Chapter 04.2

"Well, no you and I, we broke up, no, I wouldn't. I'd be spending all my time trying to win you back. No you and I, I was an only child, not having known my baby sister's love, maybe. I like Shane, there's a reason she's your best friend."

Bella puckered her lips and said, "Sam, that is a very good answer. You're getting smarter hanging out with me. I'm trying to work up some jealously, but no success."

I suspected if I was getting any smarter about figuring out Bella it was from hanging out with Shane, but decided not to correct my baby-sister. Instead, I got back on topic.

"Without Shane, there may not have been a you and I, so how pissy can I be? But there's something else, something I sometimes wonder, why doesn't it bother me."

This was something I'd wanted to say aloud for awhile, but the opportunity had not presented itself. Now it did.

Intrigued, Bella said, "Well?"

"You and Shane, you're like, like soul-mates. You understand each other. When I'm confused about what's going on with you, I ask Shane, she usually explains it. It would be wrong to tear you two apart, where would you ever find someone like that again?"

"How about you? I thought you were my soul mate."

"I am, but Bella I've known you all your life and I still feel like I'm just beginning to explore the mystery of my beautiful baby sister. I don't know whether I'll ever understand you as well as Shane does. But even if I did, why would I interfere with your relationship with Shane? You two are great together."

Bella, cuddled against me, said, "But its not just Shane, in the entire time we've been together you ve never shown a sign of jealously about anyone. Don't you get jealous?"

"Bella, you don't give me reason to be jealous. I know you love me; I never doubt it."

Bella laughed. "Well Sam, you don't give me reason to be jealous but every time a girl flirts with you I want to rip her eyes out."

Now it was my turn to laugh. "Bella, girls don't flirt with me."

"Girls flirt with you all the time. You don't even notice. That blonde who works with Jacqueline at the coffee shoe, Gina, do you think she s pretty?"

I recalled her. "Yeah, she's a nice looking girl."

"She's always coming on to you."

"No she isn't."

"Yes, she is. When you come into the restaurant she ignores other customers, ignores everyone else sitting at the table. She asks about your food, basically talks only to you. She laughs at your jokes, touches your shoulder. She's always mentioning events in the city, angling for you to show some interest in them, and her. And according to Jacqueline she's asked about you and I a few times, wants to know our deal. She sees us with Shane, thinks maybe you and I aren't exclusive, wouldn't mind splitting us up if we were. I want to kill the bitch."

Bella looked at my face, saw I still doubted.

She went on. "My point is that you're not jealous, I am. You've spent your entire like looking out for your baby sister, even when I was a complete pain in the ass, even when I was a complete pain in the ass on purpose. Now you see how important Shane is to me and you accept it. You think it's what's best for me, so you accept it."

I pulled her close. "Of course, why wouldn't I want what's best for you?"

She kissed me and said, "I have the best lover in the world," kissed down my chest, pushed me onto the bed, took me in her mouth. We made love the rest of the morning.
* * * *​

Bella was asleep and I, in tee-shirt and gym shorts, was fixing a salad, thinking about my conversation with Bella, thinking about Bella and Shane, when Shane got home.

"Did you two made good use of my absence?"

"Sure did. Bella caught up on her studying, I on my paperwork. Have a good time?"

She laughed. It was not a happy laugh.

I gestured to the salad. "I made enough for three and there's no telling when Bella will wake up. Wanna join me? Wanna talk?"

Shane looked at the food, then at me. "Yeah, that would be nice."
* * * *​

"She was friendly and warm, I had a perfectly nice time, but it didn't feel right. She wanted to spend the day together, I told her I wasn't available, took a rain check. Sam, maybe its me, but no one satisfies me. I was thinking I've been under your and Bella's feet too long, maybe I should head home."

She put down her fork. She'd been sitting in front of her salad for fifteen minutes. She'd taken (I'd counted) three bites. I saw Bella in the doorway.

"Morning squirt."

Bella stepped into the room and with tears in her eyes, sputtered, "I didn't mean to spy. I really didn't. I heard you two talking, headed this way. Shane, I'm sorry, I don't want you to..."

Shane stood, turned, wrapped her arms around Bella, kissed the top of her head.

Bella pressed her body to Shane's, slid her hand to the back of Shane's head, brought Shane's mouth to hers. The kiss was soft, just lips, but it was not the kiss of two friends.

Both stepped back. They were trembling.

Bella said, "I'm sorry Shane, I don't know what came over me, I'm sorry."

Shane said, "No Bella, it's my fault."

