Part 11.1

I would never have predicted just how successful the private streaming our family's incest porn would be. We'd edged up towards two thousand subscribers, and even this with the limited quality captures from the spy cameras, brought in significant money. However, it was the remakes, shot in 4K with multiple cameras and camera angles that really started to generate surprising amounts of money.

We reshot pretty much everything I've described so far. Me getting fucked by my two sons, me with Michael's baseball bat in my cunt, and all the combinations of my three holes getting filled by my brother, my four nephews, my father and my two sons. Not to mention adding in my daughters, my sister, my mother and my two nieces, Jade and Becky. It was true, though, that I hadn't get got enough courage to take on Ingrid on film!

But it wasn't just me, of course, but all the combinations without me with the rest of the family. It was the ones where me or my sister and brother were getting fucked by a combination of our parents and our children that attracted the most buyers. We'd been smart enough to do a bit of a survey on how much people were prepared to pay, worked out the maximum, then added a bit of a premium on the basis that most people would low ball their limit.

We tried live streaming, where the audience could choreograph the sex, but as Jade had warned us, it was just unmanageable trying to reconcile the requests like 'shove it in her cunt', or 'put it in her ass', and we ended up pleasing no one. However, what did work were special shows with a small audience, with them deciding on who took part, and the script.

We charged a lot for these, especially after we discovered how extreme some of the things they wanted us to do were. We did have limits, though. I didn't mind letting someone watch me shit, for example, but there was no way we were going to play around with it afterwards. To me, this wasn't anything to do with sex, but just letting someone watch something that was totally forbidden, especially when alongside my sister, daughters or nieces.

Still, we found we enjoyed actually talking to the people watching, and though we couldn't see them, it gave us an extra thrill to imagine them masturbating or fucking as they watched us. I especially enjoyed being asked to open my cunt up to the camera after my son, for example, had shot his spunk in me.

In truth, I'd have probably been prepared to do all of this for nothing, but of course, it was really about providing and income for Jade and giving her enough sex to keep her going back to heroin. And it was a massive success on both counts. Within a couple of months, we'd made enough for Jade and Tony to but the house and land next to ours, for them to live in when they got married.

At the same time, a lot of other things were happening. Firstly, we had long and heated discussion about when Jade and Tony should get married, and where. Tony and I wanted to go for a quick and quiet ceremony at our local church, with the family inauguration acting as a wider celebration. However, Jade and Christine wanted to go for a full family marriage, which Elizabeth said involved the bride getting fucked by all of the guests, before everyone watched her new husband fuck her, while her cunt, and probably her ass as well, were already full of family spunk. In the end, all we could agree was to come back to the decision later.

Apart from that, a huge amount was happening in preparation for the family inauguration itself, which was getting close. We all had to get STD tested, and more surprisingly, we had our DNA sampled as well. Tony had been working on getting the family tree together, and had put it on one of the family history websites, where other people could see the name, comment, and if they were really family, both sets of information could be shared. It turned out that the family was far larger and more complicated than I had ever imagined.

It seemed that the main family name was Lewicckij, but that when the first people arrived at Ellis Island, this was too complicated for the immigration staff to spell, so they just changed it to Lewis. There was at least one other wave of immigration, but in this case they must of said they were bankers, because the name they were given was Banks, not even as close as Lewis.

Lewicckij sounded Russian to me, and maybe Jewish Russian, but it looked as if it was a bit more involved than that. It seemed that we originated somewhere caught between Russia, the Ottoman Turks and the Austro-Hungarian Empire, most likely the Slavic western area, pretty much in what was then Transylvania, which is now in Romania. Apparently years of conflict meant that there was huge migration of people out of this very poor region, so it was not surprising that many ended up in the USA.

What is really interesting, according to Tony, is that the inheritance of the disposition to incest isn't inherited in a normal genetic way, but must be epigenetic, or some such word I didn't understand. Otherwise, it should have died out, or at least affected fewer in the family, as only some children would inherit it, rather than all of us, which seemed to be the case. Secondly, inbreeding is normally associated with a whole string of diseases, like haemophilia in European Royalty, and porphyria, or course. Some say that if George III of England hadn't been suffering with porphyria, the US might still be a British Colony.

