Part 07.2

And it was brutal, though after spending so long watching everyone else fuck me, he didn't manage to last long. Charlie pulled open my butt cheeks, spat on my asshole, then rammed his cock up me as hard and as fast as he could. I got my leg up, and he forced his whole hand into my cunt, then closed his fist inside me, and pulled it back out. As I started rubbing my clit, he just punched my cunt with his fist so hard that it kept going until it was back inside my vagina. Then he kept doing it over and over, in time with his cock pumping in and out of my asshole.

"You fucking slut, Susan. You just don't care who fucks your cunt or your asshole do you, and you don't seem to be able to get enough of it. You're as big a whore as Jade."

Shit, I thought I was going to be sick the first time his fist hit my pussy, but then I started to delight in the feeling of his hand and his cock filling me up, at least as full as my son's and the baseball bat had. He came quickly, injecting a massive load of sperm into my anus, and I came as well. However, he didn't stop, but just kept viciously fisting me, and I kept working my clit until I came again, and again. Eventually, even I ran out of energy, and we took our usual shower to clean ourselves up before going to sleep.

"Do you really like watching me get fucked by our kids, Chrissy's kids, and others of the family, Charlie?" I asked. "Maybe I'll get over you cheating on me after a while, but until then I just need to make you pay, though I really don't want to go so far you leave me."

"I love watching you get fucked, and I loved seeing the boys ram that baseball bat in you. And actually, I think I'm getting to enjoy sucking spunk out of you now. I love you, Susan."

"I don't know, Charlie. You mentioned Jade was a whore, but did you have to fuck her before you knocked her out for us? Couldn't you even resist her, now she looks like an anorexic scarecrow?" I asked as we were drying ourselves off.

"I enjoy fucking you, Susan, but actually, I think I enjoy watching other people fuck you even more than doing it myself. I ... well, the trouble is that a few years ago I really started wanting young girls. Obviously above the legal age, but as close as possible to it," Charlie replied as we climbed in to bed.

"Which is why you were so keen to fuck our daughters, then?"

"I loved fucking Lucy and Chloe, and yes, more than you, Susan, I'm afraid. When I was travelling there were lots of young prostitutes I could have, and that's why I hit on Jade, of course, though it was also because she reminded me of you, as I said before, but just a younger version of you."

"Shit, Charlie, what the hell is going to happen to us then, as we're both getting older, and the girls will be off and wanting to get married soon, probably."

"Um ... well, Susan, it's not just young ... I don't know how to tell you ..."

"Fucking hell, Charlie, after what I just made you watch me do, what on earth could be so bad you couldn't tell me? You're not a paedophile, surely?"

"Don't be silly, Susan, I said I wasn't. No, I like girls just old enough to be legal, but what I'd really like to do is to fuck a genuine virgin. There."

"Oh, well, you were too late for the girls, then, weren't you?"

"Yes. Do you know, I've never fucked a virgin, because you weren't, were you, and the only girls I had before you weren't either, else they'd never have let me? In my wildest fantasy, I'd like a petite, blonde virgin, with tiny puffy tits and an intact hymen. Then I'd like to fuck her and make her pregnant, and fuck her as she grew my baby in her belly. I know it's stupid. I don't really want to put up with bringing up another kid, and I know that even though you could still get pregnant, you don't want any more, do you? Nor Chrissy."

Shit, Chrissy was no more of a virgin than I was, and I couldn't imagine she'd want Charlie to impregnate her. Who said the male menopause was just a fiction? Next thing he'd be buying a Harley Davidson or a Ferrari, growing his hair, and wearing a medallion! Still, he did make me think. No, I probably hadn't been fucked by a virgin either. Tony in theory, but although he wasn't long above the age of consent, I was pretty sure he wasn't a virgin when he fucked me, though he wasn't hugely experienced. And yes, I'd love a boy, or a man even, to come in any and all of my holes, never having come in anyone else.

"Well, Charlie, I guess we'll just have to hope that the family can at least provide you one virgin when the event comes. Else I can't see what else you can do."

"Actually, Susan, there is something. I've got a new secretary starting in a couple of months, once she finishes school. Her eighteenth birthday will be only a week or so after she starts. She looked ideal when I interviewed her, and I'm determined to fuck her, and even if she isn't quite a virgin when I have her, she surely will be close. Sorry, Susan, I'm going to deserve some more punishment and humiliation, aren't I? I do still love you, though, and given the way you behave with the family, can't you forgive me a bit of fun outside it?"

"Oh, Charlie. What a couple of sluts we are - though surely there's a better word for a depraved male. Yes, you will deserve punishment, that's for sure, but I love you too, and if you take it from me, I want you to stay. Just promise me, though, that you will tell me exactly ... exactly, in every tiny detail, just what you do with her and how she reacts, else if I find you've lied to me, then our marriage will be over."

