Part 13.2

Quite honestly, my initial reaction was one of disappointment, because she was dressed in what looked like a smart woman's business suit. She pulled a red handkerchief out of one of the top pockets, and waved it around in the exaggerated mime that magicians use, and I wondered where this was going. Surely a few magic tricks wouldn't be enough to satisfy anyone?

Anyway, she then made a fist with the other hand, and pushed the handkerchief down between her fingers, closing her thumb over the top, somehow making the action of pushing her finger inside her fist incredibly suggestive. Then she threw her hands up in the air, and waved them in time to the music, the handkerchief having completely disappeared.

She walked around the stage waving her hands, then stopped and looked around, obviously wondering where the handkerchief had gone. Then she felt in the side pocket of her suit, and slowly pulled it out with the other hand. She waved it around again, moving her body in time to the music, then she removed her jacket, leaving her in her bra and a skirt. This was definitely getting more interesting. Again she pushed the handkerchief into her fist, and the way she did it this time, as she moved to the music, made it seem even more suggestive.

She waved her hands, and of course, the handkerchief had disappeared again. She looked at the audience, looking puzzled, then looked down the front of her skirt, and then questioningly back at the audience. We could all could see where this was going, and started to give her encouragement by applauding.

She pulled the handkerchief out of her skirt, then undid it and kicked it away, leaving her in just a black bra and panties. She waved the handkerchief around as she left the stage to walk through the front tables in the audience, and I only noticed that the music had changed when she did a few bump and grinds in time to it, in front of the nearest men and women. Of course, we weren't surprised that when she got back on stage, she made the handkerchief disappear again.

By this time, some of the audience were shouting out that she should look in her bra. She pretended not to understand at first, but then looked in one cup, and shook her head, then teased the audience before looking in the other, and as we'd all expected, pulling out the handkerchief. She made a big deal of slowly taking her bra off, giving us a gorgeous view of her tits, though they were a bit on the small side for my taste.

After a fair bit more teasing around, she made the handkerchief disappear again. You can imagine what everyone was yelling by now, and after having a couple of looks, shaking her head, she put her hand down her panties and pulled out the handkerchief. She then made a show of easing her panties off, before kicking them into the audience, leaving her naked. She had a neatly trimmed bush, which I adored, and although I'd seen many equally attractive women naked, there was something about the performance which drove me to really want to fuck her.

I'd sort of assumed that was it, but I was wrong. She walked back through the edge of the audience, avoiding the hands as much as possible, while pushing the handkerchief back into her fist. Shit, it was amazingly arousing, and I noticed that Michael's cock, and most of the ones I could see around me, were stiffly poking through their loose robes.

She waved her hands again, and the handkerchief had gone. This had to be the end, surely? But it wasn't. She looked quizzically at the audience, and got back the sort of lewd shouts that she knew she would. She ran her hands around her body, seeming to be searching for anywhere the handkerchief could have gone. Then she opened her legs, felt underneath, and pulled the handkerchief out of her cunt. The audience erupted, cheering, clapping and stamping their feet, getting even louder as she ran the handkerchief under her nose, making us all imagine the scent of her. This definitely had to be the end, and it was. After taking a bow to another wave of applause, she ran off the stage.

Wow, it was just a strip, and we didn't even get to see inside her hole, but what a strip! Simple, yet arousing. I later discovered that she wasn't one of the family, as I'd originally assumed, but a commercial performer of magic-related shows with an erotic content. I couldn't imagine what could top that, but after a drum roll had caught everyone's attention, we focused our gazes back on the empty stage.

Once the room was silenced, a tall, muscular man walked in, his body reminding me of my son Michael's but athletic to a whole new level. He was completely naked, and every trace of hair everywhere on his body from his head down had been shaved. His muscles rippled, and his body glistened, even his cock, which was massive and fully erect. He slowly turned around, making sure everyone had seen all he had to offer, then he turned back to the door through which he had entered..

A woman ran in, also naked and hairless. She was a little shorter and of lighter build than the man, but she was similarly muscled. Her naked body had been sprinkled with gold dust, which sparkled under the spotlights, and her nipples had been pierced and fitted with large diamonds which extended them, sending flashes of light as they reflected in the spotlight as she moved.

