have a man in her life; because she spent all of her time here at the mansion. She did have her own family which she saw weekly on her days off or at church.
There was something different about this John Smith. She used to watch him until he caught her, and the way he looked at her was frightening. But that was long ago. He'd never given her any reason to fear him. But, still there was something about him that she couldn't put her finger on.
Working quietly in the kitchen, Jacquelyn's thoughts returning to the mystery that was her life. John Smith controlled a lot of her life, and that of her children. That was hard for her to accept. They literally belonged to him in every sense of the word, despite having a great deal of autonomy. They all seemed to know their limits.
It was while returning with the wine and special treats prepared ahead of time when she felt the warning in the form of her nipples hardening and her pussy beginning to salivate. Suddenly, the tray in her hands vanished along with her silk robe; of course she had nothing underneath it, not that it would have mattered.
"Hello Jackie," he called her by the name she hated and loved at the same time. No one ever called her Jackie! It was so beneath her, so common. But when he said it, it was like music to her ears and she delighted in it. She wanted to remain cool and aloof. It had been months without a call, text or email of any sort. "Two can play that game," she thought. Her resolved lasted a split second, her eyes focused on his young face, his smile filled her with the greatest joy and she slipped into his arms she was made to fill.
"Master!" she cooed, hating the word as they spilled from her lips, and yet loving the sound as it meant that he'd returned. Suddenly he too was naked and his huge cock filled her and despite herself she squealed as she came from his simply entering her. "How was this all possible?" The thought quickly vanished.
Like all of John's women, particularly his agents, they couldn't resist him, even if they wanted to and the longer in his service the less control they had around him. However in Jackie's case, it began as part of a punishment, most of which had been removed over time. Most of which she didn't know existed until it worked on her and was then forgotten. She couldn't help but reminisce how it all began.
She recalled how she looked down on him, her stepson John Smith, and her husband's bastard son. Despite no longer harboring those felling it was part of her humiliation. Her body betrayed her, those long forgotten thought caused her anus to itch and long to be filled. She only hoped that her pussy juices would lube her master's monster cock sufficiently that she'd be able to accept him into her forgotten and forbidden hole without too much of a strain.
Breaking their embrace, she pulled off and bent over the nearby overstuffed chair. She didn't have to wait long John was quickly banging on her tight anus as it voluntarily opened welcoming the forgotten stranger.
She'd forgotten how it made her feel to act so unlike she was breed; after all she came from old money. The Winchester family name was synonymous with United States of America, itself. At times like this when she least expect it she'd revert to colloquialism she'd heard, but never used. "I love your cock in my ass, master. Please fuck my ass like it's my pussy!" She'd blush several shades of red as she heard her voice utter those crude words.
John was only too happy to oblige and Jackie squealed and swore, having no control at this point. It didn't last long, once John had reamed her ass and she came a few times her lesson refreshed, John allowed her to revert back to herself.
The girls were beginning to miss their mother when they too felt the presence of their brother and master. Like their mother, their nipples hardened and pussies moistened and John materialized among them. John smiled and each sister had a strong climax falling into each other for support. Before either could recover, John's never shrinking huge cock split Heather's legs and entering her wet pussy where she immediately climaxed, again. Barely coming down, she felt it build quickly as her brother stroked in an out gently, slowly building up a steady pace. As Isabel and Samantha watched, hoping they'd be next, they kissed while caressing each other, more out of need, than a willingness to play with each other. Heather's screams reminded each of them how good their master and brother made them feel.
How and why did things had become the way they were now was a mystery to them all. At times they could remember the way things used to be. However, most of the time things were a blur. They knew that John was their brother or to be technical half-brother and first born son of their father the famous Dr. Zachary Smith. They knew on some levels their jealousy ruined any chance for a normal relationship with John. They remembered their attempted to kill him, which is why he's now their master. "Was that correct?" To them it seems like many important facts were missing. John had parlayed his small inheritance the he'd received from their father into several smart investments. He then gambled those investments into more sophisticated ones. Then he successfully launched two new products and his wealth and reputation launched him into the stratosphere.
They felt guilty at first about their half-brother fucking them like this. But it was their idea and he was so good at it. They all loved it. They loved him. How could they stop? He was so good to them, especially their mother Jacquelyn and Heather, clearly his favorites. That too seemed strange to Samantha and Isabel, since Heather was so reluctant to accept him, at first. But she too came around and they all got to enjoy his company. Isabel couldn't believe how horny she became whenever he was around. She could fuck and suck for hours on end without needing a rest. Samantha thought she'd die from the earthshattering orgasms he gave her, but each one only seemed better than the last. How was that possible?
