Part 13.1
After the shock of discovering on the day after Christmas that my husband had got my sister pregnant, the new year started a lot more calmly. Although he and Jade were only cousins, Tony got the expert on such matters in the family to do one of the fancy new tests on Jade's developing baby, which are non-invasive, so avoid the risk of having to take amniotic fluid. We also got Chrissy done as well, although she wasn't a blood relative of my husband, and I hadn't had any problems myself, but better to be safe than sorry, we thought.
Both tests came back clear, but then both mothers-to-be started to get morning sickness, and Chrissy especially badly. She wasn't happy when I told her it was poetic justice for having my husband's baby, especially as I couldn't resist a bit of a smile, but it just reinforced my decision not to have any more children myself before my ovaries closed for business.
It was so bad that it stopped her running with me several mornings, but we had several solid falls of snow, which made it difficult anyway, and while my sister and her daughter spent the morning throwing up, I enjoyed myself blasting around on the snow blower, making sure that Tony and Charlie could get to work.
Speaking of work, Charlie finally resigned as CEO of our Company, handing the reins to my brother, Brian, while he himself took on the role of Chair. This gave me an opportunity for a small, but satisfying bit of revenge on him at the Board meeting to ratify these changes. As the only female member of the Board, I proposed that requiring the Chair to have a male assistant, rather than a female one, would be seen as a small step towards gender equality in the Company.
I won with a unanimous vote, Charlie having to abstain, of course. I didn't imagine for a moment this would put an end to him fucking young women employees, but at least he'd have to work for it a bit harder. He wasn't happy, but we made our peace when I let him fuck me up the ass on an evening when Chrissy was still feeling a bit queasy.
My streaming video kept steadily growing sales after the first leap, but I still loved stripping live once a week, and there was no substitute for seeing the audience's reaction when I held my cunt open in front of them. Anyway, I considered it was striking a blow for racial equality, as the club owner wouldn't accept Chrissy as my partner for health and safety reasons once he'd found out she was pregnant, so I'd paired up with one of the black girls. Although Christmas was past, we stripped each other out of Santa Claus outfits, and showed the audience that whatever the skin colour, all women were pink inside.
Then we released the series of videos of Jade getting fucked, one each week, to spread things out, as we'd forgotten that a paternity test can't safely be done before the end of the first trimester, not that we'd actually have to do it, of course. This also meant that the videos of the wedding were on hold as well, the story being that after finding out that it was her cousin that made her pregnant, Jade decided to marry him.
With a bit of luck we thought we might be able to catch up a few weeks later on, so we didn't have such a big delay in posting the birth and beyond. With most of the kids back at college, and the morning sickness weighing heavy, the level of incest was really remarkably low, while were all eagerly waiting for the inauguration ceremony in the Caribbean.
Eventually the big day came when we flew down to Atlanta, then got a connecting flight to Nassau, where we got a seaplane which flew us out to what we discovered was a private island, owned by some sort of Lewis family consortium. Fortunately, by this time Jade and Chrissy's morning sickness had ended, but now they had clearly visible baby bumps. Fortunately, the doctors had said that there was no problem in them fucking, as long as they were careful. I wasn't sure, though, if what was planned for us would really be seen as taking care.
When we came into land, we could see that the island had a big hotel at one end, curved around a huge dome, and separated a little way from it was what looked like a fair-sized little town, complete with a shopping mall and well-laid out streets of houses. In addition, separated by only a few hundred yards from the main island, was a smaller one with a smaller and less elaborate version of the hotel complex.
Goodness knows what it must have cost to buy, though we were told it had been in the family for over a hundred years, and came as a package with sugar plantations on several of the larger islands, including Jamaica. A stretch limo drove us the short distance from the jetty to the hotel, which we discovered normally it operated as an exclusive, super-luxury, clothing-optional resort. I did wonder about the logistics of flying everyone in on the few seaplanes that were around, but we were told that most of the super-rich normally arrived on their own private yachts, so it wasn't a problem.
