Chapter 04.2

Janet Jones was a strikingly pretty blonde woman in her mid-30's. Her clothing emphasized her femininity and slender build. Tonight she was wearing a conservative lacy white blouse and leggings; I admired her figure as I followed her to the back yard. Was I was becoming a complete lech? Coach, standing before a large white board, discussing tomorrow's opponent. Most of the team was there and it was soon clear that, yes, I was becoming a complete lech. I was seeing these young women in a way I never had before. The team had more than its share of hotties and even the non-hotties looked pretty damn good. I also saw, as if my eyes had just been opened, how many of the girls were paired up. They were paying rapt attention to Coach, but many were sitting next to a partner, feet touching, fingers intertwined.

I stood in the back, trying to pay attention to Coach but distracted by all the firm young flesh. Images of these girls in various stages of undress flashed through my mind, followed by a question: how many had Katie been with – I was certainly not her first same-sex experience – and then images of Katie and these girls together. I was getting turned-on.

I felt the Principal's hand run down my spine.

"They are beautiful, aren't they?" she said.

Normally I would have dissembled, but I was caught off guard. "Yes, yes, they are."

I was saved from further embarrassment when Coach thanked the girls for coming, and approached Janet and me. We chatted while the girls packed up and said good night. Katie popped over, gave Coach and Principal Jones a big hug, and excused herself to duck down the hall to the facilities.

Upon her return we said our good nights and headed to the front door, my eyes flicking around to the remaining sweet young flesh. I hoped I wasn't being too obvious, but couldn't get their bodies out of my mind. I managed to be simultaneously troubled and struck by the irony: my incestuous affair with my daughter now seemed innocent – at least she was in the family — as opposed to my desire for her teammates.

When we got to the car there were two girls leaning against it, kissing passionately. I recognized one instantly. Cheyenne was the school's best athlete. She played first base on the softball team, forward on the basketball team, and had accepted a scholarship to the University of North Carolina for the following year. She was a few inches taller than six feet, dark brown in color, and she kept her hair short. She was small busted and her body was made-up of long lean sleek muscles. She was strength and grace personified; even the way she walked was striking. She was, in short, magnificent.

It took me longer to focus on the other girl. She was pale, at least eight half a foot shorter than Cheyenne, and had cropped red hair. She looked familiar.

"C'mon you two, break it up. Mom's here."

The girls unlocked lips and turned to me. "Hey Mrs. Stepton," the red-head said.

Now I recognized her. Andrea Wayman was a life-long friend of Katie's. The last time she came to the house her red hair came half-way down her back.

Trying to play it cool, I said, "I'm sorry Andrea, I didn't recognize you. When did you cut your hair?"

"About a month ago. This is my friend Cheyenne."

Cheyenne, with palpable self-assurance, stepped forward to shake my hand. Her grip was firm and she gave me a slow deliberate up and down look. She was used to being in control. "It's good to meet you Mrs. Stepton. Katie's always talking about you, all good."

"Glad to meet you too. Good luck tomorrow."


The girls wandered off, holding hands, looking for a private spot. I stared at them until Katie interrupted, "Hey Mom."

"Sorry dear, I was just...."

I halted, unwilling to articulate the thought. Katie did so for me. "Checking out the chicks? Don't let it bother you. Everyone does; most of the school's straight chicks would switch teams for a shot at Cheyenne."

We got in the car. Katie looked around, saw no one, and gave me a big kiss, her tongue spearing into my mouth.

I pulled away. "Katie not here, somebody might see." And then, changing the subject, "What happened with Andrea?"

"She came out of the closet about a month ago. I think she was the only kid at school who didn't know she'd been in love with Cheyenne, like, for years. Then one night at a party she had too much to drink. Cheyenne walked her out back. After a few minutes neither returned and I got worried, so I went to check on them. I go outside and I find the two of them tearing each other clothes off. They haven't been able to keep their hands off each other since."

