Page 06
Claire was stunned. What the fuck? Joshi had definitely played the part of the jilted friend. Replaying the scene in her mind, she realized Joshi had clearly used his supposed emotional injury to tug on her heart strings. She was still trying to get her confused mind around what was going on when Jason gave his mother a hug and kissed her goodnight, sensing he was now forgiven even though she seemed to be distracted. He followed his father upstairs to have an early night himself. His early night hadn't been of his choosing: his new girlfriend had drawn a line and wasn't allowing any trespass.
Claire's jaw was still open after Jason left. She stared at the floor, unseeing, holding herself steady with one hand stretched out to grasp the banister. She couldn't believe it. The little so and so. He had strung her a line and she'd gone for it, hook, line and sinker.
Joshi had seduced her! He had used her sympathy and her fascination with India, which he was well aware of and had, in fact, cultivated in her over the years with colorful stories. The manipulative little bastard!
She was surprised that she wasn't angrier. Indeed, she had to give him credit for her successful seduction. He was just a youngster yet he had executed her conquest well. That took guts and determination and must have been carefully planned which indicated a bit of an obsession with her. Claire couldn't help but be enormously flattered. She knew Joshi had had a thing for her for years — after all, she wasn't blind — but she had no idea how far it actually went. My god, she thought, how adroitly he achieved his seduction. He had turned from a sulking boy into confident male targeting his prey without raising any warning flags with her. Until now, she hadn't suspected the beach had been anything but a chance event. How could she have been so naive? Well, she knew the answer to that. She and Don hadn't had sex for so long because of his problem and his refusal to discuss it that she couldn't remember the last time she had felt sexy and attractive. Joshi certainly pressed those buttons in the right way.
And what incredible sex! She had never been attracted by anal sex, yet this boy had taken her ass cherry the first time he did her, on a public beach, no less. Just the thought of that magic fuck warmed her pussy again. Claire's anger was already dissipating and she knew that, even if she roasted Joshi's ass when she next saw him, she would find it hard to deny him. She knew he would try. Like a little boy, he would simply wait until she had finished chastising him. Claire knew if he touched her ass, no matter how casually, she would be lost. She'd probably yank her shorts off herself and sit on his lap. His slow seduction of her butt had unearthed a desire she didn't know she possessed but, now that it was uncovered, she needed to satisfy it.
Claire followed the rest of her family upstairs. She needed a rest but she was restless and couldn't sleep. She woke up several times to find her fingers inside her panties on a damp pussy. She must have been dreaming about that story Joshi had told her, or maybe about him slamming into her ass in the middle of the beach. God, she was so fucking horny. She looked at Don but he was sleeping soundly, oblivious to her need, not that there was anything he could do about it. It was going to be a long night.
Claire got up to visit the ensuite. Halfway there, she pulled her nightgown up and yanked her soaked panties down her legs, tossing them in the direction of the laundry hamper. She continued toward the bathroom but changed her mind because it wasn't fair to wake Don and she was afraid that once she sat down she wouldn't be able to keep her hand off her sex. How would she explain herself to Don if she woke him frigging herself in the john?
She turned away and made her way through the darkness out of her room and down the hall to the main upstairs bathroom. It was very dark for a summer night. Claire had to keep one hand on the wall as she felt her way down the hallway. She was so horny, she held her nightgown bunched up to her crotch, pressed in a tight ball against her damp, tingling pussy.
"Mom. Is that you?"
Jason's whisper scared the shit out of her. Claire was amazed she didn't cry out. Could he see her? Could he see her holding her nightgown in a ball over her crotch? No, she realized with relief. It was too dark. She peered into Jason's open doorway. His room was even darker, pitch black.
"Yes, honey" she replied. "Are you ok?"
"Yeah, I guess so," came the faint reply, followed by a sniffle.
Claire's motherly instincts took over. Her hand left the safety of the wall and she waved the other one in front of her, seeking Jason's door jamb.
"Are you sure, honey? You don't sound so good."
