Chapter 06
When Mom told me she was going to write this little family history she said there was a chapter she thought I should be the one to dictate. I guess the reason's gonna be obvious. Here goes.
- Katie -
* * * *
Mom put down the phone and leaned back. "He's on board."
"How can you be sure? He sounded like he was still thinking about it?"
"Let me see. First, he wants you and despite that massive intellect, he's as beholden to his sex drive as any man and, Katie, it is a very healthy sex drive. I also told him I wanted to go ahead and in nineteen years of marriage he's always made sure I got everything I wanted. I told him you wanted it, and he's never denied you anything you really wanted. I told him it's for the best, and he trusts me. And, this may not be all that romantic, he's the most intensely curious man I've ever known. You know him, if a restaurant has a dish he's never heard of, that's what he orders. He's being offered the chance to try something new. He's always interested in things he's never done before, including making love to his daughter."
I did so want to believe her, but I had my doubts. Mom must have seen the concern on my face.
"I have a few ideas in mind as insurance. I haven't checked your grades in about a week. Still straight A's?"
"Any tests tomorrow?"
"Good, you and I are playing hooky."
* * * *
We were busy the following day.
We were able to see our gynecologist, luckily a family friend, first thing in the morning. I got a depo-provera shot.
We then headed for the shops.
"When you meet him at the airport I want you looking like a sophisticated young woman, not a tomboy teen. I've got some idea for clothes and I made an appointment for us at the salon this afternoon. We'll also pick up some lingerie."
Mom's tone turned wistful.
"When your Dad and I got together he'd buy me sexy lingerie. I'd wear it once and it would disappear into a drawer. He would ask me if I liked it, I'd say yes, but he got the message and stopped buying it.
"The truth is he'd picked out the lingerie by looking at those models in the catalogs. I got jealous, I was never sure when he dressed me up like them whether he was thinking about them or me."
Her tone brightened. "Well, maybe I can make amends. If he likes you in the stuff and I can't imagine he won't, I'll get some too."
Our first stop was Bloomingdale's, where we picked out a Max Mara tricolor blouse, Jason Wu black shorts, and shoes. Mom thought eye glasses would give me a more sophisticated look and after we selected some Tom Ford frames, I had to agree. We went similarly top-of-the-line with the lingerie, choosing a white Oysho bra, stockings, panties, and an around the waist garter belt. Alluring, but classy. Five inch white heels finished the ensemble.
As we were leaving, thinking of the lingerie, I asked Mom, "Is there anything else he likes that you don't do?"
"You thinking of stealing him from me?'
I gave her hand a squeeze. "No, but I do want him coming back for more."
"I doubt that will be an issue. But to answer your question, yes, anal sex. He always wanted to try it, but I wasn't sure. One night when we were dating I had a few glasses of wine and figured it was time. I guess I didn't have enough. We got naked, but my apprehension was soaring and as soon as his penis touched my ass I yelped. He hadn't even begin to penetrate. Well, that killed the mood. He's never asked me again, but I know he'd like to."
"I'd like to try it with him."
"Are you serious?"
"Okay, on the way to the salon there's a sex store. We'll drop by and pick out a butt plug."
"No longer afraid will be seen?"
"Put on your sunglasses. We'll be careful."
I called Becky for her recommendation and once at the store Mom and I quickly found the preferred product. I'm sure our amateurish efforts to be inconspicuous drew everyone's attention. Stealth mode probably wasn't helped by the fact that we were the foxiest women in the place.
Mom then brought me to the Neil George Salon, one of those places I thought people talked about but no one actually went to. They curled my hair so it sat atop my head, barely touching my shoulders. I checked the mirror; Mom was right, I looked the stylish young woman. When we returned home Mom helped me dress, including lubricating and inserting the butt plug. I was so turned-on it was a struggle to keep from attacking her.
When we were done Mom handed me the car keys, told me that I had reservations at La Mela Ristorante, Dad's favorite Italian restaurant, and let me know the house was mine.
"I'm having dinner with Coach and Principal Jones."
* * * *
I was as nervous as I could be waiting for Daddy at the end of the concourse. He saw me first and waved. When I spotted him his happy grin relieved some of my jitters.