That put us in our place. Clearly, we weren't in the same league as the normal guests, yet we were family, so nevertheless, we still got top level service. While men in shorts and smart Polo shirts took our bags up to our rooms, one of the women on the reception desk checked us in. Like all of the staff we had seen, she was dark skinned, with dark hair and large brown eyes, though most of the time we spent looking at her stunning tits, her prominent nipples barely contained in a tiny bikini top, with a micro skirt covering her other private parts. She had an especial welcome for my mother, saying she was proud and delighted to meet the special guest of honour at this event and her two beautiful daughters. I nudged Chris, and said obviously one of them was me, but who on earth was the other, which got me an elbow in my tit.
What I couldn't quite work out, though, was whether the staff really were family or not. I felt some of the same tingling between my legs that I get when I'm with family, but perhaps this was just her tits and my real family around me. Surely, though, the family wouldn't employ, well, 'civilians' for an event where incest was going to be obvious and celebrated in public? Anyway, she gave us our keycards, pointed us to our rooms, and told us that tonight's dinner would require sufficient clothing to cover our bits, but would be casual.
I had a room with Chrissy and Charlie, while Jade, Tony, Michael and Laura shared another, my twins and Chrissy's twins had a third, Brian's family shared a fourth, and my parents and grandparents had another. I say rooms, but they were actually suites, with two bedrooms with private bathrooms, and a shared living area. Not only were they big, but they were luxurious in their decoration, and each room had a balcony looking out across the sparkling turquoise sea.
I'd taken advice from Elizabeth, and it seemed we had packed the right sort of clothes, judging from the other people I could see, although she said that for most of the event we'd be expected to be naked. When we went down to dinner, the boys were dressed like the male members of staff, and us girls like the one on reception, though we put on thongs, just in case.
The huge dining area was only partly full, but there was a table with a big sign that said 'Martha Lewis and family', so we sat there. We'd barely got sat down, when a thin, grey-haired lady, clearly of great age and with deeply tanned and somewhat creased-looking skin came and joined us.
"Welcome, Martha. I'm Annie Lewis, an aunt of yours, with several greats in front for most of you, and last year I was elected president of this event. The president is always one of the oldest members of the family, and we alternate between men and women. I'm so glad you've decided to join as at last. And your family, that I've already heard a lot about.
"Let me explain something about the event, and in particular the starring roles that you and your female children and grandchildren will have. Tomorrow, many more of the family will be arriving, so we're going to start by letting mainly the Caribbean branch of the family meet you.
"Yes, they may be racially classified as black, but they are still members of the Lewis Family. One of the original emigres, many levels back of great grandfather, but I'll just call him Grandfather Anton, was a farmer, and he first bought a cotton plantation in the South of the USA. That turned out to be such a big success, that he bought several sugar cane plantations on the mainland, and on the islands. Apart from the original on the mainland, they've all been sold now, of course, but this island is what the family decided to keep.
"Now, as well as being a farmer, he also had a powerful sex drive, and although he would have certainly have been practising incest with his daughters, he must have already understood the perils of inbreeding. Of course, this was the time of slavery, so he had a ready supply of black females for him to fuck, and he took full advantage of it, as did many landowners in those days. Unlike them, though, he acknowledged all the children he fathered this way. Of course, they all inherited the incest trait, and it seems it must been strong in them.
"Suffice to say that his daughters also came to bear children fathered by slaves, some of whom must have been their own half-brothers in all probability. It must be that he spent a lot of time going around all of his plantations, because he left a huge number of mixed-race children on all of them, and they actively mated with each other, spreading the incest trait to many more people. We're not sure just how many children he had, but we think it must have been in the hundreds.
"When he died, he had one son who inherited, and he continued the way his father had before him, and his children did likewise. Anyway, to cut a long story short, by the time the Civil War was over, and slavery was, thankfully, abolished, the last remaining son, who it is said himself had some mixed blood, left all of the plantations to the descendants of his great-great grandfather.
