Chapter 08.1
Who is John Smith and what happen at the pier?
The network presidents were enraged; they couldn't buy this reclusive billionaire. He turned down all of their offers, including appearing on any one of their talk shows including late night television. The best thing they could do was to put up their best shows or repeats to compete, but they all knew the majority of viewers like themselves tuned in to their competitor.
"In an exclusive interview here on NBC News, you'll meet John Smith, the man who cured breast cancer and made TITS™ a household word. Tonight he'll be interviewed by Brenda Stark of the San Jose Mercury News." The familiar nightly news anchor stated, and then he faded out to be replaced by a broad view of the studio.
Sitting comfortably in a Giorgio Armani midnight blue suit, white shirt, ruby red solid silk tie, matching pocket square, and cufflinks, John Smith still in his twenties, boyish good looks and twinkling blue eyes looked into the camera just over Brenda Stark's right shoulder. He smiled as Brenda greeting him and the camera panned out so that you could see both, reporter and John Smith seated across from one another.
"Good Evening Mister Smith, or would you prefer that I call you John," Brenda asked, knowing how he'd reply, this was for her viewers. She hoped the extra cologne she'd strategically places all over her body would get her through the interview. Being this close to her master and not being able to touch him would take its toll, she like all the other female agents suffered from the same affliction. She took all the precautions she could imagine, including wearing a napkin and tampon despite it not being her time of month. She hoped it would be enough and her arousal wouldn't overpower her flora scent or her mind, this was national and possibly international TV.
"Please Ms. Stark, John is fine," he replied. (Brenda, I've set up a two way communication between us, we can talk privately through this link. By the way, you look gorgeous. I think we'll need to spend a little personal time together afterwards.)
"Only if you call me Brenda," she countered, suppressing the urge to jump into his arms. (Master this is hard enough without making promises like that. You have no idea.)
(Don't worry, I've got you. I've given you a little extra concentration and wisdom for lack of a better word. You're doing fine just relax and remember to smile.)
"So, John, after your startling announcement on curing breasts cancer everyone in America if not the world is dying to know more about you." She paused and smiled, moved a stray lock of hair from her face. She was flirting with him and the camera was eating it up. "I'll summarize what we've been able to dig up; you can fill in any blanks." Smiling again, she glanced at her notes. John smiled back, she was doing great.
"You're a native of Mountain View, California, raised by a single mother, and the son of the late science mogul Dr. Zachary Smith." (Go ahead, I won't take offense, John said) "You never met your father, but you received a generous inheritance which you rolled into a small fortune, creating John Smith Inc. aka JSI. You then parlayed that into two earthshaking products; SummerTan™ and TITS™." (How am I doing master?) Benda paused for affect and then smiled and resumed. "Which brings us to the present, how did you or your team of scientist find the cure for breasts cancer? And what does it mean for all the other forms of cancer?"
Smiling broadly, John modestly accepted credit for the cure and products; careful to make it known that it was a team effort. It couldn't have been accomplished without his family of employees and his team of scientist. Claiming unlike his father, he didn't know much about science or chemistry. "As far as the other forms of cancer, JSI research is available to other companies to build on our success." He then credited his mother for raising him well and spoke of his love for his childhood sweetheart and wife, April. (Here's a good segue.)
"Speaking of your wife April, could you tell us more? Is it true she was your childhood sweetheart?"
(Great question, Brenda.) With John's praise Brenda's juices began to flow freely, testing her self-control and preparation. She could definitely smell her excitement. She was going to be with her master again, just her alone, not having to share him with anyone else. She was losing her focus and concentration.
With great affection, John told his story of growing up in a neighborhood a surrounded by friends and about April's crush on him. A crush he never suspected until their senior year of high school. While telling his story, his excitement and passion left no doubt in anyone's mind how much he loved April. The television audience was enamored. Wives chided their husbands; young women sighed and prayed one day they too would find someone who loved them as much. Television executives expected the ratings would be high, the results dwarfed their expectations.
