Part 02.1
My Younger Son
I woke up early, and was reviewing the way my life had changed, my son elder Michael asleep in bed next to me, taking the place of my absent husband. It could have been little more than three weeks since I caught my elder son masturbating to pictures of me, from cameras that he and my younger son had hidden in my bedroom and bathroom. I seemed to have no choice, so I gave in to his threat to post the pictures where they would be seen, when my reputation and role as an elder of my church would have been over, and I let him fuck me.
I'd let him think that I was his Mommy slave, but the truth was that having embarked on the adventure of incest, I was enjoying it so much, that he wasn't going to be the Master for long. I was going to be in control, and I was going to fuck my younger son, who had helped with setting the camera, and my twin daughters, who had seen the pictures, though I suspected they were innocent of putting them there. All of the other three were away at summer camps, while I was being screwed hard and often by my eldest son, but Tony, my youngest, was due back later, after a wildfire threatened their camp.
I was gently rubbing a finger along my slit as I pondered how to handle Tony when he came back. Not enough to get me to come, but just enough to give me enjoyment, and perhaps give me inspiration. I knew just what I wanted, which was Michael fucking my ass, while Tony pumped in and out of my cunt, and they both came inside me, hopefully fairly close to each other, and at the same time as me.
The problem was that although I knew Tony had helped set up the camera, I wasn't sure that going straight in to DP might not be too much for him. After all, he'd only had his eighteenth birthday a few weeks earlier, and unlike his three-year older brother who was a sportsman, and had always been involved with girls, Tony was more of an introvert. Well, most people would say a bit of a nerd, I guess.
I was also a bit worried about my elder son's reaction when he realised that he was no longer in control of me, and that this might be the last night he could sleep, of right, in my husband's place in my bed. Still, before we went out for our run, I had a special treat for him that I hoped would make up for it, but at the same time send him a gentle signal that I was the one in charge now, not him. I looked at the clock and decided it was about time to get going, if I was going to have time for everything before I had to help at the yard sale at the church.
I pulled the sheet back, and had to smile as I saw my son's limp cock as he remained asleep. It wasn't going to stay like that for long! I gently picked it up, and sucked it into my mouth, and as I did so, I straddled over his face. I pushed my cunt down on his softly snoring mouth, and sucked harder on his cock. The reaction was wonderful. His arms went out, and he initially tried to push my butt off of him, but he almost immediately recognised the taste and feel of me, and as his cock stiffened in my mouth, his tongue pushed my lips open, and started flicking over my clit.
I jammed my head down, forcing his cock way down my throat, then I pulled back and started moving my head up and down. If he was surprised, because normally I sucked him off only after our run, he didn't show it. His teeth were nibbling my ears, and then he'd lap along my slit, pushing his tongue as far into me as he could, before going back to tease my clit again. Neither of us could speak, but by now we knew each other's bodies well enough not to need to. I could feel him getting more and more aroused, and I rubbed my tits across his belly, and my hips over his face, making him work to keep my cunt in his mouth.
As always, the knowledge that it was my son fucking me added to the sensations his mouth was giving me, but today I had something extra to anticipate when I came, which made my cunt tingle even more. I felt my son's hips start to buck, his cock thrust deeper into my throat, and I knew that his spunk would soon be in my mouth.
I had a treat for his mouth as well, if he did but know it. I still had a full bladder from my night's sleep, and as I came, I squirted all its contents into his mouth and over his face. The movement under me showed that I'd surprised him, and I felt another stream of spunk shoot in to my mouth. What was even better was that I could feel him struggling to swallow all my pee as it overflowed his open mouth.
Eventually we both ran out of liquids, and I rolled off him. I turned to kiss him, smiling with delight as I saw that his face and hair were drenched with my pee. I broke the kiss and opened my mouth, letting my son's spunk fall back on to his face, then I licked the mixture of pee and spunk off of him, as least as much as I could.
"Mommy, you're such a dirty slut, but I love you. Open your legs, and let me fuck you before we go for our run."
"You'll have to wait till we get back, son. Mommy has to change the sheets, as she seems to have had a little accident. Lucky she put a plastic sheet over the mattress before we went to bed, wasn't it?"
I leapt off the bed, and started pulling the wet sheets out from under him, and he had no choice but to help me. I threw the sheets into the washer, and set the cycle going. I'd imagined he'd want a quick shower, but he said he wanted to leave my pee to mix with his sweat while we ran, which delighted me.
"You dirty boy, Mommy will have to wash you off when we get back," I said, putting on my running gear, and letting him chase me out of the door.
I beat him on the run, of course, only letting him catch me as we got back to the house.
"Just fuck my cunt before Elizabeth picks me up, son. Tony should be back by the time I get home, and you can get him ready for when I get back. I want you in my ass, and him in my cunt, and I want my two son's spunk in me before dinner."
