Page 07

Jason was surprised when she walked into his room even though he was expecting her. He was lying on his bed, hands behind his head. When she appeared in the doorway, Jason pulled his hands free and started to get up but Claire motioned for him to stay where he was. She walked to the end of the bed and stood, looking down at her son. Jason started to speak.

"Mom, I..."

Claire waved a silent command, effectively... shut up.

Jason leaned back into the pillow and waited anxiously for her to speak.

With one hand on her hip, Claire raised the other to take a bite of her toast.

"I like crab apple," she said. "You don't like it, do you?"

"Mom, about..."

Again, Claire impatiently waved him into silence. Jason was getting very nervous. This behavior was quite odd for his mom. She took a bite of the toast, a slow bite with her tongue first flicking out to taste the jelly and retracting once a small glob had been captured. She made a show of enjoying it. Her leg lifted and she placed her knee onto the end of his bed, then looked steadily at the front of his shorts.

"Does it still hurt?"

"No," Jason replied, getting more uncomfortable by the minute.

"Only when you think about Donna?"

Jason nodded. "Yes."

"Aren't you thnking about her now? It looks like you are."

Jason was swelling in his shorts but not because of Donna. Rather, it was the way his mother was staring at him and flicking her tongue around the tiny piece of toast she still held in her fingers.

"I'm not," Jason shook his head. He meant it. At that moment, Donna was the farthest thing from his mind.

"I don't believe you. It looks like it's still sore. Let me see it," Claire said.

"Mom, it's ok, really."

"I said let me see," Claire insisted.

Reluctantly, only because his mother was acting so weird, Jason pushed his shorts down. His erection, now fully formed, sprang free as soon as the waistband cleared his hips. Claire swung her other knee onto the bed and crab-walked outside his legs up to his knees. She popped the last bit of toast into her mouth and, while she chewed, looked intently at her son's proud cock, wavering before her.

"You can't go to work like that, honey. Look how sore it is."

"Sore?" Jason asked, confused.

"Yes. It's all swollen. You'll have to be a little late for work."

Claire moved forward until she was straddling Jason's hips. His cock nestled on her dress between her thighs. Slowly, Claire pulled her skirt up, baring her legs, until the dress was bunched up in front of her belly. She had smiled and locked her eyes on his as he watched the skirt progress up her thighs, then laughed softly when he realized she wasn't wearing panties. She could almost see the reflection of her soft reddish fur in his eyes.

"Poor baby," Claire cooed, moving forward, raising her hips to hoist herself above his thickness. "Mommy will take care of you."

She sank down onto her son. Only when he was firmly ensconced within her, embedded so deep she could feel his balls pushing against her hind lips, did she speak again.

"Feel a little better already?" she purred.

"Yeah... yeah," Jason's hips lurched upward, forcing himself even deeper inside his mother.

"That's it baby. Heal yourself."

Jason tried very hard to heal himself. Several times, he almost bucked Claire clear off the bed but she hung on, gripping his sides with her knees as if she was riding a bronco and leaning low over his torso. In the end, she had to slip her hands under his muscular shoulders and hang on for dear life.

When they were done and Claire had recaptured her breath, Jason, still hard, tried to turn her over onto her back for another go but she refused him. Instead, she raised her hips until only his tip was still inside her, then twisted and squeezed his knob, a teasing smirk written on her face until her mouth dropped open as her actions were recorded by her own nerves.

"Don't be late for breakfast tomorrow," Claire warned before pulling off her son with wet, sucking sound.

Claire got off the bed and walked out of Jason's room. She couldn't believe what she'd just done. Last night had been spur of the moment but this, this didn't have to happen at all. She had purposely gone into her son's room to get fucked. She should have been disgusted with her behavior but she wasn't. Instead, she felt empowered and sexually alive from head to toe. She didn't even feel like she was cheating on Don since he couldn't get it up anyway. And Joshi, well, he had tricked her and she wasn't sure what she was going to do about that. As for Jason, that was absolutely wrong on several fronts but she had thoroughly enjoyed herself and it amazed her that she felt no remorse. Instead, she felt liberated. Had she stumbled onto the secret of why Hindu women did what they did, under the pretense of duty to the family? Maybe, but unlike those women in India, Claire was going to be in full control. She was too giddy from the thrilling discovery of her pussy power to do anything else.

