Part 14.1
Editor's note: this story contains scenes of non-consensual or reluctant sex.
After the bombshell that Mom had dropped when she told us she had a sister, Rosemary, and that she was at the event, Chrissy and I went back to our room for a shower. Our cunts and assholes were aching, but aching in an enjoyable way, that just reminded us of the fun we'd had being fucked by seventy-five or seventy-six men in the family, some more than once. When we went into the shower, Charlie was already under it. We joined him, but he didn't stay.
"Can't stop, girls. See you at dinner," he said.
"I bet he's going back to fuck one of the younger women he ate out, Susan."
"Bound to be, Chris. After all, he would have been able to work out which had the tightest hole when he was eating them, wouldn't he? But what on earth is going on with Mom and this sister she says she has? Even if we didn't know about her, how come she's here in the family given that it took me and Tony to get Mom to join in?"
Well, Chrissy didn't have any better idea than me. Given how shattered we were, we decided to have a bit of a lay down before we met Mom and the woman she said was her sister. To start with, we just chatted about our experiences in the afternoon, and which men we recognised who fucked us, to take our minds off the problem of our new aunt, and of course, we went to sleep.
The next thing we knew was Mom charging in to the room with one of the staff, who must have used a master key to get in, with an older woman behind her. Mom was in her robe, had her hands on her hips, and looked angry. Next to her was the guy who'd brought the breakfast the last two mornings, and I realised this wasn't just the third time he'd seen me naked, but I'd had been laid with my legs open, so now he'd had a really good look at all the interesting folds of my cunt as well.
"Fucking hell, girls, you were supposed to meet us in the bar an hour ago. Well, you're going to have to wait to hear Rosemary's story, because if we don't get down to the ballroom straight away, we're going to miss the lecture that's supposed to explain why our family is so into incest."
Shit, she was right, and I really did want to hear this, because I knew Tony had been working with the Professor who was going to speak, and he'd said that at last they were starting to understand how the incest trait really worked. Chrissy and I got out of bed, grabbed our robes, and followed Mom and the other woman down to the ballroom, as fast as our aching crotches would allow. When we got there, we saw it was set up for a buffet, presumably in the expectation that some people's attention spans would be exceeded if it were simply a set-piece lecture, and they could break it up by having a graze.
Once we'd got our food, we took it back to the table where the others were already waiting. Then a tall, handsome-looking man, wearing the same robe as the rest of us, of course, took to the stage.
"Good evening, family. I'm Professor Alex Banks, obviously from the Banks side of the family, and I'm a professor of Genetics in one of the famous Boston teaching hospitals. Firstly, thank you to everyone who provided a DNA sample for my studies, because it has really helped me start to get new insight into our family inheritance of incest.
"Now, I'm sure you're all aware that over the last half century or so, the standard explanation for how inheritance works is that it is all through DNA, which is essentially the blueprint that specifies how our bodies develop, our susceptibility to disease, and to a large extent how we behave. We all have two complete copies DNA, one of which we got from our mother, and the other from our father. When we reproduce, a single DNA copy is created in each egg and sperm, taking pieces at random from both our two copies.
"This explains an awful lot about inheritance, but not everything, and certainly not how our susceptibility to incest is inherited across all of the family, males and females. We knew there had to be something else, and more recently people have discovered what is called 'epigenetics', which is the area of my own research.
"Perhaps the best way I can explain what it is, is this. Imagine you have a long and complicated favourite recipe. Over time, you'll probably discover that you can skip one or two steps to save time, but yet that another step is really important. Maybe you prefer it if you double up on the amount of one ingredient, so you scribble all this in the margin of the recipe so you it all next time around. Now, the recipe is kind of like the DNA, and your notes are like epigenetics, not altering the basic blueprint, just how you execute it.
"Maybe this doesn't sound very dramatic, but it is. I'll give you a couple of examples. Firstly, in a colony of honey bees, the workers all have the DNA of a female, and therefore essentially are females. However, there is only one queen that lays eggs, acting like a female. There's still a lot that isn't understood, but what we know is that in workers the areas of DNA that code for reproduction are all turned off, a bit like scratching out something on your recipe. Those same areas, however, are turned on in the queen, and it is tied up with the fact that the queen is fed a different diet, including a lot more Royal Jelly.
"The second example is closer to home. We all have within us two collections of DNA which primarily determine our own reproductive performance, and a lot of shape of our bodies. These are called the X and Y chromosomes. Women have two X chromosomes, but one of them is essentially turned off. Men have one X and one Y, so have all the DNA needed to make them a woman, which would be a bit embarrassing unless much of it was inactive.
"What is also known is that sexual preference is also connected to these DNA areas, but not in any straightforward way. For example, there are well documented cases of identical twins, whose DNA by definition is identical, where one is heterosexual and the other homosexual, and it seems to have a random element to it normally. Of course, as soon as people discovered epigenetics, the obvious explanation was that it must be involved.