As you can imagine, this was not without complications, but in the end the result was the creation of a black family of Lewis's, who bred amongst themselves, and in that way kept themselves rather separate from the other ex-slaves, as well as being much wealthier. With the departure of slavery, black people started to be proud of being black, and without the excuse of being forced by their owners, neither whites nor blacks had a high regard for people of mixed race. So, over time, the original mixed race descendants of Anton Lewis, interbred and married only black partners, so they became almost pure-bred black again, but with the incest trait keeping them apart.
"Yes, I can see you're ahead of me. They make up all of the staff of this island, and the other arm still runs farms in Louisiana. Rather sadly, in my opinion, whilst they understand and accept our sexual proclivities, they generally do not join in. I suspect this is in part because they are proud of being black, and are not keen to have new white blood injected, even though, of course, modern methods of contraception mean they could fuck without procreating. Most regrettably of all, though, there are some white members of the family who aren't keen on the reverse, either. So, they will watch, and may touch, but will not join in the family celebration of fucking this week."
Well, that sort of made sense, I guess, and was an interesting insight into another part of our family history that none of us knew about. I still found it odd though, to hear a woman who must be older than Gran, so only a few years off ninety, if that, talking about fucking. And her language as she told us stories over dinner about previous family was as raw as I'd ever heard, and she left no doubt that she was expecting she'd have fucked all of us before we left. But it was her final words that really brought home to us what we'd let ourselves in for.
"I'll come and pick you up in the morning, girls, at 10am. Don't dress. Then we'll walk into the town and let the local family get to know you. Don't forget to put on plenty of sun block, though, especially on your delicate areas. You boys can take a swim, and maybe there'll already be some other family members arrived you can fuck, but don't wear yourselves out, will you? You'll need all the spunk you have for the rest of the week."
The boys seemed pretty relaxed, but like me, Mom, Chrissy, Jade, Chloe, Lucy and Becky were finding it hard to settle. On the one hand, we wanted to get going with the sex, but on the other hand, we were nervous about what the next day would be like, and we just wanted to get it over with. After dinner, I really wanted to just have an early night, but the boys persuaded us to explore the hotel. It was fabulous, but my mind wasn't really on it. In the end, we had a drink at the beach bar, and watched the sky turn pink, then to orange and vivid red as the sun set.
I didn't sleep well that night, having taken Great Aunt Annie's advice by saving my sexual energies for later in the week, and I woke early and ordered breakfast for all of us women out my balcony, leaving others asleep. The sunrise was almost beautiful as the sunset, and we sat on the balcony, letting the sun start to warm out naked bodies. Well, if we were going to spend most of the day that way, there seemed little point dressing just to eat, was there? I confess, though, that I was disappointed that when the room service people came, and neither the man or the woman batted an eyelid at my nudity. At least it confirmed that whatever the rest of the family got up to, the staff would just ignore it.
It was spot on 10.00 that Great Aunt Annie came to get us. We'd had multiple pees after all the coffee we'd drunk, and we'd coated each other twice with suntan, for once not letting the feel of the other's bodies get us going, because we were so nervous. She was dressed in a thin, brightly coloured, old-fashioned flower-pattern dress, and probably nothing underneath from the mobility around her chest as she moved. Apart from that, she had a floppy white sun-hat on her head, and the most enormous white trainers I'd ever seen on her feet. In her hand, she had a small canvas bag, which she said held bottles of water for us if we needed them.
"Come on then, girls, let's get going."
We followed her out and through the hotel, six naked women of different ages, walking behind a fully-clothed woman, and as the staff were clothed as well, I suddenly became conscious of my naked body. This uncomfortable feeling increased as we walked down the path next to the road, which took us back to the other end of the island, and the township we'd seen when we'd arrived. A few cars passed us, presumably bringing more of the family to the event, and Great Aunt Annie waved to them, and they waved back.
Even to the family, we must have looked an odd sight: three generations of naked women, two visibly pregnant, walking behind a small, elderly woman who was fully dressed. It was hot as well, making me glad we'd applied plenty of sun block, but every so often I felt a drip of sweat running down between my breasts, or between my butt cheeks.