"That's a deal, Susan," Charlie said, and we snuggled into each other and went to sleep.

Unfortunately the sexual highlights of the previous two days weren't repeated. I had to get up in the middle of the night to take over monitoring Jade, and her withdrawal symptoms were really starting to hit. It was horrific watching her in terrible pain, hallucinating, shivering and without control of her bodily functions. She was almost constantly shouting out something, usually making no sense, and several times she looked at me and called me Mom, mistaking me for Chrissy. What made it worse for us watchers was that all of the kids went back to college the next day, Charlie had to travel to oversee the next stage of the transfer of the business to the new HQ, and even William had to leave as his business had a major car sale, ahead of the new model year.

This left just me, Chrissy, Elizabeth and Tony when he came back each evening. He put a lot of energy into monitoring Jade, and putting me and Chrissy through the training regime he had set us. He had his choice of who to fuck, of course, but the truth was that the others were as mentally and physically exhausted as me with looking after Jade, so that it was just more of a diversion than the explosive pleasure we normally made it. Still, after just over a week we had managed to wean Jade completely off of heroin, so we hoped that it would be only a few more days, and to some extent the worst for her, before we had achieved our aim.

I wanted to describe all the details of what Jade went through, because anyone thinking of using heroin ought to see, or at least read about what it does do you. There are some drugs which can be managed for recreational use, but few have ever managed that with heroin. For most, it is a one-way street to death. However, it was just so horrible, and somehow it would seem to be just further humiliation for Jade if I described the depths she descended to. We first realised that we had successfully got her clean, was when we heard a scream.

"For God's sake someone fuck me!"

Chrissy, Elizabeth and I dashed in to see what was happening. The restraints were stopping Jade getting her hands to her clit, so the three of us reached out to her, playing with her hollow tits, and pushing our fingers into her cunt, finding her clit. It wasn't long before she came, struggling against the restraints, and bursting into tears.

"You stupid cunts, you've got me off heroin, but now I'm left with my nymphomania, which was why I started taking it to try to get it under control."

We all wanted to hear Jade's version of her story, and after she promised that she was clean, and had no craving for a fix, Elizabeth flushed away the last of her stash, we released her, and we took her over to the house in a dressing gown. We made her some breakfast, which pleasingly she wolfed down, then she told us her story. I'd heard of women who needed to climax at least ten times a day, but I'd only half believed them. I could come that many times myself, but I didn't feel compelled to do it every day. Clearly Jade did. Even as she related her tale to us, her fingers were gently playing with her cunt, not caring that the dressing gown was gaping open so her mother, aunt and someone she didn't yet know was a third cousin could see everything she had.

"My trouble started," she said, "almost as soon as I went through puberty, but it just got worse as I got older. I used to masturbate a lot, but increasingly I found it wasn't enough. I was just so desperate to get fucked. Unfortunately, Jude and Jason were too young to want it, and anyway, they were illegally young. I let boys at school touch me, and for a while it was enough for me to masturbate while I sucked them off, but then even that stopped doing it for me.

"I'm sorry, Mom," she said, starting to cry again, "but when you were out one day, I stripped off and walked into the lounge where Dad was watching TV. I told him I needed fucking. He resisted to start with, but when I sat back on the chair, opened my cunt, and started fingering and playing with myself, he gave in and fucked me. I wasn't on the pill then, and he came in me, just as I wanted him to, but then he realised how stupid it was, and what the consequences of me being pregnant were.

"He took it out on me. He punched me and kicked me in my belly, and shoved the pipe from the shower head up me, trying to wash me out. I knew he'd already started to hit you, Mom, but I'm so sorry, because I'm sure this made everything worse. He kept saying how it was your fault that his daughter was such a fucking slut."

By this time, Chrissy was in tears as well. I hugged her against me, as she also hugged Jade to her on the other side.

"Well, I didn't get pregnant, and if you remember, I begged you to put me on the pill, which you did, Mom. I kept away from him after that, although I think once he found out I was on the pill he wanted to fuck me again. Instead, I just gave myself to anyone who wanted me: the boys at school, and men I met in the bar in the evenings. God, I was a slut, but it just about kept me satisfied, as long as I masturbated as well whenever I could. There's something wrong with me, Mom, I just can't stop wanting sex. I just want to die, and now you've stopped me killing myself with heroin. What the hell am I going to do?"

I was now crying, and so was Elizabeth, though she managed to pull herself together enough to speak.

"Oh Jade, it's something inherited in the family, which comes out every few generations. It's not your fault."

She went on to explain about the family history of incest, and Chrissy had her own confession to make, as she admitted that she had let her sons fuck her after she threw her husband out, after Jade had left home. Of course, I had to admit my own orgy of incest.

