Part 17.1

I was excited about going to California to see the two droids Shuji was making for me, and who were based on me. I didn't really have much idea what they would feel like, or to what extent it was possible to have a conversation with them, despite all the AI technology Shuji had told me about. It was fun to think about it on the long flight, but the uncertainties meant that my imagination ran out of sensible thoughts way before the flight was over.

Instead, my thoughts somehow went back to Charlie, his increasing record of infidelities, and the lengthening list of his bastards. I was absolutely certain now that he'd fucked a lot more women than I knew about, but given that he still seemed to love me as much as I loved him, this didn't seem to matter. That he'd cheated on me at all was what I couldn't quite forgive him for, but one or a hundred women didn't seem to make a difference. No, it was two other questions that occupied me.

The first was how many other bastard children he'd left behind him somewhere, and it wasn't just in the USA, because for a few years he spent a lot of time travelling to set up the overseas divisions of the Company, including to Japan, which Brian my brother then managed. He'd always seemed to take care about contraception when he fucked his secretaries, although he hated using condoms, and I was pretty sure I'd have found out if any of them had become pregnant.

No, it was women like Maryellen that he'd fucked earlier in his career, who might not have been quite as careful as they claimed, either deliberately or accidentally. I wondered if the Company still had records of his travels, and if so, whether I could find out who he'd had. Maybe he might even admit who he'd fucked, if he even remembered, but it was clear from Dolly's story that he might not know himself if he'd impregnated anyone.

The second question seemed even harder to answer. How many women had he fucked often enough to transfer the incest trait to them, and then any children that they had, even if they weren't Charlie's? I knew that he only fucked his secretaries a few times, saying that their cunts weren't tight enough after that, so maybe this wasn't enough to convert them?

Actually, I thought that whole tight cunt business was more in his head than anything else. I mean, unless they were genuine virgins with an intact hymen, there was no way they'd actually feel that much looser after they'd only been screwed a few times. Anyway, how many hymen-intact virgins are there actually around by the time they are eighteen? Becky definitely was, but with fingers, dildos and no way of imposing a legal age on masturbation most eighteen-year-olds must surely have broken their hymens, mustn't they?

One thing I needed to know was how many times it would take to transfer the incest trait, but I didn't think even Professor Alex knew, which was why he was trying to set up a proper controlled experiment. Trouble was, he was having trouble getting it past the university ethics committee that had to approve all human experiments, even with his dressing it up so it wasn't obvious exactly what the experiment was about. The other problem, of course, was that the experiment was likely to leave a group of young adult students with the trait for the rest of their lives, unless he could perfect the drug to reverse it. I knew he was working on it using mice, who all normally have the trait, so interbreeding within the family is commonplace.

The trouble was, I realised, that I still loved my cheating bastard of a husband. I didn't mind him fucking other women, and oddly enough, I thought I could live with him making them pregnant. Good luck to them, as I didn't want to go through that painful and messy business again myself, and having my twin carry my husband's child, which genetically would be as close to me as her, seemed ideal.

And now I knew my true character, I'd fucked so many of the men and women in my family that I could hardly complain about him being unfaithful now, could I? No, I really loved him, but I still couldn't quite forgive him completely. I was just going to have to live with it, I decided as the plane seemed to be below the level of the skyscrapers downtown, as it dropped steeply to land on San Diego's short runway.

When I got through the airport, wheeling my carry-on bag with me, I saw an attractive young Japanese woman, holding up a sign with my name on it.

"Susan? Welcome to San Diego. I'll drive you to your hotel, and given that you'd otherwise be on your own, Shuji thought it would be good for me to join you for dinner. I'm Yui, by the way - it means 'Helpful Fountain'," she said, covering her mouth as she broke into a girlish giggle.

That was fine with me. Having requested two droids, I was now a bit nervous about actually meeting them. I mean, how to you talk to a droid anyway, let alone one who has been programmed with all of your life history and sexual exploits? So, dinner with this attractive young human, with the slight build, dark hair, and small perky breasts just filling her white cotton blouse, a frequent combination with young Japanese women, seemed delightful.