"Come here, sister, let us pleasure each other," the man said in a loud voice.

She ran towards the man and jumped up into his arms, with her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. As they met, a drum struck, and rhythmic Egyptian music started. In the split second before their bodies met, we saw the flash of a large diamond in a ring through the very front of her labia. He turned around, and we realized with amazement that his cock had gone straight into her cunt as she had jumped, and was now deep inside her.

"Fucking hell!" I whispered to my daughters, as we couldn't take our eyes of the conjoined couple.

They then started to move together, the way I'd seen acrobats move together before in stage shows, but yet totally different. He fell forward, with her in his arms, but thrust out his arms to break the fall, and lowered her down gently. As he lowered her, she released her arms and put them behind her waist. She pushed her lower body up, and he helped by kicking up with his legs. Shit, she was lifting him right up, with no help from him.

They ended up with her having her shoulders on the floor, but the rest of her body vertical, with her legs wide apart and her arms supporting her waist. He was balanced on her crotch, with his arms and legs spread apart, so he appeared to be flying. But his cock was still in her! And given the region that was supporting him, it must have been thrust inside her with his full weight behind it. Shit, even the Kama Sutra didn't have that position, and I decided that I was going to have to try it with my son, Tony, the lightest of the family.

The man then let his legs drop to the floor as she moved her hands away from supporting her waist, and somehow they managed to keep their movements smooth and flowing. They locked his right arm to her right arm and he fluidly pulled her up. As she became vertical, she lifted one leg, and brought it over his head, and - I could hardly believe it - they managed the turn so that she was now bent over in front of him, with her hands off the floor linked to his arms supporting her. But still his cock remained firmly deep inside her cunt.

He reached his arms back over his head, separating from hers, and at the same time she leapt backwards. And lo and behold he suddenly ended up in the crab position and she was riding his cock with her feet off the floor. She then twisted her body round so her feet were aligned with this body. As she tipped her weight on to the leg which was now between his, he pushed up, reaching a position where he was stood vertically, and she was stood on one leg, with her body bent over with one arm holding the ankle of the leg on the floor, and the other arm holding the other leg in a perfectly vertical splits.

They then turned around, hardly appearing to move their feet, though they must have been. There was just enough space between them that we could see his cock as it entered her hole, her cuntlips being stretched wide apart, and her asshole was open to our gaze. It looked wonderful in the flesh, but it looked even better on the big screens, as the cameramen over the edge of the stage gave us a close-up view of her holes and his cock sunk deep inside her. I'd seen some amazing acrobatic performances before, where it was hard to believe that bodies could twist and contort like that, but nothing remotely as surprising as it was arousing.

I couldn't stop it, but just had to put one hand between my legs and start rubbing my clit, and when I looked over, I saw that my daughters were doing the same, and many of the men were stroking their cocks. Hell, could Aunt Annie really expect us not to masturbate, even if we didn't fuck, with sights like this in front of us?

Still, I decided I'd better not actually come, where I was likely to be noticed breaking the rule, but just to take myself to the edge. Probably it was the gorgeous feelings that my fingers were setting off in my pussy, which meant I then started to lose track of the moves. They seemed to get ever more complex and impossible, but never once did his cock leave her cunt. It was absolutely mesmerizing, amazingly athletic and deeply erotic.

Eventually, they returned to a position where he appeared, to put it more crudely than the elegance of the performance deserved, to be fucking her doggy style. He put his arms around her waist and lifted her. At the same time a silk rope descended from the ceiling. She grabbed the rope, then he fell backwards, catching himself with his hands, and lowering himself to the floor. Their timing was so amazing that he still remained in her, as she let her hands slide down the rope so her body followed his motion. I noticed that the music was now increasing in intensity, and while he remained flat on his back, she held her legs perfectly horizontal, then pulled herself up and down with the rope, so that she was fucking him.