I'd only just got out of the shower and dressed before Elizabeth called up the stairs, telling me we needed to get going. Oh, if only she knew what I'd just done, and even more, what I was planning when I got back.
It was another one of those days when I was totally distracted, my brain whirring, and my body tingling as I tried to imagine what it would be like to have a cock in each of my holes. I'd never done such a wicked thing before, and I'm sure the pastor could have found some verse to tell me it was always a mortal sin, let alone if the two cocks belonged to my two sons, but I didn't care. I just couldn't wait to lay back, look in the mirror, and watch their spunk oozing out of both of my holes.
The time seemed to pass so slowly, but eventually Elizabeth dropped me off at home, and once again I dashed in with barely a goodbye, so keen was I to see my younger son again, or more honestly to have him fuck me. He must have seen me coming, because he greeted me as soon as I came in the door, though his kiss was disappointingly lacking passion, and not at all like someone who is dying to get his cock in you.
"Michael has told me what he did. I never imagined things would get this far, Mom. Are you really sure you are alright with it?"
"Well, I was shocked at first, but I love you, Tony, you and Michael, and it really just seems natural that now you're grown, that love should include sex. Don't you love me? And wouldn't you like to fuck me?"
"Of course I would, Mom, especially after I saw the pictures of you. You go ahead with Michael, and I'll join you in a moment," he said, blushing,
That seemed slightly strange, and I couldn't see a bulge in his trousers, but he had said he wanted to fuck his Mommy, so I put any concerns out of my mind, and rushed up to the bedroom. Michael was there already, naked, his cock stiff from his imagination and his hand.
"Hi, Mommy, are you looking forward to having both your sons in you?"
Well, he knew the answer to that, so in reply I just ripped my clothes off, and pushed him back on the bed. I took his cock in my mouth, and made it wet with my saliva, before turning around and sitting on it, forcing it as far into my ass as it would go. I leaned back against him, and pulled my cunt wide open, ready for Tony's cock to enter me for the first time.
"Tony! We're ready!" I yelled.
I must say, I'd expected him to come rushing in, naked, cock stiff, and as soon as he saw the opening of his Mommy's vagina, to ram it up her immediately. However, he didn't. The door of the bedroom opened a bit more, and Tony sidled halfway into the room, fully dressed. He looked at my cunt, and what he could see of his brother's cock, and I could see from his face that it had had a powerful impact. Unfortunately, it wasn't the one I'd hoped for.
"I just can't do this, Mom," he yelled, and ran out of the room.
Shit, clearly I should have gone for the gentler introduction to becoming a motherfucker that I had considered first. I wanted to get up, and run after him, but I'd promised his brother that he could fuck my ass, and a good mother should always keep her promises, shouldn't she? Anyway, I knew from past experience that so obviously favouring one of the boys over the other would only cause trouble.
"Don't worry about Tony. I'll talk to him later. Mommy just wants you to fuck the hell out of her asshole now."
He did, and he was more than normally brutal about it, ramming his fingers into my cunt as his prick pumped viciously in and out of my ass, and I had to use my own hand on my clit, else he'd have come in me without me coming at all.
"At least one of your sons loves fucking their Mommy. I guess you'd better find out what was wrong with him, and I'll order us all a pizza," he said, as he pulled out of me.
I wiped myself off, though I left plenty of spunk in me, as I still hadn't completely given up on the idea of seeing spunk coming out of both my holes, even if it had gone in separately. I pulled on my dressing gown and went along to tap on Tony's bedroom door.
"Tony, it's Mommy. Let me in son, please, so I can find out what was wrong, and try to put things right."
Although the cause was different, it wasn't the first time I'd had to comfort Tony after a falling out with his brother. They say you should never have favourites among your kids, but the truth was Tony was mine. He was the youngest, and a mistake. He was born barely a year after the twins, and I suppose we must have got careless, half believing the old tale that you couldn't get pregnant when you were still breast feeding. It was a hell of a shock when I went to the doctor to get put back on the pill, only for him to tell me it was already too late.
After the ordeal of carrying twins, and the bigger one of getting them out of me, Tony gave me far less trouble, and the birth itself was easy. Trouble was, he was a bit early, and he was small and feeble. I always had plenty of milk, so I had no trouble feeding him as well as the girls, even after they had started to eat solids. Tony never seemed to want anything other than my milk, however, so I kept feeding him until he was over two, even though I'd persuaded him to start eating normal baby food.
Of course, the girls, and even Michael, let alone my husband were more than happy to keep sucking the milk out of my breasts, as Tony on his own never managed to empty them. Nursing him, as he suckled on my nipple remained one of the most enjoyable and memorable experiences of my life. I don't know if other women feel the same way, but the sensation of your children sucking the milk out of your breast was, to me, almost like having a prolonged orgasm.