It's also said that the whole vampire myth in Transylvania came from people suffering from porphyria. Could it be just a coincidence that the Lewis's, who seem always to have been into incest, came from the same location? Maybe we were even related to Vlad the Impaler, said to be the original vampire?

The point is, though, that Lewis family seemed to have got away from these problems when they got to the States, and as one of the family is now a prominent professor of genetic diseases at one of the big Boston teaching hospitals, he has a campaign to try to track down the genetics, and try to find out why we aren't suffering from inbreeding. It was interesting, but all a bit too technical for me. Mind you, I hoped the professor might be going to the family gathering, because I was sure I'd enjoy him telling me the details while he fucked the shit out of me. Even if he wasn't, I couldn't stop thinking about the prospect of getting fucked in every hole by as many Lewis's (and Banks, now I suppose) in front of the rest of the family.

However, it turned out that the next new group of Lewis's I fucked weren't at the event, but came to visit us, and by the time they left, they'd set ripples running through my local family which changed our lives forever. It all started with a telephone call, from a woman whose voice I didn't recognise.

"Is that Susan? Or Christine? Susan, good. Well, this is your Aunt Veronica. I understand that your brother Brian is back, and Uncle Vernon and I have a surprise we want to give him. We'll arrive this afternoon, and I want you to make sure Brian is there when we arrive."

Then she hung up. It took me a few seconds before I made the connection. Aunt Veronica was the one who'd seduced Brian when he was eighteen, and who he said was the reason he left home in such a hurry. Chrissy and I had never met her, as our parents shunned incest so were totally ostracised from the rest of the family. All I could think of was that the surprise was either just her turning up, or maybe she even wanted him to fuck her again, after what must have been twenty-seven years.

The only people who'd be home were me, Chrissy and Jade, as all our kids were at college and Charlie was at work. I guessed she'd want to stay overnight, so the three of us raced around tidying up and getting one of the spare bedrooms ready, then I called Brian and told him that Aunt Veronica was coming, and she'd said he'd have to be here so she could give him a surprise.

I found it hard to work out his reaction, as it seemed a mixture of excitement, which I could understand as he'd told us Aunt Veronica was the first woman he'd fucked, and you never forget your first, but it appeared to be overlaid with nervousness, or even fear. Was it just seeing her again after such a long time?

I wasn't entirely sure I wanted to meet my own first, actually. Neither of us really knew quite what we were doing, but I was determined to lose my virginity before Chrissy. I'd pretty much broken myself in with my fingers, so it wasn't pain that was the shock after he'd managed to push his cock up me. He was clearly going to come after just a few strokes, and I managed to remember to get him out of me first, as I wasn't on the pill. No, it was the sheer volume of spunk that he deposited in lines up my belly, coating my pubes, and even managing to get on my clothes over my waist.

I thought I'd known what was going to happen, but no one had prepared me to expect that I'd be covered with sticky white goo, which seemed to get everywhere. I'm not sure he had ever come before either, as from the look on his face, he seemed horrified to see what had come out of him, so different to the pee that normally came, and he shot off looking as if he was expecting to die at any moment. Apart from anything else, it was hard to get it all off of my skin and clothes before I went home.

Mom would have killed me if she'd found spunk on me, then, which made me chuckle, as I remembered her licking her husband's semen, and my son's, directly out of my holes the last time she visited. How things had changed! But in that case, now everything was out in the open, why did my brother sound so nervous?

He got to us before Aunt Veronica turned up, but we couldn't get much out of him, and he was definitely worried about the surprise he'd been promised. Fortunately, we didn't have to wait too long before we saw a beautiful classic Buick, big fins and everything, coming up the drive.

A tall, thin man got out of the driver's seat, and walked around to open the rear passenger doors. First to get out was a woman dressed in a smart suit. She had brown, wavy hair, and was carrying twenty or thirty pounds more than was good for her, which just emphasised her impressively large bust. I guessed that these two must be Aunt Veronica and Uncle Vernon, and I wondered how different she had been all those years ago, although with tits like that, I could see how she'd got Brian's attention. My uncle then walked around to the other side, and after he'd opened the door, a much younger woman got out.