6. At Home in the Afternoon

Joshi arrived later that day, carrying his beach stuff, ready to tan in Claire's back yard. He knew the yard was large but private, surrounded as it was with tall cedar hedges, and his cock tingled in anticipation. Claire teased Joshi by making him have lunch with her first. She fluttered around the kitchen in a light orange pastel t-shirt that clung to her medium sized breasts, nipples atop braless breasts making their presence well known. Across a short span of tanned belly her too-small shorts, salvaged from the back of a lower drawer that morning, competed successfully in drawing Joshi's eager eyes to similarly sexy lumps of covered flesh whenever Claire turned around. Her legs, freshly oiled just before noon, glistened in the early afternoon sunlight filtering through the window, highlighting the contours of her muscles, perfectly tensed by the lightly heeled sandals on her feet.

All in all, a very simple yet sexy outfit but it wasn't just the clothes that made Claire so appealing. The greater effect was delivered by the raw sexuality exuding from every pore of her skin, a purely feminine energy that had been slowly building ever since she walked away from her son's bed, her sashaying butt ensuring he wouldn't be able to spend a single moment that day not thinking about his mother in ways society would strongly disapprove.

Claire was aware of the tremendous transition she had experienced in the space of three short days but spent little time wondering how or why it had happened. She was enjoying herself too much riding the whirlwind to ruin it. Too much time in her life had been wasted analyzing life rather than living it and that was all she was concerned about now — living, sensing, and breathing life itself. Claire could hardly contain the sexual power surging within her body and, rather than serioiusly trying to stifle it, she could hardly wait to unleash it. She chuckled to herself. Poor Joshi was hoping to get fucked. He was about to be devoured.

Claire placed a sandwich in front Joshi and a small plate of fruit and vegetables in front of herself. He was sitting on one of the tall kitchen stools but Claire sat on the stool beside him, hooking her foot in the lower rung of his chair. She flicked the hair away from her shoulder and leaned back, shaking her head to free any remaining strands from her t-shirt, noting how Joshi's eyes glued onto the points where her nipples strained against the pastel cotton shirt. She stilled her head and held her arching back in a long stretch, sighing when she finally relaxed her muscles.

"Do you think women are sexier in India?" she asked, shaking pepper onto the tomato halves on her plate.

Joshi shook his head, eyes following the tomato as Claire lifted it to her mouth and bit down on it, allowing the juice to trickle from the corners of her mouth onto her chin. She sucked in her breath, trying to recover the red juice but some managed to fall onto her t-shirt just above her right nipple.

Claire flashed her eyes at Joshi, "Oops." She didn't make any effort to wipe up the spreading juice. In fact, when she took another bite, she allowed more to dribble down her chin and fall onto her shirt, this time striking its target dead on.

"Tell me about your mother."

Joshi didn't want to talk. He wanted to look. But he wasn't going to deny this woman anything, not as long as she allowed him to stay. Joshi described his mother, her flair for modern, western fashion but also her reserved manner. His eyes followed the trickle of juice that wound its way down Claire's neck as she finished the other half of the tomato as sloppily as she eaten the first.

"Joshi, I know she's very pretty and well dressed. I want you to tell me why you think she's so sexy. ... Don't try to deny it. I know you do. Tell me about a few times when you found her especially attractive."

Joshi tried to remember a few things about his mother. It was true. Despite using his mother and aunt as a ploy to seduce Claire, Joshi did have a few memories of sexual attraction to his mother. He started to tell her about the earliest incident he could remember, the first time he had seen his mother's breasts when she began to undress as she walked upstairs, unaware of his presence, but Claire interrupted him.

"Gosh, these shorts are so tight."

Claire's fingers found the button at the front of her shorts and eased it undone. Immediately, the delicate zipper parted, revealing tufts of her soft red pubic hair since she wasn't wearing anything under the thin cotton shorts. Joshi's cock began to unlimber in his own shorts like a mysterious snake creeping under cover closer to its prey. Claire picked up the peeled orange and bit into it.

"Have you ever seen her in her panties?"

Claire's free hand rested on her thigh, near the open V of her shorts. Her long fingers scratched slowly along the base of the zipper.

Joshi nodded.

"Tell me," Claire whispered, before biting into the orange again.

