Part 09.2

"Oh dear, Charlie. Am I supposed to feel sorry for you that you haven't managed to get your cock up your secretary yet, when you've got me, my sister, your niece and your two daughters available?"

"Huh, not so available. Tony seems to be monopolising Jade, and I didn't realise when I offered your brother the global role in the new HQ, that I'd be competing with him fucking you and Chrissy, as well as his sons and Chrissy's own sons."

"Poor old Charlie! Why don't you fuck me, then, imagining that I'm your secretary?"

"Fuck it, Susan, she's a virgin, or at least I hope she is. You've had so many men up your hole now that you're never going to be able to convince me you're a virgin, are you?"

"Shit, Charlie, I haven't had anyone turn down fucking my cunt when I've offered it before. You don't deserve it, but how about fucking my asshole, because that is a lot tighter, isn't it?"

I had a pretty fair idea this was what he was after all along, especially the way he'd fucked Jade's ass a few weeks earlier, and I knew from the way his cock started throbbing under my hand that I was right. As Charlie knelt up on the bed, I put my legs over his shoulders so he could fuck my asshole, but still imagine in that position that it was my cunt.

"Fuck my tight little cunt, Mr Kowalski. But please try not to hurt me too much."

"Don't worry, Becky, I'll use plenty of lube. Just yell if it gets too bad, and I'll pull out."

Charlie squirted a stream of cold lube onto my asshole. As the tip of his cock touched the crinkled circle of my anus, I suddenly became aware of how much I was enjoying this game. He started pushing against me, and I felt a sharp flash of pain as his cock forced my sphincter open.

"Ow! Mr Kowalski, you're hurting me. Your cock must be far too big to get into my hole. I think you should stop it."

"Don't worry, Ms Lewin, it will soon feel better," he said, as rather than pulling out of me, he pushed further in.

"Oh God, Ms Lewin, it feels so good to have my cock in your virgin cunt ... or not virgin anymore," he said, as he rammed his cock as far into me as it would go.

"You fucking bastard, Mr Kowalski! You said you'd stop, and it hurts so bad."

"It will soon feel better," he said, "just play with yourself to take your mind off it."

I put my one hand down and started teasing my clit, and the other I used to knead my breast. As Charlie's thrusts into me got faster and deeper, I forgot all about the game, and just enjoyed my husband fucking my asshole. I knew that with the tightness of my ass, and the thought that he was actually fucking his secretary, Charlie wouldn't last long, so I redoubled my efforts on my clit, sometimes sliding my fingers back to my vagina, and pushing them inside so that I could feel his cock going in and out of my anus.

"FUCK!" Charlie yelled, as I felt his cock pumping his spunk into me.

"Oh, Mr Kowalski, pull out now! Don't come in me, else I might get pregnant," I gasped out before my own climax took my voice away.

"I hope you're a bit gentler with her, when the time comes. And you really wanted to make her pregnant, didn't you? I could see it in your eyes," I said, panting, as we pulled apart

"I told you I did. But I love you, Susan. Thank you for letting me use you like that."

"I love you too, Charlie. Just make sure you keep me up to date on what you are doing with her."

In truth, I thought I was using him just as much as he was using me, as I lay in bed next to him, after I'd made him clean his spunk out of my asshole with his mouth and before we had a quick shower and tried to get to sleep. I still couldn't get rid of my slightly ambivalent feelings about my husband. For sure I loved him, but he had cheated on me at a time when I was being faithful to him. Arguably I was cheating on him even more now, although I'd never asked him how many women he'd fucked when he was away on business, and he hadn't offered to tell me. It wasn't so much that I was angry or jealous, but I had a tiny core of fear that at some point he might leave me for one of his conquests, and I didn't want to lose the cheating bastard, just punish him a bit, and that was the last thought in my mind as I drifted off to sleep next to him.

When we got up the next morning, Charlie said he would be out of the office, with investors, so he might be late home. Was he trying to fuck her without me knowing, I wondered? In any case, there was still something niggling away at the back of my mind which I couldn't quite get rid of, so I decided I'd pay a visit to the new offices, and check out this new secretary for myself.

I made sure I was dressed for the part, with make-up and a bra and panties for a change, and I even wore my high heels, which I try to avoid if I can. I had to drive to the city, find the right place, and then I had to explain to all sorts of security people who I was, and why I needed to see the CEO's secretary.