The hotel seemed more like a rambling old house than a hotel, tucked away somewhere between La Jolla and Del Mar, surrounded by other large houses, almost hidden in tree-filled gardens. I was checked in by another young woman, this time Caucasian, with blond hair, blue eyes, and a gorgeous cleavage showing between the open buttons of her white blouse, similar to Yui's.

Another young woman, who could almost have been Y's sister, dressed in an identical white blouse and grey skirt, showed me to my room. The bed was huge, and the décor more like a private house than a hotel room. I had a quick shower, then had the problem of deciding what to wear.

The difficulty was that I hadn't packed much, as I was told that I'd be only wearing a robe in the factory, while they checked the accuracy of their droid creations against the original, but the hotel looked a lot smarter than I had been expecting. On top of that, I'd noticed when I was chatting to Yui in the car, a growing warmth between my legs, and I was starting to wonder if she was family. A good lesbian fuck would be ideal to take my mind off Charlie and how to talk to a droid. I still felt I needed to impress Yui, though, if I was going to have her, even if she was family.

I pulled out my good old standby: my black dress, and hung it on the edge of the shower, which I turned on to the hottest setting, letting the steam miraculously make the creases disappear. That would have to do. The neckline was cut low, so it was designed to be worn without a bra, and to avoid any panty line, no panties either.

I'd just got ready, freshening my hair, and putting on just a hint of make-up, when a door I'd not noticed as it was covered with the wallpaper, opened up.

"Please, Mistress Susan Sama. Dinner is served."

Shit, I barely recognised the woman in the doorway as Yui, because she was dressed in full geisha clothes, a black and gold kimono and all the bags and golden sashes that I'd seen in pictures. Her hair was piled up on her head, with yellow flowers on top and cascading down one side. Her face had been whitened, and her lips and eyes and eyebrows highlighted. She looked almost inhumanely gorgeous.

"I thought you'd enjoy some Japanese tradition, not just the costume, but the meal and the whole setting. Not many women get to experience an evening with a Geisha."

I was having trouble finding my voice, let alone anything to say, but in the end, I managed what I thought might be a suitable reply.

"Well, I'm wearing a traditional costume as well, Yui. A slut. And I'm afraid that sluts often entertain."

"You underestimate yourself, Mistress Susan Sama. You look every inch as much a perfect slut as I do a Geisha."

I took that as a complement, though I thought I detected a hint of a smile underneath her mask-like face. That was the least of my worries, though, as I realised the room was set with tatami mats and just the low table, inches off the ground. The walls were covered with what looked like the traditional, paper-covered lattice doors, except for an area of gold, with a hanging scroll with Japanese characters hanging in the centre, oppose the door to my bedroom.

"Please, Mistress Susan Sama. Please sit in honoured guest place in front of the tokonoma."

That turned out to be the area with the scroll, and it turned out that sitting was the wrong word. It was basically 'seiza', kneeling back on the heels I discovered, after Yui had shown me what to do, giggling as I told her how uncomfortable it was.

It only got more so, as a long succession of tiny dishes came and went, all beautifully arranged on the plate, or in what looked like antique lacquered Japanese bowls. I didn't enquire too much what they all were. I knew some were raw fish, but all were delicious. I was glad that I had learned how to use chopsticks in the Chinese restaurant back home, so I didn't look completely stupid.

The constant replenishment of different flavours of sake, more than I knew even existed, helped overcome the discomfort, but in the end, though, the kneeling became too much for me. I stood up, then sat down cross-legged on the mat. That set Yui going into fits of laughter.

"What's wrong, Yui? I just couldn't kneel like that any longer."

"Only men sit like this in Japan. And I can see your cunt."

Shit, when I looked down, I could see she was right. I'd had to pull the dress up a bit so I could get my legs wide enough, and although it was still over some of my thighs, it was drawn tight, giving her a perfect view up between my legs.

"I thought geishas were supposed to be polite, Yui? And given you're only really an elaborate version of a hooker, shouldn't you show me your cunt as well?"

"You are right, Mistress Susan Sama. I apologise. Please forgive me."

Yui stood up, then undid her golden sash, the kimono opening to reveal a sheer, white, cotton robe underneath, that came down only a few inches below her pussy. When she sat down, she pulled this up as well.

