Update 23

She woke up to the finger tunes playing on her thighs. Birju was up and with him his manhood too. She could feel its warmth and hardness against her sweet spot. She was embarrassed that after all these time she crawled back to his arms so easily but she didn't wanted to be there anylonger..but she knew Birju had the edge he would be quick to grab her if she will be making any move.

He sided her hair and cleared her left shoulder. placing his lips on her velvety skin.it was like an icing on the cake.

"Sweetheart are you awake ?" He whispered.

She didn't responded but with her fast beating heart he knew she was. And after all her nipples were getting aroused again.

He got up off the bed. And went into the washroom.she could hear him urinating. This was her time to run from there. But she couldn't find her t-shirt. She was only in her panties and there was nowhere her t-shirt could be found. Although she was alone in the house this time but still to be naked is a different kind of thing. But she was late by the time she had finally put on her t-shirt and desperate to unlock the door. He had came back in the view..she saw her half erect manhood first. He looked on the bed but couldn't found her there and his head turned right there she was in a t-shirt and her panties struggling to get the door unhooked.but she wasn't getting any success. There was something she was missing.

And he started walking towards her. And she was scared again.a wicked smile on his face.

"Where are you going babyy ?" He said. standing next to her.

"Ummm.we have and appointment don't you remember." She said.

"But its around 3:00 PM. And i see 2 full hrs here." His smile widening.

"No way. I am not doing it again. Please let me go." She said terrified.

"Okay Okay. Calm down. Come here." He said. asking her to come in his embrace. She was reluctant but she had no other options.she couldn't run anywhere. He turned her around and did the trick with the door. It was open now.

"I don't wanna let you go." He tightend his embrace on her.

"Please.I am hungry too. Aaahhh." She said. trying to push him off her.

"What about me.I am hungry as well." He whispered.

"Okay.promise me you will be here tonight atleast." He added.

"Birju.No.. Shameless. ain't happening." She said blushing.

"Then I have no other option but to have you on lunch if not for dinner." He replied and started walking towards the bed again.

"No.Aahh.Pleaseee.." She was saying in between her every step. He pushed her on the bed and came over her. taking her wrists in his palm and pinning her to the bed..he was about to kiss her on her neck.when she replied.

"Okayyy.you won. I will be here. Now Please let me go."

"And if you didn't ?" He replied. He knew she was making false promises.

But he was just teasing her. He drifted on the bed besides her. And she was quick to get back on her feet again. running hard. His dick twiched again seeing her bubble butts.


"I am so sorry Madam. I hope i didn't kept you waiting for too long." A manly voice interrupted her when she was working in her phone.

"Mr. Yogendra. ?" She replied.

"Yes. Ma'am. Please come inside." He siad.

And Birju and she moved in. Yogendra closing the door back after them.

Yogendra was no less than Balwant. He was tall. muscular.and had a rugged face, but atleast 20 years younger to him. He looked very polite and but one could say he was very intense and intimidating. No wonder Kamya was dating him.

He knew it was ill for him but Yogendra couldn't look anywhere else apart from her perfectly peachy ass.

She had been wearing a bottle green saree. perfectly dbangd over her curves.

"Would you like to have something Tea Coffee ?" He asked getting seated to his chair.

"No we are fine." She replied.

"So have you brought in the files ?" He asked. getting straight into the business.

"Yes." She gestured Birju.

"Could you please place it over there ?..yeah. Sure Thanks." He said out when Birju was placing it on the directed place.

"So if you please could narrate the story for me once again." He asked.

And Kasturi started narrating.

"Whats the point.just offer them some money and get over with it ?" Yogendra said.

"They are not interested in money..for now I could tell you." she narrated all of it.

"One thing is clear.you husband didn't killed him. They all are trying to get something else from you. clearly they won't be benefited either from Rohan going behind bars. What is it.there is something I am missing here..Are you sure they didn't ask for anything else." He said at last mumbling first.

"Yeah. Sums up the case." She replied.

"Okay.there has to have some way. I will take your case." He said.

"Okay. But are you sure ?" She replied.

"1 Crore. Off Contract." He replied.

"Thats too much money for a man of your practice. But what if you won't get us the result we want." She said firmly.

