Chapter 02

During high school, when I'd invite friends to the lake, the first thing the guys asked was whether Amelia would be there. Its not that we thought we had a chance, not only was she a fricking goddess, she was four years our senior. Still we'd march to the Hendersons, hoping she'd be there, hoping she'd be sun bathing. She loved the attention. She also turned us into serfs. We'd clean her car, get the boat ready, run inside to refill her glass, anything she wanted if she'd just let us hang with her. We'd come back home to Bella's merciless ridicule, but it was worth it.

And then, when I turned 18, Amelia said it was time for the gift. We went upstairs and I lost my virginity. When we got back down some of my friends were still hanging by the Henderson's pool. One brave, or maybe dumb, guy started to make a comment, but Amelia gave him the look, the look that says I will use you as dental floss. No one said a thing until we returned to the family cabin.

After that Amelia and I were occasional bed buddies. It was always on her schedule and at her convenience, but I never said no. A couple of times I tried to make it more, but Amelia was disdainfully clear: boyfriends were for money, fucking was for fun. And when summoned, I always showed up. In public Amelia was cold, detached, unattainable; in bed she was a hellcat.

After college she went to nursing school, took a job at a plastic surgery clinic on South Beach, corralled one of the doctors who owned it.
* * * *​

Amelia worked her way though the crowd, heading in my direction, politely greeting each person she met. As she reached me she brushed back her hair, then looked at Bella, took a moment to study her. "Is this Bella?" Bella, a slight grin on her face, nodded yes. Her tone border-line condescending, Amelia said, "You look great, I love your hair."

"Thanks Amelia. You look spectacular, as always."

Amelia smiled, said, "Thank you, you're so kind," then turned her attention to me. "Sam, can we talk, alone."

I was not provided the opportunity to answer. Bella said, "I'll catch you guys later," and walked away. Amelia guided me to the edge of the crowd. My back was to the party, but still I felt Bella's eyes on me.

"Is that really Bella? She looks great. She was such a nerdy kid. My brother couldn't stop yacking about her, now I see why."

"Well Amelia, she's grown up, headed to Stanford on a full academic scholarship."

Amelia looked over my shoulder at my sister. "With those looks, properly managed, she could find her way to money with a lot less work."

"Well, that's not her way."

"You sound proud of her."

"Yes I am, real proud, we all are."

With a toss of her head Amelia said, "To each her own." She took my hand in hers.

"I was in Boston at a fashion show. I wasn't planning to come up to the lake, but I was talking to Mom and she told me you were up here. Why don't we go inside, get some privacy. I need to be fucked."

I'd like to claim I was impervious to Amelia's charms, but that would be a lie. I was turned-on; my dick was hard; I wanted her. When it came to Amelia my track record was unimpressive: I'd cheated on girlfriends with her, I'd once ditched a date at a party to leave with her, I'd lied to more than a few women about her. She was the sexiest woman, the best fuck, I'd ever known, but I couldn't get Bella out of my head.

I took a deep breath. Here goes nothing.

"I can't do that Amelia."

You never saw a crack in Amelia's facade, but there was a flicker of one now.

"Excuse me."

"I'm in a serious relationship with a woman in San Francisco. I'm being faithful to her or, at least, I'm trying."

Non-plussed, Amelia held up her hand, wiggled her fingers, displayed her wedding ring. Jeez, that was some rock.

"Sam, I'm in a serious relationship too; the guy's worth a fortune but he's a marginal fuck. It doesn't stop me."

"I appreciate it Amelia, but I told this lady I wouldn't stray."

"Sam, she's in San Francisco, she'll never know."

"Amelia, that's probably true and I'll probably regret this tomorrow, but I'll know."

She looked at me, studied my face. There was a hint of anger in her voice when she said, "You're serious aren't you." She gestured to her body, "You're going to turn this down, no one's ever turned this down."

"Amelia, you're stunning, but I'm not going to cheat on this lady."

Amelia kissed my cheek, her voice chilly-cold when she said, "Have a good life Sam. No one gets to say no to the gift."

Sheepishly, "Yeah, I'm sorry."

