Chapter 01.1
I was deboarding at Logan Airport. With my sister headed for college at the end of the summer, Mom and Dad asked me to come home and join the three of them at the lake for the Fourth of July weekend. I'd been set to start at San Francisco's Planning Department on July 1 - I'd just graduated from San Jose State University- but my future boss said I could push the date back a week. My sister had been dispatched to pick me up; I texted her as I got off the airplane.
My sister, seven years my junior, was a dork, a nerd, a pain in the ass. Our age difference had always defined our relationship. We'd never been equals. Most of her life she'd adored me; I was the all-knowing big brother. When she became a teenager, I became the target of an unending barrage of teasing, jokes, and insults. She was even meaner to my girlfriends. I complained, but Mom and Dad said it was Bella's way of showing affection. And, I guess I knew that. For all my complaining, she was my baby-sister. No one, not even my girlfriends, fucked with Bella when I was around.
Bella was also smart, the smartest person I knew. She was headed for Stanford on a full scholarship; I had struggled through San Jose State. On the other hand things that came easily to me, I was athletic, popular, and usually had a hot, or at least semi-hot girlfriend, often evaded my sister.
Thus, I'd been a bit surprised when Mom had told me Bella had a boyfriend. I recalled him, but vaguely and then only because of his sister Shane. Quenton was a year behind Bella in school and, as I remembered, as nerdy as my sister. Shane, on the other hand, was Bella's classmate and even as junior high school student, which was when I last saw her, was a very hot very blonde fox.
My phone rang. It was Bella.
"You got any baggage to fetch."
"No Bella, all carry-on."
"Good, I'll pick you up on the north end of Terminal C. It's the easiest place to pull over. You can tell north from south, can't you?"
"Yes brat."
"Good, they taught you something in college."
"Why didn't you just send a text? Isn't that what all you young-uns do today?"
"Taught you to read too? Most excellent. See you in a minute."
* * * *
Bella, in Mom's Dodge Durango, was waiting for me. I threw my bags in the back and crawled onto the seat next to her. Then I did a double-take. Nerd to the core, she had dressed in sweatshirts, long sleeves, and baggy pants, all designed to hide her skinny little body. Now she was wearing a white crop top, decorated with roses and tied at the back, and a long red skirt. She was still skinny, well slim would be a better word, and small breasted, but there was a definite musculature. Her red hair, which she had kept short, fanned out over her back past her shoulder blades. It was brighter, more fiery, than I remembered. Looking at me with her intelligent brown eyes, she noticed me noticing. She put on sunglasses, round frames and fashionable, and pulled away.
"So whatya think?
"Sis, you look great, for a dork I mean."
I wanted to ask what the hell had happened, but couldn't think of how. Bella, helpfully, filled in the blanks.
"I'm sure Mom told you - she told everyone, she couldn't believe I had a boy friend - that I dated Quent Purene this year. He and I are off now, by the way. Well, me and his sister Shane, I sure you remember Shane - all the guys remember Shane - we ended up as friends. She's real smart, not as smart as me, but smart - if you guys didn't have your brains dangling between your legs you'd have noticed. I helped her with a big computer project - she was taking a course at the university - and she gave me a few fashion hints. Even got me to yoga."
Laughing, she made a muscle.
"I'll never be a jock like you - I need to leave room for actual brains - but whatya think, not bad?"
"Sis, you look great."
We headed up Interstate 93 to the family cabin on Newfound Lake. As we talked I was grateful to have an excuse to stare at Bella; there was no need to take surreptitious glances at my suddenly cute sister.
* * * *
The family's two bedroom cabin was built by my grandparents. Rustic, it had little in common with the modern behemoths that ringed Newfound Lake. Several hundred yards from the water, it sat amidst several acres of first-growth forest. Growing up it had been a place for the family, when I became a teenager it was a place to bring friends and girlfriends. I lost my virginity at the lake. The land was worth a fortune, but my parents did well and retained the property in the condition Mom inherited it from her parents. It would, we were told, be part of mine and Bella's legacy.
Dad was waiting outside when Bella and I pulled up. I followed him to the kitchen, where Mom was preparing dinner, and recounted recent events. Bella, having already heard it all on the way up, slipped from the room. When dinner was ready Mom asked me to get her. I found her on the side porch, wearing glasses, their frames thick and black, reading Science magazine. This was the sister I remembered.
"Hey nerd, dinner's ready."
"I hope there's plenty of red meat. That is what you Neanderthals prefer, right?"
We ate. Mom and Dad settled on the porch with a bottle of scotch. Bella and I sat with them, but Bella soon grew antsy. Dad noticed. "Why don't you two go for a walk. No need to entertain the old folk."
