Chapter 06.1
Arnack was playing a new game with the prisoners, but he didn't tell them what it was in advance. He left it for his captives to discover for themselves.
They started to learn the nature of it when Jennifer attempted to urinate. Everyone looked away, as they always did, as she lowered her Survey Service pants and panties and squatted over the hole in her cell. But when she started to release, Taylor cried out in pain.
"Argh!" he cried, feeling like he had been stabbed with a needle.
He looked up, and saw Jennifer, squatting over the hole, her rich, earthy pubic triangle exposed, her vaginal lips gleaming, and knew immediately what was happening.
Jennifer, looking at his reaction, knew in an instant what had happened too. She quickly raised her pants even as she blushed.
In a way it was just like the food game, only in reverse. At some point they all had to eat... and at another point, they all had to relieve themselves.
Taylor quickly gave instructions to his crew. "They've found a new way to try and break us. But we're not going to let them. Try to relieve yourself as infrequently as possible. And when you do, do it as quickly as possible. But don't feel the need to hold out. When you have to go, simply go."
They all nodded. But it played differently when it was put into practice.
For whatever reason, the women had to go more frequently than the men did. Taylor was paired with Jennifer this time, Doctor McCrae with Suki, and Karen Levenson with Bill. Taylor, McCrae, and Bill endured more pain than men who were paired with other men did.
And the women seemed to take their time when relieving themselves. Doctor McCrae cried out in agony as Suki took a long time urinating.
"Ow!" he screamed, feeling a stabbing pain in his chest. "Can't you go any faster?"
"I'm going as fast as I can!" Suki cried.
Suddenly, she felt all eyes on her. Nine pairs of eyes watched her as Suki squatted over a whole, her pants and panties around her her ankles, while a golden stream of liquid came out of her vaginal lips, just below her trim triangle of black asian curls. Suki felt intense pressure to finish, even as Doctor McCrae screamed as yellow liquid continued to arc downwards.
"Please, stop, stop now!" McCrae cried, writhing in pain.
"I can't!" cried Suki. She felt tremendous shame as she felt all eyes on her, watching the golden stream come out between her thick vaginal lips. Did the others expect her to stop in the middle? Doubt gripped her.
"Keep going, Suki!" Taylor cried.
Suki met his eyes for an instant, and found the strength to continue, even in the face of McCrae's screams. She nodded, biting her lips, and gritted her teeth, pushing harder, battling her feelings of intense shame.
But shame wasn't what Taylor felt. As he watched the yellow stream coming out of Suki's furry pubis, as he saw her squatting legs, her gritted teeth, her expression of intense concentration, of intense need, he felt a growing need of his own. His penis grew erect inside his pants. He felt himself getting hard and throbbing as he watched Suki relieve herself. No, he couldn't. He shouldn't!
And then, the stream of liquid coming out of her furry pubis turned to droplets, and then the droplets slowly ended, drip... drip....... Drip. Painfully, but slowly, it all ended.
"Oooh... oooohhhh," McCrae moaned, rolling on the ground, as the pain started to fade.
"Are you all right, Doctor?" Suki asked anxiously as she stood erect, for a brief moment distracted from her nudity.
"I think... I think... it was stabbing me, right in the chest." He turned and looked at her. Suki was still exposed, with her pants down. "Why are you... why are you still...."
"I'm still not done, Doctor McCrae," said Suki.
McCrae was still panting from the pain. "Can't we... can't you wait a bit...."
"We might as well get it over with," said Suki. She felt bad about it, but there was such intense pressure in her asshole!
McCrae felt all eyes on him now. "All... all right... try to do it as fast as you can... the pain... it gets very bad... it gets bad, very quickly."
"I will try, Doctor," said Suki, mustering as much warmth in her voice as she could. She squatted down a bit more and started to grit her teeth. "Err! Err! Errrr!" A brown oval started to slide out of her ass cheeks.
Doctor McCrae cried out. "It hurts! It hurts! Faster, faster girl!"