As soon as I walked in to the outer office, I saw that Charlie's description of his secretary had been perfect: blond, petite, attractive (if you liked that sort of thing, and damn it, I did as well as him), and just exposing a bit more flesh than was wise for an Executive Assistant, as I thought of the role, rather than Charlie's rather demeaning 'secretary'. However, that wasn't the biggest thing that hit me: she was my niece, Brian's daughter. I suppose the name and the description must have triggered some subconscious recognition, which was what had been bugging me.

"Good morning. You must be Becky Lewin, Charlie's new EA? I'm his wife, Susan. Welcome to the Company. I just thought I'd call in to say hi, as I was in the area."

The look of shock on her face was wonderful.

"Oh, good morning, Mrs Lewis. Nice to meet you."

"I'm sure it isn't. Your name's really Becky Lewis, I'm your Aunt, you're my niece and Charlie is your uncle. Your father tells me that you've sworn to remain a virgin, but my husband thinks from your dress and the way you behave, that he's going to fuck you any day now. What is more, that little round glassy thing trying to look like part of your handbag's decoration is a little spy camera, isn't it? So what the hell is going on?"

The immediate answer was just a flood of tears. I just sat and waited for the sobbing to subside a little.

"Nice performance, Becky, but I'm a woman as well, so tears don't work on me the way they can on men. Anyway, I don't think you do the cause of female equality any good at all by turning on the waterworks like that, at least until men learn to show their own emotions more. I know your father told you all about the family history, and you must know that your bothers are fucking your mother, so you can't pretend you're a total innocent. And surely you know by now that I'm not exactly pure as the driven snow, either."

"No, Mrs Kowalski, Dad came back last night and told us all that he'd just fucked his twin sisters," she sobbed.

"So come on then, tell me, because I'm hardly likely to be shocked and offended, am I?"

"I needed a job, and without a lot of qualifications I thought I'd have to settle for something less than I wanted. I think I've got a lot of skills I can use in business, even without qualifications, but no one else has yet been able to see it. Dad mentioned that Mr Kowalski was looking for a new EA, and I'd heard stories about how he always tried to screw them. There was also something about him wanting a virgin, which I guess I must have overheard Dad saying to Mom. Well ... um ... I just thought that if I took this job ... and I let him take my virginity ... well, if I recorded it I ... um ... might be able to persuade him to give me a better job."

"Oh, I get it, you wanted to just blackmail him into giving you a new, well-paid job?"

"Um ... yes, though it sounds bad when you put it like that. He is family, though, isn't he, and Mom and Dad say that fucking family members is fine."

"Hmm. You are on the pill, aren't you?"

"Yes, Mom got me on it after I'd had my first few periods."

"And you really are a virgin?"


"Hmm. Well, I think I'd better check for myself, Becky."

"Mrs Kowalski! What do you mean? Surely you don't want to inspect my vagina?"

"That's exactly what I want to do. Here's the deal. If you really are a virgin, then I won't stand in the way of you getting Charlie to fuck you, with a couple of provisos. First, I want to watch, and second, when you've lost your virginity you join in with the rest of the family. I've got two sons and two nephews as well as my husband who'd love to fuck you, and quite honestly, I would myself."

She just looked at me with her mouth open, and a shocked look on her face, which was getting redder and redder as she blushed.


"I ... I've never let anyone look inside me ..."

"No, but you were going to let my husband shove his cock up you, and I am your Aunt, after all. It's your choice: you take my deal, or I tell my husband and your father what you were planning to do. Goodness knows, I bet Charlie would still like to fuck you, but he'd certainly feel obliged to fire you, and I'd make sure he did."

"Oh ... alright, then. I guess I'd have to give in to the family behaviour anyway before long. Let's go into the office and lock the door."

We went into Charlie's office, which was much plusher than his previous one, with not just a desk and a set of table and chairs next to a whiteboard and screen, but with a couch and armchairs next to a glass coffee table. Becky pulled down her panties, and I could see what Charlie meant about them being white cotton 'passion killers', and she lay back on the couch with her legs open.

Shit, she smelled good, though, as I caught a waft of a gorgeous spicy aromatic aroma as she opened her legs. She had blonde pubes, matching her hair, trimmed along the sides of her slit, but with a good full bush at the front, which I liked the look of. She also had good sized labia, not so different from my own daughters, though maybe even paler I thought.

