Part 08.1

My parents and my paternal grandparents

Having safely broken Jade's heroin addiction, and for the time being, at least, satisfying her powerful desire for orgasm and exhibitionism through the online site, I thought I could safely leave her with her mother and my husband. If she needed any more fucking, I knew I could rely on them, and they could always call in Chrissy's brothers, or Elizabeth and her husband. The reason I wanted to leave her was that ever since I'd found out about my incestuous genetic heritage, and my parents attempt to break the chain, my cunt had been itching to sample my father's cock the way I should have sampled it at 18, according to family tradition. I raised the idea with Tony, Charlie and Chrissy, while Elizabeth was keeping an eye on Jade.

"Can I come with you, Mom? I'd love to watch your father fuck you," Tony asked, curious as ever.

"And I'm sure you want to fuck my mother, son, don't you?"

The thought of getting double-teamed by my son and my father seemed to turn on a tap in my pussy, which suddenly seemed to be flowing with juice from my vagina. I thought having my son with me might help a lot, since I suspected my mother was going to be more resistant than my father to the idea of us all joining our family incest circle.

"Don't forget to tell Dad that he can have me as well, Suz ..."

"... and Lucy and Chloe are such slutty cunts now that I'm sure he can have them as well ..."

"... and I can't imagine that Jude and Jason, and your Michael could resist fucking Mom, either."

Despite all of this advice from Chrissy and Charlie, neither had mentioned it, but I suddenly had an image of my husband fucking my mother, which made me even wetter, but then pulling out of her and ramming his cock, shiny with her cum, straight up my own cunt, and coming inside me. Shit, I just had to pull my dress up and start playing with my pussy, watched in amazement by my son, my husband and my sister.

"Well, don't just fucking stand there! Tony, you and Charlie can fuck my cunt and ass, and you, Chrissy, can push your pussy on my face so I can eat you out."

Clothes went flying everywhere, and Chrissy managed to drag my dress over my head as I stood up to let Charlie lay on the couch, while I kept rubbing my clit, and was carried away by the thoughts of me and my incestuous family all fucking my parents.

"Hang on, Susan, let me lube your ass with some of your cum," Charlie said, and I felt his fingers slip into my cunt, then drag some of my slimy secretions back to my asshole, pushing his finger in that hole as well to lubricate me inside.

"Now lower yourself on my cock," Charlie said, and when I felt the tip of his cock against my ass, I dropped my full weight on it, sending it rocketing into my bowels until he was right in me, and my weight was on my butt.

I was still rubbing my clit, naturally, but Chrissy had started massaging my tits, and I had managed to turn my head around and catch one of her nipples in my mouth.

"Legs up and out wide, Mom." Tony ordered, but I couldn't have done anything else, as he had already grabbed my ankles and pulled them up and apart.

When I looked down, I could see Charlie's shaft deep in my ass and my cunt gaping open, but it wasn't open for long as Tony rammed his cock in it.

"Take me in your sloppy cunt while Dad fucks your ass, Mommy slut."

"Oh God! That's fucking wonderful," I yelled out, clenching my fists, as my son's and my husband's cocks started to dance around each other up inside me.

"It'll be even better now, Sis," Christine said, pushing me back down against my husband, who was now pumping in and out of my asshole in time with my son ramming into my cunt, and straddling over my face. "Suck my cunt, sister bitch."

I thought I was going to explode as I enjoyed the sexual pleasure my husband, sister and son were giving me, but my imagination still kept flipping back to the image of my mother's cunt in my mouth, and my father's cock in one of my holes while my son took the other one. God, I really had become such a slut. What on earth had come over me these few weeks?

I didn't know, and I fucking didn't care. I just lay back and enjoyed the sensations, the only thing on my mind being to make sure that my sister came in my mouth at the same time as me, and as I could feel two jets of sperm filling my ass and vagina. Soon I was right on the edge, and I could feel Charlie and Tony's strokes shortening in my holes, and to make sure that my sister came at the same time, I nipped her clit with my teeth, and pushed two fingers deep into her asshole.

"Aagghh, I'm going to come in your fucking mouth, sis," Chrissy yelled, and I knew my son and husband were going to come as well.