"I'm going as fast as I can!" Suki cried. She bore down as much as she could. Her face was a mask of concentration. McCrae moaned from the pain as slowly, very slowly, a second small brown oval slid out of Suki's bottom and joined the first.
"Aaaaah!" Suki cried as the thing slid out of her, even as McCrae was crying in pain.
And then it was over. McCrae was actually weeping. "Please... please... give me a few hours rest before you go again, at least."
"All right, Doctor. I will. I promise," said Suki. She felt so badly for him. She reddened as she felt all eyes on her as she slowly pulled up her standard issue female Survey Service panties.
When Jennifer needed to take a turn, she only said, "Captain?"
He looked up at her. He saw the need in her face. He nodded.
This time he vowed he would not look. No matter how great the pain, he would not look.
Even without looking, Taylor knew the second when Jennifer began, because he felt a needle stabbing through his shoulder. It felt like a small needle, but the needle was getting progressively bigger. He cried out.
After a few seconds the pain began to get so intense he found that he needed to look, he had to look, if only to see if how close she was to being finished.
Taylor turned his head and saw her, squatting over the hole, a stream of golden yellow liquid coming out of her furry bushy. He could see the liquid, coming out of her inner lips, just below her hairy triangle of womanhood, pouring into the hole below her. Jennifer matched his gaze, but while his eyes were filled with pain and discomfort, hers was full of shame and humiliation. As the pain grinded on into Taylor's shoulder, she saw the pain in his face, and her face melted with compassion.
"I'll stop!" she cried.
"No, keep going!" Taylor cried, gritting his teeth, as he clutched his shoulder, crying out in pain.
"Are you sure?" she cried, feeling very uncertain, as a yellow stream came out of her widely spread legs.
"Keep going!" he roared again.
Jennifer gritted her teeth and bore down, trying to finish as rapidly as possible, aware of Taylor's cries of agony.
An odd sort of bond formed between them, a bond of pain and sexual pleasure. Taylor would never publically admit it, but he found something terribly arousing about seeing Jennifer, squatting there, so vulnerable, so humiliated, as she squatted, relieving herself, showing her pubis to the rest of the crew, but most of all to him. After two years of flirtatious looks, tender touches on his arm and shoulder, teasing sexy grins, and wearing tight clothes in the ship's gym, she had been finally forced to reveal herself, to open herself up and show her raw sexuality to him. Even as he writhed in pain, he felt an odd sort of pleasure, as if, rather than helping her, he was taking something from her as well. When he looked at her dark pubic hair, and thick, pink labial lips, performing this natural biological act, he felt an odd swirl of pain and sexual pleasure.
And then it was done. The pain started to ease.
Taylor's eyes were full of tears as he rolled around on the ground. He gasped for air as the pain receded more rapidly.
"Sir? Are you all right?" Jennifer cried.
He looked up at her. She had raised her trousers now. The spell had been broken. But what had been done could not be undone. A new bond had been created between them. A bond of pain and pleasure and humiliation. How it would all resolve itself was unknown to him.
Once Jennifer had gone, they had all relieved themselves at least once, all except Bill Carey and Taylor. They were both holding it in, refusing to release, to spare others the pain, in Taylor's case, to protect Jennifer, and in Bill's case, Karen Levenson. Taylor gritted his teeth as he felt the buildup of liquid waste inside of him. He had to release, and release soon. But he couldn't. Not before Bill did.
Jennifer quickly figured out what was going on. "Captain, you have to do it."
"No," said Taylor. But his resistance was ebbing. If he didn't act soon, he would go in his trousers, which would be even more humiliating.
"Bill! You have to release. You have to end this," said Jennifer.
"No," said Carey.
"Then go together!" said Jennifer. "Both of you, go right now!"
Taylor got up and opened his pants, even before he saw whether Bill Carey was complying. He needed to go too badly. He had held it in too long now. But Bill, in an urgent state of need, was doing the same. His need was as great as Taylor's. He opened his pants flap, whipped out his penis, and almost simultaneously, both of them started to urinate.