It wasn't long before we arrived at what was obviously an enclosed shopping mall. We understood why it was enclosed as we went inside and felt the air conditioning. After the heat outside I felt my nipples contract and stiffen, and I saw the others' do the same, and my skin bubbled with goose bumps. It was clear, also, that this was no ordinary mall, as the shops were all expensive designer brands, Gucci, Prada, Jimmy Choo and just about every other one you could think of, obviously designed to cater for the normal super-rich clientele of the resort.
None of us were big shoppers, but even so, I'd normally have been up for a quick browse, tutting at the expense of everything. I'd come to love people looking at my naked body, which is why I keep up my stripping, but believe me, it was truly frightening to walk naked into the first smart shop, where the assistants and customers were all dressed. I don't think I'd ever felt so naked since the first time I'd had to shower with other girls at school. Somehow, I couldn't stop one hand moving over to try to hide my pussy, and I kept the other across my tits. I could tell it wasn't just me that felt this way, because I could see all of the others doing the same thing.
The thought that people were looking at my private parts was horrifying enough, but Great Aunt Annie made it far worse as she spoke to everyone in the store.
"Good morning, everyone. Let me introduce Martha, who had refused to join the family for the last forty-odd years, but has recently changed her mind. She has brought her two daughters, Christine and Susan, and her three granddaughters, Becky, Jade, Chloe and Lucy. I am sure you can see the family resemblance in their faces and breasts. And - open your legs, girls - their cunts as well. Please feel free to touch and explore their bodies, but no fucking, of course."
"Mom, they're not ..." Lucy started to say, but she discovered they were, as the first male customer grabbed one of her tits.
That started everyone else off, as they became fascinated by the comparison between the three generations of our bodies: just how similar Christine and I were as twins; how similar Lucy and Chloe were; and yet how different their cousins, Becky and Jade were.
"This one's tits are a lot firmer than her Gran's ..."
"Look, their cunts have all got big lips, but the colours are different ..."
"This one's nipples are darker - I wonder if that is just where she's pregnant ..."
We were prodded and grabbed like cows at an agricultural show, and I was sure they'd have fucking milked us, and rated us for productivity if they could. I felt totally violated, and was embarrassed, not just for myself, but for sister, nieces and my Mom especially. She'd kept herself private for so many years until I turned up and forced her to surrender to the family world of incest. This wasn't how I'd imagined it being at all.
Eventually people in the first shop had had enough of us, and the customers, who were mostly white, and I assumed were some of the family who had arrived early, wanted to get served, so Great Aunt Annie led us out, making us thank everyone for touching us.
Pretty much the same thing happened at the next shop, and the next, but then some smart person decided they not only wanted to feel our tits and pussies, but wanted to explore whether our vaginal secretions tasted different.
"Shove your fingers up the Gran, and let's see if her daughters taste the same ..."
I could hardly blame them, I suppose, because it was the same excuse I used to sample my daughters' cunts for the first time, but just having to stand there, while a dozen or so strangers rammed their fingers up me, then tried to comment on my taste like a wine buff commenting on wine was, utterly humiliating.
"I get spice, turmeric maybe, and a bit of white fish ..."
"Oh, this one's more like salmon ..."
"You know, twin's do taste the same ..."
"I like this one best, aged like a mature wine ..."
"I think the pregnant one has a stronger flavour ..."
God, as I stood there trying to ignore the fingers exploring my hole, I realised that it was almost exactly a year ago that Michael had blackmailed me to let him fuck me. Before then, I'd have run a mile at the thought of a stranger fingering me, let alone doing it in an upscale shop while I was naked, with the women of my family naked next to me as well. But then a few weeks ago, after my life had changed, it was something I would have been sure I'd enjoy, having been frustrated that I couldn't let people touch me after I'd stripped. Yet here I was, having gone full circle, trembling, humiliated and embarrassed as our bodies were explored.