Fuck, we all came, and it was unbelievable. We were all jerking around so much, that we fell off the couch, spunk and cum flying out of me. I had Charlie so well trained by now, though, that he licked up all of the spunk, sucking both his and Tony's out of my holes, and cleaning off all of the mess of spunk and cum from between my legs, before cleaning up his sister-in-law as well, while she cleaned Tony's cock with her mouth, and I did the same for Charlie.

Once I'd recovered, I immediately went and phoned my parents, telling them that I was going to drive up immediately with my younger son to visit them. I'd warned them they I wanted to visit at some point, but were surprised by the short notice. Given the intensity of my fantasies, I just couldn't wait, and if I drove fast enough I knew we could get there in time for supper. Luckily Tony had a long weekend from his college, so we'd have over a whole day to try to get what I wanted.

I'd thrown a few clothes into a case, while Tony had done the same, and we dashed out and headed out.

"Do you really think that after all this time Gran and Grandpa will change their mind, Mom?"

"I think Gran will be the harder to persuade, but I'm determined the next man to come in my cunt will be my Daddy. You may be able to help with Gran, Tony. I guess it might help if we tell them about our recent history, and I'm afraid we'll have to tell them that you and Michael are fucking me, and Jude and Jason are fucking Chrissy, despite them keeping our family trait from us."

"And the girls, Mom."

"And the girls, but I think we'd be better not saying anything about Jade if we can help it."

Whenever I could, I put my foot on the gas as far as I dared, and with keeping us on the road and looking out for speed traps, I was only half listening to Tony rambling on about what my Mom's body would be like, and whether she'd be as hot as the GILF's on the granny porn sites he'd studied with his usual dedication. Anyway, I couldn't let my imagination get loose again, as I was wet as it was. What we did agree, though, was that Tony's work to try to build a full Lewis family tree would be a good cover story, though it turned out that even I hadn't realised just how far he'd managed to get, nor just what a huge family it was turning out to be.

"Oh, hi, Susan, Tony," my father greeted us, giving us each a hug, and carrying out bags into the house.

Shit, even such an innocent and gentle touch sent shudders right through me, but I could still hardly believe that I'd driven like a lunatic just in the hope that I could persuade the man who had brought me up to fuck me. I guess every daughter has a few fantasies about their father, but until Elizabeth told me about the family history, they'd been just that: fantasies. Now they had become an absolute compulsion, and as I followed him into the house, the only thought in my mind was imagining what his cock would look like, and what would it feel like up inside me.

"Hi, Susan. Hi Tony."

My Mom hugged us both as we walked in, and I saw Tony giving her body the once over, and I thought she looked as good as ever. They say you should look at a woman's mother before you marry her, as that's what she'll age like, and I'd be happy if I looked as good as her when I got to her age. What amazed me, though, was that for the first time I noticed she smelled like a woman. It was probably partly the flowery perfume she always used, oh so sparingly, but maybe as well it was that since I'd started enjoying eating my daughters' and sister's cunts I now noticed a woman's natural scent far more than I had before. I was certainly wet enough that I had no trouble smelling the scent wafting from the moisture running along my cunt, as I hugged my Mom to me.

"It's great to see you, hon, even if it came as a bit of a surprise."

"Sorry, Mom, Pop, but with Chrissy moving back down, it suddenly hit me how long it has been since either of us visited, and I guess I thought I really should reconnect with the family. Tony's started to build the family tree, and there seem to be lots more relatives that we never had anything much to do with, and we thought you could help."

"Yes, Gran. I've got a bit of time off school, and I thought you could help me fill in some of the details, especially what people are like rather than just their dates."

I thought my parents looked a bit nervous and secretive when Tony said that, though I was certain I knew why. I gave my mother a hug and a kiss, and she chose to comment on what I was sure my father had noticed, but hadn't mentioned.

"Are'nt wearing a brassiere young lady? You shouldn't flaunt yourself like that, and anyway, you'll regret it when everything sags."

"Don't be such a prude, Mom. I love the feeling I get having my tits free and rubbing up against my dress."

"Well! Language, Susan, especially in front of your son. Come and give Gran a kiss, Tony."

He did, but he kissed her full on the mouth, which she obviously wasn't expecting, leaving her with a shocked look on her face.

"Oh, Tony, I'm glad you're pleased to see me. I've made up your old room Susan, and I've put Tony in Brian's old room."

"There wasn't any need for that, Mom. Tony could have slept in with me."