Facially I could see the similarity to Aunt Veronica, so I assumed she must be her daughter. I knew she had two daughters, but surely they would have been much older, because I remembered Brian saying he had watched their father, Uncle Vernon, fuck them? That wasn't the most noticeable thing, though. As she moved away from the door, it was obvious that she was pregnant, and a long way through it as well, judging from the size of the bump under the maternity smock she was wearing.

I couldn't work it out at all. I was sure that our brother would have told me and Chrissy if he'd been back and fucked one of his cousins eight months or so ago, and anyway, surely he was out of the country when this woman must have conceived? I don't know whether Brian had a clearer idea himself, or not, but his face had gone as white as a sheet. I just about managed to pull myself together to go and open the door for them.

"Ha, you're one of Martha's daughters, I guess. But which one?" the older woman asked, until Chrissy joined me and saw how alike we were. "Oh, don't bother, I can see I'll never get it right. Well, ask us in, then."

We stood to one side, and let our Aunt, Uncle and the mysterious pregnant woman, who just smiled enigmatically, into the house.

"Well, Brian, how you've grown. Aren't you going to give your Auntie a kiss, after hiding from her for so long?"

I was a bit worried that Brian might even faint, he looked so white and shaky, as he moved to Aunt Veronica and gave her a peck on her cheek.

"Huh, that wasn't the way you used to kiss me, was it? Still, I know I'm older and heavier than I was then, though my tits are still the way you liked them. Anyway, I guess you're all wondering why we're here? Oh, I guess this is your nympho daughter Elizabeth has told me about, Christine, is it? Let's sit down and I'll tell you,

"I'm Veronica, your Aunt, and this is Vernon, my husband. Elizabeth told me that Brian was back, and that you, Susan, managed to get your parents, Vernon's brother and his wife, Ted and Martha to join the family. She also said Brian had told you that I'd seduced him. I did, but I bet he didn't tell you everything, did you, Brian?"

I thought my brother had looked bad before, but now he looked even worse.

"No, it turned out that not only did he fuck me, but he fucked one of my daughters as well. Now, she'd had a bug a week or two earlier, and had been throwing up a lot, and she couldn't remember if she'd taken her pills before or after. It doesn't matter why exactly it was, but several weeks after Brian had taken himself away, we discovered she was pregnant."

"God! I'm sorry, Aunt. I didn't know. Why didn't you tell me?"

"Well, you'd gone, and your parents would have been crazy mad if they'd known you fucked me and my daughter, let alone made her pregnant. So it didn't seem like a good idea, and we just decided to help her bring up the child, expecting that we'd tell you not so much later. But we never did understand why you hid yourself away, and for so long. So why was it Brian?"

By this time Brian had his head in his hands, and I could have sworn he was on the edge of tears as he lifted his face and answered her.

"I had no idea I'd make her pregnant. I'd seen you fuck her, Uncle, a few weeks before, so I thought everything would be fine. But ..."


"But I couldn't stop myself. I'd been lusting after you two," he said, pointing at me and Chrissy, "and she looked so much like you, I just couldn't control myself. When I slid my cock into her cunt, I imagined she was one, or both of you. And ... and I just knew that after that I wouldn't be able to keep my hands off you two when we were home together. But you were too young ... and I was afraid that I'd end up raping you ... so I had to get as far away as I could, and I promised myself I'd never come back unless you, or even Mom and Dad accepted your natures, and I could fuck you with a clear conscience."

"And was it as good as you hoped, Bri?" Chrissy asked, with a grin on her face.

"No, it wasn't," he replied. I could see my sister starting to get cross, and I was just wondering if I could get across and kick him in the balls without upsetting whatever the surprise was going to be. "It was so much better than I ever imagined."

"Good answer, bro, but Aunt Veronica, what's the surprise, then, and who's this lady?"

"Well, I suppose I can understand what you did a bit better now, Brian, though it still hurt that you never made contact again. But to get back to the story, our daughter gave birth, and we were looking after the two of them, when tragedy struck. Our daughter, was out walking with the infant in a buggy, when some drunk driver lost control and ran over the sidewalk into them. Our daughter was killed instantly, but thank God, the baby survived, and we decided to bring her up as our own.

"So, here's the surprise, Brian. This is your daughter, Julia."

