Part 16.3

That always got me going, and I was pleased to feel Maryellen's hips start to move around as my tongue, thumb and fingers sent her arousal level shooting up. I had no idea how many cock's Maryellen really had had up her, though my husband's was certainly one of them, maybe the first, perhaps even the only one, just as she claimed.

I wondered if she'd tasted any cunt other than her daughter's, though I got a thrill from knowing that I was the first woman to penetrate and eat Dolly's pussy, beating her mother to it. Fucking Charlie had been up both of them before me, though, and he was going to pay for it if I had my way.

It wasn't long before I felt myself close to coming. I managed to hang on until I tasted the flood of Maryellen's cum fill my mouth, and coat my face. I guess that set Dolly off as well, and for a while the three of us were twisting and turning on the bed, out heads clamped tight between one of the other's legs, our mouths locked on to her cunt.

When we calmed down, we briefly sat up and smiled at each other, each of our faces shining with a layer of cum and saliva. We seemed to know what each other wanted without words, but just swapped our positions, so that my face was now against Dolly's cunt, Maryellen's was buried in mine, and Dolly was once again eating her mother's wet hole that I'd just taken to a climax.

I love eating cunt, the feel of the slippery flesh in my mouth, and the spicy, acrid taste of a woman's cum is just divine. And I love having mine eaten, the energy sparking right through me as a tongue, teeth and lips worked on my clit. And so, it seemed, did Dolly and Maryellen, and although we tried to make the pleasure last, it was all too soon when we came again. This time we pulled apart.

"Alright, Susan, you're as good a fuck as my daughter said. Now we've had some fun, let's polish the plan to give your cheating husband a hell of a shock. He's fucked us all, but fucked us all over as well," Maryellen said, and obviously her earlier reluctance had been put on.

We had a shower to clean each other off, then we sat and planned what we were going to do to Charlie in a few days' time. We were so pleased with ourselves, that we fucked each other again, requiring another shower before I went back home.

Two days later, I had a message from Dolly, saying that she'd invited Charlie round that evening, and he'd accepted. When I worked it out, Fiona should have been on, which was presumably why Charlie was happy to take more time out with Dolly, given he'd already taken her virginity. I was pretty sure, though, that Charlie had already got her pregnant, but then she wouldn't need him anymore. I told everyone I had an evening meeting at the church, but actually I headed over to Dolly's, to carry out the plan I had in mind.

When Charlie rang the door, Dolly let him in, dressed only in a sheer silk robe, which showed off her figure beautifully. I waited until he'd greeted her, which involved not just a kiss, of course, but opening her robe so he could feel her large breasts and her pussy. She led him into the bedroom, but then I walked out, naked.

"Oh ... Susan ... what are you doing here?"

"Well, darling, I'm here to watch the fun, and I don't mean just you fucking Dolly again."

Um ... well, what do you mean?"

Hi, Charlie, remember me?" Maryellen said, as she walked into the room, also naked.

"Uh ..."

I could understand why Charlie was confused. It was like seeing versions of the same person, but just at different ages. Maryellen's figure was just a little bit heavier than Dolly's, her big breasts just rode slightly lower on her chest, and when I looked carefully, I could see faint traces of stretch marks on her belly.

"Canada? Close to nineteen years ago? Maryellen?"

Charlie's expression changed to one of shock, turning to fear, as he connected Maryellen to the eighteen-year-old he'd fucked just a few years after we married, and he worked out the mathematics.

"Yeah, Charlie. Maryellen's my Mom, and when you fucked her last, you left her with a little present - me."

"Remember now, Charlie? You fucked me over and over, but then you left me when I needed you, and now you've fucked your daughter, which gave her a sample to get a DNA test done."

"And remember me, Charlie? Susan? The wife you were married to you when you were fucking Maryellen, and leaving another one of your bastards behind? Tell me why I shouldn't cut your dick off?" I said, bringing the scary-looking hunting knife out from behind my back.

Dolly brought out another one of the knives. "And Mom and I will cut your balls off, Dad."

"Susan, you know I love you. You can't be serious, surely? Maryellen, you wouldn't let them do it to me, would you?"