"So, to an extent, we're all sluts, but all of the close family now know, and we'll all help you find a way of coping. Anyway, my husband has already committed himself to helping you, so I don't have a lot of choice, even if I wanted to."

"Oh, Aunt Susan, I'd forgotten I needed to apologise to you as well, for blackmailing your husband. Oh, how can you ever want to help me?"

"Just Susan, will do, Jade, given what we've been through with you, and that I've admitted I want to fuck the whole family, and that I'm enjoying watching your fingers in your cunt. I'm certainly more than happy to fuck you, and to let Charlie fuck you as well. But just get on with the rest of the story."

"Well, one night I fucked one of Dad's workers, and he must have told Dad, because when he came home, he started laying in to me, and it was only my brothers who managed to stop him. I'm sure he would have killed me if they hadn't. I think, though, that it was as much that I hadn't let him fuck me again after that first time, as it was his anger at me fucking the big-mouthed worker. Anyway, it was clear that I just had to get out. The problem was that I'd only done casual jobs, like waitressing, which gave me lots of opportunity to pick up guys, but the money wasn't enough for me to pay rent as well as everything else.

"Then I remembered that one of the guys I'd picked up in the bar had offered me money after he'd fucked me. What better way of getting all the sex I needed, and the cash to pay my way, than to become a prostitute? So that was what I did. It certainly earned me money, even with so many oil workers being laid off, but fucking hell, it didn't solve my sex problem much at all."

"But, Jade, surely if you were getting fucked often enough to pay your way, it must have gone a long way to satisfying you?"

"You'd think, wouldn't you? The problem was that most of the guys made no effort to get me to come, and I'm sure many didn't even know a woman could come, let alone needed to come. No wonder they needed to go to a hooker, because their wives would have got nothing from them. Most of them just seemed to think that ramming their cock in my cunt or asshole gave me instant ecstasy. They'd bang in and out, then ask me if I enjoyed it as well when they'd dumped their load in their condom, expecting the answer 'yes', of course. I once said 'no', and all I got was a punch and the punter left without paying, so I had to start to pretend I'd come and had enjoyed it.

"There were a few who'd read about how a woman had a g-spot that would do the trick, but I think they were even worse. They'd poke about inside me looking for it, and I swear they imagined that it was going to be like a lift button that they'd feel, and as soon as they pressed it, I'd come. I don't think I've ever met anyone who can come without at least some degree of clit play, and scientists now say there is not really any such thing as a g-spot. But the latest thing I read was that some Scandanavian scientists have decided that for a woman to have a vaginal organism, her clit needs to be 2cm or less away from her hole; 2.1cm, and you've had it.

"I'm sure all of this is just an invention by men. Oh, didn't you come, darling? Well, it's nothing to do with my wonderful fucking, it's because your g-spot is in the wrong place, or your cunt is a bit too long. It's scandalous. The last survey I saw said only about a third of women said they'd ever had an organism during heterosexual sex, and even more amazingly, only about 80% of lesbians said that they did! And this was a survey, and you know how everyone lies in those. How many units of alcohol do you have a week? Oh, just a couple of glasses of wine a week, but the truth was they a shit-faced several nights of the week, so probably the proportion actually having an orgasm is even lower."

I agreed with her. I had come a few times just from the friction of being fucked, but only very early on, when the whole thrill of having sex at all made a huge difference. I also managed to come a few times with just some heavy duty tit play when young, though after feeding my four children, I was nowhere near as sensitive now, and Elizabeth agreed with me.

"Actually, Jade, the clitoris is why I'm convinced that God is female. Did you know, they reckon the clitoris is the only organ in the animal kingdom which has developed purely for pleasure? Sure, women have to like sex enough to let men get them pregnant, but why not just limit it to ovulation, like many animals do? It doesn't seem necessary for the continuation of the human race that women who know how to come should enjoy it so much, and unlike men, we can come and come and come, and don't even need a man to get the pleasure. I just wish girls at school were taught how to come."

"Now, that's a class I'd like to teach," Jade said, smiling a bit for the first time. "Anyway, to get back to my story, I discovered that being a prostitute didn't give me much satisfaction, which probably goes some way to explain why so many working girls are lesbian. One of my punters told me that heroin took the edge off desire, so I tried it, and of course got addicted. I needed money to pay for it, so then there was even less chance I could give up hooking, so I had to keep going.

"Then one night your husband, Charlie, came into the bar. I recognised him immediately, and my first thought was to get out in case he recognised me, as I didn't want the whole family knowing I was a hooker. But he hit on me before I could get away, and it occurred to me that I could get money by blackmailing him, maybe enough that I could stop having to sell myself. I'm sorry, Susan, especially because you clearly had trained him well, because he made sure I came every time he did, whichever of my three of my holes he was using.

