Part 12.1

I'd seen some of the TV programmes about families choosing wedding dresses, and I'd never believed that in real life anyone could take so long to make up their minds, nor that the dresses could be so expensive. It turned out, though, that I was proved totally wrong when Chrissy and went to help Jade and Laura choose theirs.

Why Laura? Well, we discovered she arrived only after many attempts at IVF, when her parents were older than me now, and after her mother had died a couple of years ago, her father never recovered, and died of a heart attack soon after. The least we could do was to treat her as a full member of the family before she married my elder son.

I wouldn't have believed that Jade could be so fussy, either. Well, maybe I could understand it, though, as being an ex-hooker and ex-drug addict, the white wedding was going to mark the final stage of her rehabilitation, and I had to admit that in a full length, white wedding dress, she looked absolutely stunning. Now she'd fully recovered it was easy to see how much she looked like me and her mother, but just far more beautiful, her face perfectly symmetrical, and her darker hair and skin tone contrasting strikingly with Laura's bright ginger hair and pale pink skin.

At least we wouldn't have to worry about paying the extortionate prices for the dresses, as the private videos we'd planned would cover them many times over. After the girls shocked the sales assistant by saying they weren't going to were panties for the wedding, just a white garter and white thigh-highs, Chrissy and I managed to get them out of the shop and back home.

Fortunately the pastor was happy to change the existing arrangement to a double wedding, although I could tell by the look on some of the faces in church after the banns were read, that some thought the unseemly haste could only be because one or both brides were already pregnant. They weren't of course, but the arrangements to video Jade getting pregnant, and the wedding celebrations themselves kept me busy, and for once I was quite happy for Charlie to spend time fucking his secretary, and letting me get a good night's sleep.

The reaction to the planned subscription set of Jade conceiving and giving birth had received a fantastic reaction, and the price we were able to set was even higher than we could have possible imagined. We started shooting the videos ahead of the wedding with the males we could get already, so we started with Jade's brothers, Jason and Jude, her uncles, Charlie and Brian, and her cousins Michael, Bjorn and Lucas. Her other cousin, her future husband Tony, we were keeping until last, of course.

Each video had a bit of a back story, the thread running through it being that Jade was finding it harder and harder to satisfy herself with her dildos, and had decided that she wanted to have a baby. Each one had an intro of her stuffing her cunt and her asshole with her dildos, but still wanting more after she'd come, and going to find someone in her family to fuck her.

We started with a bit of a bang, as given that Jason and Jude were identical twins, so genetically indistinguishable, she got them to both come in her vagina at the same time. The closing scene in each one was the same, with Jade's cunt being opened wide with a huge speculum, so that everyone could see the sperm inside her, and she could use her fingers to make sure it covered the opening of her cervix, giving it the best chance of impregnating her. Goodness knows where she and Tony got the speculum - I suspect it was intended for something larger than a human, because it stretched her open so wide that everyone would have a wonderfully clear view of the inside of her vagina.

Chrissy and I did most of the camera work, helped out by Tony if he was around, though his job was primarily doing the editing. It was so exciting watching Jade's cunt get filled, that it almost always ended up with Chrissy and I sucking it back out of her, while we played with each other, and Tony and the man who'd been filmed fucking us as soon as he had got his energy back. Of course, we didn't film us removing the sperm from inside Jade, as it was supposed to be impregnating her.

It was two weekends before Thanksgiving that the wedding came around, when we'd finished the first round of filming Jade. The timing gave us just enough time to shoot the rest of the family men trying to get her pregnant before she had her next period, and she stopped taking the pill. The day before the wedding we had an email saying that Julia had gone into labour, so obviously neither she nor Aunt Veronica or Uncle Vernon would be coming, which was disappointing, but we sent our best wishes back to them, and scratched Uncle Vernon from the list completely.

After all of the uncertainty and discussion, I was glad we'd gone for a traditional wedding in the local church, with just our close family. The girls looked fabulous in their off-the-shoulder long white wedding gowns, and Chrissy and I had bought some fabulous jewellery for them to display in their cleavage. Laura's was emerald, for her home country, and of course, what else could Jade wear but jade? The men were all in charcoal tail suits, with grey top hats, and waistcoats embroidered in different shades of green silk, picking up the signature colours of the girls.

Becky, Chloe and Lucy looked equally stunning in emerald green. Chrissy was wearing a flared, milky-green dress, the closest that we could find to Jade's jade. I was acting as Laura's mother, as well as the mother of both grooms, so I was wearing a bright blood tangerine-coloured dress which picked up the gorgeous ginger of her hair. Of course, all of us were naked under our dresses, except for thigh-high stockings, white for the brides, and the colour of deeply tanned skin for the rest of us.

I confess that I shed a few tears as Charlie stood in as both girls' father, in their absence, and the pastor declared my sons to be married. We'd stuck with the old form of ceremony which wished that the couple be blessed with children, and I wondered what the pastor would think if he knew that not long after the ceremony was over, we'd be filming Jade trying to make that come true.