Bella jumped up, said, "Great idea Dad, let me change," and hurried to the bedroom, reappearing minutes later in sneakers, denim shorts, and a white shirt. She had pulled her red hair back into a pony tail.
Bella and I walked down to the water, then moved up the shoreline. In about a quarter of a mile we came to a spot I knew well. Here, where a small stream emptied into the lake, the water was especially clean. As kids we'd spend hours jumping off the nearby rocks into the lake.
Bella scrambled up the largest boulder, beckoning me to follow, talking all the time.
"Remember this place? We'd come down here. I'd be scared and you'd climb up and tell me it was okay, that you'd take care of me, and I'd follow you" - I reached the top of the rock just as she said these words - "and then you'd...," she shoved me, finishing the sentence as I plummeted towards the lake, "...push me off."
I bobbed to the surface and looked up. Bella was delighted, laughing, having spent who knew how many hours plotting this little piece of revenge.
"Okay squirt, you asked for it." I dog-paddled to the shore and started up the rock. Bella attempted to stop me, but I overpowered her and, my arms wrapped around her, was about to toss her in the lake when she suddenly shifted her weight - she'd gotten stronger. We both went flying into the water.
I popped up to find her swimming away. I grabbed her foot, but she twisted free. Once on the shore she sputtered and tossed her ponytail over her shoulder, laughing in uninhibited glee. "Got you again lunkhead."
I was standing in the water thinking, or at least trying to think, of a retort when, even with the sun close to setting, I noticed that Bella's shirt, soaking wet, clung to her breasts. It was near transparent and she was braless. My sister's breasts were small, round, tilted upward, half-dollar size areolas and, at the moment, very erect nipples. It took me several seconds to process the fact that I was staring at my sister's tits. When I did I jerked my head up, looking into her eyes. Had she noticed me staring at her boobs? Was she aware they were visible?
I focused on my sister's face, not wanting to take a chance my gaze would wander. As I did I was again struck by how well she'd grown up; she was quite pretty. Not a jump-out-at-you, fuck-you-all-night, sex-kitten kind of pretty, more a wholesome-girl-next-door kind of pretty. Her skin was lightly freckled, her face triangular with prominent cheek bones. She had the full family lips and, at the moment, a happy winning smile.
"Well big brother, do you plan to stay in the water all night? Oh, I get it, you're afraid I'll throw you back in. Okay, I promise, I won't. That is, I won't today, tomorrow you're on your own."
Trying to think of a snappy comeback I climbed out and sat next to her. The sun was setting. A cold breeze floated across the lake; Bella shivered. I put my arm around her to keep her warm. The sun disappeared behind the mountains; we were quiet, watching the sky.
We started back to the cabin. When I walked up the porch I extended my hand to her, taking the opportunity to glance at her chest. The girls were no longer visible.
"You two been gone awhile. Have fun?' Mom asked.
"Yes Mom, " Bella answered, "I threw Sam in the water few times, then we watched the sunset."
"Yeah," Dad replied, "we saw it from up here. Nice."
Bella, still damp, said, "I gonna take a shower," and headed down the hall. Before she could get away I yelled, "Hey squirt, leave some hot water."
Bella, now out of our parents' sight, turned to face me. She touched her breasts. "The way you were staring at these things, I think you need a cold shower."
She'd noticed. She also left me some hot water.
* * * *
I'd spent enough evenings, even in July, at the lake to remember to pack some heavy pyjamas. I put them on and joined the parents and Bella on the porch. She was similarly attired. She asked me to rub her neck, claiming an injury from our tussle on the lake, and I did so. Our parents, with a few drinks in them, droned on. I could see the boredom on Bella's face. Finally, I said it had been a long day, I was going to hit the sack. Bella said she'd do the same.
The cabin's second bedroom was small: two single person beds built into the wall. During my teenaged years, when a dozen-plus friends would visit, the cabin would be scattered with sleeping bags. Tonight there were just the four of us. Mom and Dad were on the porch, their inebriated voices becoming louder as they continued to drink.
I'd just laid down when Bella said, "Well, what did you think?"
"Of what?"
"Of my boobs silly. You looked at them long enough. You think they're too small?"
"Unnnnh, Bella, I barely noticed. I mean, you're my sister. I don't know what you're talking about."
"You're a bad liar. Okay, let's try this."
She got out of bed, moved to the thick rug between us, and poked me in the stomach. I opened my eyes. She was visible in the moonlight. She'd taken her top off. I was staring at her breasts.
"I want your opinion, but since you claim you didn't look, we'll pretend this is the first time you've seen them."
She touched her left breast. "Sometimes I wonder if they're too small. When Shane and I hang out guys are always checking out her knockers. What do you think, too small?"