The pregnant woman looked up, and for the first time she had a smile on her face. Not only that, but I noticed that she had the sort of radiant, almost translucent skin that a really healthy pregnant woman often has.

"My daughter?" Brian gasped, "but ... but why's she pregnant?"

"Ah, well, that's my fault I'm afraid," Uncle Vernon admitted, speaking for the first time. "As you know, I never could resist my own daughters, and having brought up Julia, Veronica and I missed having a baby in the house. This will be my and Julia's third."

As he spoke, I caught sight of my son Tony slipping in from the kitchen, back a bit earlier than usual. I guessed that Jade must have tipped him off, and he'd managed to skip a class to get here. Fucking hell, though, I could see why my Aunt had said she had a surprise for us. Maybe her age, which must be about twenty-six from my calculations, should have given us a clue, but I certainly didn't see it coming, and clearly nor did Chrissy, Jade, or even Brian. He looked absolutely stunned.

"So you're my daughter? And you're carrying what? My grandchild? My cousin? And my Uncle is kind of my father-in-law? Shit, this is one heck of a surprise..."

"Oh, that still isn't the real surprise," Julie said, standing up and moving into the centre of the room. "This is."

She reached around and unzipped the back of her maternity smock, then pulled it forwards over her shoulders, and let it fall to the ground, leaving her naked. Fuck, her belly looked even bigger without the dress, and her breasts were full and heavy, resting on top of her bulge, with large, deep brown aureoles. Her belly button bulged, and beneath her belly I could see large dark lips hanging from her clean-shaven cunt.

"Don't you want to fuck me, Daddy? I've waited for you for so long."

Brian just sat there with his mouth open, staring at his pregnant, naked daughter, who was carrying his uncle's baby, without moving. Shit, I'd never fucked a pregnant woman, apart from myself, of course, but I suddenly discovered that it was something I wanted to experience, and if Brian didn't get going soon, I was going to grab one of her engorged tits and explore her tightly-packed vagina.

It was probably just as well that Julia took the initiative, then. She walked over to my brother, dropped to her knees in front of him, and unzipped his pants. His brain might not have known what to do, but his cock certainly did, as with only the merest encouragement, it sprang up towards her face, as stiff as I'd ever seen it. Julia bent forward, and guided it with one hand into her mouth, pressing her face down until she had taken the full length down her throat.

The action of moving forward exposed her ass to us, and I could see the dark brown ring of her anus, and the highly coloured labia below. I couldn't take my eyes of Julia's private parts, until Aunt Veronica's voice brought me back to reality.

"If you don't mind, girls, let's leave Brian to fuck his daughter, and my husband to fuck yours, Christine, and let the three of us take your son, Susan - it is your son who's just come in, isn't it - and let's see if we can find something to amuse us as well."

Neither Chrissy nor I seemed to be able to manage to get any words to come out, as we were still in a state of shock, but Tony was more of a 'shoot first and ask questions later' kind of guy, and before we knew it, he'd helped her unbutton her jacket and blouse, and had one of her massive tits in his mouth.

That spurred my sister and I into action, as we both wanted to get at our Aunt's cunt before my son managed to get his cock up it, which by the way he was going wouldn't be long. I undid the fastening of her skirt, while Chrissy reached up and pulled her panties down, and the two articles of clothing ended up on the floor at the same time.

My sister and I put our hands down, fighting to get our fingers inside Aunt Veronica's labia first. All of a sudden, the scents my nose were detecting overwhelmed me. First was the flowery perfume which she must be wearing, and which triggered a powerful, but distant memory of being hugged against something soft, and feeling loved and safe.

Could it even have been Aunt Veronica cuddling me against her big breasts when I was still a baby, before all contact with my parents had been cut off? Or was it someone else entirely? Not my Mom who was always slimmer and never felt that soft, nor my Gran.

However, it was the other scent that brought me back to the present: the scent of my Aunt's moist pussy. I felt totally confused, as I was bombarded by emotions dragged up from my earliest days, but at the same time my cunt was making me want to fuck this woman, who it seemed had cuddled me when I was a baby.

This all meant that Chrissy and Tony had got way ahead of me, and I felt my hand being pulled out of the warm, scented slit it had just reached. My son had, with her help I guess, managed to get Aunt Veronica's bra and blouse off, so she was naked. He'd laid back on one of the couches, and she was bending over, taking his cock deep into her mouth.