Taylor watched as Jennifer screamed in pain, along with Karen Levenson. He was doubly embarrassed, both to cause her pain and to let her see... this. He stood there, in so much need, desperately humiliated that all eyes were on him, on his penis, on the yellow liquid spurting from the tip of it, down into the hole in the ground. He couldn't take his eyes off of Jennifer, writhing in pain, her eyes fixated on his organ, hoping, praying that he finished quickly. It was his sexuality giving her pain, they both realized; his male sex organ was inflicting punishment on her soft, moaning, feminine body. The connection he had felt growing when he had watched her, nude and squatting and open and vulnerable, as she had inflicted pain on him, was now reversed. As he relieved himself, spraying liquid from the head of his organ, watching Jennifer roll around on the ground in agony, his shaft grew harder and longer, much to his intense shame.
And then it was done, and Jennifer's cries were reduced to moans.
"Jennifer! Are you all right?" Taylor cried.
"I... I will be," she said, gasping. She looked up at his face. "What now?"
"I... I also need to...."
"Then do it," said Jennifer.
"Do you want me to try and hold it in for a while longer-"
"Do it now!" Jennifer snapped.
Taylor squatted down. He gritted his teeth, and bore down. Something hard like a rock started to move in his rectum, as if it were a creature with a life of its own.
Jennifer screamed. It felt like she was being burned with a hot poker. "Hurry, Michael!" she cried.
Taylor saw the pain she was in. He gritted his teeth and tried to finish it. It was stuck! He heard Jennifer's cries of pain. He had to finish, at any cost. He bore down again with as much inner muscle strength as he could. He roared as he felt the object move again. He had to get it out! He squeezed, and roared triumphantly as he worked the dark, slimy thing out of him. "Aaaah!" he cried, but then felt a rumbling in his bowels. A floodgate had been opened. In rapid succession, one dark brown boulder after another came spilling out of him, as Jennifer cried out again and again.
When he was done, Jennifer was lying on the ground, sobbing.
"Jennifer, I'm so sorry," said Michael, even as he felt a pleasing emptiness in his rectum.
"It's... all right," she gasped softly, though he could see she was drained by the pain.
"What possible reason could anyone have to perform such a sick experiment on us?" Bill Carey asked.
"To study the concept of restraint, Mr. Carey," said Arnack, suddenly appearing before them.
"I hate you," said Taylor. "You want to see an example of restraint, Arnack? Come here into my cell. Come here and I will show you restraint."
Arnack smiled at him. "Oh, what wonderful aggression! And yet you do have reason to be proud. You and your second officer have set a new record for showing restraint and delaying release, for 27 of your standard hours. The closest anyone came to that from the Aurora crew was engineering assistant Anson Williams, who only lasted 22 hours."
"I'm so very pleased," said Taylor dryly.
"You should be. With a few more impressive results like this, I will surely be able to climb to Second Keeper status."
A few hours later, Elizabeth realized a new experiment had begun. She was lying down on the floor, trying to sleep. Suddenly, she felt a sharp pain in her belly. "Ow!" she said.
"What's wrong?" Norman Thompson asked.
"I just felt... a sudden pain...."
"Are you all right now?"
"I think so."
They all settled down again. But Wade Tanner was the next one to cry out.
They quickly figured it out. Their brainwaves were being monitored. Whenever they felt close to sleep, they would receive a sharp pain.
"Sleep deprivation," said Elizabeth. "That's very, very old fashioned."
"But effective," said Wade. "How long can we go without sleep?"
"I get the feeling we're about to find out," said Elizabeth.
Since there was no natural sunlight in the chamber, it was impossible to know how long it went on. But it seemed to go on for a long time. Every time one of them would feel that they were drifting off into sleep, they would get a sharp stab.
Elizabeth became very weary after she received one jolt after another. "What do you want?" she cried out.
There was no answer.
"They are just torturing us for the sake of torture," said Susan McClure, who was as red eyed as she was.
"No, there's a purpose to it," said Elizabeth, trying desperately to stay awake.