"SUSAN! Don't be so silly. Tony's a grown boy, well man really, so he shouldn't be sleeping in the same room as his mother. Anyway, sit down and have a drink and a sandwich, and you can tell me your news before it's bedtime."

I decided not to push it yet, so I winked at Tony, which he understood immediately. Over supper Tony talked about his computing work, which my parents had to pretend to be interested in, though I doubt they understood much of what he was saying. I said that we'd helped Chrissy move her family in, and that Charlie had promised he would be moving the company HQ to the nearby city, so he'd be travelling a lot less.

As we spoke, I could see my father's eyes keep coming back to my nipples which were showing clearly through the thin fabric of the dress, and I made sure I moved my body as much as I could, so that he could see my tits moving around inside.

We said goodnight, and we all went up to bed, my Mom making sure that Tony knew which room to go to. My parents had had an extension a few years back, so they had their own bathroom. I waited until I heard their bedroom door close, then I went along to the other bathroom for a wash and a pee. I was sitting on the toilet peeing when Tony opened the door and came in.

"I thought I heard the splash of your pee, Mom. Open your legs a bit more so I can see better."

I remembered how embarrassed I'd been the first time Tony had watched me on the toilet, whereas now I loved him watching me pee, and he did it so often he clearly did as well. He pulled off a couple of sheets of paper and wiped me off, then I stood and kissed him.

"Give it half an hour, Tony, then come down to my room. I can't imagine Pops will be able to sneak away from Mom, even if he wanted to, and I want to be fucked on my old bed, where I used to masturbate thinking about what actual sex would be like. I went back to my room, making sure that I made enough noise for my parents to know that it was just one person's footsteps, and I was back in my old room, which I used to share with Chrissy until my brother left, and we then had our own rooms. I took my dress off, and laid on the bed naked, with my legs open, gently playing with my pussy, remembering all the times I had done the same thing before, waiting for my son.

I pushed my finger between the fold of my labia, getting a buzz as I felt the warmth and moistness of my slit, and an even bigger one as I slid my finger into my wet vagina. Shit, I was just as desperate to feel a cock inside me as I had been all those years ago, but in this case the big difference was that in a few minutes my youngest son was going to come and fuck his slutty mother. I was just at the point of giving in to my lust, and rubbing my clit until I came, when I heard the bedroom door open.

"God, Mom, you look inviting," Tony whispered, the moonlight coming in through the window giving enough light to illuminate my body against the bed. "Is this where you and Auntie Christine used to fuck each other."

"Oh, we didn't fuck each other, son. We just used to lay here and listen to each other's fingers making slurping noises in our dripping wet pussies. Listen!"

I moved my fingers rapidly in and out of my hole, and round and around inside, making loud squelching noises.

"Doesn't it sound gorgeous? Come and put your fingers in my cunt alongside mine, and feel how wet I am, son."

"Fuck, Mom, I'm always surprised how wet your cunt gets, and I love the scent of you. Do you think Gran's cunt will be this slimy and delicious?"

"I'm sure we're both going to find out, son," I replied, the thought sending a shudder of anticipation race through me, and together our fingers explored my vagina, and teased my clit.

"I love you, Mom, but did you ever imagine that twenty-odd years later your son would be ramming his cock up you on this very bed, filling the vagina I passed through with my sperm?"

"No, and I don't want to have to keep imagining it either, Tony. Just ram the fucking thing in your mother's gaping wet cunt, and fuck me hard."

"You really are such a fucking slut, Mom, and I love you," he whispered as he drove his big, throbbing penis into my vagina.

I was a slut, but yet even as my son was pistoning in and out of my cunt, kneading my tits and exploring my mouth with his tongue, rather than concentrating on the forbidden pleasure of my son screwing me, I kept imagining the equally forbidden pleasure of fucking my father. Not only that, but I knew my son was thinking more about fucking his grandmother rather than his mother, and I knew I was just compounding my dirtiness by the way I desperately wanted to watch my son's cock pumping in and out of my mother, while my father did the same to me.

We came, each caught up in our own imagined scenarios, yet delighting in the feelings we had sent through each other's bodies. We cleaned the spunk off each other with our tongues, then we snuggled into each other and went to sleep dreaming about fucking my parents.

