Chapter 02.3
Laughing, Celise gathers some of the eldritch power within her, shaping it with careful arcane nuances and then with a triumphant laugh unleashes it -- great purplish bolts of power from her hands flying both north and south, growing as it travels, taking form until it takes the shape of the great elephants of her homeland. One hurtles into the great iron doors of Bloodgate's entrance and with a concussion that knocks all down for yards about, reduces the barriers into shards of shattered iron. A few seconds later, another thunderous concussion echoes through the ancient fortress as her second bolt shatters the mountain side gates.
All cease fighting for long seconds -- the only noise Celise's lust ridden laughs. Then with a triumphant roar, her son's army surges forward through the gates, led by General Nasser, his one remaining eye gleaming with blood lust.
Kallas appears from one side of the courtyard, several hundred werewolves behind him and he unleashes them and they fall upon the advancing soldiers of her son. Like scythes in a wheat field, the lycanthropes slash and hack their way through the ranks of the Agostan army. Kallas rallies his human soldiers and throws them into the fray, committing all to the attack.
From the opposite side of the courtyard, Nesharina appears, pointing dozens of zombies, fully armored to join the attack. With a snarl, Celise descends from the great stone span, announcing her presence with great sheets of arcane flame, incinerating rows of undead, leaving them to stumble about until they collapse in smoldering piles.
Celise hears chanting in a fell language and sees Nesharina performing a ritual from a tattered and ancient scroll -- her accompanying gestures betraying to Celise the beginnings of a death curse. She lands softly in the courtyard, perhaps twenty yards from the Nedalian witch. Shaking her head in bemusement, she strides towards the pale, deathly skinned woman.
Nesharina completes the ritual before Celise closes the distance, the scroll in her hand disintegrating in a burst of dark power and the curse, born in the arcane runes written in a dead man's blood hurtles at the queen, screaming out the doom it carries amidst a black mass of tentacles and spikes, only to dash against the eldritch energies that radiate from Celise to fall to tatters.
Nesharina staggers back a few steps, aghast at the utter failure of her spell as Celise calls out, "You witches of Nedal never understood, dabbling in death, wasting a single man's life to create your curses of death." Her voice rises and Nesharina trembles under its weight. "While you play with death, I have fed on life -- not a single paltry one, but of more lives than I can count. DEATH IS NOTHING, WITCH! LIFE IS POWER! PLEASURE IS POWER!"
Celise reaches the witch and takes her in her arms, her strength overwhelming Nesharina, pinning her arms at her sides as she presses her lips against the Nedalian's. Nesharina moans in protest, but yields as Celise thrusts her tongue into her mouth. Terrible power envelopes them both and Celise takes them into the air, now wrapping her long legs around Nesharina as well.
Immersed in such great power, Nesharina's leather armor falls apart like sugar treats caught out in the rain. Celise grinds her pelvis against the thinner, paler woman's mound. The Nedalian moans both in fear and unexpected pleasure as her vulva grinds against Celise's, becoming moister and slicker with every movement -- her nipples harden against the queen's massive and soft breasts.
Nesharina's body begins to burn with desire and she whimpers even as she seeks to tease and intertwine her tongue with that of the queen's. Each subtle rubbing touch of Celise's cunt lips against her own is sheer torturous ecstasy and her body betrays her by hunching back, wanting more of that searing hot cunt meshing with her own aroused pussy.
Below them, Kallas watches in horror as his wife ascends into the air with Celise. His lycanthrope troops take the Agostan army to the brink of collapse and then from the rear entrance of the courtyard comes a great roar. The forces of Jonos groan as dozens of Mountain Giants emerge from the tunnels. At their stead strides Garlchrissh, his tunic covered with blood and his axe dripping with ichor.
Kallas sneers, thinking victory is one step closer before the great Jarl of the Mountain Giants roars, "For King Jonos and Agosta! Death to the pretender!" and he and his men charge the werewolves as Kallas staggers back while giant and lycanthrope crash together in bloody slaughter.