"Are you going to open yourself up, or do you want me to?" I asked, expecting the former, but hoping for the latter. In fact she surprised me.

"If you insist on doing it, then you might as well do it yourself, Auntie Susan," she said, smiling at me for the first time.

Maybe it was because she was feeling the family attraction, the stirring of lust that always seemed to come over me now when I was with others with the same genetic trait. I certainly was myself, but my plan required me to keep it under control for now, at least. I sat on the side of the couch next to her legs, and used my two hands to part the folds of her labia, and look inside her slit. I was having trouble stopping my hands from shaking as I pulled her hole open, and peered inside, and she obviously noticed because she had a broad grin on her face.

"Well, Auntie, you like the look of my cunt, don't you?"

Too true, but I wasn't going to let her know that at the moment. I didn't reply, but used one finger to explore a bit deeper in her vagina. I wasn't an expert, but she did have more of a ring of what was more like skin than flesh circling her hole. I had no problem getting one finger in through, and could probably have got two in with a bit of stretching, but I was pretty sure that a good-sized cock, even Charlie's average one, would have to break it a bit to get inside. I was now sure, at least, that she couldn't have had one in her, although I was equally sure she'd done plenty of fingering herself.

"Well, Becky, I can see that you've explored the inside of your vagina already, but I believe you that you've not been fucked before, and Charlie will be able to tell. So deal on."

"Sure you wouldn't like to try to open me with your fingers, Auntie?"

"Yes ... no ... somewhen else, for sure, but if this plan is going to work, my husband will have to believe you were a virgin, and he'll need to feel some resistance. I don't think you'll feel much pain, maybe for a few seconds, but you need to make sure you complain. Anyway, you need to start leading him on, and I want you to email me exactly what has happened every day he's in work with you."

What I didn't say, of course, was that if what she told me didn't agree with what Charlie told me, one or both of them would be in big trouble.

"Um, Auntie, don't you think you should get your hands out of my pussy now?"

I'd like to say that I'd completely forgotten so it was a total accident, but I couldn't, and maybe even I blushed a bit then. It didn't stop me from licking her juices off my hand, though, and it was clear that we both understood what each other was: I was a total slut, and she was intending to become one, having advanced her career along the way. We agreed that she would increasingly lead Charlie on, before giving in to his advances.

Over the next few days Becky teased Charlie by wearing clothes that revealed her tits when she bent in front of him, first in a skimpy bra, then unrestrained. Her skirts got shorter, and she eventually left off her panties entirely. One day I had a text from her saying she'd let him see her cunt and asshole when she bent over, and he'd persuaded her to invite him to her flat after work to talk about her future career. My plan was coming together. I was going to let Charlie take Becky's virginity, but I was going to watch.

By chance, this all happened when I was on my period, as was Jade and Chrissy of course as we were now synchronised. Unlike my younger son, who enjoyed fucking me when the red flag was flying, Charlie had never liked it, which meant that he hadn't spotted how cross I was with him because he hadn't told me anything about the progress he had been making with Becky. I didn't mind him fucking another woman, or even him fucking me when he was imagining he was in someone else, but only when he told me about it. So the first evening after my period had stopped, I decided to tackle him about it after dinner, when Tony and Jade were busy online, and Chrissy had gone back to her own house to a couple of nights.

"So, Charlie, how are you getting on with your new secretary?"

"Um ... fine, Susan."

"What do you mean fine? Have you managed to see her tits, or up under her skirt?"

"Oh ... um, yes."

"Yes? Is that all? I thought you were going to tell me all about it? So come on, give me all the details."

"Ah, well she seems to have taken some of the initiative. She stopped wearing a bra, and yesterday she wasn't wearing any panties."

"So, did you get to see her cunt, darling?"

"Oh ... yes, I did, Susan."

"You fucking bastard, Charlie. You promised me you'd tell me everything that happened each day, but you haven't, have you? I don't mind you lusting after her, or even fucking her, but you're fucking cheating on me again by not telling me what is going on. Maybe I should go and warn her about you, and that will be the end of it?"

I was really angry with him, and wanted to punish him, but the trouble was I also really wanted to watch him fuck Becky. I was wondering what I could do, when there was a knock at the door. I went and opened it, finding my brother Brian on the doorstep.

