Page 04

Joshi honored her request and left her alone. He ran down to the surf and went for a swim. He did, after all, need to cool down. On his return, he dried himself with a towel and enjoyed Claire's mature yet still sexy body, being careful not to disturb her by dripping cold water on her legs. He sat next to her and continued watching her for several more minutes, then turned to lay on his side, facing her. Quietly, trying not to wake her since she seemed to be napping, Joshi picked up the end of the belt. Carefully, he tugged it around her sexy, narrow waist until it was lined up in the center of her back instead of off to one side. Delicately, Joshi traced a path across Claire's back with the small stone at the end of the belt just above her bikini — Claire must have removed her dress while he was swimming as it now lay in a pile on the blanket. He paused, waiting for a rebuke, but there was none.

Encouraged, Joshi continued circling the small of Claire's back, periodically leaving the circle to tickle the stone along her sides and, after several such unprotested sojourns, even so high as to bump across the bulging flesh at the sides of her breasts. 'Accidentally', Joshi let the pebble to sometimes bump onto Claire's bikini bottom and when that, too, failed to generate a complaint, he made a regular detour there, dragging the stone over the covered bumps of her buttocks.

When one of the two groups of people still on the far side of the beach from them passed by on their way home, Joshi prudently lifted the end of the belt onto Claire's back and dropped it there until they were gone. He didn't, however, waste any time retrieving the belt and continuing his teasing game. He stiffened substantially inside his swimsuit the first time he dragged the stone up Claire's crack, even though it was covered by her bikini but the largest swelling of his tool was caused when he trailed the pebble along the side of Claire's buttock, outside the bikini on her bare skin. The way her bottom twitched in response was too much to ignore and Joshi's cock stiffened into full erection.

By the time the last couple from the far end of the beach passed them by, Joshi had been trailing the little pebble onto the back of Claire's thighs and letting it sink into the crevice between her legs before dragging it up onto her bikini and along her crack. Joshi wasn't aware of their approach until they were almost upon him so he didn't have time to hide the belt. The man was unaware — he was looking out over the ocean at a passing boat — but the woman saw what he was doing and smiled. Several steps further, her mouth dropped open in shock and she looked away but soon turned back for another look. She twisted her head, oblivious of Joshi's return gaze, until she was a good twenty feet past. Joshi looked down to see what she was looking at and found his full erection on display. It had slipped out the side of his swimsuit and was proudly nodding its head at the heavens.

They were alone. The closest group of people on the beach were more than fifty feet away and already packing up to leave. Nobody else would pass by them since they were now the farthest out. Between them and the rocks was empty beach.

Joshi refocused his attention on Claire's body without bothering to hide his exposed erection. Claire's legs had parted slightly, offering greater access between her thighs. Allowing two stones to drag along Claire's skin, Joshi moved the belt into the apex of her juncture and kept the rest close to her body as he dragged the pebbles up her crack. Instead of continuing on, he let the stones slide back along the groove in her bikini and onto the material dividing her legs. Several times, he slowly dipped the rocks up and down, then swung them out in an arc so they could swing back and bump against the puffiness there. Claire made no protest but Joshi knew that at least her body was aware of what he was doing, by the sound of her shallow but more rapid breathing. It was several minutes of such back and forth dragging and bumping before Claire finally spoke.

"Joshi, you're being a brat."

"What?" Joshi was startled. "What am I doing?"

"You know what you're doing."

Joshi protested his innocence, "I'm just tickling your legs."

"You mean my bum, Joshi." Claire turned over. Propped up on her elbows and shielding her eyes from the sun, she looked both ways down the beach, noting that nobody was anywhere near them, then collapsed onto her back. Immediately, she felt the free end of the stone belt under her bottom and lifted up to pull it out but it resisted. Joshi grasped the belt at her waist and twisted it around until the tail was at her side, then pulled it up and over onto her belly. Claire let the belt go and covered her eyes with her arms, sighing.

Joshi was elated. When Claire had turned over, she hadn't pulled her bikini top with her. It was lying under her back and her breasts were bare in the late afternoon sun. They were gorgeous. Larger than one would have expected seeing her in a dress or blouse. They were tanned across the top but the bulk of the swells were covered in freckled white skin which made her dollar sized aureole and nipples look all the darker and more prominent.

