Part 06.1

Elizabeth and her husband

The next morning, as I drove over to Elizabeth's house I was feeling pretty good about myself. I'd managed to expand the incest group who were fucking me from my sons and daughters, to my twin sister and her sons. Not only that, but it seemed I had my husband Charlie back, after he'd given in to my ultimatum that he had to fuck me in a cunt already filled with spunk by our younger son, with that same son fucking my ass, and he'd even agreed to suck all three loads out of me when they had come.

Now, I just had to loosen my nymphomaniac, heroin-addicted niece's grip on him. I was more than happy for her to keep fucking her, which I intended to do myself anyway, but if she was as much of a mess as Charlie had said, we needed for the family's sake to get her clean. I hated the thought of any of my family killing themselves with drugs, and I knew that my husband and my sister, Jade's mother, would never forgive themselves when the inevitable happened. So why should Elizabeth be able to help, you're wondering?

Well, you might think when I've said I was going to a women's meeting at the church that we just sat around praying, but nothing could be further from the truth. We may not have had as many problems as my sister had found in Alaska, but we had more than enough difficulties with unemployment, alcohol and drugs and often as a result of those, marital abuse. The local authorities did their best, but it fell way short, so we had set up a support group which helped people who, for whatever reason, had found themselves tangled up in one or more of these issues.

Elizabeth was one of our mainstays, as she'd been trained as a nurse, then specialised in mental health. When her husband died suddenly with an aggressive form of cancer, she decided to live off the money he had left, and became a volunteer in a substance abuse clinic in the biggest city in the next state over. That was where she learned all about heroin addiction, among other drugs, and she fell in love with a man she was helping get off of it. When he had recovered, they'd married, and he'd since become the owner of the biggest Ford dealership in the local states. So, she had the knowledge and experience to help drug addicts, and we'd had to call on it nine months or so earlier.

The problem with heroin is that it certainly causes strong psychological dependence, the way alcohol and gambling do, for example, and it is especially potent, as apparently if anyone feels stressed or unable to cope, after their fix life seems to be smooth and relaxed. That would be bad enough, but it also causes powerful physical addiction as well. Heroin, like many of the opiates, mimics a natural chemical in the brain, and after only a few uses, the brain cuts back on its own chemistry, trying to get back to normality. This is why the dose needed to get the desired effect rapidly increases as the person gets hooked.

The problem is that if anyone decides to give up on heroin, when they stop using it, the chemistry of the nervous system is seriously screwed up, which causes extremely unpleasant symptoms, like wild hallucinations, cramps, diarrhoea, sickness, shivers and more. This makes it difficult for even the strong willed to give up, and the weak might even die. This is the 'Cold Turkey' which was sung about in rock songs in the hippie era. Even worse, is that if someone gets half way then goes back to heroin, the body often has already adapted, and the dose that used to just give the high becomes lethal. All too often, people who try to get off of it, then relapse, kill themselves with their first fix.

The best way to get off heroin, which is probably what is going on when you hear of some famous actor or pop star going into rehab, is that the dose is carefully reduced to break the physical addiction, which can take a couple of weeks, and then they get longer term psychological help. The problem is that this is very expensive, and out of the reach of most ordinary folk unless they are fortunate to get a place at a clinic staffed by volunteers.

Initially cheaper, the most common treatment is to substitute methadone for heroin. This blocks the high from heroin and many other opiate drugs, and isn't anywhere near as physically addictive. The problem, though, is that it isn't a cure, and it just prolongs the psychological dependency. Most often people have to go to a clinic every day, which makes it hard to hold down a decent job, and because it lacks the high, there's a high rate of people reverting back to heroin.

That was what had happened nine months or so earlier to the twenty-something son of one of the women our group was supporting. With his acceptance, and her pleading, a few of us took it upon ourselves to kit out our barn and under Elizabeth's supervision, we took him through managed withdrawal. His family then rallied around him, and so far, so good. He has a decent job now, and if you didn't know, you'd think he was completely normal -- whatever that really means. So, I was on my way to ask Elizabeth if she'd help my family do the same for Jade.