We had a photographer to take the full range of standard wedding photographs at the church. However, it was when we got back home that we moved into the ones we all wanted to keep ourselves. First, we had one of all the women, holding their skirts up, showing their naked cunts, framed by their thigh highs, and the brides pulling down their tops to show their tits. Then close-ups of the brides, the bridesmaids and the mothers of the newly married couples. Finally, ones where the brides were holding up their skirts with one hand, while they held their new husband's erect cock with the other.

We'd had caterers set up the food for us in Jade and Tony's house, but they weren't coming back until much later, so they wouldn't interrupt the incestual fun we were anticipating. Personally, I'd have skipped the food, and just gone straight to the fucking, but the now married couples wanted something more conventional to remember, and I suppose I had to agree that it should be a special day for them in every way.

What I'd forgotten, though, was the speeches. Sometimes they can be amusing, but more often are just cringe-worthy and boring. When Jade stood up, I hoped it would be more the former than the latter.

"Thank you, everyone, for joining the four of us on our special days. I'm not going to take much of your time, as I know that you are keen to get more of this," she said, lifting her dress, and showing us her beautifully trimmed pussy, framed by her stockings and garter. "Firstly, I'd like to thank my Mom, for putting up with me for so long, despite all of the trouble I caused.

"Next I want to thank Uncle Charlie, who I met first as a client while I was working as a prostitute - at least he didn't try to get away without paying," she said with a giggle, "but joking aside, he supported me financially when I was destroying my body with drugs, and he still paid to fuck me, even when I'd become a physical wreck.

"But perhaps most of all, I want to thank Auntie Susan, who despite her husband's cheating, took it upon herself to break my addiction, for which I'll be eternally grateful. As if that weren't enough, she's let me have her wonderful younger son, Tony, as my husband. Thank you, Susan. Of course, once we've finished, my legs will be open for business again, but today will be free!"

I think everyone in the audience laughed outrageously at that, since we'd all fucked Jade previously, and knew that while she was no longer a hooker, she was always available free to anyone in the family. I didn't laugh, but had to fight back the tears, as Jade said such lovely things about me, and I just hoped that she and Tony would have a wonderful marriage. By the time I got myself together, I realised that Tony was speaking, and though I missed some of what he had said, I caught enough to send me back to my tears.

"... and finally I would like to also thank my Mom. Firstly, for the way she, Auntie Christine and Aunt Elizabeth worked to release Jade, so she could blossom as the beautiful woman I am proud to have married today. But perhaps most of all, for taking my virginity and teaching me how to make love. If any of you have enjoyed me fucking you, then it is really all down to my Mom. I'm sure you have still more you can teach me, Mom, so I look forward to more lessons from you, as Jade and I make our new life together."

I suppose after that, Michael felt obliged to go next, though again I missed a lot of the usual stuff as I was searching around for something to blow my nose on, because I couldn't quite stop crying.

"...and I also would like to thank my Mom. She probably thinks I'll try to claim that it was me that released our inherent genetic trait for incest, and all the delights it has given us. However, I knew nothing of that at the time, and the truth is that me and my friends at school all thought she was hot, a real MILF, and she was, quite simply, the Mother I'd Like to Fuck. With my brother's help, I turned that into a reality, not knowing just what powerful and insatiable sexual appetite I was unleashing.

"My only regret is that she resisted my attempts to turn her into my sex slave - which brings me to my lovely new wife, Laura, who has accepted that role. Laura..."

Laura stood up, looking much more nervous that the others, which was understandable, I guess, as this was really the first time she had met many of the family.

"Um, thank you, Michael. And thank you Susan, for allowing an outsider into your ... um ... rather unusual family. Yes, I am a submissive, and as you will already have seen, I am a natural redhead. I look forward to receiving your commands, and you getting to discover more of me later on."

There were calls for me to say something, but I just waved my hand, as I dabbed the tears from my cheeks, and the head of the family, my Grandfather Ted, took over.

"Well, I'd just like to add my thanks to you as well, Susan. I'd come to accept that my son and daughter-in-law would never accept the family, and you, their children and children's children would be lost to us. It makes my heart fill with pride to see you, Jade and Tony, and Michael and Laura, as new partners, and I wholeheartedly welcome you, Laura, into the family, and I certainly am looking forward to seeing far more of you later on..."

I bet, I thought, hearing everyone having a good laugh, as they all understood exactly what he meant.

"So, I'd like to ask you all to join me in a toast to our two newly-wedded couples. First, though, there's a little family tradition I want to uphold. That is that champagne always tastes so much better when it has been laced by a beautiful woman's cunt juice, so I invite Laura and Jade to do the honours."

Chrissy and I opened the two magnums of champagne, with a rousing pop, and helped Jade and Laura pull their chairs around. We held the bottles steady on the chairs, while the two girls pulled up their wedding dresses, then lowered themselves over the bottles, taking the necks into their vaginas as far as they could.

