Chapter 01.2
"Taking the crown is easier than running it," Jonos grumbles to her. His kilt begins to tent in response to his mother's attentions, but before he can return her affections, there is a loud knock at the door. The king reaches for 'Vanquisher' before calling out, "Enter!"
Captain Torrene opens the great doors and enters, bowing before Jonos with a flourish. His face is etched with weariness and the King notes approvingly recognizing a man who will get things done as commanded. Torrene takes in the sight of Jonos, his mother standing naked and unashamed at his side. Torrene gives not the slightest sign that he finds this out of the ordinary.
"Report, Captain!" barks King Jonos.
"Sire, Captains Prius and Nasser await you and the High Council gathers even as we speak." The Captain pauses and then continues, "Petitioners clamor for your attention and await your arrival in the Great Hall."
"Excellent. Has anyone issued a challenge to my claim?"
Captain Tollene shakes his head and replies, "Nay, Sire, although there is rumor that Prince Kella takes the news of his brother's death hard and even now is summoning forces to take the throne by force.
Jonos nods and laughs, "I had all but forgotten my uncle, so rare did he attend my father in court. Take all necessary measures -- Captain Nasser will soon be in charge of any necessary response. Tell him and Captain Prius, I will join them in the throne room shortly."
Tollene bows and says, "As you command, King Jonos. Is there any other service I may provide?"
Jonos rises, his arm going around his mother's waist. "Yes, I want you to personally pick out a new retinue to make up my Queen's personal guard. Her safety is in your hands."
Tollene nods and then bows to Celise. "My queen, it will be my honor!"
When he has left, Jonos turns and kisses his mother passionately. "I must go to work -- make yourself presentable and attend me in the Great Hall."
Celise sighs and kisses her son back. "As you command, my king."
The king belts his scabbard on and slides 'Vanquisher' into place. He stares lustfully at his mother and says before walking out, "Remember, mother. You shall be remembered through the ages as the Whore Queen. Dress appropriately."
A delicious shiver ripples through the queen's body, her nipples swelling and moist heat building between her ripe thighs. "As you command, my son and master."
A short while later the King is on his throne scowling at the splendidly dressed cleric standing before him and daring to scold him. "Jonos...I was your first instructor in the ways of the gods and I know you know that this is an abomination." The cleric points to the stiffened body of the late king Janish, his face darkened in death now, already grinning with the rictus of death.
"Remind me, Patriarch, remind your king of his duties," Jonos says softly, his voice full of menace.
"Your father was king -- king for many years and deserves your respect. King Janish deserves proper burial and interment in the tomb of your family -- not to be left lying on the floor like scraps left for the hounds!" The old man is red-faced, truly angry at the affront to the long time ruler of the kingdom. He is flanked by two grim faced acolytes who stare brazenly at King Jonos.
"My father was a treacherous bastard and will not sully the crypts of the great kings of Agosta," said Jonos. "But you are right, Patriarch Donat, we shouldn't leave his gnarled corpse lying around the Great Hall." Gesturing at the Patriarch's acolytes, "Instruct your servants there to drag this carcass into the street and stand watch over until the city's vermin have disposed of it."
The old man sputters and shakes his head. "Sheer sacrilege, Jonos. This is an atrocity and I forbid it from..." He pauses as Jonos stands up, his hand now resting on the hilt of his sword.. The crowd hovering at the edges of the hall take an unconscious step back.
"Patriarch. If you refer to me as anything but your King again, I will be exercising my royal right to name your successor. You forbid me nothing, old man. As King, I am the head of the Temple of the Gods and you serve me at my pleasure." He and the older man stare at each other until finally the Patriarch averts his gaze. Jonos smiles and then continues. "Have your servants drag that sorry thing into the streets...unless you prefer to see your dear old friend off yourself."
The Patriarch's face flames anew, but he motions to his acolytes and steps back, bowing as he does so. That attended to, the king turns his attention back to the two scarred soldiers standing with Captain Tollen in full combat dress.
"Now, Prius, here is your commission. You are now General of the Army of the Frontier," says King Jonos, extending a scroll to one of the men."
One of the soldiers steps forward, removing his helmet, revealing a battered, one-eyed visage, testament to decades of fighting. He gingerly accepts the document. "Sire, it will be my honor."
