Page 05
The beach was empty. Joshi expected another silent walk and ride home but as soon as he reached her, Claire banged her hip against him, slipped her arm around his back, and pulled him close. "Only until we get close to the car," she said.
That was fine with Joshi.
3. The Third Day at the Beach
Claire was waiting, ready to go, when Joshi knocked on the door the next day. She had prepared a lunch and put it in a cooler with some drinks which Joshi hefted out to the car. On the way to the beach, Claire drove slowly, taking a detour to admire some of the finer waterfront homes on the way. She managed to let her dress slip up to expose her legs and only smiled sweetly when she caught Joshi openly admiring her slender limbs. At the beach, Joshi hoisted the cooler but Claire added to his burden, draping the blanket and a couple of towels around his neck. She walked ahead of him, carrying only her satchel and a beach umbrella, her feet twisting in the sunbaked sand. Nodding and smiling at the beachball girls, she led Joshi past them to the far end next to the rocks where a strategically placed log partially obscured them from the rest of the beach.
Claire waited while Joshi spread the blanket out, then let him set the umbrella in the sand. Quietly, they settled into their respective activities, she reading and he going for a swim. She didn't join him when two of the girls came down to visit and succeeded in enticing Joshi into a game that turned into several more. She didn't experience a single twinge of jealousy like she had the day before. She felt only confidence, being sufficiently assured of his attention that she didn't feel obliged to reward his return with an extra display of bare leg, but she did anyway. When she was sure by his gaze that Joshi had completely forgotten about the girls, Claire laughed and suggested he go for a swim to get cooled down.
When he returned, Claire ignored him in favor of her book and he waited patiently drying in the sun while she read. They ate a late lunch and the afternoon was waning by the time they finished. When Joshi casually remarked that people were beginning to leave, Claire followed his gaze down the beach. The girls were packing up. They waved and Claire waved back, smiling under her straw hat. She removed it and shook out her hair.
"Can you move the umbrella around?"
"Where to?" Joshi asked.
"There," Claire replied, pointing to a position that would complement the log's obstruction, completing their privacy by blocking an outsider's view unless they were positioned directly below them near the water.
By the time Joshi was done, Claire had turned over onto her stomach. A tube of suntan lotion lay on the blanket beside her. Joshi picked it up and sat next to her. Claire smiled at him, her face lying on her crossed hands.
"Tell me more about India."
"What do you want to know?"
Claire closed her eyes. "I want to hear more about the women... especially the mothers," she murmured.
Joshi began talking and, as he spoke, he applied lotion to Claire's legs, though he knew she'd done them at least twice that afternoon. He started at her ankles and quickly progressed to the backs of her thighs but Claire flapped her feet so he dutifully returned to pay homage to her slender calves and even to spread some lotion over the soles of her feet. When his hands moved more slowly, and appreciatively, Claire allowed him to once again rise above her knees. Since he now took greater care massaging her flesh, she let his stretching fingers creep deep between her upper thighs and even parted her legs to make this task less of a struggle.
Joshi explained that, in larger extended families, additional female relatives were co-opted if necessary and that some of them, especially the older women — the mothers and aunts — grew to like their new duties even if they weren't so inclined in the beginning.
"I find that hard to believe, suddenly liking a duty forced upon them by men."
Joshi laughed. "You don't understand. The men have even less say than the women. Think about it. A man, who likely benefited from such treatment in his youth, can hardly pretend not to know what's going on, yet that's exactly what he must do."
"But the women..."
Claire was interrupted by an impromptu sigh as Joshi's fingers began plying the triangle at the base of her bottom. "Ohhhhhh."
"The mothers and aunts, I was going to say, now have to satisfy these almost grown, spoiled little brats."
Joshi laughed again. "True, true. But remember that it's quite an awkward situation for them as well. I mean, they're usually quite embarrassed and only get through the first few times because of their dire need. I mean, these are women who changed their diapers after all."
"Yes," Claire chuckled, "I suppose that would be a little uncomfortable but it's one thing to alleviate a young man's pressure with your hands and quite another to expected to provide access to your mouth and womb, not to mention other things."
"No, no. You're not understanding again."
Joshi prodded Claire's thighs and she adjusted her knees to widen the gap between her legs. At the same time, Joshi's other hand pressed on the small of her back, dragging the hem of her dress up almost to the crease defining the boundary between her bottom and her legs. It was Joshi's turn to sigh. Claire wasn't wearing a swimsuit, or a bikini, or even panties. She was naked under the dress. The disappointment he had felt all afternoon when Claire hadn't removed her dress to reveal her bikini disappeared in a flash.