"My research is on the basic mechanisms of epigenetics, which are still only partly described or understood, but although I can hardly get direct funding for it, you won't be surprised that I started to investigate whether our incest trait is determined by epigenetics. Well, thanks to all of your DNA samples, I can now say, with confidence, that it is.
"There's much left to discover, but to simplify, it seems that the incest trait does a couple of things. Firstly, you are probably aware that normal people - meaning not special people like us - when they become sexually developed, find it hard to conceive of their parents or grandparents ever engaging in sex, although clearly they must have, of course. Well, it seems that that probably happens to us as well, but by the time we have got to sexual maturity, rather than the thought of sex with relatives disgusting us, it delights us.
"Secondly, it gives a big boost to our libidos - we're highly sexed, in other words, some might go so far as calling us nymphomaniacs. But, as you've probably noticed, there are very few homosexual men in the family, yet just about all of you women are rampantly bisexual. It seems that the trait pumps up our desire for the female body, then. We don't understand how this works, but it all kind of ties in with the latest ideas on how sexual orientation is determined.
"There's another interesting facet of the trait, though perhaps more of interest to the technically minded. It seems that you only have to inherit the incest trait from one parent, because that copy of the trait gets copied to the DNA from the other parent. This explains why essentially it gets passed down at full strength from either the male or the female, and doesn't get diluted by having children with people outside the family. This is unusual, but not unheard off, as we know that what is on one X chromosome in women affects the other one."
I could see people starting to get a bit restless at this point. The waiters were coming around offering us a choice of desserts and coffee, and I could see a few wandering hands around, and some gaping robes. I had Tony on one side, and Jade on the other, and I confess that I'd already slipped my hand under Jade's robe to start gently stroking her pussy. Jade turned to look at me, and I was just about to slip a finger inside her labia, when my attention was pulled back to the speaker.
"Thanks to Tony, and data from Martha and Henry's family - and didn't they give us a fabulous show today? - we've made a couple of other discoveries, one really amazing. Have you ever wondered about why it is that 'incomers', people who marry into the family with no background in incest usually seem to take to it like a duck to water?
"Well, Tony, when he and his Mom, Susan, went to fuck his resistant grandparents, managed to collect some hair samples from them actually before the incest started. Now, we expected Henry to be carrying the trait, because he inherited from his parents, but to our surprise, Martha did as well. How could this be? And why was it she had managed to resist joining us when she had the trait herself?
"But then Tony's brother took up with another incomer, Laura - stand up Laura and take a bow."
Laura stood up, alright, but rather than taking a bow, she opened her robe and gave everyone a good look at her pale skin, her gorgeous freckled tits, and her stunning ginger pussy. Not content with that, she turned around, bent over, flipped the robe over her back and pulled her butt apart, so that everyone could see her tight pink asshole and her gaping, moist cunt. She must have been pleased with the applause she received. I know I always was at the end of my stripping routine back home.
I turned to ask Tony what was going to come next, but he wasn't there. Uh? I soon found out where he'd gone, though, because I felt my legs being pulled apart.
"He doesn't like all the attention, Mom," Jade whispered, as I slid down in my seat, and pushed my finger into the warmth and wetness inside her slit.
I felt fingers opening me up as well, and I really hoped that it wasn't just shyness that had got Tony under the table, but the chance to lick his mother's cunt. Although my brain was getting overloaded by the feel of my daughter-in-law's hole, and her husband's tongue, which was lapping up and down my vulva, teasing my clit, then pushing as far into my vagina as he could managed, I still wanted to find out how Laura came into the picture, so I forced attention back to the speaker.
"Fortunately for us, and I have to give all the credit to Tony's foresight in thinking about it, he managed to get a few samples of Laura's hair before his brother had fucked her more than once or twice. Apparently, she was fucking the whole sports team in alphabetical order, and had only just got down to K for Kowalski."
That got a laugh from everyone, including Tony, whose laugh sent a waft of cool air over my clit, sending a shudder right up through me. I guessed it might even have been true, but I wasn't sure that Michael was going to be very happy about it being announced to everyone. My son's tongue was making my cunt buzz with excitement, and I could feel cum gushing out of my hole into his mouth. Jade was gushing as well, as my own fingers had been joined by my son's, and together we fingered her and played tunes on her clit, all hidden under the table.
"What was really exciting was that at that time there was only a slight trace in Laura of the epigenetic changes that seem to determine the lust for incest. However, since then, of course, not only has her fiancée Michael fucked her at lot, but his brother, father and uncle have all fucked her, and she has eaten out her mother-in-law, her gran, her two aunts and four cousins..."
"...and I haven't fucking finished yet ..." Laura yelled out.
" ... no, because you haven't fucked me yet, darling ... but back to the science, because Tony got some more recent samples of hair - I can't imagine how ..."