"I guess you pretty much know the rest. He wasn't around enough to keep me satisfied, though I hoped with the move back here he might be, and all of the money I got from him went straight to heroin, which I needed more than ever. Oh God, I need to come again now!"

Jade's fingers were now working her clit hard and fast, almost as if she was trying to get a stain out of a carpet. We could see her vulva gaping open, and hear the slurping noise of her fingers in her cunt, and all three of us watched, fascinated, as my niece, Chrissy's daughter and Elizabeth's distant cousin came noisily and energetically in front of us.

"OK. So now you've got me off heroin, and I guess I can only thank you for that, but how on earth am I going to support myself and get fucked properly often enough? Not many jobs let you skip out to screw several times a day, even if I could get one?" Jade asked as she came back down.

After Elizabeth had gone back home, we struggled with that dilemma for the next few days. Tony devoted commendable energy fucking Jade in the evenings, and often before he went back to college in the morning as well, and he devoted himself to adding him into the fitness programme he'd set me and Chrissy, and more than anything, to getting her to eat a full and healthy diet to get her body back in to shape. Charlie came back, and Chrissy and I sacrificed having him fuck us, and we watched him fuck Jade instead while we got each other off with our fingers or mouths. My collection of dildos and vibrators was put to heavy use as well, and I was just staggered how many Jade could manage to shove in her cunt and asshole at the same time.

Jade helped out with the housework and the cooking, though we had to keep an eye on her with a lot of the food, for the reason you can probably guess. We kept finding anything that was rigid, but without sharp edges, had a tendency to end up in one of her holes. Cucumbers and bananas, obviously, but carrots, corn cobs, frankfurters, apples, oranges and even an aubergine. It became a bit of a joke between the three of us, and one day the meal we made for Charlie and Tony had almost no ingredient that hadn't been up Jade's cunt or ass. It turned out that when we told Tony after he'd eaten it, he came up with the idea that was to be Jade's immediate saviour: an online site.

I suppose not everyone will have come across these, of which there are several, but they're a mechanism where people can engage in sexual activity in front of a webcam, and they can collect 'tips' from viewers which give them money. Supposedly, quite a few housewives have become rich this way. Given that for each $1 tip a view buys, only ¢10 reach the performer, this seems a bit of a stretch to me, but the point was, it offered a way for Jade to masturbate and get feedback from people watching her, while getting paid for it.

The next day we signed her up, and we cleared out one of the rooms with an attached bathroom for her to use, and Tony set up the webcam and connected it to the broadband link. Of course, we watched quite a lot ourselves, trying to see what it was that attracted the most tips. Some of them, I have to say, was depressing, with women playing endlessly without really coming it seemed, and men fucking without every trying to come until they had collected enough tips. Jade said it would be no better than going back to hooking if she couldn't do something to make it more enjoyable for her. However, there were clearly a few stars, who tended to have shorter 'performances', but with a lot more energy, and a climax worth tipping for.

Jade's speciality was clearly the capacity of her holes to take objects in them. She started off doing five sessions a day, to catch the main time zones across the world. She'd often start with several apples, oranges or rubber balls up her cunt and ass, then use a couple of dildos on herself, subject to getting tips, and comments from viewers who had paid for premium membership. Then when she came first time, she'd expel the objects from one of her holes, taking everyone by surprise.

Gradually, word got around that she was something special, and the number of viewers steadily increased from a few hundred to several thousand. Clearly she was starting to enjoy herself as well. She began using a pussy pump to engorge her labia at the start of the performance, and from the comments she got, many viewers had never seen anyone with such a large cunt. She also started playing her favourite music, and singing along with it as she fisted herself in one or other hole, and inserted unbelievably large toys in her. Often she'd finish the performance by peeing, or squirting as it had to be called in some states.

She chatted to the people as well - some of them as regular viewers, who were happy to shell out up to $100 each time they watched her performance. Of course, Tony acted as her director, working with her on the script, if that is what you can call it, for each performance, and normally after her last performance each night he fucked her. But not this night, as I had other plans for her, as Charlie was due back again later.

"That was fantastic as always, Jade. I think it's about time we had a proper fuck and I want to ask you some more about Charlie. I'm sure Chrissy would be happy to let Tony fuck her for a change, as she's getting a bit fed up with me now all the other men are gone. Bring your toys - don't bother cleaning your cum off them - and let's go to my bedroom."

I knew, of course, that Tony still had the camera set up in the bedroom so he would be able to go back and watch what we got up to. Given that he'd watched my every bodily function as well as having sex with all the family, I had absolutely no hang-ups about him seeing anything I did any more.

"All the toys, Aunt Susan? That sounds as if it will be fun," she replied, bundling all her dildos and vibrators into a bag, and following me into the bedroom.

I was getting undressed on the way, then went in to the bathroom for a pee.

"Can I watch, Susan?" Jade asked, which surprised me.