"Not understanding?" Claire prompted.
"The, uh... womb..." Joshi struggled to focus his mind but his eyes clung to the tuft of hair covering Claire's pussy. "The pussy... I mean, womb... is strictly out of bounds. That belongs to a woman's husband and nobody else."
"But even so, to put your mouth on your own son, or nephew, let alone let him do things you wouldn't even let your husband do."
Claire quietly sucked in her breath as Joshi's hands slid over her naked buttocks and his fingers crept along the edge of the crevice dividing her bottom.
"Some women find using their mouths to be less traumatic. I mean, once they begin touching them, it will go off and most find it easier to just put it in their mouth. It's certainly easier than cleaning a carpet and doesn't leave any incriminating evidence on their clothes."
"Yes, I can see that," Claire replied, as if they were discussing how to avoid a messy spill in the kitchen.
"Mind you, some boys do enjoy that, dominating their mothers and spilling their seed on their face. Seeing their mothers through the day, knowing they had marked them the night before, would make them feel very manly."
Joshi imagined letting his load loose on Claire's face and then his own mother's. As a result, he became quite uncomfortable as his flexing cock swelled, bending painfully in the confined space of his swimsuit. He stifled a groan and, moving his hands into position to lightly grip Claire's buttocks, pushed his thumbs between her cheeks and slid them up the length of her crack.
"Uhhh, huhhhh," Claire's acknowledgement turned into a long, two syllable sigh.
Joshi continued. "But once a mother lets her son do that it's hard to get them to quit unless they offer him another place to relieve himself."
Joshi stiffened, producing another painful lurch. He had pictured Nalini's plush ass and imagined his mother's too, both bent over, offering themselves to his throbbing, almost doubly bent member. His eyes focused on Claire's paler but equally beautiful ass and he centered his thumbs, then gently pulled Claire's cheeks apart to reveal her puckering rosebud. He gasped at the erotic beauty that lay before him. In a hoarse voice, he continued.
"What mother, Indian or not, wouldn't accommodate a son she had loved and cared for all his life."
Joshi looked down the beach, which had all but emptied as the sun settled. It was past supper time. He swung his right let over Claire and straddled her knees. Picking up the sun lotion, he squirted a liberal quantity on Claire's bare bottom and started rubbing it all over her ass.
"Joshi, no!"
"Everyone's gone," he husked. "We're alone."
Claire lifted her head to look down the beach but her view was unobscured by the log and the umbrella. Joshi checked again. The closest people were walking away, at least a hundred yards away, and the those beyond were gathering their things to leave. He may not have told the whole truth, but he wasn't far off.
"It's time to be a real mother, an Indian mother," Joshi rasped.
Faced with a momentous decision, one that would have lasting ramifications, Claire barely hesitated. She reached across to her bag and pulled it onto its side, her hand slipped inside and when it withdrew her hand, the pebble belt followed. Joshi showed even less hesitation. He grabbed the belt and immediately pressed the narrow end of the pear-shaped stone against Claire's winking pucker and pressed, steadily, until it popped inside.
"Unnghhh," Claire gasped.
Joshi didn't pause. Quickly, he moved the second stone into place and pushed. This one met with greater resistance but Joshi was unrelenting. He applied firm pressure until it, too, was forced inside Claire's sexy bottom.
"Unnnggghhhh," she cried.
Though impatient, Joshi knew he couldn't lose control. The third stone was pressed in more gently and he leaned over Claire's ass to kiss the small of he back, his nibbling lips sliding down her spine until his tongue flicked into the top of her rear crevice. He pushed on the base of the stone and grunted with pleasure when it suddenly gave way. Claire's hole remained slightly open this time, easily sucking in the string until the fourth stone was nestling at the start of the abyss. Gently, Joshi tugged the belt back until the third stone pressed against her gate but this time from the inside. Once, twice, three times, he applied gentle pressure, ripping a matching series of low moans from Claire's throat. Pleased with her response, he pushed the fourth stone forward until it nestled in her partly open gate.
"Oh, Joshi. No more, no more."
"Just two," he hissed between clenched teeth.
"No, just one. I can't take two."
