Part 04.2

I thought that was a slightly risqué thing for her to say, but it gave me a chance to pull myself out of the pool, wrap myself in my towel, and dash indoors to dry off and pull on a summer dress, as that was all I was wearing these days. I was perhaps beginning to think that she wouldn't have been too shocked if I came out of the pool naked, were it not for my son being there, and the thought of exposing myself like that sent a thrill through me.

When I got back home, Tony dashed out to meet me as soon as Elizabeth turned the car around.

"Mom, Mom, you've got to look at this. Come and look at the computer."

"TONY! That's disgusting. This time you really have gone too far."

It was all of that, but it was also mesmerising. He'd obviously managed to install more cameras without telling me, and one was in the main bathroom, the one that Elizabeth had used. I was horrified but I couldn't drag my eyes away as Tony played the video of her pulling up her skirt, and pulling down her panties. That was a total invasion of privacy, but that wasn't what had horrified and fascinated me.

As she pulled up from pulling her panties down, we got a brief view of her pussy. It was shaved clean, and we could see the start of her slit with a massive clitoral hood, before it went out of sight again as she sat down. I thought I must have imagined it, but there it was again as she stood up, and put everything back in place. Fucking hell, I'd never have imagined that staid old Elizabeth could ever be the sort of woman who'd have shaved her pussy. I had no idea what I would do, if ever I had the opportunity, but Elizabeth had just taken second place on my WILF list, after Betsy Martin.

We carried on like this for a couple more weeks, and I steadily took more pleasure from the risk of being seen naked. Charlie came home, displacing Tony in my bed, but he seemed more distant than ever, and he didn't seem to appreciate me sucking him off anything like my son did. The girls came back for a weekend or two, but although we enjoyed licking each other out, I think they would have preferred at least one more man in the mix, so they said the next weekend they were going to stay with some friends from college. That was when Tony came up with his new idea, and it was a doozy.

"Hey, Mom, there's a strip club in the city, and they are advertising for MILF's for a new slot they are starting. Why don't you apply?"

My first reaction was that there was no way I was going to become a stripper, and having perverted strangers scrutinising my body. My second thought was how fucking exciting it would be, but there was no way I could take the risk of being recognised.

"You are going to do this, Mom. I want to see you show your open cunt to a roomful of strangers who'd all want to fuck you. We can see about a wig, maybe glasses, and some heavy make-up, and anyway, no one will be looking at your face, will they?"

No, I couldn't do it, could I? But then I remembered that somewhere I had a whole collection of wigs from the early days of my marriage to Charlie, when we enjoyed me dressing up as someone else when he fucked me. I got Tony to help me up into the attic of the house, and dig through the boxes of things that I'd never even opened since we'd moved in. It took a while, but eventually I found the box of wigs, and I'd forgotten it had lots of sexy lingerie which went with the wigs as well.

We went back downstairs, and I tried on the different wigs. Our favourite was one with long, slightly wavy blonde hair, which I remembered I'd liked the first time round.

"Wow, Mom. You look amazing in that, but so different. We'd need to do something with your pussy hair, though, else it's a bit of a giveaway that you're not really a blonde."

My son took me into the bathroom, and I let him shave my pussy, taking off all of the hair I was so proud of. The great thing about him being such a nerd was that he was extremely thorough, but extremely careful as well. He managed not to nick me at all, but with one of Charlie's unused razors he managed to get me perfectly smooth. Finally, I let him make me up, and I put on a pair of glasses with plain lenses, also from the box in the attic.

"You look fantastic, Mom. I'd never have recognised you if I hadn't know it was you."

I walked over to the full-length mirror, and fuck me, he was right on both counts. I looked so different, not just in my face, but in the way my cunt lips were so prominently visible without my pussy hair to hide them. Shit, perhaps I really could do it!

"We've never met, but wouldn't you like to fuck me for a change, instead of that boring mother of yours?" I asked with a smile on my face.

