Chapter 01.1
And now for something completely different! Not sure where this idea came - part Conan style fantasy homage - part my normal incest style story - and much, much more. I'm sure you'll agree this is not my normal fare and I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts!
As always, this is a work of fiction and all characters within are simply figments of my imagination! Enjoy.
Although the great age of heroes and villains is now long past, lost amid the ruin and dust of time, I, the storyteller, remain to remind humanity that giants once walked the Earth, that humans lived, fought and lusted with a furiousness and passion now lost to this race. I alone can tell the tale of Jonos, Conqueror and King, Lover and Loved. Gather around me and revel in the telling of his glory!
Old King Janish stirs restlessly from his throne, wandering the nearly deserted hall to gaze out a window at his capital city of Atria. A bloody moon hangs over the city and he grins up at it. It is a good omen -- a moon of death overlooking bloody deeds below. "By now the deed is done," he mutters to himself, unconcerned with his personal guards always standing nearby.
A soft sob echoes through the room, drawing King Janish's attention from the window and to the woman who sits slumped on the steps leading to the dais of his throne.
His eyes slide unappreciatively over her lovely body, dressed scantily in silk wraps that do little to hide her bountiful breasts and long, shapely legs. "Hush woman," he snaps. "He's my son, too and it must be done." For a moment, he does acknowledge her almost unearthly beauty, but only in that it reminds him of his own aged body, now immune to the lusts and desires of his younger years. "Damn witch," he hisses as he steps by her and resumes his wait on the jeweled throne of Agosta.
He begins to nod off, his thoughts mixing with his dreams. He finds himself in the streets of the city, mist rising up to dim his way. Off in the distance he spies a proud, young man walking towards him. Tall, muscular and striding with the ease and agility of a noble panther, long hair brushing his shoulders as he walks, almost hiding his face...his almost always scowling face. He is flanked by two of the Prince's Guard, cloaked in the red and black colors of the Prince. He hears one of them saying something about a visit to Lynestra's -- Atria's most opulent bordello and the young man laughs lustfully and nods agreement. At that moment, his guards suddenly pull their swords and the young man turns, a look of shock and disbelief on his face as the two armed men close with him. The mist swallows them up and there is an awful scream...
King Janish jerks awake, startled as the great doors to the throne room open with a boom to admit a cloaked and helmeted member of the Prince's Guard. Janish sits up, his heart suddenly pounding. Below him, the woman sits up as well, her lovely, dusky face streaked with tears. Everyone's eyes are drawn to the sword held low by the guard, much of its length darkened by blood that still glistens on the razor edged metal.
"Is it done? Is my son dead, Captain Leone?" the King rasps. "Does your sword bear the heart blood of Prince Jonos?" He stands and takes a step downwards, barely able to control his desire to take the sword and embrace its potential to restore his youth and vigor.
The guard approaches and holds out the sword, hilt first. "Your command was obeyed, my King," a harsh voice replies.
The woman on the dais begins to weep again, sobbing, "Jonos, child." Ignoring her, the old man descends the dais, laughing and holding out his hands to take the sword, his face alight like a child receiving gifts at Winterfest.
The guard speaks again, "Your command was obeyed, my King, but...Father, your men failed." With one hand, the guard quickly removes his helmet and the long hair of the Prince Jonos tumbles to his brawny shoulders even as with long practiced ease, the long sword in his left hand is twirled and caught at the hilt.
The King halts, his eyes widening in surprise. "Jonos? Alive??" He backpedals up the steps. "Nooooo. Guards! I am betrayed!" he wails.
The several guards stationed around the throne room begin to move towards the young prince but stop as he holds up his free hand and with a voice used to giving commands, cries out, "NO! I claim the right -- the right of challenge between one who is wronged and the wrongdoer. My father attempts to kill the rightful heir without cause or justification. I now demand the right of satisfaction." As he speaks, he undoes the clasp of the red and black cloak, letting it billow to the ground. A long bloody slash runs the width of his torso, still oozing blood from a nearly fatal strike.
Jonos stands dressed only in the kilt he mostly favors as apparel, his nearly naked body well muscled and gleaming with sweat. He offers his sword up as guarantee to his next words. "Any man who stands against me in my quest for satisfaction will die slowly!"