Claire found the door and she entered Jason's room, faltering steps bringing her closer to her son based on the memory of where his bed was. It didn't occur to her to turn on the light even though she knew the floor was likely littered with junk she could trip on. But the floor was unusually clear and she made it to the side of Jason's bed without incident. She kneeled down just as her son sniffled again. All her earlier anger had melted away. She reached out in the darkness where she knew the pillow would be and found her son's face. She cupped his cheek, fingers curling under his jaw, and kneeled beside his bed.
"What's wrong, honey?"
"Nothing," Jason whined.
"It's not nothing. Tell me what's wrong. I've told you before, you can always talk to me."
"Not about this," Jason whimpered.
"You can talk to me about anything," Claire countered, concerned.
"Not about this," Jason's whining persisted.
Claire's curiosity was piqued. "Please honey. I've told you before you can't hold things inside. You know you can trust me not to say anything to anyone." She paused while her mind tried to find a way to get Jason to open up. For such a popular boy, he was actually quite shy about personal things and she wasn't sure she could get him to talk. She was surprised when he spoke.
"It's about Donna."
"What about Donna?"
"I can't talk to you about it. Not this."
Jason sniffled again. What was that little bitch doing to her son? Claire's curiosity waned, replaced by anger redirected at Donna.
"I told you, you can talk to me about anything. I'm your mother." Claire's anger was apparent.
"Ok, but don't say anything to Dad," Jason insisted, agitated.
"I won't, honey," Claire assured him. It's just between you and me," she whispered, running her hand up and across his forehead the way she used to soothe away his worries when he was little.
Claire felt a pang in her heart at the paplable relief in his voice.
"What is it?" she whispered, urging him to confide in her.
"She won't... she won't..."
"She won't what?" Claire encouraged him.
"She won't... she won't... do anything about this," Jason whined.
His hand folded over hers and dragged it away from his face onto his chest, then down, brushing over his curly chest hair, lower, across his taut six-pack stomach, and onto... it. Her son was naked and had dragged her hand down to his cock.
Claire froze. What should she do? She didn't know what to do. Her hand was trapped, held firmly in place by Jason's grip, folding her fingers over the large head of his equipment which felt larger than Joshi's, definitely thicker. Claire's mind was reeling. Surely, this was accidental. Jason wasn't himself. He wasn't thinking straight, proabably didn't realize what he'd done. Her silence and inaction galvanized Jason.
"I told you. I told you I couldn't talk to you about this," he said, accusingly.
"No, you can," Claire finally managed to speak. "It's just that... it's just that you caught me off guard... you surprised me."
"Oh," Jason sounded mollified. "Then you'll help me, tell me what to do?"
"Sure honey," Claire's voice returned to its soft, soothing tone.
She tried to tug her hand away but Jason maintained his grip. Claire decided she needed to calm him down so his nerves weren't so intense and then, while still talking to him, quietly slip her hand away from his cock. He probably wasn't even aware of what he'd done and a few minutes of playing along might allow her to retrieve her hand without her son even knowing. She set out to calmly recover the situation.
"Well honey, girls usually need a little more time than guys. Maybe Donna is a bit more serious than the other girls you've been with so she wants to make sure you want to be with her before she gives too much away."
"Uh huh."
Claire sensed her son nodding as she spoke which was good except the motion made his hand, and hers with it, move slightly up and down on his semi-stiff member. She felt it expand in her grip. Oh God, he was getting harder.
"So, maybe if you show her that you have real feelings for her, she'll relax when she's with you."
"Uh huh."
Jason didn't sound convinced. He was a true male. Despite appearances, this new girlfriend seemed to be more innocent than the others Jason had brought home. God only knew what the ones he didn't bring home were like, given what she'd seen. Claire continued, making suggestions of what her son could do to make Donna more comfortable with him. To her dismay, Jason's hand movements didn't fade. In fact, they increased in length of stroke if not in frequency. It wasn't working. He must be simply thinking about how her suggestions would lead to what he wanted and imagining himself fucking the daylights out of Donna's stunning body.
Claire kept trying but Jason continued to swell until he was rock hard in her hand. Finally, his silhouette turned toward her. She had grown accustomed to the darkness, which didn't help the situation at all since she could now faintly see how large and sturdy her son's magnificent weapon really was. Claire realized she had to get her hand back even if she had to yank it away hard. She couldn't keep holding his cock. The feel of it, its very presence, was starting to have an effect on her, probably because she'd already been so horny when she came into his room and, as soon as she thought about how wrong it was to feel that way with her son, like those mothers in India, she began to get wet.