I planted my elbows on the table and said what had been coalescing in my head all morning.

"It's nobody's fault, it's okay."

The women looked at me.

"I've had an epiphany. Unusual for me, after all, I'm not the smart one. Y'know, I kept thinking of you two as former lovers who broke up and have ongoing jealousy issues. That's what you say you are and who am I to doubt two such smart ladies. But it came to me this morning, you're not former lovers, you still love with each other, you just stopped making love.

Bella, interrupting, said, "We are not. We're just friends."

Shane didn't say anything.

"Bella, when Shane goes on a date, or heck, when you see someone look at her, does your stomach turns over."

Bella stuck out her lower lip, said, "Well, yeah. So?"

"And Shane, have you accepted a second date since July?"

"No Sam, I haven't."

"And have you gotten through a first date without wishing it was Bella?"

She looked at me, long and hard, considering the implications of an honest answer, and said, "No Sam, I haven't."

"Yeah, you two are over each other."

Bella interrupted, "But Sam, I love you. You can't love two people at once, not that way."

"I love you Bella, but you can. We know you can, because you do. When did you first realize you were in love with me?"

She started right in, the memory clear. "My sixteenth birthday. I had a bunch of friends up to the lake. They were making goo-goo eyes at you, my hunky older brother, and you were loving it and I was bitching about it and Sandra Jones said, 'What's wrong with you, you're acting all jealous.' I said she was ridiculous, that I wasn't jealous, but I couldn't get the thought out of my head. It nagged at me, like her saying it gave me permission to think about it. And I did and I took months, but I had to admit to myself she was right. I mean I knew it was nuts, it could never be, but I was jealous. I wanted you for me.

"That's when I decided to be a complete brainiac, just live my life in my head. You know the rest, I met Shane or, fell in love, confessed my feelings, and she convinced me to go for it."

Bella took hold of Shane's hand, "You're the best Shane."

"And while you and Shane were lovers, did you feel differently about me?"

Bella looked to her friend and Shane nodded, letting Bella know it was okay.

"No. Not really, I'd always hoped if I fell in love with somebody else, I'd get over you, but no, it didn't happen."

"So you can love two people at once Bella."

Her face screwed up, there was real pain there, and she said, "What are you saying Sam? Are you saying you and I should break up?"

I'd put my foot in it. It was Shane who rode to the rescue. Placing a comforting hand on Bella's back, she said, "No honey, I don't think that's what he's saying at all. The last thing Sam wants to do is to live his life without you."

I said, "Bella, I ain't letting you get away. You're the best thing that ever happened to me; I can't imagine life without you."

"So Sam, what are you suggesting?"

"Babe, I'm not sure what I'm suggesting. What I'm saying is that you guys keep pretending you've ended your love affair, but you haven't. You're in love with each other. It's not anything to condemn, it's a wonderful thing. You love being together, doing things together, you understand each other; hell, you finish each other's sentences. Shane, you bring so much happiness to my sister and without you Bella and I may never have happened."

I paused, then continued. "I guess what I'm saying is that you two need to have a frank discussion about your actual feelings for each other and decide how you want to handle them, not pretend they're not there."

"Don t you think you should be involved Sam?" Bella said.

"No, as I said, this is between you two. I'll support anything you come up with as long as I get to keep you. I'm going for a walk."
* * * *​

Sitting besides Bella on the couch, Shane said, "What do you think?"

"I don't know, what do you think?" Bella said.

Later, when Shane recounted this conversation to me, she said she realized it was up to her to take the first step, to risk a broken heart. Bella, with a joke, would endlessly avoid doing so. Shane decided it was worth the risk.

"Okay. Sam's right, I love you, I'm in love with you. I never stopped, I never even slowed down. I'd deny and I keep hoping I was about to turn the corner, but hell, last night, when I was with Jacqueline, all I did was think about you. "

Bella was quiet awhile then, a crooked smile on her face, cocked her head to the side and said, "There's been so many times on this trip when I felt your sleeping body next to mine and thought about us, about how nice it would be to crawl into your arms and make love again, then hold each other as we fell asleep, like the old days."

"Yeah, it was nice."

"Shane, it was miles beyond nice and it's been so much fun having you here with us. I mean, except for the times when I'm throwing jealous fits, the three of us, we get along pretty good, don't we?"

A smile on her face, Shane said, "Yep."

Bella slunk into Shane's arms and said, "Sam's right, I do love you Shane. What are we going to do? What do you think Sam wants?"