The rest of the interview went the way you'd expect it. Brenda through her master's support was brilliant. She asked the right questions at the best time, playing off the previous comments expertly. She asked about plans for new cancer treatments, new products and what could they expect next from JSI. Additionally, the interview was sultry. Brenda and John seemed to love conversing. Brenda seemed to hang on every word, while John couldn't wait for the next question. The network executives vowed not to let Brenda leave the building without getting her signature on a contract, knowing if they didn't others would. Once the ratings were tallied everyone agreed this interview was hotter than the Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga's duet during the 2019 Academy Awards presentation.
"Thanks for a pleasant conversation, Brenda. It was fun." John said aloud, while through their connection he told her he had a suite at the Ritz-Carlton, San Francisco and he'd teleport her there as soon as she's clear from her after interview activities. (Don't make me wait; I may have to snatch you away regardless of where you are.)
"Thank you John Smith, we all look forward to seeing what you and JSI come up with next!" She turned to the camera on her left, "And thank you for tuning," and batted her eyes.
"And we're clear," the director announced and the entire studio erupted in applause. John smiled. Shook a few hands and went into the hall and disappeared.
Brenda quickly made the rounds thanking everyone then excused herself to use the ladies' room. As soon as the door closed, she dematerialize only to materialize again, naked and in front of her master. She didn't wait a single minute as she ran the short distance to him as he magically shed his clothes and they embraced.
Brenda crushed her large breasts against his chest pinning his erect cock against her belly as her juices ran down her leg. "Oh Master," she sighed and as she inhaled his scent. They kissed intensely, tongues wrestling in each other's mouths. His tasting minty and fresh like he's just brushed. She pulled away only long enough to scoot up enough to impale herself on his enormous cock, and she came immediately.
John carried her the short distance to the bed, but Brenda insisted on riding him a bit longer as he stood still letting her lift herself on and off him, screaming in delight as she got herself off again and again.
After watching the befuddled and drugged women, and soon to be mindless sex slaves, perform a military marching maneuver worthy of the best drill team, the Russian mafia leader asked. "Is that the drug?"
"Yes, they can learn all sorts of things and not even know they've learned it. They are the perfect slave or sex toy or perhaps both." Samantha replied smiling broadly and removing the traces of her hair that blew into her face.
"I want this drug; I want these women, too. But I want drug."
Stepping out from the shadows, the leader of the Zoe Pound, a big man with braids clinging to his head, a black nylon tank top and black jeans sagging on his athletic frame showing the top of his white boxers and several gold chains around his neck came into view. "Drugs, you can't sell drugs. This is my territory. All drugs come through me!" He was known as "Repeat", (his gang name). He finished with a menacing stare, as his gang fanned out, weapons trained on all targets.
Elizabeth and Penny watched as the gang interceded. Elizabeth was about to act, she didn't quite know what to do, but she had to get control of the situation. Just then her cell vibrated in her pants pocket indicating a text message, and she quickly retrieved it.
"At your nine o'clock and ready," it read. She breathed again and replied, "K". Turning to Penny, "Reinforcements are here. I'll take point, follow when you think wise. Protect the civilians," then she moved to a tactical position.
The Mistress of Kindness looked back at her charges, Curtis, Amy, Rick and Wendy. She wanted to say something but held back. Curtis took the initiative. "We know...protect the girls and don't get killed." Penny nodded and followed behind Elizabeth.
They didn't know what to expect. Even though Elizabeth had seen all kinds of crazy things in her long life and Chance even more, they were mostly untested. They had powers, but outside of a few parlor tricks, they'd never turned them on anyone in a desperate situation. Penny hoped she'd be able to control it and not harm anyone that didn't deserve it.
"What the fuck is this?" The Russian said looking at Samantha suspiciously then back at this black hoodlum and these clowns.
Sam was as surprised as the Russian, and then turned to the gang leader. "You really need to leave before you ruin things. You don't know what you just stepped into." But her warning fell on deaf ears.
"You heard her Boy," the Russian said. "You leave. Get out of here before you and your posse get themselves killed."