Amelia walked to the bar, poured herself some vodka, swallowed it, poured some more, merged with the crowd, heading toward her brother who was talking to Bella. She gave Bobby the look; he walked away. She took hold of Bella's arm, guiding her towards the water.

What the fuck were they talking about? I needed to chill. I went inside the Hendersons' house, used the bathroom, grabbed a beer from the frig, wandered into the living room. Its glass wall overlooked the party. Amelia was talking to the Johnson twins. She gestured towards her vehicle; the three of them headed up the hill. Those were lucky boys. I scanned the crowd. I couldn't find Bella.

"Well big brother, I've been looking for you. How was I supposed to know you were hiding in here?"

I turned to face her. Her tone had been sarcastic, but she had a gleeful smile on her face.

"Hey squirt."

Her voice enthusiastic, almost childlike, she said, "You've got a crush on me."

"What are you talking about?"

"What I am talking about, big brother, is that you've got a crush on me."

I opened my mouth to say something, but Bella didn't give me a chance. She skipped across the room chanting, "Crush on me, crush on me, crush on me," and lept into my arms. I caught her and, while continuing her chant, she covered my face with kisses.

Still holding her, I repeated, "What are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about the story you told Amelia. She asked me about your girlfriend in California. It took me a second to get it, that you'd made up a girlfriend as a reason not to sleep with her. I mean, you couldn't tell her the truth, that you've got a crush on your baby sister. So I laid it on real thick - you should take notes in case you're asked - her name is Chan, Japanese parents, twenty-nine, went to college on the scholarship she won when she made it into the final round of the Miss California pageant and was named Miss Congeniality. Get this, she's a software engineer in Silicon Valley. Real frickin' smart, makes a ton of money. I told Amelia she's way too good for you, no one can figure out what she sees in you, but she adores you anyway. If Amelia checks out the details she'll figure out I made it up, but she's on her way to a good drunk, she won't remember the details.

"So admit it, you've got a crush on me."

I lowered her to the floor.

"Admit it."

I said nothing. She walked her fingers up my arm to my head, pulled my face to hers, and kissed me. I kissed right back, exploring her mouth. When done I was staring into her soulful brown eyes.

"Okay squirt, I've got a crush on you."

I kissed her deep and hard. I thought about the empty bedroom Amelia had mentioned. Then there were footsteps on the stairs. I let get of Bella just as Mom appeared at the top of the steps. My and Bella's flushed faces were undetectable in the dark.

"I was wondering where you kids were."

"Sorry Mom," I answered, " I came in to use the facilities, ran into Bella, we started talking and then..." Bella squeezed my arm. She was right, I was explaining too much, acting guilty.

"Well, I'm glad to see you two getting along, but come outside, stop being anti-social."

We rejoined the party. Amelia, her car, and the Johnson twins were gone.
* * * *​

The party broke up close to midnight, families drifted to their cars. I thanked Mr. and Mrs. Henderson. Bobby Henderson asked Bella if she was going to the fireworks the next day. Bella said she wasn't sure. Bobby said he hoped to see her there. Bella said the same.

Back at the cabin Mom and Dad poured themselves a night cap. They offered me one; I declined. Bella, who had said she was cold, returned from inside carrying a blanket and said, "Hey big brother, make yourself useful." I was sitting on the couch and she slid between my legs, her back on my chest. She pulled the blanket over both of us. My arms lay across her body; my hands were on her legs.

Bella casually played with my hands. She ran the tips of her fingers up and down mine then, with thumb and index finger, palpitated my fingertips. She flipped my hands over and massaged my palms with her thumbs.

Dad was saying something, finishing, "So what do you think son?"

I turned my head. "I'm sorry Dad, I guess I was dozing off. What did you say?"

"I was saying what a beautiful woman Amelia has become. Her Mom told me she married well."

Bella yawned and stretched, squiggling against my body. "Yes, big brother, what do you think? She's about as sexy a woman as I've seen."

"Can't disagree, she's attractive. A handsome lady. But there were lots of pretty women at the party tonight."

Bella placed her hands on the inside of my thighs and. using the leverage, shimmied her butt on my hard-on. "Lots?"