I swallowed. "Sis, they're fine."
She went on, as if I hadn't spoken. "But they're nice and firm, and I wonder, if they were bigger, maybe they wouldn't be so firm. I mean, Shane's are firm, but then they might not be in ten years. What do you think big brother, I know your reputation, you've got a lot of experience with girls' boobs."
She took my hand and placed it on her breast. She kept talking, providing me no chance to break in.
I squeezed.
"Nice and firm, huh?"
I said nothing. She moved my hand to the other breast.
"How about this one?"
I squeezed. The nipple hardened and she shuddered, enjoying the sensation. She did not stop talking.
"Whatya think?"
"You're right sis, firm."
She went on, as if she hadn't heard me.
"I also wonder whether, if they were bigger, they'd be less sensitive."
Using her thumb, she pushed two of my fingers across her nipple, gasped, then said in a breathy voice, "Do it again." I did, this time without assistance. She sighed contentedly. Her breast was warm.
"So what do you think of my tits big brother?"
Now, I like boobs. I like all kinds of boobs, big boobs, small boobs, round boobs, tear-dropped shaped boobs, boobs with big areolas, boobs with small areolas. And by now I was thinking, along with other things, like what the hell was going on, was what-the-fuck, my sister has a nice rack. "Nice, very nice."
I started to pull my hand away from Bella's chest. She took hold of my elbow, stopped me, and said, an edge to her voice, "No, squeeze it again."
I squeezed again, then ran a finger over her nipple. Bella inhaled sharply and in a sexy whisper, responded to my comment about her breasts.
"'Nice, very nice' is not exactly a ringing endorsement. I need a second opinion."
Now, throughout these events the only part of me that was not confused was my dick, it had been filling with blood. Bella whispered, "Hold still," and slid her hand, which had been resting on my stomach, into my pyjama bottoms. She grasped my penis, wrapping her fingers around it, just below the head. A drop of pre-cum emerged; she smeared it into the head with her thumb. Thinking about my parents a few feet away, I stymied a yell.
"You do like them!"
She leaned forward, kissed my nose, rocked back on her heels, smiled. Her voice returned to the playful. "Thank you big brother, this means a lot to me."
She was flexing her fingers, tightening, then loosening them on my shaft.
"Bella, I'm not sure about this."
"About what? Not sure I should say nice things about you? Probably not, but I need to throw you a bone now and then."
Then, before I could respond, she added, "So you really think I have nice tits?"
"You have great tits, sis."
Her hand was running up and down my cock. It felt great. I knew this should stop, but, as I said, it felt great.
"Thanks bro." She leaned forward and kissed me on the cheek.
"Bella, you're touching my penis." Don't ask me why I said that. It made sense at the time.
"No shit Sherlock. Pretty cool huh? Its a nice one. Do you get any complaints?"
My voice was weak, unassertive. "I've heard they're rules about this kind of thing."
"Hmmm. I heard about those rules, but I don't mind breaking them. And there's another thing."
She ran her tongue over her lips. "I love to suck dick."
With a twist of her wrist she pushed my pyjama bottoms over my penis, parted her lips, and took the head of my cock in her mouth.
I groaned in desire and disbelief.
She let my dick slip from her mouth. "Shhh, Mom and Dad are outside. We gotta be careful."
"Sorry." Why the fuck was I apologizing?
"Its okay, but don't let it happen again."
My kid sister planted a kiss on the head of my cock, ran her tongue up the shaft, wrapped her lips around the crown, took three inches into her mouth, worked her head up and down. One hand frigged the base of my dick, the other fondled my balls. Occasionally, she'd catch her breath, kiss the cock-head, lick its length, return it to her mouth.
My nerdy sister had my dick in her mouth, a dick she was not supposed to see, or touch, and certainly not suck. It was crazy and dangerous and exhilarating.
There was a sound from the porch. Dad was talking to his brother in Tuscon, talking too loud. Bella paused, winked, held my dick straight up, licked from top to bottom, and kissed the tip before returning it to the exquisite warm wetness of her mouth, resuming a slurping rhythm as her head bobbed up and down. I ignored the impulse to close my eyes, reveling in the sight of my dick disappearing inside my obnoxious kid sister's mouth. Bella looked up, clearly enjoying my eyes on her.
While Bella had been taking her time, the proximity of our parents was brought home by their increasingly loud conversation and she soon began sucking with single-minded determination, thrusting her face over my cock, licking the head, sealing her lips around the shaft, cheeks concave, pumping with her hand. I rocked my hips into her mouth. She fingered my testicles.