"Your instructions are specific. Assume command and march on the Swamp King's lands, but do not enter. Show strength but not butchery. Tell old N'kumu to gather all his chieftains three months hence and I shall meet with them and we will settle this war like men, not mad beasts. My father's passion for slaying the Swampers ends now. Release N'kumu's son as a sign of my good faith."
General Prius nods and replies, "My Liege, I will attend to it with pleasure."
Before he can withdraw, another man steps forward from the milling crowd, his face lean and narrow, his bearing military in nature. "My king -- if I may?"
Jonos looks his way and scowls. "Minister Larass, you have additional thoughts on this matter?"
There is a low mutter from the crowd amid a sense of more confrontation. Larass smiles and nods. "Sire, I beg forgiveness, but I urge you to reconsider. There are many of your loyal subjects eager to take claim of the Swamp Lands and um, utilize the resources there for the benefit of all. Your father was pursuing our ancient claims upon those lands and we shouldn't let those...savages continue to trespass. "
"Our claims are a sham, Minister Larass, based on documents of dubious origins. The war has claimed too many lives, both our own and those of those savages as you call them, who were until my father and you cooked this scheme up, amongst Agosta's most faithful allies. This war ends now."
Larass bristles at the king's words, but before he can reply, the herald's voice cries out, "All hail Queen Celise!" Another wave of murmuring echoes through the court and then cuts abruptly off as the great doors open and Celise strides in. From habit, all save the King and the guards kneel, but to a man and woman, all fail to avert their eyes -- staring with amazement at the lovely and exotic woman.
King Jonos smiles, pleased to see that his mother has listened to his words. Queen Celise struts proudly towards her son. Her long, black hair is pulled back into a single braid running down her back to brush against her scarcely covered buttocks. Red silk scarves wrap around her waist and pelvis, serving as a short skirt that only hints at the dark haired covered treasure between her thighs and draws attention to her long, curvaceous legs. The silk loin cloth and the high heeled sandals are all the clothing the Queen wears and she marches, breasts bare, firm and high bounce along for all to see. A gold chain hangs on pincher clamps between her breasts, clinging tightly to her engorged nipples.
She pauses before the throne and bows to her son. "I hope, my liege, I meet with your approval." Her bountiful breasts sway hypnotically as she bows forward, looking anxiously up at Jonos.
Celise is rewarded with a nod and King Jonos points to the top step of the dais between his mostly bare thighs. "You have outstripped all my expectations, Mother. Attend me."
The queen sighs with relief and quickly ascends the steps and sits between her son's legs, leaning her head back on his right inner thigh. She smiles out towards those in attendance in court which stares in shock at the lewd display.
"Outrageous!" cries out the Patriarch. "The Queen Mother should be retiring to a monastery, mourning the death of King Janish. What...why are you humiliating your mother so and making her appear like a common strumpet?"
King Jonos snorts and says, "I assure you, Patriarch, my mother is an uncommon strumpet." He strokes her head and Celise turns and plants a kiss on his thigh -- inhaling his strong musk as she notices his kilt again begin to move. She takes her hand and trails her fingers up and down his ankle. Jonos fixes the high cleric with a stare. "And do not address my mother as Queen Mother. She is Queen Queen."
The king looks all about the room. "Let the word go forth throughout the kingdom. As I claim my father's throne, I claim his wife, the Queen of Agosta as my own. I take my mother, Celise DeKarthus, daughter of the Pharaoh Khanthus XVII, as my wife and queen, as was done in the ancient times. All hail Queen Celise!"
There is a moment of stunned silence and then the King's Guard and the soldiers present shout in response, "All hail Queen Celise!" Captain Tollene spares a glance at Nasser and Prius and they step forward as one, thump their chests with closed fist and cry out, "Long live King Jonos and Queen Celise!" There is a moment's silence and then most of the crowd repeats the cry and break out in applause, men smiling and nodding and more than one woman's face betraying thoughtful expressions.
When the uproar fades, into the quiet, steps the Patriarch, his face scarlet with fury. "This is blasphemy! Incest has been banned in Agosta for centuries! You cannot force your mother into such a shameful cat. I demand you free her of this barbaric claim of yours."