I woke up with a start, hearing my mother shouting that breakfast was ready, and as I looked around the bedroom, it took me a while to catch up with the fact that I wasn't still an eighteen-year old, but a mature woman. I'd half expected that I'd be caught out, sleeping with my son, but Tony must have woken up earlier and snuck back to the other bedroom. Being caught would have really set things flying, but given that we hadn't been, I knew I needed to find another way to turn the conversation to sex and incest.

I'd packed a baggy, but very short T-shirt. It was really designed as a T-shirt for someone much larger than me, but it was ideal as my supposed nightdress. When I bent forward, the neck gaped so much that my tits didn't even touch against the material, but were fully on display, and I only had to bend or stretch up a little for the bottom to rise up and reveal my ass and pussy. I put it on, and went downstairs, where I found Tony and my parents already dressed, and breakfast on the table.

"Oh, sorry I overslept," I apologised, stretching as I suppressed a yawn, pulling the T-shirt up enough that I knew the crease of my bald pussy would have been visible.

"SUSAN! What on earth are you wearing? I'm sure I could see your ... well, a bit of you that you're supposed to keep private."

"Sorry, Mom. 'Morning Pops," I replied, leaning over the table to give him a smile, then kissing him gently on the lips.

"Um, yes ... g ... g ... good morning S ... S ... Susan," he stammered as he took in the full glory of my tits dangling inside the T-shirt, with my nipples stiff as iron.

I sat down to eat my breakfast, but the funny thing was, I kept finding that I needed to reach over the table to get something, and I enjoyed to look on my father's face as my tits kept coming in to view. Not only that, but I kept dropping things, my knife, my serviette, my teaspoon, and wouldn't you know it, they always fell in the direction that meant my ass was facing my father when I bent over, so he was getting a good look at my cunt and my asshole too.


"Yes, Mom?"

"Susan, for goodness sake sit still, else go and get changed. You keep flashing us with parts of you we're not supposed to see, especially your son, here."

"Oh, that's alright, Gran, we've got used to seeing Mom's bits at home. She's always doing it."

"Well, you should be ashamed of yourself. A woman of your age should know better than to let people see what I could see just now, and anyway, you're too old for anyone to be really interested."

Given the lump I'd seen in my father's pants the last time I bent down, there was certainly someone who was, and I knew that if I'd done the same thing at home, I'd have had at least some fingers if not a cock inside me by now, whichever of the family was the spectator.

"But Gran, there's lots of ..." Tony started, until I kicked him under the table.

"Sorry, Mom, it's just I don't like being restricted by clothes so much these days, and with the kids at college, I'm more used to being on my own."

"Well, if you're going to stay another night, then I'd better go into town and do some food shopping. Who's going to come with me?"

"I'd love to come, Gran," Tony replied, knowing exactly what I was up to.

"But Pops and I will stay here, and he can fill be in on some of the family history. That's alright, Pops, isn't it?" I said, throwing my arms around my father, and sitting on his lap.

"Um ... well, alright Susan, if that's alright with you Martha?"

I could feel my father's cock pushing against my pussy, and I could tell that it was affecting him, because he almost never used my mother's full name, which she hates.

"Well, alright Henry, but make sure that girl gets out of that nightdress while I'm gone, 'cause it's far too small for her."

"Don't worry, Mom, I wasn't intending to stay in it long, anyway," I replied, smiling.

No, I was intending to get out of it as soon as I could, and she never said anything about putting anything else on, did she?

"Come on, Gran, let's get going, then. I always enjoy going out with you. Do they take Apple Pay at your local stores?" Tony added, giving me a wink, and putting his arm around my mother and encouraging her out of the door.

"I used to love sitting on your lap, Daddy, when I was a kid," I said, wriggling my bum around on his lap, "but I don't remember feeling your cock trying to invade my pussy. Or was I just too naïve to notice?"

"Um ... I don't know what you mean Susan ..."

"Don't be silly, Pops. I know you've kept looking at my tits when I've bent over in front of you, and I know you can feel the heat and wetness of my cunt on your leg. Just imagine how my wet cunt would look if I rubbed it over your stiff cock."

"Susan! Susan, you shouldn't be doing this. You're my daughter, and a grown woman at that. It's wrong."

"I may be a grown woman now, but you should have been doing it twenty-four years ago, when I was eighteen, shouldn't you? Cousin Elizabeth explained all about the curse of the Lewis's to me, and how you and Mom decided you'd try to cheat it."