They then worked up and down, letting their cum flow into the open necks of the bottles, which as it ran into the champagne, increased the bubbling so that some of it erupted out of the bottle into them, and flowed back over the outside. After several cycles, they swapped over bottles, so everyone would get to sample both of them.

When they thought we had collected enough of their secretions, they moved off, Tony and Michael taking their first taste of the champagne from their wives pussies, as Chrissy and I filled everyone else's glasses.

"To our new brides and grooms, Jade and Tony, Laura and Michael, may their relationship last and flourish, and may they continue to uphold the traditions of our unusual family."

We all joined in with the toast. Once that was done, though, we moved back to the my house, and got down to the serious business of the day: upholding the tradition that the brides got fucked by their grandfather and father, and the bridesmaids by any left-over brothers or cousins, ending with the grooms fucking their brides, still full of spunk. For the first time, though, we were going to record it all on video, then edit it into modules that we would sell on our streaming site.

It wasn't quite as straightforward as it might have been, of course, because Jade's father had abandoned the family, and Laura had no family left at all. In the end, we settled on Grandfather Ted taking Laura in her wedding dress, in front of us all, as Chrissy and I filmed, and my father, Jade's grandfather taking her, while my bridesmaid twin daughters were fucked by Chrissy's twin sons. Somehow Charlie managed to end up with the last bridesmaid, my brother's daughter Becky, whose virginity he had taken a few months earlier.

Once that family set piece was over, we let my father and grandfather recover, then filmed them individually coming inside Jade, which completed the series of Jade's impregnation scenes, except, of course, for the one with Tony which actually would get her pregnant. Then we all stripped off for a full-on orgy, with the men mostly taking turns at the filming while they recovered after coming, grazing on a buffet of food the caterers had left, and would see us through the end of the afternoon and evening.

As I was fucked myself, though, the more I watched the scenes around me, the more my mind kept going back to the time my son and I had visited my parents, and I'd been fucked by three different generations: my son, my father and my grandfather. I wanted to do it again on camera. I knew there was a massive demand for it from the subscribers, but somehow even re-enacting what I'd done before wasn't quite enough for me. There was a generation missing. My own, of course, and if only I could somehow get my brother into me as well, I'd be getting fucked by four generations at once. I knew it was silly, but I couldn't stop my cunt tingling and leaking every time I thought about it.

In the end, I had a word with Tony, who I thought was going to be vital to my plan, but had already gone to start editing the scenes we'd already shot.

"Shit, Mom, you've excelled yourself yet again. I can't believe what a dirty slut you are, but I'm up for it," and I could tell from the way his huge cock was stiff and throbbing that he really was. We hugged and kissed, then together we I went back to the room where everyone else was gathered.

Tony waited for a break in the action, then tapped a spoon on a champagne glass to get silence. He looked around the room with a grin on his face. "Mom's just told me she wants to be filmed with four generations of cock in her. Oh, and she wants them all to come inside her as close to the same time as possible."

There was gasp, followed by a stunned silence as everyone tried to get their minds around how this would be possible, given I only had three holes available.

"Don't be fucking stupid, Susan, even a slut like you couldn't manage that," Charlie yelled out, and from the look on most of the faces, he'd definitely caught the mood of the room.

The exception was Jade, who was looking at me with a knowing grin on her face, and I was pretty sure that she'd figured out how it could be done, with difficulty and the right men, one of whom had to be her new husband, my younger son. "Looks like no one believes you, Mom-in-law, but I fucking want to see you try. Come on, you can help me with the filming Mom, and you Michael."

I gathered up my grandfather and my father, but also my brother, and as we walked over to the bed that was set up in the filming area, I explained what I wanted to do, and my younger son, the critical man, joined us.

"I want one of you in my ass, or course, and one in my mouth, but I then want the other two in my cunt. No, Dad, it's not impossible. We can do it, but only because Tony is so much slimmer and smaller than the rest of you. I'll be laid on top of one of you, with your cock in my asshole - this had better be you, Brian, because you're going to have to take my weight, and probably some of Tony as well.

"Granddad, you'd better be the one using my mouth, to make it easier for your old bones - no, don't look like that, you can have my cunt and my ass first. Then, Dad, you basically stand on the floor between my legs and Brian's, and you'll have no trouble getting in my cunt. The tricky thing is that Tony then needs to get himself over me, in front of you, Dad, with his knees on the edge of the bed, and force his cock in me, next to yours.

"As Tony said, I'd ideally love you to all come in me at the same time. Wouldn't that be amazing, four generations of Lewis spunk being injected into me? The problem is going to be giving you, brother, and you, Dad enough mobility to be able to work yourselves off."

"Don't worry about Granddad, Mom. I'll try to make sure the friction of me ramming in and out of you alongside Granddad's cock will get him off. It's Uncle Brian that will have the hardest job."

"You're right, son. So, are you all fine with this? Anyway, I propose that you all take turns in each of my holes first, so you can make sure you're right on the edge before we stack ourselves up. Oh, by the way, I want to come at the same time, and we'll also have to make sure that the cameras have managed to get good shots of your cocks in all my holes, else the audience will feel cheated, because this is going to be an expensive item. Come on, then, son, brother, Dad, Grandad - fuck me!"