"I hope my manko pleases you, Mistress Susan Sama," she said sitting cross-legged like me, her kimono and the under-robe pulled wide apart. "And by the way, a proper geisha is an entertainer, not a whore who charges for sex."

Fucking hell, her manko - which I presumed was Japanese for cunt - was beautiful. I knew that geishas whitened their faces, necks and shoulders, but it seemed to me Yui either had very white skin, or had lightened a lot more. She had a neat triangle of pure black hair, which stood out like a black arrow, pointing down to her pussy, and I was sure she had applied the same vivid red lipstick to her gorgeous cuntlips as she had to her mouth.

"Um ... yes, Yui ... thank you," I gasped as I tried to get over the awesome sight in front of me. "We have something in common, then, as sluts don't charge to get fucked either."

I was surprised when Yui didn't cover herself up when the waitress, another young woman from the same mould and in the same uniform as the one who had check me in, came with our next course, so neither did I. As it turned out, there were only a couple more courses left before we were given a bowl of plain, boiled Japanese rice, which Yui explained was the signal that the banquet was over.

Of course, I didn't really taste the last few dishes, my mind consumed by the sight of Yui's delightfully open and decorated pussy just across the table from me. I knew my own pussy had become wet, as my scent wafted up from between my legs, and all I could think of was discovering the taste of Yui's, and the feel of her breasts beneath my hands, which I was sure would be capped with stiff, tight, almost black nipples.

We finished with a cup of green tea, carefully prepared in front of us by the waitress, who just ignored the fact that our snatches were fully visible. It was probably the combination of the sake and sitting in such strange positions for so long, that I almost lost my balance as I stood up, Yui having to dash around to grab my arm to keep me upright. Then she walked me back into the bedroom.

"I hope the stories I heard about you weren't wrong, and you're still capable of fucking, Mistress Susan Sama? Thanks goodness we women don't get brewer's droop from drinking, even if we can get a bit unsteady on our feet." Yui said, smiling, and pulling up the hem of my dress.

"Oh! I thought you told me geishas were entertainers, not whores?"

"It's true, but you said you were a slut, and what better way to entertain a slut than to ram my fingers up her cunt, then fuck her?" she replied, her actions in line with her words, as two of her fingers pushed against my labia, clipped my clit, then slid easily back along my slimy slit and into my hole.

I helped her with my dress, whipping it up over my head and off as fast as I could, then I pushed her kimono and underrobe back off her shoulders. Shit, her tits were as gorgeous as I'd imagined. Except I'd got one thing wrong: like her mouth and her labia, her nipples were vivid red, standing hard and colourful against her pale flesh.

They felt wonderful, as I rubbed the palms of my hands over her breasts, which barely moved, as they were so firm, the nipples pressing into me. I looked at her, and saw the sort of lust that I knew was in my eyes, given evidence by the way her fingers were sliding backwards and forwards in my cunt, making my clit feel as if it would explode, before they stretched out the opening of my vagina again.

I pressed myself against her, moving one hand away so our tits touched, her stiff nipple feeling as if was going to perforate my softer tissue. Our mouths touched, then opened, and our tongues did an Argentine tango, twisting around each other, as my free hand slid down over her belly, searching out the opening her black bush was guiding it towards.

I loved the tickling her pubes gave my fingers as they passed over, but a thrill then burst through me as they touched bare flesh, then the projecting roughness of her labia. God, one of the things I love most is pushing my fingers into a new cunt, and discovering the unique size and shape of the woman's clit, the feel of her slit, and exploring the individual folds and shapes inside her vagina.

I mean, what could ever be more intimate for a woman than letting someone else into her most secret parts, which only a woman has, and which men need to keep the species alive? I know many men think the most private part is a woman's ass, but we've all got one of those, and I sometimes think that those men are simply revealing an unacknowledged tendency to homosexuality. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but why don't they go an practice on their own sex, as I do on mine.

And I certainly was. I could hear my fingers squelching inside Yui's gash, as I copied her movements inside mine. Oh fuck, I seemed to be acting like a young girl again, as the feel of her cunt, and the sensations she was triggering in mine started to overwhelm me. I wanted to call her a cunt, a bitch, a fucking slut, but I couldn't bring myself to pull my tongue out of her mouth, and anyway, I realised that the reason I got aroused using such dirty language was that I was calling myself those names.