As my brain caught up with the emotions stimulated by my nose, and my eyes saw what was around me, rather than what was in my imagination, the sight in front of me was amazing. As she was bent over my son, my Aunt's ass and cunt were exposed and gaping, and my sister's fingers were already parting her lips, releasing more of that wonderful musky scent from her vagina.

"Fucking hell, Auntie, your cuntlips are gorgeous," I said.

And they were. They were large and deep pink, edged with brown, and I almost spent too long looking at them, as my sister's fingers had already prised them open by the time my own fingers reached them. Still, I had the advantage that Chrissy had parted her lips for me, so I slid my fingers along my Aunt's slit, which was warm and slippery, then straightway pushed them as far as I could into her vagina.

"Let's lick her asshole while we both finger her, Sis," Chrissy said.

Between us, we each used a hand to pull Aunt Veronica's butt cheeks apart, while with the other hand we each pushed two fingers deep into her cunt, while our thumbs worked on either side of her huge, stiff clit.

Chrissy bent down first, poked out her tongue, and lapped from where our fingers were stretching our aunt's hole, moving slowly up and around her brown, winkled anus. Once Chrissy had licked right up Aunt Veronica's butt crack, I bent over and took my turn licking her asshole.

"Kneel round on the couch, Mom, Aunt Christine, so Great Aunt Veronica can get a hand up each of your cunts," my son said, almost as a command to all three of us women.

We weren't going to argue, and nor it seemed was Aunt Veronica. As I moved around and got on the couch, leaving my legs open and my pussy accessible, I felt my aunt's fingers slip inside my vulva, collect my slime from my leaking hole, then start to rub around my clit. Chrissy and I had to give up licking her asshole in this position, of course, but I had another idea to reward her for the glorious feelings her fingers were setting off between my legs.

"Let's take in turns to finger her asshole, Chris."

As our Aunt's fingers raced backwards and forwards in my cunt, pushing into my slippery vagina, then massaging my clit, my sister and I took it in turns to work in the same way on her pussy, and to ram as many fingers as we could into her anal sphincter. It was tight, true, but from the way it stretched as my digits entered her, I was sure that Uncle Vernon regularly stretched her with his cock.

"That's right, Aunt. Take my cock down your throat until I fill your mouth with my spunk. Fuck both her holes with your fingers, Moms."

God, it was wonderful to watch my son's face as his Great Aunt took his cock deep in her mouth. As I looked down, I could see one of Aunt Veronica's huge tits dangling under her, swaying as she moved her head backwards and forwards. I smiled at my son, and he smiled back. I could see his gaze was focused on the two pairs of breasts in front of him, his mother's and his aunt's, and I jiggled mine deliberately and blew him a kiss.

Aunt Veronica's fingers kept teasing my clit, then sliding back to ram into my vagina, and Chrissy and I shared similar movements on hers, and we must have been about as skilled as each other, because our sharp, twitching movements betrayed that we were all getting close to coming.

I looked across to my brother and his daughter, and she was on all fours, her engorged breasts and her huge belly hanging underneath her, as my brother rammed his cock in and out of her cunt, in one of the only positions that were practicable so late in pregnancy. I saw my brother's strokes get faster, then slow as he drove his cock into her as deeply as he could. She let out a cry as she came, my brother's spunk filling her cunt as it had her mother's when she was conceived twenty-seven years earlier. She looked gorgeous, and I wanted her more than ever.

When I looked back, I saw that Tony's eyes were closed, his breath coming in short gasps, and I knew he must be shooting his sperm down his Great Aunt's throat. Fuck, this knowledge tipped me over the edge, and I came myself, my sister following me, and then Aunt Veronica, as she managed to swallow my son's spunk without choking, and let herself go.

"Go on, Mom, go and fuck Julia, Aunt Christine and I will finish off here," Tony whispered to me as we bent together and kissed. How did he know that even though I'd just come, I only had thoughts for coming again with my pregnant niece?

As soon as I had control of my limbs, I stood up, and moved quickly over to where my brother had just pulled out of his daughter, a string of his spunk hanging out of her cunt. I pushed Brian out of the way, and knelt down behind Julia, bending forward and licking my tongue over her labia, catching and swallowing as much of my brother's leaking white goo as I could.