I lost count of the number of shops we visited and each time cold fingers were pushed inside us, and our tits and asses were squeezed. Perhaps the worst, though, was the shop that sold sex toys, because of course everyone wanted to try things out on us. Some inventive guy decided to shove butt plugs with long coloured hair up our asses, then make us run around like ponies, trying to jiggle our butts around so that the tails looked as if they were swishing around.
That was bad enough, but the nipple and pussy clamps were worse, and even though the female store assistants stuck rabbits up our cunts, Great Aunt Annie made them pull them out before any of us before we came, so we were not just humiliated and embarrassed, but fucking frustrated as well. I was glad when we seemed to have completed the circuit of the shops, and we came to the food court, where Great Aunt Annie said that we could take a break, have a bite to eat and a drink.
Ordering the food was fine. Between us we had bowls of noodles, slices of pizza, and a soup and half sandwich. It was the drinks that caused the problem. I wanted a cappuccino, which was fine, and so did Jade and Chrissy. It was when Mom, Becky and my daughters ordered cans of cola that it kicked off.
"You can have the cola ladies, but only if you let me shove the cans up your cunts," the young, rather handsome black server said.
I wasn't sure about Mom and Becky, but I knew Chloe and Lucy could manage it fine, because we'd done it to ourselves a couple of times.
"You'd better agree, or choose something in a bottle if you think you could get that in you easier," Great Aunt Annie said. "Just bend over the table, and let him get on with it."
By this time a bit of a crowd of servers from the other food outlets and inquisitive customers had gathered. I was horrified that my daughters, niece and mother were going to be violated like this in front of so many people. At the same time, though, I couldn't resist watching, and I got myself into a good position, accepting the hands that were feeling me up all over as I did so. The four of them were in a line, bent over the table, Becky, then Mom, Lucy and Chloe, all showing their asses to the audience, their slits visible.
"Right then ladies, pull yourselves open," the original server said, who'd been joined by three colleagues, and they each had a cola can in their hands. "Who wants to go first?"
"Fucking hell, can't you find one that hasn't been in the fucking fridge?" Chloe yelled, as the cold can touched her lips.
"Sorry, Miss, these are all we have got."
I loved the sight of those four cunts being pulled open, and the guys forcing the cans into them, ramming them in until they had just about disappeared from sight. Yet, I hated it as well. I felt so guilty that I was the one that had made them have to suffer this indignity, after I'd forced Mom and Dad into becoming part of the incestuous family. God, I felt so sorry about what I'd done, that the least I thought I could do was to volunteer for the same treatment.
I walked over to the table alongside Becky and bent over. "Better shove one up me as well, then." I put a finger from each hand into my hole, and pulled myself wide open.
Jade and Chrissy were going to join me until Great Aunt Annie stopped them, saying that a cold cola can in their cunt wasn't a good idea, given they were pregnant
Fuck, I now understood why Chloe had yelled out. The can felt icy cold on my labia, and as the guy pushed the can into my vagina, it was like an iceberg being rammed up inside me, stretching me, but freezing me at the same time. The guys made us hold the pose, and I could see the flashes and hear the noise of people taking photographs. I thought that we'd then be allowed to expel the cans, which would look awesome on video, but the someone had a better idea.
"Shouldn't they have straws as well?"
Obviously, this was seen as a good idea, because after a few seconds, I felt something being pushed into my asshole. It wasn't big, but the edges were rough, and it felt bad. There we were, our cunts full of can, our assholes with a straw stuck in them, displaying ourselves to a load of strangers who couldn't even fuck us, but just feel us up and humiliate us. If anyone had described the scene to me before we got her, I'd have said it sounded fun. But it wasn't.
"Push the cans out, ladies."