Oh God, I was a cunt, a bitch, a slut. I knew I'd fuck anyone in the family, and somehow, I knew that Yui had to be a distant relative in some way. Shit, I was twisting around, my body seeming to be trying to pull Yui's fingers out of my cunt, while my cunt itself wanted nothing more than for them to stay.

Fortunately, Yui seemed to be feeling it as much as me, because she was squirming around as well, her pussy leaking like mad over my fingers as I circled her clit, stretched her cunt hole and fingered her overflowing vagina.

I screamed into Yui's mouth, feeling, as much as hearing, her doing the same to me as we both came, falling together on to the bed, our hands trapped between the other's legs, which kept opening then slapping back together, sounding as if someone was being spanked on their naked ass.

We'd hardly broken apart for more than a few seconds, lying next to each other, panting, before Yui managed to gasp out a few words. "Oh fuck, Mistress Susan, the stories I'd heard about the way you knew how to use your hands didn't even do you justice. Now show me what you can do with your mouth. Eat out my cunt, Susan Sama, and discover how I got my name."

I probably should have paid attention to the name bit, but I didn't, my mind instantly filled with a picture of Yui's cunt, held open by her, the lipstick now smeared with her cum, and her hole wide open, letting me see deep inside her.

I wondered again whether her cum would taste fishy, given all the fish we'd eaten. Shit, maybe mine did, which would be humiliating, but if it did, Yui couldn't mind, because her mouth closed over my vulva, sucking in my labia. I took one last, close-up look at her gaping hole, and licked along her slit until I could push my tongue up inside her.

Oh God, she actually tasted wonderful. If there was a fishy component, it was like the taste of raw fish in the freshest sushi: delightful, and nothing like what I feared. If I tasted that good, I'd be over the moon!

I licked along one side of her cunt, flicking my tongue over her lips, before pushing it back in to her, then licking along the other side, spending time circling her clit, enjoying the way it made her squirm around under me. I slipped a thumb into her vagina, and teased my fingers around her asshole.

I know I said I didn't really like the way men always seem to want to take me up the ass, but there are lots of nerve endings around the anal sphincter. I enjoyed being teased with fingers, and even have a finger or two pushed in to stretch me open. It was just that a cock deep up my ass did nothing for me, unless there was another in my cunt, which it hit against, and pushed against body of my clit inside me.

Yui seemed to be liking it, anyway, as I pinched my finger and thumb together, and used my teeth to nibble her clit, before sucking it hard into my mouth, then massaging it with my tongue again.

Oh fuck, she was working me as well as I hoped I was her. She pulled my butt open, and licked from my clit to my asshole, running her tongue around and around my crinkled ring, before licking back down to my other hole, which was leaking like a faucet. She slipped two fingers into my asshole, pushing them apart, stretching my anus, and sending intense sparks like plasma seeming to race through me, as her tongue tried to explore the innermost corners of my vagina.

I was in heaven, and thought nothing could be better, until she managed to cross her legs behind my head, pulling my face hard against her cunt, while she rammed her fingers into my ass and my pussy, sucking and licking and nibbling on my clit and my labia until I thought I was going to explode.

Then she relaxed everything. Fuck, I'd heard about those crazy endurance programmes on Japanese TV, where the aim is to suffer something unbearable for as long as possible, and clearly this was what she was aiming at. I could feel my clit twitching in my twat, begging someone, anyone, to stroke it and give it the release it so desperately wanted, as Yui moved her mouth away, just leaving her fingers motionless inside me.

Two could play at that game, I thought, so I did the same, but before Yui started on me again, I just flicked my tongue quickly over her clit. I could hear her groan between my legs, and felt her body jerk, as she fought to stop herself coming. Of course, the bitch then did the same to me, and I had to bite hard on my lip to distract my senses from my cunt, now on the absolute knife edge of shattering into an orgasm.