"Pumpkin, you look amazing."
"You like it Daddy, it's kind of a new look for me."
"Well, I've never seen you look bad, but this is extra-nice."
At the restaurant the maitre de did a double-take.
"Mr. Stepton, your daughter, she is all grown up. I will have to introduce her to my son."
I giggled, not sure what to say. Daddy rescued me.
"Nothing against him, you understand, but I suspect he'll need to take a number."
During dinner we talked about everything -- school, his job, the trial, my friends -- except sex, which is what I thought we were there to talk about. Then, when dessert was brought -- we were splitting a panna cotta - he finally asked, "Pumpkin, are you sure about tonight?"
I should have been prepared for this question. It was after all, the obvious one. But I wasn't. I took a moment to consider. Was I sure? And then, I knew, I was.
I responded in a voice Daddy later told me contained no uncertainty. "Yes Daddy, I've dreamed about it for years. I love you. You're sexier than any man I know. I'm not sure what will happen, but I know I need to find out. I'll never be satisfied with any man until I have you. If not, I'll always wonder what it would have been like with you. Every man will be judged against a-whatta-mighta-been."
* * * *
When we got home I poured Daddy some cognac and asked him to wait downstairs. I lit the candles Mom had spread around the bedroom and fighting the urge to rush, undressed slowly, neatly hanging up my clothes. I removed the butt plug and put on the lingerie, finishing with the five inch heels. Finally, I put on a cross necklace. It was my favorite piece of jewelry. Mom had given it to me for my sixteenth birthday; her Mom had given it to her. I'm not sure if it matched my lingerie, but I wanted it with me. I texted Daddy: "I'm ready."
When he entered the bedroom he inhaled sharply, surveying the room and me. His face shone with love. I walked to him, turned my head to the side -- finding I was now a wee bit taller than he -- and kissed him. At first it was just our lips, tentatively feeling and caressing each other. Then the perfection of the moment overwhelmed me; I started shaking with need. He continued kissing me, but rested a hand on my chest just above my breasts, steadying me. I felt my heart beating against the warmth of his hand. It was better than I'd dreamed.
After several minutes of increasingly passionate kissing he pulled away, his arousal evident in his ragged deep breathing. He, usually so articulate, was having trouble putting together a sentence. I leaned my head against his chest and he wrapped his arms around my shoulders. "Pumpkin, I thought this would be harder. God, I'm turned on."
"Daddy, I've wanted this for so long."
His covered my right breast with his hand. It swelled as blood poured into it. I thought about reaching for his penis, wanting it in my hand, but decided, for the moment, to let him determine the pace.
His took my chin in his hand and turned my head, bringing his lips to mine, his tongue plunging inside my mouth. My Daddy is a wonderful kisser and our future would include many long make-out sessions, but now his kisses were rough and uneven, the kisses of a man consumed by desire. I leaned forward and whispered in his ear, "Let me undress you."
He nodded.
I wasn't lackadaisical, but I didn't hurry. I took off his shoes and socks, unbuttoned his shirt, running my hand through his graying chest hair, and removed his belt and pants, laying them neatly aside. I rubbed his erection through his boxers. It was big, bigger than Trevor's. It would fill a girl up. Soon it would fill me.
I started to take off his boxers but he said, "No pumpkin, I want to do you now."
He had me sit on a chest at the foot of the bed and removed my shoes. He easily undid the clasps of my stockings and slid them down my legs, his gentle touch raising goose bumps over my body. My pussy was convulsing. He brought my feet to his mouth, sucking each manicured toe and paying special attention to the big toes, running his teeth along their bottoms. I squealed -- not a particularly ladylike moment -- in delight.
When he was done the room was quiet; only the sound of our heavy breathing could be heard.
I stood and turned my back to him. He undid my bra. He pushed the garter belt past my hips and let it slip to the floor. I turned towards him to step out of it. He backed up, taking the opportunity to cast a long admiring covetous look at his daughter. His eyes glowed as he drank in my form. His breathing was long and shallow. No girl, I thought, could ask for a better reception.
