Page 02

"Tell me more," she sighed.

"I think you should take your shorts off."

"Joshi! I'm not going to take my shorts off."

"You'll have a big white line across the back of your legs and you won't be able to wear half of your skirts."

"It doesn't matter. My skirts aren't that short anyway."

"Some of them are," Joshi replied.

"How do you know?" Claire retorted, for some reason pleased that he had noticed.

Joshi didn't answer. "Come on, push them over your hips and I'll get them the rest of the way."

"I can't lie on a public beach in my panties."

"Sure you can. Mom does."

"Your mother doesn't take her shorts off on the beach with a bunch of people around."

"That's true," Joshi agreed, "but she hardly ever wears shorts. She just lies down and slips her skirt off."

"No way! She does not."

"No, really. She does. But only when she's with me," Joshi lied.

"I can't, Joshi. Someone might see."

"They're way down the beach and you're lying down. They won't be able to see you and, anyway, we'd see them coming long before they got here."

"But they'd see me trying to put them back on and then they'd know. It'd be too embarrassing."

Claire didn't point out that Joshi would see her in her panties even though that what was more on her mind.

"I'll cover you with your towel if anyone comes, like I do for Mom."

Claire was out of arguments except for the most valid one, that she couldn't lie down in front of her son's best friend, bare-breasted, and wearing only panties but, as if with a mind of their own, her hands slipped under her tummy, and her fingers deftly undid the button at the top of her shorts. Reluctantly, Claire started pushing her shorts down. Usually, given the wide flare of her hips, this was a bit of a struggle but this time they slid down easily as Joshi's fingers grasped the legs and, after tugging them down her legs, gently slipped them over her feet.

Belatedly, Claire remembered that she had put on one of those new pairs of panties this morning, not much more than a thong. It was too late to do anything about it now. Her big butt would already be staring Joshi in the face. Claire buried hers in the blanket.

"Don't look," she whimpered.

But of course, Joshi was looking. He couldn't believe his luck. His mom wore mother panties. This stroke of good fortune must be due to Jason's sister introducing her mother to modern fashions. No wonder her butt had looked so good as she walked ahead of him down the beach. He felt his cock hardening. This was way better than he had expected.

"Cover me with the towel," Claire beseeched him.

"Don't be silly, young woman," Joshi admonished her with a refrain similar to the way he had been greeted at the door. He slapped a handful of lotion onto the side of Claire's bare hip and, while she was still shocked, hit her with the come-on question he'd been waiting to ask.

"Would you like to know the secret that Indian women never talk about?"

Claire had been feeling quite uncomfortable and was about to put her shorts back on, but now she waited to hear what Joshi had to say. His soothing voice started its hypnotic lilt and Claire relaxed. She was aware, as she had been when Joshi was rubbing lotion on her back, of his hands moving up and down her hips, from her waist to the outside of her thighs. She also couldn't deny that she felt the first stroke of his oily fingers over the hump of her right buttock, nor could she say that it was unpleasant.

Her whole pelvis was wonderfully warm. Joshi's hand moved unhurriedly, like his voice, and his fingers were like petals fluttering over her body as his words tickled her senses. She didn't know how long he'd been talking but his fingers were everywhere now, sliding up one buttock, across the small of her back before the momentous rise to her ass, and then up and over the other cheek, cupping it, before moving across the back of her thighs to begin again.

This was extremely inappropriate and Claire should never have let it happen in the first place, no matter how badly Joshi felt but she just couldn't will herself to put an end to it. What did it matter? No one could see them and it felt so very, very good. He had such wonderfully slender, delicate fingers, almost like a woman's. Claire shuddered. God, he had just trailed his longest finger up and over her buttock, almost in the crack of her ass! Stop. I've got to stop this. Just then, Joshi's hand withdrew. A few seconds later, Claire felt a towel being draped over her butt, blocking the heat of the sun.

"Someone's coming," Joshi explained. "Don't worry, it's just an older couple."

Claire felt the impulse to look, to see who it was, but the greater urge drew her hands over the back of her head, partially covering her trademark, light red hair. As Joshi kept her posted about the elderly couple's approach, Claire almost told him to remove the towel. She felt suddenly compelled, in the wickedness of her anonymity, to let them see her nearly bare ass. It was exciting and Claire pushed herself into the blanket against the warm, resisting sand underneath.