I could feel her panting her hot breath on to my pussy, letting out little cries, as she struggled to contain herself. I was doing just the same, drinking in the delightful, exotic fragrance from the depths of her vagina, then deciding I was dropping back enough from the edge to close my mouth and taste the sticky, wonderful wetness coating her clit.

We must have carried on like this for ages, but in the end, it was Yui that broke first, as my tongue found her slippery clit again, and my fingers stirred around inside both her holes.

"I'm fucking coming! Open wide, and learn my name!" she screamed.

She closed her own teeth around my clit, her fingers pushing inside me, and I couldn't help but open my mouth to let out a cry from the pain and pleasure all mixed up in my cunt as I came myself. God, within seconds my mouth was filled with her warm pee! I swallowed as much as I could, but the flow was too much, and it squirted over my face, running down our bodies and on to the bed beneath us.

I couldn't let that go, could I, if I wanted to keep my reputation as one of the family's biggest sluts? I realised my own bladder was full from the drinks over dinner, and as Yui kept eating my cunt even as we were both coming, I let go, and pissed in her mouth the way she was doing in mine. Oh fuck, the release was fantastic. I'd read about peegasms, when you let your bladder get so full it hurts, then take yourself to an super-intense orgasm.

You know how wonderful it feels when finally, you can empty yourself, after being desperate to pee? Then imagine the similar feeling when you come, and multiply the two together. It was unbelievable, my entire body feeling a marvellous release, leaving me with a warm, intense feeling deep inside me.

Both of us were determined not to give up, and as each other's pee covered our faces, and invaded our mouths, we kept licking and sucking the cunt it was coming from, which was jerking and twisting and thrashing around, only our legs clenched together keeping the other's head aligned with our pissy, cummy gashes. It was just fucking wonderful.

Of course, all good things have to come to an end, and I got to the point where my bladder was empty, when my clit was so sensitive that it was no longer a pleasure to have it touched, and I pulled away from Yui. She stood up with a smile on her face, a face dripping with my pee, which was also in tiny rivulets over her delicate tits. I saw a droplet about to fall from one of her nipples, and I quickly licked it off.

"Fucking hell, Yui, I can see how your name is appropriate, but surely no one could have known that you'd end up a massive squirter like that?"

"Ha ha, you're wrong. Apparently the first time Mom started to change my diaper, I peed right into her face, and that's why she called me it!"

"Shit, though, Yui, look at the bed! It's sopping wet - what will the staff think?"

"Don't worry Mistress Susan Sama, they are used to me here. The mattress is sealed in plastic, and there's an absorbent layer under the sheet. I'll just call reception and get them to change it while we clean ourselves up in the shower."

She picked up the phone, and asked for the bed to be changed, then we walked into the bathroom. My cunt must have been recovering, because as she turned to start the shower, showing me those gorgeous little breasts again, I just couldn't stop myself.

"I'm so sorry, Yui. I seem to have pissed all over your tits, I feel I should lick it off for you."

Another belt of energy exploded between my legs as I saw I had surprised even her. I bent down, and closed my mouth over her dark, stiff nipple, the scarlet lipstick mostly washed off by now, loving the feeling of its crinkled areola under my tongue, and the salty taste of what must have been mostly my pee rather than hers. Thank goodness that the Western way of serving plenty of water with a meal, as well as the Japanese tradition of sake, meant that our pee was pale yellow, and delicately flavoured.

I wanted her cunt again, but as my hand reached out to find it, another hand bumped into mine.

"God, you really are a slut, Mistress Susan Sama," I heard Yui giggle, as we navigated our arms again, and I opened my legs, my clit already tingling with anticipation of her fingers working on it again.

I finished cleaning her first tit, and I moved to the other, as our fingers stirred our pissy cunts back to life, licking all over her firm, round breast, then closing my mouth and sucking her nipple. I must have been a bit overenthusiastic, though, making her stumble backwards into the shower cubicle. Yui managed to grab at the soap dish with her spare hand, never letting the other leave the inside of my slit, and together we slid slowly down the wall, ending up on the floor, the warm water from the shower cascading over us.

"Feels like we've found an even more 'Helpful Fountain'", I said softly, as I kissed her, water running over our faces, and I slipped my fingers up into her vagina, using my thumb to work on her clit.

