Chapter 02.1
Finally, here you have the long awaited Chapter two of the Jonos storyline, although this will be more of Celise than Jonos. This has been one of the more difficult things to write and has taken me down roads I've not traveled often. I very much look forward to hearing your reaction.
So it came to pass that Jonos, son of King Janish and Queen Celise, usurped the crown, slaying his father and making his mother his own woman, proclaiming her his Whore Queen of Agosta. Many supported the mighty warrior's claim due to his father's evil ways, but others, feeling threatened by the righteous anger of Jonos over the sins of his father and his cronies would ally themselves with Kallas, the brother of the slain king.
Jonos marched the Imperial armies of Agosta to wage war on Kallas, whose wickedness was perhaps even greater than that of his brother. Thrice did Jonos come to the field of battle against Kallas, but treachery was afoot and Kallas always knew his plans -- yet Jonos always drove Kallas from the field, but could not pursue due to the losses borne of vile betrayal. Finally, Kallas withdrew to the great mountain fortress called Bloodgate upon whose granite walls; armies since the beginning of time have destroyed themselves.
So it came to pass that here would the Whore Queen prove her love to her son and lover beyond all doubt and here where the final contest between Jonos the Usurper and his uncle would came to pass. Gather to me and listen for these were the days of true heroes and this is but one tale of many...
Kallas, self proclaimed King of Agosta sits brooding on his throne, the shadows creeping across the great throne room as the sun slowly sinks behind the jagged spires of the western range of the Iron Shard mountains, his mood darkening as gloom takes the room. The news this day has been troubling at best. Seemingly, all news has been troubling since word had reached him five months ago that his agent's mission to slay his nephew, the usurper Jonos, failed in Atria.
Now word of Jonos's army approaching had come, led by Nasser, that upstart officer who began life as the son of goat-herders. Kallas mutters to himself, more guttural growls than actual words as he again seethes with anger that a commoner-born has been sent to arrest him.
"Hah!" Kallas barks. "His army will die upon the walls of the Bloodgate as has every army ever to approach this fortress." The older man actually trembles, his lank, gray hair falling to cover his troubled visage.
"My liege," says a soft voice at his side. "To whom are you talking?" Kallas glances at his wife and consort -- his Queen Nesharina. Her cobalt blue eyes stare back at him, brilliant against her pale, almost pure white skin and framed by the long, coal black hair that betrays her Nedalian heritage. She is like a beautiful corpse, preserved and animated. Her face is alight with hatred and wickedness, reflecting the black thing deep within her that passes for her soul.
"No one, dearest," he replies. "I grow weary of waiting for that whelp of a nephew to come and confront me so I can end this mockery of his 'kingship.' I want to see his head on the spikes upon the walls of Bloodgate."
Nesharina smiles, an expression that would chill the blood of most mortals should they be so unfortunate as to view it, and she rises from her throne chair and crosses over to her husband, moving slowly as she comes to lay her hand on his arm.
Her body moves with an almost serpentine grace, her gown is immodest but still covers her, hinting more at her smallish breasts and shapely legs than revealing them. "Be patient, my love. My father will soon be marshalling the legions of Nedal and come to your aid and Jonos and his ilk will be caught between the anvil of the Bloodgate and the hammer of the Obsidian Legions. Agosta shall be yours, my love." Her nails dig into Kallas's arm as she shivers with excitement at the thought of so much blood soon to flow.
Her arousal makes things stir in the shadows of the darkening throne room and she pauses to settle them down before continuing. "And remember, my love, we will soon have a guest that will drive Jonos to such anguish as the fool never dreamed existed." She starts to continue, but a commotion erupts from beyond the great hall and Nesharina takes a few steps down off the dais and then turns to her husband and says. "My King, I believe our guest has arrived.
There is a trumpeting of great horns and then as guards push open the huge doors -- twenty feet tall and twelve feet wide, Kallas's chamberlain scurries in and say, "King Kallas, the giants...the giants have come!" He speaks with uneasy glee in his voice. "My liege, they were successful!"
Kallas smiles evilly at this and then turns and nods to a soldier standing nearby who quickly bows and hurries from the room via a hidden door behind the throne. Kallas sits up straighter in his throne and says shrilly, "Bid them enter and deliver to me my prize!"
Scarcely does he utter the words when pushing through the great doors comes five huge creatures -- their skin a burnished and worn amber as if they'd spent centuries standing against harsh mountain winds which has bleached out the long, stringy and colorless hair hanging down past their shoulders. The smallest of them stands almost twelve feet high and the greatest of them is over fifteen feet in height and forced to duck beneath the archway of the great doors. All are dressed in stitched together animal skins, forming crude jerkins that hang to their knees. On their backs are cruel axes that could cleave men in two with one strike and stained with blood which prove that they have done exactly that.
The biggest giant steps forward, dragging a naked human woman with him. "King Kallas, we have come and we claim our bounty!" He shoves the woman towards the throne, the force of his action causing her to stumble and fall hard to her knees.