Visiting his father's family on the sporadic occasions when he did gave John great joy. It helped to provide him perspective. Despite having clouded their memories, they did redeem themselves. And John did owe them his protection from any and all of his father's enemies. Besides, after a few hours with them, they almost tired him out. Between the four needy women, John was busy as they tag teamed him. He left a large deposit in Heather's pussy after she shrieked for almost a full minute. Jackie and Sam fought to reach Heather's well fucked pussy first, eager to taste his delicious seed. It always made them think of butterscotch. That's weird. It was the best cum they'd ever tasted and they'd do anything to get more.
It was Isabel's turn again and she was ready for his amazing cock. He was huge, but she always managed to get the monster inside her, filling her so full, she thought she could feel him in her throat. Wait, that wasn't true, was it? Her confused thoughts reminding her to the time she'd successfully swallowed his cock completely down her throat and he fucked her like that for what seemed like ten minutes cumming in her belly. But of course, that wasn't possible. She didn't know how she was able to breathe, his cock obstructed her windpipe. There was indeed such a thing as, "too much of a good thing." Isabel bounced up and down on her brother's tower of power, her large breasts bouncing lewdly in every direction. Large breasts ran in her family, and since they were triplets, they all shared that gift, too. Was that right? She questioned that too, as she bounced and slid forward causing her enlarged clit to rub against the base of the huge cock she impaled herself upon. She was working hard and working up a good sweat, loose hairs attached themselves to her face. She was panting and loving this workout.
Heather screamed again as her mother and Samantha tried to dig more of her brother's cum from her splayed pussy, resulting in getting her off again and creating more of her own nectar for them to share.
Meanwhile, Isabel's life was turned upside down as somehow she was on her head as her brother pounded her into the carpeted floor like a pile driver. It was a funny sight to watch as John fucked his helpless sister and her body quaked with the impact of his pounding. Her large breasts drooping down so that her hard nipples were within tongue reach. She managed to wrestle one into her mouth as the pile driving continued. She was moaning hard now, on the brink of a really strong release. It was at that perfect moment that John replaced his cock with his hand while invading her unprotected ass with his slippery cock. The combination pushed Isabel over the edge and she came! It felt so good, she howled for what seemed like minutes, while John continued his assault on her ass. Before long she was howling again, she'd never cum from being fucked in the ass. But this was no normal ass fucking.
Hours later, when all the women were tired and collapsed upon each other, John did that thing where he cleaned himself and was again dressed. The great room reeked of their sex play. Disheveled but fucked into a state of euphoria, Jackie detangled herself from her spent daughters; standing on wobbly legs approached her master. She was giddy drunk on sex and the possibility of having him to herself.
"Wait, he was dressed, his magnificent cock put away." She staggered forward, she felt her body shimmer and then return to its heighten sexual state. John had cleaned up and styled her hair as only he could and she was swept into his embrace. They kissed deeply, causing her to want more of his cock. "Don't leave. We can fuck some more, can't we girls?" All three of his sister's had collapsed from their ordeal and were snoring softly intertwined with each other. "Well, who needs them, I certainly can." She leaned in and they kissed again, this time Jackie began to come again. It wasn't as mind blowing as the others she'd had that night, but it was significant. She moaned and let the marvelous feeing wash over her. She'd cum just from kissing him. "How was that possible?" Recovering she stood on her own feet again, her juices running down her leg. "We all relish your visits; I just wish they were more frequent." Speaking her mind unfettered by John's mental fog.
"I do too. I miss you all sometimes." John said as he looked down at the naked woman, once his mother's rival and then an evil stepmother, she was now more like an aunt, an aunt with benefits. He joked to himself. He'd wished it wasn't necessary for him to keep them foggy about their memories and time together, but it was for their own good. He needed to keep them safe and unencumbered by their relationship, particularly now. Reporters were interested in him and the digging wasn't going to stop. At least should they be approached they wouldn't be able to say more than he is a distant relative. He'd be going public soon; it was time to announce the cancer cure. It was time to visit Brenda.