"Oh, Susan, I hoped you'd never find out. Your Mom was so upset she almost refused to marry me when she found out."

"What did she find out, Pops? Oh, I get it, she found out you were fucking Gran and Aunt Virginia, didn't she? And maybe a whole load more of my great-aunts? If you were prepared to fuck them, oh, why didn't you fuck me when I was old enough, Pops? I used to dream about you being the one I'd lose my virginity to. And it didn't work, anyway."

I could see from his face that I'd got it right. His mother had allowed him, or maybe encouraged him to join the family circle of incest. I could also see how tricky it would be to bring an outsider into the circle, since if he was fucking his mother, his father would surely want to fuck the woman he'd chosen as his wife.

"What do you mean, hon, that it didn't work?"

"Both Chrissy and I bottled it up until our kids got to eighteen, and then everything seems to have exploded in us. I'm fucking my sons and my daughters, Chrissy is fucking hers, we're fucking each other's, and they're all fucking each other as well."

"God, Susan, tell me it's not true. Please?"

"Of course it's true, Daddy. Just as true as it is that you are dying to fuck me now, even though it's twenty-four years too late. You can't wait to get a better look at my tits, and to hold them, and I know you want to shoot your spunk up inside my slimy wet cunt. I've got it in my genes, and I could only have got it from you. You want to fuck me so hard I won't be able to walk all day, don't you Pops?"

"Um ... Susan ... no don't ..." he protested as I stood up, and started undoing the belt of his pants.

"Just shut the fuck up Dad, and enjoy seeing my tits swing for you. I know you can see right down my T-shirt at the moment, and my nipples are aching where they are so stiff from knowing that you are looking at them."

He was putting up a fight, but it was clear his heart wasn't in it, and I could see the burning lust in his eyes as he looked at me. Oh yes, he wanted to screw his little girl as much as I wanted him to. I managed to unzip him, and pull his boxers down enough for his cock to spring to attention in my face. I wrapped one hand around it, and started stroking it.

"There, Pops, doesn't it feel good to have your little daughter stroking your cock, the way you must have wanted every single day of those twenty-four years? Come on, don't just look at my tits, feel them, squeeze them."

I grabbed one of his hands, and forced it over one of my breasts, making his fingers dig right in to my soft flesh.

"Finger me, Daddy. Run your hand up between my legs, and take control of your daughter's cunt that's dripping from longing for you to fuck her. Play with my clit with your thumb, and ram the rest of your fingers up inside me, stretching me ready for your massive cock to invade and conquer my vagina."

"God, Susan, I know I shouldn't be doing this, but I just can't resist my gorgeous daughter," he murmured, moving one hand under my T-shirt to grab one of my tits, which were dangling again as I stood up. I knew that this would mean that the T-shirt was pulled up more than enough for him to be able to see my pussy, and I opened my legs so that he could get at my cunt.

"Aagghh, Daddy," I groaned softly, as I felt his fingers stroke along the length of my protruding labia. "Yes, yes, finger me, Daddy," I whispered.

I felt his fingers pulling me open, and exploring the length and depth of my vulva, discovering the hard button of my clit, then the warm, wet opening of my vagina. I was still stroking his cock, while I used my other arm to try to pull my T-shirt right off.

"What the hell is going on here, Henry? I'd forgotten that knitting pattern I promised Doreen when I next went in to town, so I thought I'd come back for it. Looks like it's just as well I did."

It was my mother, of course, back from the shopping faster than either of us had anticipated.

"What do you think is going on, Martha? I'm just about to fuck my daughter, who I should have fucked twenty-four years ago if it hadn't been for you."

I thought that actions would speak louder than words, so I ripped off my T-shirt, and lifted myself up on to my father's lap, facing him. I put my arms around his neck, and moved my body so that it was right over his erect cock, and I let it slide gently up inside me as I lowered myself down.

"Fuck me, Daddy! Make Mom watch your cock ramming into your daughter's cunt. Listen, hear how fucking wet I am. Suck my tit, Daddy," I yelled.

"Tony, don't look, get out son. You shouldn't be seeing your mother like this," my mother said, and I could detect the horror in her trembling voice.