"Well a few, including Mom and you dork-oh."

Bella, using the blanket as cover, pulled the spaghetti strap off her right shoulder, moving it over her right arm. She took hold of my right hand and brought it to the now naked breast.

Bella went on. "I don't know, it's hard to imagine any man saying no to her."

I checked the blanket, making sure it would hide what I was about to do, then squeezed and kneaded Bella's breast, very slow, very gentle. She murmured, loud enough so only I could hear and shifted her position. She was now on her side, angled against me.

"Bella, watch your mouth. She's a married woman!"

Bella sat up and looked at Mom, at the same time pulling the strap off her left shoulder, freeing her other arm. Her dress settled around her waist.

"Sorry Mom, but she's something of a flirt."

"It's okay Bella. But you don't want to spread, or start, rumors."

Bella nestled her body into mine, rested her head on my shoulder. I rolled Bella's nipple between thumb and forefinger. The conversation was desultory, a family winding down after busy day. Bella's breathing was relaxed and deep, her breasts warm, her nipples erect. She ran a hand over my erection and in a barely perceptible voice said, "My cunt." I shook my head no, she shook her head yes. Mom said, "What was that Bella?"

"I was telling Sam here that he's nice and warm."

Now Dad. "Its nice to hear you two get along. Sam, its good, you're finally learning to take care of your sister."

"Yeah Sam," Bella chimed in, "listen to Dad, take care of your sister." She pulled her feet towards her, rasing her knees so her legs formed inverted "V's." Her hand covered mine and moved it to her vagina. There were no panties; she'd discarded them when she got the blanket.

I kissed the back of her head. "Okay squirt, I'll try."

I touched her vulva, then, cautiously, worked a fingertip into her labia. She was wet, very wet; lubrication was not an issue. I fingered the opening of her vagina, inserted my finger up to the first joint. I thought about pushing deeper, but instead rocked the fingertip back and forth. She moaned, a low long gentle moan.

I was focused on my finger, but heard Bella say, "Yeah Dad, that would be fun." Somehow she was managing to follow our parents' conversation; they were talking about going to Fourth of July in Rutherford. As Dad responded Bella whispered, "Deeper, two fingers."

Trying to avoid a sudden reaction, I carefully inserted a second finger into her vagina, withdrew both, pushed them back in. Her hymen was broken; my sister was no virgin. Bella let out a long sexy happy breath. I kissed the back of her head. My left hand continued working her breast.

Mom and Dad were talking about the Fourth of July. I pulled my lubricated digits from Bella's vagina and placed them on her clitoral hood. Bella, surprised, jerked. Mom looked over, but Bella had sunk her body back into mine. I massaged her clitoris with my middle finger, taking my time, going slow. Bella spread her legs, opening herself to me, expanding the size of the tent her knees created in the blanket. When she squirmed I clasped her tighter. She ran her hand up my chest, took hold of my chin, angled my face towards her, mouthed, "I love you big brother."

I did the same: "I love you too Bella."

Her head returned to my chest.

"You kids okay?" Mom asked.

Desire permeated Bella's voice when she answered ,"Sure. I tink I'm ready for bed, but feeling too lazy to get up. I'll think I'll just lay here a while."

"Speaking of which," Mom responded, looking at Dad, whose drooping eyes showed he was already 80% asleep, "its time for us to hit the hay. See you kids in the morning."

She stood, helped Dad up. The screen door banged shut behind them; their bedroom door closed. Bella pushed her hips into my hand and turned her head. We kissed, a long deep hot hungry needy kiss. My fingers continued to work their magic and Bella began bucking her hips. Grunting in short sharp sounds, she ripped her face from mine and buried it in my chest, trying to muffle her moans.

"Unh, unh, unh, unh, unh, unh, unh."

I switched fingers, pulled the clitoral hood back with my middle finger and applied pressure directly to her clit with my index finger, the intensity of her moans guiding the speed and pressure with which I worked the nub.

"Unh, unh, unh, unh, unh, unh, unh, unh, unh, unh, unh."

The force of my hand on her breast doubled.