"Hi, Suz. Sorry to disturb you, but I've got some papers Charlie needs to sign tonight. Some bozo missed them out of all of the paperwork for the new HQ, and if Charlie doesn't sign tonight, our lease will expire tomorrow."

I let Brian in, and he explained the situation to Charlie, who didn't take it well.

"I'll fire the idiot who made this mistake, Brian, if I find out who was responsible. Shit, you know I never sign anything without reading everything through, and I'd better do that this time, just in case there's any other mistakes. Sorry, Susan, this could take a while."

I was pretty sure that Charlie was planning for us to go to bed, so he could fuck me pretending I was Becky again, but at the moment I was just too cross to let him do that. However, I had a better idea.

"That's fine, Charlie. You can watch my brother fuck me while you're reading through those stupid papers. You'd enjoy that bro, wouldn't you?"

I walked over to my brother and kissed him on the lips, pushing my tongue into his mouth, as I unzipped his pants and pulled out his cock. I hadn't had any doubt that Brian would want to fuck me again, having had me only once after years of longing, but I knew it for sure when I felt his cock stiffen immediately in my hand. He reached up and grasped one of my tits through my dress, while his other hand pushed up under my skirt. His fingers pushed under my panties, searching out the start of my slit. As soon as his fingers touched my lips, I felt a gush of cum from my vagina make my cunt wet and aromatic.

"Finger me, bro. I'm getting wet just thinking about your cock sliding into my slippery cunt, while my husband watches, unable to stop you or to have me himself."

As I broke the kiss and slid down Brian's chest to kneel in front of him, he pulled my dress up and over my head, throwing it away, and I pulled his pants and boxers down, letting his stiff cock bang against my face. I opened my mouth, and took my brother's iron-hard rod into my mouth.

"Swallow my cock, sis," he said, fucking my face, making me struggle not to gag as his cock forced its way deep into my throat.

I couldn't speak, but I made sure I made loud choking noises, so my husband was left in no doubt how violently my brother was using my mouth as a fuck hole.

"Aagghh ... God, sis, your mouth is so good to fuck, I'm going to come soon..."

"No you're not, bro, I want your spunk inside my vagina," I said, pushing him away from me, saliva spilling from my mouth and hanging from my lips and the tip of his cock, which was throbbing like a conductor's baton in front of me. "Fill your slutty sister's dirty cunt while her husband watches. Make him see that I'd rather have my brother up inside me than him."

I went over to the couch where Charlie was sat reading the documents, and I leaned over and put my arms on the back of it next to him. My tits were dangling under me, and I wriggled so that one of them brushed against the papers, and my nipple grazed across his hand.

"Watch my brother open my lips and stretch my cunthole, Charlie. He's a real man that doesn't need a virgin, but prefers a cunt that has been well used. Pull me open, bro, and enjoy seeing the inside of my vagina as so many of the family have already."

My brother didn't need another invitation, but grabbed my butt cheeks In each hand, and pulled them open. I could feel my asshole being stretched, then I felt warm liquid run over it as my brother spat a mouthful of saliva over it. I felt it running down, and I knew that the stream of spit must be going inside my vagina, which had to be wide open, waiting to be filled with my brother's throbbing cock.

Shit, I nearly fell over as my brother rammed himself up me so violently that I slid along the couch, my head only stopping when it hit against Charlie's. Brian was now pumping in and out of me like crazy, and I knew that the feel of my cunt, and the sight of my stretched asshole would make him come soon, but I needed to come as well. I used my head to steady myself on the couch, and risked letting go with one arm. I grabbed Charlie's nearest hand, tearing it off of the papers, and I pulled it down to my cunt.

"Feel my brother up inside my hole, Charlie, fucking his boss's wife and his sister."

I made Charlie touch Brian's wet shaft as it went in and out of me, and while I held it there with my thumb, I managed to get my fingers underneath his hand, and started rubbing around my clit as hard as I could. God, I felt such a slut, my tits swinging under me in front of my husband's face, my cunt filled with my brother's prick, my husband's fingers forced against it, and my hand working my clit. Maybe it was a family thing, understanding how aroused each other was, because my brother slowed down his thrusts, giving me time to get myself to the same level or arousal as him. It didn't take long, though, as I savoured the feelings shooting up through my body.