That got another laugh, as we all pictured my son pulling out some of Laura's pubes as he fucked her, or maybe picking them from between his teeth after eating her out. And talking of eating out, he was doing a fine job on me. I could hear the squishing noises from between my legs as he sucked and nibbled on my clit, then licked down to my hole, filling it first with his tongue, and then all of his fingers rammed up into me. I could also hear similar, but softer noises as the two of us finger-fucked his wife, and even the waiters must have noticed the smell of cunt in the air as they poured our coffees.
"... and the amazing thing is, that as of a week ago, she has the full incest signature on both copies of her DNA. The only thing we could come up with to explain it, is that spunk from a male with the trait must induce it in a female, presumably not the sperm itself, but the secretions from the prostate gland. The question is whether this requires the spunk to be taken through the mouth, the vagina, or even the asshole or skin. We clearly need some more research to work this out.
"Tony asked me whether the same thing could happen to a male, because his father is an incomer, and although he has a reputation for fucking anything with a tight cunt inside or outside the family, as you would have seen today, he is an active incest participant. Well, when Tony got samples from him, he had the trait as well, so it must also be induced by a female partner, presumably in her cunt juice."
Fuck, if that were the case, then Tony was getting a hell of a dose from me, as his warm wet tongue teased my pussy lips as he ran along each side of my slit, stopping at either end to explore the hill at one end, and the dark, damp cave at the other, sucking my cum into his mouth.
"This is almost unheard of in humans, although it has been known for some time that if a plant shoot is grafted on to a root that has an epigenetic signature, that signature is transferred right throughout the resulting plant. Now, let's go back to Martha, who had the trait but had resisted incest, as did her daughters for a long time, so it seems that spunk or cunt juice from a different member of the family seems to kick it alive. And I'm sure you'll agree with me that you saw it vigorously alive today in Martha and her daughters, Christine and Susan."
This time it was our turn to bathe in the applause that filled the room, and if it hadn't been for Tony working on it already, I've had stood up and flashed my cunt again for them.
"Of course, this all provides a perfect explanation of the inauguration ceremonies we watched today. What better way to ensure than an incomer woman had the same desires as the rest of the family, than by filling her with as much spunk as she could take, through every opening, or a man by swallowing the cum of tens of family females?"
I registered the sense of this in the deep recesses of my brain, as I gave everything else over to just enjoying the wonderful tingling my son's tongue was sending through my body from the wetness of my pussy, and the delight of sharing my daughter-in-law's cunt with him. I just wished he'd finish, though, because all this talk of taking in spunk had made me crave for the taste of Tony's, or having it fill my vagina, and I could tell by the way that Jade's eyes were rolled into the back of her head that she was on the edge of her own orgasm as well.
"Well, I can see you are all getting restless, and all this talk of incest has set me off as well. So I'll just say that there's a lot more to discover. Maybe understanding how the induction works could even lead to medical breakthroughs in treating epigenetic disease, but I can only work on incest as a private side line, so I would welcome pledges of funding, and I'll be sending round a call for volunteers to help with my research. Now, Laura, come here..."
I was really close, but I managed to keep my senses working enough to see Laura fling off her robe, and run naked towards the podium, her tits flying everywhere. By the time she reached it, the Professor had taken off his robe, and we could all see he had a large, erect cock, throbbing gently. Laura bent herself over the desk, and the Prof just rammed his cock between her pink lips, which were already glistening with cum, going deep inside her vagina.
That got a round of applause, of course. However, my applause was in the form of a partly muffled scream as I came as my son bit my clit, and forced my cunt wide open with his hand. Between us, we got Jade to come at almost the same instant, adding another yell to the feedback the Prof was getting, as he pumped in and out of my other daughter-in-law. I'm not sure if it was just touching our cunts that did it, or whether he'd been masturbating as well, but as soon as he knew we'd both come, my son leapt out from under the table, and shot stream after stream of spunk over his Mom and his wife-cousin's face.
"Don't let it go to waste, Mom," Jade said, before she started licking up the spunk of my face.
Would I? No fucking chance, and when she'd finished, I cleaned her face, and we ended with a deep kiss, our tongues stirring Tony's spunk around inside each other's mouths. As we did it, the audience had started a handclap, which got louder, and when I looked up, I saw it was in time with the Professor's thrusts into Laura's cunt. Or maybe he was following the rhythm set by the audience? Whichever it was, the clapping started to speed up, and so did his thrusts. It didn't take long before a shudder went through his body, and we all knew his spunk was now filling my daughter-in-law's vagina.
The audience erupted into whistles and cheers, and as they separated, I heard the sound of a spoon hitting a wine class, calling for silence. Laura started to run back to where she'd been sat with Michael and my brother's family, but her progress was slow, as so many members of the audience tried to finger her, or even use their mouths to collect the white liquid which was visibly running down the inside of her thighs. At the same time, a group of women I didn't recognise, grabbed the Professor, and fought to clean his spunk and Laura's cum off his now flaccid cock.
