Update 21
A month had passed since his discharge from the hospital. He was recovering well. Kasturi had devoted all of herself to him. She wanted to be around him all the time and took care of the little kid. Vinod and his friends came to meet him but she hardly paid any attention to him. He too sensed that she was not in that mood frame and restrained from doing anything stupid that could jeopardize his chances.
In the mean time he used to get relived by watching the same video again and again. That was the most magical thing that had happend to him. But was he the only one who had watched this amazingly hot scene ?
Two months later.Rohan had been going college for 10 days now. He was terrorized but he was making up. Although he was all well and fine but just the thought of it things going out of hand alway threatened him. He started keeping distance from the sports field. Vinod could not afford that.afterall their friendship was because of their game and once the game is over she was over. He wanted to keep him playing.
The other team-mates in the team were happy that finally be was away. But Vinod was desperate to get him back. He didn't wanted to blackmail her for sexual favours.he wasn't a man of that type.he wanted consent to be the centre of it all.now matter what. He knew she were attracted to him and it will not take much time to get her after all they were connected over what's app.
One of his friends in the team was Rakesh aka "Rakka" he had known Vinod since childhood. He was stinged by his sudden Rehan Love. But he didn't said anything in public while Vinod was adamant to keep him in.
"What's the matter man ? Where is all this love coming from all of a sudden ?" Rakka confronted him in a silent corner of the room.
"There is nothing man. He was the one who brought us here. And after all these times just because of a minor accident we end our friendship." Vinod replied.
Rakka wasn't pleased he knew he was making something up. He grabbed his collar and pinned him on the wall. He was stronger than him.
"Wanna stress hard now ?" He roared.
"Leave me you son of a bitch. Or I will show you !" Vinod cried.
"Go On. Show me whats you got."Rakka let him go.
Vinod charged on him all ferocious but he wasn't thinking.he just wanted to knock him down. Rakka was ready for anything. He grabbed his hands and Turned him down.his arms wrapped around his neck clenching hard. pinning him to wall again.
Vinod cried in pain. Depite all his strengh and muscle Rakka was getting over him easily.
Rakka wasn't a tall man as Vinod was he was a few inches shorter but a complete package. He didn't had the six pack like Vinod had but he had a strength of a small elephant. He was the all-rounder in the team. He was the ultimate performer.
"Okay.Okay.I will tell you !" Vinod said coughing.
"I know I will regret this later but..I am in love with Rehan's mother. She is a really beautiful woman. So beautiful that you would rank her way above anyone in this college.maybe Rekha Mam will come close but she is the epitome of beauty." He narrated.
"What do you mean beautiful than Rekha ? She is the most beautiful woman.by far Isn't she ?"Rakka questioned.Rekha was very popular in the scool for her sexuality. Just the feeling of her walking past had overwhelmed Rakka a number of times.no matter how much he controlled.but to hear from him there was a much more beautiful thing.he couldn't believe his ears.
"Is it one sided fling or She loves you two.did you do anything to her ?" He questioned all excited and jealous now.
"Dude I have seen her Naked.stark naked. While she was taking bath. You wont believe how beautiful she looked. Like a sex goddess. She watched me too.she was trying to cover herself but she was blushing.i remember every bit of it. And I threw towel for her. And later." Vinod stopped saying.
"Later what ?" Rakka thundered questioning him hard.
"Remember the day I called you to keep Rehan busy for an hour atleast.She came in the room after half an hour.I was worried that she will scold me..and she did too. But I asked her for a kiss and trapped her underneath myself.God she trembled but she was pleased I did that. I undressed her completely.and we went in a 69 position. God such a good cock sucker she is.I just came in 10 minutes despite having masterbated 2times before." He said it all.
"I remember you calling me.that was unusual but I can't believe it. It looks so made up and flashy. Do you have anything to prove yourself ?" Rakka replied disinterested.
"Yeah See this whats app chat." He fetched his phone and showed him. There wasn't even a response form her side that said she was even vaguely interested in him anymore.
"You fantasy boy.I knew it. Such a made up story. God I wasted so much time on it." Rakka getting up all dishearted but relaxed after it.