He then lifted an arm, and pushed her body so that she began to spin round rapidly, then he put his arm back down, allowing herself to spin freely on his cock. Shit, this was real screwing! They repeated this several times, and on the last occasion as well as spinning she pulled herself up and down. Then another rope came down which the man grabbed with one arm, and he pulled himself up, moving her round so that his other hand could reach around her waist, and they started to swing.

It seemed that there must have been some clever computerized system to the ropes, which raised them both, but the two attachment points must have been perfectly positioned, so that as they swung backwards and forwards, his prick went in and out of her hole without ever coming completely out. With each swing which pulled him further out of her, we could see a flash of light refracted from the diamond at the front of her slit, and the images on the screen gave us a fabulous view of him penetrating her vagina, which was by now glistening with her cum.

Then they lowered themselves back to the earlier position where he was laid on his back, and she was fucking herself by using her rope. Suddenly, there was a clash of cymbals, a flash, and she seem to fly right up into the atrium whose lights were extinguished.

The man cried out "Annie, Great, Great Grandma", and he ejaculated, shooting his sperm way up in the air.

Aunt Annie stood up, shrugged her robe off, and walked over to him and swallowed every drop of his spunk, licking his knob clean. Then all of the lights went out, and everyone applauded and cheered. When they came back on, Aunt Annie was stood on the stage with her robe on her again.

"Please, give another big hand to my great, great grandson and his sister. I bet you never thought I could resist fucking him tonight, but I have, and that's what you must do too. But sorry, Martha, some of the spunk he was intending for your cunt tomorrow is now in my belly. That's it! 8.30 Tomorrow sharp."

We all clapped and cheered, and I could see from the sparkle on most of the women's hands that they had been masturbating as they watched, like me, and I could catch the scent of my daughters' hands as they clapped, sending me wild.

"Why don't you sleep with us tonight, Mom," Chloe asked "just so the boys keep to the no fucking rule."

That seemed like a good idea, not least because when my daughters looked at me, I could see that they were thinking the same as me: a bit of fingering and cunt licking wasn't really fucking was it? The other women did the same, and I suspected for the same reason, the boys sleeping together, and the women separately.

Lucy, Chloe and I got into an elevator, and we all accidentally managed to open our ties, so our naked bodies were visible to everyone in the atrium as we ascended. Well, not so accidentally, maybe.

"I'm sorry about today, girls. I never knew how horrible it would be to be poked and prodded like that, without the people wanting to fuck us."

"Don't be silly, Mom. It was an experience, and tonight has been fantastic so far..." Lucy replied.

"... and anyway, at least a couple of the guys in the food area did have a bit of a gleam in their eye..." Chloe added as the doors opened, and we started walking along the corridor, with one either side of me.

"Yes, and that couple we met in the elevator, he certainly wanted our bodies. He's on my list of men I'd like to fuck, that's for sure," I replied.

"Yes, Mom, but that isn't exactly a select or short list, is it?"

"Lucy! I don't think daughters should speak about their Moms like that!"

"No, Mom, but I don't think mothers are really supposed to be exploring their daughters' vaginas with their fingers the way you are, either."

Chloe opened the door, and we almost fell inside laughing, and kissing. It was true; as we'd been walking along I had managed to get my hands under their robes, and slip a finger into their gorgeous little cunts, which were as wet and sticky as I knew mine was.

"For fuck's sake finger me, girls" I said, as I fell backwards on to the bed, pulling them over with me, by my fingers hooked inside them.

I thrilled as I felt each of my daughters push two of their fingers up inside my hole, catching my clit between their thumbs. As I'd fallen, I'd had to pull out of them, but that certainly couldn't last, and I moved my hands around between their legs, so that each of my hands could play with their cunts properly.

"I love you, Mom," Lucy said, as I closed my mouth over one of her tits, and sucked hard.

"And so do I, Mom," Chloe added, earning my attention as I let Lucy's tit slip from my lips and I sucked in one of hers, delighting as I felt her nipple crinkle and stand to attention as I ran my tongue over it.

"And I love you two, my beautiful twin daughters, but I think we can find better things to do with our mouths than talk, can't we?" I said after I'd pulled back, and immediately my daughters each pulled one of my breasts to her mouth, and started sucking me, making me remember the times when my breasts were full of milk and I was feeding them.