King Kallas rises from his throne, eyes ablaze with eagerness as he peers down at the woman, naked and filthy, her body and hair gummy and crusted with some whitish substance. The woman raises her head, brilliant green eyes blazing with anger and with one defiant whip of her head, throws her black hair away from her face and says calmly, "Kallas - Jonos would kill you slowly for this."
Kallas claps his hands together like a child given a new toy and replies, "Ah, Celise! So happy are we to see the widow of our late, murdered brother!" He gestures and two guards emerge from the shadows and jerk her to her feet.
Queen Celise jerks away from their grasp and takes a step forward, fists clenched and preparing to swing. Kallas steps back, suddenly uncertain in the fierce heat of the true queen's ire, his hands jerking upwards to fumble at the talisman hanging from his neck. "Your magics will not avail you here, Celise."
Celise's eyes narrow and she recognizes the talisman as similar to one she had encountered just a few months before. She smirks and then gazes around the room until she spies Nesharina still standing by her husband's throne. "Yes, I recognize your wife's baubles. Poorly made, my dear, but if one doesn't mind the costs, its good to have a hobby of sorts. How many years have you sacrificed, Nesharina? You still look well...for your age."
Nesharina's face twists into a snarl as she replies, "You would do well to hold your tongue, Whore Queen, lest I cut it from your mouth. Pray we have mercy on you and merely sell you to a whorehouse after your son is put to the sword.
The giant snorts and says, "Enough...argue later. King Kallas, we would be paid our bounty and return home. We have been long enough from the heights of the Iron Shards."
Kallas scowls up at the giant and replies, "Mind your tone, Garlchrissh. Remember who commands here."
The giant shrugs his shoulders. "We have done as you asked and brought you the usurper's woman, alive and unmarked. Give us our gold and we will leave."
Nesharina steps down from the dais and studies Celise closely. She leans in, mindful of Celise's reach and sniffs the beautiful woman's body. She turns and grins up at the giant. "Alive and unmarked, indeed, but perhaps a little used!" Turning back to Celise, she sneers, "Whore Queen indeed."
The giant ignores Nesharina and glares down at Kallas. "We would be paid now, King Kallas!" he says, his brow becoming stormy.
"Yes, yes. Let us be done with it!" He snaps his fingers and then retreats to the dais, motioning his wife to follow. An armored soldier brings forth a small wooden chest and places it before Garlchrissh.
The giant frowns and kneeling down, opens the chest, thick, stubby fingers running through the gold coins within. He stares angrily at Kallas and says in a growl, "This is perhaps a thousand gold! The agreement was five thousand if we brought you the Whore Queen alive!"
Shrugging his shoulders, Kallas replies, "Yes, the agreement was for five thousand gold marks. I have decided to change it. Take it or leave it, but now I grow tired of your presence -- choose and be gone."
Garlchrissh takes a step towards the throne and says "You break your oath, Kal..." his voice trails away as he hears a hundred men shift their feet above them. He looks up to see a balcony that runs the entire length of the throne room, filled with men, all aiming crossbows at him and his comrades.
"Yes, Garlchrissh. I changed our, um -- arrangement. You may take the gold and go in peace or accept alternative payment -- twenty bolts apiece, no doubt tipped with one of my queen's more inventive poisons." Kallas smiles wryly at the giant, his voice growing harsher as he continues. "Choose your fate now, mountain giant."
Celise turns to study the giant, his visage a storm of emotions as he struggles between choosing life or honor. Ignoring the guards around her, she closes with the giant. "Garlchrissh," she says softly. "Take the gold and leave knowing you acted honorably -- to this would be king and to me. I bear you no ill will for your role in these affairs and would be happier knowing you roam the Iron Shards, free and alive. Go and find a strong giantess and make babies with her."
The giant looks down at her, a curious look on his face. Celise smiles up at him even as her hand strokes his gnarled and muscled thigh and then slides upward under his jerkin where she begins making a slow pumping motion. Garlchrissh's scowl smoothes out into a blissful grin and he nods and replies, "As Queen Celise commands." One rough hand reaches down to pick up the chest while the other strokes Celise's face. As a rough hewn finger crosses her lips, she smiles and licks the large digit.
Garlchrissh steps back to his comrades who all are glowering at Kallas who is staring slack jawed at Celise's open display of carnal affection. "The Iron Giants will long remember the deeds of Kallas," he states in a flat, emotionless voice and then he turns and leads his comrades out.
When the doors thunder closed, Celise turns and regards the couple sitting on the throne. "That was ill-done, Kallas. When any king, even a pretender to the throne betrays his allies, he will not sit long on his throne." Celise draws herself up tall and then shakes her head in disapproval. "Don't get too comfortable, Kallas -- my son and lover will soon arrive to claim me back and return what you have stolen from him and Agosta."
Kallas barks laughter back at her. "Oh, he can have you back, my dear. When he arrives, I will happily hand his Whore Queen back." He pauses and licks his lips in anticipation. "At least, he can have what is left of you when you have finished...ah, experiencing our courtesy."