"Wait See this ?" Vinod had showed him the clip.
Rakka fatched the phone from his hand and had a look at it. His jaws dropped and he started drooling. He couldn't believe whathe was seeing. Although it was awkward. He looked at him with all jealous eyes.
"What do you think Is he in the team ?" Vinod asked taking the phone back.
"Yes. For sure. Only if I am in yours." He replied and they hugged each other tight.
After that day they were desperate to get her. But she wasn't an easy catch. She always blushed hard whenever he sent her his wicked intentions but showed less and less interest.
On the other hand.
The situation at the Duggal's plant was getting out of hand.
One of his employees had quarrel with him and he died falling off. Loosing his balance.Duggal had no hand behind it. But he had been booked. He called in Kasturi for help but there was nothing that she and their lawyer could do about it. The security officer man was not even ready to listen to her.
She was getting worried for him. She called in Rathore as well but it was beyond his jurisdiction now as he were transferred. He assured her that he will make some phone calls but also said it will not help her much.
The real problem was to go with the story, there was witness who had seen it all.and she didn't knew what was his problem but he wanted to see him behind bars.
"How could anyone testify a wrong statement ? Aren't you supposed to arrest him officer ? Who bribed you to do this ?" Kasturi shouted in all frustration.
The security officer man was a real smug. He was overwhelmed by her beauty. After all nobody sees a beautiful woman like her at a security officer station. He was listening to her in all awe a wicked smile on his face.
"Are you even listening ? You a little security officerman do you even know who you are messing up wih ?" She was all yelling at him despite her attorney's efforts.
The security officer man signalled the lawyer to keep mum. And she continued shouting. After a while she stopped.
The security officerman came to her she too stood up. It was about 12:00 mid night. She stood up too. But he just towered over her. There were only a few peoples around. He smiled wickedly at them before looking at her.
"Here take some water." He said in a firm tone.
I don't want it. She threw her hands and some water splashed out of it.her eyes looking in his. He smiled. And offered her again.
"You can leave Sir. I wanna talk to the party in private. I am sure she will tell you all of it." He asked the lawyer to leave.
"You are asking me to leave. have you gone mad ?..but Mam.. Okay as you suggest." The lawyer blasted at him but he was cut short by her.
"Yeah Tell me now !" She said seeing the man leaving the premises already.
He fetched the water again but she was in no mood of listening. But after all these efforts she took it. And he made sure she touched his hands.
He signalled the constable to go out.
"See Mam you are really beautiful..Ohh Shit what Am I saying.yeah.There is a witness who had seen it all.he says your husband had pushed his off the third floor and says he watched him falling with a smile on his face. It is a genuine attempt of mur*er. I don't see your husband Comin out any quick. He must have to undergo say.life imprisonment.leaving you all alone in this world" He said it all wickedly.
"Yeah I have read his statement.but that wasn't signed as far as I remember. It is all fabricated. You know it. But go on whatever shit you are suggesting." She said all disinterested.
"Don't you worry about it. It will get signed. But what I am saying you is to meet the witness in person and crack a deal with him. Keep things out. He will not be present in the court and you husband had to suffer many more nights here." He suggested.
"And who is this absconding witness who is pleased to do all this to an innocent man ?" She replied.
"Nagendra Bhai Aka Naga. Your husband's organisation's union leader." He replied.
Kasturi face feel hearing his name. After all thses years he was back again in her life. She couldn't believe it. She started breathing hard.
"Sir. That son of a bitch is troubling us again." A constanble notified.
"Come with me." He said exting his cabin Kasturi followed.
In a half lit room Duggal was tied his hands spread. He was all stripped naked. There were marks all over him.
"You little husband is such a trouble.how could you bear him.what he did now ?" The security officer man thundered pulling Rohan's hair.
"Just regular things Sir. Abusive language and his arrogance. We were in no mood to hit him but he wanted it.said really bad things to my mother wife and 5YO daughter. It was unbearable." He replied.
Kasturi knew how off hand he used to go. Duggal never cared for anything else than his money and his arrogance.