I fear we may have broken Aunt Annie's rule rather badly, as I lost track of how many times I came, sometimes with one of my daughters eating out my cunt, while her sister fingered her to her own climax, sometimes with the delightful flavour of my daughter's cum in my mouth, and her clit under my tongue, as her sister sucked her pussy in turn and I used my fingers inside her vagina and along her slit. It took that many times to dampen the itch in my cunt, because not only was I getting the pleasure of my daughters, but I was also imagining that massive cock of Annie's great, great grandson plowing into me, just one of seventy odd cocks that were going to fill my holes with spunk.

I woke up early the next morning, my body all a tingling with anticipation. The sight of my daughters still asleep in the bed next to me, naked, the glory of their pussies fully displayed, tempted me, but I knew that in the end I'd be glad I resisted, especially after the night before. I phoned room service and ordered breakfast for us, then I went and had a shower.

I'd only just dried myself off when there was a knock at the door. I peered through the spy hole, and saw a man with a trolley loaded with fruit, juices and coffee. Why not start the day the way it would continue, and give him a treat? So I dropped my towel on to a chair, and opened the door stark naked. Given the nature of the resort, he must have had it happen before, but unlike the guy the day before, I was pleased to see his irises widen as he saw my tits and pussy just inches in front of him.

"Is there anything else I can do for you, madam?" he asked, after I'd got him to lay out the breakfast on the balcony.

"Well, darling, I'd love to feel your cock sliding into my cunt, but I'm afraid it will have to be another day. So for now, that's all, thank you."

I had to smile as I saw he was uncertain quite how to respond, and after he'd looked at my body again he turned away, and got a full-on view of my two butt-naked daughters walking out of the bedroom towards him.

"Hi, Mom, I see you ordered breakfast. Is he for you or us?"

I knew what Great Aunt Annie had said about the staff, but I was sure that this guy would have fucked all three of us, given the right circumstances - and depending on how things panned out, maybe I'd give him the opportunity later in the week. After all, a big black cock up me would probably make a nice change, after the predominantly white skins I'd seen at the dinner the previous night. Sitting out on the balcony, eating breakfast in the nude made a perfect start for the day, I thought. I mean, it wasn't really my fault when I spilt some of the juice over my daughters' tits when I was pouring it out, and had to lick it off them, was it?

I was more than ready when Great Aunt Annie came to collect me, having already picked up Mom and Chrissy. She gave me a wristband with the a red number 140 on it, but didn't explain why, then led us into the auditorium in our white robes, the rest of the family following behind and merging into the throng of the rest of the wider family competing to get seats with the best view.

When we got inside, I saw that there were two huge beds on a raised area at the front of a semi-circular slope of seats, like a big theatre, but above the stage, there were more of the huge screens that had been in the ballroom the night before. Annie led Chrissy and me to reserved seats in a prime position for the live view, and right in front of a big screen. One side of the theatre was all women, with men on the other. Having got Chrissy and me seated, and our daughters next to us, Great Aunt Annie led my mother and father on to the stage, and took their robes off them. She then knelt in front of my Dad and took his semi-hard cock into her mouth, as the last stragglers took their seats, getting him rock hard.

"Welcome again, everyone. Most of you will have been at one of these inaugurations before, so you'll know that we always start with the most senior of us, then when we get down to the generation of the, um, lucky couple shall I say, we start working back up from the youngest. Remember that we'll need to keep the pace up, and the ushers will try to keep things moving, so please be naked, erect, and ready when your turn comes.

"Right then, Martha, Henry, take you positions, so Hiram can be the first to fuck you Martha, and me the first to be eaten by Henry."

I looked around, and I saw that everyone had a band with a number on it around one wrist, blue for the men, and pink for the women, which struck me as rather old-fashioned and traditional, given what they were going to do. Then it hit me what the number meant. I was going to be the 140th woman whose cunt would be eaten by my father, and Chrissy the 139th.

It started quite slowly really, with Hiram, who must have been well over eighty, and either Annie's husband or brother, I supposed, mounting my mother in the missionary position, while Annie straddled my father's face.