He was listening to his favorite jazz station when his song came on again. It wasn't just his song but their song. "Did she even know it?" He was working on some e-paperwork, there was always paperwork. There was a knock on the door, it was early. He hadn't yet showered or shaved. He padded off to see who it was. Through the door window he saw a silhouette of a woman, so he opened the door.
"Mistress," He wasn't sure where those words came from, but he didn't have time to ponder it.
"Hey lover, are you going to let me in?" He stepped aside as she glided past him into his modest home. She cocked her ear, "They're playing our song." Still stunned, Paris finally shut the door and rushed to meet April as she looked around the living room. Before he could reach her, he felt weird vibration and he was stripped naked and cleaned, even his beard was gone. Then the embraced and kissed. It was dizzying, he felt the room spin and then he was reclining in April's arms, looking up. She was just as naked, her marvelous breasts rising and falling as he admired them for a moment before squeezing the left and taking the large perfect nipple in his mouth and sucking.
She loved breasts play, and April was learning how much she loved to be in control of their love making, something she rarely had with her husband. The suckling of her tits was having the right affect, making her wet, she needed her pussy to be investigated, too. Instinctively, Paris' hand wandered down covering her sex, exploring its wetness before entering her warm tunnel. She was ready. Paris let the nipple slip from his mouth, and looked deep into April's blue eyes for a moment before sliding down between her thighs.
Her womanly odors were intoxicating and Paris went straight to their source. He lapped and licked as her juices increased. He imagined living on her nectar, she came several times filling his mouth and he drank all she gave. She was ready for his cock, the cock she'd given him. He knew it. Rising he moved forward dragging his massive tool behind him until the head reached her opening and then like before she sucked him in.
He'd never get over that. "How was that possible?" After the euphoria of being inside his mistress subsided a bit he began to pull, but he couldn't move. April held him firmly, letting him know that she was in control. He waited and then she relaxed her grip and he pulled back almost to the point of pulling completely out before she sucked him back, balls deep again. She was toying with him. He usually had plenty of stamina, but now he felt on the verge of a mighty orgasm and he'd not even begun to stroke her.
He pulled out and then pushed back in, this time as he had planned. He repeated this two more times before he erupted and roared loudly as they came together. It was strange and wonderful at the same time. He didn't have time to react, before he found himself alone in the bed, April fully clothed and looking radiant.
Sorry lover, I only have time for a quickie. But, I want you to take that monster out for a spin. I'm sure there's a woman or two that could use a good fucking. If you find a good one, bring her back and perhaps I'll join you both for a little threesome.
She blew him a kiss, turned and walked out of his home. Leaving poor Paris dazed and confused. Before he could feel sorry for himself, his might cock sprang back to life, still wet with April's juices. He grabbed it and began to stroke himself. He could still smell her. As he continued he thought of several women he could fuck, married and single. He didn't seem to care. He needed to find the right one to bring home for him and Mistress April to fuck.
As the waitress poured more coffee into her cup, Judge Simms began to think this all was a big mistake, looking at her watch again. Just as she had made up her mind to leave Dinah appeared at the restaurant's entrance scanning the tables and then finding the judge seated stirring her coffee. She waved and walked quickly across the small coffee shop. It was awkward. The last time they had seen each other it didn't end well. Feelings on both sides were hurt. Judge Cheryl Simms looked as lovely as Dinah remembered. She now wore a touch of silver in her hair, but other than that she seemed to have maintained or improved on her physic from what Dinah could see.
"Thanks for meeting me," she said leaning over, and then catching herself and as she was going to kiss her former lover, out of habit. "I'm sorry I'm late, the traffic didn't seem to want to cooperate."
"You're lucky you caught me, I was just about to leave." Judge Simms said in a no nonsense tone.
"I'm truly sorry, please forgive me." Dinah pleaded.
Judge Simms didn't respond, but asked, "What's up? Why did you insist that we meet?"
"I know that you are still upset the way we left things. It was of course my entire fault. I was pretty self-centered back then, really full of myself. I didn't mean to hurt you."
Gritting her teeth, she replied. "Yes you did. You didn't care."
Dinah swallowed. Yes, you're right. I didn't care as much as I should have. For all those times, I'm sorry."
"So what is this? Are you on the 12-step program? Fine, you've said your piece. I'm good, so long." She grabbed her purse and began to get up.
"No wait. It's not that!"
Dinah went on in a single breath, telling her former lover how wrong she was and that she still loved her. She wanted to see if there was any chance of getting back together in an exclusive arrangement.