The guards look uncertainly at each other and then all look to one man for guidance, his colors are the black and purple -- the Captain of the King's Guard. He nods and motions for his men to stand down. "He has claimed the right." The Captain removes his helmut and nods to King Janish. "Your majesty...Prince Jonos, by your leave." He points towards the door and his men march out.
The old King looks on in absolute horror, continuing to back up until he almost stumbles against his throne. "Jonos...there is a misunderstanding. You don't know...I am your father...I AM YOUR KING!" King Janish's face is ashen as he gropes around the arm of the throne until his hand closes around the hilt of "Vanquisher" the sword of Kings for time immemorial that he had once led armies into battle with. He raises it uncertainly and looks at his son. "You owe me your allegiance, boy!"
Prince Jonos smiles back darkly. He begins to climb the steps. "And you had it, Father. I would have given you my life willingly had you but asked. But this rank betrayal...and only to extend your own miserable life. Leone told me everything in the end -- your plans to use sorcery..." The Prince glances over at his mother who is on her knees, staring at him in disbelief, "...and my blood to regain your youth..." Jonos steps up to face his father on the dais. "You want my blood, old man, come take it if you can."
At the taunt of "old man" the King's eyes fill with insane anger and he lunges at his son, the sword slashing through the air with a speed that belies his faded age and vigor, hissing, "Whelp of a whoring witch, I will kill you!"
The sword descends towards Jonos' unprotected neck only to miss as at the last possible second, the young prince simply steps aside and then before the King recovers, his son drives his own sword home, deep into the King's black heart.
King Janish gives a pained and anguished cry, then squeals like a wounded sow as his son twists his sword and in a soft, almost tender voice, says, "I claim it all, Father. What was yours is now mine," again glancing over at his mother, her face paling as she watches her husband's life blood spill onto the dais. "Everything, father. Your throne, your kingdom, your all belongs to me now!"
Jonos twists his sword again, the sound of flesh and muscle tearing echoes wetly across the room and King Janish's final cry of denial and rage die, choked off in a gush of blood from his lips. Jonos gives a harsh laugh and jerks his sword free from his father's still standing body. He stares into King Janish's now sightless eyes and with contempt, shoves the lifeless corpse off the dais to land with a meaty thump. Jonos looks at his dead father with satisfaction, his eyes coming to rest on the sword still in Janish's grasp and then the bejeweled gold ringlet sitting askew on his head.
The young man turns to the Queen and in a voice that brooks no argument commands, "Mother, bring me my sword. Bring me my crown." He eases himself into the throne, making a little grunt of contentment
The woman, her hands clasped at her breast can only stare at her son in amazement for a moment before she can tear her eyes from his nearly naked form and rise to her feet. She tries to ignore her son's frank and interested stare as she walks towards her dead husband, her body moving lithely. She has felt his hungering eyes before, his amongst thousands who have looked with lust upon her comely body.
Her large and magnificent breasts heave mightily under the scant silk wrappings, huge, jewel sized nipples now erect and visible against the filmy material. Her bare, flat stomach and shapely thighs do more than hint at her well toned and fit beauty. Her dark eyes which give her away as a Princess of the far off lands of Elysiis flit again and again to her son, unable to meet his piercing gaze.
She squats carefully, long strands of silk covering her sex, but molding against her pudena, revealing the shape and fullness of her mound. She removes her husband's crown from his head and then pries 'Vanquisher' from his hand. Slowly she then climbs the steps to the foot of King Janish's -- no, now her son's throne. She holds out crown and sword to her son.
Jonos snorts and says in a voice full of derision, "Kneel before your King, mother."
She takes a deep breath and slowly drops to her knees, knowing full well she offers her son a splendid view of her extravagant cleavage. She cannot help but blush before his gaze, especially as she realizes that she is almost face to face with a prominent tenting in her son's kilt. Jonos takes the sword from her and then raises his head and cries out. "King's guards -- you are commanded to enter the Hall."
As if waiting for their cue, the great doors open and the company of the King's Guard just dismissed, march in, accompanied by three men in rich, luxurious robes. The Guard spread out and resume their stations while their captain approaches the throne. The Queen begins to rise, but a single command of, "Stay as you are, Mother," keeps her kneeling before her son.
