Update 01

This is a work of fiction.

Kasturi Dubey was the star of her college. She was bright. beautiful. gracious and full of life. She was 22 years of age but already reaching epitome of womanhood. She was studying English in Delhi University staying away from her parents, who were basically from a village but currently living in an small town. She was their only child and so the apple of their eyes. Her parents had a long battle for having their own child, and when after a miracle she happened their joy meant no boundaries. They were truly blessed to have a beautiful angel in their life.

Kasturi grew up and started doing collegeing in her hometown, but the town hadn't grew up yet. She had always been an eye catcher for the men across ages. The education as well was not upto the mark so her parents decided to move her out of that little lake of their's and let her have a quality life for herself. She was hostled in Delhi, where she grew up well and quiet open minded.

She completed her senior secondary and took admission in Delhi itself to study English, she had always been a great admirer of this language. In college as well she showed exemplary traits.taking parts in cultural fests.college representation and everything that showed up.

Kasturi had her mother's trait more. She was 5'8" tall.her complexion was very fair and her hair jet black medium in length. She had always been an advocate of great personality, and her regular workouts had shaped her well. Her measurements could give run for money to anyone beautiful, 34-26-36. Toned.and slender. And fleshy enough at right places. She could pull off any dress with equal grace.but when she used to wore a dress ending over her knees.it had surely made something hard for the guys.

The story kicks off, with a inter-college competition. She was as usual the representative of her college participating at a different location. After the program was over.She had been called upon by a middle aged man in his 40s.Rohan Duggal. She was skeptical about it, but thought it would be disrespectful and rude.

R.D was a businessman by profession. He was a divorcee and father of a son, who used to live with his mother. So he was all by himself, he was popular for his flamboyant nature, an average looking man but he dressed well.

"Hello Sir. I am Kasturi. I heard you called upon me, Is everything okay ?" She asked and offered her hand for a shake.

R.D was speechless seeing her this close, her presence was divine, he could smell his enchanting scent, that had made him forget he was standing in a public lobby.

"Aaarrhhmm" She tried breaking his concentration.

"Ohhh. Hi Kasturi. I had seen you dance today, you were absolutely ravishing. So I couldn't help myself but to comeover and congratulate you."

"Thats so sweet of you. Thank You." She replied, happily.

"Is there anything I can help you with ?"

"No Sir.I am all good. It was so good of you to stay back and wish me personally."

"Ohh thats Nothing. So if not anything else, if you are free on Sunday, we could go out and have Coffee ?"

"Aarrhmm, actually.I.I have.to."

"You are such a terrible liar." R.D chuckled.

"Hahaha, Okay I will be there." She giggled.

The redness on her cheecks had made Duggal go even more mad about her.

They exchanged their numbers and She moved away leaving that lobby.

But Rohan's gaze was fixed on her full.fleshy. swaying hips.

On Sunday at 7:00PM he did called her and asked her to comeover to Starbucks.

She was secretly hoping that may be he had forgotten about it and won't call her, little did she knew about the intentions of R.D and now she had to go.

She put on her jeans and cold shoulder top matched with boots. She applied light make up and took her scooty.

It didn't took her long to get there, R.D was sitting in a corner, and he was busy on his phone.

"Hey.Hii." She said.

He had seen her coming, he got up of his seat and hugged her. "Hi to you too."

It was awkward but she remained cool about it.

They had their coffee.and chatted fot sometime.

"Isn't it awkward. meeting of ours." She said.

"What's awkward in it.I can't see anything." he replied.

"Like.we are basically strangers.you had seen me dancing and a week later we are sipping coffee together." She said.

"I have a better idea.from now on I will be watching all your performance, and take you out everytime." He chuckled.

"Hahaha.You rather not I am not that good dancer."

For the next 4-5 programmes of her, he had always played his card and took out for coffee.