"Unh, unh, unh, unh, unh, unh, unh, unh, unh, unh, unh, unh, unh, unh, unh."

I massaged her clit, sped up, applied more force. She pushed her sex into me, demanding more. I gave her what she wanted.

"Unh, unh, unh, unh, unh, unh, unh, unh, unh, unh, unh, unh, unh, unh, unh, UNH, UNH, UNH, UNH, UNH."

I slid my ring finger down, stroked her pussy lips, pushed it inside her. She was wet and warm. Her pussy clamped down, trying to pull my finger inside. I caught a nipple between two fingers, squeezed it, rolled it back and forth.

"Unh, unh, unh, unh, unh, unh, unh, unh, unh, unh, unh, unh, unh, unh, unh, unh, unh, UNH, UNH, UNH, UNH, UNH, UNH, UNH, UNH, CUMMMIIINNNNGGGGGG."

She came, shaking, quivering, clasping her legs together. I slowed, reduced the pressure on clit and cunt, drew out her orgasm. She shook in my arms, but more gently, then drew a deep breath, relaxed, molded herself to me. I took my hand from her sex, turned her face to mine. She wore a happy silly smile. I kissed her, sucked on an ear lobe, nibbled on her neck.

We sat on the porch, listened to the sound of the night, the waves lapping on the shore. We kissed, we giggled, we touched, and then, for the second time that day, the third time in the last two, my sister took me in her mouth. My sweet geeky kid sister gave me a blow job. After I came we went to our bedroom, kissed, crawled into our separate beds.

"Night squirt."

I had the sexiest dorky sister ever.
* * * *​

When I woke the next morning Bella was gone. I turned on the coffee maker and wandered to the side porch where I'd found her the day before. Her computer was open; she was talking to Shane. That woman was some pretty. Bella was wearing my tee shirt, and nothing else. I kissed her on the top of her head.

"Good morning squirt. Hey Shane."

"Morning Sam. You two having fun with the parents."

I said, "Yep, sure are," then added, "I'll let you guys finish. You want some breakfast Bella?"

She leaned back in her chair, her red hair cascading down her back, the outline of her nipples evident in my tee-shirt. "Bacon and eggs, scrambled. Wheat toast."

"You got it." I bent down, pecked her on the lips, said good-bye to Shane, headed inside.

When I'd finished I brought two plates to the front porch. Bella joined me on the couch. After we finished she straddled my legs, thanked me for breakfast, and we kissed, our tongues intertwining. Somehow, in the space of seventy-two hours, french-kissing my sister had become the most natural thing in the world. I was going to suggest we put on some clothes and find some privacy when I heard my parents.

Bella heard them too. "I better change."

"By the way Queen dork-o, am I going to get my shirt back?"

She stuck out her tongue out, said, "Heck no," and hurried back to our room.
* * * *​

I returned to the kitchen, cleaned the dishes, fixed Mom and Dad coffee, dropped two bagels in the toaster. The three of us adjourned to the porch. Mom and Dad ate; I nursed my second cup of coffee. Bella joined us wearing red gym shorts, a grey Stanford tee-shirt, flip-flops, and a baseball cap. We touched on last night's party before turning to Fourth of July in Rutherford. Food booths, an old car show, raffles, traveling amusement rides, a make-shift stage on which a Zumba instructor, Rutherford's belly-dance society, and some local bands would perform, a land parade during the day, a boat parade as the sun set, ending with the high school band and fireworks. It sounds cheesy, but it was always fun.

The four of us drove into town together. While I'd hoped to sneak into corners and behind buildings to share forbidden kisses and caresses with my sister, we ran into an unending array of neighbors, friends, and acquaintances. We were limited to dirty talk. When people saw brother and sister in conversation, none imagined that Bella was describing exactly how she'd next suck my dick while I particularized how I'd eat her strawberry snatch. Bella did have to remind me to stop staring at her ass and tits - "someone's gonna notice" - and I pulled my tee-shirt out, letting it hang over my shorts and recurrent erections.