Running a comforting hand through her friend's hair Shane said, "Sam wants whatever's best for his baby-sister."

"What if what's best for me doesn't include him?"

Shane laughed and said, "I don't believe Sam entertains that possibility. Neither do I."

Bella turned, studied her best friend's pale skin, bright blue eyes, plump lips. "It doesn't help that you're so damn pretty. What should we do?"

"Well you red-haired fox, we've tried being just friends, but that's not working. We could end the friendship, not see each other, but that makes me want to cry. How about this? I find me a guy or girl I can tolerate and you and I sneak around on the side? But nah, I don't think either of us wants to lie to Sam. Which leaves..."

Shane paused, giving Bella time to consider what she'd just said, where she was going, and Bella, Shane's point dawning on her, said, "Go ahead Shane."

"Bella, if Sam was okay with it, and it would allow you and I to be together, would you consider sharing him with me?"

Bella slipped her hand into Shane's and said, "I don't know. I'd like to say yes, but I don't really know. I'm not sure how'd I feel about I until, I mean until it was real. How about you, would you go for it?"

Shane smiled. "I've loved this trip and being with you two. I don't see why it should end. What about Sam?"

"Well he said he was open to anything that included me and I'm pretty sure he's straight. I can t imagine there's a straight guy who'd say no to you."
* * *​

Three years later I was out on a bagel run. Shane and Bella, their coffee cups laid aside, were cuddled together on the living room floor, leaning against the couch, kissing. It was Shane who broke the kiss, got up on her knees, grabbed the bottom of her loose-fitting top, and lifted it over her head. Bella smiled, sat up, and ran her tongue over each nipple, relishing the small pink nubbins centered on Shane's tear-drop shaped breasts.

Shane breathed as much as said, "Oh yessssss..., that feels so good," and ran her hands down Bella's sides to the bottom of her shirt. Bella lifted her arms, and Shane pulled the shirt off, revealing Bella's breasts, small, pert, and firm with shiny red nipples that matched her hair. Shane pushed Bella backwards until she was lying on the room's second-hand Persian rug, then moved atop her best friend, pressing their breasts together.

Shane's tongue snaked from her mouth, Bella's did the same, and they met in mid-air, teased and played with each other before Bella's lips parted, welcoming Shane's tongue into her mouth. Shane pressed her leg to Bella's sex and said, with a judgmental snort, "You little slut, you're soaking wet. I can feel it though your shorts. You've been thinking about sex all morning, haven't you?"

Shane, provided no opportunity to answer, but covered Bella's mouth with her own and the women shared a long sexy kiss while Bella rocked her sex on Shane's leg, turned her head to the side to moan, "Oh yes Shane, harder, pleasssseee, harder. Yessssss, just like that."

Shane, continuing to move her leg on Bella's sex, twisted her torso to take one of Bella's small breasts into her mouth.

Bella said, "Ohhhhh yesssssss... Oh Shane, you make me so hot," covered Shane's ass with her hands, then moved them to the hem of Shane's pyjama bottoms. Shane raised her butt and the women worked the pyjamas past Shane's exquisite ass to her knees, where squiggling Shane got them off her feet, sat up, straddled Bella's ankles, pulled Bella's pyjama bottoms off and brought them to her face to take a theatrical whiff.

"I was right, soaking wet. You are such a slut Bella, I can smell it."

Bella laughed, Shane tossed them aside, and Bella rolled over and onto all fours, facing away from Shane. Shane wrapped her arms around Bella's slender waist, ran her finger tips from Bella's fit belly to her breasts, covering the pert mounds. Sighing happily, Bella got up on her knees, pressing her body to Shane's, loving the feel of Shane's full breasts on her back. Shane kissed the back of Bella's head, moved Bella's red hair to the side, kissed Bella's shoulders and ears, her neck, moved to her shoulder blades.

"Oh Shane, you always know exactly what I need. It feels soooo good."

Shane hadn't needed the words, Bella's breathing confirmed that Shane, throughly acquainted with my sister's body, was doing everything just right. Shane kissed down Bella's back. When she reached the base of Bella's spine Bella rocked forward onto all fours, held herself up her arms, butt high in the air, pussy exposed.

Shane took small bites and quick nips on Bella's butt cheeks, and Bella spread her legs, opening her vagina to her friend, inviting her to visit what had become a swamp of lust dying to be touched.

Not one to decline, Shane licked up Bella's thigh, her tongue sliding on Bella's cream-coated skin, stopped at Bella's sex, and, with a touch feather faint, grazed her tongue along the outer edges of Bella's pussy.