"Finger my asshole, bro. Finger my cunt, Charlie. Feel my brother's cock in me, and his spunk shooting into my vagina," I yelled at the top of my voice. "FUCKKKKKKK."

As soon as I felt my brother's fingers in my ass, and my husband's joining my brother's cock in my cunt, I came, and I came again as I kept rubbing my clit as my brother's thrusts slowed and he slipped out of me, wiping spunk over my husband's hand. Slowly I managed to pull myself upright, and then I bent over again and licked the wonderfully tasting combination of my own juices and my brother's spunk off his limp penis.

"Lick your hand off, Charlie, then just sign the fucking papers. I haven't finished with you yet."

Charlie shuffled the papers back together, and signed them. I wondered how many people would notice the spunk stain at the bottom of one of the sheets, or if they did, whether they would ever imagine what it was, or how it got there? I could see that Charlie was rock hard from the bulge in his pants. This was supposed to be a punishment for him, me being fucked by my brother right next to him, but I remembered that he'd said a while before that he might enjoy watching me get fucked more than doing it himself, so maybe I'd made a mistake. Meanwhile, Brian had got himself dressed, and took the papers, wishing us a good night.

"I suppose, Charlie, you think I'm now going to let you fuck me, while you imagine I'm your virginal little secretary, Becky?"

I could see from the look on his face that that was exactly what he had thought.

"I don't think so, darling. I think I want to watch you jerk off thinking about fucking her, while I play with myself, using my brother's spunk as lube."

I had to keep one hand between my legs as I dragged Charlie up to the bedroom, because I could already feel a slimy white stream starting to run down between them. I flung myself on the bed, with my knees bent and my legs wide open so that Charlie could see the white goo covering my labia. He in turn ripped his clothes off, and pulled the chair round so that he could sit in it facing me, his stiff cock in his hand.

"Tell me about her tits, Charlie, this wonderful secretary of yours."

I almost forgot for a minute that he didn't know I knew she was Brian's daughter, and pointed out that I had her father's semen in me, while actually, I didn't even know if Charlie really knew who she was or not. It occurred to me, though, that my brother surely had to know what his daughter was up to. Charlie's hand was wrapped around his cock, slowly sliding up and down, and although his eyes were looking at me, I knew the image in his brain was of Becky. Being the slut I was, of course, this sent a thrill shooting through me, and I pushed all of my fingers inside my spunky hole, using my thumb to stimulate my clit.

"God, Susan, they're gorgeous. Smaller than yours, but much firmer and perky. I managed to see her nipples, which were large and pale pink, but when she saw me looking, they snapped into tight little wrinkles, leaving beautiful long, stiff pink nipples. I can't wait to touch them, and suck on those finger-sized nipples."

It wasn't only Charlie that was getting affected by the image of Becky's tits. My pussy was getting noticeably wetter with my own juices, and I couldn't stop my spare hand reaching around and grabbing one of my own breasts, rolling my nipple between my fingers and thumb as my other hand worked on my cunt. I opened my eyes for a few seconds, and watched as Charlie stroked his cock faster than before.

"I bet her cunt is just as good as you'd imagined as well, isn't it, Charlie?"

"Fucking hell, Susan, you're right. Her pussy is a wonderful pale pink, matching the colour of her nipples. She was shaved underneath, though I saw a few blonde curls at the front of her slit. I could see her inner lips sticking through her outer ones, and although they are big, they are pale like our daughters', and not yours. And I'm sure that when she bent over in front of me, they were just running with her come. I could even get a waft of her scent, which smelled divine."

God, that made my cunt twitch, as I remembered the taste of the secretion from her vagina on my fingers. I'd kept my hands off her, except for checking her hymen, of course, but once Charlie had fucked her, she was going to be mine.

"Fuck her, then Charlie, fuck her virgin cunt," I cried, squeezing my tit harder than ever, and working my fingers in and out of my hole, and my thumb around my clit, my brother's spunk squelching loudly. I could feel the wetness drenching the inside of both thighs, and it was running down my ass crack, and pooling on the bed.

"Shit, Susan, her cunt is so tight. Not like your ravaged hole. I can hardly get my cock in her ... ah, I felt something give, and she screamed out, but now she seems to like me being up inside her. Fuck, I'm going to come ... I want to make her pregnant!"