Joshi stifled a groan. He didn't want anything to draw Claire's attention to the fact that her tits were on display. His cock was so hard it felt brittle. Amazingly, Claire hadn't noticed his naked pole wagging around when she had turned over and Joshi had completely forgotten about it. He tried to put it back in his swimsuit but it was too hard and long. Instead, he grabbed a towel and draped it over his bare cock, stifling another groan as the material tickled his sensitive organ, almost making him come. He was so fucking horny!

Joshi stared and stared, clocking every tiny motion of Claire's breasts. Eventually, he had to do something. He was afraid to play with the belt again or to touch her directly. It was too late in the day to apply more lotion and if he tried it might trigger Claire into thinking it was time to go home. Nevertheless, Joshi couldn't do nothing. He wanted to see her body react, to him. He picked up a handful of dry sand and held it above Claire's belly. Ever so carefully, he allowed a few grains to fall onto her stomach near her wonderfully mature navel, then a few more, until he was rewarded by several tummy flinches. Fuck, what a fascinating body she had.

Claire opened one eye and looked at him askance, "Can't you just sit still?"

Joshi smiled and shook his head.

Claire sighed. "Boys just have to play, don't they?"

She closed her eye before Joshi nodded again. Joshi continued dropping sand onto Claire, moving around in a circle over her belly, then down her hips and onto her legs, leaving little trails of sand along the crest of her thighs. Eventually, he became bold enough to drop a spiral of sand between Claire's legs, tickling the sides of her inner thighs, and up onto her bikini. He braced for a sharp retort but either Claire didn't feel it or she didn't think it trespassed a boundary sufficiently to care.

Using a similar tactic, Joshi dropped sand onto Claire's belly and then moved up, leaving a trail between her bare breasts. When that was allowed several times without fuss, Joshi widened the path until he was sprinkling grains of sand across Claire's breasts, paying particular attention to her nipples. He found the marginally larger grains and directed with amazing accuracy onto the tips of Claire's nipples. He didn't think he could get harder but when her nipples stiffened and seemed to grow, his cock got so hard it hurt. Claire didn't open her eyes when she spoke this time.

"I shouldn't let you do that. I don't care what you say, I know your mother wouldn't let you do that."

"You're right," Joshi croaked, unable to disguise the excitement in his voice. "She would never let me do this."

"Or most of the things you told me yesterday that she let you do."

"Yeah," Joshi admitted.

"You wish she would, don't you?"


"You really love her?"

"Yes," emphatically.

"You know she can't, don't you? Mothers know their teenage sons want them but they can't do anything about it."

"My aunt would."

"You mean, what you said about Nalini is true?"

"Yes," Joshi lied. "She gave me the belt."

"Oh yes, the belt." One of Claire's hands dropped from her eyes and her fingers caressed its pebbles. "Why did you give it to me?"

Joshi didn't respond.

"Is it because your mother would know what it was?"

"Yeah, maybe," Joshi admitted.

"Yet you told me about it and still gave it to me. Did you think I might be like Nalini?"

Again, Joshi didn't respond.

"Were you hoping, maybe just a little bit," Claire probed.

"A little bit, I guess."

"But I'm not your aunt."

"I've known you for a long time," Joshi said, "and you've always treated me like another son."

"Yes, that's true," Claire agreed, "but you're not really my son."

Joshi laughed. "Not unless you do a lot more tanning."

Claire burst out laughing. As they enjoyed Joshi's little joke, the tension that had been building through the conversation dissipated. Claire pulled her hand up to cover her eyes again. Sensing that the crisis was over, Joshi began dropping sand onto Claire's tits again.

"If you had a darker tan, you'd look a lot like my mother."

"Do you like to think of me like that... like your mother?"

Joshi didn't answer but his hand trembled and the sand missed its mark, spilling between Claire's breasts.

"No more sand, Joshi," she murmured.

Joshi emptied his hand over the beach and then began brushing away the trails and piles he had left on Claire's tummy. Somehow he felt he had permission to do more than just sweep the sand away and allowed his fingers to rub and scrape over the sensitive parts of Claire's skin for longer than was necessary. Claire didn't react, even when he spent considerable time clearing every grain off the front of her bikini. When all the sand was long gone, Joshi picked up the tail end of the belt. He wasn't particularly stealthy about it but there was no objection from Claire, despite the earlier stoppage when he had transgressed some inner boundary known only to her.