Eventually, the audience settled back into silence, and when I looked up, Aunt Annie was stood up, looking around, waiting to speak. In the lull, I took the opportunity to slip under the table myself, so I could return the favour to my son, who had moved back on to the chair I'd left, next to his wife.
"Thank you Alex. I can't say I understood all of what you said, but I understood enough to see the scientific logic behind some of our family traditions, such as the ones we experienced today. The way that fucking family members reinforces our desire for incest is, in many ways, a good thing. However, we also know that it can be taken too far, if close relatives start making children together.
"This, of course, is why the family developed a tradition of appointing a Family Inseminator, who would provide the sperm in cases where a brother and sister, a mother and son, or a father and daughter had become so close that they wanted to start a family. This has normally been a man two generations older than the woman, so that even if they were directly related, there had been some genetic mixing in between."
I was just about keeping an ear open to listen to what Aunt Annie was saying, though most of my attention was on using one hand to fully work on Jade's cunt, which was dripping with cum from the attention we'd both given it, knowing that her husband was eating his mother's pussy right next to her, and using my mouth to coax my son's cock back to life.
"This has been Great Uncle, or a few more greats for many of you, Hiram. However, he has decided that it is time to pass this role to someone else. Now, there are many men in the next generation that could fulfil this role, and I am aware of several situations where it is needed very soon.
"However, based on his extensive genetic analysis, Professor Alex has proposed an alternative, actually one which is rather radical, and therefore I need to find out if you also would support it. The solution is based on the fact that firstly, this person's genetic makeup turns out to be an almost ideal complement to the main areas of inbreeding risk most of us carry, so using him would give us the best chance of maintaining the health of the family, while still allowing us to practice as much incest as we want - and I'm sure that, like me, you want a lot."
I could certainly support her in that, as my fingers were racing up and down my niece's warm, wet, pregnant cunt, and I was forcing my younger son's huge cock as far down my throat as I could manage, having had no trouble getting him stiff and lusting for his mother again.
"Secondly, he is an incomer, and although the incest trait has been fully induced through sex with family members, he still retains the urge to fuck women who don't belong to the family. Professor Alex, while wishing to understand the basis of this some more, believes that this is also a valuable trait to spread more widely in the family, so that more of us marry incomers, who we then convert, both for the long term health of the family, and to provide some interesting diversity.
"And what better example of that diversity could there be than Laura? We've never had such a wonderful ginger pussy in the family history, but yet you could see that she is definitely one of us now. The Professor believes, in fact, that it is no accident that Laura's husband is the son of the person I recommend we appoint as the Family Inseminator."
I confess I was only half paying attention. I was now also massaging my son's balls, as I bobbed my head backwards and forwards so he was fucking my mouth, and my fingers were first pushing deep into his wife's vagina, then stroking along her slit, before circling and rubbing over her clit. But then I realised what Aunt Annie had said. Laura's husband's father? Shit, that was Charlie!
"In addition, he has already got his wife's sister pregnant, evidence of the third advantage Professor Alex discovered: he is super-fertile. Many of you women will also have had the pleasure of him eating you out this afternoon, and I heard many favourable comments on his performance. So, Charlie, please come out here."
Fucking hell, it really was Charlie! I couldn't decide if I was pleased or annoyed, as he now had even more licence to go fucking women my daughter's age. My other problem was that I wanted to see what was going on, as everything had gone quiet, and yet I still wanted my son to fill my mouth with his sperm. Maybe it was partly the announcement, at least in Jade's case, but all of a sudden, I could feel that both my son and my daughter-in-law were getting close, so I moved my head and my hands faster.
As my son came, sending ropes of spunk jetting into my mouth, I felt his wife starting to convulse under my fingers. She began to slide down under the table, and I felt her hand join mine on her pussy, then push my hand down towards her hole. I knew what she wanted straight away, and as she kept sliding down, she became impaled on my fist which I drove up into her pregnant cunt.
I hadn't quite swallowed all of my son's spunk when I managed to get my hand out of Jade's vagina, and climb back on to my chair. When I looked back at the stage I saw Aunt Annie knelt down, holding her robe open to expose her tits to my husband, and I was just in time to see him jerk off, sending lines of spunk towards her face, falling back over her saggy breasts, then dripping down on to the floor.
"Please raise your hands if you support Charlie's election as Family Inseminator."
I could see that not everyone had their hands up, but there were more than enough to ensure he was elected with a massive majority. All I could do was to sit there with my mouth open, my son's spunk still on my lips, as I watched Aunt Annie suck my husband's cock clean.
"Thank you, thank you. I just have one more proposal on which I would like your support."
Shit, what the hell was this going to be, I wondered?