"Yeah. You are right.I may not be that popular.but I know this is the case for me. This case gonna make me rich. And I am damn sure about winning it." He said.

"Money is not the problem Yogendra. And Lawyer too. We can get best lawyers.if not from here then some other city.you don't understand the complexity in this case." She expressed her concerns.

"If I won't be able to deliver what you wanted.I won't ask even for a single penny." He replied.

"Okay Mr. Yogendra. We will call you for any update." Kasturi got up talking a few details with him.

"Sure Madam. Anytime." He said with a broad smile. And they left.

On their return Birju turned the vehicle in other way.

"Hey. Aren't we going home ?" Kasturi said from the back seat.

"Yeah. But You need to go out breath Fresh. Its been a long time since you have been out." Birju replied.

Kasturi didn't uttered anything further.

Kasturi did some shopping too. It felt good to be out after a while. Although her heart was heavy but it felt good. Birju didn't leave her hands anywhere. He was proudly walking with her as if she were her wife. She didn't mind that either.

She got in her room and locked it properly. Double checked it even. She didn't wanted Birju to come over tonight. He too didn't made any attempt.

A few days later.it was their first hearing. It was horrible for her. Not only Vijay (the older lawyer) proved his point he fucked Yogendra seriously. He was completely trashed away on the first day itself. Vijay was ferocious.he wanted to kill the case as soon as possible. But at last Yogendra managed to get another hearing. Vijay looked at her.a wicked smile on his face. The judge warned the security officer to not to torture him.but they all knew it was just a warning.

Later that day.she went to meet him.

"I am so sorry. I couldn't help you. I feel so ashamed." Kasturi said.

"Its not you fault. They have got everything against me. I have no one." He replied.

They were sobbing in each other arms.

When Nagendra, Pratap and Vijay came in.

"Hey Baby.. don't you cry. I don't want you to shed a tear." Nagendra said.

"Did he made you cry sweetheart ?" Pratap said going closer to Rohan.who had already started shivering.

"I really feel sorry for her.have you seen her lawyer.Hahaha. How much did he cost you darling ₹10." Vijay spoke up this time.

"That Son of bitch.he will fight against me." Vijay added angrily.

Nagendra came in closer to her. Sniffing off her body.

"Mmmhhhmmm. You smell so good. You know although I am angry on you.but I will give you another chance. You know we have to waste that delicious cake on a whore. So you have to make up for it. Come to us for 3 days and your husband will be free." Nagendra said out loud.

Rohan started shaking in his position. He was furious. He charged with all his strength towards Nagendra. Pratap grabbed his shirt and pulled him down.

"Where are you going you bastard.cant you see. Nagendra is fixing the rate for this slut." Pratap said.

They were making really bad comments on her.and cheering out a loud. They left not stones unturned to humiliated her.

"I am gonna take her sweet backdoor. And stuff her hard without any moisture. I wanna make her feel how her slaps made me feel." Vijay said looking at her.

"You asshole. Son of a whore. You think you are gonna abuse me." Kasturi charged towards him all ferocious.

She hit him hard on his throat and punched her knee on his balls even harder. He collapses on the ground immediately.

She sat down and grabbed her hair and pulled his head up.

"Such a coward. Your mother would be so ashamed of you." She said and spat on his face.

Vijay could hear Pratap and Nagendra laughing him. But there was nothing he could do about it. Kasturi just trashed him whenever she wanted. He was humiliated.. and started crying.

She came towards them.

"This is you last chance. 1 Crore. For both of you. Set him free and I will forget all this." She thundered.

"1 Crore..Ohhh Let me think..We will take that. Bring it.We will make a bed of it and fuck you right there on it." Nagendra replied.

Kasturi threw her punch on him as well. Pratap grabbed it in between and twisted her hands on her back. She cried in pain. She was trying to set himself free but he twisted it even further making her to stand still.

"Good Girl. I like it. You should have used another move." Pratap said.

Nagendra came in front of her.. he looked at Vijay and then back at her.

"You don't wanna fuck him. don't fuck him. But we won't let you go." Nagendra said. His hands reached for her saree and he fetched it down. exposing her blouse and navel.

Kasturi shivered but she came standstill again as Pratap had been grabbing her from back.