I put my hands on his shoulders and we stepped towards each other. This time I slipped my tongue into his mouth. Although I desperately wanted to be fucked I also, desperately, wanted this moment to last forever. I kissed him a long time, fully exploring his mouth, his lips, his teeth, his tongue, his cheeks, before our two tongues teased each other. I pressed my breasts, hot with need, against his chest. I felt the heat of his erection through my panties. Finally I broke the kiss.
"Daddy, it's time. I need you inside me."
I shed my panties and then shed his. I turned my back to him, skipped to the bed, and lay down, rolling over to gaze at him with my best come hither look.
Daddy approached the bed. I watched his erection bounce up and down and then looked at his eyes, which were scanning my body. He got on his hands and knees and leaned over me, kissing my lips once before he nuzzled by neck, kissing and nipping it. He ran his hands up my body; his touch was gentle; I quivered in response.
He nibbled on my ear lobe and then straddled met, moving backwards until his head hovered above my breasts. My small red nipples and areolas flushed with blood, my breasts glowed a rosy color. He kissed the nipples and then licked them, bottom to top, hard.
"Unnnhhhh. Oh, daddy, that feels so good. Do it again."
He did, several times, getting low slow moans from me each time. I imagined the future, when he would make love to my breasts for hours, but tonight my need for him was too strong. He understood; his mouth continued downward, kissing and nipping at my stomach, exploring my belly button, and then arriving at my sex. He sank a finger in me and licked my clit.
I jerked, jabbering in delight, "Oh, wow, that's incredible."
"You're plenty wet pumpkin." And then, his voice genuine. "Are you ready?"
Mom told me this moment would come. Daddy would need to be reassured. "I am ready Daddy. No man has ever been up there before. You'll be the first, just like I've dreamed. And, with all that horseback riding I've done, don't worry, there's no hymen."
He moved forward on his hands until the head of his dick rested on my cunt. I reached between us and took his cock in my hand, fitting it to my vagina. Then he entered me, my daddy finally entered me, after all my years of dreaming for it, longing for it, my daddy's cock was sliding into my vagina. I looked between us, watching his beautiful dick merge with my vagina. When our bodies were locked together I threw my arms around him, holding him, savoring the joining together of our bodies.
I had had my share of dildos up there, and, in the years to come, I'd have several other people's shares, but this was different. Daddy's penis was warm and alive. It found spots inside me I didn't know existed. When I clenched the muscles of my cunt, it responded, moving and jumping within me. At first Daddy pressing his groin against mine, varying the pressure as he moved his hips left to right, up and down, and in lazy circles. My clit, trapped between our bodies, throbbed. I moved against him, exploring how the sensations waxed and waned, how I could control and vary the intensity of the electricity flowing from my cunt. Daddy moved with me; he knew instinctively how to stoke my furnace. I was being taught how to fuck by a master.
We kissed. He captured my lower lip with his own, massaging it and then stretching it. His tongue ran upwards, across my lip and into my mouth. I ran my hands along the small of his back. When he pulled away he smiled, a big radiant smile. "Well pumpkin, is my dick what you imagined it would be? Do you like the way Daddy fucks you?"
"Of god, Daddy yes, it's wonderful."
"Your pussy is so tight and hot baby girl, it makes Daddy's cock feel so good. So tight and warm, soft and perfect."
"Daddy, your cock is so good."
"I'm glad you like it pumpkin, because Daddy is going to spend a lot of time fucking his sweet little girl."
"Oh Daddy, I want you to fuck me all the time."
This talk was getting us more and more aroused. Daddy started incorporating thrusting into his movements. He dropped his body, squashing my fat breasts between us. I wrapped my arms around him, holding him tight and pulling his head to mine. We exchanged kisses of deep arousal, our tongues and mouths frantically playing against each other. I started to push myself against him as the pace of our fucking increased.
We kept going and going . I thought of my girlfriends, who complained about boyfriends who came in a couple of minutes. Daddy stayed hard and we fucked and fucked. I felt pleasure and pressure building deep inside my vagina. I loved the sweat on our bodies, the way his skin slid against mine; I loved the merged smell of our lust; I loved the way the bed bounced and moved in time with us.