I thought of Andrea's mother, Jill, an attractive divorcee. "Does Andrea's mother know?"

"Yeah, she's having trouble with it."

Then Katie, her hand running up my leg, changed the subject. "What'd you think of the show Trevor and I put on. How did Dad react?"

"As good as we could have hoped." Her hand was working its way under my skirt. I tried to ignore her. "We'll need to come up with a scenario for you to seduce him."

I had wanted to discuss various gambits we could engineer to create the right atmosphere for Katie to do so, but she was not paying attention. Instead, she was focused on me. Was it obvious how much my short visit with her teammates had turned me on? I tried protesting, but the weakness and lust in my voice only egged her on. As we drove the darkened streets her hands roved over my body. She undid the top two buttons of my shirt and pushed her hand inside, pulling my breasts from my bra and playing with my nipples. At the first stop light she leaned me forward and undid my bra; it was only after we were done that I noticed two men, who were in the car stopped next to us, staring. At every stop thereafter she sunk her tongue into my hungry mouth; it titillated me even more when we had an audience in a near-by car. By time we got to our neighborhood she had gotten her hand in my panties; by the time we hit the driveway her fingers were deep in my pussy.

By this point I was desperate for her. In one motion I hit the button to close the garage door, turned off the ignition, and leaned to my right searching for her lips. Katie, however, was getting out her door. She tossed her shirt and bra at me and, enjoying the look of crazed- lust on my face, said, "Come with me, my little slut."

She scooted around the front of the car and into the basement. I was a couple of steps behind her. Once inside she turned to face me. She undid the belt of her long skirt, letting it slide down her legs. There, hanging between her legs, was a dildo. Not one of the ones we bought in Athens; it was much thicker and much longer. It was enormous.

Katie grinned like the Cheshire Cat. "Whatta think?"

Staring at it, I blurted out, "Holy fuck! Where did you get it?"

"Becky came up a few days ago to visit with me and some of the girls. She brought it."

I studied it, staring at my well-built daughter with a massive cock dangling between her thighs. It was black, long and thick, realistically shaped except for a series of ridges, and hung heavily from Katie's body. It even had balls.

"It's got a small leather nub on it's base that presses against my clit. Becky said it's time we threw away the training wheels and rode a real bicycle."

I just stood there, not sure what to do. Katie took the initiative. She walked towards me while I kept my head down, my eyes locked on her equipment. When she reached me she kissed me gently on the cheek. It was, I realized, a child's kiss, not a lover's kiss, and she said in a child's voice, "I love you Mama." I looked in her eyes. "I love you too baby." Her hand cupped the side of my face and she kissed my lips, again with the tentative affection of a child. Despite her bravado and blossoming sexuality she was, I thought, still a girl, my girl, and required my reassurance before we took the next step.

I tried my best to provide it. When I did I was surprised by the sincerity of my own voice. It had started out as something said to reassure her, but when I was finished neither she nor I could doubt its truth. "What's happened between us, I mean you being my daughter and my lover, it's been wonderful."

When her lips returned to mine she slipped her tongue inside my mouth. Our tongues dueled together, caressing and attacking each other. Katie pulled off my shirt and cupped and caressed my breasts. I reached down to grasp the thick cock between her legs. It was made of leather. It felt real, with the same sort of heavy spongy hardness as a man's cock. I began stroking it.

Katie kissed my ear and, emulating a haughty arrogant man confident that every women would want a spin on his enormous dick, said, "Are you the kind of slut who needs a really big cock to satisfy her?" I was not that kind of girl. Ryan's equipment was substantially bigger than average and big enough for me, but as I ran my hand along the dildo's enormous girth I felt a strange tingling between my thighs. Maybe for one night, maybe tonight, I was that kind of slut.

Katie sensed my capitulation. Enjoying her power over me, she said firmly, "I have some lube in my purse, but why don't you suck it first."