Insulted twice within a minute, Repeat grinned but held his composure. "Shut the fuck up, Ivan. I oughta put a cap in your ass for GP," stepping forward and pointing his pistol at the Russian's head, he turned to Sam and asked what she feared he tuned in on. "Okay bitch, where's the motherfucking drugs?"
The Russian just laughed, and swore something in his native tongue that garnered a chuckle from his countrymen. He assumed all of his men were covered. But he still had a surprise of his own. Repeat looked back at the Russian. He was cool under pressure, even with a gun pressed to his temple. Gritting his teeth, Repeat thought maybe he should just "off" the asshole.
Still in his miniature size, Chance turned to the girls and smiled. "Looks like I'm up. Be careful and watch each other's backs," he said and then he sprinted the hundred yards where Repeat held the gun on the Russian leader. His speed caught everyone off guard he stopped in the center of the group and yelled. "All you assholes put your weapons down before I make you regret it!"
The both the gang and the Russians stopped and stared for a few seconds, trying to comprehend what they were witnessing, then everyone burst into laughter. It was just the distraction that they needed. Rick, Curtis, Amy and Wendy move to the temporally forgotten intoxicated women ready to hustle them back to the bus. They held their breath, and waited until they were sure they weren't noticed.
"What are you laughing at? Do as you are told. This is your last warning!" The little man yelled and stomped his foot, definitely surprised and indignant that they didn't obey. He of course was stalling; from his vantage point Chance could see the entire theater. All their people were in place and ready. In the blink of an eye he transformed into his regular size and began swinging fist and moving faster than anyone imagined a man his size could move.
Awakened from their surprise, the gang began shooting in at the places Chance had a spit second just vacated as they tried and failed to hit the whirlwind as he moved swiftly between Russian and gang member, knocking them off balance and into each other, while some fell hard to the ground.
Half tempted to watch, Curtis and the others told the women to return to the bus, but they didn't move. They remained motionless staring off into space. From her crouched position, Sam turned hearing the commotion behind her as Wendy and Amy dragged two women away. Sam was about to yell out a command when she found her voice gone, confused she tried again and again, grabbed her throat as if it would loosen her vocal cords. When she realized her voice wasn't going to return she looked for a safe place to avoid the bullets flying near her. Seeing none she dived behind and then under the Russian's car.
Thinking quickly Penny erected what she hoped would be a bullet proof shield between the civilians and the shootout. She realized it was working as she felt it catch several stray bullets meant for Chance.
From her location Elizabeth used her line of sight to zap gang members and Russians with temporary muscle paralyzing bolts causing them to fall or be struck by the flying kicks or punches thrown by Chance as he maneuvered his way through the threat.
Russians and gang members ran for cover and continued to fire upon each other. Out of targets, Elizabeth spotted the Russian leader, weapon drawn firing at anyone not under his control. He turned and saw some of his women being led back to the bus and began firing in that direction.
Seeing that the abducted women were oblivious to their situation Elizabeth casted a thought to them and felt it take hold. She watched them scurry towards the bus. That done she was ready to entered the fray. Before she could get too far she felt a revolver pressed against her head. This really pissed her off and she turned faster than conceivable dis arm the man and tossed him aside like a used Popsicle stick. She had been being careful not to kill or harm anyone too badly, but they weren't playing by the same rules, she needed to change her tactics.
Chance too, trying not to seriously injure anyone, so he settled for punches to their chins and jarring kicks to their solar plexus. Carmen and Maria did what they did best, working together sneaking up behind one gang member, unarming him and commanding him to sleep, surprised that it worked and moved quickly to neutralize as many as possible.
Under Elizabeth's mental suggestion the women dashed on board the bus, followed by Wendy, Amy, Rick and Curtis who quickly secured the door. Rick was shouting at the bus driver to leave, until he saw the big man slumped forward over the steering wheel, the bullet hole through the windshield spoke volumes.