Kasturi used to share her apartment with a medical student Kamya Sinha, she too had a very positive vibe around her. The day they first met they knew they meant to be best friends. Kamya too was a very beautiful woman.

Kasturi in one hand was conventional where Kamya was open to any relationships but she always respected Kasturi's thoughts.

"So what do think you are going to do with this Rohan Duggal ?" Kamya asked.

"I don't know yaa, He is so impatient. No matter whenever I am performing he comes around and just pressures me to go out with him.like he just bruahes off every execuse of mine." She replied.

"Babe you are breathtakingly hot, you know that right ? Men only want one thing from you to get into your panties." Kamya said.

Kasturi was not unknow to these, she nodded her head in affirmation.

Kamya continued, "and to clear things more up, he is a father.almost 2 decades older to you.and he is divorced.his wife is still there."

It was the ugly truth. Harsh and spot on.

After some moments, Her phone rang Rohan Duggal it displayed.

"This is your day to get rid of him.pick it up."

"Hello Sir."

"Hi Kasturi.please come to cafe naa."

"Rohan I don't want to go anywhere.ever with you. I don't like you, you are a bastard who just traps women to get your way. You are a miserable piece of shit.no matter how many times I meant to brush you off.you still stick and stink." Kasturi said.

"Hahaha." Rohan replied.the phone was on speaker. Both the girls were shocked, they didn't expected this to happen.

"You know this is the first time I have heard you abuse and I think I love to see you abuse me personally. Comm'on make a note of it and be sharp at 7 PM." And he hung up.

"Go on fuck that bastard, bring out the Delhi in you. Just humiliate him in public but abstain from going for a slap or something, men take these things personally." Kamya said.

Kasturi reluctantly got up of the bed and moved to her closet it was only 30 minutes away.

Kamya's phone buzzed in the background."Hi baby.what. tonight.you are shameless.you greedy dog.when did I say I am not coming, she giggled and she hung up."

Both the girls looked at each other and grinned.

Kamya - "Its just a movie date I promise." Blushing red.

Kasturi - "And what movie you are going to watch ?"

They both brust into laughter.


Kamya left almost immediately. And Kasturi wore a long A line summer casual dress.dark blue in colour.

She looked herself in the mirror, she was indeed heavenly delicious to eyes. Her caramel fair skin tone.her natural red lips. The dress had a strip over her shoulder a line of her cleavage was visible, the fabric was almost the second skin to her dbanging and kissing her smooth skin. The skirt was floral and used to kiss her meaty thighs.and give a show of her long sexy toned legs.

She reached there on Uber. And got in the cafe, it took her no time to get to Rohan's table. He got up, and took her in his arms.just politely his palms on mid of her back. She hugged him back.

Rohan just couldn't help him, he was always overwhelmed by her scent. They both seated and ordered their favourites.

"Have you prepared the list..I so can't wait to hear them, you sounded really cute." He said.

"I am not some kind of jerk to play with you.you know right ? I just like being around you.you make me forget everything." He added.

She fely humbled and shrinking, her head down.

On the other hand, the pig had a coy smile on his face.he know he had laid down the foundation stones.

Kasturi felt really low of her and humiliated, everything started making sense to her.He never behaved badly to her.he never touched her inappropriately.

And the prick laid down the final nail in the coffin, he took her hands in his.

"Kasturi.I really like you.No matter how much I try to keep Myself away from you.your thoughts just comes in and overwhelms me. I know I am not right for you.you have a perfect life ahead, but just be with me as a friend and help me through with your vibrance."

She had completely fallen off for him.she withdrew her hands first but again placed them in his hands listening to all of him.

And from there on, they started talking open like long know friends to each other and finished almost 5 coffee each. It was about 11PM now.the whether had turned almost upside down. It was raining cats and dogs. They both came out of the cafe.waited for Half an hour for the rain to stop. But it was in no mood of stopping soon. The thundering getting lounder and louder, she grabbed his hands really tight to the one of them.