She looked at the officer with pleading eyes. But he was in no mood to spare him. He grabbed his balls and sqeezed it. Duggal cried in pain his body wiggled and trembled.
"Aaahhhhh.." He cried out loud.
"Stop it.. " Kasturi yelled but it all fell in deaf years.
"You do what.you fuck their Mother's and sister and make them your playmate and put them in brothel.you little piece of shit. Such a tiny dick and see his audacity." The officer was a foul mouth. He looked around at his colleagues.they were cheering at their bosses comments. He turned other way round.and looked at her.still sqeezing it hard. But he let him go after sometime.
"I think this will do for today." He said and locked the room back.
Duggal cried in pain, "Let me get free once.I will fuck all of your mother sister and wives together and make them my whore.cheap sluts. One hundred will be enough for all of them together." That was too much.
The officer was about to return back in the cell. Kasturi held his hands and stopped him from doing so.
The constable got in. They gagged his mouth and untied him. And showed him their oiled hitter.
"Listen you scumbag if you try to take it out and speak even little i will shove this in your ass hard. Are we clear ?" He shouted. Duggal was terrified. He nodded. And she took a relief.
"Its too late Madam. You should go home. Ohh My bad.I should drop you off its particularly not safe to go alone." He said.
"No Its okay Officer. I can take care of it." She replied.
"No No. I can't let you go like this.please I insist." He replied.
"But my car." She expressed her worries.
"It will be safe here.ask you servant Birju to get it tomorrow ?" He suggested and they got into a jeep.
Speeding away from this somewhat distant security officer station heading towards her home.
On the way.
His phone buzzed.
"Nagendra is calling.you wanna talk to him ?" He asked.
(The security officer man's name is Pratap.)
Kasturi didn't know what to respond.she shook her head in No.
"Yes. Nagendra Brother. No he isn't troubling us more.but he is very arrogant and angry. thirsty for your blood." He said on the phone.
"Put it on speaker." She Whispered.
"Yeah.Make him suffer more.he deserves every bit of it. What about the woman I told you about ?" Nagendra asked.
"Yes. She was there when I was pounding him. She saved him actually I was going in again to fuck him really bad when she intervened." Pratap replied.
"Isn't she beautiful ? Have you said her about me ? What was her reaction ?" Nagendra asked.
"She is very beautiful Sir. There is no match to her. I can't believe this douche bag manged to score her. I took you name and her face fell." Pratap replied.
"What is it between you two if I may ask ?" He added replying to Nagendra but looking at Kasturi.
"Its none of your concern. I will take care of it. You will get yours." He replied.
She knew it was all fabricated.
"Is she around ?" Nagendra asked.
"No. Why she would be here ? She left for home." Pratap replied.
"Don't you play smart with me, I had called in the station. Put her on the phone." He roared.
"Hello." Kasturi said in a low voice.
"Heyyy Sweetheart. How are you ? Its almost 4 years now we haven't met after that day, did we ?" He replied.
"Why are you playing such games with us.what have we done.You are gonna put him behind bars.tell me your price ?" She bombarded him with a lot of questions.
"No.No.No.No. there ain't a price this time. You exactly know what I want. After all these years after all." He said and hung up.
Kasturi returned his phone.
"What is it.what does he wants from you ?" He asked.
"I don't know. I met him once at a gathering and I didn't know why he came after all these years." Kasturi replied.fabricating the story a little.
She was almost in tears.
Pratap stopped the vehicle near an ice-cream shop trying to console her out.
The vehicle moved again.
They were home after 30 minutes. It was all dark. She called in for the guard but it appeared he was in deep sleep. She didn't wanted to wake Birju up as he would have asked a lot of questions and seeing the officer at home things could have escalated. She got off the vehicle and opened the main gate herself.
"I should go now." Pratap said.
But she gestured him to come over. The vehicle moved inside Kasturi was walking in front of it in a tight suit and leggings her viel in her hands now. The headlights and Pratap's eyes were fixed on her perfectly swaying hips. Just when it was about to park. Kasturi fell off. Her heels were broken. She went down almost Instantly.
Pratap flung out of the car almost Instantly. Parking it on the way itself.
"Are you alright ? Where are you hurt ?" He asked touching her ankle and legs.