General Nasser reforms his lines and presses his attack, trying to work closer and closer to Kallas, who works his way up a flight of steps, then another, reaching a battlement where he and his personal guard, all now transformed into raging werewolves can more easily defend themselves.
Above it all, Celise coos with dark pleasure as her thick, swollen labia grinds against Nesharina's now flowered and dripping cunt, her tongue roiling around in the Nedalian's mouth. Nesharina is moaning helplessly in the queen's fiery embrace, slowly working her way towards the orgasm of a lifetime, not completely understanding how or why her body is responding so to a woman she has dreamed countless times of killing, simply knowing that she wants...needs more of the Whore Queen. She hunches back against Celise, wanting climax and getting so close.
"KALLAS!" comes a mighty bellow and from a side tunnel, pushing back several of Kallas's soldiers, emerges King Jonos, his mightily muscled body covered in blood, a savage grin on his face as he swings Vanquisher about, laying waste to all brave or foolish enough to give him battle. Jonos eschews heavy armor, content only with a breast plate and his customary kilt. He quickly glances around, assessing the situation here in the vast courtyard, nodding with satisfaction as the Iron Giants slowly corral the werewolves, winnowing down their numbers with each sweep of their brutal axes.
Jonos catches sight of his mother, a hapless and now naked Nesharina in her embrace, a sneer of utter carnal delight on her face. He laughs -- a quick and harsh bark and yells above the din, "GODS, MOTHER! IS THERE NOTHING ON THIS WORLD YOU WOULDN'T FUCK?" He reluctantly tears his gaze away from his queen, hiding all sense of relief at her apparent well being and scans the field again for his uncle. It is only moments later that he spies Kallas surrounding by his werewolf guards, looking aghast at the turn of events.
"COME, KALLAS, LET US SETTLE THIS THING ONCE AND FOR ALL. BE BRAVE SO YOU MAY TELL MY FATHER YOU DIED FIGHTING LIKE A MAN!" Jonos begins fighting his way through the mass of soldiers warring in the courtyard, all giving way before the frightful specter of the warrior king. Blood oozes from his mighty frame from many a sword's slash and he is covered in the blood of dozens he has sent to the Gods.
Upon hearing her son's voice, Celise is nearly overwhelmed with orgasm from the sweetest sound she knows, her cunt pulsing madly as he calls out to her. She senses Nesharina approaching orgasm and is pleased, wanting to be done with the Nedalian bitch.
Nesharina is caught up in ecstasy unlike any she has never known, Celise's passion fueled by eldritch energies burn within her and she yearns to reach the pinnacle of pleasure and begins to gasp, whimpering happily against the queen's lush, full lips. Celise senses the moment of climax has arrived and breaks the kiss.
The Queen of Agosta withdraws from Nesharina the ecstatic glory of the eldritch energies coursing through her body and Nesharina jerks in shock and dismay, the anguish of suddenly being cut off from all that delicious pleasure etched on her face.
Her expression betraying how much she is relishing the moment, Celise whispers, "I deny you, bitch princess of Nedal, the greatest pleasure you would ever hope to know. Die knowing it will never be yours." As her last word escapes her lips, Celise releases Nesharina from her grasp and turns to seek out her King, paying no attention to the witch's screams or the sick crunch of meat and bone that follows as Nesharina crashes on the stone courtyard far below.
She moves towards Jonos who is now climbing towards the rampart where Kallas cowers behind his lycanthropes. Her cunt aches for her son as she admires his gore drenched body, his mighty thewed thighs swelling as he propels himself ever upwards. He pauses only to glance back to see the source of Nesharina's screams and upon seeing her shattered and lifeless body below, spares a moment to grin at his wife and mother who grins back, both caught up in the bloodlust of battle.
Then he resumes his climb, reaching the battlement, Vanquisher slashing through the air, a king's sword committing deeds worthy of songs still to be sung eons from the moment. Werewolf after werewolf falls to his rage. A small contingent of lycanthropes breaks free from the encircling giants and charges up the steps to rescue their would be king, but then Celise is there, a storm of flame swirling around her -- a storm she unleashes, incinerating all in a moment of hellish fury.