"You protest for naught, Patriarch," says Celise. "I happily pledged my love and devotion to my king, my son and my love. You speak too forcefully and glibly. Your Temple of the Gods has preached a ban on family love, but the right of the son's claim has never been banned. The rest of the civilized world allows it and is blessed by the gods for it." Celise's smile dissolves and in a tight and dangerous voice she adds, "Dare not come between my heart's desire and I or face my wrath, old priest. I will show you power blessed by the gods' approval of the joining of mother and son!"
Another shocked murmur spreads through the court, partly from the Queen's threat and partly because as she speaks, she reaches up into her son's kilt and begins to masturbate his cock.
Jones raises his hand and the Great Hall falls into silence. "There is no debate here. I have spoken. You call the old traditions barbaric, Patriarch. But if one looks out upon Atria and at your beloved temple, it would be well to remember that it was built by those barbarians that lived by the right of son's claim or father's claim. Your priests pontificate and judge them, but how long since you and your ilk could weave the magic capable of building such a pyramid!"
The Patriarch trembles, his face indicating imminent apoplexy. "Jo -- King Jonos, you would bring your kingdom down in ruins. You dare too much too soon!"
King Jonos laughs derisively even as his mother exposes his manhood, now swollen and huge, eliciting whispers from those in the court and more than one awed sigh from the women in attendance. Queen Celise opens her mouth and covers the head of her son and now husband's erect penis and begins to suck it as he replies, "I will raise my kingdom back to its days of glory, old man. One can only do so if he dares great things."
Jonos grips the braid of his mother and wife's hair and jerking it forward, forces more of his cock into her mouth, making her moan with desire as he says, "I am not afraid to dare and to take what is mine. Heed my mother's warning well. I decree the right of a son's claim to be lawful -- as well as the right of a father's claim. Let he who would oppose my will know they risk peril."
The king dismisses the priest with a wave and turns his attention back towards Minister Larass who has stood in stunned silence since Queen Celise's entrance. Jonos settles back, spreading his thighs to allow his mother better access, pleased to see her attempting to deep throat his shaft even though he knows it is near impossible. Her gurgles and wet grunts mix with his spirited exchanges with the member of the High Council until he suddenly holds up his hand for silence.
"Ah, Mother, you are truly a Queen of Whores," Jonos moans and then he laughs as his climax explodes and he begins pumping Celise's mouth full of blistering hot semen, so much that she is unable to swallow it all and it streams from her cock filled mouth to drip down her chin and splash onto her heavy but youthful breasts. When finally he is drained, Celise lets her head fall back to be cushioned by his hard thigh, smiling with a mouth full of the king's seed drooling onto her mostly naked body.
The day passes with many petitioning King Jonos to be heard, many seeking to retain positions held under the old King while others protest or proclaim support for the new ruler's pronouncements.
Amid the many duties of the day, Queen Celise pleasures her son and king twice more, each time proudly sucking the King's cock in total view of the entire court. The clothing concealing her cunt becomes sodden, molding itself to her mound and King Jonos mercifully grants her spoken request to pleasure herself as well while she sucks his cock that third and final time. Sitting on the steps of the dais, her head thrown back and her son's cock buried in her mouth, Celise will spread her legs wide and plunge three fingers in and out of her pussy until her choked screams of orgasm draw everyone's attention away from a debate with Minister Larass on another foreign policy issue.
Rumors trickle in that Jonos's Uncle Kellas is marching with an army and wizards to avenge his brother and claim the throne for himself. "Direct confrontation is not Kellas's way, my son," murmurs Queen Celise from between Jonos's thighs, nuzzling her son's semi-erect cock with her semen splattered cheeks. "Like Janish, Kellas believes that sometimes more can be accomplished by deceit and assassination than with open war. Be wary, my King."
Jonos agrees, but appoints Captain Nasser as General of the First Legion of Agosta and directs him to prepare for open war with any challenger. It is well after dark before the new King calls an end to the day and taking his Queen by the arm, retires to the King's chambers.
Queen Celise leans against her King's strong body while his hand cups her buttocks, fingers slipping down the crack between her shapely cheeks until he can slip fingers into her soaked cunt. The guards on the chamber doors salute as they pass, their faces impassive as they observe the Queen's face slack-jawed with exquisite pleasure. When the doors are closed behind them, Jonos takes his mother in his arms and kisses her hungrily, thrusting his tongue into her mouth and sucking on her lower lip. When he pauses, he smiles and reaches up with one hand and tugs gently on the chain held in place by the nipple clamps. "I'm very pleased, Mother. Your conduct today would make any whore proud."