Before Rick could entertain any further thoughts he was stunned further as he watched the drugged women began making out with each other completely ignorant of their current situation. They were not only kissing but pulling off clothes and tossing them away. Rick tried to squeeze by a pair, only to be pulled into a desperate kiss as he felt his belt being unbuckled and his pants opened. He wasn't the least bit turned on until he felt his cock slid into a hungry mouth and a few strokes later he erect and enjoying the pleasant feeling of a growing orgasm.
Ahead of him Wendy and the others too found themselves pulled into plush seats and similarly assaulted. In Amy's fragile mental condition she couldn't fight it; she wanted and needed pussy and cock. Curtis was pulled across the aisle as two women had his pants around his ankles while pale large tits were thrusted into his face while he tried to regain control. Needed little convincing, Wendy gave as good as she got, and soon had one of the dazed women as pant less as she. The woman played with her hair and then shoved her bald pussy in her face, Wendy didn't hesitate.
It wasn't long before everyone onboard was paired off or in trios no one fighting the overwhelming urge to fuck. Clothes were flung everywhere and sound of licking and sucking joined the chorus of moans and shrieks as it echoed throughout the luxury bus.
She was tiring. Penny had never produced a force field and was more surprised that she could, but it was draining her. Suddenly she felt new strength throughout her body as a flow of sexual energy buzzed through her labia where her diamond was attached; a pleasant feeling engulfed her renewing her depleted strength. She was surprised again as it not only restored her spent energy but she was able to increase her force field. No longer did she need to concentrate to keep it activated. Smiling she moved to a defensive position where she could easily guard the still idling bus. Why hadn't they left or tried to leave, she wondered.
The Russian leader made it safely to the trunk of his luxury rental and pulled from under a blanket of all things but a "Bizon", a 9mm Russian submachine gun. He pulled a few levers lifted the weapon ready to level anyone in his way.
"I don't think so!" Elizabeth said as she mentally ripped the weapon from his hands, followed by a right cross to his chin. The man crumbled to his knees and fell to the ground unconscious. The sound of gunfire began to subside. Elizabeth turned in time to watch as Chance unarmed the last Russians and the final bullet fell harmlessly to the ground as it bounced off Chance's personal force field.
Maria joined chance and cuffed the man behind his back with disposable plastic restraints law enforcement used when working crowd control. She and Carmen worked quickly to retrain all the others. Thinking it was the perfect time to run; Sam crawled from under the black rental and began to sprint towards the parking lot and the buildings beyond. Just when she thought she was out of range she slipped behind a parked car, bending over and panting. "I just might make it out of here alive," she thought. Then for reasons she didn't understand she stood up and began waving her arms yelling "Here I am. Don't worry, I'll be right there," and began jogging back to join the group who were all amazed.
Penny cheered, "Got ya," as she let down her force field and signaled to Elizabeth that they were okay. Bullet casings littered the ground. "The authorities will be here soon. We need to get out of here. What do we do with these guys," Chance asked just as Penny joined him and Elizabeth.
"I have an idea," Penny said.
Back in her SUV, Maria drove with Carmen and Elizabeth in the back, they followed the bus out the of the port district. Chance drove the big bus, as the orgy continued, all oblivious to what had occurred and still fucking although now with different partners, except for the bus driver who laid strewn across the back seat, breathing and unconscious, his wound bandage the bullet removed.
The number three news story of the evening behind "Encouraging Signs for Cures of all kinds of Cancers" and "Who is John Smith?" was a a story from Miami Florida about a foiled human trafficking operation.
"It turns out that about twenty women, all American citizens were rescued from a Russian human trafficking gang by the most unlikely of heroes," reported local Miami NBC affiliate reporter Kim Ruiz-Jackson. "The notorious Zoe Pound gang became heroes today as they rescued dozens young women kidnapped from the west coast and headed for parts unknown." As the reporter continued, the camera panned the scene, where police and FBI worked behind the familiar yellow crime scene tape collecting evidence and questioning witnesses, and paramedics tended to the wounded. "The gun battle didn't last long, but hundreds of rounds were fired. Fortunately, no one was killed but several were seriously injured."