"What makes you think I'm still available? Cheryl said looking at Dinah suspiciously.
"I know that you are. That's why I wanted to meet." Dinah confessed.
"And how would you know that exactly?"
Dinah smiled.
"Damn it. Denny can't keep his mouth shut, fucking fag! If he weren't such a good legal clerk, I'd fire his ass, long ago."
Dinah reached out her hand and placed it on top of the judge's hand. She knew she'd won a small battle. "Then you'll consider taking me back?"
"We'll see." Cheryl smiled. "Let's say I'll give you a chance to make it up to me. And it's going to cost you plenty. I hope that new job of yours pays better than the partnership, you're going to need it."
"Oh, you've heard I left the firm?"
"I hear things. JSI, huh? Summer Tan and Tits, you should consider using you company's products. You'd probably get a discount." Cheryl said stinging her pale girlfriend.
"Ouch! Same old Cheryl, sharp tongue, quick wit and all," Dinah countered.
"Who are you calling old?"
"I love what you've done with your hair."
With the preliminaries over, the two former lovers talked catching up and making plans.
The bus door opened but the girls didn't move. An annoyed bearded man stepped off the bus and called out for Samantha.
Sam was already on her way. Looking the man up and down, she asked. "Where's my money?"
The man frowned and said in broken English that she'd have her money once the cargo was loaded on the freighter. "Why don't we split the difference? You give me my money once we arrive at the dock, then you can load the cargo."
The man laughed. "The boss said you make good negotiator. Okay we do it your way."
"Girls, hurry and get on board, we can't keep the director waiting. We're behind schedule."
Realizing the urgency, the women scurried on board quickly finding their seats and welcoming the cool air, the Miami humidity was unexpected. Sam led her entourage aboard, as Penny and Elizabeth shielding their group from the guards. They saw no firearms, but there was no doubt the men were armed.
The decision was made; Penny and Elizabeth were going to see how far up the food chain they could go. Both knew at some point they would have to take on these Russians. Things were bound to get nasty.
The black SUV carrying Carmen, Maria and Chance slowly pulled into the pier. "There that's got to be it Red Witch." Chance said, "Red as in Russian."
Maria thumbed her iPhone 11; "it says here the Red Witch is registered to a Chinese company."
Chance explained that the registry of a ship didn't mean much, a clue but often used to disguise the true origins. Maria shrugged. Knowing that Chance had lived a lot longer than she, if he says this is it she'll take his word for it. Carmen pulled slowly into a stall about a hundred yards from the big ship. Chance pulled out two pairs of binoculars. The black tinted windows made it impossible for anyone to see into the big BMW SUV. It was late and the pier was mostly deserted. They must be early, that was good. They would gladly wait.
The main auditorium of JSI (John Smith, Inc.) was packed full of reporters, news cameras and news celebrities. This was too big of a deal to be trusted to local affiliated reporters, the network anchor were all on hand. After a brief announcement from CEO Tammy Bowen, she introduced the company founder, John Smith.
"Smith rarely participated in news conferences or any of the company's recent product launches, such as Summer Tan or TITS. Both of which has taken the country by storm and turned this small company into a behemoth overnight," one of the major network anchors announced to her audience as they watched John Smith move to the podium.
Taking the spotlight, despite his reluctance, John was confident, charming, witty and a natural. He announced that his company had found a cure for breasts cancer, stunning everyone in attendance. They had expected a major announcement, but this was bigger than they had expected. He continued by stating that his team of scientists would answer questions when he is finished, and the cost of the treatment would be less than twenty dollars for the initial dosage, and the price would move down from there. Additionally, he added, the formula would be made public in a few weeks and companies that wished to manufacture it would be licensed to do so. And he stated that his team would explain that this cure would lead to other cancer cures.
Taking a handful of questions from the press, John artfully deferred to his scientific team for the more technical answers. The press was enamored with him and couldn't get enough. In short, he told the story was that while developing TITS, the cure was discovered. Since JSI didn't need the money, with the success of TITS and Summer Tan, he would have preferred to give the cure away for free, but was advised against it by their legal team. When he was done, John slipped into the back, allowing his team to move forward and take questions.
"Ladies and gentlemen, you heard it here first, John Smith, founder of JSI and the man that has made TITS a household word, has now announced a cure for breasts cancer and is practically giving it away." One famous anchorman reported as their live coverage was ending and other reporters began asking more technical questions of the JSI scientists.