Thank goodness for that, because I could feel the cold percolating through my belly. I could hear lots of photos being taken, and I was sure there would be plenty of video as well, as the five of us tightened the muscles in our vaginas to expel the cans. I just hoped the audience was enjoying it, because I wasn't. I just wanted it over. I suppose that was what made me try so hard, and to my surprise, let alone anyone else's, I let out an enormous fart which also sent the straw flying out of my asshole, as the can shot out of my cunt, and I knew it would leave me gaping. At least the round of applause I got cheered me up a little bit - I'd set out to be a slut, and now I truly was.
We took our cans and exchanged them, so that when we drank from them we could taste each other. None of us quite fancied the straws, it seemed. When we'd sat down and started our lunch, the audience gradually dispersed. I put arm around my Mom's shoulders, and pulled her towards me.
"I'm so sorry, Mom. I should never have made you do this. Or you Chrissy, or Jade, Becky and my lovely daughters. I just thought we'd have a fucking good time fucking, not be humiliated like this. Why have you done this to us, Aunt Annie? Surely you should be welcoming us into the family, not shaming us?"
"Well, Susan, it is intended in part to be a punishment for the years your part of the family denied it's heritage. But it's also intended to be an education. We've seen all of you showing your cunts, tits and asses before - yes, we took a subscription to your site, naturally - and you enjoyed letting people see all of your private parts, didn't you? Yes, you enjoyed it because you knew that the people watching would be lusting after your bodies, wanting to touch and fuck you. So why is this different? Because today there's no lust. They can only touch you, but not fuck you, or even get you to come, so your bodies are just specimens to be poked, prodded and analysed. If I'd said those servers could ram their cocks up your gaping pussies after the cans came out, you'd have loved it, wouldn't you?"
She was right, or course. These days, I'd show anything, and do almost anything if I was going to get to come afterwards, and when I looked back over the morning, I knew I'd have let any of the strangers fuck me, and I'd have been proud of it. And I was sure that the others would think the same, most of all Jade, probably, but then even Mom given the way she'd joined in the fucking at home.
"So, let me explain what is going to happen tomorrow. What we're going to do to you, most people would probably say will be far worse that today, but believe me, it will be done with more lust and sexual energy than you'll ever have experienced before. If you could tolerate today, you'll just wet yourself with joy tomorrow - and I mean that literally.
"First, Martha, you get the most special treatment. It was what, forty-five years you kept your family separate? At the absolute minimum, if you'd been at these events, you'd have been fucked three or four times a year by the relatives you rejected. So tomorrow, all of the men get to fuck you, one after the other. At the last count, there were one hundred and fifty-seven coming, so we're catching up just the minimum, really. Alright?"
One hundred and fifty-seven? Shit, that would take a hell of a time, apart from anything else, and all that spunk! I'd expected forty or fifty, but this was a shock. I could see the shock also on the youngsters faces, and when I looked at Mom, her face had gone white, and she looked totally frozen. I gave her another hug.
"You don't have to do this, Mom. You can still decide not to, and we'll go back home and just enjoy our own little branch of the family."
There was another long silence, but then Mom seemed to pull herself together. "No, Susan. It's only fair that I repay all those lost years, and it's so ... extreme ... that I think I'll enjoy myself. After all, how many sixty-plus women get fucked by even ten men in a day? Alright, Aunt Annie, I accept. But even if I take three at once, it's going to take hours."
"Fucking awesome, Gran. I hope it will be videoed," Jade said, capturing what we were all thinking, and when I looked back at Great Aunt Annie, I saw a new respect on her face as she looked at Mom.
"Don't worry, Martha. We'll have an early start at 8.30, and we'll give you a break if you need one. And as long as each of the men has been in one of your holes, they can jerk off over you, or you can do it for them. I hope you like spunk as much as you seemed to on your videos, because you'll end up full of it, and covered in it, and then you girls will have the job of cleaning her up. And yes, everyone will be watching, and we'll record it. Actually, once tomorrow's over, I suspect the elders may want to talk to you about releasing some things on your streaming site."
"OK, but what about the rest of us, Auntie," Chrissy chimed in, getting to the question running through my mind just before me.