And then there was a flash of light, and the others reappeared... the scientists who had collaborated. They were all still dressed in control collars and black panties.
Elizabeth watched with heavy eyes as they paired off, each of them heading to one of the resistors. Vincent (of course!) came over to Elizabeth.
"Vincent," she mumbled. "So tired."
"I know, Elizabeth," said Vincent. "I can help you."
"Help," said Elizabeth. "Yes, help." Suddenly she became aware of something. Vincent was trying to take off her clothes. "What're you doing?"
"Trying to help," said Vincent.
Elizabeth's eyes widened, and she saw Vincent had a collar and black underwear in his hands. "No!"
"It's the only way," said Vincent, reaching for her pants.
Elizabeth pushed him away and got up. She looked at the others. Each of the resistors had someone undressing them. Wade Tanner and Bruce Anderson had pushed their helpers away, but Susan McClure and Norman Thompson were letting themselves be undressed.
Elizabeth tried to go over to Susan, who was being undressed by Midge Watson. "Get 'way from her." She felt a stab of pain, however, and fell to her knees.
Vincent grabbed her and wrapped his arms around her. "You have to let it happen, Elizabeth. It's the only way."
"No," said Elizabeth feebly.
She watched as Susan and Bruce were undressed, and then helped into the black underwear. Then Midge Watson put a collar around Susan's neck, and Barbara Wells put one around Norman's. They clicked into place.
"Now say it," said Midge, pumping Susan's hand. "What are you?"
"Susan, no!" said Elizabeth.
"A slave," said Susan. She looked over at Elizabeth with tired eyes. "I'm sorry, Elizabeth. I need to sleep!"
"And who do you obey?" Midge asked.
"The masters," said Susan softly.
On the other side of the room Elizabeth saw Norman repeating the same words.
There was a flash of light, and Almoxin and Terratin appeared. "Well, what progress do we have here?" Almoxin asked. "It looks like we have nine out of twelve."
Elizabeth's mind was foggy. "Twelve?" she mumbled.
"Your friend Victor has joined us. He was the first to enslave himself, actually," said Almoxin.
"No," said Elizabeth.
"Yes," said Almoxin. "We are making excellent progress. There are only three of you left."
"I think Doctor Shaw is the key," said Terratin. "Once we break her, the other two will concede as well."
"That seems like a reasonable hypothesis," said Almoxin. She turned to Elizabeth and stared at her with big egg yolk eyes. "Don't you agree, Elizabeth?"
Victor didn't think that Celesta was very pretty, but it was obvious that Teldoc did. Like all the Ascended, Celesta had a big forehead and giant egg yolk eyes. But she also had fairly large breasts, which stuck out prominently from her robe. Teldoc seemed to like them, as Victor saw his giant eyes trained on them more than once. And Victor thought that Celesta noticed Teldoc's stares as well.
"So this is your little experiment that has been keeping you so busy," said Celesta, running a hand across Victor's bare shoulder. Victor, in black slave panties, was on his knees with his head bowed. "It seems you have him thoroughly cowed."
"Yes," said Sithro, speaking before Teldoc could answer. "I heard the Keepers were quite impressed. You put on quite a show for them, Teldoc," he said, fixing Teldoc with a big eyed stare.
"All in the name of science," said Teldoc.
"All in the name of science," they repeated.
"I never get to see you," said Celesta, turning to Teldoc. "Have you solved my latest equation?" She fluttered her eyes at him, and ran a hand along his arm.
"I... I... I haven't had the time," said Teldoc.
"A pity," Celesta said.
Sithro laughed. "Teldoc, you haven't had the time to solve any of Celesta's equations. One might get the impression that you are incapable of solving them."
"That's not true," said Teldoc.
"Then solve this one, Teldoc," said Celesta. A long equation suddenly appeared in the air.
Teldoc looked at the equation. It was a dimensional proof. He had never been good with dimensional proofs. He stared at the equation for a long moment.
"He can't solve it," said Sithro.