I opened my eyes, and watched ropes of Charlie's spunk jet out of him, landing on his legs and the floor, and I knew that he was imagining it filling Becky's vagina. Fortunately, I knew she was on the pill, so his hope of impregnating her would be unfulfilled.

"Clear that mess up with your mouth, Charlie, then come over here and clean all of my cum and my brother's spunk off me."

I knew that when his mouth closed on my messy cunt that it wasn't me he was imagining eating, but Becky, and his own spunk he'd shot up her. Not only was I a slut, but somehow I'd made my husband into a sperm-eater as well, and given what was in his mind, I wasn't surprised that he kept licking and sucking my pussy until I came.

"FUCK!" I screamed. "I'm going to fuck that cunt of a secretary myself, once you're had her, Charlie."

"Not until I've fucked her asshole as well, darling," he replied, kissing me on the lips, pushing a mixture of my own cum, my brother's spunk and his own spunk into my mouth.

Fuck, I loved the cheating bastard, though I hated him as well. I couldn't wait to see the look on his face when he found out I was going to watch him screw his young secretary, and discover that she was our niece, and that afterwards she was going to get fucked in front of him by everyone else in the family.

When I woke up in the morning it was late. Charlie had already gone to work, Tony back to college, and Jade was already giving her first online performance of the day. I barely had enough time to have my run before Elizabeth came over to pick me up for the church meeting. Most of my body felt better after the run, but the rubbing of my panties against my slit had left me feeling even randier than when I'd woken up, immediately thinking about watching my husband fuck my virgin niece that evening.

I was so glad that Elizabeth had told me she was one of the family, because I could explain everything to her, and when we got to the church, she parked at the deserted far end of the parking area, and we finger-fucked each other before joining the rest of the meeting, rather red-faced and a little late. It took the edge off my lust for a while, but every time I put my hand up to my face, I could smell the fishy spice of my cousin's cunt, which set me off again, and by the time Elizabeth dropped me at home, my panties were absolutely soaking.

I'd hope she'd come in and fuck me properly, but she said she'd arranged to meet William, who was entertaining a potential new corporate client, and she was already late. I just had to do something, so I rushed indoors and grabbed Michael's baseball bat from his bedroom, and rammed it up my cunt, my legs wide apart on the bed, with a vibrator in my asshole as well, without even taking my clothes off.

Shit, I had no idea how many times I came, but the amount of cum I left on it surely would provide Michael with home runs even through to the next season. All the time my mind was playing imaginary scenes which involved Becky, with me fucking myself with the baseball bat while my husband took my nieces virginity over and over, but finally I imagined shoving the bat up my niece's pussy, imagining the way her tight little hole would have to stretch, and how lovely her pink lips would look forced so wide apart.

I was still laid on my back with the bat and vibrator sticking out of my holes, recovering from my last climax and wondering if another would spoil the evening's entertainment, when Jade stomped into the bedroom, naked, except for a huge butt plug sticking out of her ass.

"Fuckin' hell, Aunt Susan, masturbating on camera just doesn't seem to be doing it for me anymore."

I was afraid that this was going to happen sooner or later, and what worried me was whether she would give in to the temptation to go back on heroin. I might have anticipated that, but I wasn't prepared for what she did next. She walked over to the bed and yanked the bat out of me, which made a loud slurping noise from my sloppy wet hole, leaving me gaping wide open.

"Nice gape, Auntie," she said smiling as she looked into my vagina, "but you've had your fun and you need to fuck me now."

She flopped on the bed next to me, and drove the head of the bat, shiny from my cum, straight into her vagina. Shit, I loved the bat in me, especially with something in my asshole as well, but I don't think there was any way I could have got it up there with the massive butt plug already in me that Jade had in her. She looked up pleadingly at me, and she was so beautiful that I couldn't resist her. She had filled out marvellously over the past weeks, her breasts becoming fuller, and although she was slim still, her belly going down to her hairless pussy totally flat, I could no longer see each rib sticking out of her chest.

I pulled myself up, and straddled over her face, pulling my lips open, seeing a little rivulet of my cum fall into her open mouth as I placed my hole over it.

"Suck your Auntie's sloppy cunt," I said, as I bent over and stirred the bat around inside her, hard enough for a muffled squeal to emerge from her, and she bit my clit then returned the compliment by working the vibrator in and out of my asshole.