"As you know, two of our new additions have been working on the family tree, and trying to document some of the history of our family. Whilst we will, of course, need to keep it to ourselves, me and my fellow elders of the family believe that it would be an excellent thing to assemble as full a history of our family as we can, ideally going back before the moves to the USA. I therefore ask for your support in commissioning these two to expand, accelerate and deepen their work.
"Who are they, you may be asking? Well the first was one of our younger members, who Professor Alex paid tribute to, and the second is this woman, who you saw earlier, and may have seen on the streaming site her family have set up. Susan, please come up here and join me."
Fuck, as I looked around, still in shock, the huge screens burst into life, and they were all showing me getting fucked by four generations of my family, my favourite clip from the streaming site. Tony and Jade pushed me up and out of my chair, sending me towards the stage.
It was only as I walked that I realised my robe was fully undone, so my tits were out, and I spotted a line of my son's spunk down them which Jade must have missed. Not only that, but when I looked down, I could see that the whole of my pubic area was glistening wet with my son's saliva and my own cum, and what was supposed to be a neatly trimmed bush was matted and untidy. Some of the screens changed from the clip, to showing to me walking towards the stage, and when the camera zoomed in on my face, I could see a lot more of my son's spunk still around my mouth than I had realised.
I know I'd said I wanted to start writing the history, but I couldn't remember telling anyone except Tony. Apart from anything else, I didn't even know if I had the ability to write in a way people would enjoy reading. Still, all I could do now was to brazen it out.
"Yes, as you can see, if you hadn't already realised from her performance this afternoon and in the clip, Susan is a total slut. An absolute cunt - which I mean as the highest form of praise. So, Susan, do you have anything you'd like to say before I call a vote?"
"Actually, I do, Aunt Annie. Isn't that my husband's spunk you're wearing over your face and tits? I think I'd like it back, especially since you and everyone else seem to want him leaving it in a collection of fertile, unprotected vaginas. However, I can offer you some of my son's to replace it."
I put my arm around her, and pulled her slim body to me, kissing her on her mouth, my tongue catching some of my husband's sperm from her lips, and mixing it with my son's in our mouths. Then I licked her face clean, before moving down to her saggy tits. I picked up each one in turn. As I sucked them in my mouth, they yielded so easily, that I must have managed to get close to half of each breast inside it.
While I sucked hard on her tit, I pushed my hand between her legs, and slipped my fingers inside her cunt. Given her age, I was amazed how wet she was, but I guess that I would have been as well if I'd watched my husband jerk off over me in front of the whole gathering. She was slim enough that after I'd licked most of the spunk from her chest, and had the second tit in my mouth, that I could reach my other hand behind her.
I pushed it down between her ass cheeks, stopping to explore the tight circle of her anus, before pushing my fingers into her vagina, while I played with her clit with the other hand. I let her tit slip from my mouth, and she leaned against me, lifting one leg and resting on a chair, which someone had pushed closer to her.
For a minute, I wondered why she had done that, but when I looked back at the screens, it was obvious. By raising her leg like that, she had opened up a beautiful view of her cunt and asshole for the camera, which was capturing it and displaying it on the big screens.
"Fuck me, Susan. Fuck my ancient cunt, but shove something up my ass as well."
I looked up at the screen as I managed to twist my hand so that I could curl my thumb around. I felt the rough, wrinkled texture of her anus, as watched my thumb circling around it on the screen. Then I watched the tight little opening expand, as my thumb forced its way inside her asshole.
When it was as far in as I could manage, I pushed my fingers back into her vagina as far as I could, and I pinched my fingers and thumb together. Even with four fingers in her hole, this still made it stretch and gape, the camera zooming in, showing her cum oozing out of her around them. I rubbed hard on her clit as I relaxed and tensed my other hand, all my digits inside her holes.
"Vote for me!" I yelled, "I'll not only tell your story, but I will fuck every last one of you, and you can fuck me in any hole, in any way you want, and I'll record you for the streaming site if you let me, so the whole world can watch your incest. I'll be the Family Slut Historian, as my husband is the Family Inseminator!"
"For God's sake vote for her! FUCK!" Aunt Annie yelled, as my fingers send her flying into another dimension of space as her orgasm hit her hard. I felt something warm, as the screens showed her squirting over my hand, down my legs and over my feet.
I nearly came myself, as a forest of arms shot into the air. I was now the Slut Historian!
At least I'd partly got my own back on Aunt Annie, after she'd made us walk the shops naked the day before, although I was still determined she'd have eaten my pussy before we went home. That was going to have to wait, though, because after the last vote, people started to break up, many, I was sure, going to fuck an old, or maybe totally new family member, having been nicely warmed up by Laura, Charlie and me. Apart from that, I found my arm grabbed by my Mom, who had that other woman behind her again.
"Come on Susan. Grab Christine and Brian, and I'll get us space in the Pool Bar, because I need to tell you about my sister and your father."