I'd seen my parents fuck before, of course, but I still enjoyed watching my Mom's cunt being stretched as a cock drove into her. I could see she was obviously determined to enjoy herself, as she brought her legs up and locked them over Hiram's back, making it easier for him to get deep inside her. My father also seemed to be enjoying himself, first playing with Great Aunt Annie's saggy tits, then pulling her put cheeks open so we could clearly see her asshole, and his tongue going in and out of her vagina.

I wondered who was going to come first, but Dad sorted it out by ramming a couple of fingers hard into Annie's anus, and she went over the top, grinding her hips down on his face. When she stopped twitching, we had a lovely view on the screen of her open cunt, all wet with her cum and my father's saliva. As soon as she was off him another woman, probably in her eighties as well, but much more heavily built, came and took her place, and fuck, the way her massive breasts swung around really got me going.

But then a sound got me to turn my attention back to my Mom. "Come on you fucking ancient relic, shoot that spunk up my cunt!" Hiram was going at her like crazy, and probably didn't really need that encouragement, but as soon as he got it, his strokes changed, and I knew that my Mom was getting her wish. I have to say that the camera work was amazing, because as he pulled out, the screen was filled with the image of Mom's gaping cunt with a stream of white sperm inside, but starting to spill out.

I had to touch my pussy then, as the five-foot image of my mother's hole appeared on the screen, six screens actually, and when I looked over at my sister and smiled, I saw she was doing the same thing. Aunt Annie hadn't said anything about not coming: we weren't on until the afternoon, and anyway, if we were going to get fucked by seventy-five or six men, I didn't think they weren't going to have time to get us to come each time, even assuming we could manage it, which seemed unlikely.

Two men, who looked like brothers, advanced on my Mom, and after a few words she knelt up on the bed, and we watched the screen as one of them took his place behind her. We saw the spunk already in her get squeezed out as the new cock forced its way into her vagina, and she took the other cock in her mouth, and let another great uncle, presumably, fuck her face.

They had just got going when the woman on Dad's face let out a yell as she came. She must have been a squirter, because as she moved off him, his face was covered with liquid, and on the screens especially, it looked far too runny to be her cum. He licked his lips, and stroked his cock, which was erect but unattended, and another woman came and straddled over him. This one was thin, and her tits, what there were of them looked as if they had been sucked out, though her nipples were dark and hard still.

I looked around the auditorium, and saw a short line of men and women down each side, the men stroking their stiff cocks, and the women playing with their clits. Most of the family were still, like us, in their seats, and while the men were all being careful not to go too far, many of the women were working their pussies hard with their fingers. I looked along the row, and I could see my sister's fingers working in and out of her hole, then our daughters, Laura and Becky doing the same.

Something made me look back down to Mom, and I was just in time to see the man pull out of her mouth, and shoot his spunk over her face. Shit, that not only sent the man fucking her cunt over the top as well, but as I watched him deliver the second load of sperm into her vagina, I fucking came as well. And I kept coming, watching the screens, some showing a close up of Mom's open hole as the guy pulled out, and the others showing the lines of semen covering her face. It must have got to the woman Dad was eating as well, because she came as well, grinding her cunt on Dad's face so hard that he had to catch her to stop her falling off him and even the bed itself.

While for a few moments both Mom and Dad were free, as it were, I saw them look over at each other, and Mom blew Dad a kiss, which brought a tear to my eye. I hadn't cared about it when I went, determined to bring them into the incest circle of the family, but I realised now that the sight of your wife getting fucked by so many men, and your husband eating so many women could easily have broken them up, and I'd never have forgiven myself.

I didn't have time to get too maudlin, fortunately, as an old, but really fit woman dropped her pussy on Dad's face, and this time three men approached Mom. I'd noticed Aunt Annie looking up at the clock, and she must have realised that the pace needed to be stepped up a bit. I could have predicted what Mom would do, because it was what I would have done myself.

She pushed one guy down on the bed, then climbed on top of him, guiding his cock into her cunt, then pulled open her ass, inviting another to use her shit hole. He accepted the invitation, of course, and as her older uncles or cousins were getting into a rhythm of pumping in and out of the holes between her legs, the third rammed his cock down her throat. God, the sight of my parents being fucked like this, and my sister, daughters and nieces all with their fingers in their cunts was so stupidly arousing that I almost came again.