I pushed my father back on the bed, straddling over him, and guiding his stiff cock into my cunt, which was oozing with my cum from just thinking about what was about to happen to me, and he slid inside me easily. I moved up and down on him, making sure that whoever was behind me with the camera got shots of my hole being stretched by my father's prick, and hear the crackling squelch of my cum as he rammed in and out of me.

It wasn't just my penetrated cunt that was in view, though, because in this position my anus was fully exposed, and I contracted my sphincter muscles to make it even more noticeable. I could imagine people watching the final video, and lusting to push cock or fingers or tongue into that second hole. As I soon discovered, my Granddad had these feelings as well.

As my father kept fucking me, I used my hands to stroke my brother's and son's cocks, and kept winking my asshole at the camera. Then I felt something warm and wet hit my anus, and I guessed my Gramps had spat on it. A second later, I felt the tight ring of my ass being forced open by something hard, which I guessed was his fingers. He pushed them in me until they'd go no further, and I could feel them hitting against his son's cock that was pumping in and out of my slimy pussy.

I looked up around the room, smiling into the camera which my naked sister was pointing at me, and I blew a kiss to the audience.

"Wouldn't you just love to come and fuck me as well?"

Behind Chrissy I could see the rest of the family, naked, and engaged in every imaginable form of sexual activity. The whole situation was unbelievably stimulating already, though I got a special thrill from seeing William's massive black cock violating Laura's almost impossibly stretched cunt, the black of his skin, and the paleness of her against her ginger hair, seeming to make everything look even more extreme.

My entire body was tingling. My nipples were rock hard, and my tits were aching with pleasure from the massaging they were getting from my brother and my son, as I alternately masturbated their cock and sucked them down my throat. God, the sensations from my holes were amazing, but then they changed. The fingers in my ass were drawn out. I hoped that I had a good gape for the camera to catch, and the pause that followed led me to believe that Michael, I supposed it would be, was capturing a good view of the inside of my shit hole for the camera.

Fuck, it took me by surprise, though, as my Grandfather decided he waited long enough, and he drove his cock deep into my gaping asshole, sending a blast of pain into my guts, which subsided as he entered me until his balls hit my ass, and his son's cock that was still in my cunt. Can there be any better feeling of your father's and grandfather's cocks rubbing up against each other, deep inside you, but on either side of the wall of your vagina, while you're sucking your brother's and son's cocks? I knew I could only better it if I touched my clit, and as soon as I did, I came, with all three of my holes occupied.

As I calmed down, I felt my grandfather's cock being pulled out of my bowels. "The fucking slut has come already, boys. Must be time to swap around," I heard him say, making me smile.

Shit, for a few seconds none of my holes had a cock in it, and I felt so empty and sad, I almost broke into tears, but then my father wriggled out from under me, and my brother slid under me in his place, guiding his cock into my wet vagina.

"FUCK!" I gasped as my slight, geeky younger son just plunged his cock, so much bigger than either of the other three, into my asshole, without any warning.

Someone, who I saw was my father, grabbed a handful of my hair and rammed his cock into my mouth until his balls hit my chin, and saliva ran down over it. I could taste my cunt on him, which immediately rocketed my arousal back up, and I scrabbled around with my other hand, trying to find my grandfather's cock.

He must have decided to helped his granddaughter, because I felt my wrist being grabbed, and then a larger hand than mine wrapped itself around it. As I felt a touch on my palm, I closed my fingers, and stroked up and down the cock that I found within my grasp. It was moist, but nowhere near as wet as my father's had been, and I realised that I probably should have used some lube on my butthole first.

I'd only stroked him a few times before he started to get impatient. "Stop sucking my son's cock, and swallow mine, granddaughter slut."

It made me feel so good, so wanted and so loved that my father and my grandfather were competing to have me suck them. I suppose my father was used to taking orders from his father, because he pulled his cock out of my mouth, so I could turn my head. Fuck, my grandfather really was getting carried away, because he grabbed my nose with one hand, squeezing it closed, then pulled my chin down with the other, and forced his cock so far into my mouth, that I thought I was going to have to sneeze as his pubes tickled my face.

Shit, I thought I was pretty skilled at swallowing cock these days, but my grandfather's cock was totally blocking my throat, and the hold he had on my nose stopped me getting my breath that way. I could feel my brother and son going in and out of my vagina and asshole, and my whole cunt and anus were burning and tingling in a delightful way. The problem was that my brain was starting to panic about the lack of oxygen.

God, I started to think I might die as everything started to go black round the edges of my vision. That would teach me to be such wicked slut, I thought, but at least it would be captured on camera, so my grandfather would have to take the blame. Goodness knows, though, how they'd punish the other three, who would be equally visibly guilty of incest.