"Aaahhhh. It hurts." She cried in pain.
"Ohh.I am so sorry. Will you be able to walk in ?" He asked.
"No I don't think so. God it hurts so bad. I think its got twisted.
"What. twisted.so what do you suggest now ?" Pratap asked.
"Pick me up." She replied.
He was eager to do the job and lifted her up in his arms like a doll. And started walking in. She helped him with the keys and they were in lighting up the hall. He took her to the couch in the middle and placed her on a side. Her nack on the corner of backrest and armrest. He seated besides her.
He took her beautiful legs in his lap and took her broken and one good heel out of her aching feel. He was treating her feet with his arms really delicately.
After 10 minutes.
"Does it feels good ?" He asked.
"Noo. Aaahhh.but its getting better." She replied.
"Do you want something ?" She asked the guest.
"I am thirsty. So if you could."Pratap was saying when she got off her position and headed to the kitchen.
He was surprised.her feet was hurt but now she was walking like a pretty Normal lady.
He tip-toed followed her.She had no idea about it.
She was busy in putting out some snacks on the plate when he held her from behind.
"You seem to have recovered quicker than I thought ?"He whispered. His left cheek touching her right one.
"Yeah its better." She managed to say.
His left hand came up. turning her face towards him. His thumb on her left cheek and his palm on neck.
She looked at him and opened out her lips.and they kissed. Sweet simple and gentle. There was no hurry for them. She stick her toungue out for him.their tongues met encircling and tasting each other. He let her lips go and parted her hair out off her back. unzipping her Kurti. With every inch of her skin his kisses were growing stronger and bolder. He held his palm on her shoulders and slid the fabric off her. Kasturi closed her eyes in pleasure. He turned her around and started leaving his lips on her exposed neck and half bosom.
Her breats were still covered he let it be that way.
"Aaahhhh.Mmmhhhhmm. Leave me . Somebody will see." She said moaning.
"Sshhhh. Dont say anything ? Let them see." He replied.
But there was no one around. Rehan was probably sleeping and Birju had no idea about it. It was around 1:00 in the morning. Pin drop silence only their lips moving and breathing. He held her melons and gave it hard sqeezing.
Her breasts bluged out.ready to be undressed and sucked out. But she was in no mood to be an easy fish for her. She wiggled out of his embrace and ran away pulling up her Kurti back on but it was still unzipped.
He made no efforts to catch her. He was looking at her with all the thirst he had. His gaze so stren almost authoring her to surrender herself to him. She was panting. catching her breath. Her breasts heaving up and down. She had a smile on her face. He signalled her to come to him. She shook her head in no.
"Dont make me catch you.You will only regret it later." He said loudly.
"Well I am ready to regret." She replied rolling her eyes.
In a flast he speed up.She panicked first but her feet as well found its rhythm. She was a tough thing to catch. Despite all his efforts she wasn't getting in his hands. And after it all he sank back on the sofa. panting catching his breath. She had completely out run him in a chase he had to plan something.
"What happened officer. looks like you weren't trained well ?" She said teasing him.
"Okay You won. Come to me Now." He ordered her.
"Well I want to tell you something.Why share a thing when you can have it all for yourself only." She smirked.
"What do you mean ?" He asked.
"You know exactly what I mean." She replied.
"You want me double cross Nagendra." He replied.
"Afterall you are smart. Why to take side of a criminal minded ? We can settle this all by ourselves." She replied.
"What if he finds out ?" He asked.
"You are a security officer man can't you take care of a small man." She smirked.
"Well I can. But why should I ? Whats in offer from this side ?" He asked getting up from his seat moving towards her. She didn't run this time. He started playing his finger on her bullets.
"Tell me the price." She asked.
He lowered his face near her ears.
"Tomorrow 7:00 PM sharp. Nagendra says You look better in a saree but I suggest wear a red saree. Our dicks will be waiting for you." He whispered in her ears.
"Good Night Baby. Sleep tight cause we wont let you." He added and turned back leaving.
"What if I don't ?" She said out loud.