"Ah, yes. Well you, Christine, and you Susan, you've been kept from us for, what twenty-five years or so, since you were eighteen? Yes? Which works out rather well, actually. We don't want to tire the men out too much before they get to the rest of us, so in the afternoon you will each get fucked by half of the men, but this time, they have to come in one of your holes. Don't worry, they know you are pregnant, and we'll give you a special panic button in case you have any problems."
Shit, part of me was as pissed as hell that my ambition to be the biggest slut in the family was going to be blown out of the water by my Mom, but the other part was starting to worry whether I could cope being fucked by that many men in a row. No, of course, if Mom could manage it, I fucking could.
"Oh, that seems rather lenient, Aunt Annie," my Mom said, smiling at me and Chrissy, "though I get the consistency of the logic. But what about Henry?"
"Yes, well, the same logic ought to apply, didn't it? But unfortunately, even the most virile of our members on Viagra couldn't manage to fuck a hundred and fifty-seven women in a morning. No, he will be on a bed next to you while you are getting fucked, Martha, but he'll be eating cunts, as many as he can manage in the time the others take to finish on you. Then he'll get to fuck you, your holes full, and your body covered in everyone else's sperm. Don't look at me like that, Martha, I know you'd like to taste all those women as well, but you'll get your chance to get as many as you can after this first inauguration day."
"And Charlie, what about him? Surely he needs a catch up as well?"
"Yes, Susan. When you and your sister are getting fucked, Charlie will be eating out cunts as well. We've got a special selection of youngsters for him, plus some of us oldies, including me. Yes, we know all about his predilection for tight holes, but he'll have to make do with his tongue in them tomorrow. Now, Christine, you have been careless enough to lose your husband. You know that staying faithful to your partner is an important thing to us, but I suppose that getting pregnant by your sister's husband redeems you a bit. Brian, though, did join us early on, until he went abroad so unable to join really, so he'll just have the delight of watching his two sisters getting fucked.
"But finish up, girls, we've still got some way to go, and more people to see you."
We left the mall, and continued our naked walk around the township and down to the landing stage and harbour, where we'd arrived the day before. When I asked about the absence of children, Great Aunt Annie said they had a nursery and a school on the separate island, and they had all been taken over there, given our walk. We still got squeezed, and our asses and pussies fingered, but somehow it didn't feel as bad. Partly, I suppose because we were all thinking about what was coming, which was making my pussy wet, but also because around the docks we met a lot more of the family arriving. Believe me, their eyes were full of lust as they took in our bodies, imagining also what they were going to do to us the next day.
When we got back to the hotel, Great Aunt Annie gave us our final instructions. "You'll find special gowns in your rooms when you get back. Wear them, and only them from now on. We're all meeting for a dinner tonight in the ballroom, where you'll be introduced, and there will be some entertainment. Remember, though, no fucking, as you, and especially the men, need to keep yourselves for tomorrow. And if I don't see you again, I'll pick you up at 8.15 tomorrow morning."
We got our keycards from reception - well, where could we have put them while we were walking around naked and being fingered? - and queued for the elevators. Chrissy and I got in with what I guessed were a sister and brother, and the way they looked at our bodies really sent my cunt tingling for the first time that day.
The elevator was one of those glass ones which meant that everyone in the atrium of the hotel could see us. God, if it hadn't been for Aunt Annie's reminder, I'd have made the brother fuck me in the elevator, my ass pressed against the glass, his cock going up and down inside me, as we rode up and down between floors. Anyway, I couldn't really help it, could I, slightly losing my balance so my tits brushed his hand as he pressed the button for their floor.
"You're not going to fart again, Susan, are you?" my bitch of a pregnant sister asked, trying to recover lost ground, and get him to choose her to fuck the following day.
"Don't be silly, Christine, but I'm worried about you walking round like that without your incontinence pad on."
It was probably as well that the elevator stopped at their floor, before Chrissy could come back with a reply, and the couple eventually managed to squeeze past us, having no choice but to brush against our bodies as they left.
"See you tonight, ladies, and tomorrow promises to be quite something, if you carry on like that."