Stupid question. He was already pulling of his clothes, and he fucked me hard on the bed, bringing back memories of Charlie fucking me on the very same bed when I last wore that wig. I dearly loved my son fucking me, but I still loved my husband and wished he had as much enthusiasm for me as my son did.

The following morning I went for my run as usual, though it felt a bit strange being bare down below. When I got back, Tony had left for college, but after an hour or so of housework I heard my phone ping, and there was a message from my son saying he'd arranged for me to have an audition at the club on Saturday, and he'd take me to the city, and we could also buy some Kegel balls, and look at some new lingerie.

That evening we spent online, watching various stripping videos and looking at online lessons on how to do it. I was surprised how much advice there was, and as recommended, the first thing I did was to choose my music. There was a recommended list of ten or so, and I chose 'Fever' by Peggy Lee, partly because I liked it, but partly because it had the dramatic 'Fever!" at the end, when I was going to use to good effect.

I was hopeless at first. What I wasn't used to was the amount of teasing before each significant part of my body was revealed, and I kept ending up naked way before the end of the track. Gradually I improved, though, with advice from my son about what made him horniest, and watching back recordings he had made from me. The good thing about looking so different was that I could critique myself almost as if I was someone else. I practised more through the next day when I was home, and then Tony put me through my paces again in the evening.

"I think you're ready, Mom. You're going to strip in front of strangers, and they won't recognise you, even in the unlikely event that any of them had seen you before."

When I woke up on the Saturday morning, my heart was in my mouth, as I was scarred witless by the idea of stripping naked at the club, but at the same time I was as excited as hell at the thought of a roomful of men lusting to fuck me, but not being able to. Tony shaved me again to make sure I was totally smooth, and then he helped me with the make-up and getting the wig right. I'd chosen what I thought were the best undies from the old box, and a low-cut, vivid red dress that was that I hadn't worn for ages, so I didn't think anyone would recognise it. Anyway, it wouldn't stay on long.

I could barely wait for the afternoon, when Michael drove us into the city, and whilst my mouth was dry with fear, my cunt was damp with excitement. We first searched for the sex shop, and I picked out a set of multi-sized Kegel balls. I was disappointed that they didn't have much in the way of lingerie, but mainly an unbelievable selection of sex toys, and still porno DVD's, which I'd imagined would have fallen out of favour given the availability of online porn that my sons had revealed to me.

Still, they gave us directions to a shop that sold things a whole step sexier than Victoria's Secret. If the saleswoman wondered about me displaying things I tried on to someone young enough to be my son, she didn't say anything, but actually gave me some useful feedback on what she thought looked sexiest. In the end, I decided to buy a black lacy bustier with matching knickers and bra, and some black thigh-highs, rather than the ones I'd chosen from home. I also changed my mind and bought a white blouse, and a short, bright red skirt. We grabbed a coffee, and I noticed that my hands were trembling as the hour of my appointment approached.

"Come on, Mom. Let's go early. They have afternoon shows on the weekend, and you can get a feel for the place, and what sort of competition you have."

God, I'd never been to a strip club, and I was embarrassed enough before, but I was even more so when Tony had to show his ID to prove his age and then I had to so that I could get a card that allowed me to buy alcohol, making it clear that I was Tony's mother. Strange, isn't it, how in this country you can vote, drive a car, fuck, get into a sex club, but you can't have a drink until you're 21?

When we got inside, it was quite dark, apart from a stage at the back, where a woman was removing her clothes to some music I didn't recognise. The décor was mostly black and purple, but it wasn't quite as seedy as I'd imagined it would be. There were a few other women, although I had a suspicion that some of them were working girls, if I can use that term. There were plenty of men, most of them drinking beer, but they looked much more normal than I expected, even if their eyes were glued to the woman on stage who was now trying to pretend that she wasn't going to remove her bra and show them her tits.