"Well, Charlie, you did leave me all on my own with a baby on the way, didn't you? I still enjoy the memory of you fucking me, but memory is a funny thing, isn't it? So come on, fuck me again in front of your wife and our daughter, and if it matches my memory, then maybe I'll defend you."

Charlie just stood there with his mouth open, looking from one of us to the other. I could see his cock was stiff inside his pants, which didn't surprise me, as if I'd have been a man, I'd have been stiff as well with Dolly and Maryellen naked in front of me. I hoped it might have been a bit of me as well, even though he'd seen me naked for decades.

"Come on, Charlie. Do you want me to cut all your clothes off?" I asked, running the knife up inside his shirt, slicing off each of the buttons as the knife moved up.

At the same time, Dolly came and undid his belt and unzipped his pants, and I pulled them and his boxers down at the same time, his cock springing out, rock hard. He threw his shirt off, stepped out of his pants and boxers, and advanced on Maryellen, his cock throbbing, and as stiff as I'd ever seen.

He pushed her back on the bed, and knelt beside her. Oh boy, he must have taken us seriously, because her pushed her legs apart, pulled her pussy lips apart, and after giving an appreciative look at her cunt, he bent forward and started licking along her slit. Smart move: the bastard was intending to get her to come before he stuck his cock in her.

Maryellen grabbed my husband's cock in her hand, and pulled it to her mouth. Charlie slid down beside her, and more gently than he usually did with me, he fucked her face, while he explored her cunt with his tongue and mouth. I guess Dolly must have enjoyed watching her father eating out her mother as much as I did, because while we both kept our knives in one hand, we fingered each other's clits.

It wasn't long before Maryellen came, and when Charlie pulled back, we could see strings of her cum hanging from his face, a few initially still attached to her gaping cunt. She looked at Charlie and smiled.

"Fuck me, Charlie. Fuck me the way you used to, and it better be as good as I remembered."

She lay back, holding one leg in the air, which pulled her slit wide open. Her lips seemed to perfectly frame the rich red gash between them, her paler pink clit standing proud at one end, and the dark chasm of her hole at the other. Charlie didn't need any more encouragement, but knelt over her lower leg, taking the weight of her other leg on his shoulder, and he drove his cock hard into her inviting vagina, making her let out an enormous pussy fart as the air was pushed out of her.

The fucking bastard! This was one of our favourite positions as well, because it allowed really deep penetration. No wonder Maryellen had become pregnant. Charlie had a hand on one of her huge breasts, so similar to Dolly's, but just surrendering more to the effects of gravity. His other hand was between the cheeks of her ass, and I was sure he had two or three fingers inside her anus, stretching it open, and pushing against his cock, which he was pumping in and out of her like crazy.

I thought he was going to lose points by not getting her to come when he did, but after Maryellen started groaning with the pleasure of him inside her holes, he let go of her tit, and started playing with her engorged clitoris. Maryellen grabbed her tit herself, dragging it towards her mouth, and to my surprise she managed to stretch and bend it enough for her to just be able to suck the nipple in.

I could hear from Dolly's panting that her fingers had got her close to coming, and so was I, from the effect of my fingers and seeing my husband's cock pulling Maryellen's cunt open with every stroke. I saw his thrusts get faster and shallower, and I knew he was about to fill her vagina with his spunk, just the way he had when they had created Dolly.

Fuck, I couldn't help coming with that thought, which turned into reality as Charlie gave a massive thrust up into Maryellen's cunt, then he flopped forwards on to the bed next to her.

"Well, Maryellen, was it as good as you remembered?"

"They say you should never try to recapture an exceptional experience, don't they?" she said, and I saw Charlie's face drop, at the same time as his limp cock slipped out of her hole, leaving a snail trail of spunk and cum over her leg, and down on to the bed cover. "But in fact, Charlie, I think it was even better this time."

I started walking towards them, with an angry look on my face. "It might have been good for you, Maryellen, but I hated it. You fucked her when Michael was still a baby, and I was being faithful, but she wasn't the only one, and now you've fucked her again in what was our favourite position. Well, you won't be able to do it again, you cheating bastard!"