Jonos nods to the soldier approaching and the Captain of the Guard halts and kneels. "Captain Torrene, did you know of my father's plot to kill me?"
Torrene raises his head and removes his helmet, his short gray hair almost gone white. Despite his advanced years, Jonos knows him as a skilled and deadly warrior. Without hesitation, he replies, "Yes, my majesty. I knew."
Jonos nods and then turns to the new arrivals, each wide-eyed as they stare at the now blood soaked corpse of their King. "Ministers -- Lords Krane, Sykes and Lorrel -- did you know of the King's plot to kill me?"
Each man blanches and looks to the others and then shakes their heads and cry out, "No!" and "Madness!"
Jonos nods watching the Captain's reaction as well as that of his father's closest advisors. He sees something in Captain Torrene's eyes that he doesn't see in the others. "Captain Torrene, who do you serve?"
The old man nods and replies, "I serve the King."
"Am I the King?"
Again the old officer nods and says, "You are, by right of birth and by right of challenge."
"I believe you. Will you continue as my Captain of the King's Guard?"
Something akin to fire flashes in the old man's eyes and he smiles grimly and says, "My life is yours, Sire. Command me."
Jonos smiles, cold and harsh and replies, "Rise, Captain Torrene. Stand ready to serve." He turns again to the advisors. "Gentlemen, who do you serve?"
The three men prostrate themselves and babble, "You, your majesty -- we are yours to command." They look at each other with some signs of relief.
Jonos smiles and says, "Very well. Please throw yourselves out yon window." He points to the very window his father gazed out of scant minutes past. "It is my will that you jump to your deaths."
The oldest of the three advisors, Lord Krane of the Treasury sputters. "Sire? You jest surely?" When Jonos shakes his head in the negative, Krane draws himself up. "My King...I am your Warden of the Treasury. You cannot command me to jump out a window only to die. I'm...I'm...IMPORTANT!" The other advisors nod in agreement.
"No, Krane -- you are mine to do with as I see fit. Captain, help them along."
Tollene replies, "As you command, majesty." A few simple signals and his men are in motion and one by one, the screaming, protesting advisors are hurled out the window -- their cries fading before merging into three wet and crunchy explosions.
All return to their stations and then as one cry out, "Hail, King Jonos!"
Jonos smiles and then returns his attention to his mother. "Mother, am I your king as well?"
His mother finally meets his gaze. "Oh yes, my King. I am yours -- command me."
Jonos smiles and says, "Rise, Queen Celise." He looks at the soldiers in the room. "I am King Jonos, by right of birth and by right of challenge. The Queen of my treacherous father herself swears allegiance and now places the crown upon my brow." He nods and his mother steps up and behind him, so close he can smell her perfume -- jasmine based, as well as sweat and something else. He can feel her full, voluptuous breasts brush against his bare back as she gently places the crown upon his head.
She steps back and cries out, "King Janish is dead, Long live King Jonos!" Her cry is echoed by all in the room. She moves to step away but Jonos's arm shoots out and takes her wrist in an iron grasp. "Mother, did you know of my father's plot?" He jerks her around and down to fall at the foot of his throne. The violence of his action exposes her right breast, huge and fleshy and for a woman of at least fifty years, marvelously firm and upright without a hint of sagging.
Queen Celise stifles a sudden urge to cry and beg and with her eyes filled with shame, nods quickly and replies, "Yes, my son -- forgive me."
King Jonos snorts derisively and says, "Captain Torrene, have my mother escorted to my father's -- HAH! -- to my chambers and guard her well while I consider her fate." Guards appear on either side of his mother and take her by the arms. She is crying silently now, but does not beg for mercy as she is led away.
Once she has left, Jonos instructs his Captain further. "Summon the High Council. Inform them we shall meet at high noon come the morrow. Spread the word throughout Agosta that I have slain my father in challenged combat and claimed the throne. Let any who would challenge me make their claim tomorrow."
He stands and descends the dais, 'Vanquisher' still in his hands. "Recall Captains Prius and Nasser from the Battle Lines -- have the wizards bring them. I want them here when I awake come morning."
Torrene nods and replies, "As you command, majesty."
Jonos steps over his father's corpse and strides from the room, followed by two of his Guard, pausing only to call over his shoulder, "Leave that wretch's corpse where it lies."