With one final swing of his sword, Jonos liberates the head of Kallas's last defender, sending the hairy orb bouncing past Kallas to fall into the courtyard far below. Sweat mixes with blood and pours into Jonos's eyes, making him squint and scowl as he stalks across the battlement towards his uncle.
Kallas cowers against the stone wall, his sword dangling from a limp and panicked hand. Untouched by battle, whole and healthy, he edges away from the bloody warrior slowly approaching him. Sunlight glints off gore streaked Vanquisher, blinking like a semaphore foretelling impending doom. "Jonos...nephew," Kallas stammers, all his vain bluster and bravado evaporated. Once a man familiar with battle, he is unnerved by the giant of a man confronting him.
"Come Kallas, raise your sword and die a man," growls Jonos. "Do not debase yourself and whimper like an old woman begging for mercy."
Suddenly a hush falls across the field of battle as all turn and crane their heads upwards to see the moment when the matter of the crown of Agosta is to be settled once and for all time. Only the few remaining werewolves attempt to fight on and they are quickly crushed by the giants who gleefully stamp their lives out.
Kallas sobs and lets his weapon fall to the ground with a hollow clang that echoes throughout the fortress. He spreads shaking limbs wide and says in a small voice. "No, I will not fight you, nephew. We are kin and I would shed not your blood. I beg forgiveness, my King and beseech you, show mercy to an old man." His eyes flicker past Jonos to Celise who alights behind her son as light as a feather. The old familiar hate shines in his eyes for a moment for the slayer of his wife, but then he begins to weep as he slowly steps towards the king who stands silent and impassive.
"Dispose of me as you will, King Jonos. Execute me for treason or exile me or perhaps even let me live out the remainder of my short years in mourning for my wife." His voice breaks into a sob on his last words as he closes with Jonos. "Please, embrace me, Jonos -- show mercy to your uncle."
As he reaches his nephew, Kallas suddenly flicks his wrist and with a metallic click, a small wide blade slides from his bracer, dripping with black venom and before Celise can cry out a warning -- her hands coming up to strike him with arcane fire, Kallas slashes at the king, a triumphant smirk on his lips.
Jonos seems frozen, willing to stand and curiously watch his doom come to him, but at the very last instant, he moves so quickly as to be a blur and the blade misses his throat by no more than a whisker's length and then his arms are in motion and there is a sickly breaking noise and Kallas recoils, his arm hanging at an odd angle -- the elbow brutally broken.
"You are a fool, old man," the King snarls softly, advancing on his uncle, sheathing his sword. "You are a cliché." Jonos reaches out and with one hand takes hold of Kallas by the hair on his head and then slams the other hand into his crotch, fingers contracting and making his uncle squeal in terror and pain. Jonos lifts him up, squeezing harder on Kallas's loins and even Celise winces as things loudly pop and tear.
"Go join your dead bitch," the King of Agosta says and then with a great grunt of effort, he hurls Kallas, the pretender off the rampart. Kallas's shrill cries of pain and terror follow him down until his head collides with the stone flagons, bursting like an overripe melon to splatter on the bloody remains of his wife.
Silence falls over the battlefield as the King stands above them all, pulling his sword from its sheath and raising it high above his head. "I AM JONOS, RIGHTFUL KING OF AGOSTA! BE THERE ANYONE WHO DISPUTES MY CLAIM? LET THEM COME FORTH AND GIVE ME HONORABLE COMBAT!
Silence follows for some moments -- no one moving save Queen Celise, now unable to keep away from her lover, approaches her son, the king. She places one hand on his strong, broad shoulder and kisses his blood soaked arm, pressing herself against him, hunching her blossomed cunt against his muscled thigh. Her hands move to undo his kilt, unable is she to stop herself, the need to see and touch her son overwhelming.