"Don't be silly Gran, I love watching her get screwed. Go on Gramps, fuck her hard just like I fucked her in bed last night," Tony shouted.

"Oh God, no. Tony, don't say that."

I was bouncing up and down on my Daddy's lap, and he reached around and grabbed my ass cheeks to help me. I loved the feeling of his cock going in and out of me, and his tongue playing with the nipple of my tit that he'd sucked into his mouth. More than that, though, I knew that my mother would be able to see his cock moving in and out of me, pulling the inner lips of my hole for her to see, and that my asshole was pulled open by my father's hands on my butt. It was everything that I had dreamed about, fucking my father in front of my mother and my son, and I barely needed to touch my clit to ramp up my arousal.

"Look, Gran, look at her father's cock pumping in and out of her. Look how shiny it is from her cum. And look at her stretched shit hole. I bet he'll take her up there later, and I'm sure he'll enjoy it as much as I do."

"Oh, God, this can't be happening," my mother was muttering. "How did you become such a disgusting slut, Susan?"

"It isn't me, Mom. From the moment Dad shoved his cock in your hole and you made me, it was my destiny. It was in my genes, and in Chrissy's as well."

"Oh God. Oh, God," my mother wailed, bursting in to tears as she watched one of her twin daughters being fucked hard by her husband.

"Don't worry, Gran. Come and sit on the couch with me and let me give you a hug. You should have known you can't fight biology. Cousin Elizabeth told us how you tried to break the Lewis curse, but actually all you did was to delay it. All of your grandchildren have fucked Mom and Auntie Christine, but when we found out about the family history, both Mom and I wanted to go further."

I heard Tony speaking gently to my mother, and I knew that he wouldn't just be comforting her. Luckily, I could see the couch by turning my head, and so could my father.

"Slow down, Pops, don't come in me yet. Let's watch them," I whispered, and we slowed the pace of his thrusts.

God, I was still enjoying the feeling of my father's cock in my cunt, though. It just felt so right, as well as feeling wonderful. I watched, fascinated, as my son gently unbuttoned my mother's blouse. She was so busy sobbing in to his shoulder that she didn't seem to have noticed until he slid his hand down inside her bra, and cupped one of her breasts.

"TONY! What are you doing? I'm your Gran, and you shouldn't be touching my breasts. God, it's even worse than I thought, you're as bad as your slutty mother."

"Maybe worse, Gran, because you're going to let me fuck you. Fuck you here on this couch with your daughter and husband watching. I'm going to strip you naked, and suck the tits that fed Mom. I'm going to pull your cunt open, and look inside your vagina, then finger your asshole, before I fuck you the way your husband is fucking your daughter while you watch."

Shit, I was sure that Mom would explode, and throw Tony off her, and maybe even chase him out of the house. But she didn't, she just whimpered like a beaten dog while my son kept squeezing her tit.

"You know that's what you want, Gran, isn't it? So tell me, tell me what you want me to do to you."

"I ... I want you, my grandson, to fuck my cunt in front of your mother and grandfather, while I watch them fuck each other."

"Shouldn't you say please, Gran?"

"Please, Tony, please fuck me."

I couldn't believe my ears. How on earth had my mother gone from being so uptight and religious to being so submissive in a matter of minutes?

"For fuck's sake get on with it then, son. I can't hold back for too long."

Both my father and I had decided we had to, though. Fucking each other after so many years of denial would have been amazing enough, but fucking each other while my son fucked my Mom, the woman who had forced the denial, was going to be something else altogether.

I kept riding up and down on my father's cock, just keeping both of us on the edge of coming, and if we got too close, I let him stay still, the head of his penis resting against my cervix. Once having made the decision, my mother seemed in just as much of a hurry as the rest of us, and she and Tony were ripping their clothes off and throwing them on the floor.

Shit, for a sixty-three year-old woman she was fit, though. Her tits were saggier than mine, showing the effects of another twenty-one years of gravity, but they were small enough that they still looked so attractive I wanted to suck one of them deep into my mouth. That was exactly what my son did, or course, having first massaged them to make her nipples hard and erect, looking absolutely enormous against the soft emptiness of the rest of her tits.