Celise's face visibly pales as she recalls her former husband, Janish's eager descriptions of his brother's 'courtesies.'
An evil giggle escapes Nesharina's lips before she hisses, "Remember, my king, you promised that I could spend some time with my dear former sister in law before you have your fun." Her slender body shivers again as she adds, "I have long dreamed of this moment."
"Absolutely, my dear!" comes Kallas's reply. "I would never deny you your own pleasures, but remember I want her alive and able to...enjoy what I have prepared for her."
Nesharina wrinkles her nose and says, "Let us give her a bath first. I don't actually mind her smelling like a rutting whore, but I prefer it be my doing." She claps her hands and commands, "Take her to my quarters -- have my ladies in waiting bathe the Whore Queen and make her more presentable."
There is rustling in the shadows of the room and from its darkest corners emerge what Celise at first assumes are the Queen's men, but as they near, she lets out a slow gasp as she realizes that their pallid color and almost machine like motion betrays their true nature. Zombies -- undead under the control of Nesharina. In their state somewhere between life and death, they are garbed in little more than loin clothes, their skin not rotting, but reeking of wrongness, their restrained malice evident in their unblinking, black eyes. They approach as Kallas's guards ease back and take her by the arms, the touch of their flesh cold and unyielding, making her shiver as they guide her away.
As she is guided into the depths of the great, granite fortress, Celise can hear Nesharina's ill laughter echoing after her -- following her as if seeking to taunt her. The Whore Queen does not seek to engage the fell creatures in conversation or to seek to flee. Instead, she focuses on memorizing her path -- trying to remember every nook and cranny of the ancient bastion of cruel rock.
So it was that Celise, mother and wife of Jonos found herself sinking gratefully into the hot, soapy water of a huge, pool-sized marble bathtub within Nesharina's quarters. Slave girls slipped into the waters with her and began scrubbing her weary body and washing her crusty, filthy hair. Between her legs, fires were rekindled as the experienced young women caressed and comforted her, their faces a mixture of eagerness and fear, anxious to please the beautiful woman. Celise drifted with their sweet and gentle touch, almost falling asleep as her mind worked backwards, reliving the last several days...
The Queen awakes to the sounds of battle -- of men screaming and metal weapons clashing. Clamors of "Awake -- To Battle, To Arms" erupt as do animalistic howls that cause the tiny hairs on her arms to rise. A terrified horse gives a horrific, frightened neigh as it brushes her tent, making the poles shake and wobble.
Naked, Celise comes to her feet and leaves the tent, gasping as she beheld the carnage before her. The soldiers of her escort do battle with giants -- savage mountain giants who wade amongst the Agostan guards, gleefully spreading mayhem and death as they swing battle axes as big as a man.
A soldier, grown barely to manhood, stumbles up to the tent, horrified to see her. "My Queen, we are betrayed! Flee -- flee while you still can." He holds a bastard sword in one hand and the other is pressed against a gaping wound in his side. Celise recognizes him as Quint -- the youngest of the Queen's escort to her father's kingdom, Elysium. A sweet boy who'd just had her three nights ago -- taking his turn amongst the Queen's Guard in sharing her bed for a night of splendid fucking.
Out of the shadows looms a monstrous figure. A mountain giant, face and body smeared with blood that with a savage laugh swings at Quint. The soldier deflects the strike, but is sent flying when the giant follows with a savage kick. Quint lands with a breathless thud in the brush near the tent.
The giant spins and begins to close with the Queen who stands her ground. Celise raises her arms and traces arcane sigils in the air as she whispers, "Inferium." Gouts of bluish flame leap from her fingertips and strike the giant, enveloping him a swath of fire. He screams and staggers off -- hands trying vainly to rake the flames away as it begins to incinerate his flesh.
Queen Celise rushes to Quint's side. He coughs up blood as he gasps, "My Queen...p-please, flee now before it's -- it's too late." He glances at the battle, giants now encircling the surviving soldiers. "They can't hold out much longer!" Tears of pain and frustration run down his face and though it causes him pain, he reaches out and clutches Celise's arm. "Please, my Queen, flee now!"
Celise has followed his glance at the battle. Of the fifty soldiers of her escort, she guesses maybe half are still alive with more dying each passing moment. She shakes her head and says, "No -- I will not, but the King must be warned!" She presses a hand against Quint's wound and concentrates, feeling arcane power flow through her fingers as she surrenders a bit of her own life force. Immediately, the young man's wound begins to close and his breathing becomes easier.
As a wave of dizziness begins to sweep over her, the Queen withdraws. After a deep breath, she whispers, "Soldier Quint, sworn to my command -- flee and seek out King Jonos and tell him what has befallen." She pulls the soldier to his feet, pressing her fingers against his protesting lips and then pushes him into the brush. "Do this and all may yet turn out well." Then without a backward glance, she turns and strides towards the battle.