Celise begins to reply, but falls silent as her son suddenly places fingers upon her lips with one hand while the other pulls 'Vanquisher' from its scabbard. Jonos cocks his head to one side as if listening to some far off noise. Celise shivers and then hears cries of "Defend the King!" from beyond the doors.
Jonos snarls, "Stay here!" and turns towards the door and then comes to an abrupt halt. He sniffs the air and spins around, bringing his sword up. He sniffs the air again and hisses, "Be alert. We are not alone!"
Celise's eyes grow wide, but she, being a daughter of Elysiis, reacts out of a lifetime of training. Her fingers trace eldritch symbols in the air, causing the very air to shimmer with energy which with another gesture she pushes outward so the shimmer expands throughout the room.
A brutish growl fills the room as shadows are stripped away, revealing, a large figure which flings itself at mother and son, a blur of teeth, claws and furs. King Jonos swears and pushes his mother to the side, taking an off balance swing at the intruder and missing while it in turn slashes long nails across his chest, causing lines of blood to well to the surface. Jonos rolls and comes up in a crouch, sword at the ready, in front of his mother. Blood trickles from the slash marks scored across his chest.
From outside the doors, men's cries and the sharp clang of weapons crossing in battle are heard. Inside the room, the beast turns, snarling and drooling -- yellow eyes burning with hatred as it advances towards the king and queen. "By the Gods -- a werewolf!" gasps Celise. Without thinking of her own safety, she ducks under her son's arm and again makes arcane gestures and great gouts of flame erupt from her fingers and envelope the monster advancing towards them.
The flames seem to lick at his fur and do nothing as Celise cries out in frustration. "This creature is warded. I cannot hurt him!"
Jonos curses, both at the wolfish creature and at his mother's impulsive actions. "Damn it, bitch. Stay out of my way!" He grabs her by her long braid and flings her back, saving her life as the werewolf charges again, intent on disemboweling her. Jonos tries to strike with his sword, but in saving his mother, is unable to complete his swing and a powerful blow from the creature's fist sends him reeling. Another swing of the monster's claw tears at his face and then it slams him into a wall, stunning him, 'Vanquisher' clattering to the marble floor.
The creature throws back his head and howls in triumph before moving to close with the dazed king and finish him off.
"NO!" screams Queen Celise, her mind reeling as she tries to comprehend a way to stop the beast. Having shrugged off her most potent offensive spell, she knows instinctively that such overt power will not stop the lycanthrope. She climbs to her feet and she acts completely out of pure instinct. Her hand plunges between her legs, scooping up precious fluid of her own arousal. "Aramour!" she cries, flicking her own cunt cream at the muzzle of the beast, the liquid love shimmering with arcane power as the scent of pussy suddenly fills the room..
Drops of her pussy juices splatter on the werewolf's moist muzzle and he swings his head around as he comes to a complete stop -- his cruel eyes completely focused on the beautiful woman, the stunned Jonos forgotten. Queen Celise stands tall and proud, her breasts jutting out as she tears the silks concealing her loins away from her body. Her fear combines with the arcane lust of the spell she has just cast to make her nipples and labia to swell and a sexual flush to spread across her face and chest.
The werewolf's long, lascivious tongue lashes out and licks her wetness from his muzzle and he begins to snarl, advancing on the queen. With bravado in her voice that she doesn't truly feel, Celise hisses, "Come, foul beast. Killing can wait, now is the time for rutting!" She again slides her fingers through her wet labia and holds soaked and glistening fingers up for the monster to see.
The beast stalks towards her, eight feet tall and thick furred sinewy limbs. Celise shudders as it comes upon her, its rough pelt brushing against her flawless, dusky skin, claws gripping her arms and its muzzle striking, only to stop short of a bite, choosing instead to lap at her fingers like a hound parched from the hunt. Celise looks down, trying to avoid its cruel yellow eyes and its stinking breath. She groans as she spies its penis, long and hard, a lupine knot emphasizing its unnaturalness, emerge from a sheath between its hind legs.