"Given I've just watched you pee in front of several thousand viewers on line, and I saw worse when we were breaking your habit, you surely don't need to ask do you? Just put your hand under me and let me pee over it."

I loved the sight of my pee running over her hand. When I'd finished, she put her hand up to her mouth and started licking my pee off it, and then I kissed her, enjoying the salty taste of my pee on her lips.

"We really are sluts, Susan, aren't we?" she laughed, breaking the kiss and skipping back into the bedroom just as my fingers were about to push into her cunt.

She got into the bed, and pulled the sheets back, inviting me to join her, ignoring the fact that it was my own bed, in fact.

"Come and give me a hug, Susan. I just can't thank you enough for getting me clean, and letting your son help me find a way of paying my keep."

Not that I'd ever intended anything different, but I just couldn't refuse an invitation like that, could I? Her face had filled out a little, and I could see that she must have been, and would at some point in the future again be a real beauty. Her body was too thin still for my taste, and her tits still hadn't regained their fullness, but she was a Lewis, and a Lewis with a megadose of incest genes, and having just watched her performance, I knew her cunt and her asshole were to die for. When I got in to bed, she pulled me to her and kissed me hard.

"I love you, Auntie Susan. You don't mind me calling you Auntie? It somehow feels a lot sexier if I remind myself you are a close relative and not just a friend. You look just like Mom did before my bastard of a father destroyed her confidence and she took to booze, but what you and Elizabeth did for me was more than most mothers would have had the courage and stomach to do. Thank you."

"Shouldn't you also thank my husband, Charlie? Didn't he help?"

"You're probably right, but ... well, it's a lot more complicated with him. He gave me money to stop me selling myself for it, but he wasn't around enough to satisfy my sexual craving, so it drove me more to use the drugs to cut down my desires. He promised it would be different when we moved back, but I'm not sure. I know he still loves you, and don't think he'd have been able to spend enough time with me."

"Hmph. He says he loves me, but ... Tell me, what was he like when he picked you up? Was he nervous, or did he look like he'd done it before?"

"Oh, he'd done it before, definitely. As soon as he walked into that bar his eyes were scanning round for an available woman. He obviously knew what sort of place it was, and as soon as he saw me he came over and hit on me. Mind you, my top barely covered my tits, and my skirt was so short I was flashing my thong, so he didn't have to be a genius to work out why I was there."

"But when he took you up to the room, did you get the feeling he'd been with a hooker before, or was he nervous, as if it was his first time?"

"He knew all about hookers, no question. Straight away he got me to agree what I'd do and how much it would cost. I told him he'd have to use protection, and he had a pocket full of condoms on him, ready. Oh yes, he'd had hookers before."

"And what was it he wanted?"

"All three holes; extra if it took him all night, though it didn't. I think he really wanted to fuck my ass most, though."

"Fuck, Jade, do you know he never once asked if he could fuck my asshole? I'd have fucking let him, because I really did love him, and I do still, the bastard. He could have done anything to me, so why did he start using hookers? It wasn't as if he screwed the ass off of me when he came home, either. Shit, shit, shit, Jade. When he gets back, I want to watch him fuck you, and just see if I can see anything in the way he behaves, or whether he seems to get more pleasure out of you than me."

"Are you sure, Susan? I don't want you to hold it against me afterwards."

"Yes. No. I don't fucking know Jade. Now I've discovered my true self, I love watching him slide his cock into another woman's cunt, and I've watched him fuck your Mom often enough. But ... it's just I can't figure out why on earth he started screwing around behind my back, and sometimes I want to find some way of hurting him in return, because I love him, and don't want to lose him. Oh, I'm really screwed up, aren't I? Just fuck me with those massive toys you used earlier, and make me forget him for a while."

"Oh, Aunt Susan, you dirty girl. You just want to suck my scrawny little tits, don't you, you wicked thing," she said softly, but with her voice full of lust, as she switched into her nympho mode.

She was right, of course. Her tits might now be small and saggy, but it meant I could get almost all of one of them right in my mouth, the nipple touching the back of my throat, almost as if I were being face-fucked by it. It was gorgeous.

"That's right, Auntie Susan, suck my tit right in. You could almost bite it right off me, couldn't you, but when your son has finished with me, they'll probably be bigger, and certainly a lot perkier than yours. I bet you want one of my toys in you, don't you, you slut? Watched me fuck myself on camera, and I bet you want one of the toys I used in one of my holes in yours, don't you? How about that big black one I had in my ass? I bet you'd like that in your ass now, wouldn't you?"

God, she understood me so well. The thought of that big black vibrator, which only minutes before had been buzzing away deep in Jade's anus, being rammed into my asshole sent my cunt into overdrive.