Her hands went to my shoulders, pressing me down. I dropped to my knees.

Katie's words had acted instantly on my cunt: intense heat turned to a quick boil, waves of pleasure coursed through my body. And while my pussy lips swelled and I juiced up, still I thought what difference would it make to Katie. "But you won't feel it," I said softly.

"Don't be so sure, I have a very sensitive cunt. Plus, what could be a bigger turn-on then watching my Mom on her knees sucking my oversized dick. Think how hot I'll be when your done. Think how hard I'll be when I fuck my Mom's sweet cunt."

My concern retreated in the face of this sexy promise. I held it in my hands. How exactly was I going to do this? It was big, bigger than any cock I'd ever known. I stretched my jaw several times and tried, without success, to take the head in my mouth. Katie was determined, however, and pushed it into my face. As it bulldozed its way past my teeth – thank god it didn't complain when I nicked it – my lips, jaws, and cheeks grudgingly gave way under the pressure. I relaxed and focused on the sensation. While it looked real and felt real, it didn't pulsate like my husband's dick. I gave it several short licks and noted it didn't taste real; it tasted like a dildo.

But none of this really mattered. I wanted to suck my daughter's cock; I wanted to give her a first class blow-job. With just the head in my mouth I built up my spit and found, with determination, that my face could absorb more and more of its impressive length. Katie, in turn, moaned as the base of the dildo ground against her cunt and clit. Her hands drifted down to caress the side of my face and I focused on rubbing the base of the cock against her sex. I realized that, unlike a real cock, I could hold it firmly in my mouth and started to bob my head up and down and twist it into my daughter's groin. Katie moaned, louder and longer this time. A few momentary urges to gag were forgotten. I began to revel in my daughter's delighted coos and the massive cock forced into my face.

Katie's grip on my head tightened. She started to shake and her legs wobble. "Oh Mama, that's so good, I need to sit down." She lowered herself onto the couch while the dildo remained buried in my mouth. When she was done I went back to working on the fake cock, stuffing my face with it and pushing it against Katie's clit. Katie was content to lean back and enjoy. I looked up and watched her breasts bounce in time with my movements, her bright blue eyes dance in delight, her full lips quiver. My hand dropped to my sex, frantically fingering my clit. I was ready to be stuffed like I'd never been stuffed before.

I pulled my face off the giant toy. A long string of saliva stretched from it to my lower lip until it snapped and swung onto my breast. My mouth and tongue were numb and battered. "Fuh-fuck," I said, my hand rubbing the dildo from top to bottom, working my spit into it. "Please fuck me, please."

Katie smiled, triumphant. "That's the best blow job I've ever had. Daddy is very lucky. Now, give me your hand"

She accepted my proffered hand and guided me onto the couch. I wanted to get on top so I could control the movements when I took that monster in my cunt. But Katie would have none of it. She placed a hand on my chest, pushing me on my back. I spread my legs. Katie moved between them, leaned forward, and positioned the cockhead in line with my cunt. Her large lovely breasts dangled above my face and I caught one of her perfect tits in my mouth and sucked, ravenous for its taste and firmness.

When the cockhead pressed on my pussy lips I felt a stab of apprehension. Had I lubed it enough? Would my pussy be wet enough? Would I spilt wide open?

I got my answer. Katie pushed the head of the cock inside me. I grunted in pleasure-pain and she moved in another inch. I moaned into the breast stuffing my mouth. The dildo was spreading the walls of my cunt, stretching me. I let Katie's breast slip from my mouth and said only, "Holy fuck," as Katie sank deeper inside. She was holding her body above mine. I looked between us. I couldn't believe the sight of that giant thing disappearing inside me or assimilate the feeling of spreading wide as she continued to push into me. Happily, I had been so focused on giving Katie the perfect blow job that I was not fully cognizant on how turned on I was; my cunt was a swamp of fuck juice.