One claw reaches out and yanks the gold chain hanging between her breasts, making her cry out as the nipple clamps hang on tight to her large meaty nubs. Celise is thrown against the bed, face down and she cries out in fear as she feels the werewolf's weight come down upon her. Something long and stiff rubs against the inside her thighs and then she is pushed forward and lifted onto hands and knees. The bed shifts as the monster climbs on, its foreclaws scratching her belly as it lifts her pelvis up, raising her ass up high in the air.
It pauses and fearing the beast's attention is beginning to waver, Celise looks over her shoulder and wiggles her buttocks, offering the werewolf the almost universal signal of a female in heat desiring to be mounted. The knobby cockhead brushes against her mound and seems to almost drink of her wet arousal, swelling as the beast crouches and then plunges with an angry snarl.
Queen Celise's body goes rigid as she feels the lycanthrope's cock plunge deep and swiftly into her pussy, one claw digging into her belly as it keeps her pelvis properly tilted while the other claw slides up her body to cup a meaty breast, nails digging deeply into her lush breast flesh. As the first nonhuman penis ever pierces her cunt, Celise lets out a soul rending scream. Her mind reels, in part from fear, knowing she and her son are mayhap moments from death and in part from the horrible realization that there is deep within herself something that is responding to this inhuman Ra*e!
Jonos's voice echoes in her mind, his words, "Ah, Mother, you are truly the Queen of Whores," reverberating in her thoughts even as her body responds to the werewolf's carnal assault. As the beast plunges into her wet cunt again and again with his long penis, Celise struggles and loses to resist the lewd needs of her body. OH GODS, I AM A WHORE! I LOVE THIS, her mind screams as she lifts her ass higher while the werewolf snarls and slobbers, his long tongue rolling over the nape of her neck, making her shiver with unnatural delight.
Celise's efforts to get more of the werewolf cock inside her spasming cunt earn her an unexpected reward. She sobs with pleasure and pain as its lupine knot presses against her quivering labia and then as she recalls the size of the knot and the implications it portends, the queen attempts to resist, but too late as the werewolf shifts its hind legs for better leverage and thrusts hard, forcing the meaty knot of cockflesh into her cunt, filling her in a way she never imagined and producing pleasure so intense that it is only a fraction away from pain.
Celise's orgasm rips through her even as it seems the lycanthrope's meat will tear her apart. Blood drips from her breast as the monster's nails dig deep and it increases its pace, rapidly plunging into her, the knot preventing it from withdrawing more than a little from her battered womb. Tears flow down her face as the beast makes her cum and cum and cum yet again.
A shadow crosses the joined human and creature and Jonos's voice, harsh and angry, rasps, "By the Gods, you whore, will you fuck anything?" The werewolf yelps in surprise as a wet and meaty noise results from a fist being driven into its head. Celise screams as the beast jerks back, trying to withdraw, but prevented by the thick knot wedged inside the woman's wet and steamy cunt.
Pain and pleasure conspire together to take the queen's orgasm to a new level. Amidst her screams of ecstatic agony, she glances over her shoulder to see her son and husband take hold of the lycanthrope's head and begin to slowly twist. The monster yelps and screams in pain, limbs scrabbling for a hold, attempting to break the king's lethal assault, but only managing to scratch Celise's back and thighs -- its cries mixing with her shrieks of lusty pleasure.
The wolf creature lets out a long, unearthly howl, full of pain, confusion and desire as its bestial intelligence and desire to survive war with its animal urges to mate. Jonos roars with rage, muscles swelling with effort to tear the monster's head from its body while Celise sobs with pleasure, her cunt muscles clamping tightly around the werewolf's cock. The beast's struggle to get free, propel it backwards, dragging the orgasming queen with him, caught fast on his swollen knot.
Jonos grunts and stains, halting the backwards movement and then shoves forward, driving the werewolf's body against his mother, driving the beast's cock deeper, his knot spreading Celise's cunt even wider. The monster's body yields to the age old instincts and Celise begins to scream anew as the werewolf's hot seed begans pouring into her womb, spreading out like burning oil and bringing her to an orgasm that is unlike any she has ever known.