Then Daddy slid forward. It wasn't much of a motion, an inch, maybe two, but the top of his cock started sliding along the roof of my vagina, stroking my g-spot. His pubic bone rolled across my clitoris. His thrusts were long and smooth; he would pull out of me until only the fat head of his cock remained inside before pushing back to the depths of my cunt-hole. How he kept from popping out I can't understand. The pressure of his body on mine was insanely pleasurable. I moved my hands to the small of his back and arched my hips to press him even deeper into me. I buried my face in his neck, loving his strong masculine smell.
We were a beautiful fucking machine, moving in perfect time and harmony. I was reduced to me carnal core, a vehicle for receiving and giving pleasure. From my hips to the top of my thighs it started getting real warm. My pelvis and vagina tightened and pressure built within me. I felt like I had to pee, but in a wonderful way. Inside me it got tighter and tighter and warmer and warmer and then it started. Giant contractions, beginning in my vagina, enveloping my pelvis and lower stomach, spread from there through my body. My uterus, pelvic muscles, and anus were contracting so hard I thought they'd push Daddy's cock out of me, but he stayed in. My toes clenched, my nipples got hard, the walls of my pussy throbbed and convulsed, my thighs shook. My body was soaked in perspiration. I dug my fingernails into his back and begged him not to stop, to fuck me harder. It seemed like I was screaming. Were the neighbors calling the cops? Daddy, despite my violent undulations, kept fucking me. My pussy spasmed over and over, I felt contractions deep within me, fifteen, then twenty, then I lost count. Then, finally, Daddy slowed down, proceeding a bit more gently, and all the tension stored in me burst through. I started shaking and cumming, I had one orgasm, and another, and another, and another. Daddy kepot fucking me, playing me beautifully, drawing out, lengthening, intensifying my climaxes. Tremors rolled through my body. I screamed my joy.
It was only when I'd started to come down that I felt Daddy's body stiffen. He let out a grunt from deep within his gut and his voice, tight and intense, said "Coming, pumpkin." He pushed hard into me and his body contorted as he drenched my womb with the gift of his cum. I know it's supposed to be impossible, but still I know I felt it pour into me and spread throughout my body.
Daddy's orgasm sent me into another one, not as powerful as the ones I had before, but somehow more intimate, more sweet. I held him tight as I came. "Daddy, Ohhhh, ohhhhh, ahhh, ohhhhhhh, ohhhhhh goddddd ohhhhhhh, Daddy."
He lay on me for a few minutes before rolling his sweat covered body on to the bed. The only sound in the room was our heavy breathing. He took my hand in his and draped a leg across me, resting the sole of his foot on the inside of my calf. My body felt swollen. It was throbbing. I felt exhausted; I felt energized; I felt fantastic.
What I had longed for years had finally happened and it was better than I had dreamed. Daddy and Mommy were going to be my lovers and they were wonderful sweet gentle talented wonderful lovers. It would be impossible to ask for more. My eyes teared up; I started crying.
"Daddy, I'm sorry, I'm just so happy."
He slipped a hand under my neck and pulled me to him. I cried into his shoulder. For those moments he was back to just being Daddy, stroking my back and comforting men, telling me it was going to be okay, that Daddy would take care of me, that I was, would always be, his sweet little girl.
When my crying jag ended I began to tell him it was okay, that I was happy, not upset, but the look on his face said he understood. So instead I said, "Hold me Daddy," and lay my head on his shoulder while he wrapped his arms around me. I nestled one of my hands in his. I thought I could lay with him like this forever. It was in this position that we went to sleep.
* * * *
When I woke the next morning the bed was empty. I heard noise downstairs. I removed the butt plug and lubricant from the drawer, applied lubricant to my anus, and pushed a finger inside. I moved the finger around, then in and out. That felt good. I put the plug in my anus and walked to the top of the stairs.
"Yes pumpkin, I'm making breakfast."
"I'll be right down."
"No pumpkin, breakfast in bed this morning."
I headed back to the bedroom. Ten minutes later Daddy appeared with a pot of coffee and kale and feta omelettes. We sat in bed together, ate and fooled around, his hands teasing my breasts, mine his penis. After we were done and laid aside the tray, Daddy kissed me. Unlike last night he was patient, taking his time. We let our lips play against each other. He nibbled on my neck and ears. I purred my satisfaction, running my hands on his chest and up his legs, stopping short of his dick. There'd be plenty of time for that.