And then it happened, my balls were burning, ready to blow. My stomach tightened, my body tensed, my cock pulsed, and I flooded my sister's mouth with cum. Bella continued to pump my shaft and a second load of cum powered up my cock and poured into my sister's mouth.
Surprised by my second orgasm, I grunted hard and deep.
Steps were coming down the hallway. Bella glanced at the door and, in a single motion, opened her mouth, showed me my cum, and swung back into bed, pulling the light blanket over her. Mom's slightly wobbly head popped in through the partially opened door.
"You kids okay?"
"Think so Mom. Sam was having a nightmare. He dreamed he fell into a paper bag and couldn't figure how to get out."
"You okay Sam."
"Yeah Mom."
"Good. Your father's had way too much to drink. So have I. I'm gonna get him to bed. Bella, be nice to your brother."
"Sure Mom."
She left. Bella said to me, "Should I tell her how nice I can be?"
"No squirt. I doubt she's ready for it. I'm not sure I'm ready for it."
"Well, you'll have to save your objections for the morning. I'm going to sleep."
* * * *
Despite the questions zipping through my mind I fell asleep quickly; a good blow job will do that for you. I slept in; the sun was up when I woke. I'm usually an early riser; my body was still on West Coast time. Bella's bed was empty. I pulled on my shorts and looked for yesterday's tee-shirt. It was gone. I grabbed another from my bag.
Mom and Dad's bedroom door was closed. With all they had to drink last night, they'd be out awhile. I stepped out on the porch. Nice fresh morning; it looked like a lovely day. I followed Bella's voice to the side porch. She was talking to someone on her computer. I approached, making enough noise to ensure I didn't startle her.
Bella turned her head. "Look what the cat drug in. Your ears burning big brother? We were just talking about you?"
My sister was wearing my tee-shirt and, I noted, nothing else. Then I looked at the computer. Shit, whomever she was, she was gorgeous.
"You remember Shane, don't you. Don't stare, by they way, among upper primates its considered rude."
Shane had grown up well. Even over Skype her blue eyes were striking. Blonde wavy hair framed a flawless complexion and a long oval face: nice lips, nice smile. We re-introduced ourselves, then I said I'd make breakfast, asking Bella what she wanted.
"Isn't that sweet," Shane said, "offering to fix his sister breakfast."
"Think you can handle multi-grain toast and orange juice," Bella said.
"Yeah squirt, I'll try not to burn down the house, at least so long as you're not in it."
I made the toast, filed two glasses with orange juice, sat on the porch overlooking the lake. Bella say good-bye to Shane and joined me. I was very conscious that she was naked under that shirt.
"Whatya think of Shane?"
"Seems nice."
Bella wiped a crumb from the corner of my mouth.
I paused, as if I had not considered the proposition. "Yeah, I'd say she's pretty."
"Prettier than me."
Always a deadly question. "Well, you guys are pretty in different ways, but no, she's not prettier than you."
Bella turned to me, a look of mock surprise on her face. "Big brother, very good answer. I may have underestimated you."
I finished my orange juice and placed the empty glass on the table. Bella curled up in my arms. I was preparing to bring up last night when there was a sound inside the house. Bella sat upright. "Mom and Dad are up. I better change." She leaned into me, kissed me smack on the lips - no tongue, but more than a brother-sister kiss - and headed for the bedroom.
I pulled my tee-shirt from my shorts and let it hang free, telling my penis to behave itself, and flipped on the coffee maker I'd readied when I made breakfast. My parents, bleary-eyed and hung-over, sat down. I poured them each a cup of coffee.
"Thanks son."
"You're welcome Dad."
"Where's Bella?" Mom asked.
"Getting dressed."
I popped some bagels in the toaster. When Mom and Dad were hung-over, they liked them some bagels.
Bella emerged from the bedroom, chatting on her cell phone, wearing a tiny red bikini. It covered everything, but barely. Her hair was clipped behind her head. She opened the refrigerator, pulled out two plastic bottles of coconut water, placed them before Mom and Dad, put her hand over the phone, mouthed, "It helps," and walked outside to finish her conversation.
I watched her ass. Nice ass.
She came back in a few minutes later.
"I was talking to Julie Henderson." The Hendersons were our next door neighbors. "Sam said he wanted to take me out sailing this morning. I called Mrs. Henderson; she said we could borrow their boat."
I looked at my sister. I had not asked her to go sailing. What was she up to?
Mom chimed in. "Oh Sam, that's so nice of you. Its good to see you two getting along."
"Yes," was my reply.
Mom turned her focus to Bella. "Where did you get that swimsuit? Don't you think it's a bit skimpy."
"Shane and I bought it last week for this trip. I think its fine."
Dad was now paying attention. "Its small."