I was screaming by then, and I'd pushed Charlie over on his back so that his sticky wet cock was exposed. I raised my knife and slammed it into him, just where his cock joined his body. A gush of blood spurted out, over my hands, Charlie's and Maryellen's legs, and the bed cover.

"Aagghh! Susan! What have you fucking done? I thought you loved me!" he yelled, putting his hand down to try to stop the flow of blood, and maybe to explore the seriousness of the wound. "Call 911, and get an ambulance. Quick!"

While his crotch was bright red, his face was whiter even than Dolly's white sheets. He looked absolutely terrified, and clearly believed that I really had stabbed him, and in a place that might stop him getting a hard-on in future, if he even lived. Then he started to notice that Dolly, Maryellen and I were smiling.

"What I've done, Charlie, is to give you a scare. You thought I'd really done it didn't you? This was just a fancy theatre prop with a retracting blade and a bursting blood pack inside. But take care, darling, because I'll never completely forgive you for cheating on me, and if you push me too far too often, maybe the knife will be real next time."

"You fucking cunt, Susan! I thought you'd wounded me badly, and might die, or almost as bad, not be able to get it up."

"Just keep thinking of her cunt, then Charlie, because after Susan and Dolly have cleaned me up, I want to watch you fuck her. And you'd better make it good, because my knife is real. Look," Maryellen said, using her knife to cleanly cut through her dirty panties from the floor next to the bed. "If you don't fuck your wife as good as you fucked me, then I really will cut your balls off. Come on then, girls."

Charlie went off to clean the fake blood off him, while Dolly and I knelt either side of Maryellen, who thrust several fingers into each of our cunts, while we took it in turns to bend forward and suck the spunk oozing from her hole. Spunk that last time in her had resulted in Dolly, who seemed to enjoy swallowing her father's sperm from her mother's vagina, as much as I enjoyed removing it from the woman with whom he'd cheated on me.

After I'd licked a mouthful of spunk from Maryellen's vagina, I grabbed Dolly's head, pulled her towards me, and pushed my spermy tongue into her mouth. I know it's weird, and many would say disgusting, but there are few things I enjoy more than licking my husband's spunk out of another woman's cunt, especially if I'd just watched him fuck her and put it there.

Sharing it with the woman's daughter, who in a way was almost my daughter as well, just made it so much better. Maryellen now had her thumb in my hole, working it around and around, and her fingers on my clit, making the same movement. Shit, it was wonderful. Everything seemed to be tingling and all I wanted was to come on Maryellen's fingers, as she came in my mouth, except that I also wanted not to come, but to keep this feeling forever.

I felt myself starting to get beyond the point that I could control when I came. My sense was that Maryellen wasn't quite there yet, probably because the constant swapping between my mouth and Dolly's broke her rhythm, so I slid my hand around her ass, and into her cunt, which was wet as hell, what with her cum, and the saliva Dolly was currently drooling over it. I guess that gave her the idea as well, and I felt two of Dolly's fingers slip into her mother's vagina alongside mine, sending me over the top immediately.

"FUCK!" Maryellen and I yelled almost as one, though all we heard from Dolly was a load groan, as her mouth was full of her Mom's pussy.

I'd barely caught my breath back, when I felt a hand on my shoulder, turning me around.

"Are you ready, darling?" Charlie asked, lifting my legs, and driving his cock straight into my cunt, which was still gaping from Maryellen's fingers, and was covered with my cum.

I wrapped my legs around his waist as Maryellen and Dolly scrambled to get out of the way, then Dolly shuffled over, and dropped her dripping pussy on my face. As I pushed my tongue between her labia, and tried to get it up her hole, I was conscious just how much tighter it was than mine, so I tried to tighten myself up as much as I could.

Charlie's weakness was that he just couldn't resist a tight young cunt. I didn't think I was any looser than Maryellen, but I was so sloppy with my cum, and I knew that whatever he said, he'd rather fuck Dolly than me if push came to shove. Still, what he did and said next cheered me beyond belief, and sent shivers through me.

"I love your tits, Susan," he said, grabbing them both and kneading them in his hands, before bending forward and kissing them in turn.