A young woman in a vanishingly small bikini came over and I ordered a beer for me, and a soda for Tony, although I was going to give him the beer. By this time the woman on the stage was down to a small pair of panties, and I watched with interest at how she went about taking them off. I could feel the anticipation on the room, but for me, at least, it was a real anti-climax when they came off, as she gave everyone the merest flash of her cunt before she ran off into the wings. After a while another woman took her place, and although she didn't look anywhere near as old as me, her body looked as it had seen better days. Her tits sagged, she was covered with a selection of unattractive tattoos, and she had a lot more belly than was good for her.

I was therefore feeling pretty good when I left Tony watching the acts, and I got the bikini girl to show me the way to the manager's office. Once I'd gone through the door from the public area, everything was a lot more worn and faded. I walked along the corridor, wondering what was behind the doors I passed, and I knocked on the door marked 'MANAGER' at the end. A male voice invited me to enter, and that was when my heart started to beat so fast that I thought it was going to burst out of my chest.

I opened the door and went in. A middle-aged man with a moustache, wearing a suit that hadn't been fashionable for several years, was sat behind a desk.

"Ah, Ms Jones. So you've decided that you want to take your clothes off in front of people, have you? Are you sure you won't chicken out when it comes to it?"

I assured him that I wouldn't, and that I had practised with music, and I could show him my routine.

"Nah, don't worry about that. No one expects the MILF's to be very professional: they just want to see you naked. So get your kit off, honey, and let me see what you've got."

I had another one of those schizophrenic moments that had become so common lately. No, I couldn't take all my clothes of just feet away from this creepy guy I'd never met before, could I? I must have blushed as I hesitated.

"Well, get on with it, else walk out and we'll forget all about it. I have seen a naked woman or two, and I don't suppose you've got anything I haven't seen before."

Fuck it. He might have seen plenty of naked women, but I knew my body was in much better shape than most women my age, and I wanted to see the look on his face when he saw what great tits I had, and what a gorgeous shaved cunt. I looked him in the eye, and just slowly took my clothes off, without any performance, until I was naked in front of him.

"Bend over, darlin' and let me get a proper look at your cunt and asshole."

I was happy to do that. More than happy in fact, as my now my cunt was gushing cum, and I wanted to show it to anyone I could. However, as I bent right over, I sensed that he was moving out of his chair. I reached over to my purse and opened it.

"Open that dirty hole for me, darlin'."

I was pretty sure that the next thing if I did it, was that I'd feel his cock ramming in to me. That wasn't part of the plan. I may have started fucking people other than my husband, but I had been keeping it in the family, and I had no desire to get fucked by anyone else. I stood up and turned around, pointing the silver automatic I'd taken out of my purse at him, and which I'd brought for this very contingency.

"If you fucking touch me, I'll shoot your dick off" I snarled, keeping the gun aimed at his cock, which he had managed to get out as he was walking towards me, but my eyes were fixed on his.

"Ha ha, just testing," he said, with a forced laugh after a few seconds. "I love a woman with spunk. If that's the way you want it, fine, but let me know if you change your mind. You can start tomorrow night, just one show to start with until I see how well the audience like you."

He put himself away, and went back behind the desk to watch me dress, my hands shaking like leaves in a gale. I was pretty sure that when he said he loved a woman with spunk, he really meant his, in her vagina. I walked back out into the show room, where my son was waiting for me, but his eyes were fixed on a black woman with enormous tits who was gyrating around on the stage.

"Come on, son. We're going."

I was still trembling when we got back home, my mind in a turmoil of emotions. I'd threatened to shoot someone, and I think I'd have done it, and thought I would have to, but the consequences would have been dreadful. I was scared, but also excited that I'd committed myself to showing my tits, ass and cunt to a roomful of strangers in barely twenty-four hours' time. My son, of course, was ecstatic. We went to bed and fucked, but all the time my mind was turning over the double-edged prospect of the following night.

On Sunday morning, I got up and Elizabeth took Tony and me to church. No complications with the pool or eggs, though it was now second nature to me not to wear anything under my dress. Given what I was planning to do that night, the odd flash of my pussy if the wind caught it hardly seemed to matter. When we got back home I was as twitchy as hell, and kept practising my act until even my son got bored with it. He helped me dress and make-up, and eventually it was time to drive off to the club.