The white fire of inhuman pleasure courses through the queen's body, bringing with it, knowledge. Celise now understands why the wolf howls and the great jungle cats scream and shriek in the night. She comprehends the bellows of the great buffalo in rut and the triumphant trumpet of the war elephants in their breeding pens. The pure and savage joy of being mounted and brought to bestial orgasm rip away every shred of Celise's humanity as she surrenders to the sheer carnal delight of being filled with the beast's semen. Her voice grows hoarse with her screams of pleasure even as the sound of ripping sinew and snapping bones fill the air.
There is a single forlorn yelp and the lycanthrope falls lifeless in Jonos's embrace. He flings it off the bed, triggering a cry of pain and loss from his mother as her cunt yields up the beast's cock. Jonos's eyes are full of fire fueled by battle, his cock erect and jutting out from beneath his kilt. He lets loose with a savage scream, proclaiming his victory won with his own hands.
The king gazes down at his mother, still kneeling, thighs spread wide, her cunt gaping wide and oozing copious amounts of the monster's semen and her body scratched and bleeding. Celise's eyes are wild-eyed with lust as she looks over her shoulder at her son and lord. "Take me, Jonos. I beg you -- fuck your mother now!" The queen reaches back with one hand, fingers wiggling, eager to grasp her son's cock.
King Jonos breathes heavily, his nostrils flaring as he takes in the scent of sperm and pussy and mayhap the bloodlust is upon him thanks to the thrill of battle or mayhap remnants of his mother's sex spell is still present in the room -- whatever the case might be, he snarls, tearing his kilt from his bleeding and bruised body and moves towards his mother.
"Whore Queen, you would dare offer your sex to me befouled with that thing's seed? I'll fuck you, Mother, but I insist on a virgin hole!"
Celise moans, a part of her understanding his meaning and quivering with fear at the pain to come, while yet another part of her moans with need, aching to be violated and used. That part of her wins out and she reaches back and spreads her ass cheeks. "Fuck me, my King! Fuck my ass with your godly cock!"
Jonos kneels behind her, his hands gripping her taut cheeks as he presses his swollen cock head against Celise's brown, puckered hole. The sole lubrication is the drops of precum oozing from his mammoth cock, but lack of lubrication does not hinder him and he thrusts his erect penis forward, forcing his way into his mother's anus with a satisfied roar.
The air again quickly fills with Queen Celise's screams as she is split asunder, Jonos's cock worming its way into her hot, moist asshole. Pain sweeps through her body, rendering her almost unconscious as she slumps down, her face pressing into the furs and silks of the bed, her fingers clawing at the bedding. Out of instinct, she tries to scrabble forward, away from her son's invading erection, but Jonos reaches out and grabs her by the hair, her braid long undone, her dark mane now tangled and wild. He yanks her back, reining in her escape while he thrusts again and again, burying his throbbing cock deeper into her asshole.
Celise begs for mercy in Agostian and Ilysii, her body on fire from the cock now buried deep in her bowels. Jonos laughs as he hauls her back, pulling her up against him, up onto her knees in an upright position, her pubic hair scratching her smooth cheeks, his free hand squeezing her mauling her proud and bloody breasts while he nuzzles her neck and face, bending her head back further so he can force his mouth down on hers, his tongue finding and capturing hers, sucking and licking.
His fingers pinching her now slippery nipples sparks new pain within her, but pain mixed with pleasure and as her body recovers from his initial anal assault, her body begins to respond to her son's throbbing penis and pain transforms into ecstasy, the incestuous pleasure spreading throughout her body. Her screams escalate and her near unconscious state is again replaced by a ravenous beast of lust. Celise begins to return her son's kisses, biting and sucking at his thick digit as their tongues dance feverishly.
"FUCK ME, MY KING. FUCK YOUR MOTHER WITH OHHHHHH YESSSS THAT GODCOCK!" Queen Celise croons as she again crosses into the realm of orgasmic joy. She wiggles her ass, thrusting back as Jonos fucks her.
"Oh yes, Mother -- my whore. You love your cock! Like a good whore queen you would fuck any cock offered up, wouldn't you my queen?" Jonos is overcome with his lust, battering his mother's asshole without mercy. The king shoves her back down and without breaking stroke, he somehow rises to his feet, never ceasing his thrusts into his mother's tight anus, crotching behind her like a beast in rut, hugging her body to him as he fucks her with almost inhuman speed.