Almost, because I realised that we were only at six in of a hundred and fifty-something, and if I carried on like this, I'd never be able to keep it up. And could you imagine the shame of it, if when it came to my turn, my father couldn't get me to come? What sort of failed slut would I look, especially when I was due to have the shit fucked out of me in the afternoon.

I guess after that I sort of went into a kind of limbo, one hand clutching a tit, and the other inside my slit, fingering myself, and just tweaking my clit enough to keep me right on the edge, but not take me over. I'd read about Tantric sex, where people manage to keep themselves on the edge for hours, and how fantastic it was, almost to the point of being an out-of-body experience.

Even if Sting advocated it, I'd never really believed the claims, but I certainly do now. I seemed to be floating somewhere above the stage, watching my Mom get screwed, my Dad suck cunt and me and my close female relatives all with their fingers inside them. Mostly, it became almost a continuum of spectator sex and near masturbation ecstasy, though a few things stuck in my mind.

Two guys both tried to get into Mom's asshole at the same time, which I didn't think she'd tolerate, and I was right. One went into each hole, but the one in her ass kept pulling out and joining the other cock in her cunt. Not a great idea from a hygiene perspective, but fucking arousing to watch.

Then I noticed something funny about the woman's tits who was bouncing up and down on Dad's face. Well, basically, they weren't there, and I realised that at some point she must have had a mastectomy, presumably after breast cancer. What a brave woman, I thought, but when I looked round the room a bit more, I saw she wasn't the only one, and there were also a couple of women whose nipples were just tattoos. They definitely got my respect, that was for sure, and I decided I'd try to find at least one of them to fuck myself, if only to show solidarity and support for them. Anyway, the one on Dad's face certainly seemed to be making up for her lack of tits, with the energetic was she was grinding her pussy against his face.

It seemed to me that either time was speeding up, or Dad was getting the women to come faster. His face and hair were a mess. They were so covered with cum and pee from the squirters that it was all across the top of his chest as well. And surely he must have had help of a chemical nature for his cock to be still erect?

Each time I looked at Mom, she seemed to be even more covered with spunk. I'd always had a suspicion that in most gangbang porn that the women cleaned up a bit between loads, except maybe that Australian woman and a couple of the specialist sites, and I was even more sure now. So many men had come in Mom's cunt and asshole that her vagina in particular was overflowing, and all of her crotch, ass and legs were covered in white slime. Not only that, but with the friction of the new cock in her, the spunk still inside was getting beaten to a foam, almost like stiff egg whites, clinging to her labia and her trimmed pubes.

With Aunt Annie's concern about timing, although all of the men entered at least one of her holes, she started having five men or more around her, one in each hole, and the others jerking off. She'd got to the youngsters now. I watched my son Tony fuck her, his grandmother, not for the first time, but it still excited me. This time he pulled out of her cunt, and sent long lines of spunk shooting up her belly, two even managing to get one of her tits.

I'd never quite realised it before, but it was clear that while the older men had just as big a loads come out of them, they simply couldn't project it as far as the eighteen-year-olds, who like Tony often shot their spunk two feet or more. I mean, what the hell was the point? Who had a cunt two foot long that needed it? In any case, even a five inch cock could leave enough sperm close enough to most women's cervix to get her pregnant.

I don't know why the hell I was thinking like that, when I was hanging right on the edge of coming, having, reluctantly, to stop my fingers from working my rigid, aching clit every time a new woman came on Dad's face. In the latest case, it was a female who looked even younger than Becky, but I knew couldn't be much so, or Mom got a new dose of spunk in her ass, her pussy, her mouth, of sprayed over her body.

The men and women were getting older now. Becky, Jade, Lucy, Chloe and Laura had all taken their turn on their grandfather's face, all looking as fuckable as ever as they came, and Jude, Jason, Bjorn, Lucas, Michael as well as Tony had left his sperm inside my mother. Then I saw Julia, my brother's daughter, and my half-niece, come up, and straddle over Dad. Obviously she no longer had her swollen belly, but her tits seemed even bigger, and the nipples even darker than the day she'd appeared to surprise us.