"I can. I just need a moment," said Teldoc, staring at it further.
Sithro went behind Celesta, and started to whisper into her ear. Celesta laughed.
"Well, Teldoc?"
"I... I..."
"I, I is not the answer," Sithro said. Celesta laughed again.
Sithro sighed. "I'll give it to you." And suddenly another equation appeared below it.
"That's the answer!" said Celesta.
"You keep making them easier and easier for him. But he never gets it," said Sithro. He held out his hand. "Time for my reward?"
"I guess so," said Celesta reluctantly, taking his hand. She turned to Teldoc. "It was nice seeing you, Teldoc. And you too, experimental subject."
Victor gave a merry wave as Sithro, now with an arm around Celesta, escorted her out. As Victor got to his feet and sat in a chair, he saw Teldoc fuming.
"Remember, Teldoc. You must show Xetan," said Victor.
"I'd like to show Sithro Xetan," said Teldoc.
"I'm glad to see that some things haven't changed in eight million years," said Victor.
"What do you mean?"
"There is still competition for females. Oh, it takes different forms here, but the flavor is still the same," said Victor.
"I want Celesta so badly," Teldoc whispered.
"And she wants you," said Victor.
"You think so?"
"Isn't it obvious? Who else has she been making her equations easier and easier for?" Victor said.
"I'm just... not that kind of intelligent. My skills run more along the lines of behavioral science, and Lower neuroanthropology."
"Then show her your kind of intelligence," said Victor.
"I don't see how," said Teldoc.
Victor though a moment. The beginnings of an idea started to appear in his head. "If you can't solve her equation, have her solve yours."
Teldoc looked confused. "That's not the way it works here. Women make equations to give access to their bodies, not men."
"Who is to say how anything works? You developed a whole new method of interrogation, called kindness. Something no one ever thought to try. And look how successful that was."
"Yes, but this is different."
"No different," said Victor, shaking his head. "Go to Celesta, and tell her if she wants your body, she has to solve your equation."
"Do you think she will?" Teldoc looked uncertain.
Victor grinned. "It's obvious. All she needs is an excuse. Give her one. Just... don't make it too difficult."
"I won't," said Teldoc. "I'll try it, Victor. But... if it works, I can't tell her where the idea came from."
"My lips are sealed," said Victor.
"You... wish me to seal your lips?"
Victor held up his hands rapidly. "No no no! That was just an expression. A manner of speech."
"Oh," said Teldoc. "Because, if you wish, I really could seal them."
"That... that won't be necessary," said Victor.
"So you inflicted pain when Lowers relieve themselves, to see how long they could delay their release. Hardly a novel experiment," said Senderock, not bothering to hide the contempt in his voice.
"It's a standard behavioral experiment," said Arnack.
"And that's your problem," said Senderock. "You do all the standard experiments. Where is your creativity? Where is your imagination?"
Taylor heard a giggle, and guessed that Prelnick was there too, somewhere.
"That's why I had you spare one of the females for my experiment, a much more interesting experiment," said Senderock. "A two level test of restraint."
"Two levels?"
"You shall see," said Senderock.
There was a flash, and Taylor found himself in the center chamber. With him was Jennifer, and Lieutenant Obongo Babangida.
"What madness have you planned now?" Taylor asked.
"You shall see," said Senderock.
Jennifer started to breathe more deeply. So did Babangida.
"What's happening?" said Taylor.
Jennifer smiled at Babangida. He smiled back at her.
"We shouldn't," Jennifer whispered. But she was smiling as she said it.
"We should," said Babangida. He went over, and took her in his arms.
Taylor's eyes widened as he realized what was happening. "No!" he cried. "Obongo! Get a hold of yourself!"
But Babangida wasn't listening. Both he and Jennifer were lost in lust. They both felt a burning need, Babangida, in his large black penis, and Jennifer, in her clitoris and vagina. The need to have sex.