It struck me how much Charlie would like fucking her: she couldn't have been more than nineteen, I imagined, and her cunt was tight, just the way he liked them, the cheating bastard, and it gave me an extra thrill to realise I'd got one up on him for once. I was vaguely aware of sounds of someone in the bedroom, but I was lost again to the sensations coming from my pussy, as this Japanese geisha and I rolled around under the warm cascading water, our fingers inside each other.

Somewhere along the way, I suppose, as we fell Yui had managed to grab a bottle of shower gel, and she started rubbing it over my breasts, my belly, and my ass. The scent of the gel, the slipperiness of the soft foam it was generating, kicked my arousal to a whole new level. I managed to feel around to get the bottle myself, and squeeze out a handful of it. I started to wash Yui's body, loving the feeling of her smooth, soft flesh under my hands, and I knew I was going to come again, much sooner than I'd imagined or wanted.

"Fuck! Oh Fuck! Oh Fuck!" Yui yelled out, as I pinched the length of her clit between my fingers inside her hole, and my thumb on her clit, my other hand massaging gel into one of her tits.

I realised that whoever was in the bedroom would have no doubt, if indeed they still had any, just what we were doing, and the feel of Yui's cunt, the electric shocks in mine from her fingers combined with the knowledge sent me over the edge myself, writhing around under the warm water, trying to keep my fingers in her, as she also twisted and turned on the shower floor.

"Let me help you dry yourselves off," I heard a voice say, and when I looked around, there was one of the uniformed young women, standing looking at us, a huge, white bath towel in each hand.

I stood up, part of me embarrassed at having been caught fucking what I could only imagine in some way was this woman's boss, but also part of me glorying in exposing my naked wet body to another attractive woman. Yui seemed completely unfazed as the woman handed us the towels, then proceeded to help us dry ourselves.

If Yui was unfazed, then so was the woman, who had just taken sheets covered in our pee off the bed, and was now using the towel between my legs to dry my pussy. I caught her eye, but she showed no emotion as she touched my most intimate areas, her hand separated only by the absorbent material of the towel.

I didn't know, for sure, how long I was going to be staying at the hotel, but I knew that I wanted to fuck this unemotional employee before I left. Oh yes, another young woman with a tight cunt that I could get to before Charlie, even if she wasn't showing any of the active sexual behaviour I'd expect of a family member, with two others naked in front of her.

I'd expected Yui to go home after the woman finished drying us, but she explained that she would sleep with me, then take me in to the factory early in the morning. Yui's geisha dress had gone, and fresh clothes were hanging in the open wardrobe, fresh new sheets on the bed.

Well, it would have been a shame to waste them, wouldn't it? We snuggled into the bed, our breasts and bellies pressed together, not trying to resist the lure of our pussies to the other's hands, and we played, slowly, intimately, putting off our climaxes until the last possible moment. I guess neither of us wanted to sleep in wet sheets, or to have to call for yet another set, so we kept our squirting to our cum, just enough to lubricate us nicely. I did, however, get a grandstand view of Yui's helpful fountain again as we watched each other pee, before going back to bed, this time to sleep.

It was much earlier than I'd normally have gotten up when Yui woke me the next morning, and after a quick breakfast, she drove me to the factory. From the outside, it was just one of those large, anonymous buildings that fill modern technology parks, but once I had signed in and gone through to the working area, it was anything but. As I looked through the windows from the corridor, I could see production lines of electronic components, then more with frighteningly realistic body parts, and finally a room of what looked like naked people, being felt up by an army of oriental looking young men and women.

"Welcome, Susan," Shuji said, giving me a hug and groping one of my tits as Yui took me into a smaller room. "Well, how was she Yui? Do we need to make any big changes to Subot?"

Yui started reeling off a whole load of stuff about the shape of my tits and the feel of my cunt, and I realised that she hadn't just fucked me for fun, but it had been part of the whole production process. I felt a bit used at first, until I remembered the taste and feel of Yui's pussy in my mouth, and decided that whatever the motive, I'd do it again any chance I got.

"Well, better go and do a full debrief to the design team, while I introduce Susan to her droids."