"Hi, Susan. It is you, isn't it? I knew it had to be from all that I'd heard. I'd love you to eat me out, but I'm desperate for a pee. Can you show me where the bathroom is first?" Julia said, peering back through her legs, though most of my face must have been obscured by the huge baby bump hanging down.

I was really tempted to tell her she could pee in my mouth, but I remembered that when I was pregnant, when I wanted to pee, I really did in a hurry, and I wasn't confident of swallowing it fast enough to stop it landing all over the carpet or furniture.

"Come on, then, Julia. I'll take you."

"I thought you might," Julia said, with a sexy, knowing smile on her face. "Your Mom said you enjoyed watching her pee."

I guess we could have gone downstairs, but I knew that one of Tony's cameras was sited in this room, and I wanted to be able to look back on the recording of me fucking this grossly pregnant woman, who was just a few years older than my own daughters, so I headed for the bathroom attached to my bedroom.

Shit, I couldn't believe my mother had already had contact with Aunt Veronica, especially after she knew that she had seduced my brother, let alone that she'd exchanged such intimate information. As I followed Julia upstairs, I could see more of the white goo my brother had injected into her, as it trickled out of her hole, and started running down her leg.

"She was right, cousin, so keep your legs open," I replied as Julia lowered herself on to the toilet seat.

"Can you see enough, Aunt Susan? Or wouldn't you rather finger me while I'm peeing?"

She didn't really need to ask, as I was already kneeling down in front of her, so I had a better view below her prominent belly, and one hand was disappearing between her legs,. I looked into her face, and the way she was smiling at me, I knew she was holding back until my fingers reached their target. I smiled back, then turned my gaze back to her pussy, which was wet and dripping as my brother's spunk and her cum ran out of her vagina.

As my fingers pulled her labia open, I slipped two fingers into her cunt, and I could feel a glob of my brother's spunk still inside her. As soon as my fingers were in her, I heard a hiss, and felt a warm liquid running over my fingers, and falling from the back of my hand, then splashing into the toilet water.

"I've never fucked a pregnant woman before," I said, dragging my eyes away from the stream of pee coming out of her, and looking at her face again. "Except myself, of course."

"Well, you're in for a treat, then, Auntie, aren't you? You think you are a slut, I'm told, but I'll show you what a slut really is."

I could have done with a pee a bit myself, but I shut it off in my brain, as even more than that, I wanted to suck her bloated tits with those huge dark nipples, and to get my tongue inside her pregnant cunt. When she finished peeing, I pulled my hand out of her, and started to lick the pee off of it. Fuck, my cunt really started tingling when she bent her head and joined me in licking her pee up.

"Don't wipe, Julia ... I want to suck the rest of your pee off while I eat your cunt out."

"Oh, believe me, Aunt Susan, I was going to make you do that anyway. Come on, let's go and fuck."

I grabbed her hand, and dragged her, almost running, into the bedroom. Her belly was so big that running must have been awkward, but she managed it well enough that her full breasts were bouncing up and down, hitting on her belly, then flying up and out. God, I wanted her so badly it was making me ache all over, although less than a year earlier, I wouldn't have been turned on by the thought of fucking another woman, let alone one with an almost fully developed baby inside her.

To start with, we lay on the bed next to each other, and kissed deeply, our tongues exploring each other's mouths, then I broke the kiss, and pulled one of her breasts up to my mouth. They felt full, all of the milk-producing sacs having developed as the baby had grown inside her, and I sucked on the nipple as hard as I could. I wasn't really expecting to get any milk out, as she still had a couple of weeks to go she'd said, but shit, as I sucked, I tasted that gorgeous sweet taste of human breast milk.

That really did set my cunt on fire, but much as I loved sucking her tit, and especially enjoying the flavour of her milk, I lusted after the taste of her pee, my brothers sperm, and her own aromatic juices that were awaiting me between her legs.

"Fuck, Julia, when you're had the baby, I'm going to come and suck your tits dry."

"You'll have to fight with my Mom and Dad, then, Auntie. But lay back so I can suck your cunt, and I'm going to make you eat all the mess coming out of me."