"So what.whats there to do.The court will decide. But yes your husband will have to suffer my frustration before it. And by the way Happie Birthday." He cleared his intentions.
Kasturi had no idea what they have been planning. It was all decided between them. She was all trapped.
In the mean time he used to get relived by watching the same video again and again. That was the most magical thing that had happend to him. But was he the only one who had watched this amazingly hot scene ?
Two months later.Rohan had been going college for 10 days now. He was terrorized but he was making up. Although he was all well and fine but just the thought of it things going out of hand alway threatened him. He started keeping distance from the sports field. Vinod could not afford that.afterall their friendship was because of their game and once the game is over she was over. He wanted to keep him playing.
The other team-mates in the team were happy that finally be was away. But Vinod was desperate to get him back. He didn't wanted to blackmail her for sexual favours.he wasn't a man of that type.he wanted consent to be the centre of it all.now matter what. He knew she were attracted to him and it will not take much time to get her after all they were connected over what's app.
One of his friends in the team was Rakesh aka "Rakka" he had known Vinod since childhood. He was stinged by his sudden Rehan Love. But he didn't said anything in public while Vinod was adamant to keep him in.
"What's the matter man ? Where is all this love coming from all of a sudden ?" Rakka confronted him in a silent corner of the room.
"There is nothing man. He was the one who brought us here. And after all these times just because of a minor accident we end our friendship." Vinod replied.
Rakka wasn't pleased he knew he was making something up. He grabbed his collar and pinned him on the wall. He was stronger than him.
"Wanna stress hard now ?" He roared.
"Leave me you son of a bitch. Or I will show you !" Vinod cried.
"Go On. Show me whats you got."Rakka let him go.
Vinod charged on him all ferocious but he wasn't thinking.he just wanted to knock him down. Rakka was ready for anything. He grabbed his hands and Turned him down.his arms wrapped around his neck clenching hard. pinning him to wall again.
Vinod cried in pain. Depite all his strengh and muscle Rakka was getting over him easily.
Rakka wasn't a tall man as Vinod was he was a few inches shorter but a complete package. He didn't had the six pack like Vinod had but he had a strength of a small elephant. He was the all-rounder in the team. He was the ultimate performer.
"Okay.Okay.I will tell you !" Vinod said coughing.
"I know I will regret this later but..I am in love with Rehan's mother. She is a really beautiful woman. So beautiful that you would rank her way above anyone in this college.maybe Rekha Mam will come close but she is the epitome of beauty." He narrated.
"What do you mean beautiful than Rekha ? She is the most beautiful woman.by far Isn't she ?"Rakka questioned.Rekha was very popular in the scool for her sexuality. Just the feeling of her walking past had overwhelmed Rakka a number of times.no matter how much he controlled.but to hear from him there was a much more beautiful thing.he couldn't believe his ears.
"Is it one sided fling or She loves you two.did you do anything to her ?" He questioned all excited and jealous now.
"Dude I have seen her Naked.stark naked. While she was taking bath. You wont believe how beautiful she looked. Like a sex goddess. She watched me too.she was trying to cover herself but she was blushing.i remember every bit of it. And I threw towel for her. And later." Vinod stopped saying.
"Later what ?" Rakka thundered questioning him hard.
"Remember the day I called you to keep Rehan busy for an hour atleast.She came in the room after half an hour.I was worried that she will scold me..and she did too. But I asked her for a kiss and trapped her underneath myself.God she trembled but she was pleased I did that. I undressed her completely.and we went in a 69 position. God such a good cock sucker she is.I just came in 10 minutes despite having masterbated 2times before." He said it all.
"I remember you calling me.that was unusual but I can't believe it. It looks so made up and flashy. Do you have anything to prove yourself ?" Rakka replied disinterested.
"Yeah See this whats app chat." He fetched his phone and showed him. There wasn't even a response form her side that said she was even vaguely interested in him anymore.
"You fantasy boy.I knew it. Such a made up story. God I wasted so much time on it." Rakka getting up all dishearted but relaxed after it.
"Wait See this ?" Vinod had showed him the clip.
Rakka fatched the phone from his hand and had a look at it. His jaws dropped and he started drooling. He couldn't believe whathe was seeing. Although it was awkward. He looked at him with all jealous eyes.