But then I felt something change. My nose was released, and my throat cleared. I choked as I gasped in as much of the cool, refreshing air as I could. Yes, I was going to survive! I'd never felt quite as alive as I did then, my anal and vaginal openings being delightfully massaged, a cock in one hand, and the other coming back more gently into my mouth, and I fucking came again, without anyone touching my clit, something which almost never happened.

I then became conscious of the taste in my mouth. I'd forgotten that my grandfather's cock had been in my anus just before my mouth, and although I had cleaned myself out, I could still get a slight taste of my own shit. Not something I normally liked, but in the euphoria of fresh oxygen, I loved it, and it just sent more spikes of excitement shooting through my body.

My bastard of a grandfather repeated the same trick on me twice more, and I fucking came each time. No wonder some people are prepared to take the crazy risks of asphyxiation to get sensations like that, but given that they sometimes really do die, I thought in future I'd stick with marginally less intense orgasms, but hold on to life.

Then we swapped back, with my grandfather in my cunt, and my father in my arse. The difference was that when my brother and son pulled out of me, my father and his father put their fingers in each of my holes, and pulled me wide open for the camera. I could feel the warmth from the spotlight that someone must be using, and I knew that like Jade, whoever bought this video would become totally familiar with the inside of my vagina, the opening of my cervix, and the first few inches of my rectal passage.

I loved it, but I was keen to get on to the main event. I whispered to each of the men when I could, that they should get themselves close to coming. Shit, I should have realised that this would mean they started pounding me harder, and what with their cocks swapping around my holes, and the thought of what was about to happen, I came again, but they still kept fucking me while I twisted and squirmed around.

There must have been some sort of signal between them, because they all slowed at the same time, and my grandfather spoke. "Let's see if we can all get in my slutty granddaughter at the same time, boys, so we can fill all of her holes with four generations of Lewis spunk."

"Don't be silly, boys," I said, "I've only got three holes, so there's no way you can all get in me."

"Just shut the fuck up, Susan. You're just our fuck toy now, and we'll do what we want with you," my father snarled back. "Now, who's going to take my daughter's ass?"

Of course, we'd had it all worked out beforehand, so my brother lay back on the bed, his legs over the edge, and the others helped me get over him in a reverse cowgirl position. Fuck, my grandfather was holding his granddaughter's brother's cock to guide it into my asshole, which somehow struck me as amazingly exciting, and my cunt felt almost as tingling as my anal sphincter as my brother went deep into me.

I wanted to make sure he didn't calm down too much, so I rode up and down on him. I managed to get one hand down to my cunt, and pulled it open, using my thumb on my clit, and the others waited while Jade caught the image of my brother's cock going in and out of my anus, while my cunt was gaped open again. Shit, I was going to come again if I wasn't careful, but then my brother put a hand on my butt to warn me not to riding him too hard, else he was going to be the one who came too soon, which would have ruined it all.

As my body almost stopped moving, my father came towards me holding his cock, and he rammed it deep into my open vagina, only stopping when his balls banged against his son's. I tried to keep some movement over my brother's cock, as my father rammed in and out of me. With each stroke, he pulled right out of my cunt, leaving my hole gaping, so the camera could see the glistening, translucent coating of my cum on the bright salmon pink of my vagina and his throbbing cock. Each time he thrust his cock back into me, air caught inside me then escaped with a wet farting noise. Fuck, it felt and sounded wonderful, and knowing that it was my father who was fucking me just made it even better.

That wasn't all I had to try to deal with either, as my grandfather had knelt on the bed next to me, and pulled my head back so that he could fuck my mouth. I gasped as his cock entered my mouth, and only stopped when his balls bounced against my chin, and my face was almost hidden by his pubes. He was supporting me with one hand under my head, but the other was pulling at my nipples, stretching them out as far as they would go, then letting them bounce back, sending sensations like splinters of glass shooting through my breasts.

My brother was helping me ride him by lifting my butt with his hands, and I just had to rely on him to control himself so that he didn't come too soon, but still would be able to come when he needed to. I managed to catch a glimpse of the rest of the room when my grandfather pulled out of my mouth, wiping my saliva all over my face with his cock. I wasn't surprised to see that every single person was masturbating as they watch me. Masturbating rather than fucking, so nothing too their eyes away from the scene in front of them. God, I wanted them - and the audience who would buy the recording - to see me come again with my brother, father and grandfather in me. But not until my son had joined them, which I hoped would be soon.

It was. My father had made his decision. "Come on Tony, son. Shove your cock in your Mom's cunt alongside me. Then we can all fuck the incest-loving slut until we fill all her holes with our sperm."

Tony climbed on to the bed, and although I knew well just how big his cock was, I wondered if I hadn't made a mistake. Yes, he was thin enough to get between me and my father, but would my hole really stretch far enough to let him in me as well? He and Michael often had fucked my cunt together, as it was one of my favourite experiences, but this time surely my brother's cock in my asshole would make it a lot harder for him to get in me?