When we got back to the rooms we found we had a silky white robe each, which was embroidered on the back with what at first sight looked like an abstract pattern, but which on closer inspection we could see was the family tree covering, presumably, everyone at the event, and a little red jewel was embossed on our own name. In addition, we each had two pairs of footwear, a bit heavier duty than slippers, but softer and lighter than shoes.
Charlie wasn't around, and Chrissy and I had a suspicion he was already out looking for the females at the base of the family tree - the youngest - so we had a long and thorough shower to wash away the feeling of strangers hands on us an in us. By the time we'd finished, found Charlie and the rest of the family on loungers near the pool, and had a quick drink, it was time for dinner.
We walked to the ballroom, joining a stream of other men and women dressed in the same white robes, and I although I couldn't see enough detail as we walked, I could see from positions of the red dots that they came from all of the reaches of the family tree. There was a table layout on an easel inside the door, and we found, somewhat to my disappointment as I'd hoped to meet some new relations, that all of our little family was on a single, large table.
The meal itself was fine, a bit on the spicy Caribbean side, but nothing particularly fancy, and when we'd finished, and the servants had withdrawn, Great Aunt Annie stood up and rapped a spoon against a wine glass to get everyone's attention.
"Welcome, everyone. It's so good to see so many old friends, though sad as ever that a few are no longer with us. However, we have a special treat this year, as we have a family returning to our fold, the family of Ted and Louise's third son, Henry and his wife Martha."
Well, that was news for a start! I knew that Uncle Vernon was Dad's brother, but I didn't know he had another brother, and for all I knew, perhaps he had sisters as well.
"Tomorrow we have the spectacle of Martha making up for forty-five, well, more like forty-six years, of holding back from the family, then her two daughters, Christine and Susan, who have been denied us for twenty four. I know I don't need to remind you all, men especially, to save yourselves for tomorrow, so that their inauguration will be something none of us will forget. Please, Martha, Christine, Susan - please come and join me so everyone knows who you are, and bring your own daughters with you."
As we walked towards Aunt Annie, I felt hands reaching out and touching me, trying especially to get to my pussy, as the robe had what I suspected was a deliberate tendency to gape open as I walked. However, it was so unlike the morning groping. I could feel the lust, and see it in everyone's eyes, and I knew they were just thinking of how they would fuck us tomorrow, wishing. Like me, that they could just get on with it.
When we reached Aunt Annie, to my surprise, Mom took the initiative.
"Right girls, lets show them what they've got to look forward to. One ... two ... three."
We undid the ties around our waists, and as Mom got to three, we all pulled our robes open, letting everyone see our tits and pussies, and Jade and Chrissy's pregnant bellies.
"I'm Martha. It was my decision to try to keep my children and grandchildren away from incest. However, I now understand that resisting the family trait was always impossible, and I look forward to making up for lost time tomorrow. Introduce yourselves, girls."
The rest of us told everyone our names, and our relationships to each other, still exposing our naked bodies to the audience. Oh yes, this was more like it. My cunt was really starting to tingle. I could feel the desire radiating from the audience, and I knew that every single one of them, men and women, wanted to fuck me, and each of the rest of us.
"Thank you girls. If you take your seats, we can then start this evening's entertainment, to start to get you in the mood, but remember, no fucking until tomorrow," Aunt Annie said in conclusion.
Really? I saw the logic, but I wasn't sure I could last that long without an explosive orgasm or two. I guess the others were feeling the same, because we all walked back to our seats with our robes flapping open, and like me, they deliberated brushed their pussies against as many men and women as they could, and gave them opportunities to touch them.
After we'd sat down, and half-heartedly retied our robes, the room lights dimmed, and a spotlight came on, illuminating a raised area on one side of the room. I was just starting to think that, whatever it was, our view wouldn't be great, when a set of huge screens that had been hidden behind curtains, sprang into life, showing images of the stage area. After a drum roll, some music started up, and a woman walked on to the stage.