Celise falls to her knees as his kilt falls away and she moans and presses her face against his thickly haired groin, his penis fully aroused in the heat of battle, sustained now by the touch of his mother's lips, Celise kissing his long shaft, kissing the swollen head, delighting in its velvet firmness. Her tongue slips out and traces a path down and then up Jonos's cock and then she takes him in her mouth as below a great roaring cheer suddenly rises up, accompanied by the sound of clattering swords as the last of Kallas's forces surrender, kneeling in acknowledgement of the true king.
King Jonos raises Vanquisher higher in the air and gives a great, wordless roar to those below which is returned many thousand time in the cries of his soldiers -- their cheers and cries carried to even greater heights as they watch Queen Celise take all of her husband's cock -- deep into her experienced throat, guided by the king's free hand, curled in the long, luxurious tresses of her dark mane.
As the Whore Queen sucks her man's cock in front of thousands of his subjects, they begin to cheer, calling his name over and over again -- "JONOS, JONOS, JONOS!" For long minutes his subjects fill the air with his name while Celise lovingly and expertly sucks her son's huge penis, adoringly licking and sucking ever inch of his vast shaft, reacquainting herself with every bump and vein, losing herself in the touch and taste of her master's erection.
The air around the incestuous couple crackles with energy -- Celise as always, amazed that just kissing and sucking her son's cock can make her so aroused -- even more in the face of all she has experienced in the last few days -- nothing, none of the pleasure she has enjoyed can compare with the joy and rapture of experiencing her son's long, thick penis.
Jonos roars again, announcing the arrival of his orgasm and he floods his mother and queen's mouth with his semen, making her sob with joy at tasting his beloved nectar once again. As he is shooting his last streamers of sperm, he jerks her head back, his immense cock slipping free of her lips to spray the last of his cum on her face and breasts, all to the cheers of his followers below.
The king's strong arms pull Celise to her feet and wrapping his strong arms around her, he lifts her and crushes his mouth against her sperm smeared lips. His army crows wildly as the royal couple kiss passionately. When Jonos releases her, she gasps, "Oh, Jonos -- my beloved. I have missed you!"
Jonos grins cruelly and replies, "I know you, Mother, this is what you missed!" He thrusts his hips against her several times, his cock still hard, dripping cum and saliva.
Eldritch power flashes in Celise's eyes and the wind stirs around them as she answers, "Oh Gods, yes, son." She hunches against him, letting her thick swollen labia to rub up and down his stiff cock trapped between them. "I missed my son's cock...the cock of a god. I want it, my king. I want your god cock in me, fucking me, making me scream...making us a heir to the throne! Please, Jonos!"
He smiles, understanding of his mother's sluttish ways etched on his face. He lifts Celise up, his hands almost spanning her slender waist. Acting on instinct, the Whore Queen spreads her legs, letting out a cry of happiness as her son impales her on his huge fuck pole, driving her down with such force upon it, she almost passes out from the intensity of being filled with such an immense amount of cock flesh. "FUCK ME, MY SON AND KING!" she screams.
With savage glee Jonos does just that, his hands cupping her firm ass cheeks, working her up and down his cock like a hapless rag doll -- her legs sprawled wide, draped over his arms, his muscles swollen and straining from the effort. The king's subjects below clap and cheer loudly, happily, enthusiastically and enviously -- enjoying the carnal display between the royal mother and son.
King Jonos of Agosta fucks his queen hard, thrusting his cock brutally into her again and again, her breasts bouncing and dancing as she is plunged up and down, happily and helplessly speared on his cock. Jonos licks his lips and ducks his head to suck and bite Celise's swollen nipples, making his mother weep as he gives her such incestuous pleasure she thinks her heart might burst.
The energy within her rushes forth, magnifying every erotic sensation in her body. Dark, purplish flames spread out from her to envelope them both. Jonos grunts in surprise as he feels every nerve in his body become almost infinitely more sensitive and does not slacken the pace with which he is fucking his mother -- indeed, he fucks her all the harder. Eldritch flames lick up and down them both, Celise directing the energy to flow over her son, healing his wounds and restoring him to full health and increasing his vigor and appetites beyond even his usual god like standards..