He and Yui went out through another door, but he came back with Hiroshi, leading a naked woman. Well, she looked like a woman, apart from the thin wires snaking from the back of her head to some sort of control tablet Hiroshi was carrying. Shit, she looked just like me. Double shit, not like me, but absolutely identical to me. If it hadn't been for the fact that I was a twin, so I was used to a carbon copy of me around, I'd have had to sit down to recover from the shock.

"So, this is Susan, is it?" the naked woman said. "Are you a droid, Susan? You look like one. Close to me, but not quite the same. I think my tits are bigger, aren't they Hiroshi? I'm Subot, by the way, a real woman."

If I was shocked by her appearance, I was even more so by the way she assumed I was the robot, the rude way she spoke to me, and most of all the way she insulted my tits as she grabbed them.

"Hmm, you can see Susan that we've programmed her to match your personality," Hiroshi said, sounding apologetic.

"Well, we can fine tune that later, but what we need to do most importantly is to check some of the most important physical characteristics, so we can perfect them before we deliver Subot to you - and Tosu of course, but we'll come to him ... er ... her later. Let's just go to the examination room and get going right away."

Shuji led me through the third door in the room, to something that looked like a private room in a hospital, with two adjacent beds, and a whole load of electrical stuff hanging from the walls.

"Just get undressed, Susan, and lie on one of the beds. Oh, and you, Subot. I'll leave you in Hiroshi's hands, but come back later."

Hiroshi unplugged the lead, and except for the fact he hadn't quite closed the little trapdoor under the back of her hair, I could easily have believed she was a human.

"Huh, call that a cunt?" she said, pushing my legs apart after I'd taken my dress off and got on to the bed. "Now this is a real cunt."

She arched her back, opened her legs, and pulled her labia open. I thought I might be able to tell Chrissy's vulva from mine, close up, but shit, this one looked just like mine looked, not just in the mirror, but in the videos we'd made, some of which showed me super-close.

"Ano ... we have the taste test first, Susan. Ano ... we have our two highly trained expert tasters who will do the comparison ..."

I couldn't quite work out why Hiroshi seemed nervous saying this, which I could tell from the Japanese version of 'um' which started each statement, or indeed what sort of tasting he meant. He must have pushed some sort of button, because immediately a uniformed, young Japanese man and a similarly young woman came into the room. The man walked to my bed, while the woman went to the one where Subot was laying.

Fuck, he didn't say a word, but just pushed a finger into my vagina, stirred it around, then pulled it out. First, he sniffed it, speaking in Japanese into a microphone attached to his uniform, like a perfumier describing a new and exotic perfume. Then he tasted it, adding additional comments. I noticed that the woman had done something similar to Subot, who I was already starting to think of as a person rather than an object, not least because she'd told the woman a few more fingers up her would be even better. Whatever I was, it was clear that Shuji and his company had made my droid, intended to be an exact copy of me, a total slut.

Holding their first arms well away from their bodies, the man and woman changed places, this time the woman inserting a finger from the clean hand into my vagina. Then followed a similar olfactory examination and comments, but then both the man and the woman tasted the first finger again, and after consideration and comments, back to the recent one.

"I bet my cunt tastes better than that fucking robot's," Subot said, which by then was pretty much what I'd expected.

The two went over the sink, then washed off their hands. I knew how persistent the smell of a woman's pussy was, so I hoped the soap was good, but non-perfumed if they were to sample anyone else that day.

"I think we still need to do a direct sample," the woman said to the man. "Get them positioned, Hiroshi, please."

That involved putting a pillow under our asses, and turning us diagonally across the bed, with our bent legs as close to the edge as we could manage.

"Now pull yourself open, Susan, Subot, so they can taste your cum just with their tongues, else if their faces touch, the odours could get confused.

As the woman licked her tongue down my slit, then round the opening of my hole, I was beginning to feel as grumpy about it all as Subot. I loved showing my cunt. That was fine, but when I did, I was used to getting some sort of reward, which always needed to end with me coming, and the more things that had been pushed in me or done to me, the better. But this was just completely sexless, like a medical, and not fun at all.

"Can't you just lick me off?" I asked, getting no reply from the woman, who sort of slurped on my cum, the disgusting way sommeliers sometimes do when sampling a fine wine.