God, I never really thought I'd get to see this, and it was even sexier and arousing than I had imagined. My Mom's bush was thin and peppered with grey hair, but it was trimmed. I could see where I had got my large, dark cunt lips from. Hers were even bigger than mine, rising like Mayan temples from the undergrowth of her bush. Even more surprising was how shiny they were, shiny from the cum she must have been leaking, betraying how aroused she must have been seeing me and Dad fucking, even when her words were saying the opposite. As my son sucked hard on her tits, she had one hand working up and down on his cock, while her other cradled his balls.

"Open her cunt, Tony," I heard Dad say over my shoulder. "Let's see just how wet she is inside."

I'd been told that a woman's juices start to dry up after the menopause, but maybe Mom was on HRT, or just was defying old age, because I'd never seen a cunt as wet as hers. The inside of her whole slit was glistening with a sticky white liquid, and when Tony pulled her hole open, strings of white thread criss-crossed it.

"Shit, Mom, I want to lick your cum out of you, but for now you'll have to do it for me, Tony," I shouted, and it must have been the thought of either her daughter or her grandson eating her which sent another glob of white cum sliding out of her vagina.

It was almost too much for me, as I saw my son let my mother's breast fall from his mouth, and his head move down between her legs. He stuck out his tongue, and looked up to smile at me.

"This is for you, Mom," he said, as he lowered his head, and lapped the messy white liquid from his Gran's cunt, raising his head again to show me the white goo on his tongue.

"Get on and fuck, her, son, because I'm going to fucking come on Daddy's cock soon, and I want to see you come in my Mom at the same time."

"Fuck!" my Mom yelled as Tony drove his cock hard into her cunt, which was now wet with his saliva as well as her own cum.

I'd watched Tony fuck my daughters and my sister, but I don't think I'd ever seen him go at it quite as energetically as he was with his grandmother. With every stroke he was entering her so far that his balls were banging against her ass. I could hear loud pussy farts coming out of her, and I could smell her cum filling the air, overlaying my own with its related but distinct odour.

"I'm going to cum in your dirty old cunt, Gran. What am I going to do?"

"You're going to screw me until you shoot your fertile young spunk into my forbidden, dirty old cunt, grandson."

"God, Dad, fuck me hard again. Fuck me like my son is fucking Mom, and send your spunk that made me deep into my vagina.

All four of us were going at it like rabbits. I started moving my body, so that with every thrust my father made into my hole, I slapped him across the face with my tits, and he was pulling out of me so far that my own cunt started farting more than my mothers. It was glorious, everything that I imagined that fucking my father would be, but much, much more. My whole body was tingling with excitement, every touch threatened to make my body explode, and I had a gorgeous aching feeling running up from my cunt to my slapping breasts.





I burst out laughing with the unoriginality, but perfect time of our outbursts as we each came, and the thrill of feeling my father's sperm filling my vagina. Perhaps I should have turned and kissed my father, thanking him for fucking me, as soon as his limp cock slid out of me, but I had one last thing I was determined to do while my Mom was naked. I climbed of my father, and pulled my son off my mother. I could feel my father's spunk starting to run down the inside of my leg, and I could see my son's oozing out of my mother.

"Suck your husband's spunk out of my cunt, Mommy bitch," I said, straddling over my mother as she was still laid back on the couch, seeing a thread of semen fall down on her face as I lifted my leg over her.

"Susan! Don't talk to your mother like ..." she managed to yell back before I forced my spunky cunt over her mouth.

"Eat me out, Mom, but don't swallow it all, then we can do a swap."

Given that Tony had come in me the night before, I was surprised just what a massive load he'd manage to inject into my mother. I was familiar with the salty flavour of my son's sperm, but mixed with the spicier version of my own cum from my Mom's vagina, it tasted wonderful, and the image of my son fucking my mother kept replaying in my mind. I hadn't really expected to come again, although the idea of getting my Mom to come in my mouth excited me, but then I found it wasn't going to be up to me at all.

"Ooww!" I tried to yell, though it was muffled by the fact my mouth was over my Mom's vulva.

My Mom, supposedly the innocent one, had just bitten hard on the edges of my labia, and it fucking hurt, though I have to admit it hurt in a nice way. That wasn't the end of it, though, because she was sucking along my vulva like a vacuum cleaner, then going back to my clit and working it hard with her tongue. Fuck, I was going to have to get working on her if I was going to avoid the embarrassment of my Mom getting me off ahead of me, when I was supposed to be the slut, not her.