"They're gone," Joshi whispered. He leaned right down until his breath was hot in Claire's ear. "They're going back."

Now was the time to stop, to put her shorts back on and return to the car. To go home. But Claire only waited, waited for Joshi to pull the towel away, to reveal her almost bare ass, for his pleasure, and hers. She waited with Joshi's breath washing over her ear.

Joshi sat up and folded the towel, which he had draped over Claire from her waist to her feet, in half, bringing the lower end up to meet the top, and then again. A few seconds later, he folded the one side up onto the back of Claire's thigh and her left buttock. He paused, then folded the other side up in a similar fashion. What was he doing? He was so different from the rest of Jason's friends. Everything he did was so unexpected and mysterious.

Joshi rolled the left side of the towel onto the right side, paused, then slowly dragged the towel down the center of Claire's bottom until it rested in the crevice formed by her two thighs. There, he began prodding the towel between her legs, gently tamping with his fingers, its thickness urging Claire's legs apart. Joshi kept tamping until the rolled up towel was stretched along the blanket between Claire's thighs. He grabbed the towel by end near her knees and pushed it up, nudging it against the bottom of Claire's ass and the base of her mound. Claire nearly let a soft moan escape when its thickness collided with her puffy flesh.

"We should keep the towel close... I almost didn't find it in time," Joshi explained his outrageous behavior.

Joshi's hand returned to Claire's ass with a new supply of lotion, though her bottom was now more than sufficiently oiled. He moved directly to her crack, confidently slipping one finger under the thong and lifting it up, pulling it from between her cheeks as his other hand slid down, pushing the lotion into her crevice, filling it. He was suddenly so confident. Where had the nervous boy gone, the one who had shuffled his feet at her door only hours ago?

Joshi's fingers were slipping up and down the crack of her ass, pushing between her cheeks, rubbing near her nether opening, the one she had never allowed any man to touch, not even her husband except for that one time. It had scared her so much she had let him know in no uncertain terms that ass play was distinctly out of bounds. He had never tried again. Then why did this feel so good and not in the least threatening?

Joshi was whispering in her ear again.

"In India, it's too dangerous for young people to lose control because if a girl gets pregnant a family's honor is lost, and they could both be killed."

Claire gasped. Joshi's fingers had just dragged slowly past her anus with a slight downward pressure.

"So what do they do?" she asked, pretending she hadn't noticed his forbidden caress.

"You know." His fingers dragged back the other way following the same path, his silent meaning quite clear.

"No. They don't," Claire responded, amazed by the suggestion, that she had just allowed him to touch her again, and that she had implicitly acknowledged his caress by her understanding of what he meant.

Joshi laughed. "Yes, they do... sometimes, but more often the boys go home and they're taken care of there."

"Oh, yes. I see," Claire said, nodding her head to show Joshi she understood what he meant by that too. She knew her own son masturbated a lot. Maybe they were more open about it in India, of necessity.

"No, no. Not that. I mean their mothers and sisters take care of them, for the sake of the family."

"Oh. You mean their mothers and sisters actually masturbate them?"

"Well, it usually starts that way, but when a man is close to marrying, that isn't enough, not for a grown man."

"Then, what..."

"You know," Joshi dragged his finger slowly across Claire's anus again, this time pushing firmly against it, suggesting entry.

"No," Claire was aghast at his suggestion, both oral and anal. "They don't. Not with their brothers, and surely not with their own sons."

"They must," Joshi hissed in her ear. "For the sake of the family. It's their duty," he emphasized with an additoinal press.

Claire stiffened, partly in defiance of men specifying a woman's duty, and partly because she was becoming uncomfortable with what Joshi was doing, and that she was allowing it to happen. Yet, she was intrigued by what he was saying and wanted to know more.

"I can't believe that," Claire said, though her voice lacked conviction.

Sensing the need to move on, Joshi launched into a story about his aunt.

"It's true. I swear," he said. "When I went to India last Christmas I stayed at my aunt's house. One night, we came home very late from partying. We went to my cousin's room to drink some more but he was very drunk and passed out almost right away. His mother, my aunt, came by to say good night just as I was leaving for the guest room and she accompanied me there."