How sad was I, that it brought tears to my eyes that my husband chose to play with my good, but ordinary breasts, when Dolly's were bouncing around right in front of him, as she rubbed herself off on my face? Shit, I loved the bastard, but I was just glad that neither he nor Dolly or Maryellen could see my tears, my eyes hidden by Dolly's ass.

Not only had he been nice about my tits, which he was still massaging, sending warm waves of energy radiating through my chest, but he was thrusting into me as hard and as deep as he had into Maryellen. I had to work to keep my legs locked around his waist when he pulled back. Then each time he rammed into me, his cock hit the top of my vagina, his balls hit my ass, and my body was pushed up the bed.

Fucking hell, why did he have to cheat on me when we could fuck like this? Fortunately, though, my tears had stopped when my eyes were blinded by the light in the bedroom for a few seconds, as Maryellen pushed Dolly off me, and jammed her own wet pussy down on my face instead of her daughter's.

"Fuck her, Charlie. Fuck the whore bitch's cunt the way you fucked mine when you cheated on her, and made me pregnant. Fill her slutty hole with your spunk."

I was really just a passenger. Charlie was fucking me so hard that I was moving up and down the bed, and either Dolly or Maryellen were just rocking backwards and forwards, so all I needed to do was to keep my mouth open and my tongue out to just enjoy the taste and feel of their slits. Charlie was still squeezing my breasts and rolling and pulling my nipples between his fingers and thumbs, so I used one of my own hands to rub my clit, though I barely needed to do anything for my arousal to be rocketing up towards a climax.

Then Charlie let go of one of my tits, and I felt his hand slide under my ass, as he twisted into a more awkward position. I knew, or rather I hoped I knew what he was going to do. I felt a finger circling my asshole, before pushing as far in as his knuckles would allow.

"I love you, Susan," he said as his strokes changed, and I felt his cock and finger hitting together inside me.

Tears filled my eyes, and cum filled my cunt again, both Charlie's and mine as we both came. The tears were because I hadn't really expected him to remember. At the time he must have been fucking Maryellen, I'd never let Charlie take me up the ass, but I did let him finger my asshole when he was screwing my cunt, and we always both came almost immediately.

I'd lost track of who was on my face, but they came, hiding my tears as they squirted as well, and I heard the other woman come shortly afterwards, presumably with her own fingers and those of whoever's cunt was peeing over my face. It was Maryellen, I discovered, as she got off me.

I sat forward, dropping my legs, and hugged and kissed Charlie, who didn't seem to mind Maryellen's fluids all over my face and in my mouth.

"I love you too, Charlie, you bastard. I'm going home, get cleaned up and tell Chrissy all about everything, and you can stay here with your daughter and her mother, and celebrate her birthday a few more times, without having to save any more energy for me."

I knew that Dolly, for sure, would be pleased with me, because Charlie hadn't yet fucked her in front of her mother. When I got home, and told Chrissy about what we'd done to Charlie, she laughed her head off.

"Served him right, Suz. It wasn't just you he cheated on, was it, but me as well," she said, though I thought that was pushing things a bit too far.

The next day Fiona got confirmation that she was pregnant, so she and her family went back home, not needing Charlie any more. He was happy enough, because he had Dolly and Maryellen to take Fiona's place, and I'd got them to agree to be recorded for our streaming site. A father or mother fucking their daughter was always popular, but having the father's wife involved as well I thought would really catch the imagination, so I was going to join them. Of course, Chrissy and Jade decided to get involved, which given their advanced stage of pregnancy, and the fact that Chrissy was carrying another of Charlie's babies just added to the selling power of what we produced.

The only thing was, we seemed to be having some problems with the recording gear, so we had to spend extra days on re-takes. Before we'd finished, I had a call from Shuji, who said they had made the two droids for me, but they needed me to visit the factory for the final adjustments, and to have them show me how to operate them correctly.

I couldn't book a flight for a couple of days, so I spent more time with Dolly and Maryellen while Charlie was working, talking about their future now they had become part of my incestuous family. Maryellen decided to move down near to us to be close to Dolly, and I helped them find somewhere to rent before taking time to find somewhere to buy. Dolly was going to go back with her to help her pack everything up, and Charlie was over the moon about the prospect of having two more of his pregnant females close by.