He returned to my mouth. His tongue entered, finding mine waiting. He touched it with the tip of his, at first just tapping and teasing, but eventually coaxing it into his mouth, where I became the explorer, journeying around his mouth, running the tip of my tongue along and behind his lips, then to his cheeks, then playing with his teeth, but always returning to his tongue. It was an ongoing sensual gavotte.
Both our bodies were heating up. He took a breast in his hand, cupping it. At first he just held it, moving his hand slowly, more appreciating its heft and shape than stimulating it, but stimulating it nonetheless. There was a slow burn between my legs. I took him in my hand and felt the blood surging into his fully erect manhood. His hands roamed over my breasts, then returned to cradle it while his thumb played with my nipple, stroking it, pushing it back and forth. A finger joined his thumb and he took my nipple between them.
I ran a thumb along the underside of his cock towards its head, pushing out a drop of pre-cum. I caught it with the tip of my finger and brought it to my lips.
"You taste good Daddy. Let's see what you think of me."
I collected my juice on a finger and fed it to him.
"Well? Good enough for dessert?"
He did not answer, but rolled me on my back and licked my clitoris once, hard. I squealed, "Ohhhhhhhhhhh, it feels so good Daddy." I continued to yelp my joy as Daddy munched on my cunt.
He grazed awhile. He was in no hurry; he was just trying to figure out what made his little girl happy. His fingers were not idle. Using the liquid flowing from me as lubricant, he explored the lips of my pussy, my vagina and my labia, the inside of my thighs, my stomach and tits, and then along my perineum until he bumped into the butt plug.
That startled by usually unflappable father.
"Pumpkin, what's this."
I rolled over presenting my ass to my father. "It's a butt plug. I'm a virgin back there. Interested?"
Dad was startled; this had come from left field.
"Your Mom, she never...."
"That's what she told me. I've never done it either. So I thought, this is one place where I'm 100% virgin and I want you to be the one to take it. Can you take the plug out."
He was hesitant and careful, but removed it. It came out with a gentle pop, sending shivers down my spine.
I looked over my shoulder at him. He was still unsure. Maybe a little joke?
"Daddy, I've always wanted to say this to you. Kiss my ass"
He smiled and cupped my ass cheeks. He kissed and licked my buttocks, throwing in a small bite here and there, moved to my perineum, and then started licking down the crack of ass. Daddy had me exactly where he wanted; I was squirming, wanting the action to move forward. He concentrated on my asshole, starting slowly but soon attacking it with fervor. He had me whimpering like a dog in heat. He slid his wet tongue around and then inside my butt. My sphincter relaxed and yielded as he probed me with his tongue, testing my readiness and desire.
I found myself pushing my ass into his face. I tried to clench my ass cheeks around him, like I was massaging his face with my buns. I wasn't very good at it. I would some day, but this first time, not so good. I relaxed, deciding to be more passive, to simply enjoy his oral assault.
"Lick me, Daddy. It feels so good."
He pulled his tongue from inside my butt and lapped at my pulsating sphincter, enthralling it, twisting his tongue into it, digging at it; soon he had it winking open and shut at his command.
My pussy was in flames. I lifted my hips and reached under myself, took his hand, and drew it to my vagina. He ran his thumb along the entrance to my sex. I tugged again, dragging his wet thumb to my soaked labia, centering it on my blood engorged clit.
"Daddy, here, rub me here. Do it while you lick me. It feels so good." I tried to keep encouraging him, but my voice soon degenerated into simple bestial panting.
Daddy kept swirling tight circles around the opening to my rectum. I reached back and spread my asscheeks for him. Daddy pried his tongue into my asshole, driving it in and out of the twitching opening. He told me later it was snapping, biting and nipping at his tongue like a hungry animal.
An orgasm was galloping towards me. Juice was dripping from me and Daddy, sensing my need, caught my clit between his thumb and forefinger, rolling it back and forth.
"Keep licking... almost there...." I gasped.