"Oh Shane, I love you, you get me so hot, eat me."

Shane licked Bella's pussy, ticked her asshole with the tip of her tongue, then, said, "I love the way you smell when you're turned on," buried her face in Bella's twat, licking from clit to vagina, pushing her tongue inside Bella's steaming sex.

"Mmmmmmmm yes, that's it, that's it, just like that, oh Shane honey, I love the way you love me."

Shane pulled her tongue from Bella's vagina and Bella dropped her head and chest to the floor, tilting her ass up, making it easier for Shane to suck Bella's clit into her mouth.

"Ohhhhhhh Shane yessssss, that's it."

Bella squealed as Shane rolled the clit between her lips, slapped it with her tongue. The time for foreplay had passed and Shane looked forward to the moment when the most exquisite pussy she'd ever known, and the last she expected to know, exploded in her mouth.

Shane pressed her assault and Bella's pussy fizzled, the electrical sensations piling up, one atop another, until they lost all distinction, merging into an incandescent charge that began in her crotch, then spread through ass, hips, and womb.

"Oh yes, my pussy, eat my pussy. Lick me, my cunt oooooooohhhhhhhhh Shane honey, I love you. You're amazing, I love you."

The tip of Shane's tongue moved over Bella's clit with the light touch and unworldly speed of a hummingbird's wings. Bella clenched her fists into tight little balls, pressed her arms to the floor, and her conscious mind was filled by a single thought, the ball of energy building between her legs, ready to explode, then exploding.

"Ooooooooh, Shane, yeahhhhhhh, yes, right right right now, oh yes, oh Shane, OHHHHHHHHH YEAHHHHHHHHHH. FFFUUUUCCCKKKKKKK, I AM CCCOOOMMIIINNNNGGGG."

Shane pulled her cum covered face from her best friend's twat and Bella's shaking body slid to the floor.

The two of them lay together awhile, smiling, giggling. Shane played with Bella's hair, Bella touched Shane's face. Finally Bella took a deep breath, flexed her shoulders, brought her mouth to Shane's, tasted herself on Shane's lips.

When the kiss ended Bella said, "Y'now, I'm the luckiest girl in the whole world, two perfect lovers, my brother and my best friend," and, moving forward, rolled Shane onto her back. They kissed, they kissed again, and again, kisses that started playful and affectionate but grew increasingly passionate. Bella slid her hand down Shane's body, two fingers spread the skin around Shane's clit, a third massaged the sweet nub.

As Bella's nimble fingers worked her sex Shane pulled her mouth from Bella and said, "Ohhh... yesssssss... Bella rub my clittie... Ohhhhhhh fffuuuuccckk."

Bella pivoted her hand, now rubbing Shane's clit with her thumb, the entrance to her rectum with her pinkie, and pushing her middle finger inside Shane's vagina. Shane, groaning in delight, rocked her hips on Bella's hand.

Bella took one of Shane's breasts into her mouth.

"Yessss.., ohh yesss... YESSSSSS suck my tits!"

Bella turned her attention to the other breast, then buried her face in Shane's cleavage and started kissing down her body. In response Shane spread her legs, Bella scrambled between them, looked up, and said, "I'm so hot for you. I can't wait to eat you up."

"Go ahead slut."

Bella drove her tongue into Shane's vagina, tongue-fucked her, then looked up and said, "Let's finish this in bed."
* * * *​

I got home with the bagels. The ladies were not in the kitchen. Clothes were scattered in the living room. I had a pretty good idea where they were.

It had been three years since I'd taken that walk, leaving Shane and Bella to have their long overdue discussion. When I got home it was Shane who told me that they'd wanted to see if we three could be together. I hadn't expected that, didn't really want it, but I'd said it was their call and I'd support whatever they decided. Still I could hear the doubt in my voice when I looked to Bella and said, "Are you sure?"

She said, "Yes," but I could tell she wasn't. Later that day I got Shane alone.

"I don't think Bella's sure about this."

She gave me that look, the one women give men when they're wondering how the Lord ever created such stupid creatures or why women bother to spend time with them.

"Of course she's not, how could she be? I'm not sure, I'm sure you're not sure. Bella said she's all in, but you and I are not going to be stupid, we're going real slow. No French kissing, no intercourse, and no, heck, don't do anything unless I do it first."
* * * *​

It was a month into our so far successful experiment when Shane went back East to pack few things and Bella and I were in bed, having just made love, when Bella, her head resting on my chest, said, "You and Shane, I mean, you guys still haven't done it? Y'know, I said it was okay."