"I don't know what else to say, honey." Despite her feelings, she managed to keep her voice even.
"I know. I can see that everything you say is right. It's just that it hurts so much here."
Jason moved her hand down to the base of his shaft and then lower, onto his large balls.
Claire tried to remain calm, although his action left little doubt that he knew where he'd put her hand, and that rattled her.
"You'll just have to handle that yourself until you gain her trust," she said, struggling not to squeeze her son's balls like the muscles in her fingers were urging her to do.
"But you said you'd help me, Mom."
Jason's hand closed tighter over hers and her fingers finally got to squeeze his balls. They were firm and hot to the touch. Claire imagined them full of his powerful seed, swirling in a seething cauldron, ready to gush forth. Unconsciously, she squeezed her legs together and rubbed her thighs. God, how she would love to feel a big one like that between her legs, impaling her, reaching way, way inside her, spreading her like she'd never been spread before.
"I don't know what I can do, sweetheart. What do you want me to do?"
Claire sounded so calm, betraying nothing of the turmoil raging inside or the struggle to control the moan trying to escape from deep inside her abdomen. Jason turned onto his side but he kept Claire's hand firmly cupping his balls, then pushed it up until her fingers encircled his girth about half way up his shaft. His hips began to move, thrusting his cock between Claire's fingers.
"This," her son's thick voice husked.
Claire was speechless. Jason was pushing his cock back and forth between her encircling fingers, shoving its large head mere inches from her face as she kneeled beside his bed. She should have leapt to her feet and screamed for him to stop but all she did was watch the rapid approach and retreat of his bulbous sex, calmly noting how rigid it felt as it slipped through her fingers. Did those Indian mothers comfort their sons so dispassionately?
Jason was moving faster and his breathing was out of control. Claire knew he would come soon, all over her face if she didn't move or find something to cover it. She searched the floor around her with her free hand but couldn't feel any discarded clothing. She reached under his bed and that brought her face closer. As a result, Jason's cock bumped against her face several times in rapid succession.
"Yeah, oh yeah," Jason cried.
Claire thought about how Joshi had told her those Indian mothers would suck their sons to avoid cleaning up a mess. Should she do the same? Jason bumped against her a couple more times but before she could decide, his free hand suddenly appeared out of thin air on the back of Claire's head, pulling her face quickly forward onto the tip of her son's cock, already slippery with the precursor of his ejaculation. Bump, bump, bump. Claire tried to keep her lips pressed together but they were weaker than her fingers and, despite herself, her mouth opened, allowing Jason's turgid member inside. Several quick mini-thrusts were enough to coat her son's cock with her saliva.
"Oh man, yessss. Oh, yessss. Mom, I love you, love you," Jason cried, pushing his cock ever further into Claire's mouth, stretching her lips as if pushing a medium sized apple into it whole.
She tried to speak, tried to yell at her son, to scream for him to get it out of her face but it just turned into garbled sounds, sounding almost like she was gargling when his tip pulled back enough for air to rush into her throat but not so far that she could turn her ahead away and off his throbbing pole.
She gagged when he shoved it back in again and he pulled out to let her coughing spasm abate but was quickly back in before she recovered her senses enough to turn away. Jam, jam, jam. This wasn't a blow job, he was fucking her face, roughly. Claire saw no alternative but to let him finish. She realized he wasn't in control and that he was incapable of doing anything but fulfill his desperate need. She held her head still and even tilted forward so he could shove his cock into her more easily without scraping himself over her teeth.
He was done already, his spend filling her mouth and throat in great spurts, forcing her to swallow what she couldn't force out past her lips. The image Joshi had planted in her mind that afternoon of mothers preferring to swallow their son's jism to avoid a mess again leapt into her mind and she tried to suck his cum down rather than let it escape her lips. Jason was gasping for air and groaning loudly at the same time. God, what if he woke his father? Claire clamped her hand over his mouth and sucked his cock hard, trying to hurry the rest of his spend up his shaft. He needed to finish, he had to stop!