When I parked the car and knocked on Elizabeth's door, I was quaking. She always seemed so upright and controlled, and looked like a classic wealthy matron: a large bust always kept covered and under control, and old-fashioned clothes, always dresses or skirts and blouses, and never pants or T-shirts. It wasn't so much that I thought she wouldn't help, but I was worried what Jade might reveal about her, my husband and her family while she was in withdrawal.

"Oh, hi, Elizabeth. I'm afraid I have to ask you for a big favour," was the best I could manage as she invited me inside.

"I've been expecting you, Susan. This is about Jade, your sister's girl I imagine?"

"Elizabeth, how the fu... how do you know that?"

"I keep my ear to the ground, Susan."

I knew that was true, because she always kept up with the latest gossip, not to spread it, but as a way of finding out who might need the sort of help our group could provide. I gave her a version of the story which minimised Charlie's role, and she looked at me hard before answering.

"Hmm. Of course I'll help. But she's going to need a lot more help to get her back on track even when we've broken the addiction. Are your family ready to do that?"

"Yes, me and my sister, and Charlie, who has been trying to help already, we're fully committed, and I'm sure our other children will help as well."

"Hmm, that sounds good enough. Talking of your children, though, are you fucking them all now?"

"Sorry, Elizabeth, what on earth do you mean?" I managed to choke out, having barely managed to stop fainting when I heard her question.

"Well, I know you were naked in the pool the other morning, and when your son came out of the house, his cock was pushing his shorts out so he had to have seen you. Anyway, incest is the curse or the blessing, depending on your point of view, of the Lewis family. You may have inherited the tendency to have twins from your mother's side of the family, but incest has run right through your father's side."

"But my parents never fucked me, Elizabeth."

"No, Susan, they were the exception. I guess a lot was down to your mother, who had strong puritan ancestors, and your parents were almost completely cut off from the rest of the family when they swore they weren't going to follow the Lewis tradition."

"Fu... gosh, Elizabeth, how do you know all this?"

"You forget I'm a Lewis as well, Susan. My grandfather was your great-grandfather, and my father was your grandfather's youngest brother. That's why although I'm a generation earlier than you, I'm only ten years or so older. I guess we're second cousins, Susan."

"You said that my parents were the exception, so does that mean ....?"

"Oh yes, my father fucked me and my sister as soon as we were old enough, which luckily was just as the pill came out. We used to have wonderful family get-togethers as well. Your parents weren't invited, of course, so I got fucked by my grandparents, great-grandparents and all sorts of cousins and other relations."

"And your sons from your first marriage ...?"

"Of course, Susan. I loved my sons fucking me. I just wish I'd have had a daughter I could have fucked as well. You haven't answered my question, though, are you fucking your own kids?"

"Um ... yes." I whispered.

"I thought so. Don't be so ashamed of it -- it's in our genes, and as long as we take care not to do them harm, there's nothing wrong with it. Anyway, I was sure you were. I can smell the difference between diarrhoea and a climaxing cunt, and it was all I could do not to break the door down and finish you off myself when you dashed out of the church into the bathroom when the bishop was visiting. You know, it's almost as if we Lewis's can sense another family member. Maybe it's pheromones, or something, but I always feel my pussy get wet when I'm close to anyone else in our family, even across branches and generations of the family tree."

Fuck, had I felt that that with Elizabeth before, and just pushed it to the back of my brain? What was sure was that I was certainly feeling it now.

"Are you feeling it about me, now, Elizabeth?"

"Of course, Susan. I've felt like it every time I picked you up, Susan, but I respected your parents' decision, and decided to do nothing about it unless you showed signs of reverting to Lewis family behaviour," Elizabeth said, walking towards me.

"Which I have now, you mean?"

"Oh yes, Susan. Put your hand up my dress and feel how wet my panties are now."

She grabbed one of my hands, doubting I guess, from the shocked look on my face, that I would do it myself, and she forced it up under her dress. Fucking hell, they weren't just damp, they were soaking. Now I understood, at least to some extent, why I'd suddenly developed such an uncontrollable desire to fuck my children, my sister and all of her children as well. And now the tingling in my cunt was telling me that I needed to fuck cousin Elizabeth, another elder of our church.

"Well, Elizabeth, why don't you put your hand up my dress? My son doesn't let me wear any panties these days, so you won't have to do this to get at my cunt," I said, smiling, as I pulled her panties to one side, and slipped a finger between the folds of her labia.