"Ram it in me hard, Jade. Stretch my asshole wide," I snarled, having let her tit slip out of my mouth as she had to reach for the vibrator.

"Aaggh, fuck," I yelled as she shoved it up me, relying only on the lube she had used on herself to ease it in, "that hurt."

"I know, but you loved it, didn't you, Auntie?" she said as she flipped the switch to high, sending powerful vibrations ricocheting into my bowels.

I grabbed her arms, and pulled her over, so that she was laid on her front next to me, and I reached over and selected a supersized pink cock vibrator that she hadn't in the end used. The stem might not quite have been as big as the one she had inserted into my asshole, and which was buzzing away like mad, but it had a large helmet, and I really wanted to see that stretch her anal sphincter wide as I jammed it into her.

I pulled open her ass cheeks, and could see that everywhere between her legs was shiny wet, though how much was lube and how much her cum, I couldn't tell, and quite honestly didn't care.

"Try this up your ass, then, bitch" I said, positioning the head of the vibrator right in the centre of her shit hole, and then I drove it hard into her.

"You fucking cunt, Sarah! I didn't use that one because it hurts too much..."

"But you're fucking enjoying it, my slut niece, aren't you?" I said, turning on the vibration, and setting it to devastation mode, a speciality of this make, which had random wave patterns, with the peak being gut-shakingly strong.

"OK, Auntie, so your ass is in good shape, but let's see what you can take in that ancient cunt of yours."

She picked up the large, cone shaped dildo she used earlier, amazing any viewers who hadn't watched her before when she sat on it, and it all but disappeared up into her vagina, and she waved it in front of me.

"Huh, nothing like as big as and any of my kids heads when they were born, and I bet even your Mom could get this up her as yours must have been as big as well."

"Shame I can't get my fucking head up you now, Auntie, isn't it?" she said, making me gush again with the exciting but totally impossible thought.

She pulled my legs open as wide as they could go, and while she held my labia open with one hand, she inserted the head of the dildo into my hole, then rammed it up me with both hands. I could hear the humming of the vibrator in my anus change as the dildo pressed against it, and the vibration that started to shake my whole belly was sensational. It was wonderful.

"Your turn, next, Jade," I said, as I pushed her back on the bed and lifted her legs over towards her shoulders, so the six inches or so of vibrator hanging out of her asshole wobbled around, and I deliberately ground it around, pushing her bowels into areas they weren't normally supposed to be.

I held her legs up with my shoulders, sitting back on the toys in my holes, keeping them in, but more importantly moving them around inside me, sending spiky bolts of pain and pleasure racing through my cunt and ass. I reached down with two hands and roughly pulled her labia apart, stretching them as far as I could, so that her vagina was gaping open in front of me.

"Fucking hell, Jade, you're so tight you're almost a virgin," I said, and neither of us could stop laughing, as we both knew this couldn't be further from the truth.

The ability to have fun while fucking seems so much greater with a woman than a man. Laughing in sex usually seems to instantly perforate a man's libido, usually because they think it is some slight on their prowess. Between women it was different, though. We could laugh, because we knew that an open hole between your leg, which leaked sticky, smelly fluid, often when you didn't want it to, that bled painfully every month, that had a non-aimable pee hole so that often your pee ended up down your leg, and the whole elaborate indignity of giving birth, was so completely bizarre, that laughing while enjoying was only sensible. Anyway, we knew that as we were equipped with a nicely separated, multi-orgasm clitoris, we could still come and laugh at the same time, and if we didn't like it, we could go round again.

"Perhaps I'll get a stick of spaghetti from the kitchen," I said, still laughing, as I picked up a heavy cylinder of clear plastic, and rammed it into her cunt as hard as I could.

Fucking hell, the end of it finished right against her cervix, which I could see in perfect detail. I had the crazy desire to push a finger into her cervix and into her womb, not quite impossible, but definitely not a good idea. Women's anatomies may be funny, but they are also delicate, and all to open to infection.

"Enjoying the view, Auntie?" Jade asked, laughing again, and almost making me blush for some stupid reason.

I'd shoved the plastic in her open cunt, for goodness sake, so why should I be embarrassed about looking at the inside of her vagina, which was coated with streamers of her cloudy white cum.

"I just hadn't realised how much you look like your mother," I said, sending us both laughing again. "She's a massive cunt as well."

Actually, the truth was that I'd never had such a clear look inside Chrissy's vagina, but I immediately added it to my mental 'must do' list.

"Well, let me give you something to take your mind off it," she said, smiling, and picking up a modestly sized vibrator. "I call this one my egg beater, because when it's on full, it feels as if it's going to shake all your eggs out of your ovaries."

She pressed it against the big dildo in my cunt, and managed to prise the opening of my vagina back enough for it to slip in alongside.