He managed to survive, and even to thrive, but he never developed the athletic body Michael did, and most people would probably describe him as a weedy nerd. However, what he lost out to Michael on physical prowess, he more than made up for in brainpower. He raced through school, and was soon going early to the college in the city to study IT. As I said, though, this wasn't the first time I had had to give him a bit of Mommy love when something had gone wrong.
"Please, Tony, just open the door and let Mommy give you some of her old-fashioned love."
What Mommy meant by that wouldn't quite have been what he was expecting, but it did the trick, and he opened the door, let me in, then closed and locked it behind me. I could see that he was really upset, and was only just managing to hold back the tears he considered unacceptable for an eighteen year-old boy. I sat on the bed, and held out my arms to him.
"Come on, son, come and let Mommy give you a big hug."
Slowly he came over, and he lay across my legs, with his head in my arms, as he used to do. I started gently rocking him.
"Do you remember how you used to love laying like this, sucking on Mommy's breast? You'll never be too big for you to keep enjoying it, darling," I said, pulling my dressing gown aside to reveal a naked breast close to his face.
I squeezed my breast in my free hand, and pressed my nipple against his closed mouth. He looked up at me, and I saw some of the emotions in his eyes that I used to see, but to my delight a bit of something else, that I hoped was lust. He slowly opened his mouth, let me push my tit in, then he started sucking gently on my nipple, sending charges of sexual energy streaming back through me. My nipples were stiff and hard, and my only regret was that my tits were now as dry as the Sahara. On the other hand, my pussy was starting to feel warm, and I knew that I was leaking cum out of my vagina and along my cunt.
"Come on, Tony, tell me what's wrong. I know that it must have been you that set the cameras up, as you're so much cleverer than your brother, so you must have wanted to see me naked. Don't you want to fuck your Mommy after all?"
I kept gently rocking him, and gradually I noticed that the way he was sucking my breast was changing.
"I wanted to see your body, Mom. All the kids at school keep saying how hot you are, and trying to get me to show them pictures of you naked."
"I don't think I'd want pictures of me passed around, but didn't you like me when you saw me?"
"Of course I did, Mom, I mast ... oh."
"You masturbated looking at my body, just the way Michael did? But wouldn't you rather have my body in the flesh? There must be something more, Tony. Please tell Mommy. I don't mind whatever you tell me, as long as it's the truth."
"well ... it's just ... I'm too ashamed, Mom. Michael has always told me my penis is tiny, and I'd never be able to fuck anyone properly. And the other boys have been saying the same every time we showered at the camp. I couldn't stand the humiliation of you seeing how much smaller I am than Michael. To make it worse, I'm still a virgin, so I might not do it how I should. You might even have laughed, and I'd just have died," he said, and I had to look away so he didn't know I'd seen him shed a couple of tears.
Of course, this brought all the memories of the two boys fighting each other flooding back, with Tony always losing unless it was about something that required his sharp intelligence, rather than brute force and loud insults. I suppose I'd overlooked the fact that whilst my sons might both be old enough to fuck me, they were still childish enough to still have these silly arguments.
"Oh, Tony. You know size doesn't matter, and I'm sure it can't be that bad anyway. I'd love to feel you inside me, no matter how big you are. Come on, take your shorts off and let me have a look."
"I can't, Mom, I'm so ashamed. You'll just hate me, and while you keep on letting Michael screw you like a slut, you won't want me at all."
"Tony, son. Whatever physical attributes you have, or don't have, they are partly my fault, and you'd still be my son, and I'd love you anyway. Come on, I saw you often in the first few years of your life, so you don't need to be embarrassed, and I don't remember your cock being smaller than Michael's. Come on, suck my tit a bit more, then show me."
Tony returned to give my nipple a last, mighty suck, then lay back, and started to pull his shorts down. Shit, as it came in sight, I could see what everyone meant. It was the smallest penis I think I'd ever seen on an adult, barely any bigger than when he was a child. What the hell was I going to say? Size didn't matter, but it certainly needed to be big enough for me to feel it in me, so maybe Michael was right after all.
I stood up, and bent over for a closer look, hoping that I might be able to uncurl it a bit. As I got up, my dressing gown came open, giving my young son a clear view of my pussy. I guess it was this, combined with the touch of my fingers trying to straighten him out, which suddenly made him start to get erect. I watched as his cock moved from being almost a coiled little worm, though something that looked a respectable size, but then it just kept on growing. Fucking hell, by the time it had stopped, it was huge! I tried to speak, but found my mouth was too dry, and it seemed all of my moisture had transferred to my cunt, which had started leaking like mad.