She muttered into her microphone again, then changed places with the man, who licked along my slit in a similar, clinical manner.

"Not bad, actually. Just a few minor tweaks needed for a perfect match," Hiroshi said, taking me by surprise as he was now sitting at a monitor, and examining the screen.

I could only imagine that what the testers had said had been machine translated into some sort of recipe for Subot's cum. I wasn't at all sure I liked what I'd regarded as my personal scent being converted into a list of ingredients, but it had always been my intention that Subot would taste, behave and feel just like me or Chrissy, so it was too late to change my mind now.

"Ano ... now we need to do a dimension check. Please lay back straight on the beds."

A dimension check? What the fuck was that? I was soon to find out, though, as two new young Japanese men came into the room, this time, both naked except for a short, fitted top with the familiar microphone attached, their cocks already fully erect. One came to each of us, and without even saying hello, they just climbed on top, opened us with their hands, and started pumping their cocks in and out of us.

I was just looking forward to a good fucking, moving my hand down to work my clit as clearly this rude guy wasn't going to look after me, when he pulled out and got off the bed. I saw the one that had been up Subot do the same, and I was a little shocked still, but not surprised when he came over to me. His cock was glistening with Subot's come, which I have to say did smell awfully like my own, and he climbed on me, and shoved it straight up my hole, so recently vacated by his colleague.

It wasn't long before they pulled out, then went into a huddle in the corner, speaking quietly in Japanese.

"A little adjustment is needed, which we can do on the spot," Hiroshi said, carrying his tablet over and plugging the wires into the back of Subot's head. "We use hard wiring, by the way, Susan, so the droids can't be hacked by WIFI, else someone could get in who knows what they could do. Maybe you could get fucked to death, even."

I thought the nasty little chuckle he gave was another indication of the Japanese idea of fun, but I had to say, it did make sense. Hiroshi worked his fingers over the screen of his tablet, then unplugged his tablet again, and gave a signal to one of the men, who came back to me. He fucked in and out of me a few times, then pulled out and went over to Subot. He shoved his cock up her, and after a couple of thrusts, said something in Japanese.

I'd expected him to pull out, but he didn't. He fucking came up her! No me, her!

"I told you my cunt was better than yours, darling, didn't I," Subot said, looking over to me and smiling, as she pulled herself open so I could see the tester's spunk oozing out of her hole.

"Ano ... sorry, Susan ... we had her a bit too loose ... but, anyway, this is something you will be able to adjust yourself from your phone, when we give you administrator privileges."

A wicked way of paying back Charlie popped into my head, which pleased me enough to forget that a human had just chosen to come up a robot, rather than in me. For a while, at least, because exactly the same thing happened afterwards, when two new men came in and did a dimension check of our assholes.

"Not doing very well for someone who was supposed to be a slut, are you, Susan?" Subot taunted.

"I'll do the last check myself," Hitoshi said, and from his lack of hesitation, this was one he was relishing. "It's a bit complicated, but I need to sample your pee. Yes, I know it varies, but we've made up what we estimated from the event, and I'd like to see how well it matches yours now. She's got two settings. One will top up a reservoir from a prepared bottle - we can program her so she can do it herself. Otherwise, while she can drink a little, the tank isn't very big, but you can channel whatever goes in her mouth straight into her pee. You just have to remember that it will come out just as it goes in."

Fuck me, that really set my mind into a whirl. Could she suck off my son, then pee his spunk into my mouth? Could I really drink Pina Colada's or Marguerita's straight from a cunt if I had got her to drink them first? Wow, this all sounded much more like the sort of fun I thought I'd get from having a droid. My only problem was how I could squeeze out a taster of my pee, without drenching Hiroshi and the bed, the way I had Yui the previous evening.

Subot had no such hangup. I suppose the way her bladder worked was more sophisticated than mine, because she obviously delivered just a mouthful when asked, which Hiroshi swilled around his mouth for ages.

"Bet you can't piss as far as me," she said, while he was doing it, and she let out a stream of liquid from between her legs, which hit the wall opposite, which she knew no human woman could ever hope to match.​
Next page: Part 17.2
Previous page: Part 16.3