"Shane and I decided to take our time."

Through a puckered smile Bella said, "Your idea or hers?"

"Well, I was expressing my concern to her about all this and she said it, but I knew she was right."

Bella said, "I have the two best lovers in the world."
* * * *​

At first we were more like two couples, Bella and I, Bella and Shane, than a threesome, but we kept growing closer and while out celebrating our first year together Bella said she was ready, ready for me to make love to Shane. Bella had hinted at it, but this was the first time she'd said it. I looked to Shane, who nodded her head. Later that night I entered her and afterwards the three of us lay on our large bed, Bella and Shane cuddled together, laughing and giggling. It struck me that in some way I'd never understand Bella took comfort in the fact that, after the long denial, she'd shared me, the most important thing in her world, with her best friend, that it somehow strengthened the bond between them.
* * * *​

I put the bagels in the frig, stripped, stepped through the bedroom door. Shane, on her back, and Bella, on her hands and knees, straddling her, were kissing. Bella sucked Shane's lower lip into her mouth, stretched it, let it slide free. I stepped on the creaky floorboard and Shane looked over, Bella's eyes followed, and both women smiled, an inviting smile, then turned to each other and joined their mouths together.

I knelt at the foot of the bed and licked the length of my sister's sex, bottom to top, continued up and across her ass cheek. When Bella rocked forward I slid two hands under Shane's ass and licked her sex, then raised my head and kissed my sister's snatch. As the women moaned appreciatively I returned to Shane, sucked her clit into my mouth, let it slide out, planted a long hard wet kiss on Bella's sex. Bella dropped down to cover Shane's body with her own and the women kissed and explored each other with their hands.

I licked my sister, pussy to asshole, tickled her anus with the tip of my tongue, then stood and placed the head of my penis to Bella's vagina. Bella moved backwards, taking an inch of me inside her body, rotated her hips on my cock, and picked herself up on her arms I placed a hand on the small of her back and moved all the way inside her.

Shane cupped Bella's breasts, squeezed, said, "Does it feel good baby?"

"Oh yes, he fills me so good."

I increased the pace and Shane circled a hand around Bella's head and brought her down for a long passionate kiss. When it ended Shane played with Bella's hair, ran a hand down my sister's flanks, across her flat stomach to her breasts, squeezed and kneaded the flesh.

The room was soon filled with the sound of unadulterated lust. As Bella's motions grew jerky she lowered her body to Shane's and the women returned to kissing, but Bella's were short and quick, her tongue spearing inside Shane's mouth, then galloping up her neck until Bella buried her head in her friend's shoulder, and squirming, taking short hard breaths, blathered an incoherent series of sounds interrupted by the occasional, "yes," "ohmigod," and "fuck yes." The walls of her cunt trembled, she arched her back, her arms stiffened, and with an intense, "Aaaaiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeee," that kept rising in pitch, Bella came, jittering on my dick before slumping onto her Shane's body as my prick slid from her sex.

Bella lay there, satiated, inert and happy, sucking in air. Shane ran her fingers through Bella's hair, gave her sweet soft kisses, told Bella how much she loved her. After several minutes Bella, her flush fading, pushed her hair from her face, and said, "I love you guys."

"We love you too Bella."

Bella said, "You ready?"

"If your brother is?"

I took hold of my dick, it returned to full staff. I was beyond ready.

"Ladies, I promise, I will not be the problem."

Shane got on all fours, moved backwards until her ass was on the edge of the bed. Bella shifted position, her head besides Shane's, her body angled away. I took my place behind Shane, entered her, fucked her, varying pace and angle. Bella talking dirty the whole time- "God, I love watching my brother fuck you Shane." "Does it fell good?" "You're so hot." - ran her hand from Shane's rump, up her back, through her blonde hair, kissed the side of Shane's face, sometimes turning Shane's head for a hard kiss on the lips.

I took hold of Shane's hips, guided her movements. Her eyes drifted shut, her focus on her sex, whose flames were spreading throughout her slender body. When she dropped her head and shoulder to the bed and braced herself and I fucked her harder. As she began emitting a series of rutting sounds I'd oft heard over the last two years I reached for her clit, thoroughly lubricated by the steady flow from her sex, rolled it against her body.

Shuddering, Shane said, "Fuck me Sam, fuck me, fuck, I love your dick, I love the way you fuck me."