So Joshi told Claire how he had installed a tiny, wireless remote camera in his mother's bedroom to record her movement while she undressed every night and dressed each morning. This wasn't bullshit, it was true, and Joshi couldn't believe he was confiding in Claire yet he felt compelled to divulge increasingly intimate descriptions of his mothers legs and ass the more he talked.

Suddenly, Claire stopped him, dropping the hand that had held the orange onto his.

"So, you've seen her ass, haven't you?"

Joshi nodded.

"Say it," Claire demanded, leaning toward him and laying her other hand on Joshi's shorts, fingers lightly brushing over his erection.

"I've seen my mother's ass," Joshi said quietly, then repeated it in a louder voice. "I've seen my mother's bare ass."

"And you liked it, didn't you?"

"Yes," Joshi admitted quietly.

"Is it like mine?"

"Yes," Joshi said in a barely audible whisper.

"Except it's brown."

"Yes, it's brown," Joshi confirmed.

"And you want it, don't you?"

"Yes," Joshi affirmed, louder.

"Because it's your mother's, right?"

"Yes!" Joshi almost yelled.

Claire laughed. "Calm down, tiger. I'm just teasing you. Come with me."

Claire grabbed Joshi by the hand and led him away. He hadn't taken a single bite of his sandwich. She led Joshi upstairs, stopping to pick up his pack on the way. Joshi's eyes were glued to her ass all the way up the stairs. She pulled him into her room and led him toward the bed. There was a set of pillows stacked up in the middle of the mattress, slightly closer to the head than the foot of the bed. Claire sat on the edge of the bed and Joshi stood in front of her.

"Take off my sandals," she said.

Dutifully, Joshi kneeled before her and slipped the sandals off Claire's feet.

"Did you think you were going to get something today?"

Joshi was confused by her suddenly harsh tone. He shook his head though it was obvious he was lying.

"Do you think women get off on hearing about another woman's ass?"

Joshi didn't know what to think. He had handled this woman so well the past few days and now he couldn't predict her, couldn't even understand why she was upset. Fear loomed within him. Mental fear. Pure dread that all his work was suddenly, inconceivably lost.

Claire chuckled softly and reached out to tussle his hair. She reached down to grasp the base of her t-shirt and quickly pulled it over her head, tossing it aside to the floor. Joshi's shocked eyes bounced in time with her jostling breasts.

"Did you pretend this was your mother's ass yesterday?" she twisted her hip up and lightly slapped her flank.

Joshi shook his head vehemently. "No," he denied.

"No?" Claire said. "Then you don't want to pretend again today?" she teased.

Joshi was so confused, he didn't know if he was coming or going. Is that what she wanted, for him to pretend he was fucking his mother's ass? Had she imagined it was Jason and not him reaming her butt? Was this all a charade to exercise forbidden fantasies?

"Yes," Joshi replied. "I want to pretend again."

"Pretend what?" Claire teased.

"That your ass is my mother's," Joshi croaked.

"You have to pay for the privilege this time," Claire husked.

Grasping Joshi's head, she abruptly pulled his face between her thighs and onto her unzipped shorts.

Joshi didn't object. Keeping his head in place, he yanked Claire's shorts down her legs and over her knees. Claire squealed in delight at his eagerness. She laughed as he struggled to get the shorts off her feet and virtually dove back between her thighs. His mouth was quickly on her, his tongue delving between her secret lips, seeking the entrance to her shrine and, finding it, filling her cunt with hot, squirmy, wet tongue.

"Oh, yeah," Claire gasped.

She wrapped her arms around his head and squeezed it toward her, half standing and bucking her hips, mashing her pussy against his face, her mouth dropping open to release a long, guttural growl. She stood in a crouch, planted her feet and braced her calves against the bed, grabbed his hair and started fucking his young face. So you tricked me with your stories, hey? Well, now time to pay the piper.

Claire's thighs churned around Joshi's head which was forced awkwardly back as she dominated his face. She loved the feel of his tongue inside her but wasn't concerned when her hips bucked so violently that it was jerked out of her pussy. She enjoyed rubbing her juice all over his lying face even more. When she was done with him there would be a herd of cats chasing him down the street. She laughed aloud at her gross humor and rubbed her muff extra hard on his nose.