"Aagghh! Fuck!" I yelled, pushing my grandfather away, as my father put a finger in me on either side of his cock, and pulled my hole open, and my son's massive cock rubbed over my clit, and he tried to force it in the front of my vagina.

"Open your fucking cunt, Mom," my son yelled.

It was all very well for him to say, because my belly already felt full with the two cocks in me, and the pain in my vulva made it feel as if my hole was going to tear open towards my clit.

"Aagghh! Shit!" I screamed again as I felt the ridge of the helmet on my son's cock push me open.

"Shut up, slut. I'll give you something to take your mind off the pain," my grandfather said.

He rammed his cock even harder down my throat, and he twisted around so that he could grab both of my tits, and he squeezed and twisted my nipples at the same time. Shit, it felt as if I'd accidentally touched my tits against the hot ring of the kitchen cooker, and I would have screamed again except that my grandfather's full weight was against me, stopping me from getting his cock out of my mouth.

God, the pain in my cunt seemed to get even worse, but then there was a slurping noise, and the pain eased. My grandfather pulled back to let me breathe, and I was able to look down and see that my son's cock was now deep inside my cunt over my father's.

I'd thought that one of the men might have yelled out instructions, or verbally abused me again, but they didn't. I guess they all understood they were now all in me, and they wanted to use all of their energy abusing me with their cocks inside my body, until they left their granddaughter, daughter, mother and sister full of their spunk. I'd worried whether they'd be able to get enough friction in my overstuffed holes to reach their climax, but it was obvious that I was wrong.

With only a bit of help from me, my brother was managing to use his hands to lift my ass enough, then let my weight carry me back, that his cock was pounding my ass hard. I suppose it was inevitable that when my son pulled out of me, his butt would force my father back as well, so their two cocks were pumping in and out of my cunt like one giant one. I could tell from the volume of the squelching noises that the cum was running out of me like water from a tap, supplemented by loud pussy farts every few strokes.

My grandfather was using my mouth the same way. He'd released one hand from my tits, so he could grasp my throat with it, and he was pumping in an out of me in almost perfect time with his son, grandson and great grandson. Every now and again I caught sight of Jade and Chrissy, one taking wide angle shots of us, and the other focusing on one of my holes, and the cock or cocks that were in them.

I thought I'd try to be clever, and give my son and father some extra stimulation, so I tightened my cunt muscles. Fuck, I wished I hadn't, yet I was glad I had, because a searing pain went around the opening of my vagina, but at the same time a burst of excitement hit me, taking me to the very edge of coming. However, my son had his fingers on my clit, and I was sure that he had fucked me often enough to be able to control when I came to match with him and my father, at least. In the meantime, though, I was enjoying the feelings racing through my body, as I was fucked close to oblivion by the four generations of my family, and my sister and niece caught it all on camera.

It was my grandfather, in fact, who brought us all to the climax. "Shit, I'm going to come in the dirty cunt's mouth."

"Oh, FUCK! So am I," I heard my brother yell out from behind and underneath me, as he thrust his cock up into my asshole, pushing my cheeks even further apart as he seemed to try to get his balls up me as well.

Well, it was entirely out of my hands now. My son and my father started pumping the dirty cunt my grandfather had mentioned, and my son pressed harder as he circled my clit. I couldn't scream, else I would have, as I could feel the pulsation of each of the four cocks as they pumped their spunk into me, and I felt myself explode as I came. I still kept coming as I felt the cocks drain themselves into me.

"Go on, Mom - squirt for us, you fucking slut," my son yelled as he pulled his cock out of me, pulling my father out as well.

He kept his fingers on my clit, though, and the ache and heat in my body was almost unbearable as yet another orgasm blasted through me. Oh, yes, I'd squirt alright, and I don't think I could have stopped it even if my son hadn't told me to do it. I could feel my brother's cock slipping out of my asshole, and I licked my lips to swallow the last of my grandfather's semen which had leaked out around my mouth, because he'd emptied such a huge load into me.

An arc of pale yellow liquid jetted out of my cunt as my bladder spasmed. I'd expected it to shoot straight out and mainly get my son and my father, but I'd forgotten a few things: the angle that I'd been forced into so my brother could penetrate my ass, the way that my son was pulling my clit with his fingers, and the way my hips had taken a life of their own as I came. Oh yes, I got my son and my father alright, but the stream kept moving, arcing up over my own body, so a waterfall of my own pee fell down on me, soaking my grandfather's head and my own face, catching me in my mouth before I could close it, and then running down to drench my brother's face underneath mine. I don't think I'd ever come quite as violently before, nor managed such a long, voluminous squirt, which just never seemed to stop.

"FFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCKKKKKK! Stop!" I screamed, knowing, and damn it, enjoying the fact that more of my pee was going in my mouth as I opened it again.

The 'stop' was because Tony was still rubbing my clit, which now felt as if it was on fire. A year ago, I couldn't have imagined asking my younger son to play with my pussy, yet only an hour ago, I'd never have dreamed that I'd be begging him to stop. Still he got the message, and took his hand away. Even then, it seemed like forever that I lay there, my body jerking around, my cunt burning, and my bladder trying to squeeze all of the liquid out of me. I opened my eyes, my salty pee making them sting, and I managed to lift my head and smile.