As an awed crowd watches, mother and son, king and queen, husband and wife, fuck madly, Celise's body flailing wildly as her son stands with feet spread firmly on the stone platform and moves her up and down his cunt-juice covered cock. The flames of energy that dance around them contract, disappearing within them, centered on their joining, pussy and cock, flooding every cell of their genitals with arcane power, increasing the sinfully sweet pleasure mother and son share by a hundred fold.
Celise's orgasm washes over her, making her sob and groan and quiver in her son's embrace, the ecstatic joy growing ever greater with each passing moment. Jonos's strong hands, grip her and open her wider, allowing him to sink his throbbing cock even deeper into her womb and then with a snarl, he slams her down brutally, forcing the swollen tip of his cock deeper into her soft sensitive flesh before he begins to cum.
As Queen Celise feels the first wave of hot, steaming semen -- the precious seed of her beloved son, bath her womb, her orgasm explodes as never before, ripping from her such a soul rending scream of pure, incestuous ecstasy as to shock into silence the awed crowd below as her back arches and her body grows taut, straining to get even more of her son's cock inside her -- straining to open herself and avail herself even more to the king's virile seed.
And so it came to pass, that many an Agostan veteran in the latter years of their life would hoist a mug and proudly claim, "I was there -- I bore witness to the day our good prince was conceived."
Jonos slouches insolently on the throne in the great hall of Bloodgate. Though weary, he wishes to finish dispensing justice and carrying out the duties of the King of Agosta before retiring to a well earned bed with his bride. His mother, Celise, Whore Queen of Agosta eschews the throne chair next to his, preferring as she most often does, to recline between her son's strong thighs, her face moving to nuzzle his cock in its nest of dark, wiry hair whenever the mood strikes. Celise remains naked, very comfortable in the unclothed state she has been in for the last several days.
Between audiences, she learns of Jonos tracking her through the mountains -- the last of her escorts, the young soldier, Quint having survived to find the king and informing him of her situation. The King calls him forth and knights him, awarding him land and title for his deeds, heaping lavish praise upon him while Celise kneels at Quint's feet and sucks his cock. In later years, Quint who will be a great hero in his own right will be hard pressed to say which honor meant the most to him -- his land and titles or the privilege of cumming in the mouth of Queen Celise in front of the King.
Afterwards, Jonos tells her of encountering the Mountain Giants in the Iron Shard -- of Garlchrissh bravely telling of kidnapping his bride and mother and then almost ashamedly of working for and being dishonored by Kallas. The great Giant speaks admiringly of the king's mother and kneels before Jonos, offering his own neck as atonement for his peoples' misdeeds. Jonos refuses and offers a better way to atone and Garlcrissh will call forth over a hundred of his kindred to go to war and redeem themselves against the dishonor that Kallas inflicted upon them.
"I swear to the Gods, Mother -- I could see that creature's cock grow as he talked of the honorable Whore Queen." Jonos shakes his head in mock disgust and says not for the last time, "Mother, is there anything that walks, crawls, swims, slithers or flies that you will not happily spread your legs for?"
Queen Celise smiles up at her husband and after tonguing his semi-erect cock, replies, "I don't know, my lord, but I look forward to finding out...if it should please my son to do so." Mayhap it did, as her teasing tongue again will bring his thick penis to erection, providing the queen with a pleasant diversion as her son and husband continues to hold court.
The surviving remnants of Kallas's army are brought forth, all whom throw themselves on the King's mercy. All appear awed at the sheer force that is their true liege and are torn and distracted as Celise deep throats her son, eyes glazed with carnal contentment while he commands all Kallas's rank and file to swear fealty, abandon their arms and return to their towns and farms, their pardons contingent upon good behavior. The officers of the armies of Agosta who broke faith and allied with Kallas are also shown the King's mercy -- a mercifully quick execution and their heads adorning the walls of Bloodgate.
No lycanthrope is spared and Jonos decrees that the word be spread across Agosta that a warrant of death will be on the head of any who shelter or aid any Nedalian. When the disposition of the corpses of Kallas and Nesharina arise, Jonos is quick to command, "Wrap up their sorry remains in a burlap bag and bear them to the Nedalian border to be offered up to their Priest-king as a token of the esteem in which the King of Agosta holds him and his people."