Joshi paused, relieved that Claire's tension, and hopefully her resistance, was fading. He continued with his story.

"My aunt asked me if we met many attractive girls while we were out. When I said we had, she teased me, saying it must be hard for me, being used to the loose ways in America, to come home to a lonely bed. When we arrived at the guest room, she teased me some more, looked down at my private parts which, I confess had reacted to her teasing, and poked me in the stomach. She laughed and said she hoped the night wasn't too hard on me, then left."

Joshi paused, letting his aunt's suggestive manner sink in before going on.

"I was tired and had had quite a few drinks myself so I quickly got undressed. I was just stepping out of my jeans when I heard my aunt call out to me. A second later she was in the doorway. She looked at me and laughed, then went to the bed and sat down, stretching out to lie on one elbow while removing the sari from her head. She just smiled and watched me."

Claire had twisted her head around to watch Joshi, enthralled. Joshi's fingers trailed lazily up and down her bottom, mostly in the center, along her crack.

"I put my jeans on the chair beside the bed, on top of my shirt and looked at my aunt, a younger version of my mother. Her eyes regarded me steadily and her hand parted her sari to reveal a low, loose choli underneath that closely followed the contour of her body. My eyes followed her hand and she laughed, spreading the sari wider even lower down to show her pavada gently covering her secret place. Her laugh deepened to a throaty growl. Tell me about the girls you met, she said, beckoning for me to lie down beside her."

"I got on the bed and started telling her about the girls we had met that night, finding poetic license as I went, adding an embellishment here and there. My aunt flipped onto her back and lifted her knees up, swinging her legs slowly from side to side. Her hands toyed with her loose choli as I spoke, shifting its material about, now partly exposing her breast, then covering it only to drag the material away from the other."

Claire twisted a bit on her side to see Joshi better and he lowered himself so she could see him more easily but then urged her hip toward him until she was almost flat on her stomach again to make it easier for his fingers to trace their path, still up and down her crack but now deep between her cheeks. Claire seemed oblivious to this now incredibly forbidden caress.

"Aunt Nalini asked me if the girls had nice breasts and I said some of them did. As nice as mine? she asked. I said, I didn't know. Didn't you see them? she asked. Yes, I said, but... I didn't finish but I meant that I hadn't seen hers. She laughed then, and simply opened her choli up, baring her breasts."

Claire gasped, eyes wide, "What's a choli?" Joshi explained that it was simply a short-sleeved blouse that usually showed a woman's bare midriff. "Were they big?" she asked before he finished his explanation.

"Not really, but they were still beautiful," Joshi replied. "They were like yours."

Claire twisted her shoulder up and looked down to look at her own breasts. Joshi allowed her ass to twist away while she exposed her tits for both of them to see.

"What happened then?" Claire asked, flattening out on the blanket, Joshi's hand following and pressing even more firmly between her cheeks.

"She cupped her breasts and held them up toward me, like an offering."

"And?" Claire asked, enthralled.

"I kissed them."

"You didn't. Your mother's sister?"

Joshi nodded. "I couldn't help it. They were so beautiful I kissed them for a long time."

"Until she stopped you?" Claire asked.

"No," Joshi said.

"What happened? Were you discovered?" Claire was again aghast.

"No. I tried to get on top of her but she refused me. I begged her to let me, I was so excited, but it was no use. She got up on her knees on the bed and I thought she was going to leave but she amazed me again. She removed the rest of her clothes. It only took a few seconds and then she was naked, except for an ankle bracelet on her left leg and a few wrist bracelets, and a belt of polished stones around her waist."

Joshi paused. Claire stared up at him, captivated and speechless.

"She undid the belt of stones and swung it from one hand. I thought she was going to hit me with it. Do you know what this is? she asked. No, I told her. She laughed... in very throaty voice, and handed it to me, hand hanging limply from her outstretched arm. As soon as I took it, she fell on the bed again, but this time, on her stomach. She opened her legs a little and said to put one in but I didn't move. Instead, I just stared at her because, for the first time in my life, I could see her pussy. When her words finally sank in, I didn't know what she was talking about. Put what in, I said. She just laughed and pulled my hand, the one holding the belt, high up between the back of her legs until it touched her ass. Put one in, she repeated. Feeling foolish, I grasped the smallest stone — they grew slightly in size from one end to the other — and started pushing it between her legs toward her pussy. No, no. Here, in here. She pulled my hand higher and placed the stone against her bottom, right on her rear entrance."