He stops in front of his parents' bedchambers. Two Guards stand there already. "Do not disturb me or the Queen till morning," he commands as the Guards take up station. He grins darkly, making the guards swallow and sweat. "No matter what you hear."
Jonos pushes open the doors and slams them shut behind him. Scented candles scattered about, illuminate the room. The opulent bed covered with furs and soft satins and silks sits empty. The room is filled with a lifetime's worth of mementos and trophies from his father's near six decade long reign. A great tapestry divides a small portion of the room from the rest and he stalks over to it and gripping the ancient piece firmly, he rips it to the floor, revealing the Queen's portion of the room -- her lair when the King had dismissed her from his bed, but wanted her to be close at hand.
A small, but luxurious bed sets across from a small vanity with silvered mirror that stands against the outside wall. Before it, his mother, Queen Celise sits, her eyes downcast. Without looking up, she whispers, "My king, what do you wish of me?"
Jonos feels his heart swelling with a storm of conflicting emotions which spur him into enraged action. "Witch, I wish I knew!" He springs towards her, grabbing a fistful of her dark hair and jerks her upright and she screams as he then hurls her across the room, knocking over a teak table and shattering a bottle of Elysiisian wine on the cold stone floor.
Celise lets out a terrified cry and struggles to her feet, her knees skinned and bloody from the impact. Jonos storms towards her, bringing his sword up and touches the tip to his mother's throat. "Should I kill you now, Mother," he hisses, his voice quivering with rage. "Would you have worked the spell for him -- would you have used my blood -- the blood of your son to restore my father's youth and vigor?" He steps closer, his sword tip pressing hard enough to ever so slightly pierce his mother's skin, causing a trickle of blood to run down her long, slender throat. He puts his lips to her ear and whispers, "Did you miss your husband's cock so much that you would kill your son to regain it?"
Celise trembles with fear, but her son's last words provoke an almost angry reaction. "NO!" she cries out. Her hands come up to cup Jonos's face and she says, "You are my son. I love you and I am no dark sorceress! can you even think of such a thing?"
Jonos takes step back and snarls, "You knew! By your own confession you knew what father wanted and you did nothing to stop him!" His right arm tenses as if preparing to run his mother through."
Tears pour down his mother's face as she sobs, "He was King -- I could not betray him!" She tries to reach out and caress Jonos's face again, but he places his hand against her chest and keeps her from moving. Both instinctively shiver as his flesh touches hers, her breast soft and firm beneath his palm. Celise stifles a moan and whispers. "I would have done his bidding as his wife and then I would have killed myself for my deeds.
"You are now my king, Jonos. Believe what you will and do what you will, but know that I have always loved you." Again she shivers as his hand digs into her meaty breast while the point of his sword scratches the soft skin of her throat.
Celise moans as she feels her son's hand clench, tearing into the silk fabric of her wrap. Jonos growls, "I believe you are a devious bitch." His voices grows raspier as he squeezes her breast, the silk giving way and his hands, still stained with his father's blood brushes her flesh. "What is truly in your heart, Mother, I do not ken."
Celise moans as his tight grip on her breast brings both pleasure and pain. Jonos is breathing heavy -- the tent in his kilt reappearing now as his mighty chest heaves. Celise's dusky skin darkens as she blushes with embarrassment and arousal, her heavy and firm breasts bouncing slightly as she shakes with fear and other almost animalistic emotions. Her large, thick nipples swell, perhaps from the cold air, perhaps from something else. Between her legs, she feels her well groomed forest of black hair go from moistness to sodden heat.
"What is in my heart is love," she breathes. "Love for my son, love for the man who has freed me from the depredations of an evil man, love for my King." Celise reaches out and grasps her son just below the knee. "What would you have me do, my son, my king, to prove my love and loyalty to you?" She gazes into the stormy eyes of her son as she speaks, her hand sliding upward a little.
Jonos licks his lips and says softly, "I am the King and you are mine to do with what I will -- do you not agree?" His kilt shifts noticeably as the swelling of the tent becomes more pronounced.
Celise cannot long bear his gaze and then as she looks downward, she averts her eyes from the obvious erection her son is now sporting. "Y-yes, my majesty," she whispers.