Among a small fleet of ambulance "Repeat" sat quietly as a paramedic attended to his wounds. The young gang leader had multiple wounds none life threatening; all had been lacerations where bullets just grazed his brown flesh. Law enforcement was still working on validating his story that he and his crew were only at the pier to pick up a shipment, but it never arrived. They saw a line of women being forced to board the "Red Witch" a cargo ship bound for China and intervened. Other questions remained, "There were reportedly almost twenty women abducted, where are the others? Who was the short blonde woman handcuffed and taken away by the FBI?" The story continued.
At the airport, the team gathered in the hanger for their trip back to Sothern California. Chance had a hard time convincing the women to leave the bus, he could have simply commanded them but was reluctant knowing the drug was still in their systems and he didn't want to make things worse. So, being the kind and gentle soul that he is he reluctantly fucked each one to a happy conclusion as one by one they exited the bus. When he was through, he woke the bus driver and provided him his story, handed him a bonus or very large tip and climbed out of the bus.
Rick and Wendy watched as the remaining kidnapped women still drugged but feeling a pleasant buzz from their sexual romp lined up to board the plane home. Most still deeply under the drugs influence others appeared to be coming around slowly.
Amy and Curtis stood nearby a little embarrassed by their behavior on the bus, but realizing how badly things could have turned out. "I have to admit that I had fun in the orgy." Amy confessed to Curtis, concerned that his opinion of her had changed. Letting out a huge breath he didn't know he was holding, he pulled his girlfriend close in a loving embrace. "You were awesome! I thought I would be jealous, but instead I was proud. I didn't expect that emotion." Curtis said and then kissed her passionately before she could respond. She felt him harden and pushed him away laughing.
"You can't be serious! As many women as you just fucked you're ready to go again? You're a fucking machine! Perhaps you and I both are better suited for porn?" She laughed.
Curtis shrugged. "I'm just your average red blooded horny American male." But in the back of both their minds the thought stuck.
"You, Curtis are anything but average," Amy said. Then her spirits seemed to dull. "What does this mean for us? I'm willing to share if you are? And if I'm truly honest, I think I'm addicted to pussy and the feminine touch."
"I'm willing to share; it could be a lot of fun. But, I'm not into guys." Curtis warned as a matter of fact.
"Well as long as you don't mind me trying out a new cock now and then, I think we can try it and see how it works out." Amy said and pulled Curtis back into the interrupted hug and kissed him again.
Rick and Wendy waited with the other, the silence between them was deafening. "Go ahead Rick ask," Wendy said. Knowing that during the orgy and Rick saw her once proud tits slapped against her belly like two deflated balloons. She'd really enjoyed herself, despite her condition. Rick had a nice cock, not too big and she easily swallowed it all down her throat while one of the women ate her pussy. She wasn't much into women, but the orgy had definitely had her questioning that choice.
"Okay, what the fuck happened to your tits? There, I asked. Not that's it's any of my business. But you did have an awesome rack!"
Wendy took a deep breath. And for the first time seriously thought about what she was going to say before speaking. It was her fault. She fucked with a powerful person and she got fucked over. She imagined she could look into cosmetic surgery. It would be expensive, but she could afford it.
Looking at Rick she admitted the truth. "I fucked up and messed with the wrong person. You've seen only a small part of what these women can do," she said as she glanced at Penny and Elizabeth. "It could have been much worse. I deserved worse." She paused and then continued. "Thanks for the fuck and not being totally repulsed by me."
"Well," Rick said with a smile, "You looked like you could use a good fucking. Besides, you still have a nice ass and legs that go one for miles."
That brightened Wendy a bit and she continued. "I really fucked up. I think I need to make some major changes in my life. Maybe move south to LA or San Diego and start fresh?"
Rick shrugged. He knew Wendy hung out with some questionable folks. He really could condemn her, how did he get caught up in all this? He was just a high school teacher. But apparently someone found him easily corruptible. His memory wasn't too keen about it all.