She looked searchingly into my eyes, then she leaned forward, and kissed me on the lips. I felt her tongue invade my mouth, at the same time as I felt two of her fingers open my lips and push right up inside my vagina.

"Are those tits really as big as they look, Elizabeth?" I asked, fumbling with the zip at the back of Elizabeth's dress.

"You better believe it, girl. But let's go upstairs and do this properly."

She pushed me ahead of her, over towards the stairs. I immediately understood exactly why, so as I climbed the stairs to the bedroom I pulled my dress up to my waist, and gave her a view of my ass, as I wiggled it unnecessarily as I climbed.

"You've got such a gorgeous ass, Susan, I can't wait to get a closer look at your cunt and asshole," Elizabeth gasped, stroking my butt, and gently encouraging me to get a move on.

She steered me to the right bedroom, and I stripped my dress off as I went through the door, leaving me naked.

"You mean like this?" I asked, laying back on the bed, and flipping my legs right over my head so my cunt and asshole were exposed in front of her. I was so wet that I knew my ears would be shiny with my cum, and I was sure that it would have smeared down my thighs, and crept close to the wrinkled ring of my bum.

"Well, almost, Susan. Pull your ass cheeks and those lovely flaps open. I want to see every little detail of those gorgeous Lewis holes."

I did as she asked, and she immediately pounced on me. She opened her mouth wide and locked it on my cunt. She pushed her tongue into my vagina, and circled it around the opening of my hole, sending wonderful flashed of excitement shooting up through me. She moved down, and repeated the same movements on the tighter, darker hole of my ass, then came back up and flicked her tongue over my clit. This was delightful, but a bit too one-sided for my liking. I grabbed the back of her neatly coiffured hair and pulled her head up.

"It's alright, Susan, your vagina may be leaking like a tap, but I love the taste of a woman's cum," and I saw the evidence of what she'd said by the glistening wetness all over her face.

"No, cousin, you can suck me dry later, but I want to see your cunt, and I want even more to find out what those massive tits are like when you let them out to play."

Normally, or at least what passes for normal since my life changed a few weeks ago, I'd have called myself a cunt lover more than a tit lover, but of course, I'd seen a glimpse of Elizabeth's cunt when she peed and was caught on Tony's camera. I made a mental note to look surprised when I 'discovered' she was shaved.

"Oh, Susan, you can't believe how long I've longed for this day."

"Are you sure it's not just that you want to fuck my young sons, Elizabeth?"

"Ha, ha. Of course, I do. And your daughters as well, and given that she's a twin, your sister too. But first I want to fuck you, Susan."

"Don't forget my sister's sons as well, Elizabeth," I laughed as she pulled her dress over her head and threw it over to the bedside chair, as then she pulled off her panties. "Shit, Elizabeth, I didn't expect you to be shaved," I added, lying through my teeth, of course.

"You're not the only Mommy whose sons like a clean cunt, Susan" she laughed back, surprising me again, as I was pretty sure her sons were married and had children themselves. "Or their grandsons, for that matter."

It wasn't just that she was shaved, but now I was closer, it was clear that she had the largest labia I'd ever seen, which dangled darkly between her legs. As I'd let my legs drop down to the bed when she removed her wet panties and Elizabeth was now straddling me, her massive lips pressing against my belly, but with something harder at the front. I imagined that this could only be a huge clit, and I looked forward to finding out later.

For now, though, it was her breasts that had my attention. Elizabeth was by no means fat, in fact her trunk was quite slim, except for a bit of extra weight on her butt and her belly, but her breasts were massive. They were contained in the two enormous cups of an amazing large bra, but they were still spilling out of the sides. I had no idea what came after a DD cup, and for all I knew they might be ZZ's. I just couldn't wait to find out.

"For fuck's sake, Elizabeth, let me see those unbelievable tits. Please."

"Bombs away" Elizabeth laughed as she undid the bra and let gravity release them from below.

As she pulled her arms out of the bra, she bent forward, and her tits slapped into my face like warm, wobbly cushions.

"One each, Susan," she said, smiling at me as I tried to work out what she meant.