"Wow. The view from here is perfect." Pratap said looking at her mangoes from the top angel.

"Not just the view the touch is so heavenly that.you won't believe.there haven't been a single day I haven't thought about her." Nagendra said..

"Leave her. I don't wanna hurt her." Nagendra said and Pratap obliged. Kasturi fetched her saree and dbangd herself back again. She immediately left there after.

4 years ago whatever happened between them was a heat of moment. She wanted to stop it.but her body was responding otherwise. If Rathore hadn't had woken up she would have given herself to Nagendra. She was completely blown away by his personality. specially as a bull of a man.

But there was a lot happened since then. She knew if he hadn't used Rohan to get her.she would have fucked him..as she had sometimes thought about him. But the situation he was demanding her it was unacceptable to her.

That day too. It was because of Rohan she fucked Rathore in revenge.. she wouldn't mind fucking Nagendra either.but now he was asking something forcefully.and she was totally agaist it.

Kasturi wasn't please by the rate the case was progressing. Yogendra wasn't getting any leads and Vijay was determined to tear them apart. But the only thing he managed somehow was the dates. Kasturi wasn't please at all. It looked like there was no hope of Duggal's acquittal.

"It doesn't looks like we are gonna win this. especially the way you are fighting it. Do we ?" Kasturi said taking a sip of the red wine after the dinner. She had invited Yogendra fo th dinner. Birju and Rehan were also sitting near by. There was no words spoken until then.

"I am trying.all I can say." Yogendra replied meekly.

"Ohhh Yes.You are trying. Listen to him he is trying ? Kasturi said in a strong voice.

They all knew the situation had heated.

"Listen up.You whatever your name is.. Don't you dare ever to talk a word until you have something substantial. You have two more dates. Get us something or don't even bother to call me." She declared.

"Rehan. Son.please show Yogendra uncle the way out..I think he had more than he deserved." She ordered.and put the glass down.

Rehan obliged.

Birju too noded at her charged up approach.

Yogendra's heart sank. But he knew it wasn't her fault at all.anyone would have done the same. But one thing was sure.he didn't had much time.

In the second hearing.. Yogendra got a bigger lead.there was an ATM which clearly showed Nagendra was not there when the incident happened. This was the first substantial thing that happened from this side. It wasn't a big one.as Vijay had fought exceptionally well thereafter. But having Nagendra's statement nullified. it was a big relief.

And to make things worse for him. Kasturi filed an FIR too.

At the same security officer station.

"You are next officer. Pratap." She said. determined. Although he had a coy smile on his face but they both knew he was terrified.

After two more hearings. Yogendra came her home one day.

"Pratap wants to settle things.he wants 50 lakhs and in return he will give us the recording of that day." Yogendra said.

"Get him here. We will negotiate then." She replied.

At around 10:00 Pratap was home along with Yogendra.

Everyone was about to get seated. when Kasturi shouted.

"Not you." To Pratap. He stood there in silence.

"Tell me what he is offering ?" She said. looking towards Yogendra.

"He wants 50 Lakh in cash. And in exchange he will give us the recording of that day." Yogendra replied.

"As long as I remember.you said it wasn't recorded at all. Didn't you officer ?" She said in a Sarcastic tone.

"Yes. But no everything. I have kept one with me." He replied.

"We are in a fair position to win the case..we have been talking to the witnesses.I think we can make them change their statement in half that money. isn't it correct Birju ?" She said authoratively.

"Okay.25 Lakh. This is final offer." He said.

"Madam I think he is terrified." Birju said smirking.

"No. No.You don't know about this breed much, I know on the other hand know exactly how to handle them." She replied to Birju.

"Officer You are asking for a meat loaf when I am not even in mood if throwing you biscuits. But we can work out.." She replied this time to Pratap.

He looked at her blankly.. Yogendra and Pratap both were looking at her.. eager to listen everything she was about to say.

"Be my witness. Accept in court that you were forced by Vijay to do this. You name all of them and also give statement that Vijay was determined to torn down our business empire..and he arranged some goons to kidnap our son and me." She declared.

Pratap look at Yogendra in disbelief what she was saying.

"This is injustice." He said meekly.

"What Injustice..you haven't seen my justice yet. Feel good about it that I won't be putting charges on you." She thundered.