The last woman climbed out of the bus walking gingerly, and wearing an interesting grin on her face. Chance quickly joined Elizabeth, Penny, Maria and Carmen. "How's the bus driver?" Carmen asked before anyone else could. Just as the bus made a few loud groans and pulled out of the hanger, not before the driver waved goodbye.
"He'll be fine. I'm out of walking around money, but he's got a healthy tip and his wound is mostly healed. He'll have an interesting story to share when he makes it back to the bus yard. The police will connect the dots and our rescued women will gladly corroborate his accounts." Chance said as he looked around and followed Carmen's stare.
"What's the story with those two?" Carmen asked referring to Amy and Curtis. She and Maria had been eavesdropping on their conversation using their mental abilities.
"They're with me," Penny said and explained who they were and how they came to be among them. Carmen smiled, as Maria slapped her arm, knowing what her friend was thinking. "Are they going back to Cali with you?" Carmen asked.
Looking at the two and seeing how far they'd come in a very short time. "I expect they are, but that's up to them. They do have classes to attend, but after the last few days, I don't know if that's still a priority."
"What about you Big Guy? Coming out west?" Elizabeth asked their giant friend. Chance smiled that million dollar smile he was famous for and declined. "Perhaps another time," he said. "I've a lot to do back home, the Island may be small but I've been enjoying the simplicity of home."
Turning to the twins as they were lovingly referred to, "What about you two, Maria, Carmen, we've plenty of space."
Both girls smiled and agreed. "Not just yet. Unless Master has an assignment for us, we think we'll just stay in Miami a bit longer." Carmen spoke for the two of them.
"Looks like it's just the six of us," Elizabeth said. "The pilot is ready when we are; I think we should head back to LA. I've still a little unfinished business to attend to."
"Hey buddy. You busy for lunch, my treat!" Mark viewed the text and thought out loud. "How does he do that?" He texted back: "Sure John. Where should I meet you?"
The reply came back instantly. "Are you alone?"
"Yeah why," Mark texted his friend, as he looked around.
"Just a moment," John said.
Before Mark could ask his bedroom began to fade and he was standing stark naked in middle of a Jack London Square.
"Oops! Sorry..."
Mark disappeared and then reappeared clothed in the type of clothes he'd normally wear with a slight upgrade in quality.
"I'm not even going to ask how you did that!" Mark laughed as he walked up to his childhood friend and greeted him in his best bro-hug and hand shake.
"Sorry I assumed you'd be dressed."
"I just got out of the shower. Nice threads, thanks." Mark said as he looked at his clothes.
John cocked his and raised his eyebrows.
"A couple of my neighbors thought it was a good time to meet and, shall I say and enthusiastically welcome me to the development. Is this JL Square?"
"Yeah, we used to spend a lot of time here when we were kids. Remember the arcade?"
"Of course I do. I used to kill you every we played Space Invaders. My top score survived for months!" Mark remembered.
"Fun times," John said.
"What's up? I haven't seen you in weeks. Is everything okay? No crisis?" He looked at his best friend then hit himself in the head with the palm of his right hand. "Fuck me! Sorry, the teleporting thing had me a little disoriented. Congratulations on curing breasts cancer!"
A large smile creeped slowly across John's face, "Thanks. Do I need a reason to see my best friend? Where do you want to eat, how about Heinold's?"
"I thought you wanted to eat, not drink. Shit, I don't care you're buying, Heinold's is fine."
Both John and Mark loved dining and drinking there. Heinold's First and Last Chance was one of the waterfront oldest restaurants and saloon, opened by Johnny M. Heinold in 1883. They loved the history and romancing about the way somethings survived from old California. They were further impressed to learn the name "First and Last Chance" refers to the time in which for many sailors, this pub was the first and last chance to drink alcohol heavily before or after a long voyage and is the historic watering hole where the famous author, Jack London, (himself) practiced his writing.
The hostess found the friends a booth that had a view of the entire saloon. She flirted shameless with both men, and they with her. She was pleased to see they were into women. "Darlene will be your server; she'll be with you shortly."