Babangida was the most attractive man Jennifer had ever seen. The black security chief was six foot two inches tall, had a muscular chest, and big, strong arms. He was the largest man she had ever been... was going to be with. As soon as Jennifer felt his strong lips press against hers, she knew she wasn't going to resist. She knew she couldn't resist. She needed sex, and needed it badly.
"No!" Taylor cried, pulling Babangida away from her. "Control yourself!" he cried.
Babangida gave Taylor a strong shove, and moved to take Jennifer in his arms again. He needed to put himself inside Jennifer, and needed to do it right now! Nothing must be allowed to interfere.
Taylor lunged forward, and pushed Babangida away again. Babangida roared and punched Taylor in the stomach. Taylor felt like he had been hit by a compression gun. As he went down, Babangida lunged again, hitting him in the face.
Taylor fell to the ground, and the world faded for a moment. When it returned, Babangida had taken off his own shirt, and Jennifer's Survey Service dayshirt. He then watched helplessly as Obongo pulled off her Survey Service standard issue bra.
Taylor groaned and struggled to get up. He had to stop this from happening! Babangida was facing away from him, but Jennifer could see what he was doing.
"No, Michael!" she cried. "Stay down! Just stay down!"
Taylor couldn't believe what he was hearing. As he watched Babangida suck on her nipples, Jennifer cried, "Just let it happen, Michael! Just let it happen!" And then she closed her eyes and groaned, as Babangida sucked on one of her teats.
Just let it happen!
The words struck Taylor with more force than any punch. He lay there, weakly propped up on his elbow, as he watched Babangida undress and strip Jennifer of her remaining clothing. Then Obongo quickly removed his own. Taylor saw, to his immense horror, that Babangida was already erect. His large black penis was at least two inches longer than Taylor's, and much wider. Taylor watched with wide eyes as Babangida lay Jennifer down on the ground, and got between her legs. He kissed and fondled her, and it seemed to Taylor that Jennifer gave as good as she got.
And then the moment came when Babangida lifted himself up, and Taylor got a view of that monster between Babangida's legs from a side view. It was huge and glistening and black, like the color of dark pudding, and looked like the shaft of an enormous bear. Jennifer looked Obongo straight in the eye as she felt the pressure of his organ at her lower entrance. And then Taylor watched helplessly as Babangida inserted his large black penis into Jennifer's trembling white body, inch by inch, as he filled her completely.
Taylor heard Jennifer gasp as Babangida completed the connection, as his penis disappeared completely inside of his first officer.
Jennifer felt the fullness of being taken and smiled up at him. Obongo, feeling reassured, looked down and smiled back. He started to pump her, thrusted into her with slow deep strokes, his organ glistening with her juices every time it emerged.
Jennifer made sounds ever few seconds. "Oh... oh... oh... oh... oh... oh..." though whether it was out of pain, or pleasure, or both, Taylor could not tell. He watched helplessly as his security officer had sexual congress with the woman he loved. Was Jennifer enjoying it? Or was she merely giving in to protect Taylor?
And then... and then... the worst moment of all. As Babangida was plowing into her, Jennifer actually turned her head, for a brief moment, and looked at Taylor, and seemed to smile at him.
But it was not just any smile; it was a smug, satisfied, self-indulgant smile, a smile flaunting the power she had over him. It was as if she knew she was hurting him, as if she enjoyed it, as if hurting him added a forbidden spice to the illicit moment that made it all the sweeter.
All doubt vanished from Taylor's mind when Jennifer turned her gaze back to Obongo, wrapped her arms around his back, and moaned, "I'm almost there. Harder, Obongo, faster!" Taylor watched as she smiled and kissed him furiously as the enormous black shaft pumped her more intensely. "Oh.. oh.. oh ohohoohohoh, OBONGO!" Jennifer cried, and then he gave a ferocious yell, and Obongo's body stiffened as he released, deep within her.
Taylor watched, still immobilized by shock and surpise, as they lay together in the aftermath, with Obongo's large black body on top of Jennifer's smaller white one, still impaling her deeply, for a long, silent moment. And then Obongo pulled out slowly, letting her feel every inch as he vacated her, his large cock still hard and glistening. Jennifer exhaled and her breasts heaved as she felt him pull out of the most intimate part of her. Babangida smiled at Jennifer, as he gave her a hand to help her get up. She took it, and smiled back at him.