The night before my flight to California to test my droids, Charlie and I were on our own. Tony had gone to visit one of his big corporate customers, so Chrissy was sleeping with Jade to keep her company. I'd made Charlie one of our favourite meals, and we'd broken out a gorgeous Californian Pinot Noir to go with it. After that we listened to oldies, and cudded the way we used to when we were young, while I played innocent, not letting him get beyond feeling up my tits a bit, because I knew that he was about to get a phone call.

I was nearly on the point of giving in and letting him fuck me, when his mobile rang, and Dolly's name flashed up. He answered it, and as I knew she would, Dolly told him to put it on speaker.

"Hi, Dad. I thought you might like to know I'm pregnant."

I saw Charlie's face drop a bit, as he thought that someone else must have been fucking his daughter.

"Hi, Charlie, so am I," Maryellen said.

"But ... but ... who's the father ... or fathers?"

"You are, silly," they both said, perfectly together, then hung up.

"Congratulations, Charlie", I said, giving him a hug and a kiss.

"What? You knew about this, Susan, didn't you? But why?" he asked, clearly surprised, delighted, but totally confused.

"Of course, I did, darling. Dolly told me her one regret was not having a brother or sister. Maryellen also said she'd have liked another, but she'd saved herself for you, silly cow. Obviously, she was getting close to it being too late, so if you got Maryellen pregnant again that would solve the problem on paper..."

"You mean you knew that when I was fucking her that she wasn't using birth control?"

"Never has, she said. But if it was just her, that would recreate the problem that her new baby wouldn't have anyone of a similar age to grow up with, wouldn't it? What better than Dolly getting pregnant, so there'd be two babies to grow up together, though one would be the other's niece or nephew, or aunt or uncle."

"But, Susan, what about the inbreeding problem, because I'm Dolly's father as well? We can't let it happen ..."

"Calm down, Charlie. Professor Alex had your DNA already, and he had to have a sample of Dolly's to do the paternity test for her, so I just got him to do a risk assessment on her having a baby with you as the father. You're lucky, neither of you have any important missing copies of genes, and he says the chances are barely any worse than with unrelated parents. Dolly had not long had the coil fitted, and Alex managed to jump the queue and get it taken out again for her.

"When you fucked her when we were all together, she was unprotected. Why do you think I went home and left you to it? I'd have liked to have seen you make her pregnant, but probably it was when we were filming. You didn't really think all those retakes were because of the camera, did you? No, I just wanted to make sure you were successful, darling.

And why do you think they want to move close to us? Their two babies can grow up with your other bastard that Chrissy's carrying for you, as well as Jade and Tony's baby, darling," I said, smiling to take the edge off my words. "Now, don't you think you're loving wife deserves a good hard fucking for this?"

I pulled my skirt up, opened my legs, and gave him access to the cunt he'd been trying to get at for the last hour.

"God, Susan, you never cease to surprise me, and whatever I've done, I really do still love you."

Later, Charlie had already gone to sleep while I lay next to him, reflecting, my cunt, asshole and throat aching delightfully after he'd fucked me in all of them until he had no more spunk to shoot into me, and his cock refused to get stiff again.

I knew I could never quite forgive him for cheating on me before my sons forced me to recognise my true sexuality, but yet I still loved him. He must have shot hundreds of millions of sperm into my vagina over the years, and I'd let three of them complete their mission, producing my two boys, and my identical twin daughters who required just one between them. Chrissy had let one impregnate her, as now had Dolly. Even Maryellen would only be using two of his sperm, so I was still one ahead of anyone else.

After she'd given birth, Dolly's hole would be as slack as mine, and so would Maryellen's, so I could compete on equal terms. I knew he could never resist a tight young cunt, but surely his ability to talk young women into his bed must weaken as he got older? My problem was that he had more women to choose from, but while I needed a wider selection of men to fuck me, I only really fancied men within the family. I was going to have to work on that.
Next page: Part 17.1
Previous page: Part 16.2