The Hendersons were ubiquitous. At one point Mrs. Henderson pulled me aside. Amelia, she said, had been excited about her visit, so she couldn't understand why her daughter left the party early, returned long after midnight, dragged herself downstairs close to noon, and, after a couple of cups of coffee departed without explanation. Did I know what was up?

"No ma'am."

The clearly infatuated Bobby Henderson tagged along with Bella and I much of the day, trying to impress my sister. When his Dad called to tell him it was time for the boat parade, he invited Bella to join him. Bella declined, indicating she wanted to watch while eating with her family.

"Maybe I'll catch you at the fireworks," he said.

"Maybe," she answered.

We joined Mom and Dad. Mom had made her amazing fried chicken. We ate and while Mom and Dad watched the boats, Bella lay down, her head resting on my thigh, looking at Knob Mount, a rocky wooded hill set right behind the town.

"Sam, remember when you were in high school, you said you got a better view of the fireworks from up there. You and your friends would hike up there."

"Yeah, I remember. You'd come along sometimes. We'd have fun."

"You mean, 'we'd have fun' in the sense that Mom made you take me and then you'd get one of your friends to distract me while you sneaked off to hook-up with your latest girlfriend. That 'we'd have fun?'"

"Uhhm, you knew about that?"

"Sure did. It was half the point of tagging along, throwing a monkey wrench in your make-out sessions."

I had no come back.

Bella continued. "Cat got your tongue? Well, why don't we tell Mom and Dad we want to go back up there for old time's sake. They'll think it's sweet. Poor Bobby will be disappointed, but he'll live."

Which is how Bella and I found ourselves walking up Knob Mount, a blanket under my arm. I located the private spot I'd discovered years before and, to the sound of the high school band playing patriotic songs, Bella and I made-out. I kissed her lips, I kissed her eyes, I kissed her neck. My tongue explored the inside of her mouth, the turns and crevices of her ears. I nibbled on her neck, her shoulders, her ear lobes. Bella kissed me back with a desire that equaled my own and I wondered where'd she learned to kiss like this. Quenton? Maybe I underrated nerds. Such musings, however, were fleeting. The two of us, libidos aflame, were ferocious, hands and mouths explored each other's body.

She took hold of the zipper on my shorts, pulled it down, extracted one very hard cock.

"It is a nice dick. I can see why Amelia was so upset."

She stroked it, first with her fingertips, then grasped the shaft. When she had it throbbing and spitting pre-cum, she rose to her knees, rubbed it over her face, breathed in its scent. Her eyes closed to tiny slits as she processed the smell. She worked her jaw back and forth, kissed the head. "Definitely my favorite new toy."

And then, for the fourth time in three days, my cock was in my sister's mouth. Her tongue gently explored its underside, then licked the slit, enjoying my pre-cum. When I rocked my hips she took me deeper, opening her mouth wider, forcing her face over my shaft. Her free hand cupped my balls, the sack resting on her palm. After several minutes of avid sucking she pulled back and my cock slid between firmly compressed lips, plopping against my stomach. She dragged my shorts off, took off her shirt, exposing braless breasts, winked, licked up and down my cock, then bathed my ball sac with her tongue. I spread my legs and she licked my scrotum, taking each testicle into her mouth. Her small breasts swayed against my thighs.

She sat up, smiling in delight.

"Never imagined your kid sister could do that, did you?"

"No, can't say I did. Never imagined saying this to her either: Bella take off your shorts, I want to see your pussy."

"You forgot to say please."

"Bella, please take off your shorts, I want to see your pussy. Please."

"Much better." She whisked off her shorts; they joined our other clothes in a pile by the blanket. Her red pubic hair was sparse; her pussy lips glistened in the fading sunlight.

She got on all fours and took me into her mouth, her tongue pressed against the bottom of the shaft. I placed my hand on her back; she purred and I traced my finger down her spine to her butt, then through the crack of her ass. It slid on the lubricant that had leaked from her pussy. I massaged her ass hole; she moaned and raised her behind.

She released my cock, licked it, swirled her tongue on my perineum. I fingered her pussy lips and, affirming she was sufficiently lubricated, buried two fingers inside her, twirled them around, marveling at her tight twat. She moved her knees further apart and pushed her hips into my fingers, driving them deeper into her cunt. I pulled my fingers, covered in her cream, from her pussy and probed her asshole. She let out a deeply aroused moan.