General Nasser grunts and in an amused tone answers, "My liege, as you command, but do you not think that you might give offense to the Nedalian?"
Celise lets her Jonos's cock slip from her lips, semen and her saliva dripping from it to splatter over her heaving breasts and replies in a cum filled voice, "Nay, General. My husband seeks to pick a fight with old Nergillian. Nedal plans to war with us, but it will be Agosta that chooses when that war shall begin!"
Nasser grins toothily at that, his one eye gleaming with fire at the prospect of ending the Nedalian threat once and for all. King Jonos nods and his general bows and says, "As you command, sire."
Jonos then commands that the Patriarch of the Church attend him. Many minutes pass before the old man strides in, accompanied by the King's Captain of the Guard, the dour Captain Tollene. "Good priest, I had nearly given up hope of you making an audience with your King," rumbles the king in a tone of foul humor. "You were busy offering up prayers of thanks to the Gods for our victory, no doubt?"
The patriarch's lips curl almost into a sneer before he masters himself and replies, "My apologies, my...lord. I presumed you were busy with matters of state."
And so I am, Patriarch Donat, so I am and a matter of security has arisen -- one in which I seek your counsel."
The old man nods, his expression of near disdain transforming into one of smugness. "As you wish -- may my paltry wisdom suffice to be of service."
Jonos grins and replies, "I am sure of it. Now, as you know, upon the commencement of war between me and my uncle, my armies engaged his forces three times and each time it was if he had anticipated our battle plans."
"The Gods be praised that we were able to still drive his men from the field each time," says the Patriarch.
Jonos snorts contemptuously and answers, "The Gods and General Nasser be praised -- it was his skill that saved the day each time. Despite victory it quickly became obvious that a traitor was amongst the King's advisors."
Patriarch Donat nods, shifting a little before the King, his eyes suddenly avoiding the King's icy stare. He averts them more as his gaze moves down to see Celise calmly sucking her son's cock, milking it clean of his last ejaculation. "As you say, M'lord. I am a man of the divine -- such secular matters...confuse me."
"You are such a devoted man to be sure," says the King, sarcasm heavy in his voice. "I determined that it was one of three who was the betrayer and set a trap for him."
The head of the Agostan faith begins to turn pale and stutters, "I-Indeed, King Jonos?"
Jonos continues, "Only three men amongst my advisors were informed that the Queen was dispatched by me to seek support from her father in Elysiis. Each man was told in confidence a different route that she would travel." The king rises from the throne, forcing Celise to surrender his cock from her lips. "Tell me, Patriarch -- how was it that Kallas knew where to send the giants to take my mother captive?"
The old man steps back, awed in the face of the anger of the King. He opens his mouth to speak, then abruptly turns and attempts to flee, only to realize that he is ringed in by several of the King's guard with Captain Tollene and General Nasser behind him, hands gripping the hilts of their swords. The Patriarch spins and shakes his fist at King Jonos. "You have no right to accuse me. I am the Church and not bound to your word -- you, the usurper who lies with your whore of a mother in unholy fornication."
"Why, Patriarch Donat, you say that like it is a terrible thing," purrs Celise, her arms wrapped around her son's broad, oak like thigh.
"You are guilty of treason, old man against your King and Agosta," thunders Jonos, pulling his sword from its scabbard. "I only regret that I cannot make your death truly worthy of all who have suffered from your black deeds."
"My lord," sighs Celise. "In the days I spent with the giants, I heard them speak of how they deal with traitors of their clan -- perhaps...?" The Whore Queen smiles up at her husband -- her grin so evil that the Patriarch moans in fear.
Jonos raises an eyebrow in surprise and then turns to the Jarl of the Iron Giants, standing with several of his kin in a dim corner. "Indeed? Garlchrissh, come forth -- I would hear of this punishment."
Garlchrissh moves forward and then kneels before the king. Upon rising, he grins at Celise and then says, "King Jonos, we have here in the Iron Shards, a small pest we call Fire Scorpions -- tiny creatures with a sting that would make the stoutest gia- er, man cry. We stake a traitor out next to a nest of the miserable vermin."