"Two," he insisted, already pushing the fourth stone inside.
As soon as it was in, while Claire's growling grunt still echoed in his ears, Joshi began pressing in the fifth but its progress was challenging. Joshi had to retrieve it to anoint it with lotion and rub more around Claire's pulsing, gaping ring, then once more into the breach. While she lay gasping on the blanket, her ass responding to the heaving of her chest, Joshi prepared the sixth stone. This time there was no protest as he pressed its narrow tip, larger than the entire first stone, into her yawning hole.
"Last one," he whispered in the most loving voice he could muster.
Claire nodded, beads of sweat forming on her temple, and released a long moan as Joshi pushed, a moan that turned into a wail and ended in a whimper when that rock, too, improbably popped between her quivering cheeks. Joshi waited for his newly christened Hindu mother to get her ragged breath at least partly under control before tugging on the belt. Claire moaned so loud he snapped his head up to look down the beach. Fortunately, they were all alone. He tugged harder and Claire moaned louder, so he let the belt go slack.
"Are you ok?" he asked, concerned.
"Yes, yesss. Don't stop. Please," Claire cried.
Joshi pulled again, applying a gentle but increasing pressure. He swore he heard a loud popping sound as the stone exited but Claire's loud grunt drowned out any other sound.
"UNNNGGHHHHHH. Oh, god, oh god," she moaned.
Already, Joshi was applying pressure on the next rock. Claire's reaction was more tepid this time but she obviously still loved it, as she did for the next, and the next, until Joshi finally pulled the last stone free. He stared at her ass, cheeks shuddering around her gaping asshole. For a moment, he was unsure about what to do next. After all, Joshi was a virgin. The real McCoy.
Joshi rose up on his knees and, with a final look around, pushed his suit roughly down his legs, wincing as the waistband caught his stiff erection and dragged it painfully along until it snapped back like an oversprung diving board. He stared again at Claire's gaping ass, desperately craving the return of the stones and shivering in anticipation.
Joshi felt like ramming his cock in hard but instinctively held back, sensing the need to be gentle, to make her love to her ass this first time so she would never deny him. Even though he doubted she would, Joshi wasn't willing to take a chance that this would be the last time Claire would offer him her ass. Despite his overwhelming desire, he carefully nudged his long cock against her open pucker and pressed.
"Ahhhhhhhh, ohhhhhhh," Claire cried as his tip pierced her entrance.
Joshi kept the pressure up until her anal ring relaxed the little extra it need to allow his full entry. It was only seconds before her ass popped and swallowed his head. He paused to savor the moment, but only briefly. The hard part was done. His shaft was long but not thick so he slid slowly in and out, meeting little resistance. He was surprised after all he had read how easily Claire accommodated his long cock and how quickly he was able to mount a regular pace. He fucked her ass steadily to the sound of almost constant 'ohhhs' and 'ahhhs' and sometimes heavier but briefer grunts. This woman really liked it in the ass. Joshi wondered if all women secretly craved it in the ass.
Claire moved up onto her elbows and tucked her head down between her arms. She had pulled her dress up and held it bunched in a wad under her neck. Joshi suspected she was trying to look along her taut belly between her freely swinging breasts to watch his brown balls slapping against her ass. He loved the fleshiness of her buttocks. For a long cock like his, it afforded extra to squeeze her cheeks together, which he was now doing. He imagined a girl his age would have a less satisfying ass.
"Ohhh, uhhh, ohhh, uhhh, ahhh, unghhh..."
She was digging it so much he was really getting wound up. He didn't know how much longer he could go so he tried to think about cutting the lawn. The last thing he wanted to do was unload before she was done and leave her hanging. It wasn't working. This woman was just too exciting.
"Pinch my tits," she cried hoarsely.
Joshi laid his head on her heaving back and reached around to grasp her tits, his oily fingers squeezing over her slippery flesh until her nipples were between thumbs and forefingers. He pinched them and lunged into her ass.
"Ahhhh, gawd," Claire cried out loud in pain.
Immediately, Joshi slowed and penetrated her less deeply, hunching into her more gently. "Sorry," he gasped. "Sorry."
"No!" Claire cried. "My tits. Don't pinch so hard. Ohhhhhowwwhhhuhhhh. Keep moving... don't stop. Uhhh, uhhh... deeper.. yeah, yeah... harder."