I laid on the bed, and let Julia straddle over me. Her distended belly pressed into my tits, and I had to grab a pillow and prop it under my head, so my mouth could reach her pussy, which was gaping open above me. I could see drips of pee clinging to her lips, and a string of spunk hanging out of her hole, though from the wonderful, musky, slightly fishy aroma, it must have been mixed with a lot of her own cum.

I felt my own cunt being pulled open, and I hoped that my niece liked the open hole she must be able to see, the sticky wetness of my slit, and the erect stub of my clit, just waiting for her mouth. Fortunately, the way her tongue started swirling round my clit at the same time as several fingers violated my vagina, it certainly seemed like it.

The taste and smell of Julia's cunt was almost overpowering as I lapped along it with my tongue, savouring the saltiness of her pee, the spiciness of her cum, and the unique flavour of a man's spunk, in this case her father's, my brother's, which I'd taken directly from his cock, and sucked out of my sister and daughters cunts as well.

When I'd eaten my fill, I pushed my fingers up inside her. Maybe it was because she was so close to giving birth, but the opening of her vagina seemed unusually slack, and I had no trouble getting my whole hand inside her. I could feel how full her womb was, and her cervix was swollen and distended. While I explored the outside of her cunt with my mouth, and the inside with my hand, her tongue and fingers were working their magic in my pussy, and I was getting close to coming.

I nibbled Julia's clit, biting just hard enough that she let out a little squeal, muffled by my cunt against her mouth. Fuck, then I felt the baby kick. I felt it on the outside, where her belly was pushed hard against one of my breasts, but I felt it even more where my hand was inside her vagina. God, I couldn't control myself. I fucking came straight away, my hips bucking up and down against my niece's face, my cum gushing out into her mouth. God, it was so forbidden, so disgusting, and I knew I should be ashamed and horrified at the way I was using my nieces pregnant body to give me sexual satisfaction, but the truth was I was absolutely loving it.

I worked my tongue hard around and around her clit, and a few seconds later, Julia came as well. She started writhing around like crazy, and whether the baby inside her was enjoying it or protesting I don't know, but it kept kicking against my tit and my hand as the two of us were lost in sexual ecstasy.

We were both, or rather all three, starting to calm down when I heard a voice. It was Charlie, my husband, who must have come home early as well.

"Fucking hell, Susan, that was awesome."

"Well, Uncle, why don't you fuck my asshole? My Aunt and I have got at least one more orgasm in us, haven't we darling, and you can feel your husband's cock in me if you leave your hand in me. And, please do, I love it."

Julia had pulled her head up to speak, but as soon as she finished, her mouth closed over my cunt again, and as I felt my husband's cock pushing into Julia's butt hole, I felt her push her fingers into mine, her thumb in my vagina, pressing against it the way my hand was pressing against my husband's cock inside my niece. Shit, if I should have been ashamed and disgusted at what I'd been doing before, then this was even more extreme, as the hand inside my nieces vagina could now feel my husband's cock ramming into her bowels, as well as the movements of her baby, now even more disturbed.

God, I could only imagine that Julia had given herself a thorough enema before she'd got to us, because I remembered being constantly constipated at the end of my pregnancy, as my guts were pushed aside by the baby, especially when I was having the twins. I certainly hadn't let Charlie into my ass then, and I was amazed that Julia seemed to be enjoying him in her now. With his cock, my hand and the baby inside her, she must be feeling as if she were going to explode.

If she did, she didn't show it, because the way she was eating my cunt and fingering my asshole was like a woman in the throes of deepest sexual rapture. Not that I was feeling any different myself, as my cunt had taken me over completely, sending waves of pleasure up through my body, and the exquisite taste of my niece's pregnant cum was filling my senses at the other end of me. All my brain could think of was that my hand was inside the vagina of a pregnant woman, while my husband was fucking her asshole. And he was fucking it mercilessly, ramming in and out of her like mad.

Shit, once again the thoughts and sensations all became too much for me. I lost all control, and I flew over the edge of my orgasm way sooner than I had planned. It seemed the situation and the skill of my own mouth had also got to Julia, though, because she came almost at the same time, while Charlie was still pounding in and out of her.