Giants and soldiers alike pause in amazement as the naked and luscious woman strides into the middle of the carnage. One giant seems to be directing the monstrous creatures and she approaches him without fear. He licks his lips as he watches her stride forth -- her large and magnificent breasts bouncing as she walks -- her hair, tousled from sleep giving her the appearance of something beautiful and feral. In the firelight, he sees the glistening of this night's lover's seed on her inner thighs.
Celise stops before him, unafraid and bold and putting her hands on her hips says in a voice used to command, "Giant, I am Celise DeKarthus, mother and wife of King Jonos, daughter of Pharaoh Khanthus XVII. I offer my surrender if you would spare the lives of my men."
He pauses and considers her, a broken tooth smile appearing on his chiseled face. "You are ours anyway, Whore Queen -- why should I let them live?"
"I would know what you are called, Giant, so we may treat as equals."
He barks a cruel laugh -- one echoed by the other giants while the Agostan men look on with shame and horror. One takes a step towards Celise and the mountain giant, defiantly raising his sword in protest. "My queen -- no! We would rather die than live with the shame..." His words trail off as the futileness of their situation truly sinks in.
The giant ignores him, knowing the battle is won already and replies to Queen Celise, "I am Garlchrissh, Jarl of the Iron Giants, Queen Celise. Again, you are my prisoner already. Why should I let these puny ones live?"
"The victory is yours, Garlchrissh, but live slaves sold in the Nedalian markets are worth more than rotting bodies on the battlefield and if you agree, I will go with you peaceably."
The giant nods almost absently. "And if I don't agree?"
Celise draws herself up, breasts rising tautly, as her body seems to ripple with eldritch power and there is death laced in her voice as she says, "Then we die and you return home all the poorer to face grieving widows and children."
The other giants gawp at their leader, wondering how he will respond to be spoken to in such imperious tones. He studies Celise in silence for long second, only the cries of the dying breaking through the sudden quiet. Then a broken toothed grin splits open his face and he barks a guttural laugh and bows before the queen.
"We have a bargain, Whore Queen."
He turns and speaks to the other giants in his ancient, crude language while Celise sighs and nods to her soldiers, motioning with her hand to drop their weapons. One steps forward -- she recognizes him as Lieutenant Fabre, her escort's second in command. Intuitively she understands that Captain Billow is dead and now he is ranking office. "My lady..." He falters, but then finds the courage to say, "My Queen -- we would rather fight to the death than bear this disgrace -- please, let us..."
He stops in mid sentence by Celise's expression and she reaches out and strokes his weary, blood and smoke stained face and says, "This is not the time to speak of death. For now survive -- take care of your men." Her face grows angrier and she speaks more softly. "We were betrayed. Stay alive so that you may have your vengeance. That time is not far off, I think."
Nothing more is said. His eyes widen at her claim and then he visibly calms down and nods and then turns away to look to his men who are quickly rounded up and placed into fetters by the mountain giants.
Garlchrissh divides his force, sending all but four of them with the defeated soldiers towards the passes leading to Nedal and their dreadful slave markets. As one of the remaining giants approaches the queen with rope to bind her, Garlchrissh snarls, "None of that. She has agreed to be peaceable."
He approaches Celise and without comment reaches out and grabs her with one massive paw and flings her onto his shoulder. He breaks into a run and is followed by the others, ignoring the queen's occasional grunts or cries of discomfort as she is bounced along against his bony shoulder.
Long they run as the night passes, their giantish vision allowing them to run effortlessly through the dark, moonless night. Celise bears her discomfort without complaint, enduring the giant's grasp, massive fingers clamped down on her back and buttocks to hold her in place. As the first threads of dawn break the eastern sky, she realizes they are moving southward.
As the giants run, Celise manages to shift herself so that Garlchrissh's little finger slips between her thighs and she wiggles until she can feel his digit rubbing against her thick matted mound. Thus it was that the morning sun found the Whore Queen quivering with pleasure as pressure from the giant's finger teased and rubbed against her pussy, her labia spreading to open herself up more to the friction their movement created.
If Garlchrissh takes notice of it, he shows no reaction as the mountain giants continue to run at a steady pace, their breathing even and constant as they lope through tree and brush laced plains. In Celise's quiet, orgasmic throes, she often glances over her shoulder and soon confirms their direction as the Iron Shards grow in front of her, the snow capped peaks appearing closer with each passing moment.
Towards noon, they begin turning into a southeasterly direction, still approaching the mountain range, rapidly eating up the miles as they run. Celise, exhausted from the night's fight and her near constant orgasms passes into an uneasy sleep in which images of her son, Jonos dominates -- a dream of sex and passion and anger as he strides about with a huge erection -- his cock monstrously huge beyond even his remarkable dimensions, constantly teasing her, always on the verge of fucking her, but never doing so.
The sun is setting in the west and the giants have carried themselves into the foothills of the Iron Shards before Garlchrissh calls a halt to their march. They find a well hidden hollow and make camp, dumping Celise, naked and sweaty onto a foul smelling animal skin taken from the chieftain's pack.