She'd picked up one of her breasts, and pulled it up to her own mouth, where she started to suck energetically on it. Her areoles were huge when they fell down, but when I copied her own action, and pulled the other tit into my mouth, I felt it contract and as it did so the nipple became rock hard and extended forward. I couldn't resist letting her breast slip out of my mouth a bit, just enough that I could bite on that long, wide, hard cylinder of female flesh.

I hadn't expected to like breasts that big, and I was sure that I'd hate those fake ones which look more like unripe melons, but Elizabeth's were so soft and malleable, that I found I loved kneading them in my hands. When I let go and she knelt back to look at me, the one tit still in her mouth, the other one sagged that was true, but the nipple was pointed, and turned up at the bottom rather than just flopping into a featureless bag. I fucking loved them, and I dragged the one from Elizabeth's mouth, and sucked it myself, while she took the one I'd been working on. It was Elizabeth who was really in charge, though.

"I want that cunt, Susan, and I'm sure you're dying to find out if my clit is as big as you imagine. It is, of course."

She didn't really need to tell me, as within seconds her slimy wet cunt had landed on my face, her labia trying to wrap themselves over it, and something big and hard pressed against my lips. Fuck, it was her clit, which was big enough that I could start sucking it like a tiny cock, once I got all of the folds of flesh out of the way.

"That's right, Susan, suck my clit the way you do your son's cock."

Wow, it was fantastic. It wasn't just the size of her clit and her lips which was special, but her cum had a unique spicy flavour that I hadn't tasted before, reminding me of a delicious fish curry. And she was a gusher. So much cum was flowing out of her cunt that my face was getting absolutely drenched, and I could feel it running down over my chin.

It was exciting enough sucking on that female cock, but it turned out that Elizabeth was a fantastic cunt eater as well. Her tongue was racing up and down my slit between my hole and my clit, and the patterns it made of it were sending me absolutely wild.

"Now let's be scissor sisters, Susan," Elizabeth managed to gasp out between moans.

"What do you mean, Elizabeth," I asked.

Well, I knew my kids liked the Scissor Sisters music, but who'd have thought it was a term used for what Elizabeth wanted.

"Let me fuck you with my clit. Come and twine your legs with mine, so our cunts rub together, and I'll fuck you."

Some of the porno Tony had shown me had women doing this, though I was never convinced that they could really get enough friction between their clits for it to be a great way to get each other to come, but I wasn't really in any position to argue. To start with, as we crossed our legs over and started rubbing our cunts together, I thought my first impression was going turn out to be right. But then after Elizabeth wriggled around a lot, I felt her labia open over mine, and something pushed into my slit.

"Move towards me a bit more, Susan."

I did, and shit, I nearly came straight away as her long, hard clit touched mine, and she started moving it backwards, forwards, then side-to-side. It was amazing. My cunt felt as if it was going to burst into flames were it not for the amount of cum that was pouring out of Elizabeth's vagina. I managed to get enough control to look over at her, intending to smile, but what happened was something completely different. Elizabeth had both of her nipples in her mouth, and they were stretched way out as they took the weight of her massive breasts, with her hands just holding them up enough to stop them being pulled out completely.

"FFUUCCKKK!" I yelled, coming hard, imagining those gorgeous tits in my own mouth, and as a violent thrust of Elizabeth's clit did it's best to knock mine right out of my cunt.

"God, Susan, that was even better than I imagined it would be. I'll contact the family, and make sure you get invited to the next family get together ... at least, once I've checked out your husband and children to make sure they deserve to be invited," Elizabeth said, laughing. "I need a drink, though, now. I'm dehydrated. Let's go down to the kitchen and get a coffee, and maybe something to eat."

"I'm not surprised your dehydrated, given the amount of cum you squirted out. Let's not get dressed, though. I just want to see those mammoth boobies bouncing around some more, and I want to watch your cum running down your legs."

And boy did they bounce as we went down stairs, with me going first, keep looking backwards to see them dancing their way down. When we got to the kitchen, Elizabeth made us a coffee each, and we shared a sandwich.

"Before you go, Susan, could you give me a hand to clean these salad vegetables, and strip and wash these sweetcorn cobs? We're planning to have a barbeque when William gets home, and it will save me some time."