"What do you think Is he in the team ?" Vinod asked taking the phone back.
"Yes. For sure. Only if I am in yours." He replied and they hugged each other tight.
After that day they were desperate to get her. But she wasn't an easy catch. She always blushed hard whenever he sent her his wicked intentions but showed less and less interest.
On the other hand.
The situation at the Duggal's plant was getting out of hand.
One of his employees had quarrel with him and he died falling off. Loosing his balance.Duggal had no hand behind it. But he had been booked. He called in Kasturi for help but there was nothing that she and their lawyer could do about it. The security officer man was not even ready to listen to her.
She was getting worried for him. She called in Rathore as well but it was beyond his jurisdiction now as he were transferred. He assured her that he will make some phone calls but also said it will not help her much.
The real problem was to go with the story, there was witness who had seen it all.and she didn't knew what was his problem but he wanted to see him behind bars.
"How could anyone testify a wrong statement ? Aren't you supposed to arrest him officer ? Who bribed you to do this ?" Kasturi shouted in all frustration.
The security officer man was a real smug. He was overwhelmed by her beauty. After all nobody sees a beautiful woman like her at a security officer station. He was listening to her in all awe a wicked smile on his face.
"Are you even listening ? You a little security officerman do you even know who you are messing up wih ?" She was all yelling at him despite her attorney's efforts.
The security officer man signalled the lawyer to keep mum. And she continued shouting. After a while she stopped.
The security officerman came to her she too stood up. It was about 12:00 mid night. She stood up too. But he just towered over her. There were only a few peoples around. He smiled wickedly at them before looking at her.
"Here take some water." He said in a firm tone.
I don't want it. She threw her hands and some water splashed out of it.her eyes looking in his. He smiled. And offered her again.
"You can leave Sir. I wanna talk to the party in private. I am sure she will tell you all of it." He asked the lawyer to leave.
"You are asking me to leave. have you gone mad ?..but Mam.. Okay as you suggest." The lawyer blasted at him but he was cut short by her.
"Yeah Tell me now !" She said seeing the man leaving the premises already.
He fetched the water again but she was in no mood of listening. But after all these efforts she took it. And he made sure she touched his hands.
He signalled the constable to go out.
"See Mam you are really beautiful..Ohh Shit what Am I saying.yeah.There is a witness who had seen it all.he says your husband had pushed his off the third floor and says he watched him falling with a smile on his face. It is a genuine attempt of mur*er. I don't see your husband Comin out any quick. He must have to undergo say.life imprisonment.leaving you all alone in this world" He said it all wickedly.
"Yeah I have read his statement.but that wasn't signed as far as I remember. It is all fabricated. You know it. But go on whatever shit you are suggesting." She said all disinterested.
"Don't you worry about it. It will get signed. But what I am saying you is to meet the witness in person and crack a deal with him. Keep things out. He will not be present in the court and you husband had to suffer many more nights here." He suggested.
"And who is this absconding witness who is pleased to do all this to an innocent man ?" She replied.
"Nagendra Bhai Aka Naga. Your husband's organisation's union leader." He replied.
Kasturi face feel hearing his name. After all thses years he was back again in her life. She couldn't believe it. She started breathing hard.
"Sir. That son of a bitch is troubling us again." A constanble notified.
"Come with me." He said exting his cabin Kasturi followed.
In a half lit room Duggal was tied his hands spread. He was all stripped naked. There were marks all over him.
"You little husband is such a trouble.how could you bear him.what he did now ?" The security officer man thundered pulling Rohan's hair.
"Just regular things Sir. Abusive language and his arrogance. We were in no mood to hit him but he wanted it.said really bad things to my mother wife and 5YO daughter. It was unbearable." He replied.
Kasturi knew how off hand he used to go. Duggal never cared for anything else than his money and his arrogance.
She looked at the officer with pleading eyes. But he was in no mood to spare him. He grabbed his balls and sqeezed it. Duggal cried in pain his body wiggled and trembled.
"Aaahhhhh.." He cried out loud.