Mark and John smiled and watched the hostess return to her podium. She was a twentysomething coed from UC Berkley with the looks of a movie star and charm to match. As advertised, before they could finish commenting on the hostess, Darlene greeted them. This month's theme was privateers, so the waiting staffs all worn 1800 period costumes (the guys dressed like pirates and the women like wenches), the owner's way of changing things up and playing to the tourists crowd, hoping to increase the quarter's earnings. Darlene wore a white pleasant blouse that fell low on her shoulders and a colorful scarf, hooped earrings and long pleasant skirt. She quickly made John and Mark forget about the hostess.
"What can I get you to drink?" She asked.
"You, poured into a tall glass," Mark responded without thinking.
John snickered and asked. "What do you have on tap?"
After reciting a short list of beers John decided on "Sierra Nevada's Hazy Little Thing".
When Mark commented that he'd not heard of it, John assured him that he'd enjoy it. Darlene smiled, pivoted and said she'd be right back.
"She's a cutie. I wish I could see more."
John smiled. "Same old Mark, I thought you just got laid."
Mark barked out a huge chuckle. "Look who's talking!"
John laughed loudly and the two joked. Soon Darlene returned with two frosty mugs of the IPA.
"There you are," setting the two glasses down without spilling a drop. "Have you gentlemen decided what you'd like?" John turned to Mark.
"I'd like your Ribeye, 12 ounce, cooked well, the Brussel sprouts and steak fries." Mark said. While he was ordering, unbeknown to both Mark and Darlene, her white blouse became transparent just for John and him.
Mark stared for a moment lost his thought and then recovered. "Can you also bring me a small garden salad, please?" He gazed into her eyes and then back at her chest. "She had no idea."
Darlene was gifted in the breasts department and worn a heavy bras to hold back her assets. Without her being the wiser, her bra had complete vanished just as her blouse became transparent revealing a very nice pair of double D cup tits to the guys.
John ordered the clam chowder and a Cobb salad, as both men enjoyed the view. John told her mentally that she'd not miss her bra, and that she was very horny. Immediately her nipples hardened and poked forward. They were nice plump nipples that both men craved to suckle, bright pink contrasting nicely with her pale skin.
She didn't understand why she was becoming so aroused but imagined both men having their way with her. Regaining her composure, she realized this was a very important order and repeated back. She excused herself and all but ran back to the kitchen to fill the order.
"I don't know how you do that, but damn. She's got a nice set."
"You my friend are the master of understatements," John said.
Before they could finish their beers, Darlene had brought two more. She lingered and both admired her twins. "I get off at midnight." She said knowing she'd found a pair of men that truly appreciated her and perhaps they might be fun, she thought. John smiled. "You get off now."
Darlene blushed heavily and despite her reluctance had a small but very satisfying orgasm. Normally, very noisy having sex, she didn't know how she remained quiet or how any of this was happening.
She smiled embarrassingly, and felt her juices running down her leg. She thought she would smell her aroused sex, but to her surprise she only smelled the scent of her cologne. "Excuse me, I've other tables. I'll be back soon with your meals."
As she left, John heard her thoughts, questioning her sanity and how she could let such a thing happen. "What if someone saw me?"
Just as quickly, the awful thoughts disappeared and she hurried to take care of her other guest.
"So what do you think? Would you fuck her?" John asked his buddy.
Mark looked at his buddy, "Did she just have an orgasm?" Finally catching on, Mark said he wasn't sure. "Perhaps if I could see the rest of her I could decide. She's pretty and has nice tits, but there's more to a great body than just tits and a pretty face."
John smiled, "I agree."
When Darlene returned with their plates, Mark nearly spat out his beer. There she was placing his meal before him, completely naked. To others she was fully clothed, but to Mark and John she was as naked as the day she was born.
She stood up straight and asked, "Would you like a steak sauce and ketchup?" Normally efficient, Darlene didn't bring them to the table like she typically would have, she wanted an excuse to drop back bye.
"You're earning yourself quite the tip," John said.