Taylor looked at her, grinning broadly at Obongo as her labial lips gleamed with wetness, and he felt like his head was going to explode in agony.
But then, Jennifer's smile slowly faded as her mind started to clear. She shook her head, and looked around as if awaking out of a dream. She looked down, and touched herself in an intimate place, and raised a finger coated with white fluid. "Oh my God! What did I just do? What did we just do-"
There was a flash of light, and they were transported back in their cells. Jennifer, looking mortified, scrambled to put on her clothes. Babangida did the same.
"That was so incredibly clever, Senderock!" said Prelnick. "I never saw such an interesting experiment with the Aurora crew."
"That's because it's never been done before," said Senderock smugly.
"You will have to come to my quarters tonight and explain how you thought of it," said Prelnick.
"So I will," said Senderock.
"This has been a very disappointing performance, Captain Taylor," said Arnack. "You responded with no more restraint than a wild animal. You are truly lacking in any elements of Xetan. I can see that you more closely resemble the Lowers than you do the Ascended."
Taylor said nothing. He just kept looking at Jennifer. She avoided his gaze. Jennifer had been influenced by the aliens to do what she did... but when she gave in to it, she had seemed to actually enjoy it.
Just let it happen.
Those words would haunt him forever.
Taylor had thought that Jennifer loved him, that he was her secret love. Now he was no longer so sure. He was no longer sure of anything.
Taylor didn't know how much more of this he or the crew, could endure. Pain was only part of it.
None of the pain was permanent; any pain he endured would go away in minutes or seconds. But the memory of it would linger in his mind for days. Every time he felt a jolt of pain, of a needle through his belly, he would feel himself breaking down, just a little bit more.
But the pain was not merely physical. There was also the humiliation, the shame, and the strife that was being generated by these experiments. By now Taylor had figured out that they were doing more than merely testing their ability to restrain themselves; there was another, larger meta test going on. To break their devotion to each other. To drive them apart.
And it was working. He felt a wedge growing between himself and Jennifer, as well as Lieutenant Babangida. Crew members who had inadvertently given pain to other crew members found themselves the subject of resentment. Taylor could see it in their faces. He could feel it in their mood.
All except Bill Carey. Oddly enough, this awful experience had the unintended result of driving the two of them closer together. Taylor felt himself developing a mutual respect for his second officer, and felt the same from him.
It seemed impossible for each experiment to be worse than the one preceding it, but somehow it was. And the newest one, the brainchild of Senderock, was the worst of them all.
Podiums appeared in their cells, podiums with a button on them. When the podium lit up, they had three seconds to press the button. Pressing the button would inflict pain on whoever they were thinking of. If they refused to press the button, the pain would be inflicted on themselves.
"We're not playing your sick little game, Senderock," Taylor snapped.
"Really?" Senderock sounded very, very amused. "You may not play, Captain Taylor, but can you be so sure about the rest of your crew? Let us begin, and see!"
The first podium lit up. It was Taylor's. His pulse raced. He knew what it meant. But he refused to press the button.
He felt a stabbing pain in his head. He grabbed his head and screamed. It went on for a few seconds. Then it stopped.
Then Jennifer's podium lit up. She stared at it in horror. She refused to press the button. Soon she too was screaming.
They all resisted pressing the button on the first round. They all endured the pain rather than transfer it to someone else.
"All right," said Senderock. "What a great example of restraint from fine Survey Service officers! But will you be so valiant when the pain level is increased by... twenty percent?"
The second round begin. The pain did increase, but it felt more like fifty percent worse as Taylor screamed, grabbing his head again.
The others endured the pain. The pain felt so terrible to Suki, that her hand trembled over the button. But she didn't push it.
Crewman Rudy Garrett was the first to break. When he saw his podium turn bright he sobbed, and hit the button. Immediately, Lieutenant Babangida howled in pain.