He sends one out to find food while the others see to their camp, making it defensible. Celise eyes him curiously and finally speaks. "I assumed you were making for Bloodgate."
He nods and says, "And so we are."
She gestures around them and replies, "But we have journeyed ever steadily in a southeastern direction when Bloodgate lies due south."
Garlchrissh snorts as he draws closer, his eyes roaming hungrily over her body as he mutters, "There be more than one path into Bloodgate." Celise recognizes the lust in his eyes and thinks it odd that she is unafraid, given all the horrible stories she has heard since childhood of giantish lust. She feels her nipples harden under the terrible beast's gaze and the fire that has simmered between her thighs all day begins to burn with anticipated need.
The giant licks his lips and says in a husky voice. "You are called the Whore Queen, yes?"
Celise nods and says softly, "Aye and it's a name well earned." She spreads her legs wide, revealing her thick, dark pelt, split now by her flowering labia, pinkish flesh glistening in the slowly fading light. "I'm sure you've been tasked to bring me to Kallas unharmed, but..." The queen leaves the rest unsaid, eyeing the huge tent in Garlchrissh's jerkin.
The giant chieftain reaches out with a massive, gnarled finger and brushes it over Celise's face and then brushes it over her body, making her bountiful breasts jiggle and roll before descending over her stomach and between her legs. "Ohhhh, yessss!" Celise moans as his thick finger, itself the size of a large, erect man's cock, rubs itself into her wet, aching flesh. Garlchrissh grunts with amusement and thrusts it further into the queen's cunt, filling her up and making her cry out as he rotates his finger around inside her furnace hot flesh.
With a swift motion, the giant pulls his jerkin off, revealing his thick, powerful and misshapen body. As he fucks the queen with his one finger, she moans as she eyes the truly enormous cock between his legs. For the first time, Celise feels fear -- his cock is beyond anything she could have imagined -- perhaps three feet in length and as thick as Jono's hard muscled thigh -- the cock head itself the size of a man's head. It is dark red, almost purplish -- its veins standing out and visibly throbbing while thick and clear precum drips from it. More amazingly, her fear of the giant's monster penis is overwhelmed for her desire to experience it.
Queen Celise mewls with pleasure as he somehow seems to curl his fingertip inside her and pulls her naked and aroused body closer to him, moving around her until he stands over her. Garlchrissh squats down and with his free hand, guides his huge dick so he can rub it over her soft flesh, mauling her heavy tits and then pressing the spongy cock head over her face and through her hair.
"I want your cum!" Celise moans as she reaches out to embrace the giant's member, briefly protesting as he works his probing finger free from her clasping cunt, but then focusing all her attentions on the enormous cock. She literally wraps her arms and legs around the shaft, her lips showering his cock head with hungry kisses and long, happy licks, lapping up enormous mouthfuls of his precum. The queen's hands are busy stroking his velvety steel rod as she hunches her wet cunt against the lower part of his shaft, savoring every bump and ridge of his heavily veined penis. Her mind reels with the sheer enormity of the cock in her embrace.
Waves of the giant's musk intoxicate the queen's senses as she kisses his flesh, tasting cum and piss and sweat as she rolls her tongue over and around his cock head, ending up with her mouth pressing into his piss slit, swirling her tongue around the moist tip of his cock. Garlchrissh gives a surprised grunt and thrusts his cock against Celise's face.
The Whore Queen senses his impending eruption and opens her mouth wide, pressing her lips firmly against his piss slit. Even so, Celise is overwhelmed as a torrent of thick, whitish semen erupts into her face -- the contents more than that of even a hundred humans, hosing her face and making her choke as the giant ejaculates again and again. The queen swallows mouthful after mouthful of his strong flavored seed while even more splatters over her face, dripping from her chin onto her heaving breasts, flowing over her forehead and running in thick streams in her hair.
As she fills her belly with his hot sperm, Celise revels in the sensation of the thick coat of his seed covering her face like some soothing lotion. She strokes and kisses the giant's cock until his flood of cum ceases and he pulls back from her touch, his body quivering as he murmurs, "Whore Queen, indeed!"
Celise laughs like a small child, delighting in the carnal sensations of most of her upper body being covered in a thick coat of giantish semen. She scoops up thick handfuls from her face and lets the thick, viscous fluid flow from between her fingers onto her heaving breasts and into her open mouth. So enraptured is she, that it is long minutes before she realizes the other giants have returned from their duties and now, like their chieftain, have abandoned their hide jerkins, each sporting a massive erection.
The Queen moans and realizes her evening pleasures have just begun. She holds her arms out wide in invitation and throatily moans, "More...I want more!"