I thought that was a bit strange, but what the hell, I thought, it won't take long -- hopefully just long enough for me to find an excuse to fuck Elizabeth again before I left. While we worked, I told her about the way the boys had blackmailed me, how I found I enjoyed it, and even, for some reason about my stripping. We finished the salad ingredients, then we did four cobs so that they were ready to go on the barbeque, and laid them out on the table on a towel.

"Just need to add some of that special spice, then they're ready," Elizabeth said, smiling, lifting one leg up onto one of the chairs under the table.

"What sort of spi...?" I started to ask, but the answer was there in front of me.

Elizabeth had taken one of the cobs, and was pushing it into her cunt, her labia squelching open, wrapping around the cob as she pushed it further and further into her vagina. With so much cum clinging to her it seemed to slip in easily, but surely she couldn't get any more of it in, I thought? But she could, and she didn't stop until no more than an inch was left poking out of her, and that inch was covered at the sides by the folds of her cunt lips.

"Your turn, Susan. Bend over the table, and open your legs."

I shuddered with delight at the thought of Elizabeth being able to watch my cunt open, then stretch wide as she pushed to corn cob up me. While Charlie had been neglecting me, I'd assembled a wide collection of dildos and vibrators, and given I'd had both the girls' hands in me at the same time, let alone Tony and Michael's cocks, I was confident that I could take the cob as easily and as deeply as Elizabeth.

My cunt was so wet with a mixture of my cum and Elizabeth's, that the end of the cob glided easily past my lips and into my hole. As it went in further, though, my legs seemed to start to tremble of their own accord. It wasn't just the width of the cob, although it was wide enough to stretch me, but it was the ripple effect of the rows of kernels, which teased my cunthole delightfully as each one passed through my opening.

Elizabeth kept pushing and pushing, and I felt the end of the cob pressing against the top of my vagina. I put my hand around and discovered that it was as deep in me as Elizabeth's was in her. I was expecting that Elizabeth would let me up, and we'd kiss and play with each other again, and I was longing to get her nipples in my mouth again, but I noticed that she had kept a hand on my back, keeping me pressed down against the table, my breasts squashed out at the sides under me. Then I felt something touch my asshole.

"Hey! What the hell are you doing, Elizabeth? My ass has been fucked, but you'll never get all of that corn cob in me."

"You'd be surprised, Susan. Anyway, if you're going to start coming to the family reunions, you need to get in training. The first one I went to, I had both my father and my uncle fucking my asshole at the same time, and another uncle was in my cunt as well. It still hurt when I had a shit two days later. And you're so overdue that everyone will want you. With a bit of determination and cooperation, you can get three cocks in your two holes, you know."

"Aagghh!" was all I could manage to reply as she started pushing the corn cob into my tight anal sphincter.

Shit, if the ridges of the kernels were stimulating when the first cob went into my pussy, I could feel every little bump and bulge as Elizabeth forced the second cob deeper into my ass. I'd loved the feel of two cocks in me, whether it was one in each hole or both in my cunt, the way they filled my guts, and rubbed against each other. But the cobs were much thicker and longer, so my belly felt as if it was going to explode, and it was agony each time one cob moved against the other.

It was delightful agony, though. With each flash of pain, I got an even bigger one of arousal. When Elizabeth had got the cob as far in as she dared, leaving enough to grip to pull it out, I developed an uncontrollable urge to watch the last of the cobs ravaging Elizabeth's ass. I stood up, and took one step, pain and pleasure searing through me as the cobs hit together as my legs moved.

I grabbed the last cob, and was about to ram it into her ass, but I just couldn't take my eyes of the gorgeous sight of her cunt, filled with a corn cob, dripping with come, with her massive ears wrapped around the base of the cob, and what in comparison was the tiny, brown, wrinkled ring of her ass just above it.

"Get on with it, then, Susan. Watch how my asshole opens to take it. Don't hold back, just jam it right in."

I guided the cob so its end was touching her anus, then I pushed hard on the end with the other hand, gazing in wonder as her opening expanded to accommodate the cob, and I only just managed to stop myself pushing it right inside her, which could have required a tricky hospital visit to get it out.

"She's got you on the old corn cob routine, has she Susan? It is Susan, isn't it? I didn't quite recognise you like that."
Next page: Part 06.2
Previous page: Part 05.2