When it was over, he glared at Rudy. "Why did you pick me, man?"
"I had to pick someone!" Rudy cried.
That broke the dam. Suddenly other crewmen started pressing the button when their turns came, and soon nearly everyone was doing it, everyone, predictably, except Taylor and Bill Carey. Every time someone picked someone else to give pain to, that person would turn on them and give them pain in return, when their turn came. Babangida gave Rudy pain after Rudy gave him pain; Jennifer gave Suki pain after Suki gave Jennifer pain; McCrae gave Karen Levenson pain after she gave him pain, and so on. Hand in hand with the pain giving was a buildup of anger, and resentment towards others. It was tearing the crew apart, as it was intended to.
But Taylor and Bill Carey didn't participate. They endured the pain. Taylor even endured it even when Jennifer gave him the pain once. He glared at her.
"Play the game, Taylor! Don't just absorb the pain on yourself!" Was she concerned for him, or angry with him? In this twisted environment, it was impossible to know.
But Taylor refused to deal out pain, no matter how badly it got. He saw a look of admiration in Bill Carey's eyes as he too, refused to dole out pain. At first. But finally it got so bad that Bill felt compelled to give in. His hand trembled as he pressed the button, and Jennifer shrieked in pain.
"Hey!" Taylor cried. "Why did you pick Jennifer?"
"I'm sorry! It's the first name that popped into my head!" Bill cried.
One on level Senderock was pleased. Nearly everything was going according to plan. The crew had turned on one another and were betraying each other.
But one resistor remained: Taylor. He seemed immovable.
And then something happened.
Karen Levenson gave pain to Doctor McCrae, and McCrae died.
He collapsed to the ground.
"McCrae!" Karen cried.
"That unit no longer functions," said Senderock. "Continue to play the game."
"Revive him!" said Taylor.
"He is not very useful," said Senderock. "This is the second time he has died."
"Revive him!" said Taylor.
"In return for what?" said Senderock.
There was a pause.
"Your friend does not have much time," said Senderock.
Taylor swallowed heavily. "I... I will play your game."
"Play it now."
And suddenly, Taylor's podium lit up.
He thought rapidly. He only had three seconds.
He pressed the button.
Jennifer screamed in pain.
She looked incredibly hurt when it was over.
But Taylor was watching McCrae. He saw a blue light appear over him, and then McCrae started breathing again.
"Let him rest! Don't make him play!" said Taylor.
"Very well. As long as you do!" said Senderock.
Taylor played the game. No one missed the fact that he gave half his pain allotment to Jennifer, and half to Babangida. In turn, they both gave him their full pain allotment.
The experiment continued for several more minutes, before they were allowed to collapse to the ground. They could feel the pain seeping out of their bodies, but even after the pain was gone, they still felt incredibly sore and exhausted.
"Wonderful. Simply wonderful," said Senderock, with a big smile on his face. His giant egg yolk eyes made his smile look even more malevolent.
"You set a new record for resistance, Captain Taylor," said Arnack.
"Yes, you resisted twice as long as the previous record holder, Captain Margaret Astor of the Aurora," said Senderock. "Most impressive!"
"Please... make this stop," said Taylor, his voice filled with pleading. "Surely you have enough data from these... experiments."
"We can always gather more data, Captain Taylor," said Arnack. He paused. "You do not wish to continue the experiments?"
"No!" Taylor cried.
"We could end them... if you agreed to serve us in another way," said Arnack.
"How?" Taylor asked.
"As our slaves."
Jennifer restrained a gasp.
"What... would that mean?" Bill Carey asked.
"Whatever we wanted it to, of course. Obedience in all things, without question. But it would get you out of this laboratory. There would be no more experiments." Arnack paused. "I'm not supposed to reveal this, Captain, but I'm afraid they get significantly more... challenging, after this one."
More challenging?
"You're all tired. Rest. Think about it. The next experiment does not begin until tomorrow morning. You can give me your answer then," said Arnack.