He kept going, licking, sucking, lapping at my asshole. I pushed my hungry sex into his hand. I was buffeted by waves of pleasure from my cunt and asshole. I lost the ability to distinguish them, and it was a single tidal wave that consumed me.
"Oh Daddy, oh Daddy, oh Daddy, oh Daddy, oh Daddy, don't stop, don't...., OH, DaaddDDYYYY, YEAH, OH YEAH!!!!"
Daddy kept his face firmly planted in my ass cheeks as I twisted and shouted through my orgasm, pressing my face into the bed and wildly gyrating my backside. His tongue and thumb kept up the pressure until, finally, my erratic grinding and humping pushed his thumb off my clit. He immediately sank it into my tight hot wet pussy. My vagina heaved and squeezed down. I came again, not as hard, but hard enough. I blacked out.
The next thing I knew I was laying on the bed, breathing heavily. Mom was right, Dad knew how to use his mouth. I was ready for him to enter me.
"Daddy, there's some lube in the drawer, by the bed, please get it, please."
Daddy smeared lubricant on the opening of my anus. When it was throughly coated, he pushed the lube into my asshole with one finger, then, stretching me further, with two. I inhaled sharply, but found the pain more in the anticipation than in reality. Dad waited and let me relax. When I was ready for more I pushed back at his fingers. Daddy increased the pressure on my anus, stretching it further, and then a third finger eased about an inch into me. His fingers were warm and I felt stuffed, but in a good way, as if I had eaten a bit too much of a wonderful meal. I resolved to let myself experience what was about to happen, to be calm and unafraid, knowing I could trust my gentle experienced lover. After he throughly lubricated my asshole he spread the oil the length of his dick, placed his hands on my sides, and walked his body forward. I reached back and grabbed my ass cheeks, spreading them for him. My dark pink asshole was dilated and glistening.
He placed the head of his cock at the opening. He pushed, but tentatively. He was concerned about how much force to use.
He started to speak, "Pumpkin,,,,"
I recognized that tone of voice, the one that let me know he didn't want to hurt his baby. Before he could say anything more, I said, "Yes Daddy, 100% sure. Never so sure."
He increased the pressure. My sphincter pulsed and stretched. I forced herself to relax. The pressure was intense and I felt the ring open slightly. In a quiet, innocent, almost girl-like voice, I said, "Daddy, push again."
He did and the tip of his cock sank an inch into my ass. It hurt, but I didn't object. Daddy's sighs told me how much he enjoyed; he told me later it felt like easing into hot butter. The sound of his pleasure sent a shock wave through my pussy.
"Wait a sec," I said. I squeezed and relaxed my anal muscles a few times, acclimating myself to his pole. Dad's reactions to the squeezes, his low whimperings of pleasure, made my pussy heat up even more.
"Ooh, that's nice, Daddy. Okay, give me more more."
He pulled back a bit and then sank another couple of inches in my back door.
"How is it pumpkin?"
I looked back, ran my tongue over my lower lips, and with my eyes smoldering with smoky-sexy lust, purred, "It's nice, so nice, oh Daddy, I should have asked Mommy to share you with me years ago."
Daddy sank further into me. His eyes glazed over. He was getting lost in the sensations, his attention turning from me to what my asshole was doing to his cock.
"Fuck honey, the deeper I go, the hotter and tighter you get."
I was finding I liked it, and not just because it was pleasing my Daddy. There were, nerve endings in my butt I had never imagined.
"Daddy, it's starting to feel good, sooo gooood. Put it all the way in."
He ground himself the rest of the way into my ass. I shuddered and then squawked in delight, making the bed bounce beneath me. I felt his pubic hairs on my ass cheeks. He lowered his body to mine and for the moment we were both still.
"Oh Daddy, you're so big. Gimme a second, that's it, hold still, I need some time to adjust, to let my body get used to it, okay."
He kissed my ear, his way of saying he understood. I recalled my yoga classes, took deep breaths and let them out, slowly. Daddy's hands ran along my sides and then slipped underneath my body to my tits. Goose bumps erupted all over my body. My butt hole started tingling.
"Daddy, I'm ready, but go slow at first, let my asshole mold itself to your cock, your beautiful fat cock. On Daddy, I love fucking with you, this is my dream come true."