Bella blew a blast of hot air between my legs, and in a breathy voice, said, "Lift yourself up."

Using my arms for support, I arched my back, picking my butt off the ground. My naked sister clambered between my legs and licked my asshole. I shuddered; then I moaned. She pushed her tongue inside my butt, wiggling it around. Encouraged by my response, Bella alternated between driving her tongue into my asshole and licking the rim.

It was heaven, but still, I could hold myself up only so long. My legs started shaking, Bella got on her knees, displaying her naked torso, breasts sitting firmly on her chest, and I dropped to the soft earth, gulping in air, squirming in a state of desperate arousal. Bella dipped a finger in her pussy.

"I'm ready big brother."

"You sure?"


"Birth control?"

"Of course."

"Good, because I need to fuck you. I want you, all of you."

I was surprised by the intensity of my voice. Bella caught it.

"You're going to have me. But before you go all bleary-eyed on me, shove your dick into your little sister. She really wants to fuck you." She ran a finger along her slit, it glided across her clit. "Fuck me silly Sam."

Obviously, over the last few days I'd thought of this moment. Normally, with a girl as young and inexperienced as Bella, I would take control. But there was something different about Bella, something wise and discerning. Although I wanted to pound her pussy with runaway lust, I tamped down my rampaging testosterone, ready to gauge her needs before satisfying my own.

Bella walked forward on her knees, straddled my groin. I thought about how small and slight she was, looked at her delightful breasts, glanced at her pussy. I was about to fuck my sister. What was unimaginable a week had become inevitable.

She grabbed my cock, closed her eyes, ran its head over the face of her pussy and labia, sometimes stopping to wiggle against it. Her moans were low and luxurious. She centered it on her vagina and carefully, patiently, slid down its length. When it inside her she undulated, curved her spine, pushed her shoulders forward, placed her hands above my shoulders, leaned forward. Her head, framed by her long red locks, hovered above mine. There was a gleeful happy smile on her face.

"Nice cock bro'. You give new meaning to the phrase big brother."

She sat back up, moved her hands to my chest, and started rocking on my erection. I studied her motions, complemented mine to hers. Soon she was gasping, her head nodding back and forth, her mouth half open, her breasts bouncing on her chest. I reached between her legs - she was slick with pussy juice - and placed my thumb just above her clit, moving it in small tight circles.

Bella's face reflected ecstacy and concentration, awash in the pleasure radiating from our conjoined bodies. Bella's fingers tightened on my chest, digging into my flesh; her face was flush, her body shook. A single sound came from her, sort of an "Ennyahhh," and she opened her eyes, looked at me, gasped for air. She had come, the orgasm short and strong, soft and sweet. She licked her lips. "Let's do that again."

Well, that question was answered; my baby sister was multi-orgasmic. We repeated, letting her move against me, I matching her undulations. My sister came again and again. My cock, slipping sliding roving inside her wonderful warm wet tight pussy was on fire; intense pleasure vibrated along its length, flowing into my body.

The first firework went off. Bella turned to watch it.

"Well big brother, I guess its time to ramp up the action." She raised herself until only my cock-head was inside her, then squealed as she slid back down, loving the sensation as my shaft filled her tiny snug box. Her pussy walls squeezed my cock. Bella was incredibly tight; Quenton must be packing minimal equipment.

When another bright light from the fireworks flooded the mountain I looked at Bella. She was panting, her body taut and flush. Her hips rocked back and forth. I pushed deeper inside; she cooed, opened her eyes, caught me staring at her.

"I love your dick. Deep, go deep, fuck me deep."

I pushed into her. She groaned, relaxed, then tightened her cunt muscles, used them to drag my cock into her.

"That's it big brother, deep, fill up your baby sister, fill her up."

My kid sister was talking dirty to me. My nerdy kid sister was talking dirty to me! It was fricking amazing; my cock jumped in her pussy.