Oh fuck, as Dad's tongue got working on her, she lifted one of her heavy breasts to her mouth and started sucking, and I knew she was drinking her own milk. A massive tingling sensation started in my cunt, and as she lifted the other breast and squeezed it, sending fine streams of milk over the top of Dad's head, I came, sliding down off the seat as my legs went haywire, and I pressed my thumb hard on my clit, and rammed my fingers up my hole.

"Well done, Susan. I was a bit worried that if you didn't come now, as soon as Dad's tongue touched you, you'd go off like a rocket, and it's almost our turn."

Shit, Chrissy was right. Would it have been more or less embarrassing to come too soon on my father, rather than not coming for ages? Thank goodness I'd avoided both. Mum was now getting fucked by four men, probably in their mid-thirties, who I didn't recognise, except for the muscled guy who had performed at the dinner. Oh yes, I bet she was enjoying him up her. Clearly Julia had come while I was dreaming of sucking the milk out of her tits myself, as Dad now had a woman with a gorgeous round ass, and large firm breasts which stuck straight out, but jiggled up and down wonderfully as she worked her cunt into his mouth.

Chrissy nudged me, and the two of us stood up and I followed her down to the front, where Aunt Annie was still in control. I was amazed how well the timing had gone, keeping Mom and Dad more-or-less together, because as my sister lowered her pussy on our father's face, my brother Brian and two other men, who had to be cousins of some sort, shoved their cocks into all three of Mom's holes, making loud squelching noises as they fucked her.

Maybe Chrissy hadn't come so recently, because I was surprised how fast she came on Dad's face, making it my turn. As I walked towards him, I could see him smiling at me, his face red with exertion, and dripping with cum from all of the women he'd eaten.

"Hi Dad, suck your other daughter's open cunt," I whispered, as I used my hands to pull my lips apart, letting him see right up inside me as I lowered myself down, and felt his warm, wet tongue push into my vagina, before I moved back a bit, letting him use his teeth and his lips on my clit, which was still throbbing from where I'd come a bit earlier. "Let's give everyone a show, Dad."

I twisted sideways, and managed to grab one of my Dad's hands, and pulled it round to my ass. I didn't need to tell him what to do, but he just pushed his fingers between my butt cheeks, seeking out the tight, crinkled ring of my asshole. I looked up at the screen and smiled, as I saw that the cameraman had spotted what I'd done, and now half of the screens were filled with an image of my brown asshole, with my father's finger circling around it.

Oh yes, I knew he would tease me for a bit yet, so I grabbed my tits, squeezing them, letting my fingers slide towards my nipples, which I grabbed and pulled hard, stretching out my tits so they were more pointed than round, and inches longer than normal. The feel of my father's mouth on my cunt was just gorgeous, and watching what his finger was doing to my asshole, and feeling it as well, was filling me with the almost unbearable pressure of total lust. I just adored being fucked by my father.

I also wasn't going to be outdone by Julia, even if my tits were dry, so while I kept pulling one of my nipples, I lifted the other to my mouth, and sucked hard on it, just as Julia had done to hers. Maybe Dad had seen me, and knew what was in my mind, which he'd always seemed to when I was a kid, because as my mouth closed on my nipple, he pushed his finger into my anus. Fuck, I could feel it, and I could see it close up on the screen, and I knew that probably three hundred other people were watching my ass get violated by my father's finger.

It was almost too much for my poor little cunt to bear, but I was determined to finish my fantasy before I came. I sucked as hard as I could on my tit, imagining it was Julia's, her milk was flowing into my mouth. I started rubbing my pussy harder on my father's face, still watching the screen, and once again he had me nailed. As Julia's imaginary breast milk flowed down my throat, my father drove two more fingers into my asshole, pulling it wide open on the screen. Like it or not, my climax exploded, and I could feel my cum flowing into my father's mouth. No, of course, I liked it!

"I fucking love you, Susan," he whispered as I eventually managed to get enough control of my leg muscles to get off him.