I sucked hard on my Mom's fleshy cunt lips, and worked my tongue over her stiff little clit, and I got so carried away I almost forgot my own instruction not to swallow all of the spunk that came out of her vagina, but to keep a load in my mouth. I knew I was getting close, when fuck me, she rammed a finger into my shit hole, taking me totally by surprise. It was all I could do to ram a finger up her ass as well as I came, dragging her with me as my mouth clenched on her cunt, and she kept bucking against my face even after I had stopped rubbing her clit.

I pulled my head up, and turned around and smiled at my naked mother whose face was coated with my cum. She smiled back, and opened her mouth, letting me see my father's spunk in her mouth. I opened mine and we kissed, pushing my father's and my son's spunk backwards and forwards, mixing in the mustier flavours of our own juices. We hugged; and hugged the way we hadn't hugged for years, as we realised just how much we loved each other, and how we had taken that love to a new, incestuous level. Eventually we swallowed and pulled apart.

"You dirty fucking bitch, Mom, shoving your finger up my ass."

"I think I must have got it from my cunt of a daughter and her son, darling," she said, giving me another smile and a big hug.

"Where's the men?" I asked, suddenly realising that Tony and my father weren't in the room.

"They left as soon as they'd seen us come, Susan, and I bet they've gone to tell Henry's father, your grandfather, that I've relented at last, and you and your kids have discovered the Lewis legacy. They've been on at him for years to get me to give in and tell you, and all this time we've been shunned by all of the rest of the family.

"So why didn't you tell us, Mom? Didn't Dad tell you about fucking his mother, sisters and Aunts, or did he hide it?"

"No, he told me alright. Apparently, part of the tradition is that if a family member marries, then they have to get the partner to agree to join in the incest, else the family don't give permission for the marriage. The story is that several generations back, two close relatives had a baby, but it had terrible mental and physical disabilities, and probably fortunately they didn't live very long. After that, the family forbad that sort of inbreeding, and insisted that men should marry and have children outside the immediate family, but only to women who would accept incest."

"Hmm. I can see that makes sense, really, but surely the family can't stop anyone marrying if they are legally old enough?"

"No, they can't, and that's what your father said. They couldn't stop us, but they could cut us off from the rest of the family. I'm not sure I cared, but your father had that trait inside him where he had to struggle to live with not being able to fuck you, Christine, his mother, or any of the other relations that I knew he was attracted to."

"But why didn't you just agree, Mom? From the way you let Tony and me fuck you, it can't have just been you weren't interested in sex."

"Well, partly it was my upbringing. As you know, my parents were extremely strict churchgoers, and I'd always been taught that incest was wrong: a sin. Actually, I still think it's wrong, even though I'm beginning to see the attraction of it. But probably it was more fear, I think. Henry was the only boy I'd ever let touch me. He was my first love, and until my grandson fucked me earlier, he was the only man I've ever had, and no one else had ever seen me naked.

"I don't know how much that blabbermouth Elizabeth told you about the family meetings where a new member is inducted, but I was told that all of the older generations of men would fuck me in front of the whole family, one after another. Remember that Henry's father was one of seven brothers, so that must have meant I was going to be used by at least ten or a dozen men. The thought just terrified me, not just getting fucked by that many men, but having everyone one watch me, and seeing all of those private bits of my body and my behaviour that I kept to myself.

"And, once I'd been initiated that way, the women would get their hands on me, and I had really no idea what women did to each other. You know, Susan, I'd never touched another woman's pussy, let alone eat her out, until I did you just now, except of course when I looked after you and Christine. Touching, I mean, when you were just babies."

"I can't believe it, Mom, the way you got me off just now was amazing. But why did you suddenly change and let Tony fuck you?"

"It suddenly hit me that I sick of it all, Susan. I guess I thought that Henry would eventually forget about fucking his mother, and that even if he felt that way about his daughters when he had them, it would pass when they left home, especially if he'd never had them at all. But he hasn't. Virtually every time Henry's fucked me since you and Chrissy matured, I knew he was imagining his cock in one of you rather than me. And after you've been messed about by doctors, especially when you are pregnant, you stop worrying so much about showing your body strangers, I suppose. Anyway, I think I've kept myself in reasonable shape, even though I'm old enough that my body wouldn't turn anyone on, and I'm way past having children.​
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