"F... fuck, I want to come on you both," Charlie gasped, as I felt him pull out of Julia's anus.

I pushed up, and helped her roll off me only just in time, as Charlie gave his cock a couple of strokes, and rope after rope of spunk shot out of the end of it. At least two of them managed to land across Julia's swollen belly and breast, which I knew was what Charlie wanted, but either by accident or design, some landed over my tits, and the last, feeble shot just dropped down on to my face.

Charlie slid up the bed, and pushed his limp cock into Julia's mouth, a glob of spunk falling into it as he moved over her, and I started licking his spunk off her belly. I was working my way down to her cunt, when I was joined by Charlie, and we shared the task of cleaning his spunk off her pussy. I'd forgotten about the trail of jizz over my own tits and face, so I was spreading some back on to her, but Julia moved around, and cleaned me up, while my husband finished cleaning her smooth, shaven pussy.

"Oh, Auntie, you really are a slut, aren't you? I'm just sorry I'll have to miss the big event this year, as it will be too close to me giving birth. I'd love to see you get fucked by forty or fifty men, one after the other."

Shit, that was a shame. It would have given me a chance to drink her milk, and explore how different she felt inside without the baby in her, but it gave me another thought.

"Quick, Julia. Let's go downstairs and stop everyone before they get too worn out. We should be getting this all on film!"

As I hustled Julia downstairs, Charlie caught up with me and put his arm around me.

"You know, Susan, I do love you. That brought back memories of when you were carrying the twins. Are you sure you wouldn't like any more children?"

"Only if you carry them in you, and find out what childbirth is like, darling," I replied, smiling, as we reached the room where everyone else was still fucking away like mad.

While we were waiting for everyone to finish - for now, at least - I explained to Julia about the filming, and how it seemed too good an opportunity to miss to film her father, my brother and her grandfather, her baby's father, fucking her while she was still pregnant. I was sure that there would be plenty of demand to buy this one, that was for sure.

Even Tony, who was waiting to fuck Julia himself agreed that it was a good idea. I did an intro to camera, explaining the background, and the complication that when Julia's baby was born, Uncle Vernon would be its father, its mother's grandfather: a truly mind-blowing bit of incest outcome.

Tony filmed close-ups of Julia's body, before he, Jade and I filmed my brother fucking his daughter on his own, then spit roasting her with her grandfather. Finally we filmed Aunt Veronica getting fucked by my brother, with Julia and Uncle Vernon fucking each other, but joining in as well.

While all this was going on, our of the corner of my eye I was watching my husband fuck my sister, and despite having emptied himself over me and Julia, he still seemed to have more than enough energy and spunk to come in all three of my sisters holes. The cheating bastard. I thought, though I knew that fucking my sister didn't really count as cheating these days.

In the end, Aunt Veronica's family left without staying overnight, and Brian went home to tell Ingrid about her new step-daughter and Bjorn and Lucas about their new step-sister, or whatever crazy relation Julia was to them, which was more than I could figure out. Chrissy, Charlie, Tony, Jade and I ordered in pizza, and as we ate, we talked about how we'd price these new streams on the website,

At least we did, until Jade dropped something of a bombshell.

"I'm going to come off the pill. I think Julia must have got my maternal instincts going. I want you to make me pregnant, Tony, as soon as you can."

The bombshell for Charlie was that he wouldn't be able to fuck Jade, at least until Tony had got her fertilised, and for me and Chrissy, that we needed to get them married as soon as I could. There was no way we were going to have everyone at church calling our first grandchild a bastard.

Only Tony seemed completely happy with his explosion, as he hugged and kissed Jade, the two of them in tears, which I hoped were of joy. No, of course they were, but it was while they were in their own little world, that my second brilliant idea of the day came to me.

"You know, we should film it all. Show Tony fucking you, then filming you as the baby develops, and in the end we could also show the birth, and you breast feeding."

You're right, that last bit was because I was still obsessed with the idea of drinking Julia's milk. On the other hand, Jade's would be perhaps even better, and I could share it with my son, her husband, though maybe we'd have to let the baby have some. That was a joke, in case you think I'm a total bitch. Whatever, I was going to make sure I got to drink some of my niece's breast milk.​
Next page: Part 11.2
Previous page: Part 10.3