Jonos chuckles. "What to do with such a conniving witch? He tickles her throat with 'Vanquisher' lifting her gaze to his sneering visage again. "Perhaps I should just kill you. Perhaps I should spare your life and send you to work in the mines in the mountains." He laughs again, harsher and says, "Perhaps I should sell you to Lynestra. You have the body of a fine whore, Mother." He drops the sword from her throat and with his other hand tears the silk cloth from her bosom. Celise moans, her eyes full of fear and desire
"Would you make a good whore, Mother? I imagine men would pay a pretty bit of coin to bed a Queen. What of it, Mother -- shall you be a whore?"
Celise's face continues to darken and she finally raises her gaze to meet her son's stare. "If you command it, my liege, I will fuck every man in the kingdom. If you command it, my king, I will be Lynestra's finest whore. If you command it, my son, I will be your whore." Her hand trembles as she slips it up further under her son's kilt, his mighty hewed thigh leading to his great penis. Celise moans as she tries to wrap her delicate hand around his cock and fails. Her eyes widen -- showing her amazement at his length and girth. Celise's voice cracks as she whispers, "I will be the finest lover you will ever know, my son."
Jonos's eyes gleam with lust and he laughs, tossing the sword across the room and with his fingers digging painfully into his mother's breast, brings her to her feet. "I told Father that everything that was his was now mine, including his queen and so it shall be!" he hisses before mashing his lips against Celises. She moans into his open mouth as his tongue spears between her lips, spreading them and finding her tongue, a fresh duel beginning of wet fleshy tissue.
Celsie's head spins as her son kisses her like a familiar and passionate lover, her tongue coiling around his, spittle dripping down their chins as they kiss hungrily, her sucking on his tongue and then yielding to his hunger as his lips trap her tongue and sucks it, his teeth, trapping and scrapping her soft, wet flesh.
Through their long and ardent kiss, the queen's hand never leaves her son's erect member, slowly stroking it, her mind racing with awe at its immense size. Jonos's sword hand slips down her mostly bare back until it becomes entangled in the remaining silks that wrap around her lower body. With little effort expended, he rips his mother's remaining garments from her, leaving her naked in his arms.
The young man's lips begin to nuzzle his mother's soft neck, lips smearing with blood from where his sword had been moments before. Celise feels herself begin to swoon, her head falling back, exposing her neck to her son and her full, ripe breasts. She cries out as Jonos ducks his head and bites her long, swollen nipples, the pain rocketing through her body, transforming into knee weakening pleasure.
Suddenly Jonos snarls and flings his mother onto the king's bed. Before she has come to a stop amidst the furs and fine cloth, Jonos is on her like a ravenous beast, tearing his kilt from his body to reveal his great lust for his mother. His cock is swollen and immense, longer than any man's that Celise has ever seen, thicker than any she has known. Her heat beats in trepidation at the thought that she might be assaulted by his mammoth member while her labia begins to pucker with eagerness at the prospect of entertaining his truly kingly cock.
"I am yours, Jonos," she moans, spreading her legs wide, her thick but trimmed pubic hair, parting to reveal her drenched pussy -- her juices literally dripping from her sodden cunt. "I will be your mother, your queen, your whore, my lord!" Celise groans as she thrusts her pelvis at him, fingers digging into the bedding, desperate for her son's immense penis.
Jonos barges between his mother's thighs, laughing at her as he presses his body against hers, a hand intertwining itself in her long, dark hair and yanking her head back and exposing her neck. "Slut, you will be whatever I command you to be, I don't need your declarations of love or fealty. You are mine, wench whore!"
Celise screams as her the huge head of her son's cock spreads her labia and enters her! It is iron rod and spongy head and thickness itself and opens her as no man or object has ever done before. Her screams escalate as he plunges swiftly and steadily into her womb, ever forward, her own tightness proving to be no obstacle. The silken sheets are ripped as she claws them, her whole body convulsing as if on fire and indeed, her mind and body are consumed by a pleasurable conflagration as she commits incest with her son. Thoughts of buying his mercy or preying upon sentiment are seared from her thoughts as the rapturous joy of mating with her son overwhelms her.
Orgasmic fury sends Celise's screams echoing throughout the palace, no doubt leaving the guards at the door wondering what their new King is doing to his mother, as he fills her completely and still he thrusts forward, stretching her, almost tearing her as he pummels her cervix with his cock!