"What name do you want me to announce for you?" the manager asked, taking me by surprise after I went in and he showed me where the changing room was.

"Um ... well ... Elizabeth. Yes, I'm Elizabeth," I said, though even I didn't understand quite why that was the name I'd chosen.

The changing room was cramped, with several of the normal strippers in various states of undress, and a couple of others of at least my age, who I guessed were other MILF's. The professionals talked amongst themselves, while us others exchanged a few words about nothing much at all, certainly not who we were or why we were here. They seemed as nervous as me, and we all paced around, waiting our turn.

Two of the other MILF's went ahead of me, and when they came back the look of relief on their faces was obvious. They were naked, of course, and I was pleased that I thought my body could stand comparison with either of theirs. Like me, they'd brought something else to put on, collecting their stripping clothes from the stage manager on the way out. Eventually it was my turn.

I heard my stage name being announced from the wings, and I was trembling all over again as I walked onto the stage, to a drum roll, and half-hearted applause. I thought I could see my son near the back, but the music came on immediately I reached the centre of the stage, so I started to sway around, and turn around. Each time my back was to the audience, I undid another button on my blouse, pulling it open to show the top of my breasts when I faced them, then covering them up again. I kept moving around to the music to the point where all of my blouse buttons were undone. Then as Peggy Lee sang "Fever!" I pulled my blouse off and bent towards the audience, cupping my breasts, and inviting them to imagine the contents of my bra.

I stood up again, and started swaying to the music, pulling up my skirt to show my thigh highs, then dropping it but unzipping it. Then, still holding it up, I pulled it up so that they could see my panties, As I turned, I bent over so that my lacy panties were stretched against my cunt, and I knew they would be able to see the line of my labia underneath. Then as the music reached another climax, I let my skirt drop, and I kicked it over to the side of the stage as I ran my hands lasciviously over my body.

I swayed around as the music picked up again, pulling down my bra straps, bending forward, undoing the clasp, then straightening again holding my bra against me with my arms. I kept bending over, each time letting the bra drop a little further, but still keeping my nipples covered. Then, as another climax approached in the music, I turned my back to the audience and let my bra drop. I shook my tits as hard as I could, so that they would see them either side of my back, and then I bent over as far as I could, so the audience could see them dangling between my legs, as well as giving them a second look at my lace-covered cunt and ass.

I got rid of the bustier in short order, as unless there were anyone with a navel fetish, it covered nothing of interest, but then I started working in my panties. I kept moving around, turning, and as I turned I'd pull them down to reveal more and more of my ass, and to show my shaved pussy. When I got them far enough down that I knew they would be able to see the start of my slit, I turned around and bent over. I pulled my panties tight under my crotch, letting them ride up between my lips, and into my butt crack, but then I stood up again and faced the audience.

I put one hand over my pussy, and with the other pulled my panties down, wriggling around so that they slowly worked their way down my legs. I was still turning, and when I had my back to them, I held my arms wide, so they all would know that my cunt was exposed to the back of the stage, making them imagine what it was going to be like, When I turned back round, I kicked my panties off, leaving me just in my thigh high black stockings, and my hand over my pussy. I shook my breasts, then cupped one. Then I swapped hands, giving them a short flash of my pussy as I did so.

As the music headed towards its finale, I opened my legs and spread my arms wide, jiggling my tits. Except for my thigh highs, which seemed to focus attention between my legs, I was naked. The spectators could see my cuntlips hanging down, and from what I'd seen the day before, that was as much as most of the strippers gave them. So as Peggy screamed out the final 'Fever' I turned and bent over, pulling my cunt as wide open as I could, hoping that with the spotlight shining on me the audience could see right into my vagina, and with absolute certainty that my asshole was staring back at them.