"Stop it.. " Kasturi yelled but it all fell in deaf years.
"You do what.you fuck their Mother's and sister and make them your playmate and put them in brothel.you little piece of shit. Such a tiny dick and see his audacity." The officer was a foul mouth. He looked around at his colleagues.they were cheering at their bosses comments. He turned other way round.and looked at her.still sqeezing it hard. But he let him go after sometime.
"I think this will do for today." He said and locked the room back.
Duggal cried in pain, "Let me get free once.I will fuck all of your mother sister and wives together and make them my whore.cheap sluts. One hundred will be enough for all of them together." That was too much.
The officer was about to return back in the cell. Kasturi held his hands and stopped him from doing so.
The constable got in. They gagged his mouth and untied him. And showed him their oiled hitter.
"Listen you scumbag if you try to take it out and speak even little i will shove this in your ass hard. Are we clear ?" He shouted. Duggal was terrified. He nodded. And she took a relief.
"Its too late Madam. You should go home. Ohh My bad.I should drop you off its particularly not safe to go alone." He said.
"No Its okay Officer. I can take care of it." She replied.
"No No. I can't let you go like this.please I insist." He replied.
"But my car." She expressed her worries.
"It will be safe here.ask you servant Birju to get it tomorrow ?" He suggested and they got into a jeep.
Speeding away from this somewhat distant security officer station heading towards her home.
On the way.
His phone buzzed.
"Nagendra is calling.you wanna talk to him ?" He asked.
(The security officer man's name is Pratap.)
Kasturi didn't know what to respond.she shook her head in No.
"Yes. Nagendra Brother. No he isn't troubling us more.but he is very arrogant and angry. thirsty for your blood." He said on the phone.
"Put it on speaker." She Whispered.
"Yeah.Make him suffer more.he deserves every bit of it. What about the woman I told you about ?" Nagendra asked.
"Yes. She was there when I was pounding him. She saved him actually I was going in again to fuck him really bad when she intervened." Pratap replied.
"Isn't she beautiful ? Have you said her about me ? What was her reaction ?" Nagendra asked.
"She is very beautiful Sir. There is no match to her. I can't believe this douche bag manged to score her. I took you name and her face fell." Pratap replied.
"What is it between you two if I may ask ?" He added replying to Nagendra but looking at Kasturi.
"Its none of your concern. I will take care of it. You will get yours." He replied.
She knew it was all fabricated.
"Is she around ?" Nagendra asked.
"No. Why she would be here ? She left for home." Pratap replied.
"Don't you play smart with me, I had called in the station. Put her on the phone." He roared.
"Hello." Kasturi said in a low voice.
"Heyyy Sweetheart. How are you ? Its almost 4 years now we haven't met after that day, did we ?" He replied.
"Why are you playing such games with us.what have we done.You are gonna put him behind bars.tell me your price ?" She bombarded him with a lot of questions.
"No.No.No.No. there ain't a price this time. You exactly know what I want. After all these years after all." He said and hung up.
Kasturi returned his phone.
"What is it.what does he wants from you ?" He asked.
"I don't know. I met him once at a gathering and I didn't know why he came after all these years." Kasturi replied.fabricating the story a little.
She was almost in tears.
Pratap stopped the vehicle near an ice-cream shop trying to console her out.
The vehicle moved again.
They were home after 30 minutes. It was all dark. She called in for the guard but it appeared he was in deep sleep. She didn't wanted to wake Birju up as he would have asked a lot of questions and seeing the officer at home things could have escalated. She got off the vehicle and opened the main gate herself.
"I should go now." Pratap said.
But she gestured him to come over. The vehicle moved inside Kasturi was walking in front of it in a tight suit and leggings her viel in her hands now. The headlights and Pratap's eyes were fixed on her perfectly swaying hips. Just when it was about to park. Kasturi fell off. Her heels were broken. She went down almost Instantly.
Pratap flung out of the car almost Instantly. Parking it on the way itself.
"Are you alright ? Where are you hurt ?" He asked touching her ankle and legs.
"Aaahhhh. It hurts." She cried in pain.
"Ohh.I am so sorry. Will you be able to walk in ?" He asked.