My Aunt and my father? It was bad enough having an aunt I didn't know I had, but what the hell had my father got to do with it? A cold shudder went through me, and I wrapped my robe around me tightly. I was afraid that I wasn't going to like what Mom was going to tell me, but at the same time, I knew I had to find out what it was.
I nipped into a bathroom and cleaned myself up a bit, then went and found Christine and Brian, who were wondering where Mom and I had gone. When we went out to the Pool Bar, we found our parents, along with the woman I'd kept seeing, and another couple of about the same age as us, all sitting at a big table, with what looked like stiff drinks in their hands. Whatever bad feeling I'd had before got so much worse, as my mother looked grim, and my father looked as if he'd rather be anywhere else but where he was.
"I ordered you vodka martinis - you may be glad of them. Firstly, I'd like to introduce my sister, Rosemary. She's a few years older than me, and she was a tearaway from as long as I can remember," Mom said, giving us each a glassy stare.
We all said hello to the woman who I now could see looked a bit like a well-worn version of my mother, wondering what was coming next. Her brown hair was shot through with silver, her face carried more wrinkles, and she seemed heavier, and not in as good a physical shape.
"You're probably wondering who the other two are. Well, the man is your half-brother, George, and Hilary is, I don't know, a cross between an aunt and a half-cousin, I guess."
I started to feel a cold anger start to form in me. I couldn't work out Hilary's parentage, but if George was our half-brother, then either Mom or Dad had to be one of his parents, and given the mystery around Mom's sister, then surely it had to be Dad. But how could that be, given he and Mom had sworn to keep out of the family? Surely that meant staying faithful to each other? It only got worse when my father spoke.
"Yes, I can see from your faces that you are shocked. Yes, George is my son, and Rosemary his mother."
"But ..."
"Why ..."
"Surely ..."
All three of us tried to speak at once, only to be shushed by my father.
"Yes, I'm afraid I betrayed your mother. Just once, though that doesn't excuse it. Martha was pregnant with you, Brian, and was having a terrible time with sickness, not just in the morning. She didn't feel like ... you know."
I couldn't believe my ears. Dad had got frustrated, so he'd fucked Mom's sister? All those years he'd been so firm about the sanctity of marriage, when all the time he'd broken it himself. I felt myself getting angrier and angrier with my father, both for being such a hypocrite, but also cheating on Mom.
"Then when she was off shopping one day," he continued, "her sister Rosemary turned up in a terrible state. She'd run away from some sort of institution her parents had put her in, and she had no money and nowhere to go. I ..."
"The truth is, I was so desperate I told him he could fuck me if he'd help me out, which I thought meant persuading my sister to take me in, although our parents had told her to have nothing to do with me. I guess I just got Henry at a bad time, so it was all my fault, not his," Rosemary continued, as my father broke off with emotion.
"No, Rosemary, it was equally my fault. It's no excuse, but you just looked so much like Martha, and I was randy as hell so when you showed me your breasts, so I just couldn't resist."
Now I was angry with both of them, though most of all with my father. Somehow it felt worse than when I found out my husband was cheating on me. I'd always looked up to Dad, but now the image I had of him had not only fallen off its pedestal, but had smashed to pieces. I opened my mouth to try to express my feelings, but before I could, Mom had started speaking again.
"It turned out he'd already come inside her when I got home, but to be fair to Henry, he confessed what he'd done straight away. I wanted to kill both of them, but I still loved him, and after all, she was my sister, so I told Henry to take her to his parents and get them to look after her. I knew about the incest, of course, and Ted had been trying persuade me to let him fuck me for ages, so I thought he would be happy enough with my sister instead.
"That was the last time we had any contact with Henry's parents, until after you and Tony turned us around, Susan. Neither of us had any idea that Rosemary had become pregnant after that one time, nor that I was right about Ted being happy to fuck her instead of me. He's Hilary's father.
"I just thought you should know the truth, not least because George fucked you this afternoon, Christine, and you ate out Hilary, Brian."
I was still struggling to get my brain around it, and I couldn't believe that Chrissy and Brian seemed to be just accepting it.
"You're a lying, cheating, bastard, Dad - I hate you, and I hate you, Rosemary. You're not fit to be a sister to my mother. I'm going for a swim, and I don't want to see either of you when I get out."
I ripped off my robe, threw it on the chair, and dived, naked, into the pool, going straight into front crawl, with my face under water, going as fast as I could. The rules said no fucking in the pool for reasons of hygiene, but there were plenty of people playing around in it, and if I bumped into them, they just had to get out of my way. After a few lengths they scattered when they saw me coming.
Part of me knew I was being stupid and unreasonable. After all, my father had fucked me as well, and it was me that forced him into it. The whole reason for us being here was that my Mom and Dad were fucking the whole family, including their grandchildren as well as their own parents and more distant relations. It was just that my parents had brought me up is such a strict religious background, that the thought that my father had betrayed my mother before I was born, was burning my brain to destruction. How could he have done it? And I hated Mom's sister, an aunt I didn't even know I had. I hated her so much that I never wanted to see her again.