Joshi cranked up his effort, shoving his cock in farther and harder than before, pausing briefly when it was in to the hilt. Claire was saying something but her words had deteriorated into gibberish. Joshi needed to finish. He rocked her forward, forcing her off her elbows and flat onto the blanket. Straddling her thighs with his, he spread her cheeks wide with his hands and started grinding his cock into her ass, alternating between holding her cheeks apart and shoving them together to envelop his shaft.
"Yeah... yeah... yeah," he huffed.
Claire was now emitting a constant groan, gasping for air and expelling it in a guttural expletive that was unintelligible with her face in the blanket. Joshi reach forward with one hand and, still lunging into her ass, pulled her head up by her hair. She became louder but he still couldn't understand her.
Joshi exploded in her ass and Claire began yowling, rapidly fucking his cock as his balls emptied and his thrusts lost power, milking every drop out of his heavy balls. He could hardly breathe. He relaxed his hold on Claire's shoulder-length red hair, allowing her face to rest sideways on the blanket. He kept straddling her thighs as her backward lunges slowed and finally stopped but her ass still clutched his cock and slowly twitched from side to side.
Claire mumbled, over and over, "Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god..."
Joshi looked around. It was dusk and he couldn't see very far down the beach. He sagged back in relief, causing his softening cock to wetly slide out of Claire's now gaping asshole with a sucking pop and accompanying moan from her. Joshi leaned forward, rubbing his hand up and down her spine, gently, lovingly. He didn't say anything but the forward motion made his cock slip down, scraping along her perineum and the bottom of a very wet pussy.
"Mmmmmmmm," Claire sighed.
Joshi rubbed his cock under her pussy several times but his cock simply wasn't up to it. It softened further despite the vision of her he conjured up in his mind, turned around, legs back to her shoulders, beckoning with smoldering eyes. Joshi collapsed onto Claire's back and started kissing her neck, getting her hair into his mouth. It tasted good and he didn't try to force it out. He slid his hands under her chest and, regaining her nipples, gently rolled them between his fingers.
"Mmmmmmmm," Claire repeated.
He tugged on her tits and pressed down on her ass, pushing her squishy cunt onto his long, flaccid cock. Claire pushed down even harder and started humping the blanket, his member trapped between.
"Ohhhhh, yeah, ohh, ohh, yeah, ahhh, ahhh, ahhhhhh."
Joshi knew she'd just had another orgasm. She felt so wonderful beneath him, ass pressing up and down, her moans and sighs devolving into a long purr. It was the first time he had ever caused a woman to come and he'd done it twice in the same fuck. Man, he loved this woman. He didn't want to ever give her up.
Eventually, Joshi slid to the side off Claire's back. Claire turned around and sat up. Her dress tried to fall to her waist but the front was caught on her still perky nipples. Joshi watched her wobbling breasts and stiff nipples defy the dress's attempt to cover her naked body.
"I like these," he said, slipping his hand under her arm to rub his palm across the underside of her breasts.
Claire laughed. "Not too small for you?" she asked.
"No way," Joshi said.
Claire brushed his hand away and pulled her dress down, then quickly slid her hand onto Joshi's still naked crotch, grasping his cock firmly in her hand.
"I like this," she said, "but I don't think I can take any more for at least a week." Claire rocked sideways on her butt, making a face like it was really sore. "I don't think it's a good idea for us to come here again." She giggled, then added, "No pun intended."
Joshi was too concerned with seeing her again to catch the joke. "We could tan in your backyard tomorrow," he suggested.
"Ok," Claire confirmed, canceling her objection.
4. At Home that Night
Claire's husband bought her story about losing track of time because she and Nancy had found so much to talk about at the beach. It wasn't the first time she'd been late while out with Nancy, so Don just nodded and turned a deaf ear in the middle of her explanation. If Claire was going to continue her new hobby, she was going to have to think ahead. Jason had already gone out but had grumbled about having to eat what his father made for dinner.
When Jason came home later that night, Claire wanted to berate him about stiffing Joshi (bad choice of terms, she chuckled) three days in a row but she held her tongue until Don had gone upstairs to get ready for bed. She didn't want to get into an exchange about Joshi in front of her husband but as soon as he was gone her temper got the best of her and she laid into her son. It was several minutes before Jason could get a word in edgewise to defend himself. Evidently, there hadn't been any plans for Joshi to accompany them to the beach. They had gone to a party instead and Joshi had been invited but declined to go along.'