Our hips pressed together, she squirmed, searching for ways to force another millimeter inside. Bella grunted, rose up on her knees, long slow strokes filled her pussy. Another orgasm hit her. Her eyes rolled back in her head, her mouth fell open, her arms went limp. I took her hands in mine; she used them to leverage herself onto my penis.

I pumped my cock into her. I was fucking my sister; I was fucking the brat who'd made it her life-mission to annoy me. I shoved my cock into her. She groaned in delight. I started fucking her with unrestrained need, filling her pussy with strong hard strokes.

Bella's body bounced on mine. She chanted, then shouted, "Ooh fuuck ... ohhh ... ohhh... ohhh fuck." There was no need for quiet; fireworks were exploding over the town. Consumed by incestual lust, I was relentless.

"Take it sis."

"Love your dick," Bella whimpered.

I grabbed her hips, pulled her into me.

"Your pussy's heaven."

Cum was boiling in my balls.

"Ooooooo, feels good Sam. I'm going to come. Come inside me Sam, give me your seed, fuck me, feed me, fuck your sister. Ohhh my, it feels so good."

Bella moaned, her body shuddered, her face flushed, her leg muscles grew taut, her fingernails dug into my chest, another orgasm swept over her.

"Love your big frickin' dick. Do it Sam, come in my pussy, fill your baby sister's pussy with cum. Come inside me, come for me."

I increased the pace, fucking my sister, my shaft pistoning in and out of her. Bella whimpered and moaned; she drove her body down the length of my dick. Her cunt muscles grabbed my cock. She reached behind and stroked my balls with her fingertips. Her body thrashed; her cunt walls closed on my cock in a death grip. I groaned and, unable to hold back any longer, erupted, filling my sister with the large thick load of cream my balls had stockpiled since last night.

"Bella, I'm cumming," I squealed, pumping my cum inside her body.

"Me too big, eyyyahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh."

Bella groaned and shuddered, her cunt tightened on my cock, spasming as a series of short powerful orgasms, echoing from head to toe, ripped through her. The cheeks of her ass bunched and twisted, her knees pressed to my side. Gasping in ecstasy, she ground her pussy into my groin and rode out the earthquake, then the aftershocks, of a final powerful orgasm. Her cunt muscles contracted, squeezing every last bit of cum from me. Finally, she lay on top of me. Her small body felt right atop mine. We heard a quick succession of explosions; the firework show had reached its finale. We turned our heads to watch. The citizens of Rutherford applauded. Bella's pink tongue darted out and licked my lips.

"Well, I'd never have guessed it, but Mom's romance novels are right. The first time I'm with a man I see fireworks."

I thought: "The first time I'm with a man." No way. Bella knew way too much about her body, about making love, about fucking, to be a novice. I donned my poker face. This was neither the time nor place to discuss her history. Instead we kissed, the moment interrupted when several deer darted across the glen.

"We better get going," I said, "we don't want to keep the parents waiting."

We dressed; Bella put her baseball cap on backwards; holding hands, we headed down the hill.
* * * *​

"Caught you by surprise with that 'first time with a man' thing, didn't I."

"I'm not sure what you mean." I listened to myself. I sounded lame.

"Big brother, I've spent my entire life studying you. I know your poker face. But since you and I are going to be lovers, there are a few things you should know."

We were going to be lovers?

"So at the beginning of the school year Quenton asks me out. Well sorta asked me out. He was fumbling around, trying to ask me out, and finally I agreed to go to the movies with him. If I'd waited for him to actually say it, we'd still be standing there.

"Now its not like the guy excites me and I can already hear the nerd dating nerd jokes, but I'm tired of sitting home on Friday nights, so we start hanging. Then I learn that maybe I'm not as smart as I think I am. I'm at Quenton's a lot and get to know Shane. Blonde, unbelievably beautiful, popular, always some jock boyfriend, I'd pegged her as an air head, didn't know her mind you, but had her pegged. Well, as I said, I'm over there a lot and she's smart and funny and real nice.

"One day she asks me for help, she's got a big computer project. We spend about a week working on it together and by the end of it were friends. She gives me advice on hair, clothes, etc., advice I actually listen to instead of making fun of the person offering it. We're hanging at school. I'm spending a lot more time with my boyfriend's sister than my boyfriend.