"Get the hell outta here. Tell me later whatever he has to say. Fuckk offf." She ordered in displeasure.

Yogendra got up.he wasn't pleased either by her response but he decided not to contest her. And they left.

"Congratulations Madam. He agreed." Came the message at 2:00 from Yogendra.which she saw in the morning.

The next hearing was scheduled three days later. Everything was planned and decided.

The Judgement Day.

"Madam. Just confirming you are coming naa ?" Yogendra had called her. Yogendra and Kasturi had become friends now.they got along easily and somewhat liked each other's company.

"No. I won't be there. Come over. I have somethings to discuss with you." She buzzed.

"Its just 2 hrs from now.I can't be there." He replied in disbelief.

"What..Come over.!" She sad and hung up the phone.

"What the fuckkk.what she have to do now.Ohhh Goddd." He cried in disbelief putting the phone back in his pocket. He grabbed the keys and went like a bullet reaching there in half the time. He busted in the house. Rehan opened the door..

"What are you doing here.." He asked.

"Where is your Mom ?" He asked.

"Execuse Me..what ?" Rehan replied.

Yogendra passed a deadly stare to him.

"Upstairs.take right. first room." He replied and he ran hard again.

The door was shut.

He knocked.

"Its open. Please come in." She replied.

And he got in.

"Ohhh. Yogendra. You managed to get really quick." She said. She was lying on the bed against her breats in a green saree that she wore on the first day. She had been reading a book.

"What's the matter ? You know.." Yogendra was saying when she cut him short.

"Close the door behind." She ordered.

Yogendra came closer to the bed as she got up.and got to her cupboard.

"I have something for you." She replied.

It was a beautiful necktie. She came closer and stood next to him. Despite being in a tall woman and in her heels he still towered her.. standing proud and erect.his chest bulging up and down with the running he been doing.

He put his hands behind. She removed the tie he had been wearing and started tying what she had bought for him.

"I have changed my mind. This Pratap needs to pay for what he has done to me. He needs to be taught a lesson he won't forget all his life." She said. looking at his face.

"What.why ?" He said. looking back at her.

She lowered her gaze.busying herself again in the tying process. Yogendra was in complete disbelief.

"The plan will work fine.we will use him as agreed. But after its all done.you will put him behind bars. Birju had the recording of our meeting.he will give it to you." She replied.

"Its not that simple.court proceedings.but why do this.your husband is getting out.what do you want to settle with him.what happened. happened.just get over with it." He suggested.

She gave him a stare.

"You dont know what he had done to me." She said turning away and walking a few steps.

He came behind her.

"Please tell me.I reall wanna know.what else is there besides your EGO." He said frustrated.

She turned towards him.

"You don't know how they humiliated me. tortured Rohan and.." She said going past him.

Yogendra grabbed her hand and pulled him in. His hands on her waist.

".And ?" He said.

"They wanted to bed me for a day. All of them." She replied.tears rolling down her face.

"Son of a bi.." He was about to say.when she pulled his face down and kissed him on his lips. He was surprised initially..but not for long. He responded and responded hard. pulling her hard in his embrace.. reassuring her he will do as she pleases.

He was in awe of her beauty the moment he saw her. And to finally get a sweet half droplet of her.he wasn't satisfied yet. He wanted more. Kasturi who always had been in a dominant position.had completely submitting herself to him. She was trying to push him away as well..asking him to go more harsh on her.

Slowly he started moving towards the bed. And in a flash turned and pushed her hard on the bed. She bounced against her back.it didn't took him to weigh her down again. He intertwined his fingers with hers and pinned her down on th bed.

He held himself over her. teasing. His eyes fixed on her luscious lips. He was gesturing with his lips and teeth how badly he wanted to devour her. She could see to lust in his eyes. And whenever he tried to lower his head down at her she shook her head making biting sounds that it won't be easy for him.

Despite all her efforts he pinned even her head down with his with his tongue now in full action. He didn't stop there.he went for her neck and exposed chest. kissing her hard everywhere.making raw. passionate.and hard love her. Kasturi was totally turned on by now. She was enjoying everything of it..and submitted herself completely to him.

