Page 09

Joshi: What did she do?

Jason: She acted shocked for a few seconds but then she just sucked me off. After I came all over her, she got really mad and started hitting me.

Joshi: You're kidding? She enjoys your meat and then acts like she didn't. Women. You can't figure them out.

Jason: You're not kidding. She got right on top of me and kept slapping me but I got hard again and she just spread her legs and dropped right onto it.

Joshi: You mean, you fucked her? The first night?

Jason: More like she fucked me!

Joshi: Did she say anything after?

Jason: No. When she finished, she just walked out but the next morning she came back and fucked me again.

Joshi: That's amazing!

Jason: Too right. It has to be your stories. I want you to keep telling her stories about your aunt fucking her son.

Joshi: I don't know.

Jason: I do. You come over. I'll get Dad out of the house so you can be alone with her.

Joshi: That's ok for you, you're getting something, but I'm just getting really horny telling her these stories and I'm getting dick all.

Jason: Well, you can touch her ass then. A little.

Joshi: You'll let me touch her ass?

Jason: Yeah. Maybe she likes it. I don't want to change anything. Tell her the stories and touch her ass up a bit so she'll be really horny for me at night.

Joshi: Yeah, you get fucked and I get to play with her ass, a bit.

Jason: Ok, more than a bit then but just enough to get her horny for me. I'd do the same for you with your mom, dude.

Joshi: Alright. I'll play with her ass, but you owe me.

Claire couldn't believe it. Her son was encouraging his friend to play with her ass for his own benefit and even running his father around to keep him out of the way. On top of it all, he was gilding the lily by bragging that he had come all over her face. Well, Joshi certainly had touched her ass up a bit. She reached back to pat her butt. She was almost ready for some more.

Claire was lying flat on the floor with Joshi straddling her thighs, moving slowly back and forth, his cock pushing in and out of her ass while he used her hands, held back and up from the rug, to leverage himself to and fro.

"Oh god, Joshi, that's so good. It doen't even hurt anymore."

"It hurt before? You didn't act like it hurt. Why didn't you say something?"

"It only hurt a bit, at the beginning but it doesn't anymore. Ohhhhhh yeah, like that. Push it way in like that. Ohhh, yesss, jeez."


"Yeah," he grunted, starting to shuflle faster.

"Would you go on a trip with me?"

"A trip? Where?"

"To India. Don't worry about the cost. I'll cover it."

"Sure!" Feeling oral emphasis wasn't sufficient to demonstrate his enthusiasm, Joshi pulled on Claire's wrists to plug his cock into her butt with additional vigor.


"Absolutely," Joshi added, treating Claire to several more grinding thrusts.

"Maybe we... could... visit... your aunt."

A trip to India, fucking Claire's ass everyday and maybe even getting into her pussy. And Nalini's too? Joshi imagined his aunt with her face between Claire's thighs while he took her from behind. Ah, my cock runneth over. His hips were churning now, reflecting the excitement that smashed together from two related sources: his mind and his cock. Claire's moaning didn't hurt any either. Within a minute, Joshi blew the slow, extended assfuck he had planned. Almost too late, he pulled out so he could watch his cock spurt his cream all over Claire's ass and up her naked back. He loved how this woman, this mother of his best friend, let him spurt his come all over her body. He knew he'd never find a better fuck than her but the thought of getting her and his aunt at the same time blew his mind. Joshi's hips were still moving, slowly pushing his cock back and forth through the groove of Claire's ass when the nature of the trip changed.

"Jason and I would be lost without your guidance."

Joshi's hips froze, stopping his cockhead mid-ass.


"Yes," Claire confirmed, sucking in her breath. After exhaling, she said, "I'm going to ask him to take me tonight. Kind of a mom-son bonding thing. I know he'd love to have you along.

Joshi couldn't see the big smile that Claire hid by keeping her face pressed into the rug. His attention was turned inward, worried that Jason might somehow find out just how far he'd gone with his mom.
* * * * * * * * * *​

"Honey?" Claire spoke to Jason as he was about to follow his father out of the kitchen.

"Yeah, Mom?" Jason responded, stopping in the doorway as his Dad sat down in his chair and picked up the remote.

Claire jerked her head to the left, her hands busy in the sink. "Come here. I want to ask you something."

Jason walked across the kitchen and stood behind his mother, slightly to the right.


Claire lowered her voice, "Closer."

Jason moved a half step toward her.

"Closer," Claire husked. "It's private."

Jason took another half step, his front brushing against his mother's right hip.

"Really close," Claire whispered. "I don't want your Dad to hear."

Jason couldn't get any closer; he was already touching her. He moved directly behind his mom and hung his head over her shoulder, aligning his ear next to her mouth. Claire pushed her behind back, pressing her ass onto his crotch.

"I want to talk to you about something tonight, so don't go to sleep." To emphasize the importance of her request, Claire pushed back a little harder and rubbed her ass in a small circle against her son's swelling cock.

"About what," Jason asked shoving in, as if trying to stop his mother's ass, something he didn't really want to do.

"Later," Claire huskily denied his curiosity, her ass abruptly changing from a circular to an up and down motion as it found her son's hardening staff.