I rolled my hips, fucking myself on what was already inside me. The pleasure was intense. I wanted her deeper, but she remained cautious as she carefully sank the immense tool into me. I relaxed, signaling that I was ready, and Katie let another inch slide into me. I again rolled my hips and bounced a little, getting used to the deeper penetration. She was deeper inside me than anyone had ever been before. It was the biggest cock I'd ever known and it felt so fucking good.

I looked back to Katie. She was studying my face, gauging my reactions. Joy, I was sure, rippled across my countenance; nothing now mattered but getting my rocks off. Katie rolled her hips slightly and I matched her movements. And then the insuperable happened; our groins joined; I felt the leather of the harness press against me; the entire dildo was inside. "Oh fuck, fuck," I moaned, feeling the walls of my cunt stretch around the impossibly thick cock. Katie spread her arms and lowered herself to me. Her tits pressed flat against mine. I felt the muscles of her legs and arms move against me and, as I ran my hands down her back, her lean powerful torso. I was about to get the fucking of my life.

Her voice was quiet, but confident. "Mommy dear, I'm gonna fuck the shit out of you." When Katie began moving her hips, penetrating me with her tool. The fire inside me intensified, approaching unbearable levels. At first I was completely at her mercy, grunting only, "Uh, uh, uh," as her silky, powerful hips rolled against me, pushing the giant dildo around inside. I grabbed her butt for leverage and found the strength to move with her. Katie, however, wanted control, she wanted to dictate the action and pace, and when she used her powerful legs to ram the cock deeper. I offered no resistance, letting my daughter and her oversized cock dictate my movements.

Pain and pleasure filled my cunt hole. I was being invaded by the biggest cock I'd ever known, but my daughter knew what she was doing. As she continued to fuck me the pleasure grew and the pain receded. She also expertly ground her clit against the harness. We had been lovers long enough; I recognized what her low murmurings and the way her body moved against mine meant; Katie was loving it. I took her head in my hands, angling her mouth to mine, my lips caressing hers before my tongue pushed inside.

Katie returned my kiss, spearing her tongue into my mouth, before pulling away to bury her head in the nape of my neck. She picked up speed, hammering her clit into the harness' hard nub while fucking the shit out of her mother.

I put my hands on the small of her back, pulling her crotch tight against mine. "You like that baby?"

"Oh god, yes Mommy."

We kept at it. The pain was gone. All I felt was pleasure, excruciating pleasure, as my daughter pillaged by snatch with her massive cock. With each pistoning motion it dragged across my g-spot. I dug my fingernails into her back. Katie, realizing I had completely surrendered to her and her fat dick, seemed to fuck me twice as hard, going like gangbusters in my tight cunt.

I imagined my pussy walls spreading like the Red Sea before the onslaught of Katie's giant leather cock. I was pinned to the sofa by the energy of my child's dynamic body and her monstrous dick. I felt an orgasm building within me. While I had done my best to move the dick so it rubbed against her clit, I was nearing exhaustion, overwhelmed by my daughter's strength and the bliss radiating from my sex. I gave way, letting my daughter take me. I wrapped my legs around her waist, curling my feet around her ankles.

"Fuck me, fuck me with your giant dick, fuck me silly, fuck me you big dicked bastard, Katie I love your dick, split your Mama wide open. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck."

I was wonderfully full. Her cock found every nerve ending in my cunt. Katie fucked me like a wild bull. I squeezed her tight, pressing her huge breasts against my chest. I had descended into depraved sexual bliss, moaning, "Fuck, fuck, fuck."

"You like big dicks Mommy-slut, you like being reamed by my donkey-dong."

I felt her words in my pussy.

"I saw you staring at my teammates. You're becoming such a slut. Did you think about eating their pussies, then letting them lick your fat clittie, then being passed around like a horny bitch-dog."

A small part of me couldn't believe my daughter was talking to me like this, the rest of me loved every word. "Oh god yes, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me."