Joshi trailed the pebble around Claire's stomach rather than her back. More quickly, this time, he progressed to areas of greater sensitivity, dragging the end pebbles around her bare breasts and even teasing her nipples, allowing the end rock to bounce off each one several times. The only reaction from Claire was a small smile, as if she were accommodating a two year old. That was okay with Joshi, he wanted to play. Before long, Joshi was tracing a path from Claire's breasts to her knees, trailing down the top of her thighs but returning up the crevice formed by her pressed together legs, and always allowing the pebbles to drag directly over the mound filling her bikini. He paused only when he heard people down the beach but started again as soon as he knew nobody was coming their way. It was a magic moment when Claire's parted just that little bit necessary to let the rocks swing between her thighs and bounce against the underside of her bikini.

"I shouldn't let you do that," Claire sighed, contradicting the movement of her legs.

Joshi let the stones bang against her pussy a little harder. "Let me," he urged.

I shouldn't," Claire whispered back, many seconds later.

Joshi purposely delayed his response, giving his daring ploy time to take effect. "Please," he finally whispered, desperation apparent in his throaty reply.

Awaiting her response, Joshi quickly cast a glance down the beach. He couldn't see anyone nearby. There were still lots of people far away, near the parking lot, and a few a little closer to them but not close enough to identify them as anything other than people. Claire still hadn't answered his plea. She looked so hot, lying with arms covering her face, breasts heaving and nipples canting wildly atop their trembling crests, tummy palpitating and the mound under the bikini, pulsing up to greet the swirling pebble.

He'd gone for broke the day before, and won. This was no time to quit. Joshi gathered his courage. He placed the pads of his middle three fingers on the stones lying atop Claire's bikini, being careful not to actually touch her directly. Cautiously, he pressed the stones down, just barely, and allowed them to spring back, forced upward by her springy mound. Claire sucked her breath in sharply but kept her face covered. Joshi's own breath quickened and, fingers trembling, he pressed down again and, amazingly, she pushed up to meet him.

Joshi was elated. She was going to let him play and then afterwards, just like yesterday, act like nothing had happened. He couldn't have been more wrong and was truly shocked when Claire spoke.

"You want to do this with your real mother, don't you?"

Joshi was stunned by her perceptive observation. If she knew about his true motivation, he was sure she'd jump up and walk away, fuming. But she was right about his mother. She disapproved of Nalini and wanted to leave India and its ways behind. He wished she didn't. If she would be more like Claire, Joshi would be in heaven.

"I... uh, I don't..."

"Shhhhhh," Claire hissed. "Don't bother trying to denying it. Boys want more than girls can offer and they look to their mothers to get it, if only in their imagination, because their mothers always look after them."

Claire's hip twisted up and the stones pushed into the groove under her bikini. She sighed in response and the muscles in her legs tensed, lifting her knees slightly before they sank back to the blanket, slightly more open than before.

"I...," Joshi tried again.

"Shush. Don't talk."

Claire's hips lifted again and Joshi pressed the stones down firmly, following her down, massaging the stones into her mound all the way. Her legs parted even more, leaving a gap between the edge of the bikini and the inside of her legs, exposing tufts of reddish blonde pubic hair. Joshi leaned down on his elbow, his head hovering over Claire's straining nipples. Blowing on the one closest to him, his cock twitched when she sucked in her breath. He blew on the other one and rubbed Claire's mound, not waiting for her hips to rise.

"You're right," he whispered, ignoring her command for silence. "I want to do this for my mother. She'd act disgusted but, secretly, she wants it to happen. I think all mothers do, not just the ones in India."

Claire moaned and Joshi knew he had struck a secret cord in her forbidden desires. He stilled his hand, formed it into a cup, and squeezed her mound. Releasing for several seconds, he closed in and Claire moaned again, extending it as he dragged his fingers up through her groove and pushed them back through it, only to squeeze her pussy once more.

"Yessss," Claire hissed through gritted teeth.

Joshi knew she was excited by more than his fingers. It was the picture he had put in her mind that really sucked in her breath and forced her knees off the ground, a movie of him touching his mother this way that forced her thighs to squeeze her pubes against his hand, or maybe, just maybe, she was imagining her own muscular son rubbing her cunt and hovering over her tits.