As the music died away, I thought I heard a gasp from the audience, followed by loud and enthusiastic applause, with more than a few whistles and whoops. I turned and ran off the stage, waving to the audience with my hands, though my breasts were doing their best to join in. Then it really hit me what I'd done. I started shaking all over again, and I dashed to the changing room and threw on the front-opening dress. I raced back out, where the stage manager thrust a bag with my discarded clothes into my hand. I pushed past the manager, who I was sure was going to make a grab for me, and stupidly I didn't have the gun with me.

"Well, Elizabeth, that was some show, and that's a cunt and a half you have there. So, same time Tuesday, then."

I'd told Tony I wanted him ready to go as soon as I had finished, and as I left the backstage area, he was waiting for me.

"That was amazing, Mom. You're such a slut. Even I never really thought you'd be prepared to show your cunt and asshole to everyone like that."

"God, son, I was scared before, and shaking afterwards, but now I just feel totally pumped up, and would love to go back in and do it again. Just drive home as fast as you can, because I want you to fuck me in all my holes before I go to sleep. Just make sure you've got the hood down."

To be fair to him, he broke as many speed limits as he could, but we weren't making fast enough progress for me, as my body felt as if it was going to burst with all my pent-up energy.

"Sorry, son, Mommy can't wait," I said as soon as we left the lights of the city behind.

I ripped off my dress, and lay back naked in the seat, enjoying the cool evening air rushing over me. I used one hand to torture one of my tits, while the other did the same to my cunt, which was glistening and wet, and I knew I'd be leaving trails of my cum on Tony's precious Mustang seats. I don't know how many times I came, as I relived the experience of exposing my most private parts to a theatre full of people, mostly men, all except Tony strangers as far as I knew, and some of whom would surely go home dreaming of fucking me. We passed lots of cars, but I didn't care if they saw me as their headlights raked across my naked body. However many times it was, I kept going until we got back home.

"Take me inside and screw the ass off me, son."

"No, Mom, the car wants to fuck you first."

"What are you talking about son? How can the car fuck me?"

"See that gear stick, with the original Ford knob on the top? Well, straddle it, and push it into your cunt, Mom, and fuck yourself with your fingers again, which you seem to have been enjoying all the way back."

Shit, the car was outside, and the security light was on, so if anyone looked out they could probably see me, but I was so far gone I didn't care about that either. I put one leg either side of the transmission tunnel, and let the gear knob sink into my cunt. Fucking hell, it seemed to go in a hell of a long way. I started riding up and down on it, but the dash kept getting in the way. Then I had a genius of an idea. I turned around to face the dash, grabbed the top of the windscreen and lowered myself back down on the gear stick.

I started pumping up and down on the gear stick, letting the knob press hard against the top of my vagina. I kept pushing down, enjoying the pain inside me, and yes, I was just able to do what I'd wanted. Being an old car, it had one of those old-fashioned centre handbrakes, and if I pushed down hard enough and got my butt in the right place, I could just force the little release button on the end a little way into my ass. I started pumping up and down again, each time taking the pain and pushing the handbrake level into my asshole.

Fuck, I bet not many women have been fucked by their son's car, and even fewer could have been double penetrated the way I was. I was ecstatic, rubbing my clit like mad. I hadn't paid much attention to my son, but then I felt his hands on my butt, and as I came up, he pushed me round a bit. I felt something much warmer and larger than the brake release push into my ass, and he started pumping in and out in time with the way the gear stick was fucking my cunt.

It was all too much for me, and I came, ramming the gear knob even harder into my vagina, and I felt my son jerking around as he delivered his spunk up inside my asshole. Fuck, it was wonderful. When my son's cock softened and slipped out of my ass, I lifted myself up, and let the gear knob come out of my hole with a slurping noise.

"Oh dear, Mommy, you seem to have made a mess in my lovely car. You're going to have to lick that gear stick and handbrake clean, as well as picking up all that spunk running out of your asshole."