Eventually my arms and legs were really aching, and it is hard to have a full on cry when you're trying to swim like an Olympian, so I pulled myself out of the pool. Fortunately the rest of the family had gone. I just grabbed my robe where they'd left it, and charged off to go to my room, naked, dripping pool water everywhere, and sobbing my heart out.
Of course, with my eyes full of tears, my heart full of anger and my body dripping water I couldn't find my room, where I assumed my husband and sister would let me in. I backtracked, or at least I thought I had, to go to reception, but I found myself in another endless corridor, stumbling along, getting more and more desperate, until I went around another corner, and walked smack into a woman coming the other way.
"Susan, what the hell is wrong? Why are you all wet, and why are you crying? My room's just along here, and Vernon and Veronica are sleeping with another couple tonight, so it's just me. Come on, let's get you sorted out."
It was Julia, and I couldn't have been more glad to see a friendly face. She led me into her room. I just stood there, sobbing, while she dried me off, and started to dry my hair with the hair dryer. Over the noise of the air, between sobs, I told her all about the news, and how I was burning with anger at my father and my new aunt.
"Oh, Susan, I'm so sorry. It's not so different from my own story though, is it? My mother cheats and gets pregnant with me, then my grandfather does the same to me. You'll probably have a different perspective on it after a good night's sleep."
"No I won't, Julia. Your father didn't betray you the way mine has. I hate him, and that bitch Rosemary. And I don't think I'll be able to sleep a wink."
"Well, Susan, they say warm milk helps you get to sleep, don't they? I was going to have to use my breast pump before I turned in, as these tits are starting to hurt again. So, come on, let's go to bed, and I'll cuddle you to sleep while you suck the milk from my breasts."
As she spoke, she'd opened her robe to reveal her breasts, which were clearly engorged with milk, one of her dark brown nipples visibly leaking tiny droplets of milk. The image of her straddling Dad's face, the bastard, drinking her own milk, and spraying it over him leapt into my mind, and I remembered imagining how wonderful it would be to taste her milk in my own mouth as I felt it being sucked out of her nipple by me. And fuck, didn't I deserve it so much more than my rotten father?
"Oh, Julia ... (sob) ... I'd love it ..."
So, we both had a pee, and we shared a toothbrush before we snuggled up in bed together. She was laid back against the pillows, and I laid across her lap as her arms cuddled me in to her breast, just the way she must cuddle her baby normally. The sight of her dark, leaking nipples was wonderful, but the feel of them in my mouth, and the taste of her sweet milk was even better. I just lay there sobbing, drinking her milk, knowing that I was far too old to be doing this, supposedly the more mature woman, yet my brain was making me feel like a bad-tempered child.
I remember emptying one breast, as I dozed in and out of sleep, and then Julia turned me around so that I could suckle on the other one. She was right, drinking her warm milk was calming me down, damping down my anger, though I knew it was still in me, ready to spring back to life if I saw Dad or Rosemary.
It must have worked well enough, though, for me to go to sleep, because the next thing I remember was waking up laid next to Julia, with her arm across my waist. I must have moved and disturbed her, because I saw her eyes open, and a smile spread across her face as she saw me looking at her. She put one hand down to my pussy, and with the other she pulled me down to kiss her mouth.
"I want to fuck you, Susan," she whispered, her fingers sliding along my slit.
"I want to fuck you too, Julia. But not now. Thank you for helping me last night, when I was behaving like a baby, and breastfeeding me like one was fantastic. I need to face them, though, and take out my anger on them, else it will keep eating away at me. I'd love to push my fingers into your cunt, and suck on your tits again, but no matter how wonderful it would be, neither of us would enjoy it properly while this anger and hatred is burning me up."
Did I really just turn down a fuck with a gorgeous woman, whose breasts must have refilled with milk overnight? Was it just plain stupid, or as I'd said unusual sense from me?
"Hmm. Maybe you're right, Susan. Just don't be too hard on them. Remember that we're all products of our weird, but glorious family heritage. Just imagine how on earth I could ever explain my parentage to people outside? Also, remember though that my body is yours, whenever you want it - just don't leave it too long. Please."
I grabbed my robe, which was a bit worse for wear after the day before, kissed Julia again (and had another quick drink of her milk), then left her to work out my anger on my father and my mother's sister, who I still couldn't regard as my aunt. As I walked, I pondered on what Julia had said. She was right about my father, of course. He'd inherited the incest trait, and what I now understood came with a super-libido.
But Rosemary, she wasn't in the family, and unless someone else from the family had fucked her, she couldn't have had the trait when she got together with my father. And anyway, Dad shouldn't have had the same desire for her being an outsider. But yes, it was Rosemary I should be most angry about, and I made up my mind it was her that I was going to tackle first.