"It feels rather ordinar... F... F... F... Fuck," I gasped, as the gorgeous feeling of my cunt stretching turned into what felt like an earthquake going off inside my vagina, as she put the power on.

If you've never had two high-powered vibrators set to maximum inside you, then I'm afraid I just can't find the words to describe the feeling. It was like being on a bumpy roller coaster ride, while being held right on the very edge of an orgasm, with that hot, itchy feeling inside, making you think that some alien being is going to come bursting out of you at any moment, and you're going to throw up at the same time. I knew that however good it felt, I was unlikely to actually come from just vibrators inside me, but I also knew that the instant I touched my clit, the alien was going to fly out of me just like in the film, tearing my body apart. With that level of unexploded bomb between my legs, I had to be careful, but I still hadn't filled Jade's holes quite as well as she had filled mine.

It wasn't easy to move with my holes stretched so much and with the intensity of the vibration inside me, especially if I was going to avoid coming, but I managed to reach over and pick up two larger-sized vibrators in soft-touch silicone, and which I knew could give a powerful blast from their heavy-duty motors. I almost got distracted again as I got another look inside Jade's vagina, but I managed to keep my head, and slipped a finger in her hole alongside the clear plastic cylinder, spoiling the view as it moved it. Then as I pulled my finger out of her, I slid the first vibrator in.

"Shit, Auntie, go easy," Jade gasped as I rammed it in her to its full depth.

I didn't turn it on straight away, but started to repeat the operation on the other side of the cylinder.

"You young girls, you're just so soft," I said, gnawing at my bottom lip as I struggled to get my finger into her cunt hole.

All of a sudden, her muscle seemed to give in, and my finger went as far as my knuckle. I could see it inside her through the clear plastic of the cylinder. It was equally hard trying to get the second vibrator in, expanding the tiny gap where her flesh was stretched around my finger, but eventually it also went in fast where I'd had to push so hard. I pulled my finger out, and turned both vibrators on to maximum.

"Fuuuuuuuck," Jade yelled at the top of her voice, as her cunt was stretched, not into the normal circle, but a long ellipse with the cylinder in the centre, and a vibrator at each end of it, and the vibrations made erratic-sounding beats as the ones in her two holes went in and out of synch.

I knelt back on my heels again, pushing the dildo and vibrators hard into my holes. My legs were wide open, and I knew that Jade could see my clit peeping out from my labia, which were being stretched wide open. I still had her legs up, so I had an even better view of both of her stretched holes, and deep into her vagina through the clear plastic.

"You look fucking gorgeous, Jade, at least for a skanky, drug addicted whore," I said, holding a smile, keeping my come face at bay - just about.

"And you don't look too bad yourself, for an old woman who has to fuck her own family to get herself off. But if you keep looking at me like that, I'm going to fucking come, Auntie."

"So am I, darling, If you just touch my clit, I'm going to explode all over you. Let's do it together, 1 ... 2 ... 3."

I let her swing her leg over my head, then we reached down and touched each other's clits. It took just a few rubs before we both came. I grabbed hold of Jade, and we kissed, our faces locked together as our lower bodies bounced around all of the bed, as those wonderfully electric feelings of our orgasms swept over us. Of course, the vibrators were still on max, so even when our fingers slowed, we were kept on the edge, so we started rubbing each other clits again, our fingers drenched with each other's cum, and we came and we came and we came.

In the end, I could take no more, and I ripped the vibrators out of my cunt and my butthole. I saw Jade do the same, and eventually we calmed down, and ended up panting, our breasts pressed against each other, and our arms around each other's necks.

"That was absolutely marvellous, Susan. I haven't enjoyed a fuck so much since ... well, maybe for ever, but certainly not since I went on the game, even with Tony - but please don't tell him his mother's a better fucker than he is. I think you must have a good dose of what I've got, because I could see from your eyes that your cunt had totally taken over your body from your brain."

"You're right, Jade, but since we're twins, your mother must have the same genetic predisposition as well, surely?"

"Hmm, I suppose so, but I wish my Mom would fuck me more. Neither she nor my brothers have really fucked me properly since you dried me out."

Well, I don't expect there are many daughters who have said that about their mothers, but now she'd said it, I could see the truth in it.

"I think you'll need to give you Mom time, Jade. After all, having people know your daughter is an addict and a prostitute isn't nice, is it, and I suspect she blames herself for not protecting you from you father, and not looking after you when you left home. Maybe the boys are a bit the same, but just think, you're three years older than them, and they must see you as far more sexually experienced now than they are, so they probably are a bit frightened of fucking you in case you make fun of their bodies or their technique."

"I suppose so, but I wish they'd realise that I feel equally guilty in letting them down, as well as myself."

By this time, we were just laid on our backs, side-by-side, one hand reaching over and gently stroking the other one's pussy. I heard a noise, and Charlie walked into the bedroom.