Daddy pulled back until he was almost all the way out. His intense breathing let me know how much he loved my hot tight young virginal ass. I moaned and my body shook, it was feeling so good; it was some bizarre combination of pain and pleasure I would have thought impossible.
He paused and then worked himself back into me. I arched my back and raised my ass to provide him a better angle. Inch by inch he slid back into me, my entire asshole, from the anal ring to its deepest depths yielding, welcoming, soon craving, this intrusion. He was all the way inside me; my Daddy's cock completely filled me.
"Uh uh, Daddy, this is awesome. I've never, never..., never felt anything like it before."
He reached the bottom and then pulled back again until only his cockhead was inside me. Then, as before, he sank back into me, slowly, carefully.
"Oh, Daddy, your cock is so fucking big."
"Pumpkin, your asshole, it's so tight. Am I hurting you?"
I tilted my head and shoulder so I could look back at my Daddy. He was such a beautiful handsome man and from now on he would be my beautiful handsome lover. I would share a bed with my parents.
"Oh no Daddy, it's wonderful, so wonderful. It's time Daddy, do it faster, do it harder."
Daddy hesitated. I circled the shaft of his cock with my fingers, squeezing it tightly.
"Please," I pleaded.
Daddy pushed into me, but only half way. My fingers had gotten in the way! I let go of his cock, "Oh Daddy, I want the whole thing." He obliged. Then, as my twisting body and primal moans made clear how much I wanted it, he started to ream me out, at first hesitatingly but soon faster and harder. Daddy's fat cock was fucking my asshole. I started to move with him, shoving my ass into his hips. I ran a hand underneath me, fingering my clit. My cunt tingled as Daddy moved his perfect fat hard dick in and out of my butt. Daddy's hand replaced mine, rotating in a circle just above my clitoris. The intense pleasure in the depths of my rectum merged with the electric shocks filling my cunt. I raised myself from the bed on my elbows to get more leverage and fucked back into my Daddy. My hair flew freely around my head and my tits swayed under my body in time with the impact of our bodies.
Daddy was no longer focused on his little girl, he was focused on his little girl's hot tight ass. He slapped one of my ass cheeks smartly. That sent a wave of pleasure through my body and another tide of juice into my already drenched pussy.
"Oh Daddy, do that again!!! Fuck her, fuck your little girl! "
He slapped the other cheek, eliciting low passionate growls, and grabbed my hips and pulled me hard back into him, ramming me harder, pushing himself even deeper into me then he had before.
I felt the pressure build within me. I watched Daddy's cock moving in and out of my rectum in a bedroom mirror. My Daddy, my beautiful sweet Daddy, was taking me like I had spent years hoping he would. The pressure kept building, seemingly without hope it would ever be released. I felt like I might explode. Then I felt it, a short soft burst of electricity. All the pent up energy flowed from my cunt and asshole and into my thighs and chest. My world shattered and this very excited teen-ager right rocketed over the edge.
"Aaah, aaah, AAAAHH," I whimpered as my orgasm crushed down on me; my cunt and asshole combined into the blazing center of my universe. My rectum fluttered and quivered and my asshole locked down like a vise. Daddy emitted a low guttural growl and shot his load inside me, flooding my asshole with his semen. That sent me off again and I jerked beneath him, sheets of colors bursting in my skull. I was immersed in another divine orgasm, my consciousness consumed by the fire ravaging my prone exhausted satiated happy body.
When I came back to the world I was lying on the bed, Daddy on top, his cock still in my asshole. He was pulling it out! I didn't want him to leave. I tried to tell him, but in the midst of my post-orgasmic haze I could not manufacture a sentence and even my perfect Daddy couldn't possibly decipher my small girlish happy chirps. I felt liquid pooling in the cleft of my butt; when Daddy pulled out of my ass he must have dragged some of his cum with him. He lay on his back next to met. That's when I heard a third voice.
"My god, that's the hottest thing I've ever seen. Honey, I'm lifting the no back door rule." I felt the bed move; someone else had gotten on. I turned my head to look to my left and pushed a few disorganized strands of hair out of my eyes. Still, it took me a second to figure out the obvious. "Mama?"