Jason thrust into Claire's soft buttocks. Did she want it differently tonight? He was keen on what her body was suggesting, letting him take her from behind.

"Can we talk like this?" he asked, barely able to get the words out.

"Of course," Claire answered. "But not until tonight." She shoved her ass back violently, tossing her son back a full foot, and turned her head to smile sweetly, "See you tonight."
* * * * * * * * * *​

The night dragged on forever. Jason could have bitten his father's head off when he decided to stay up past his usual bed time. His mother recognized his plight and tried to alleviate his tension through sympathetic expressions but then intensified his agony by crossing her legs and smoothing her skirt down her leg in an exaggerated, slow motion caress that started in her lap and ended just below her knee. By the time her hands had traveled the extent of her thigh, her expression had changed from shared compassion to a teasing smile. Jason could hardly wait to push that smile into his pillow and convert it into an ecstatic grimace. For fuck's sake, Dad. Go to bed!
* * * * * * * * * *​

Jesus H. Christ! It's almost three.

Jason had been waiting, boner at the ready, for almost four hours, his ears straining to pick up the slightest sound. He was a wreck. Why wasn't she coming?

Twice, he'd crept stealthily down the hall to listen near his parents' partially open bedroom door, only to be punished with the sound of regular breathing, the steady sound of two people sleeping. Two people. She'd gone to sleep. Fucking hell!

A beep. A tiny one, like a watch alarm. Jason lifted his head, neck muscles strained to the breaking point. Nothing. Not a sound. He stared at his dark doorway. Nothing.

Wait! There. A ghostly figure in the door, moving closer. Was it real? A mishapen, tall, tentative, whitish blob with wispy arms falling along curvy sides. His mother was here, her knee pressing on the bed. She was crawling toward him, naked.


"Have you missed me?" she whispered, laughing softly, maddeningly.

He didn't need to answer. Her hand found his stiff pole.

"Oh, I see. So much?" she tittered.

She kissed him, holding his cock, rubbing its tip in the soft hollow of flesh inside her hip and then across her belly. The kiss turned into a long one and she stroked him with her long, silky fingers, brushing her velvety soft palm down the underside of his entire length and onto his balls, squeezing gently, then harder.

"Before we do it," she husked, "I want you to say you'll come to India with me on a holiday."

"India?" Jason was taken aback. He knew his mom was fascinated with India but to actually go there, why?

"Yes, India. Do you think you'll be bored being alone with your mother for that long?" Claire slid her hand up Jason's cock and squeezed its head.

"No," Jason almost sobbed.

"Good. I thought you'd see it my way."

Claire released his cock and turned onto her tummy, pushing her bottom up and opening her legs. Jason quickly rolled over on top of her and lined his cock up between her legs, moving the tip up to nudge her moist pussy lips.

Claire turned her head onto its side on the pillow just as her son was entering her. "I've asked Joshi to join us... as a guide."


"Joshi. I've asked him to show us around over there."

Jason slid inside her a couple of inches but though his cock sensed the glorious feel of her, his mind was unaware.


"Because we need a guide, silly."

Claire pushed her ass up, swallowing the rest of Jason's cock.

"Don't you want to come now?" she asked, laughing at her own humor as she pulled away, squeezing her pussy tight as she dragged it off his cock.

Jason groaned, "Yes, I want to come."

"Then get busy."

Claire turned her head into the pillow and laughed. She laughed harder as Jason began pummeling her ass which she arched up to meet every thrust, relishing the heavy smack of his balls against her inner thighs.

"Ohhhhh yeah," she moaned. "Shove it in, all the way to India."
* * * * * * * * * *​

Claire smiled as she read the feverish exchange of messages between Joshi and Jason the next day.

Jason: Why didn't you tell me Mom asked you to come to India with us?

Joshi: I didn't have a chance.

Jason: Why did you say you'd come. I could have been alone with her.

Joshi: She offered to take me to visit my aunt. How could I say no after everything I told her?

Jason: I guess so. But you make sure you disappear. She isn't going to fuck me with you around.

Joshi: Fine. That's just fine. I'll disappear but I'm not the problem.

Jason: What do you mean?

Joshi: She didn't tell you?

Jason: Tell me what?

Joshi: She asked my mother to come too. She flipped out but she's going to come. She said the day she let me visit her sister by myself was the day hell froze over.

Jason: You're kidding?

Joshi: Nope. It's you and me and our mothers. One big happy family.

Jason: Fucking hell. My balls will be bursting by the time we get home.

Joshi: Maybe. Remember what you promised?

Jason: About your mom?

Joshi: Yeah, about my mom, and my aunt.

Jason: How am I going to do anything about that?

Joshi: Let them see you and your mom being close or something. It might give her ideas, being away from home and all.

Jason: I don't think my mom will go along with that.

Joshi: Hey, you owe me, asshole.

Jason: I said I'd help but not if it fucks things up for me.

Joshi: What if I tell your mom why I told her all that stuff about my cousin and my aunt?

Jason: You better not.

Claire laughed out loud. This was going to be one hell of a trip.​
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