"Fuck the tip, I want the whole shaft!" She blushed again. It was a full body blush. John held her in place so they'd see it complete. "I'm sorry; I don't know where that came from?" Darlene was never this forward with her customers, it just wasn't professional.
She rushed away as they watched her naked ass sway. She was athletic. Not an ounce of fat on her legs. She had a cute muscular behind.
John asked again. "Would you fuck her?"
Mark smiled as he cut into his steak, "She's almost perfect. If I could only see her pussy close up, then I could decide."
John laughed and ate his clam chowder. Darlene returned with the two steak sauces and a new bottle of ketchup.
"Excuse me, Darlene. I hate to be a nuisance, but that picture just above Marks head is crooked and it's driving me nuts, would you be a dear and straighten it?"
Darlene was eager to please and looked at Mark, "Excuse me," she said and pulled up her invisible dress and stepped on the booth bench and reached for the picture. "How's this?" she asked.
Though fully clothed, to Mark and John she was totally naked and Mark's face was just inches from her pussy. It was a pretty one with a closely cropped blonde landing strip just above it. Her pussy lips were bright pink, "an overstuffed taco" and Mark could smell her cologne. Just as he was about to play his last card, John manipulated her pussy lips, causing her lips to open and then close.
"That's perfect. Thanks." John said. And Darlene backed up and Mark grabbed her by the waist to steady her as she stepped down.
"Not a problem, enjoy your meal," she turned and resumed her duties as John and Mark again admired her body.
John looked at Mark smiling.
"Yes, damn it. I'd fuck her. How did you do that?" Mark asked knowing he'd not get a response.
As they ate they talked about many topics and John was able to be himself, something that seemed rare for him to do. He was in the company of his best friend. Someone that knew him both before and through all the craziness that was his life.
Mark was right, John never answered those direct questions, it was as if John had enchanted him in some way, Mark simply accepted the things John did, knowing that they were unusual, but not being bothered by them.
Not that Mark needed any help, but John loved his childhood friend, and from time to time would grant him unasked favors and abilities, nothing extravagant, just subtle things that would make his life easier. As for Mark in all his life he never asked John for a single selfish thing. Both cherished their friendship and through their continuing contact John was able to unburden himself of much of the baggage he'd accumulate as Master of the Ring of Power. His father Dr. Smith was very helpful, when John needed assurances or questioned his motives, but it was different hearing it from his lifelong friend, even though Mark wouldn't remember many of the details of their conversations.
As they finally talked themselves out, Darlene returned with the check. "I believe you sir," she put the check in front of John, "get the bad news."
John smiled and accepted the check glancing at it he pulled out two large bills from his money clip and handed back. "What time did you say you get off, again?" John asked wondering if she'd fall for it again.
"I get off whenever you say," she smiled and was rewarded with a mild tingle. "Tell your manager you're leaving early and not to worry about it. We'll be waiting here, and keep the change." John said.
A short time later she returned wearing a light sweater, the Bay area can cool off quickly when the sun sets. But to John and Mark her tits were still very much in view as well as the rest of her. She led them out the restaurant and asked where they were parked. It was dark and no one was around at the moment, so John and Mark closed on her position and they vanished, only to rematerialize at John mansion.
"Every have a threesome," John asked.
This time Darlene's clothes did in fact disappear and she knew they had somehow been magically transported and she was stripped of her clothing. Mark too was naked, his cock hard and erect, the biggest she'd ever seen in person. Instead of being upset she smiled and calmly approached the tall young black man, "I haven't but for some unknown reason, I've been thinking about it all night." She said and then seeing John naked with cock even larger than Mark.
"Well, if you find that appealing perhaps you'd like to up the ante, and go for a foursome?" The unmistakable female voice belonged to John's wife, April.
Darlene hesitated, first thinking she was the jealous wife, then replaying the question quickly in her mind realizing what she was being asked.
Despite growing up in the Bay Area, Darlene had never imagined making love to another woman. The thought frightened her for a moment, just as quickly she calmed down and shrugged it off, knowing no one would make her do anything she didn't want to do.