"Um ... well, son ... it certainly was small when you were flaccid, but ... but it's huge now, definitely bigger than Michael's ..."
I ran out of words, as I just lost control of my body, climbing on top of him, and guiding his massive cock into my cunt, though I was so wet it really didn't need any guiding.
"God, Tony. Just fuck Mommy, please. Please! God, you feel so big inside me. I love your cock, and I love you son. Aagh ... fuck Mommy's cunt."
I think I must have kept going in that vein, though all of my consciousness was occupied with the powerful sensations he was causing in my vulva. I shrugged my dressing gown off, and my son grabbed one of my tits again and pulled it to his mouth. He sucked it, but this time not like a baby, making me yell out with pain as he tried to drag my entire breast into his mouth.
I was trying to move up and down on his cock, but the way we were laid restricted my movements, and stopped him from getting all the way into my vagina. I put my arms around him, trying to pull him on top of me, but it was tricky. I lifted myself off of him, and saw his cock glisten with my juices. Had I really had all of that inside me? And was I really going to try to get him in me even further. Too fucking true.
As he pulled his T-shirt off, leaving him naked, I got myself back on the bed, and I pulled my legs back over my head. His cock looked even bigger against his lean body, but I hoped he liked his view equally as much, as I gave him a perfect view of my asshole, and right along my slit to my big labia hiding my clit underneath.
"All my holes are yours, son. Just fuck my cunt, and shoot your spunk up it, as I think Mommy'll need a bit more preparation before she can take anything that big in her ass."
Yes, of course, I was making more of his cock that was strictly necessary. I'd rammed bigger dildos into my pussy, and while he was bigger than Michael, the difference wasn't enormous. However, I'd had plenty of experience building up my younger son's confidence, and I wanted to convince him he could screw his mother as well as his brother could. I didn't want him backing out again, as I still wanted to feel one son in each of my fuck holes.
I was going to have to teach him to play more with my clit, though, but I forgave him given it was his first time, and I made up for it by using my own hands.
"I've wanted to do this so much, Mommy, I love you," he gasped as he pumped in and out of me, taking my breath away with each stroke.
"I love you too, son, and I never realised how much I'd enjoy you fucking me, equally as much as my other son. Look at my asshole, see how you are squeezing his spunk out of my ass."
I couldn't see, of course, but I could feel it tickle as it ran down. I wasn't actually sure if he could see either, but my words did the trick, and he came. I came as well, and came so strongly that I nearly passed out. Not only was I having a gorgeous fucking, but it was my son who was doing it, the one I'd spent so much time with to make up for him being an accident. Even better, it was the first time he'd come inside a woman, and I knew this would be something he'd remember for the rest of his life. And so would I.
We were right on time, because I heard a knock at the front door, which had to be the pizza delivery. I stood up, and walked downstairs with my younger son's spunk pouring out of my cunt, and a trickle of my elder son's still oozing from my ass. What better way to show Michael that he wasn't the only great motherfucker in this house. Tony came in after me with a dressing gown on, I guess still to reduce any comment on the size of his dick. Michael cut me a piece of pizza, and I wiped it between my legs, picking up some of both of their sperm, and then I ate it with a smile.
"Well, sons, Mommy loves both of you fucking her. You both fill me up, and I love the taste of your spunk. I don't want to hear any more comments about your younger brother, Michael, else Mommy won't let you use her holes any more. But what Mommy really wants is you both to come in her at the same time. Can we just eat our pizza, then we can start again?"
The look on Michael's face told me that he wasn't convinced, nor was he keen on me taking over as boss. However, he knew from the past that when I said something, I would stick to it, and he didn't want to take the risk of losing the use of my body entirely. I could hardly wait to get back to the bedroom and try again, and I like to think that the sight of me naked, and so obviously recently fucked had the same effect on them.
When we went back upstairs, I made Michael sit in a slightly different place, so I could see more of the boys' reflections in the wardrobe mirror, and I made sure I gave Tony a good look at my cunt and ass as I bent over and sucked Michael's cock. It wasn't that I needed to lubricate him, after all, both holes were still well lubricated with their previous emissions, but I wanted to make sure that Tony was stiff before he took off his gown. As I pulled back up, I could see from Michael's face that he couldn't believe the size of his baby brother's penis.
Once again, I turned around, and lowered myself on my elder son's cock, letting it force my asshole open, then slide right up inside. I pulled my cunt open again, but this time Tony didn't run away, but almost took a run at me, and I gasped as I felt his prick pushing against his brother's, causing a delightful distension of my belly. I looked in the mirror, and saw the two boys looking at each other: clearly they had turned it in to some sort of competition. Whether it was to come first in me, or to last longest I couldn't really tell, but in reality I could control the depth of Michael's thrusts into my ass, so I could pace both him and me to the tempo Tony had set.