Jonos grins broadly and says, "And they sting the bastard to death?"
The giant shakes his head and with a harsh grin replies, "Nay, good King. The Fire Scorpions enter through any available orifice and go hither to lay eggs...thousands of them which then sting and feed off you call it, bastard! Their death is long and painful in arriving though they pray for its quick arrival with all their hearts."
Jonos gapes at the giant for long seconds and then throws his head back and roars with laughter. "By the Gods, so be it! Garlchrissh, the Patriarch's deeds played a role in your dishonor, I give the execution of his punishment to your people!"
Garlchrissh bows deeply and motions to two of his giants who quickly take the now screaming Patriarch away. The leader of the Iron Giants begins to withdraw, but hesitates and again bows to Jonos and says, "Your majesty, I would seek two boons from you to wipe clean all stain of dishonor from my kinsman and myself."
Jonos nods as he retakes his seat, reaching out to pull his mother up and into his lap. He seats her so she is facing the court, his cock rising again between her thighs which Celise immediately begins rubbing her slick labia against, rolling her hips in a whorish, lascivious manner. "What boons do you seek?"
Garlchrissh drops to one knee and says, "I would ask for the honor of I and my Mountain Giants to become the Whore Queen's personal guard -- so her life is never again threatened by treachery. We will serve her unto death itself."
Celise, already shivering in anticipation of Jonos's long, hard cock again being buried inside her, perceives all the implications of a contingent of giants being her personal escort, and gives a long, lust filled sigh." A fresh flood of cunt cream flows from her pussy, her labia spread wide, trying to wrap around the thick shaft of her son's erect penis.
Jonos grunts and then laughs in amusement, replying, "Your offer alone arouses the hunger of my mother's insatiable cunt. Your boon is granted -- form your Queen's Guard -- my wife and mother's safety, I place in your capable hands."
Slowly, the king lifts Celise by the waist, and places her wet and dripping cunt above his throbbing cock. As he lowers her onto his immense erection, drawing a joyful moan from the Whore Queen as she is impaled on his thick length, he asks. "You asked for two boons, Garlchrissh. Pray tell, what is the second?"
Garlchrissh licks his lips hungrily at the sight of King Jonos so brazenly and unconcernedly fucking his mother in front of the gathered audience. It takes him several seconds to gather his thoughts. "My king, my men and I slew many a good man and carried off the rest of the Queen's escort to slavery in Nedal while carrying out the commands of the dishonorable Kallas. I seek your leave and terms to pay wergild to the families of those we wronged."
The king nods thoughtfully, considering the request of the Mountain Giant while he works his mother, the Whore Queen up and down his cock, her helpless as a rag doll, her long, shapely legs hanging limply over his thighs, her breasts bouncing wildly and her face scrunched up in utter pleasure at her incestuous fucking..
"Giant, wergild you shall pay for those you have killed, but I have other penalties in mind for the Queen's men being sold into slavery." He grins lewdly as he fucks his mother, savoring the exquisite feel of her hot, sopping wet cunt flesh as he says, "You and yours will go with me to Nedal -- we shall go and take our men back!"
Every man, soldier and giant in the throne room raise their voices in a guttural cheer, almost, but not quite drowning out the moans of Celise -- the Whore Queen crying out her incestuous orgasm as she writhes helplessly on her son's cock. She revels in the power coursing through her son's body, making his cock throb and his heart pound, aroused by the future prospect of battle and by the motherly ministrations of the cunt of the Whore Queen.
So ends the telling of this tale. There are many more -- stories of great adventure and heroic deeds worthy of Gods. And that is as it should be -- Jonos the Conqueror and Celise, his mother, the Whore Queen, lived and loved in such a way as to shame the Gods in comparison. Go now to your beds and pull your loved ones close and make love worthy of the Conqueror and the Whore Queen! Gather soon again by my fire -- bring good drink and good food and I will tell you more of the age of Heroes!
The End