"And Cheyenne, you were practically drooling when you saw her. Imagine Cheyenne on her back while Andrea munches on her snatch. Imagine burying your face between those ebony thighs."

The images filled my mind. "OH GOD, YES, FUCK ME," I shouted. Her wonderful cock plunged in and out of my cunt. I was a plaything in my child's hands. Her strong rangy body pinned me to the couch, her large breasts swallowed mine. She was slamming into me with the biggest dick I'd ever known, stretching my cunt as it had never been stretched before. She stank of perspiration and the musky odor of her wet hot pussy. Shivers of pleasure radiated through my body, pure blasts of bliss. I locked my ankles behind her back and groaned like a bitch-dog in heat.

"You're my little fuck-toy Mommy."

"Fuck yes, fuck, fuck, OH GOD, FUCK YES, Cu-cu-CUMMMINGG." An orgasm ripped through me, coursing through every part of me, starting in my clit and cunt, reaching my fingertips and toes, and then echoing back and doing it again.

Katie, who had been holding her own orgasm back, let go, moaning in joy into my neck as she pushed the artificial dick deep into me, driving my hips into the couch. She shook with pleasure and kissed me passionately, frantically, her tongue knocking mine around my mouth. Finally, she slumped into me. Our mutual orgasm had reduced us to quivering quaking messes.

We lay there awhile, exchanging sweet kisses, words of love and affection, and sharing snickering giggles. I loved my daughter.

Katie was the first to recover. She was soon ready for more. She got to her feet and placed my ankles on her shoulders. I offered no resistance. She positioned the head of her cock at the opening of my pussy and pushed inside. My already stretched pussy welcomed the intrusion. It was late, fatigue was nipping at the corners of my consciousness, but I wanted to go on. Katie sensed my exhaustion and assumed complete control, thrusting into me powerfully and forcefully. At her mercy I lay back, watching her well-defined abs and strong arms as she delivered the mind-blowing fuck I craved. Her massive breasts bounced, shook, and slapped together with every thrust. Katie was an Amazonian warrior and I her willing and receptive prize. With my body at her mercy she fucked me with unrestrained power and force, driving deep into me. I thought I 'd gotten accustomed to the size of her cock, but there returned an unworldly mixture of pleasure and pain, but pain unlike any I'd known before, pain I welcomed. I wanted to both ask for mercy and beg for more; I wanted more although I feared if Katie fucked me any harder I'd come apart at the seams.

"Oh baby, it's so good, so fucking good. Fuck me, baby," I pleaded.

Katie, seeing that I was subsumed by my need for her, took advantage. To my whimpering protest she withdrew the strap-on, leaving me empty inside, gave my butt a hard slap and, her voice brooking no dissent, said, "Hands and knees, face down, ass up. That's how we're gonna fuck, Mommy-bitch." Although I never thought to say no, I was so disconcerted by the vacant feeling inside me that it took a second for me to roll over, cradle my head on my arms, and stick my ass in the air. When I did I eagerly looked behind me. Katie knelt between my splayed legs, spread my ass cheeks with her hands, and entered me.

She fucked me savagely. I don't think even she realized the force and passion she was pouring into it until the sofa started shaking and moving across the room. I sobbed my joy, begging for the assault. When Katie slowed a little, I shouted in a voice a mix of frantic plea and desperate command, "Don't you fucking dare slow down, fuck me!"

Katie took me at my word, plundering my cunt. After that I was inacapable of words, I just howled and howled. Nothing had ever compared to these feelings. I came, and as Katie continued fucking me, picking up speed with every thrust, making my body bounce and twist on her dildo, I kept coming. I didn't know where one started or ended anymore; it was one long, continuous earth-shattering orgasm; ragged sparks of pleasure erupting in my brain and dancing through my body. The harder Katie fucked me, the more rapid and intense my orgasms. I was a cock-crazy bitch; I craved more. As flashes of light danced behind my eyes I croaked, "Harder, oh dear god, fuck, fuck me harder."