He took the control of both her hands in his left one.freed his right one and undid the saree on her beautiful heaving mangoes. He grabbed the thin fabric of her blouse and tore it apart. She cried to stop him.. but it was too late.and to add more miseries she hadn't had a bra underneath.

She somehow freed her right hand and covered her cherries.as she got a chance as Yogendra was mesmerized seeing her round ripe mangoes with little red cherries on top of it.

It didn't take him long to grab her hands again and keep her down. His mouth opened wide as he pressed his head on her right one. She arched her back in response.her eyes closed. and gave up fighting.

But even Yogendra knew he had to go. Although he was all erect down there.it was almost hurting him to keep his fly inside his pants. He left sucking her boobs and got back on her sweet lips silencing her moans agaist his demands.

"Ohhh Baby you are so beautiful !" He could only manage to say. And finally after ten minutes he let her go. She was panting and out of breath. Her lipstick all wiped out.just a hint of its smudging all over her lips and skin around it. She looked delicious.

He got back and fought really hard that day. He was in no mood to spare anyone or anything. Vijay was shattered in a court lower than his potential and Pratap who was earlier happy in no time was under arrest. After a few formalities Yogendra escoreted Rohan back to his house..but he had only one thing in his mind.. Kasturi.

After the torture and his stay at the jail..Rohan had no muscles left on him. Kasturi hugged her husband tight and tears rolled down her face. Rehan too joined in and hugged his Mom and Dad. They all were sobbing and rejoicing. But one thing was clear.. Yogendra had no chance Today.

A few days passed by.there wasn't a day when Yogendra didn't persuaded her to come. But Kasturi was in full mood of teasing him. She just blushed seeing how desperate he was. And one day he came home. Rohan was reading a newspaper.it looked he was still very week. They greeted each other and started chatting.

After a while.

"So what took you here after all these days ?" Rohan asked.

"I don't know whether is it okay to tell you this.But your wife made a promise to me that she will take me to lunch in a really fancy restaurant.it seems she had forgotten her promise." Yogendra said with a smile.

"Hahaha. She paid you a crore, I think you can manage a lunch ?" He replied chucking.

"But Mr. Rohan deal is a deal." He replied with a smile too.

"KASTURI. KASTURI." Rohan called his wife.

And she appeared in a mid length frock.blue colour and floral printed she had a book in her hand and she came down.

She was surprised to see Yogendra there. But she was pleased as well.she wanted to play her game. With a seductive smile she bent and kissed Rohan on his lips giving him a full view of her long sexy hairless thick legs. Her sken so smooth that even softest of fabric will feel shy. She sat besides him and put her legs in his lap.

"Hey wife.behave yourself ?" He frowned.

"You should be glad that I am not sitting in your lap." Kasturi said. looking at Rohan and then winking at Yogendra.

"Yogendra said, "You have promised him to take for lunch and forgotten about it altogether."". Rohan said.

"Ohh.. Really I don't remember making any such promises.. did I.Mr. Yogendra." She replied.her face blank.

"Ohh..Yes.I remember.. "Yogendra stammered.

"I don't know whether you made any such promises or not.I think you should totally take him for Lunch." Rohan said.

"Baby..You should be on my side. I can't believe this." Kasturi said in frustration..she wanted to tease him more but it looked like her plan had failed.

"Comm'on he deserves it. Go get dressed I don't wanna listen anything else." He ordered.

Kasturi looked hard at her husband.who looked back as well.harder.

"Okay fine.I will go out with you." Rohan said.

The smile on her face returned and Yogendra's face fell.

She got dressed in a pair of jeans and a white T-shirt. Looking all casual but extremely beautiful. Rohan too dressed well and casual in a t-shirt and a pair of jeans.

And they drove in Yogendra's new Hummer.

Kasturi sat in front while Rohan took a back seat.

But Yogendra had different plan in his mind.he took them to a Raod Side Night Hotel. He had known about it.and the food was delicious. Kasturi and Rohan were reluctant of a few reasons but they eventually agreed. It wasn't anything like Kasturi had seen all her life. It just had the name. otherwise it was no less than a fancy restaurant. There were huts and privacy of people was taken care of well. It was all lush green and very pleasing in November Sun.

And they had a bomb of food. A ton of it. Rohan ate voraciously. He was all fired up.. he never had tasted anything like that. He asked for the chef.