The giants, once Garlchrissh gives a nod of consent are happy to oblige, all moving in and suddenly Celise is covered with cock flesh -- massive trunks of penis rubbing against her body, stroking her soft and now slick skin from her legs to her hair. Time quickly loses all sense as she finds herself buffeted about by four aroused giants, every inch of her body seeming stroking or being stroked by their mammoth cocks, her mouth constantly kissing and licking tender flesh which only withdraws if one of them begins to cum. By unspoken consent, the others withdraw while one groans with pleasure as he literally showers the Queen of Agosta with an unconceivable torrent of semen, watching her avidly as she drinks and covers herself in the hot, whitish fluids.
Queen Celise drinks sperm by what seems the gallon, gorging herself on the thick, hot seed of the giants and literally finds herself bathing in their semen as it flows over her, leaving none of her uncovered. It pools and collects on the animal skin where she lies and she writhes in the heaping mounds of cum until her body is coated in the jizzum of giants, her belly growing full of the strong tasting giant-cum. Each giant gives her at least two loads of their seed before collapsing back in a general mood of sated good humor.
Last to offer up his semen is the Chieftain, Garlchrissh, who rubs his cock over her cum covered body until she guides him between her legs and bucks her pelvis back and forth, rubbing her sopping wet cunt over his cock head until she sees him tense up.
Deftly, Queen Celise guides the slit of his cock between her widespread labia, positioning him so his long slit is being kissed by her wide spread labia before she begins to scream in utter pleasure as the giant presses against her open cunt and begins to ejaculate, shooting a massive spray of cum inside her pussy, making her scream as for the first time in her life she feels her womb being truly filled with semen -- the scalding hot spunk filling her up completely, the remainder leaking from around his cock head from her pussy to coat her thighs and the animal pelt beneath her. She is reminded of the fire-fighting contraptions invented by the old tinker who lives in the deep recesses of the palace in Atria -- the man-powered pumps creating powerful geysers of water. Her orgasms flow together until she is almost incoherent, pleasure as well as semen flooding her body.
Afterwards, she lies in the middle of what is more than a puddle of giantish cum, her belly full and taut with more semen than she thought ever possible to exist, writhing and rolling in the slowly cooling fluids, while the giants tend to cooking dinner. When it has been cooked, she declines their offers of the charred meat -- patting her full belly and smiling at them all gratefully as she continues to roll and play in her bed of semen.
That night, she falls asleep in the giant chieftain's lap, nestling herself in the wiry-haired groin of Garlchrissh -- her body wrapped around his never completely flaccid cock, her face pressed against the warm flesh of the crown of his penis.
For the next two nights, after a day spent winding their way through little known passes of the Iron Shard Mountains, the lurid attentions of the giants were repeated with Celise feeding on their semen, her sleep only broken when one yearned for a little personal attention -- attention that the Whore Queen was happy to give, marveling at their capacity to offer forth amounts of sperm she had only imagined of in her dreams.
For their part, the giants treat her gently, almost courtly outside of their carnal attentions which she accepts like a well seasoned slattern in a common whorehouse. Celise feels their cum crusting and drying on her body and wherever it flakes away, she feels that her skin had renewed itself, glowing with health. Indeed, the Whore Queen's diet of semen fills her with a sense of health and well being she has not possessed since she was a child in the court of her father.
It was with some sadness that finally, the giants emerge from the jagged peaks of the Iron Shards to gaze at a small valley that backed into a great mountain at the base of which was a great iron gate. The troops guarding the tunnels beyond yield to the fierce glares of Garlchrissh and his company -- pausing only to ogle the cum-covered beautiful woman carried in the arms of the giant chieftain.
Celise gives a cry as cold hands yank her from the water. The handmaids of Nesharina scatter away from the huge bath chamber; their naked bodies glistening while their faces show utter disgust and horror as the zombie guards of their queen drag the true queen of Agosta from the bath chambers.
The queen gives no cry or moans of complaint as they drag her along, skinning her knees as she stumbles, trying to gain her footing as they descend deeper into the bowels of Bloodgate -- the air growing fetid and warmer. Celise recalls that the Fortress is nestled amongst great hot springs heated by flowing rivers of magma that emerge from the deep -- remnants of the great power that formed these ancient mountains.
Finally, Queen Celise is brought to a dark chamber, humid and reeking of pain and despair. As her eyes adjust to the dim lights of the room, she recognizes it as a torture chamber, bizarre and evil devices hanging from the walls or resting on tables -- blood stains, some still tacky, marring the stone floor. She remains silent as the zombie guards place manacles on her wrists -- manacles hanging from the ceiling and which after the Zombies let her go, leave her almost suspended -- only the tips of her toes on the ground.
Pain quickly begins to course along her shoulders and arms and then down her back as she struggles to keep her footing -- the pain quickly descending into her thighs and legs. Celise composes herself as the regal being she is -- beginning a mantra taught to her long ago to center herself. In a quiet hiss that barely escapes her lips, she repeats over and over, "Pain and pleasure -- the border is unsure -- only I decide on which side I stand."