Queen Celise squirms and writhes under her son, screaming until her voice is almost gone as he fucks her ass until she is almost unconscious, only coming to life again as Jonos thrusts deep one last time and empties his heavy balls, pumping her bowels full of hot semen. The beautiful, but battered woman flops convulsively on his cock, her orgasm rendering her voiceless -- able to manage only a husky groan as she cums one last time.
King Jonos throws back his head again and roars victoriously, his mother impaled on his cock. In the quiet that follows, he senses they are not alone and turns to find several of his guard and a bloodied Captain Tollene standing before him. Faces are full of shock or awe at the sight of the mighty warrior fucking his mother's asshole.
"Nothing like a good fight to make fucking all the better, eh, Captain?" King Jonos says, the rage in his voice gone, replaced by satisfaction and pride.
Tollene smiles and nods, replying, "You are correct, King Jonos and I expect your men will following your, um, kingly example before the dawn." He gestures at his men, all of whom bear the signs of battle, spears and swords red with blood, dented and bloodstained shields and wounds still open and raw.
"When the men have had their pains tended to send them to Lynestra's -- tell the money grubbing whore to send me the bill," Jonos orders. He grips his queen's buttocks for leverage and with a satisfied grunt pulls his still thick cock free from his mother's asshole, drawing a sharp cry of pain and pleasure from Celise.
Jonos reaches for her long hair and pulls her around as he takes a seat on the edge of the bed, drawing his exhausted mother's face into his crotch. "Clean your King's sword, Mother," he commands. Celise moans, weary, but she eagerly begins to lick her son's semen covered cock, the taste thrilling her -- his salty flavor mixed with the earthy funkiness of her asshole. As she sucks her son clean, Jonos looks up at the captain of his personal guard. "Report," he says.
"My liege, the palace was attacked by a mixture of your uncle's personal guard and assassins hired out of the Southlands...Nedalians." There is disgust in his voice. One of the palace wizards brought them in through a teleportal. General Nasser killed him. The fighting was fierce, but I -- we've been ready since last night. We lost eight men, but the assassins have been killed to a man -- none escaped." Tollene turns to regard the corpse at the foot of the bed. "I see you had no problem here -- who was he?"
King Jonos leans over and considers the naked dead man lying on his stomach, his head twisted around and staring sightlessly at the ceiling. Queen Celise takes one last long slurp of her husband and son's shaft and looks down at the corpse. "Werewolf, Captain Tollene," she says in a voice harsh and raw from screaming. "Look at the pointed ears, the nails and the pentagram branded on his shoulder. "The Lycanthrope Guild of Nedal. Janish's brother employed their best often, both for himself and for Janish."
Celise points down at the dead creature. "There is a medallion on him. Bring it to me, Captain. Take care not to touch it with your bare hands."
Tollene uses his boot to roll the werewolf over. A small medallion hangs on a choker chain around his neck. A quick flick of the captain's sword breaks the chain and after looking around, Tollene picks up a scrap of Celise's cunt stained silk garment and uses it to pick up the medallion, his mouth twisted with distaste as if sensing the magic within. He hands it to the Queen. "Careful, my lady," he says softly.
Celise picks it up and examines it carefully. "A protective charm and a powerful one at that," she announces after studying the runes etched upon it. "No wonder my Fireburst spell did not work."
"Who made it," asks Jonos. "One of my wizards?" He speaks with hatred in his voice. The King is a warrior, bred and trained to fight with sword, spear and fist and hates the arcane arts.
Celise shakes her head and said, "No, my king. I recognize the craftwork. It was created by Kallas's wife, Nesharina. Like your father, he wed a magic user -- only she is Nedalian, schooled in their dark arts." She reaches out and takes her son's hand. "The attack on the palace was a feint. This beast was the true killer and was gifted with a powerful artifact. This item is a year's hard work for a practitioner of the art and its cost goes beyond materials and time. Part of Nesharina's lifeforce is bound within this medallion."
King Jonos nods his head and looks at his new wife approvingly. "A deadly and costly gamble on my uncle's part. So be it." He stands, swaying slightly from the aftereffects of battle and the sex that followed. "Captain Tollene, Send word to General Nasser to march on my Uncle's holdings. My wizards are to accompany him. I want Kallas's strongholds leveled and his head on a platter within two fortnights. Announce my decree -- any who stand with my uncle die -- they and all of their line."