Katie continued pile driving the cock into my willing happy body. I was shaking and screaming, begging for more. Then I felt it, a massive orgasm building inside, big, real big, big enough to dwarf the rest. In a saner more rational world it would have scared me, but Katie and her giant dick had shattered my world; I was a lust-crazed monster with no interest in a saner more rational world. I wanted that orgasm; I needed it; I would have done anything for it. That's when an image pounded into my lust-soaked brain: Katie fulfilling her dream, surrendering her virginity to her father. And then another thought, me, sharing my husband with my daughter, the three of us together. I saw it in my mind, Ryan taking Katie from behind while she ate my hot pussy. I wanted to fuck Ryan and watch him fuck Katie.

"Fu-fuck me, Daddy," I said softly. When Katie moaned in response I repeated myself, louder this time, "Fuck me, Daddy." Katie's hands tightened on my waist and, her voice guttural and hard, she said, "You like Daddy's cock baby."

"Oh yes Daddy, fuck me, fuck my tight cunt!!"

Katie growled her arousal and drawing from a last reservoir of strength, thrust even harder. It was all I needed; I went hurtling over the edge. My scream devolved into a shriek and my body shook and pulsed. The orgasm slammed into me like a brick wall, leaving me a mess of nerve endings and jelly. I saw stars and planets, nebula and galaxies, and a pleasure unlike any I'd known engulfed and drained me completely. I collapsed on the sofa as the orgasm rippled through my core. My spent cunt gushed and spasmed around the huge cock. I felt as heavy as lead and lighter than air.

Katie came when I did. When I collapsed she fell onto my back, the giant dildo still lodged in my tight pussy. Our sweat intermingled and our bodies, sucking in air, rose and fell against each other. After awhile Katie pulled her cock from me and rolled over, landing on the sofa beside me. Slowly, even as I felt a few last pulses of my orgasm slip through me, I rolled on my side to face my daughter. Our breasts touched. We looked at each other, smiling, and I kissed her gently on the lips.

"I love you Katie."

"I love you too Mom," and then, in a more mischievous tone, "Whatta ya think Mom. I'm pretty good with this thing."

She knew the answer. "Yeah." I paused, "We definitely need to find a way to get you in bed with your Dad, and me. I don't think I can handle you by myself."

I looked at a clock on the basement wall. We had been fucking for two hours. When I looked back at Katie she was falling asleep. Fuck, both of us had to wake up in a few hours. I and gave Katie a kiss on the forehead, startling her back into reality. "We better get upstairs and to bed."

I stood first, offering my hand to Katie to help her up. We held hands and headed upstairs.

"Did you mean what you said about my teammates?" she asked.

My mind was still hazy. "What did I say?"

"About being passed around like a sex toy."

"Honey, I'm not sure about that."

"Okay, but I suspect it can be arranged."

We walked up the two flights of stairs. Katie, the dildo still dangling from her sex, headed for her room. I was so tired my legs were shaking, but I stank of sex, something I'd have trouble explaining to my husband in the morning. I forced myself into the shower, carefully cleaning my sore inflamed pussy lips. When I got out to brush my teeth I found my mouth equally battered. I settled for mouthwash. I got into bed and pulled myself close to the warmth of my husband's body.

He woke and looked at the clock. "Hey babe, its late," he said, his voice slurred with sleep.

"Yeah honey, Katie and I ended up sitting downstairs talking."

"All good?" he asked.

"All good." I replied.

I turned my back to him and he pulled himself close, draping on arm across my body. He said, "I have the best wife in the world," and went back to sleep.

I was not used to deceiving my husband and I hated it. I had to find a way to get him and Katie together, and soon. If I didn't, I thought, it might not only wreck my marriage, but trying to satisfy her sex drive by myself just might kill me.
Next page: Chapter 05
Previous page: Chapter 04.1