Joshi dropped his mouth onto her erect nipple and sucked, hard.

"Oh my god," Claire cried, arching her back, forcing her tit deeper into his mouth and pulling her knees up high.

Joshi pulled the stones up to Claire's belly and forced them down again, this time inside her bikini. Pushing the lead stone ahead of his long finger, he felt a thrill when it found her damp groove and slid through it like a bowling ball running down a gutter rocking from side to side. Claire started moaning the instant he delved into her groove, a moan that rose an octave when Joshi found her fold and pushed the first stone inside. He barely paused before shoving the small pebble deep into her cunt, withdrew, and starting poking the next, slightly larger rock, into her hole.

Claire's head was twisting from side to side. Joshi lifted his face and planted his mouth firmly on her other tit, sucking hard, then opening his jaws wide and enveloping as much of her tit as he could fit into his mouth. The third stone was in. Claire's thighs were churning as he pushed the fourth inside. The belt had now pulled low on Claire's waist. One more stone and it would be tight. In it went as Joshi switched tits yet again, thrilled by Claire's joyous whimper when he took her nipple deep into his mouth just as he shoved in the fifth and final stone. He wished he had thought to undo the belt so he could push more rocks inside her. His hand closed over her lips and, pinching them together around the string holding the stones, he began massaging her pussy while he sucked her tit, his tongue rapidly flicking her nipple inside his mouth.

Claire writhed on the blanket as if she couldn't get enough. If only she was his mother, living in the same house. He would have her every day and all night. What a fantastic, sexy woman. Joshi let his mouth slip off her tit to slide wetly onto her stomach and then down to her bikini. Pressing his nose in tight against her skin, he forced her bikini down until he could hook the waistband with his thumb. Baring her mound, Joshi quickly found her slit and slid up to tickle the top of her clit, digging in with the tip of his tongue, he swirled it around, holding his head firm as her hips bucked against his face. She was fucking him now, jamming her pussy against his face, shoving her clit hard on his tongue and mashing it against his lips and teeth. Joshi braced for the final assault but there was no need to hold firm. Claire's hands had finally stopped covering her eyes in favor of holding Joshi's face firmly on her cunt.

"Ohhhh, godddddd," she cried, writing on his face, jerking in spasm after spasm, clutching his hair, thrusting, squeezing. "Oh, God!"

Eventually, Claire's orgasm subsided and one hand dropped away while the other gently stroked Joshi's head, fingers running through his hair. She urged him up and he lay down beside her, still up on one elbow. He looked down at her satisfied, flushed and glowing face, then belatedly looked down the beach. She was smiling when his eyes returned. She didn't seem the least bit worried about what was going on down the beach.

"You don't have any aunts like Nalini here, do you?"

Joshi shook his head.

"Does Nalini look like your mother?"

Joshi nodded.

"Do you wish she was more like her?"

Joshi nodded again. Claire's hand found Joshi's bare, very hard cock. Her fingers circled around the long, slender shaft and slid up and down several times.

"And me?" Claire's eyes twinkled.

"Yes," Joshi hissed through clenched teeth.

"Does it hurt?" she cooed.

Joshi nodded.

"It's okay, baby. I'm here. Put it against my warm mommy skin."

Claire's teasing voice was more like a little girl's than a mother's but it worked for Joshi. His cock was twitching violently and Claire had to clamp it firmly against her torso to settle it down. She started jacking him with her right hand while the fingers of her left continuously rubbed the top of his knob while she used the underside to trace a circle on her belly. Several times she lifted it close to her mouth and spit on it before returning her slippery fingers to work their magic on his sensitive head.

"Aren't you going to come? Don't you like your mommy?" Claire teased, pouting at him with a little girl look on her face.

It was too much. Joshi erupted, overflowing like a volcano rather than blasting spurt after spurt, flooding Claire's stomach but managing to produce a couple of squirts for the underside of her tits. When he was done, Claire sat up, much like the day before, and quietly used a towel to clean herself. Surprisingly, she stood up before putting her bikini top on. There was no need for Joshi to brush sand away. Her breasts were still slick with his saliva. Claire handed him the towel and he dried them off well. When he was done, Claire secured her top, picked up her bag and walked away down the beach, leaving Joshi scrambling to put his stuff back in his pack and grab the towel and blanket. He ran to catch up to her.
Next page: Page 05
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