I knew from past experience that she was already on the edge, and what she needed was a burst of rough treatment to take her over. One of her hands was already stroking her slit hard and circling her clit, which was stood proud of her lips as she pulled them open, and seemed to be pulsing like a hyper-excited cock. I reached around and pulled the butt plug out of her, though it took both hands to do so.

As it came out, I quickly pulled the baseball bat out of her cunt, and jammed it into her asshole, which was gaping open for it. I pushed it as far in her as I dared, then lined the butt plug up with her vagina, and shoved it in her hard. She let out another yell, which resonated through me, and my hands joined hers in abusing her slit.

"Let's see what that does to Michael's batting, bitch," I said, and immediately she exploded under me, the bat swinging around like mad as she came, and she bit hard on my ears, sending me over the top as well.

"Fuck, I needed that," she said after I'd rolled off her, and we both laid on the bed, recovering.

We pulled the various toys out of our holes, had a shower, then we got ourselves a sandwich, still naked, while I tried to encourage her to think of ideas she could use to satisfy her unusual sexual appetite. Mind you, the way I was behaving these days, I wasn't much better myself. The best we could come up with was to have my husband, brother and my younger son to fuck her more, and wherever possible to involve my four nephews and my elder son as well.

Before I knew it, it was time for me to head off to Becky's apartment in a taxi, and help her get ready to lose her virginity to my husband. I didn't bother with underclothes, as I was intending to get naked as soon as I could, but I put on full make-up, especially a bright red lipstick, hoping not to look too much of a dog compared to my eighteen-year old niece.

When I arrived, I could see that Becky was both nervous and excited. I gave her a big hug, but kept managed to restrain myself to a brief kiss. The thought of watching my husband fuck her, then for me to have her was totally filling my mind, but I'd promised Charlie that he could take her virginity, so I just couldn't let myself have her first. Anyway, I needed to do a bit more preparation before she would be ready for him.

That done, it also took a while to decide what best for her to wear. She'd already flashed her tits and pussy, so we decided that it would be better if she started covered, to give Charlie the pleasure of removing everything. Becky had only just finished getting dressed in a short, but not mini skirt, plain white silk panties which just, but only just covered her critical bits, a matching soft silk bra and a silky pink blouse, when Charlie rang the doorbell. She looked absolutely gorgeous, and if Charlie hadn't come so promptly, I'm sure I wouldn't have been able to keep my hands off my young niece.

"Susan! What the hell are you doing here?" Charlie asked, as he came into the lounge and saw me sitting, waiting.

"Well, darling, you told me you liked someone else fucking me more than you doing me yourself, and I think I'm starting to go down the same route. I've never watched a virgin getting fucked for the first time. However, I also wanted to make sure she really was a virgin, just in case you were in too much of a rush to notice, and found out later and were disappointed. Brian showed me around the new building the other day, and Becky and I got talking - of course, we had you in common, so we had plenty to talk about."

I could see that Charlie wanted to quibble about it some more, but apart from anything else, I didn't want him to find out that Becky was my brother's daughter until after he'd had her. Fortunately, Becky took the initiative, going over and kissing him, pressing her body close to his.

"Do you want to fuck me or not, Mr Kowalski?" she simpered.

I could sense Charlie's cock getting stiff against her, as he imagined touching the delights under Becky's clothes that he'd only seen in short flashes. I know mine would have if I were a man.

"You know I do, Becky."

"I want you too, Mr Kowalski. It's alright, you don't need to pretend that you care about me, or want a relationship with me. Fuck me so I'm not a virgin any more, but just be gentle with me, please."

Becky grabbed Charlie's arm, and pulled him into the bedroom. I followed, keeping quiet, and just sat down on the chair in the corner. Charlie immediately started unbuttoning Becky's blouse, and she helped him pull it off her arms, and throw it over towards me on the floor. He started kissing Becky's neck, nibbling her ears, and then kissing over her collar bones to her shoulder, then back again.

Fuck, it seemed he was almost having as much effect on me as her, as I remembered the first time Charlie had done that to me: my skin turned to goosebumps, my nipples stiffened, and my pussy started leaking cum. I knew what he was going to do next, and he didn't disappoint me. He turned Becky round so her back was towards him, and kissed the back of her neck, while one-handed he unhooked her bra. Once it was undone, he kept kissing her neck, but moved his hands to her cheeks, sliding them down slowly over her chest, letting his hands push her bra down, leaving her gorgeous breasts cupped in each of his hands.