"JONOSSSS! TOO TOOO MUCH MY KING...SON OH GODSSSSS YOU'RE TOOOO BIG SOOOOO BIG!" Celise sobs, her hands now in balled into fists and she beats at his brawny arms and shoulders in vain as her son begins to piston in and out of her, her pelvis almost pulled along as he withdraws, his meat is wormed inside her so tightly and then she cries and writhes as he thrusts again into her, the pleasure so intense that the difference between it and pain is almost...almost indistinguishable!
Sweat pours from the young king's body as he fucks his mother, he is almost eerily silent as a thousand nights of fantasy become reality and he masters his mother with his mighty penis. His lips alight upon her skin in a hundred places, kissing here and biting there, hands mauling her bountiful, heavy breasts as he bits her nipples hard enough to draw blood. Celise's orgasm is unacknowledged by him although he appreciates the liquid fire of her pussy cream, providing enough lubrication to keep from tearing his mother apart.
Energy born of incestuous passion seems to fill the air -- it almost seems to crackle, albeit the only manifestation evident is the sudden increase in the intensity and height of the flames of the many candles in the room, pulsating in time with Celise's orgasms, fueled no doubt from the sorceress's own fulfilled desires.
Gradually, her struggles to stop the intense sensations of pleasure cease, replaced by a sense of humility and wonder as Jonos seems intent on fucking her forever. Her wordless cries never wane although her voice grows hoarse and strain as orgasm follows orgasm as Jonos relentlessly fucks her.
She is lost in her pleasure and it seems to go on forever, then almost defying belief, she feels her son grow within her, his massive cockhead battering away at her womb seems to grow and then he roars, like the great lion of the savannas, announcing his mounting his mate and thrusts hard and begins to cum.
All previous understanding of orgasmic delight is washed away as now the true joy of incestuous pleasure ignites within Celise as her son and king begins to flood her pussy with steaming hot semen. Like the Great Geyser of the Everfrost Highlands, he does not seem to stop as burst after burst of Jono's cum fills her hungry cunt until she cannot understand how her body can take it all. As ecstasy spreads throughout her body, it as if her very flesh is absorbing his seed and converting it to a form of pleasure she never dreamed could exist.
Celise is so lost in her own rapturous joy that she is totally unaware that she has lost consciousness until she is ripped back into the waking world when pain and pleasure mix as her son grips her hips and pulls his still thick and erect cock from her clasping cunt. Jonos grins as she moans and writhes underneath him as she is deprived of his manhood. "You make a fine whore, Mother," he says as he rolls off her and onto his back. Celise is amazed that while covered with love sweat, her son is scarcely winded.
"Your fine cock would make any woman wish to be your whore, my king," his mother replies, stretching like a lithe panther. "You surpass your father in the bedchamber. You fuck like a god, my son." Celise rolls over on her side, curling up against her son and draping one long and shapely leg over his muscled thigh. Already, she can feel the copious deposit of her son's kingly semen oozing from her well fucked cunt.
"Bring me wine, whore," Jonos commands, a pleased smile on his face at her compliment. As his mother slithers unsteadily off the bed, he slaps her round bottom, leaving a distinct red hand mark on her ass cheek.
Celise staggers towards the wine cabinet, somewhat shocked at how shaken she feels with her son's seed trickling now down her thigh. She glances back at Jonos and a thrill goes through her body as she feels her words are truth. Her son, lying back on the large bed, appears like a painting of a god, his broad, well muscled body perfect, flawed only by the scars of battle, his long dark hair so much like her own, framing and partially hiding his face, although she can feel his lusting gaze roaming over her body. Most amazing of all is his giant's cock, rising from his mighty thighs like a great redtree, glistening now with his sperm and her juices.
She picks up a bottle of prime vintage and reaches for a goblet, but Jonos's harsh voice commands, "Just bring me the bottle, Mother." She returns to him and he takes the bottle and swings it up and swallows a third with one swig. Celise is unsure of what to do next, but her son decides for her. "Mother, clean me up. It is the duty of a good whore."