"The general is already gathering his forces together. Your will shall be done, my liege." Captain Tollene turns to leave, but pauses to consider his bloodied king and queen. "King Jonos, you and the Queen have suffered wounds. Shall I summon the healers?"
Jonos eyes widen and he looks down at his bloody chest and arms, touches his torn face, then turns and gazes upon the bloody body of the queen -- blood seems to cover her naked body, several cuts and scratches evident. His cock stirs at the sight though. Celise appears as some kind of avatar of the warrior angels and her bloody nudity only seems to arouse him. "Aye, Captain, send the healers to us."
He pauses and studies his mother more carefullyl kneeling on the bed next to him. He snorts derisively as he spies semen oozing from both her well fucked anus and cunt, pooling on the bed between her thighs. Summon the Queen's handmaidens as well. She is in need of being cleaned up after this night's adventures." He grins at his mother who stares back, blushing but unashamed.
Captain Tollene nods and signals his men to move out. As he nears the door, Jonos calls out. "Quite a first day as King, eh, Captain?"
Tollene turns and grins at his King. "An interesting beginning, Sire. I suspect that this will actually be one of the quieter days of your reign." He exits to the sound of Jonos's riotous laughter.
King Jonos takes a sip of wine as he watches the sun rise from the great window of his chambers. He scratches absently at his stomach, the newly healed skin over his wounds a pinkish weal contrasting with his mostly bronze skin -- harshly tanned from many days in the wilds. He marvels at the ability of the healers to mend his wounds so quickly although he curses that damned itching that will persist for several days.
A moan from the king's bed draws his attentions away from the beauty of the sun revealing the beauty that is his city of Atria. Celise is on her hands and knees, a position he finds pleasing. Beneath her lies a young, blonde-haired girl, scarcely eighteen, her freckled face glistening with his mother's juices and the seed of the dead assassin. She has an unusually long tongue and has been working on cleaning Queen Celise's assaulted cunt for most of an hour.
Kneeling behind the queen is an ebony skinned girl, her long black hair streaming down to her ass. Like the other, she has not yet seen her nineteenth birthday yet. She has his mother's ass cheeks spread and is spearing her tongue deep into Celise's asshole, scooping up blobs of the king's seed, still hot inside the queen's tight anal passage. Every so often, she pauses and clambers around to share Jono's semen with his mother who insists it should not go to waste. Watching them kiss rouses the King's ardor and when the last of the lycanthrope's sperm has been sucked from his mother and wife's womb, he intends to follow the servants' redemptive tongue bath with a renewing and cleansing fuck from her lord and master.
Jonos regards his mother in a new light. That she is a whore, he has no doubt -- in truth, it is part of his attraction to his mother, her capacity to yield to her baser desires. Even in the lust of battle as he stalked towards the werewolf as it fucked the queen, he was in awe and aroused by her succumbing to the carnal pleasures the beast offered. And now there was more...
His doubts about her loyalty were now washed away. She had done what she had done to save his life -- although he had been stunned and unable to rise for long minutes from the blow to the head, he had known that instantly. She above all others was above reproach now. He could rely on her, trust her and use her as he saw fit.
King Jonos knew that his own lusty soul was born of his mother's own sluttish ways. He indeed would insure that in times to come, the stories of the Whore Queen Celise would be many and wondrous to hear, just as he would carve his own legend upon the world. He grinned and stood, his cock now slapping against his cock. Striding around the bed until he was in front of his mother, he took in her great beauty and felt his cock swell even more.
Celise's face was contorted with the sweet ecstasy of the young women's loving tongues. Her lips and chin were smeared with the blonde handmaiden's own pussy juices. Her eyes suddenly focused and she smiled, weary yet aroused by the sight of her son's long and thick cock in front of her.
"My son and king -- may I -- ummmm Gods..." Celise shivered from the talented ministrations of her servants. She licked her cream covered lips and began again. "My son, may your mother and queen please you?"
Jonos smiled, both love and cruelty on his face. "Oh yes, Mother, yes," he replied as he guided the swollen head of his penis between his mother's open lips, her tongue rolling over the crown. "You will please me, now and forever."
So ends this first chronicle of Jonos and his Whore Queen. Go now and pleasure each other in their memory. There will be more stories...many stories to come...