"Love you too, dad," I whispered back, almost in tears.

When I walked back to my seat, Chrissy gave me a hug, and I could see the sparkle of moisture in her eyes as well. "Love you, Sis," we both said, almost as one.

Now, I'd kind of imagined I was going to be the last, from the running order Annie had given, but as I watched my husband and two other men I didn't know fucking my Mom, and a woman I guess was just a few years older than me on Dad, it was clear I wasn't. They could only be people of my generation who I knew nothing about, who had to be cousins, maybe several times removed, because I'd watched Gran and Grandad fuck my parents, what, when I looked at the clock, was over two hours earlier.

Eventually, though, the line of women heading to my father came to an end, and he was able to turn around, and watch the last three men pull out of my Mom, and send rope after rope of spunk to join the mess of over her face, breasts and belly. For a few seconds, the cameras just panned over her body, showing the streams of spunk hanging out of her cunt and her asshole, and criss-crossing her body. Then Dad stood up, and moved around to stand next to her.

He clearly said something to her, but we couldn't hear what it was. Whatever it was, it made them both chuckle. I wondered how exactly Dad was going to fuck her, given the amount of spunk on her. Even I might not have fancied the missionary position, which would have coated him with all those other men's ejaculate, and nor, it seemed, did Dad. Instead, he grabbed her ankles and lifted her legs back up over her head, and Mom grabbed them, and held them there.

I heard a series of gasps as everyone realised from the pictures on the screen just how much spunk was there. The cameras closed in on the mess between her legs, so much white, partly foamed stuff that it was almost impossible to make out the details of her holes underneath. At least it was until my father plunged a finger from each hand into her cunt, and pulled it open. Shit, it was full, but beautiful. Then he did the same for her asshole, and we could see that was full as well.

God, I felt so proud of him. Clearly they had to love each other deeply for him to be able to put his fingers inside his wife's holes when they were filled with tens of other men's semen. I realised that Charlie would do the same for me, though, so cheating bastard though he was, he must love me, and I loved him. Mind you, I was sure he'd do the same for Chrissy, as well. Bastard.

Dad was going to make me prouder still, though, because as he pushed his cock into her cunt, sending more white fluid squeezing out around him, he bent over and kissed her on her mouth, which was covered with yet more spunk. It was the sort of thing a cuckold would do, but we all knew that Dad was no cuckold, just a full-blooded incest-lover now, and the room erupted in deafening applause, everyone getting to their feet, whistling and cheering, as he was the hundred and fifty-seventh man to fuck his wife that morning.

Not only was he fucking her, but they each had a hand on her clit. I knew they must have planned this long ahead, planned it so he not only came in her, but she came at the same time as well. We all watched Dad pump in and out of Mom's cunt with bated breath, each stroke making squelching noises, and the close up on the screen showing the other men's spunk being forced out of her vagina.

"FUCK HENRY! I love you," I heard Mom scream out, as she came, then my father's strokes became faster and shorter, and we all knew that his spunk as well was entering her vagina. He seemed to keep going for ages, but there again, he'd been stiff all morning, waiting for his wife's hole. As he pulled out, his cock was limp, so I knew I must have been wrong about the chemical aids, and was just totally blown away by his ability to stay hard for so long.

I thought it was all over, but of course, I'd forgotten that Aunt Annie said Chrissy and I and our daughters had to clean Mom up. She hustled us down, and we stood by the side of the bed looking out her. Shit, there was no way even six of us could swallow that much spunk.

"Well, don't just stand there, girls. Use a bit of initiative," Mom said quietly. "What about washing me down, eh?"

Fucking hell, even I hadn't thought of doing that to my Mom after what she'd just been through, but I'd pissed on her before, so what the hell? We all climbed up on to the bed, but we just stood there, not wanting to be the first to start. Could I really do this, I wondered, as I straddled my mother's shoulders?

"Go on, Susan. You started this, so you might as well finish it in style," Mom whispered, as she looked up at me from below, where she could probably only really see my pussy, the tips of my breasts, and my face peering down at her.​
Next page: Part 13.3
Previous page: Part 13.1