"God, that was wonderful, boys," I said, as they pulled away, and I managed to roll off my brother, and lay back on the bed with my legs open, as my sister and niece scanned their cameras over my body, covered with spunk, piss and cum. I thought I was going to be able to lay there for a while and recover, but I was wrong.

"Well, girls, don't you think we should clean your mother, granddaughter and my daughter, of the mess our men have made of her?"

Shit, having resisted for so many years, my mother constantly kept surprising me these days with how much of a slut she had become herself. My two daughters, my mother and my grandmother were already naked, and I could see from the wetness between their legs that they must have been playing with themselves while they watched me getting gang banged by my family. They took up positions around me, and they started to clean me with their tongues.

They started with my face arms and legs, each of them drinking down all of the pee and spunk they found on the way, heading towards my cunt and asshole, where the real mess lay. It was slow work, and made slower by them spending far more time than was strictly necessary, and being far more diligent in cleaning off my tits, and my nipples were stiff and throbbing from the sucking and biting they were getting.

I spotted my Mom grab my Gran's arm, and pull her back down towards my pussy, leaving one of my twin daughters sucking each of my breasts, the way they had nineteen years earlier while I was feeding them with my milk.

"Hold her leg up girls, so we can get to her holes properly," Mom ordered, as she and my Gran each lifted one of my legs, and my daughters caught hold of them, without even releasing my tits from their mouth, leaving my holes exposed and open.

"God, Louise, this brings back memories. I used to get her like this when I was changing her diapers, but I never imagined that when she was a grown woman I'd be sucking my husband's spunk out of that same cunt."

"Or me from her asshole, Martha," my Gran replied, as the two of them dropped their heads, which banged gently together as they fought for the best position over my holes.

Shit, I could hear them slurping up the spunk, as well as feel the gorgeous sensations from their tongues around my holes, and in my mother's case, over my clit as well. I'd thought my body was too exhausted to get aroused again, but once more I was wrong. My daughters' mouths on my tits, my mother's on my cunt, and my Gran's on my asshole, but getting some of my pussy as well when she could, had set the fire burning inside me again. I closed my eyes, and just lay back to enjoy the feelings rushing around me.

When I opened my eyes, I noticed that Tony had taken over one of the cameras from my sister. Had he showered, I wondered, or was that still my piss dripping from his wet hair? God, I hoped it was. I was just beginning to question why Chrissy had left, when I heard her whispering to my Mom and Gran.

Then she came round to the bed, climbed on, and straddled over my head. "Fucking hell, sis, my cunt is gushing like the Mississippi after watching that. Get ready for the flood gates to open."

I looked up, and could see cum dripping onto my face from her labia, as she lowered herself over me. As her gorgeous lips touched my lips, I opened my mouth, and as she felt me do so, she pulled her lips open, and as she'd warned me, a wave of her cum gushed out of her and into my mouth. Given that we were twins she tasted just like me, and I got a thrill from the thought of drinking more of my own cum than I ever could do from myself.

I was still struggling to swallow it all down, when I felt my Mom and Gran pull back, leaving my holes clean, but empty, although what my daughters were doing to my tits, and the joy of eating my sisters pussy was making me desperate to have them filled again.

I knew I should have been careful what I wished for, as something large, cold and hard plundered my cunt, stretching me open again almost as much as when my father and son had their cocks in it. I knew it must be some sort of dildo, and it was being used with extreme force to fuck me.

"Keep still a minute, Louise. I can't get this strapon in your ass while you're jiggling about like that."

The dildo in me stopped moving for a moment. I heard a gasp, then the thrusting started up again, even more violently than before. Fuck, was what I thought I'd heard really happening? Was my Gran fucking me with a strapon, while my Mom was reaming out her asshole with another one?

"That's right Mom, show my slut of a daughter that it's not just the men that can torture her cunt, but her Gran can as well, while her Mom plugs her Gran's shit hole."

Shit, even the females in my family seemed to want to fuck me as much as the men. I suddenly realised, though, that whilst my daughters were trying to suck my tits a size or two bigger, I was neglecting my lovely girls. I worked my hands around underneath them, managing to get between their legs. As I reached up with my fingers, I found not their closed lips, but wet, open slits, and my fingers touched theirs, and I joined in their masturbation.

If my mouth hadn't been occupied by my sister's still flooding cunt, I might have given a smile, because I discovered that both my daughters were working their pussies in an almost identical way. I suppose that with their being twins I should have thought of it, especially as I knew my sister and I did it to ourselves the same way, but I hadn't. It was a joy, though, as the three of us seemed to operate as one. While my two girls were rubbing their clits, I was ramming my fingers up their holes, then we'd swap over, our fingers passing as we changed places. What better demonstration of unspoken understanding between Lewis family members could there be, than the close relationship I had now with my lovely young daughters?