"No I don't think so. God it hurts so bad. I think its got twisted.
"What. twisted.so what do you suggest now ?" Pratap asked.
"Pick me up." She replied.
He was eager to do the job and lifted her up in his arms like a doll. And started walking in. She helped him with the keys and they were in lighting up the hall. He took her to the couch in the middle and placed her on a side. Her nack on the corner of backrest and armrest. He seated besides her.
He took her beautiful legs in his lap and took her broken and one good heel out of her aching feel. He was treating her feet with his arms really delicately.
After 10 minutes.
"Does it feels good ?" He asked.
"Noo. Aaahhh.but its getting better." She replied.
"Do you want something ?" She asked the guest.
"I am thirsty. So if you could."Pratap was saying when she got off her position and headed to the kitchen.
He was surprised.her feet was hurt but now she was walking like a pretty Normal lady.
He tip-toed followed her.She had no idea about it.
She was busy in putting out some snacks on the plate when he held her from behind.
"You seem to have recovered quicker than I thought ?"He whispered. His left cheek touching her right one.
"Yeah its better." She managed to say.
His left hand came up. turning her face towards him. His thumb on her left cheek and his palm on neck.
She looked at him and opened out her lips.and they kissed. Sweet simple and gentle. There was no hurry for them. She stick her toungue out for him.their tongues met encircling and tasting each other. He let her lips go and parted her hair out off her back. unzipping her Kurti. With every inch of her skin his kisses were growing stronger and bolder. He held his palm on her shoulders and slid the fabric off her. Kasturi closed her eyes in pleasure. He turned her around and started leaving his lips on her exposed neck and half bosom.
Her breats were still covered he let it be that way.
"Aaahhhh.Mmmhhhhmm. Leave me . Somebody will see." She said moaning.
"Sshhhh. Dont say anything ? Let them see." He replied.
But there was no one around. Rehan was probably sleeping and Birju had no idea about it. It was around 1:00 in the morning. Pin drop silence only their lips moving and breathing. He held her melons and gave it hard sqeezing.
Her breasts bluged out.ready to be undressed and sucked out. But she was in no mood to be an easy fish for her. She wiggled out of his embrace and ran away pulling up her Kurti back on but it was still unzipped.
He made no efforts to catch her. He was looking at her with all the thirst he had. His gaze so stren almost authoring her to surrender herself to him. She was panting. catching her breath. Her breasts heaving up and down. She had a smile on her face. He signalled her to come to him. She shook her head in no.
"Dont make me catch you.You will only regret it later." He said loudly.
"Well I am ready to regret." She replied rolling her eyes.
In a flast he speed up.She panicked first but her feet as well found its rhythm. She was a tough thing to catch. Despite all his efforts she wasn't getting in his hands. And after it all he sank back on the sofa. panting catching his breath. She had completely out run him in a chase he had to plan something.
"What happened officer. looks like you weren't trained well ?" She said teasing him.
"Okay You won. Come to me Now." He ordered her.
"Well I want to tell you something.Why share a thing when you can have it all for yourself only." She smirked.
"What do you mean ?" He asked.
"You know exactly what I mean." She replied.
"You want me double cross Nagendra." He replied.
"Afterall you are smart. Why to take side of a criminal minded ? We can settle this all by ourselves." She replied.
"What if he finds out ?" He asked.
"You are a security officer man can't you take care of a small man." She smirked.
"Well I can. But why should I ? Whats in offer from this side ?" He asked getting up from his seat moving towards her. She didn't run this time. He started playing his finger on her bullets.
"Tell me the price." She asked.
He lowered his face near her ears.
"Tomorrow 7:00 PM sharp. Nagendra says You look better in a saree but I suggest wear a red saree. Our dicks will be waiting for you." He whispered in her ears.
"Good Night Baby. Sleep tight cause we wont let you." He added and turned back leaving.
"What if I don't ?" She said out loud.
"So what.whats there to do.The court will decide. But yes your husband will have to suffer my frustration before it. And by the way Happie Birthday." He cleared his intentions.
Kasturi had no idea what they have been planning. It was all decided between them. She was all trapped.