"Hey everything is alright.I am always here for you."

And he took her in his embrace.tight.her firm breasts crushed agaist his chest. He sided her hair and exposed her neck. lowering his head there.inhaling the aroma evaporating out of her delicious body.

"I Don't think Its gonna stop anytime soon, why don't you come to my house in my car and you can just push off in the morning." He offered.

"No I can't do that, why don't you drop me home." They both whispering in each others ears.

"I can but I can't let you be hungry it was all my fault and I want to nake good of it. Don't you trust me ?"

"Yes I do.but its not right to."

"There are no buts, you are coming to my house."

He drove her to his house.it was ultra moder and huge. It just looked straight out of some movie. perfectly lit and decorated. It had a beautiful garden around it.

"Wow, Is this your home ?"

"Yes it is a poorman's hut, did you like it ?"

"You call this thing poor. unbelievable." she rolled her eyes.

"Okay I take it back." He chuckled.

They both had dinner together. Rohan had a lot of men working around for him. They both had a lot of coffee so the sleep was completely away.they both agreed to watch some Hollywood flick together.

Rohan had made himself very much comfortable, he was wearing a sleeveless vest and shorts. Kasturi on the other hand, was in her official dress only, she had nothing to change into, Rohan even offered him his shirt but she refused as it would be awkward to be in someone else's.

As the movie progressed the protagonists fell in love and there were multiple steamy scenes, it had a no strings attached kind of thing in it. In one of the scenes, the actor just grabbed in the teasing actress and pinned her to bed and soon they were hunger smooching each other.it had Italian feel into it.

The light in the room was dim, Rohan looked at Kasturi with the corner of his eyes.her pink luscious lips looked really tempting to him.they looked divine in her lip gloss. Her lips were parted as well indicating she was also aroused by the performance going in the movie. Rohan sensed there was a chance to him, and extended his hands on the armrest behind Kasturi's back. Seeing no reaction to it, he put his left hand around her touching her sleeveless smooth hands around her shoulder. stroking gently.

She was somewhat uncomfortable.but she looked at Rohan's face and found he was looking back to her, she felt awkward but didn't reacted much.

Rohan thought he had his chance, and he took it. He inched closer to her face, his right palm on her thighs. running up to her cheeks. He gently turned her face towards him, and placed his lips on her. Kissing her softly feeling her tenderness.she was indeed divine.

On the other hand Kasturi was shocked to this sudden reaction, she didn't knew how to react, she had kissed before but all of this was uncomfortable to her. Her eyes were wide open. Her defence system came into force and her hands were agaist his chest pushing him out, Rohan was reluctant he enhanced his pressure, taking her to in his embrace, the distance between their bodies minimising every second.

She pushed him hard and stood up to escape his reach. Rohan extended his legs making her loose her balance and fell down on the single chair next to that main sofa. He braced himself up quickly and flung upon her. His hands on the armrest, trapping her in between. Kasturi shuddered.Duggal lowered himself again trying to get him to her neck.

Although Kasturi wasn't the strongest of women but she always had enough strength to push off a average built man.and she succeeded, pushing him out.He fell down and she escaped finally.Duggal ran after him.but she locked herself in the room.

Her breathing all up, her back pressed against the door. Duggal was knocking hard.

"Open the door babe.let me in. I love you.please let's talk atleast.It wasn't meant to be like this.please open the door.fuck I am so sorry." His voice getting stronger with passing time.

"Open the fucking door.or I will break it open.I know you are listening to me." He was knocking the door ferociously.

Kasturi had her instinct running really fast. She looked for her phone.but it was in her purse at the hall itself. She looked for the landline connection and tried dialing her friend Kamya.She didn't exactly knew her number and it was the third time when she got it right. The line went off just after she picked up.Duggal had the line cut.

"Keep yourself locked as much as you can, you can't escape here. eventually you have to come out sometime. Go to bed I don't want you sleepless." He said and left.