"Well Quenton's got this thing, happens about 95% of the time. If you suck his dick, he comes, then falls asleep. Usually for an hour or two, sometimes all night. It became sort of a private joke between Shane and I. I'd get bored with her brother, suck him off, and then she and I'd get together while he snored upstairs.

"Well one weekend his parents go out of town and I go over there and Shane and Quenton are drinking vodka martinis, having a good time. Quenton's mildly looped. We go upstairs to his bedroom, I take him in my mouth and while it takes longer than usual - it always did when he had a little alcohol in him - he comes and passes out, snoring up a storm. He's not waking up til the sun comes up.

"I go downstairs. Shane asks what took so long and makes me a drink and throws some popcorn in the microwave - I'm not sure I can recommend popcorn and a martini for dinner - and we load a movie, but we're not watching it. Instead were yaking and she asks me about sex. She'd figured out I didn't enjoy it with her brother.

"And I tell her the truth, that the few times Quenton used his fingers or mouth on me it was terrible. He was clumsy, insecure, it was embarrassing for him and for me, and it did not feel good. He didn't caress me, he pawed me.

"I tell her I decided just to use my mouth on him. It satisfied him and, and I know this is not romantic, was efficient.

"Shane tells me it can be great, but in her experience most high school guys are like her brother, they're terrible at it but they all think they're porn stars. When they're done they all start bragging about what studs they are - boring. Girls, she said, are generally better.

"And I look at her, 'Girls?'

"'Yeah Bella, I thought you knew.'

"'No, what's it like?'

"Well, that night Shane and I became lovers. When I said you were the first time a man's been inside me, you thought I seemed too experienced for a virgin, didn't you?"

"Yeah, that's right."

"Sex with Shane is wonderful; it's how I learned about my body. She's been inside me, with our toys, scores of times, but she's the only one. We decided not to announce it. She likes guys, I like guys, neither one of us wants to be branded a lesbian. I don't feel like a lesbian. What happened was unique to Shane, I wasn't with her because I like women, I was with her because I like Shane. It became my closest deepest relationship. Which is why, one day, I told her something I'd kept private for years, something I'd shared with no one."

The grip on my hand tightened; the tone of her voice said I was supposed to ask.

"Do you want to tell me?"


The "yep" was meant to be light-hearted and confident, but it veiled her concern. She was worried about what she was about to say.

"Go ahead. I promise, no jokes."

A deep breath, and then, "Okay. I told Shane that as long as I remembered I'd been in love with my brother. It came out in my teasing, the way I made fun of your girlfriends."

"Go on."

She wrinkled her nose. "I could be pretty vicious."

That was right. Many of my girlfriends refused to come back to the house; some she'd reduced to tears.

"You've got a powerful wit."

"That's a nice way to say it.

"Well, Shane and I talked about it, I told her everything. And after listening and letting me get it all out, she suggested I go for it, which is what I've done. I couldn't have done it without her friendship, I wouldn't have had the confidence or courage."
* * * *​

I spotted our parents when we were a couple of hundred years away. I pointed them out to Bella. Bella waved, then turned to me.

"It's time you wiped that silly stupid grin off your face. We don't want anyone to think I just got done fucking your brains out."

What silly stupid grin?

Then, with a twinkle in her eye, she added, "But I did, didn't I?"

"Yes you did Bella, you certainly did."

I tried to don my serious face. Bella looked at it and laughed.

We met our parents by the car. The place had mostly cleared out. The Hendersons' boat was gone. I was still holding Bella's hand.

"We were starting to get worried about you kids, you took a while to get back."

"Yeah Mom," I answered, "Me and Nerdzilla here were talking about her coming to school. We've decided to live together, get a place near Stanford. I can commute into San Francisco. It will be fun, convenient, and save a few dollars."

Mom smiled broadly. "That's great, I'm glad to see you two happy together, like a brother and sister should be. Aren't you glad I insisted you come home Sam?"

"More than I can say Mom, more than I can say."​
Next page: Chapter 03
Previous page: Chapter 01.2