"You two seem to have been having fun," he said, and I wasn't quite sure whether he said it lightly, or whether he thought we shouldn't have been. After all, the room must have absolutely reeked of cunt, and the way our legs were open, he must have been able to see the sparkle of our cum between and stretching down them, let alone the pile of dildos and vibrators on the bed next to us.

"Jade's been telling me all about you darling, and she really is as good a fuck as you said. I've had my fun, so why don't you get undressed and let me watch you fuck her, the way you have so many times before?"

Charlie took me up on my invitation, of course, and quickly got himself undressed. He was stiff before his boxers came down, not surprisingly, given that both Jade and I were naked, and we were deliberately showing him our pussies. I'd sort of expected that he might kiss one or other of us before he started fucking, but he didn't.

"Turn over, Jade, and pull your ass open," he said.

Jade did as he asked, lying next to me on her front with her butt cheeks pulled open, and her glistening asshole was exposed and inviting. Again, Charlie didn't do anything in the way of preparation or emotional engagement, but just drove his cock into her ass, then he caught hold of her hair, pulling her head back as he brutally fucked her shit hole.

This wasn't the old Charlie I knew, and it really disturbed me. It was the one sexual position I'd never really liked very much, because it always seemed as much about male dominance as sexual pleasure, and if I had seen them and hadn't known the background, I could easily have thought that he was taking her forcibly, totally against her will. Rather than having an arousing and enjoyable view of my husband fucking my sister's daughter, I felt increasingly angry with Charlie. I'd told him I'd punish him if he cheated on me again without telling me, and I felt he needed punishment for treating Jade the way he was. Even hookers should have the right to say no, but it just seemed he wasn't even giving her this much respect. An idea of a punishment to fit the crime suddenly popped into my mind. It wasn't something I ever imagined I'd do, nor did I relish the thought, but I just had to do it.

I got off the bed, hardly noticed by Charlie as he kept pounding in and out of Jade's ass, and I rifled through my toy drawer for something that came as part of a multi-set, and I'd never used. Fortunately I found it quickly: a large strapon. I hadn't used it because I couldn't see the point. If I were with a women, fingers and face seemed perfectly good to me, and if I wanted something pumped in and out of my vagina, I'd rather have a live cock, or even a good vibrator. I must have been feeling more sympathetic to Charlie than I remember, though, because I quickly slipped it in and out of my cunt to lubricate it, then I strapped it on, and went back to the bed.

Charlie still hadn't noticed me, but he soon did, because I got behind him and forced the strapon into his asshole. It must have given his prostate a hell of a shock as I drove it right into him.

"Agh! Susan! That hurts! What the fuck are you doing?"

"I'm giving you a taste of what you're doing to Jade, darling. You might enjoy fucking a woman's asshole, but you need to think about her a bit as well. Just as well you never tried this on me, else you'd have been history a long time ago. Anyway, I suggest you try to come up her as soon as you can, because I'm going to keep fucking you until you do."

It wasn't long before Charlie came in Jade's ass. I pulled the strapon out of him, and made him clean up his spunk from her butthole. I was starting to feel a bit guilty about what I'd done, though I still couldn't persuade myself I was actually wrong to do it.

"I do love you Charlie, but if you ever fuck Jade like that again, you'll get the same treatment. Come on, though, let's have some fun. You can watch us get each other off, and you can come across our faces."

He did, and I enjoyed watching his spunk hit her face as much as I had originally imagined I would. Then Jade went back to Tony's room, leaving me and Charlie alone.

"God, Susan, I love you as well, but I can't believe how you've changed. Your such a slut, but you've almost become a prudish bully with me."

"I love you too, Charlie, but I'm not yet convinced I can stay married to you. Just remember what I said: you tell me everything you do with your new secretary, or anyone else, and if I ever find out you've treated a woman the way you did Jade earlier, next time I'll use one of her massive dildos on you, and if you lie to me, I'll divorce you."

He promised me he would, and he repeated it the following morning. So, he seemed to be more-or-less under control, and the online site seemed to be working for Jade. I wasn't sure how long it was going to last, but for the time being she seemed happy, and she was earning enough to pay me a decent rent, which didn't concern me so much, but made her feel a lot better. What was more, as a result of Tony's regimes, Chrissy was visibly getting toned up, although she had a little way to match me, and Jade was definitely filling her skin out again, her tits especially starting to look firmer, and this must be helping attract viewers.

I still wasn't quite clear in my mind how to finally sort Charlie out. Maybe it would depend a lot on how he got on with his new secretary, but anyway, what was now top of my list was tackling my parents about why they didn't tell us about the family tradition of incest. And if I had my way, I was going to fuck my mother and my father before Charlie started on his secretary. I was also starting to wonder whether I shouldn't start performing on the online site myself.​
Next page: Part 08.1
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