I went to reception to get my own key, managing to persuade them to tell me Rosemary's room number, which turned out to be shared with my grandparents, which given the history, perhaps I should have thought about anyway. When I got there, I hammered on the door until I saw movement behind the little spy hole.
"Open up, Rosemary, you cunt. I want to talk to you," I yelled, not worrying who might hear me, and just calling her that started to heat up my anger even more. If she'd just have kept her legs closed, we wouldn't be in this mess.
I didn't think she was going to open the door, the pause was so long, but then the door opened wide, and Rosemary took me by surprise by grabbing me, ripping off my robe, and throwing me over on to the bed. She fell on top of me, and I felt something tighten around my wrists.
"Yes, Susan, I see you understand what I've done. The beds in this wing are all equipped for the S&M aficionados, which I believe include your brother's family, so you can't escape. I've been waiting for you, and you're going to hear my side of the story, like it or not."
Well, I didn't like it. Not at all, and I started yelling and calling her and her parents all of the most disgusting things I could, although quite honestly, 'cunt' still seemed to be the most apt and derogatory term I could come up with. I suppose I should have seen it coming when she went across the room, then came back again with something in her hand, but I didn't. She managed to snap the ball gag in my mouth as I was in the middle of another rant.
"God, Susan, I'd hoped we could have done this in a more friendly way. Still, now I have your attention, let me tell you the full story."
She had got my attention, not least because she, like me now, was naked, and I could see that all of my thoughts about her body being worse for wear were even more true than I'd thought, from the look of her face and hair. She was carrying more weight than Mom, with a distinct roll above her pussy, and her tits were much heavier and flopped against her belly, though she had barely any areolas, just long, stiff nipples that seemed to grow straight out of her breasts.
Her pussy might have been trimmed, but not recently, being a tangled mass of brown and mainly white hair, and it was only because of the white that I could see she must have huge, highly coloured labia. Her body seemed to be carrying quite a few scars, some on the inside of her arms and legs, and I knew that these were a strong indication that she'd been a serious drug user at some point. I was kicking and struggling to get free, now even more angry with her, when she started her story.
"There's no point struggling, Susan. As I said, this wing was designed for S&M apparently, so you won't get free. It wasn't your father's fault, it was all mine. I was always a bit wild at school, and being older than your Mom, I was just old enough to get caught up in the whole hippy thing that started to happen when I was in my mid-teens. Sex, drugs and rock and roll, they used to say, and that's what I wanted, and I made sure I got it.
"My parents hated the music, the way I dressed, everything, so one day I decided to run away and go to the upcoming music festival at Woodstock. You've probably seen pictures of girls with flowers in their hair, beads around their necks and showing their tits? Well, that was me. It was fantastic, Joan Baez, Janis Joplin, Country Joe and the Fish, the Grateful Dead, Jimi Hendrix, The Who, Jefferson Airplane and loads more.
"Of course, I was underage, so my parents had the police looking for me, but the crowds were so big they never found me. It was everything I imagined it would be, and more. After that, though, there was no way I could go back home, and I took up with a group of hippy bikers. You've seen Easy Rider? Well, that was us, but lots of us. I guess a few guys must have come from families with money, and us girls paid our way by letting everyone fuck us.
"We were out of our heads most of the time: speed, weed, psilocybin and of course LSD. I had some bad trips, but most were good, and the best is etched into my brain even now. I was doing a reverse cowgirl with one guy in my ass, and had another one fucking my cunt, and when I looked down, it was as if my belly was made of glass. I could see every detail of the two cocks ramming in and out of me, and when they came, I could see an explosion of fluorescent, pale blue liquid that came out of them and filled my vagina and my bowels. Fuck, it was magical.
"I must have travelled around with them for over three years, but the hippy era was already coming to an end. Things had got violent, and the ideas got softened and turned into the mainstream. I had no idea why I hadn't become pregnant, as I wasn't on the pill. I know my ass and mouth got well used, that was for sure. But, of course, in the end I did. I didn't know whose it was, and the police were on our tails because of the drugs and things, and the guys just drove off without me one day when we'd stopped at a rest station for a pee.
"I had barely any money, no food, only the clothes I stood up in, and all I could think of was to use my money to call home and tell them where I was. They came and got me, but it wasn't like I was the prodigal daughter at all. No, they saw me as some sort of devil daughter come back to taunt them. 'Why couldn't you be more like your sister?' they asked, 'She's found herself a nice man and is going to get married.'
"To cut a long story short, they basically disowned me, just 'helping' me by sending me to some sort of convent where a group of nuns looked after girls who got pregnant without being married, or knowing who the father was. God, they were brutal. There were two other girls there, and the nuns made us have cold showers three times a day, and lay on the stone floor of the chapel for hours praying for forgiveness.