In the quietness of the room, the only noise the dripping of sweat from her long, shapely body, the Queen of Agosta reaches inside herself -- seeking out the pain that wracks her body, finding it and isolating it, seeking ever to push it towards something sweeter. Her breathing and her heart slow and then begin to beat faster again even as her nipples begin to pulse and warmth begins to emanate from her cunt. Her sorcerer nature takes the pain and like an alchemist who has found away to make lead into gold, she guides the pain into channels into her mind which then emerges as joyous pleasure.
Then with the crack of a whip, all is shattered as a metal tipped piece of leather rips across her back, scoring her soft, supple skin and drawing blood. Celise lets out a single cry and then ashamed, regains control and closes her mouth, her breath whistling rapidly through her nose.
There are slow and deliberate steps behind her and then something solid brushes against her torn back -- something long and hard with long strips of rawhide attached. The solid object makes it way up and down her back, smearing blood from the single wound that it caused. The object, a whip handle, Celise imagines, makes its way over her shoulder and down over one splendid breast -- circling and teasing her nipple as its owner steps around in front of her.
Nesharina smiles at her former sister in law, an evil smile etched on her pale lips, her long dark hair pulled back and tied into a long braid that is draped over one shoulder. Her silk and lace gown are gone -- now replaced by an outfit that makes no pretensions towards modesty. In truth, it reminds Celise of the chaps worn by the cattleman of the eastern regions of Agosta. Nesharina is bare breasted, her smallish, pert breasts standing at attention, nipples rouged red, erect with anticipation. Her outfit of dark, reddish brown leather consists of leggings with nothing covering her crotch. Her pale, hairless, thin lipped labia are revealed, swollen with her arousal, her juices already running down her thighs and over the leather leggings.
"Long have I dreamed of having you here in my playroom, Celise," Nesharina says breathlessly. "My only regret is that you won't die here -- but," she pauses and shrugs her shoulders, "Still, before you leave me, I will break you." She reaches out with one hand and with her long, sharp fingernails, pinches one of Celise's nipples, digging her nails into the tender flesh until drops of blood begin to sprinkle the floor.
The muscles in the Whore Queen's face struggle and jerk, yet despite the pain, she does not cry out, enduring the attentions of the Nedalian princess. Only when she is released, does she speak and only after a long sigh of pleasure. "Thank you, Nesharina. Who would have guessed that you were even capable of giving pleasure?"
Her response does not please Kallas's wife and she snarls as she backs away from Celise, "I will take that haughty way of yours away, bitch and show you what pain really is." She lashes out with the whip, the tip lashing across Celise's waist, drawing more blood.
The queen bares the strike without complaint and then slowly shakes her head at her torturer. "That is perhaps your greatest failing, Nesharina -- thinking that there is only pain when truthfully, pain always walks hand in hand with pleasure like two lovers."
Nesharina's face screws up in anger, twisting her cold beauty and she rushes forward and slaps the queen's face, leaving her handprint behind before hissing, "You know nothing of pain, but I will teach you, Whore Queen." Then in her fury, she spits into Celise's face.
Spittle runs down Queen Celise's face, but she seems unbothered by it, indeed, bravely using her tongue to lick it up where she can as if it was the taste of a lover. "And for the pleasure you'll provide me, I thank you now, Witch of Nedal, for later there shall be no time -- later, I'll simply kill you. She smiles then, showing the wife of Kallas, the beauty and courage of a true queen.
Nesharina simply stares at Celise for a long moment, almost awed by her lack of fear, but then she too smiles and says, "Let us put it to the test." She holds out her hand and a zombie guard moves forward, placing small metallic objects in her palm. Almost coyly she approaches Celise and reaches out with her empty hand to caress the queen's right breast, squeezing and massaging the heavy, magnificent tit, her thumb worrying the nipple until it is erect and swollen. She leans forward and whispers, "Only in my dreams and fantasies," before pressing her lips to the queen's. Celise, wary but brave, opens her mouth in response and lets Nesharina's tongue slither in.
The two women kiss for some time as Nesharina fondles the queen's breasts, then with spider quickness, she snaps a jagged-teethed clamp around one of Celise's swollen nipples, causing the queen to cry out from the sudden shock of the brutal, biting device. Nesharina giggles evilly, as she proceeds to attach another metal clamp to Celise's other nipple. She resumes kissing the queen as she plays with the devices, turning tiny screws that increase the pressure of the clamps grip on Celise's throbbing nipples.
When the Queen of Agosta moans loudly against her probing tongue, Nesharina steps back and whispers, "Too much, bitch? But, we've only just begun." A zombie servant hands the Nedalian another handful of metal and attaches a chain to the clips, pulled almost taut. Nesharina tests it by tugging on the chain, drawing more loud moans from her foe.
Celise opens her eyes and grinning, replies through gritted teeth. "Lick my cunt, Nedalian and you'll discover you've only aroused me." Defiantly, she throws her shoulders back, drawing her breasts up and pulling the chain tighter and then lets out another sigh.