Celise shivers at her son's demeaning words and begins to move towards the washbasin with its warm water heated by coals, but then it dawns on her what the new king is truly asking and she murmurs, "It would be my pleasure, my lord," as she climbs onto the bed and kneels over her son's crotch. With eyes turned towards him, watching his amused face, she begins to lick the mixed leavings of their mating off his cock. Celise sighs with desire and pleasure as she licks up thick streamers of semen and cunt cream, savoring it as something akin to the nectar of the gods.
As she tongues up a particularly thick glob of her son's seed, she groans happily and licks her lips, drawing a bark of laughter from Jonos. "Ahhh, Mother, you missed your true calling. All these years wasted as Queen of Agosta when you could have been our kingdom's finest slut." With one strong hand, he reaches out and runs his fingers through her long and now tangled dark hair.
Celise's eyes glow with incestuous lust as her stare pierces her son's very soul while she curls her long tongue around the enormous crown of his penis and whispers in a voice dripping with desire, "For you, my king, I would be both Queen and Whore."
Jonos snorts and replies, "Assuredly you are both -- as to whether you will remain either -- I know you for the conniving sorceress that wed my father and bore me. Whether I should trust you or just fuck you and then kill you...I have not decided."
A shiver passes through Celise's naked body at the casual way her son speaks of her as yet to be divided fate. In a voice that is more confident than she feels, she says, "As I have sworn, my king. I am yours. Command me and I shall obey." She sits up, her tongue flicking out to capture a last bit of sperm on the corner of her mouth and gestures to the nearest open window. "Shall I follow your father's ministers and fly out the window?" The dusky Elissian looks proudly upon her son, her body the epitome of carnality. "Command me, my son."
Jonos again snorts with laughter and answers, "Perhaps later. For now, I would have you mount the King's charger and ride." His voice is full of lust for his mother's mouth has again awakened his long denied incestuous urges. Celise feels the same lust within herself even as her cunt aches from the beating her son's cock gave her just minutes before.
Heart pounding, Celise rises up and swings her shapely leg across her son's body, straddling him, his long erect penis brushing against her thick pubic pelt, her labia still split asunder from earlier, her lips quivering -- kissing his thick shaft as she rises higher, sliding her wet, cumsoaked flesh along his erect cock until she is hovering over it. Celise is almost overcome with emotion and lust and moans, "Oh before the gods, I swear my love for thee, Jonos!"
Celise begins to descend, crying out in both pain and ecstasy as she impales herself on her son's great pole, spreading her open, scraping her flesh deliciously as he fills her as no man has ever done. The sensations of sweet sin are too much and she pauses, having taken only half his cock in her pussy and lets her incestuous orgasm take over, sobbing, "I do love you, my son! I never knew this could be GOOD!"
Jonos hands slide up his mother's comely body, pausing to cup both her bountiful and firm breasts, forefinger and thumbs pinching and pulling Celise's large, rubbery nipples until she cries out in pain that only intensifies her climax. "Mayhap you do love me, Mother. Mayhap you just are a cockslut at heart. Ride me, Mother! Fuck your son as if it has been your life's dream come true." His large hands move to her waist, just above the curve of her hips and with a grunt of satisfaction, he pulls her down, spearing her womb deeper with his mammoth cock.
Celise's eyes snap wide open and she flings her head back and lets fly a scream that makes even the battle hardened guards outside the doors jump in surprise as the white fire of intense sexual pain and pleasure explodes in the wet, steamy and cock filled hole between her legs and sears every fiber of her being. More and more cock disappears inside her pussy, filling her up beyond belief, nudging and then hammering against her cervix until she feels his wiry pubic hair entangle with her own trimmed bush.
Time seems suspended as Celise shudders helpless, trapped on her son's mighty cock in the throes of orgasm. Again, every candle in the chamber brightens and intensifies in strength and her dusky skin gleams with sweat that almost appears to have an unworldly sheen to it as she moans, her unseeing dark eyes flashing with fire. Celise is conscious of the fiery furnace of pleasure that burns between her legs, filling her blood with energy that courses through her body, swelling her nipples till she thinks they'll burst. Every so often, she is aware of Jonos flexing his cock, making it stir her insides as her cunt walls grip his thick shaft so tightly she can feel his heart's pulse.