Oh, fuck, I knew I was going to come again as my Gran started working on my clit, and I felt my daughters starting to wriggle around as our fingers took them to the edge. I noticed that my Gran seemed to be panting a lot more, and I imagined my Mom with her hand around her, playing with her clit, while she rammed the strapon into her eighty year old anus. And I was sure, playing with her own clit as well.

In the end it was like a ripple effect, as my Mom must have got herself off, and then her fingers and the dildo in her ass set my Gran off, making her ram the strapon into my vagina so hard that it took my breath away. I almost choked as I came because my sister came in my mouth at the same time, releasing another flood of her cum down my throat. Not to be left out, my two daughters came as well, ramming their fingers into their cunts, joining mine that were already inside them.

It might have lacked the disgusting mental image I had of being fucked by four generations of the men of my family, but four generations of women were almost as good, as we came with our mouths, fingers and strapons.

Once they'd all come, they seemed to calm down all too quickly, and they moved away from me, leaving me alone on the bed in my own little world. I was only vaguely aware of voices talking about showering, as I hadn't calmed down at all. All I could think of was coming, fucking, screwing, climaxing, orgasming, and the only bits of my body I was really conscious of were my tits, my cunt and my ass, all of them still wet with cum and saliva.

I put one hand on a breast, and pulled it up to my mouth. I sucked in my nipple and as much of my tit as I could, and went to work to try to replicate the sensations by daughters had caused. I bit down, and made myself groan with pain as I sank my teeth into the soft flesh of my breast.

I'd moved my other hand down to my cunt, and I was pinching, squashing and rubbing my clit, then opening my slit as much as I could, so I could dash my hand down to my hole. With my fingers together, I pushed my hand deep into my vagina, only to pull it out again, making a noise like jello falling out of a mold. I was pleasuring my cunt hard, when I noticed a tingling emptiness around the tighter opening of my anus.

I desperately wanted to use my other hand to Ra*e my asshole, but I couldn't see how I could do it without my tit slipping out of my mouth, which I didn't want either. Anyone sensible would have given up I'm sure, but for some reason I seemed completely obsessed with the idea. I sucked as hard as I could on my tit, which made it tingle, but the sensation of something that was a mixture of pain and pleasure just excited me more, and I slowly pulled my hand away, hoping my sucking would keep my stretched breast in my mouth.

Yes! I managed it, though I almost lost it as my tongue decided to flick over my nipple, and I had to suppress a gasp from the intensity of feelings which it sent racing through my body, joining up with those being sent by the way my fingers were playing with my cunt. I moved my hand down, pausing the tweaking of my clit while I contorted my body into a twisted foetal position, where I could reach my asshole as well as my pussy.

My hands met, as I transferred some of the slimy goo oozing out of my vagina on to my other hand. Then I rammed all my fingers into my anus, as I fingered my cunt, using my thumb on my clit, and all the time keeping up a rhythmic sucking on my tit.

Obviously I had masturbated many times, but this was totally different. I knew in my head that it was my own body, but my senses were telling me it wasn't. Whose was this tit in my mouth? The nipple seemed longer and harder than mine, and the breast behind it firmer. I loved the feel of this woman's cunt, but although she had big lips on each side, they felt bigger than mine, and almost as if they were trying to wrap themselves around my hand as it moved along her slit, and her clit seemed so much bigger than mine.

There was no way that was my cunt, surely? I pulled my hand out of it, and brought it up to my face. I couldn't risk letting her tit escape my mouth, but I held my fingers under my nose, and sniffed deeply. Shit, it must be another woman, because her scent was so much more pleasing to my nose, good enough to be bottled as perfume. God, while I loved her scent, I wanted to feel my hand in her cunt again, and I moved my hand back down, forcing my whole hand inside her vagina. It really seemed that it felt nothing like me inside, with the neck of the womb and the opening of the cervix standing out much more than mine.

But who the hell was she? As a final check, I pulled my fingers out of her ass and checked out the smell from that hole. My nose wrinkled with the acrid scent, and I got that initial wave of revulsion from smelling someone else's asshole that you never do your own. I didn't know who she was, but I loved her.

It couldn't be me, I was sure. If it was, then I wasn't masturbating, I was fucking myself, and fucking myself with what seemed brutal desperation to take my body to a level of sexual pleasure that I'd never had before, and getting the same delight of discovering the private parts of a new partner.

Whoever the woman was I was fucking, she certainly knew how to excite another woman. Her teeth and tongue on my nipple were so amazing, I felt I could easily come just from that, if I let myself. She was equally skilled with her hands, though. She had a wonderful rhythm going with her thumb on my clit, but every little while she'd remove her thumb so she could ram her whole fist deep into my cunt. She'd stir her fist around inside me, and take care especially to push against the fingers that she was forcing into my ass, stretching my sphincter until it lit up with flashes of pain and pleasure, equalled only by those in the wall of my vagina as her two hands squeezed it between them.​
Next page: Part 12.2
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