This was another new experience for Claire. Normally, she was a gentle, considerate, accommodating lover. That she would get off jamming her pussy hard on a man's face, totally unconcerned with his comfort, not only thrilled her, it shocked her; but such thoughts did not abate Claire's rough attack. She gripped Joshi's hair tighter and stepped forward, tilting his head even further and dragging him onto his back on the carpet. Immediately, she pounced on his face and started gouging her pussy along his nose. Her furiously bucking hips increased to a frenetic pace and her moaning rose in volume and tone, until suddenly, she loosed a wild wail that echoed through the house. Claire's hips slowed and finally stopped. She got up and, standing unsteadily, looked down at Joshi's gasping body, his face covered in her slime.

"Just in case you dream of coming on your mother's face, that's what feels like," she snapped.

Claire stomped past Joshi to the bathroom but returned a few seconds later. Walking past Joshi's still heaving form, she dropped a tube onto his chest and proceeded to the bed where she crawled onto the stacked pillows, stomach down, ass up.

Turning back to look at Joshi, she husked in a soft, womanly voice, "Your turn, baby."

Joshi sat up and stared at the inviting picture of Claire's ass and widely spread legs, his head still reeling from the vehemence of her savage attack. Now she was offering retribution? It didn't make any sense.

Numbly, he stared at the tube that had tumbled from his stomach onto the floor as he had sat up to look at the bed. He picked it up. Lubricating gel. Joshi pulled his t-shirt over his head, far less efficiently than Claire had removed her own. He pushed his shorts down and stumbled as he tried to get them over his shoes, banging his face against the edge of the bed. On the floor again, he pushed his runners off, one sock managing to stay partly on, stood up and squirted gel on his long, hard cock, sticking straight out in front of him like a steel bar. He clambered onto the bed, angled himself between Claire's legs and squirted gobs of gel along her crack and a few strings on her cheeks for good measure. He leaned close, rested his hand on the top of her buttocks and guided his cock toward her hole.

Gently, Joshi nudged his slippery tool between Claire's cheeks, rubbing it up and down, parting her shadowy furrow. The feel of her slippery flesh almost made him come but he willed his cock to hold its fire. It was the weapon of his revenge and needed to be controlled. Joshi rubbed his cockhead up and down between Claire's cheeks until he heard her first sigh, then found her wrinkly scrunchy and pressed softly until the head popped inside. Once there, with the instinct of a true son from the land of Gandhi, he held still.

This is how you fight aggression, Joshi thought. With tenderness.

The only movement Joshi's cock made in Claire's ass was the involuntary response to his own ragged breathing. Claire's body shuddered with expectation, bracing for a sudden, merciless plunge into her butt but, despite an almost irresistible urge to punish her for her recent treatment, Joshi held firm.

Claire released a long sigh, "Mmmmmmmmm."

As she exhaled, her ass moved and tightened on Joshi's cock. It felt divine. Still, he didn't respond.

"Move," Claire instructed.

Joshi was silent.

Claire held still but it was a standoff briefly held

She sighed again, "Mmmmmmmmmm," her ass clenching his cock in a series of quivering clutches.

Joshi couldn't tell if it was on purpose or not. He dropped his hands to his hips to help maintain his disciplined restraint.

"It's ok," Claire whispered. "You can get me back. I don't mind," she encouraged him.

With enormous stoicism, Joshi held his ground. After a moment, Claire released another long sigh and, almost imperceptibly, pushed back onto his cock. Joshi pulled his hands around to clench his butt to ensure his cock didn't respond.

Another half a minute passed.

"Mmmmmmmmm," Claire murmured.

Another push. Joshi screamed to himself as Claire's anal ring chafed half an inch down his shaft. He dug his nails into his ass, clutching his cheeks, holding himself back from the vigorous lunge he so wanted to deliver.

"Ohhhhh," she cried.

Joshi bit his lip so hard he could taste the blood.

Claire slid back another inch and released a loud purr, "Bdbddbddbdddbddddbdddd."

Joshi's head jerked as his tongue was caught between the closing teeth of his left jaw. Fuck that hurt.

Chafing, chafing, Claire's ass was pushing steadily back on his shaft, burying him deep in her ass. Oh, god, it was so fucking fantastic. So tight, sliding on his shaft like a tight rubber glove. Joshi was about to be ruined forever. He had never been inside a woman's pussy and he couldn't imagine it could feel better than this. What could grip and squeeze like this? He was amazed that his hips were still. He pulled his right hand up to his mouth and bit his curled index finger as Claire pushed her ass back until he was buried to his root.​
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