To emphasize his point, Joshi dragged his long finger up the crack of Claire's ass, crooked the tip inward and allowed it to nestle on her own little asterisk a moment before pressing on the puckered gate enough to let his fingernail dig the tiniest way into the the dark little hole underneath.

"Oh my god," Claire gasped.

"No, it's true, I swear," Joshi insisted.

Both Claire and Joshi knew the gasp wasn't only due to her disbelief but they both acted as if it was, as if Joshi's finger wasn't knocking on the door of his best friend's mother's asshole.

"What happened then?" Claire asked, her ass surprisingly relaxing after the initial penetration. Joshi didn't try to push his finger farther inside but he did hold it in place.

"She said, push."

Joshi resisted the urge to push his finger deeper into Claire's ass and was pleased when Claire sucked her breath in sharply, clearly expecting an advance, yet not resisting. In fact, Claire's bottom pushed up rather than pulling away — almost certainly not on purpose — betraying her unconscious acceptance of his impropriety. As a result, Joshi's finger popped in to the first knuckle. Quickly, Joshi continued before Claire felt the need to react to the deeper intrusion.

"I pushed on the little stone until it suddenly gave way."

Joshi's finger trembled with his nervous effort not to let it dig farther in. That's where it wanted to go but Joshi was afraid to go too far, too fast. He drew in his breath sharply as Claire responded by sucking in hers. The thrill he felt from knowing her excitement was so overwhelming he almost couldn't continue with the story but he knew he had to if he wanted to keep playing with her ass.

"Do another, my aunt said. So I did," Joshi said.

Joshi wiggled his finger as he described the greater resistance of the next, slightly larger stone and Claire let loose a long sigh. She pushed her bottom up unexpectedly as the story of that polished pebble ended and his finger sank in to the second knuckle. He froze in fear for a few seconds but Claire's only reaction was to draw her bum down to the blanket and then push it up again. Joshi started the tale of the next stone, and then the one after that, and on until most of the stones had been inserted into his aunt's ass. By then, Joshi's finger was moving steadily in and out of Claire's rear hole, or rather, her bottom was shoving up and down on Joshi's pseudo cock. He whispered details of how his aunt's breathing grew more ragged with each successively larger stone and how she lifted her ass to meet each new arrival, much as Claire's butt was now rising and falling automatically in concert with his own finger. When he finally told Claire that the last stone, the biggest one, had been pushed inside his aunt, he stopped, dead still.

Claire lay gasping on the blanket, her cheeks quivering around Joshi's embedded finger.

"Don't stop," she croaked. "Tell me what happened."

Claire's ass, straining up and down in micro movements, betrayed what she really didn't want to stop.

"She said to to pull them out, slowly, one by one. When I did, she moaned so loudly as each one popped out I thought everyone would wake up, but nobody came."

"And then?" Claire gasped.

"She lay in front of me, legs spread wide open, gasping for breath. Hurry, she cried, lifting her ass and spreading her cheeks with both hands. I knelt behind her, almost falling over in my rush, and tried to get inside her now not so little hole. I was in such a frenzy, I couldn't get it in. She egged me on, rubbing her pussy with her hand and saying, Hurry, hurry, over and over but her butt was moving around so much it made it impossible for me to nail her."

Now, Joshi started moving his finger in and out of Claire's butt, a little faster and deeper with every stroke. Claire buried her face in the blanket. There was no way she was going to stop him now. Her ass twisted up and back to meet every thrust and she wasn't surprised when she came only a minute or two later. Joshi kept his finger plugged inside until her ass stopped quivering. Finally, he gently pulled it out. While her breathing recovered, he retrieved Claire's shorts and pulled them up her legs and then over her bottom into place after she lifted her hips to help. Claire kept her face buried in the blanket. Joshi slipped Claire's hands into the sleeves of her shirt and pulled it onto her too. He didn't bother trying to get her bra on but he did put it into her bag.​
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