Finally, he was done. With one last gasp, Jason pulled away and twisted onto his back. Claire sat back on her haunches, gasping for air herself, cum dripping out of her mouth onto her nightgown. She turned her head toward her bedroom, listening intently for any sound. Satisfied there was no sign of her husband being awake, the anger began to build within her. She got to her feet and leaned over her son.
"What the fuck are you doing? Who the fuck do you think you are, you little shit?"
Claire spit the remaining cum out of her mouth onto her son's face. Anger surged again within her and she slapped him, striking his chest, shoulder, and head. Growing angrier with each slap, she leapt onto the bed and straddled him and, breathing in ragged gasps, she continued slapping her son, the blows now raining down accurately on his face.
Slap, slap, slap. Claire sobbed as she struck. She could feel him between her legs, still hard, his cock flopping from thigh to thigh. She reached down and smacked it, banging it back and forth, punishing it, hoping to beat it into submission. Jason didn't make a sound and he made no attempt to stop her slapping hands, either to his face or his stiff cock. Gradually, Claire's blows slowed and finally stopped. She sat panting atop her son.
Jason started to speak but she pressed her hand over his mouth. He began to raise his shoulders, trying to rise up toward her. Claire used both hands to vigorously cross check him back into place. His rising motion and her reaction trapped his hard cock underneath her nightgown, brushing past her inner thighs and onto her belly, the thighs that were still wet with the dampness of her pussy, wet from dreaming about Joshi, and from holding her son's cock.
Claire reached down, pulled up her nightgown with one hand and grasped Jason's big prick with the other. She'd wrench it off. Then he'd feel a new kind of pain. But it felt so hard, so strong, she couldn't let it go. Frantically, she willed her hand to release it but all it did was slide up and down the marble shaft, jacking him. Jason emitted a soft moan.
Claire stroked him with longer, harder strokes. Oh god. Please stop it. I can't do this.
But Claire couldn't stop. She was lost and she knew it and, though she finally managed to still her rebellious hand, Claire lifted up and, hovering briefly above her son, dropped down to envelop him. He was so thick! She strained to squeeze her pussy over his rod, replacing his desperate need with her own, filling her hot, steamy cunt with his blunt rod. It took long seconds to force him inside, he fit her so tightly, partly because of his girth and partly because of her long, involuntary abstinence. When she finally had him fully covered she threw her head back and emitted a long, low growl. Her hips began to churn and were soon gyrating ferociously. She was fucking her son, using him to bang herself!
Claire didn't take much longer than Jason to finish, her need was so great. She really let loose and when she felt her organism bolting through her pelvis and up her spine, she leaned forward and bit him on the neck, howling into his shoulder. When her hips were finally still, Claire climbed off her son with a dismissive sweep of her hands on his shoulders, as if to say, take that.
As she stumbled to the bathroom to clean herself up, Claire thought about what Joshi had said about the fathers turning a blind eye and deaf ear to what was going on in their own houses. She couldn't help thinking, if Don wasn't such a deep sleeper, would he similarly pretend that all was well and fine in the Kendriks household?
5. At Home the Next Morning
Claire waited patiently for Don to leave the next morning. Jason had waited until his father was in the kitchen before coming in to eat himself. He was abnormally quiet and finished his cereal quickly, rushing to get out but unable to before his mother spoke in that quiet voice that experience had taught him must be heeded.
"I want to talk to you before you leave."
Jason waited nervously in the doorway.
"I'll come up to your room," Claire said, dismissing him.
After he was gone, Don asked, "What's he done now?"
"Nothing," Claire said quietly, picking up a piece of toast and spreading crab apple jelly over it.
"Was it something really bad?"
"No. Nothing you need to worry about."
Don got up. Ready to leave, he stooped in front of Claire and kissed the top of her head.
"Go easy on him. He's our only son, remember. It's too late to get another one now," Don laughed.
I'm a little too full of sons right now, Claire thought. A moment later, she laughed at her thought. Too true, she laughed out loud. On that note, Claire pushed her chair back and started up the stairs, jellied toast in one hand, in no particular hurry but wearing a purposeful look on her face and walking with firm steps.