Nesharina's eyes almost bulge from her head as she steps closer and thrusts her hand between Celise's thighs and feels the molten liquid heat there. "I'm just beginning," she snaps as she connects another chain to the one suspended between the queen's breasts and then squats down, another clamp in her hand and locks it into the hanging chain. Grinning now, she reaches and palms Queen Celise's pussy, using her fingers to spread wide the queen's labia and then slid upwards to pin her thick, long clitoris, swollen with arousal, between two fingers. She pulls the clamp into place, the short chain now taut and tugging on its mate attached to the queen's nipples, and is rewarded with a terrible scream from Celise.
She stands to gaze happily at Celise, whose body is writhing from the sensations of the clamps on such sensitive spots -- sensations which are increased with every twitch of her body as the chains are pulled taut with even the slightest of movements, making the clamps pull and tug and bit deep.
"Let us see you cum now, Whore Queen," Nesharina snarls.
Seconds pass as Queen Celise twitches and jerks, unable to bring her body under control -- many moans and cries escape her lips before she can raise her head and glare back at Nesharina and gasp, "Too late, I'm afraid. My apologies for the mess," before losing her ability to speak, her voice deteriorating into wordless groans again.
Nesharina is momentarily puzzled and then looks down and is stunned to see a growing puddle of cunt juice pooling between Celise's raised feet...her loudest moans accompanied by spurts of cunt cream, betraying her almost constant state of orgasm.
The pale skinned woman stands stupefied for long minutes, watching Celise in the throes of carnal delight before screaming in rage, "NO!" as her whip lashes out, tearing across the queen's breasts. "I will break you, Whore Queen! I WILL BREAK YOU!" Like an enraged beast, she stalks around Celise, her rage building again and again until she lashes out, striking the soft, unprotected flesh of the queen, leaving bloody tracks behind.
With each strike, Celise writhes in her bonds, sobbing and crying -- her pussy juices flowing and intermingling with the splatters of blood on the dungeon floor. She is mostly wordless, only the occasional, "YES!" or "MORE!" escaping her lips as she shook in pain-fueled ecstasy.
Eight, nine, ten times, Nesharina flicks her wrist, sending the metal-tipped whip lash cutting into Queen Celise's worn flesh before her rage seems to run out of energy. She stands panting -- still angry and very much aroused. Only the quiet pitter-patter of blood dripping from the queen's torn body breaks the silence of the room. As her temper eases, Nesharina realizes the damage she has done to Celise. Haughty and arrogant as she is, she does not seek to invite the wrath of her husband, Kallas.
Striding to an ancient cabinet, she performs a simple cantrip that bypasses the arcane wards she has placed on it and after a moment of consideration, quickly removes two small, clay bottles. She quickly returns to the now slowly swaying and nearly unconscious queen. Grabbing Celise by her long, black hair, now a sweaty, bloody tangle, Nesharina jerks the queen's head back and forces a potion down her throat.
Celise gags on the foul tasting brew, trying to whip her head away, but the Nedalian maintains a tight grip on her thick mane of hair and pours the remainder down Queen Celise's throat, clamping her palm over the queen's mouth till she sees her swallow.
"This will heal the most grievous of your wounds -- those you have and those yet to come, bitch, but it will do little to temper the pain. I would not have you die...yet." Without warning, she yanks Celise's head back again and pours a second potion down her throat." As she covers Celise's mouth with her hand again, she leans in and whispers, "I would not deprive you of a single second of your pain -- this second tonic of mine will ensure that you will not sleep or lose consciousness over the next twenty-four hours." Nesharina pauses and playfully nips Celise's earlobe before adding, "If you live that long, Whore Queen."
She turns away, looking at a table nearby to consider the horrid implements there. Before she can choose one, she can hear a soft whispering from her captive. She moves towards Celise, trying to hear her words. She cocks an ear close to Celise's full, luscious lips. "What are you saying, you little cunt?"
Nesharina cannot make it out at first, but then she suddenly comprehends the words and her expression is one of horror mixed with pure rage. The fell potions she has given Celise begin to take affect and the rightful Queen of Agosta raises her head and smiles at Nesharina and says with both defiance and pleasure in her voice, "Pain and pleasure -- the border is unsure -- only I decide on which side I stand."
The Nedalian, unbelieving the sheer temerity of the incredible woman before her, thrusts her hand into Celise's cunt, finding it still wet and pulsing with need, oblivious to the torture and pain she has endured...or perhaps because of it.
"NO!" Nesharina screams, her anger now a raging, living thing at being denied. "Pain is all there is! I will show you. Pleasure becomes pain...pleasure always leads to pain., fucking whore, slattern, slut -- I will make you beg for release. I will teach you how all is pain in the end!"
Nesharina snaps her fingers and two of her zombie guards step from the shadows. Their skin reeks of wrong, pale flesh, hair and eyes a soulless black and bodies lean and hard, no doubt warriors or slaves in life and now, puppets to protect Kallas's wife and obey her every whim. Nesharina snaps her fingers again and both tear away their loincloths, revealing turgid, erect penises, unnaturally long and thick. Celise stares helplessly at them -- both repulsed and suddenly intrigued.