The time when the husband and wife weren't looking he passed on a signal to him. He had known him for years.. and he smiled in response.

"Well.let me please you with my final touch. It will be on house." The chef said and left.

He came back with three small plates of white desert. And offered them all. Putting the special one for Rohan.

It contained very slow sleeping salt that would be enough to put him in sleep for atleast 3 hours. considering his lunch.

And they left. But the pill wasn't working at all. He thought in his head. "He should have given him a high dose."

But he didn't wanted to drop her back to house as well.

He took the car in a garden. Rohan had suggested that. It was beautiful lush green and spacious. It was very beautiful.there were paved roads and trees all over. Artificial tunnels and bridges with creepers all over them. The weather was perfect. Yogendra purched a mat and a few boxes of strawberries and beer too. And they took to a distant place. Kasturi walking ahead and the men following her. There was a lake at some distance and the cold breeze blowing in from there. It was perfect.there were only a few couples visible from there.and they all were in intimacy.

Yogendra spread the sheet and Kasturi laid besides Rohan. They talked for a while sipped in some beer. Rohan took her in his embrace.her spine against his chest.. she wanted to get away as it was awkward. But Rohan always liked to put her in embarassing situation. He took her in his embrace hard and flipped her in between the men. He put his hands ib between her legs and pulled her plush ass on his crotch.

"Perfect. This is how it should be.a sweet wife to keep you warm." He declared. And Yogendra chuckled as well. Rohan was high.

Kasturi hit him with her elbow.

"Ouchhh. It hurts Baby. Okay be still." He replied keeping her in his embrace. But after a while they all settled lying against their back looking up in the sky. Yogendra turned facing her agaist his right arm and side he held his head up agaist his palm. looking at her beautiful face. She was radiating in the sun light. She looked at him and closed her eyes. Yogendra took a strawberry and started encircling it on her beautiful lips. He looked at Rohan but didn't cared anymore for his reaction. She opened her mouth.to take it in.her eyes still closed. And bit half of it. The sweet cold fruit soothing her mouth.after all the spicy food she had. And he placed the half fruit on Rohan's mouth.who too bit all of it.

He continued this for a while. Feeding her slowly with the sweet fruit. Rohan was wide awake seeing all of it. There wasn't any sign a sleep on his face. He was excited to see how it was going. Yogendra took a strawberry in his mouth tucking in his teeth half in it. He looked at Rohan who didn't showed any resistance at all.he lowered his head. Kasturi opened her eyes finally to see what was happening.. why she was feeling his warm breath on her face. The fruit touched her lips and she opened it. Biting the half of it. Yogendra with the corner of his eyes looked at Rohan who was all excited by now. Yogendra tried to put his palm on his piercing gaze but Rohan wanted to see it all. And finally Yogendra put his lips on her delicate sweet ones. Soothing himself out with her sweet love. Soon the fruit dissolved and their tongues took the charges. He let her go after a sensual erotic kiss of five minutes.

"Come here." Rohan said. He too had a strawberry in between his lips. But he took her in his embrace. pulling her on him. Her ass was up. To Yogendra's surprise.Rohan took his palm and placed it on her ass and continued kissing her. He knew it was a green signal. Afterall he didn't had to do anything at all.it was to happen.

In no time Yogendra came closer. Feeling her plush meat is his hands. He didn't stopped in there. He put his hands on her button and undid it. Lowering her zip and putting in his hands in between. But it wasn't easy.. the fabric was reall tight and the jeans wasn't a low waist. He wanted to undress her but it wasn't possible this way. He got up and tucked in his fingers and with all his strength pulled it down.

"NO." Kasturi said.but it was already down upto her knee length. Rohan took her again in his embrace. silencing her concerns. Yogendra went down to her sweet spot from behind. He kissed in the exposed part of her sweet ass. feeling and juggling it in his hands. The panty hadn't had much to offere and he tore it away in a flash. Making her all naked on her womanhood.

Rohan was still keeping her still on the top.. she was lying against her right side as well.with her left hand she made a final attempt to cover herself. Yogendra twisted her hand on her back..lifted her left ass cheek to see what she had kept burrined in between them.​
Next page: Update 24
Previous page: Update 22