"Yes, Master," I said, with real enthusiasm, as in any case it would give my son time to recover, because he was going to come in my cunt and my mouth before I was going to let him sleep.

We spent so much time fucking that we didn't get to sleep until late, and we both overslept in the morning, so Tony had to dash off without breakfast. I had a full day to myself, and I spent most of it with a Kegel ball inside me, hoping to tighten up my vaginal muscles some more. I also spent some time looking again at other records that had proved good for a strip routine. I'd enjoyed exposing myself so much that I was intending to stick with it, but I knew I was going to need a few more routines to keep the punters interested.

I'd have liked to use a dildo in one of them, but the state rules forbad penetration of any description - and incidentally any touching from the audience or staff - so that was out. In the end, I chose three and started to think about how I could create a new routine: Beyoncé, Dance for You; Christine Aguilera, Voulez-vous Coucher avec Moi; and Marvin Gaye, Get It On. When my son came home, I showed him my first attempts. He helped me develop my thoughts some more, and in particular to make the focus of one routine my asshole rather than my cunt. Not surprisingly, that was the hole he used that night when he fucked me.

I think I was just as excited about stripping for a second time when I got up on the following morning. I still had enough fear to keep the adrenalin going, but it was now balanced nicely. I had a church meeting in the morning, though my mind was mostly occupied with running over and over my routine, trying to improve and perfect it. In the afternoon I had another couple of practice sessions, then I made myself up, got myself dressed, and drove myself to the club. Tony wasn't going to be able to get there in time to see me this time, so I made sure I put my little gun in my handbag, just in case the manager tried anything again.

When I got there, he stopped me as I was heading towards the changing room.

"Hi, Elizabeth. You left in such a rush last night that I hadn't given you your pay. So here's $50 for last night and tonight, but just make sure tonight is as good as Sunday."

I had no idea whether that was good or bad, but $50 for seven or eight minutes of actual work didn't seem bad to me, and handy spending money. When I walked into the dressing room, a couple of the professionals who had been there on Sunday said 'hi'. It made me feel great being accepted by girls who did this sort of thing for a living.

When my turn came, I walked out on the stage, and was amazed how many more men there were. It was packed, and I guessed quite a few must have come straight out of work for a beer and some titillation, if not a bit more. I was confident, though, that I would be able to give them a memorable display, so the more of them that got to see me naked, the better. I think I was smoother and more professional this time, and the way the buzz of chatter reduced showed that I had their full attention.

I was really enjoying it until the final 'Fever'. As I bent right over, pulled my cunt as wide open as I could, and looked at the audience through my legs, wanting to see their eyes all on my asshole and vagina, I had a shock which almost made me let go. Sat in the second row was Charlie, my husband, and a girl I was sure was Jade, my sister's eldest. They were both looking at my cunt, which hopefully would mean they wouldn't recognise me, but Charlie's hand was up under Jade's skirt, and there was no doubt which of us he would be fucking that night.

I realised I was holding the pose perhaps a little bit too long, so I quickly stood and ran off the stage, waving. My mind was reeling, as I put my spare dress on, collected my abandoned stage clothes, and dashed out to my car.

"Hey, Elizabeth, you're on again, Thursday," I heard the manager shout after me, as I pushed past him again.

I'm surprised I didn't crash on the drive home, as my mind was going over and over trying to work out what the hell Charlie was doing with Jade. He was supposed to be travelling somewhere, and wasn't due home for a few more days. I could see it made some sense of the past, though. Clearly Charlie must have been spending time in Alaska to fuck his niece after he'd finished his work travel, and if he was fucking her, no wonder he'd gone off of me. But why the hell hadn't Chrissy said anything to me? Was it even possible she didn't know, because Jade wasn't around when Tony and I tried to help with the move, and there was no sign of any of her stuff? Surely not, though, surely she must know?

What was sure was that I was going to have this out with my cunt of a sister tomorrow, but until I knew what was happening, I couldn't let my son know anything about it.​
Next page: Part 05.1
Previous page: Part 04.1