"Santosh keep an eye on this bitch.if she escapes.I am gonna kill all your family." She heard him instructing his servant.

She sat on a chair and she lost count when she faded out in her sleep.

She woke up to a gentke tap on the door.

"Kasturi I am sorry. Its me Rohan. I am really really sorry. It was so un me to behave to you like that. I don't know what got me carried away. Please come out.Its killing me to keep you like this." Duggal said. She heard him crying against the door.

He sounded really miserable to her. And after sometime she opened the door slowly, coming out of the room. Duggal was sitting on the couch his head down. She got near him to collect her belongings.she wanted to leave as soon as possible. Her eyes fixed on his face.he looked back at her.his eyes all teary.

"Please forgive me, and please have breakfast before you leave.just as a gesture for the good times we spent together. Please." He said.

Kasturi wanted to leave.but heart was all heavy. And she agreed to stay.

She was in his kitchen.to fetch some water. Rohan was working on the breakfast himself. The fridge was behind him.she thought twice going near him but she eventually went. Opening up the door nob and bending down to grab a bottle. She shut the door back and the bottle fell down off her hands..Rohan was standing there. She was almost in the corner.she took a step back slowly.he took a step further, matching up with her speed.

Words unspoken.and finally her butts hit a hard surface, making her halt in the corner, but Duggal kept on going.in really close proximity to her. Her eyes closed in anticipation.her body shivering not knowing how to react this time. Her head down.her arms down.

And to her surprise.he kissed her on her forehead.

"Easy. Kasturi I can never think of hurting you in any manner, I love you.I really do. I know its all awkward.but I couldn't help it. From the day I first saw you I felt love again in my heart, I tried to get you out of mind but the more I tried the more I failed. I just kept on waiting to meet you praying god all th way to make a fest sooner." He said. Her eyes still down, but open listening to whatever he was saying.

"I want to make you mine forever. Just the thought of you being with other makes me loose my temper. I want to marry you Kasturi and make you mine.from this day to my last."

Kasturi was shocked hearing this.she didn't pictured Rohan ever as her husband.She always meant to be polite to him.

She looked up.to his face.he was looking back at her, his gaze deep.

She cut across him and left the house immediately. He didn't stopped her either, but he had a victory smile on his face.

"Congratulations Duggal.you just earned yourself a sexy wife. Fuck.I will fuck her to the full." He said to himself. And roared her servant to take his breakfast in his bedroom.

In the evening He called her in.

"Hello Kasturi.you left without a word."

She kept mum.

"Didn't you like me ?"

"Its not like that. marriage is something else.I don't think i see you as my husband.I need some more time to decide."

"Its all cool.. take your time. I am going to meet your parents in the beginning of next month. You will be going with me there. Is that Okay."

"I don't know." She replied.

"I will take this as Okay." He said and hung up.

After 15 days.He was accompanying Kasturi to her hometown to meet her parents, she hadn't decided yet, but she wanted her parents to decide what they think of him and their marriage possibility.

They reached home and Rohan had show all the politeness in the world.by any means he was the dream choice of any parents. He opened up his life to them.his wife.his problem.his child.his sprawling business and conquered her parents' hearts.

They were earlier skeptical but at the end hell sure that he was the perfect groom for their beloved daughter. They wanted to see her daughter settled as well.even ready to fix a marriage day.

But It all was going fast. Kasturi was somewhat skeptical about this.she wanted to postpone it all for sometime.

"I need two years." She declared.

"Yes, my studies are going on I don't want to break it all of a sudden.I want two years for myself before I get married." She added.

None of the person seemed pleased about it, a rising tension was visible on Rohan's face. He rolled his eyes at her.

"This is my final decision before getting married." She further added, looking straight to him.

"Done.Two years it is. I can give you that." He said.

She didn't expected it to be agreed.she was transfixed.

"Lets take parents blessings." He said, smiling.​
Next page: Update 02