Abruptly, Celise lets out another soul shredding scream and then it is as if the string is cut and she collapses atop her son's body, crying as only a woman completely sexually fulfilled can. Long minutes pass while she comes to herself, Jonos content to be completely buried in his mother's pussy, her flesh gripping him tightly as if to prevent any escape. He relishes the feel of Celise's immense bosom pillowed out against his chest, her nipples throbbing against his hairless chest.
Gradually, Celise recovers -- the first sign being little kisses on her son's neck and then cheeks and finally, her lips brushing his mouth and her tongue running over his parted lips before venturing inside to be greeted by his tongue. Jonos grunts appreciatively as his mother hunches against his body, wiggling her hips around his buried penis until she almost swoons again. Her arms caress his well muscled shoulders and shoulders before running her fingers through his hair and then into the mountain of furs and pillows above them.
Celise groans, nearing orgasm again as she squeezes her cunt somehow tighter around Jonos's cock and then swift as a lioness, raises up, bringing a dagger to bear against her son's chest, the point positioned exactly above his heart. Celise can feel her son tense up inside her, but his face is impassive, his eyes revealing nothing but the lust he has exhibited all evening.
In a voice that trembles with yearning, Celise whispers, "You doubt my loyalty, my king and you would do well to do so. Many will try and take what is now rightfully yours and you must always be on guard until allegiance is proven." The dagger presses against her son's mighty chest, almost drawing blood.
"Jonos, I could plunge this knife into your heart and snuff out your life before you can draw another breath." Celise groans and tries to resist the swelling ecstasy building between her thighs. Her eyes flash with eldritch fire and the very air around her shimmers as she calls upon her sorceress might. Her voice is lusty as she said, "I can send my powers coursing through this blade and burn your bones to ash. I can slay you right now, my king and you could do nothing to stop it!" The blade breaks skin and a trickle of blood wells up, its thick coppery aroma mixing with the heady scent of semen and cunt that fills the room.
"But, I love you, King Jonos, ruler of Agosta and my heart," Celise sighs, her voice becoming teary. "I adore you as my son and my lover and pray in my heart that you will take me as Queen as was done in ancient times." The point rises up from above her son's heart and she places the blade in her son's hand, closing his fingers around the hilt before guiding it up, point first to place it against her own breast.
The arcane power fades from her eyes, leaving them dark and full of love for her son. "I am yours, my son, my king, my god. My life is yours. End it if you wish." Celise cries out as her orgasm begins to overwhelm her resistance. Her pussy convulses involuntarily, massaging her son's immense cock as she gasps, "If you will not have me, kill me now -- NOW -- OH GODS -- LET ME DIE KNOWING ONLY THE PLEASURE OF MY SON'S COCK!"
Celise's hand falls away from her son's and she closes her eyes and lets her pleasure take her so she does not see her son smile, this time, the smile of a son who loves his mother. With a flick of his wrist, he flings the knife away, the point burying itself deep in a wooden beam. His hands again tug at his mother's hips, driving his cock as deep as humanely possible in his mother's womb.
In a voice that almost resembles tenderness, Jonos says, "Mother, if you would be my queen, then accept the seed of your son and king!" With a thrust upwards that makes Celise scream, her son laughs and begins to cum, his hot seed flooding her womb, joining and mixing with her own steaming juices that are bathing his cock. Mother and son, queen and king join, backs arching and becoming almost immobile as their mutual orgasm takes them, growing into a carnal conflagration unlike anything either has experienced before.
Celise orgasms as she never has, the pleasure intensifying as for the first time since he was a child, she hears Jonos whisper into her ear, "I love you too, Mother!" For a while she is swept away in an orgasmic flood of joyous rapture. When she comes to herself, she is on her back and groaning as she endures the sweet torture of her son slowly worming his still thick shaft from her still contracting pussy.
As sleep overwhelms her, the last thing she hears is her son's pleased voice. "You will always be remembered, mother as Celise, Whore Queen of King Jonos, the Conqueror."
The sun streams through the eastern windows when Celise awakes, her body aching pleasurably from the night's passions with her son. She rises from the bed and sees him hunched over a desk, frowning as he laboriously scratches with a quill on parchment. Naked, she strolls over and wraps her arms around his wide shoulders and kisses his cheek.
"My king, already hard at work?" she says, letting her fingers wander across his muscled chest while rubbing her breasts lasciviously against his bare back.