I could see him rolling her pale pink nipples between his fingers and thumb, and I remembered how it felt when he had done it to me, even getting me to come playing with my breasts alone. I just had to slip one hand down my dress to play with my own nipple. I watched as Charlie pulled Becky's blouse off with one hand, then slid his other hand down over her chest and inside the top of her skirt. I remembered him often doing this to me, sometimes raking his nails to leave red lines over my tits and my belly. I knew he was now feeling for the start of her slit, and I put my other hand up under my skirt, , searching out the warm wetness of my own vulva.

I could see from the rise and fall of her breasts just how heavily Becky was breathing now, and I could sense that she was impatient to get on with losing her virginity. As Charlie went back to kissing her neck and teasing one of her stiff pink nipples, his hand pushing further down between her legs, she reached round and undid her skirt, letting it fall to the floor. I could now clearly see Charlie's hand inside her white, silk panties, his fingers now inside Becky's pussy, working away.

I could barely stop myself going over to her and pulling her panties down, so that I could see my husband's fingers inside her virginal, pink cunt, that I knew must now be glistening with her juices. Becky was gasping with pleasure as Charlie's fingers kept arousing her. She'd obviously been keeping her hands usefully employed, as she pulled Charlie's pants and boxers down together, and I could see and hear his cock slap against her butt. God, I was tingling all over, desperate for the moment to come when I could watch my husband's cock force its way into Becky's cunt, tearing her hymen, taking her virginity forever.

Fuck it, I was going to have to wait it seemed, as she squirmed around, somehow managing to pull her panties down at the same time as she sank to her knees, taking my husband's pulsing prick into her mouth. I suddenly felt afraid, because as far as I knew this was the first time Becky had taken a cock in her mouth, and I feared Charlie might ram it deep into her throat, the way he did mine, and Becky could gag or even throw up.

He must have been aware of the risk as well, because he let Becky set the pace, moving her head backwards and forwards, just taking a few inches into her mouth, while he took off his shirt, and managed to push his pants and boxers down to his ankles. But he was as impatient to fuck away Becky's virginity as I was.

"Aaggh, that's gorgeous, Becky, but if you carry on like that, I'm going to come, and I've been saving myself to fill your vagina with spunk for the very first time. Please, lay on the bed and let me look at you."

I'd already seen inside Becky's vagina, but that didn't stop me wanting to see inside her again, and the little bitch knew it only too well, if only because of the way I'd positioned the chair in the bedroom before Charlie arrived. She stood up again, and kicked off her panties, managing to get me right in the face, and she winked at me as she skipped over to the bed, and lay down with her legs open. She pulled her lips apart, and I could again see the circle of pink which narrowed her hole.

Fuck, the smell of her cunt from her panties, which clung to my shoulder, and the sight of her gorgeous, pink, virginal cunt was too much for me to bear. I rammed my fingers into my own sloppy wet hole, and circled my thumb around my clit, pressing as hard as I could, and as my view of Becky's cunt was partly obscured by my husband's arse, I came, biting my lip as hard as I dared to stop me yelling out and disturbing them.

"God, Becky, you really are beautiful," Charlie whispered, as he put his hands on her legs, and looked intently at her cunt, taking in her blond hair, every fold of her labia, and most of all the unbroken barrier to her vagina. "You really are a virgin, aren't you? I've never seen inside one before. I want mine to be the first cock inside you, but it seems a shame to disturb such perfection."

I'd just about come down from my climax, and I had a thought I wished I'd had before.

"Let me take a photograph, Becky, then I'll take another afterwards, and you and Charlie can always look back and remember how you were, and how my husband will have changed you."

Charlie gave me a surprised look, but Becky just gave me a knowing smile, as she realised that I was just as turned on by the prospect of the before and after photographs as my husband was. I quickly got my iPhone, and took a close up of Becky's hole, then a wider shot of her naked body and her hands holding open her lovely pink cunt. As I went back to the chair, I pulled off my own panties, then went back to masturbating as I watched my husband preparing to take my niece's virginity. I'd made sure we had plenty of lube, but Becky was gushing her own scented lubricant, so it clearly wasn't going to be needed.​
Next page: Part 09.3
Previous page: Part 09.1