Shane raised herself on her arms, pushed her body into mine, her cunt spasmed and, accompanied by a long loud, "Ohhhh fuucccckkkkkkk," she came. Her sex clamping down, she slid forward, cascading onto the bed, a blissful smile on her face, and rolled onto her side. Bella draped an arm over Shane's torso and said, "I get so hot watching you two fuck."

Shane mewled, "That's good, I expect there'll be a lot more shows," then added in a mock-clinical tone, "Your brother, he's a great fuck."

"We've trained him well, you and I, haven't we?"

Shane said, "Yeah, we have."

Me, well I thought I was a natural, but decided to say nothing, might as well keep the ladies happy. Instead I reached for my sister's ass and squeezed the firm flesh. When Bella raised herself on all fours I knelt, dragged the flat of my tongue over her sex - she was wet and swollen - stood, ran the head of my cock up and down her slit, entered her.

As I did Shane moved to her knees, leaned over Bella's butt, sucked on her tongue, building up a mouthful of spittle and when I saw she was ready, I pulled back until only my cock-head remained inside my sister. Shane let a glob of spit ooze from her mouth onto my rod. As the moisture spilled down its sides I pulled all the way out and Shane dropped her head, engulfed my staff, pushed down it several times, spit it out, licked the head.

Then Bella, unexpectedly, raised herself on her knees, placed a hand on my side, and directed me to the bed.

Cock bobbing, I lay on my back. The women scrambled to each side and Shane, her eyes fixed on mine, licked up the side of my staff, took my cock-head between her lips. Taking advantage of the opening Bella dragged the flat of her tongue on my testicles. Shane let my cock slide from her mouth and fluttered her tongue on the cock-head while Bella licked up its sensitive underside, stopping when Shane took me back in her mouth and moved down my length. When Shane pulled off she tilted me towards Bella, who snaked her mouth over my cock-head while Shane ran her pursed lips up and down its sides. Then Shane took me back in her mouth, her tongue relentlessly working the sensitive skin just below my crown. When done Shane took hold of my dick, pointed it at Bella, and said, "You ready?"

Bella said, "As ready as I'm gonna get," got on her knees, pulled her red hair behind her head, flexed her jaw, took me in her mouth, and started down, stopped, kept going, stopped, kept going. When my crown reached the back of her mouth she tilted her head and I slid to the entrance to her throat. She flicked her eyes towards Shane, who said, "Remember what I told you, take your time, let that thick slippery saliva build up, breathe."

Bella managed to say, "Yes," with her eyes, placed her free hand on my chest for balance, breathed through her nose, waited several seconds, and pushed down. My cock-head was pressed to the entrance of her throat.

Shane said, " Ready?" Bella gave the slightest of nods, pushed, and with a forceful pop I entered her throat. She hummed, swallowed, did it again, then again. Her throat contracted on my shaft and I, for a moment, was simply in awe of my sister, but my awe was soon displaced by more primal feelings. Bella's throat was unworldly; how could anything be this tight and this soft? My gut tightened; my balls fizzled; I dropped my head to the pillow.

Bella hummed, swallowed, took me deeper inside.

I was a pressure cooker rocketing towards overload.

Bella cast her eyes up, saw me staring at her, and, even with my dick in her mouth, managed a small smile. She let go of her hair and it fell free, its silky softness grazing my skin, adding to the sensuous delight. Still swallowing, she took hold of my balls, squeezed them.

Shane slid an index finger into my anus, probed, found my prostate, rubbed.

It didn't take long, I was already on thee edge. Bella swallowed, I felt my balls retract into my body, and Bella swallowed again, giving birth to a suction so fierce I feared it might drag my testicles through my dick.

And then there was this moment, one of perfect clarity, followed by an intense burst of pleasure. It was sudden, an orgasm quick and powerful. The tension in my body let loose in a single mind bending cataclysm, I yelped, "OOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHH FFUUUUUUCVCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKK," and the spring in my gut cut loose, the joy in my dick became my entire universe. Back in this universe I shook, jittered, and collapsed, nestled between my two lovers, breathing hard, my body comfortably numb, the pressure that, a few moments ago, had threatened to tear me in two, boiling away.

Bella laughed and said, "Shane, I did it."

"I knew you could."

The two women embraced, kissed. Shane turned to me and said, "Is your sister not the world's best cock-sucker?"

I looked at my sister, so beautiful, so happy, so perfect, and said, "Yes she is." I kissed her sweet lips, turned to Shane, kissed her.

Yep, my life was working out just fine.

* * * *

I hope you enjoyed.
Previous page: Chapter 04.1