Part 17.2
"No, but I can piss right in your face, bitch," I said, leaping of the bed, straddling over my robotic self, and peeing into her mouth and all over her face. I didn't stop, not that I could have done easily, if at all, before I was empty.
"Well, that wasn't very helpful, Susan, was it?" Hiroshi asked.
"You can either lick it off my cunt, or if the flavours would be too mixed, off her face. Or if that isn't enough, change her mode and drink it out of her pussy, given she's emptied her reservoir."
I wasn't going to have a fucking robot look like more of a slut than me now, was I? Anyway, that took us to lunchtime, and against my wishes, Shuji came back and made me put on a robe and slippers. I guess I could understand it, as the company café was full of mostly young, mostly oriental-looking men and women, but given that their job involved creating sex robots, I thought it would be good to remind them what a real woman looked like.
Over soup and a sandwich, Shuji explained that although they had managed to mock up drinking and pissing in their droids, they simply had no provision for any food that went in to come back out the other, which suited me just fine, except that he explained that anything they did eat would collect in a reservoir where any water was suck out, and the dry residue would need cleaning out. Still, as Shuji pointed out, it made unexpected anal sex with one of the robots potentially a whole load less messy.
He also started explaining some more about Tosu, how they'd had to make some compromises to fit everything in, and how he hoped I'd still be happy with the unique, custom design I had asked them to make for me. I told him I was sure it would be fine, as long as the most important bits worked properly, as we walked back to the testing room.
Subot had gone, I suppose to have some modifications done. I was still frustrated from not having come during the morning, so I shrugged off my robe immediately, half hoping that Shuji himself might fuck me before Tosu came in. I had my back to the door, when I heard it open.
"Well, hello, Susan. Wanna fuck?"
The voice was like mine, but perhaps half an octave lower, and they seemed to have given it something of Marlene Dietrich's husky, sexiness. I turned around, and my mouth dropped open.
"Fuuuuuuck ..." was all I could gasp.
"I'll take that as a yes, then, shall I?" the seductive voice said.
Shit, it was coming from what looked like my face, but the rest of the body was stunningly different. The tits were larger, and both nipples had a droplet of milk growing on them. That was just how I wanted them, of course, as they were based on Julia's heavy, milk-filled breasts.
But even that wasn't what got my attention, though, because down below there was a small cock. Small, at least when she - or was it he - had walked in, but now it was growing hard. And it kept growing and growing, getting horizontal, then pointing up a bit, just the way my younger son Tony's did; again, just how I had intended.
"I must say I'm really pleased with the tits and cock, Susan, but I'm afraid we had to shrink the balls a lot from your son's, else we wouldn't have had space for a working cunt behind them, as well as a fuckable asshole. Ano ... I should apologise as well, because you'll find the slit is shorter. We weren't quite sure what to do - after all a woman's clitoris is basically the cock, but after a lot of discussion we decided we couldn't leave even a reduced version of your vulva without a clit. You'll find that both male and female organs are fully wired up, so you can get her to come either as a male, a female, or both."
"Fuuuuuuuck ..." I gasped again, as Tosu put her leg up on the bed, pulled her throbbing cock to one side, and pulled open what was clearly a miniature version of my cunt.
She - I'd decided that was how I'd think of her - had all the bits I'd specified. A personality as dirty and slutty as me, my face, but with a pair of gorgeous lactating breasts that I could refill for ever, and the most satisfying cock I'd ever had up any of my holes, my son Tony's. What I hadn't really grasped, though, was just how different she would look like when it all came together. It was way beyond even the best Thai ladyboy, the female bits fully working.
"Well, darling, was it a yes or not? I'd heard you were a slut, and though I love your naked body, you don't seem to be living up to your reputation."
Shit, that was the second time my reputation had been questioned, and I wasn't going to stand for it. I could see a drop of pre-cum on the tip of her cock, and a drop of cum was hanging from her pussy lips.
"Come on then, fuck me," I said, throwing myself back on the bed, holding my legs open wide, so that my cunt was open and inviting.
Tosu launched herself at me, her face initially meeting mine, her tongue pushing into my mouth, at the same time as she guided my youngest son's massive cock into my vagina. Once she was right in me, she started thrusting in and out of me. In truth, to start with I missed the feel of Tony's balls hitting my ass, but when I put my hand underneath them, and felt her slimy cunt, any disappointment left me instantly. Tosu broke the kiss.
"Suck my tits, then Susan. Drink my milk, while I fuck you, and you finger my perfect little cunt."
Shit, I didn't really need to be asked or encouraged, though she held one of her breasts, and squirted thin streams of milk over my face, before I could open my mouth and start to suck on her nipple. I could just about reach far enough to get two fingers into her vagina, and use my thumb on her clit, my only disappointment being that I couldn't reach her asshole with the other hand.
I gave in, and just used that hand to squeeze her other tit, feeling the milk running down my belly as it jetted out of her nipple, which I could picture perfectly in my imagination. She, in turn, managed to get one hand between us, and as her cock pumped in and out of my hole, she worked my clit with a skill she could only have learned from me, via her Japanese creators.
I'd been fucked by a man and a woman at the same time before, my Mom and Pop, for example, but never in a single person. I understood that Tosu was just a droid, but with her tit emptying milk into my mouth, her cock reaming out my vagina, and her cunt around my fingers, she felt so real, everything I wanted from sex all in one package.
My body was full of that warm feeling that built up pressure between my legs, and with tingles like electric shocks shooting through it, I knew I was going to come fast. Shuji had told me her clit and cock were both wired into her electronic brain, but I had no idea how she'd know whether to come, and whether here male and female orgasms would come together.
Shuji told me later that the robots sample their touch inputs, but also use their artificial intelligence to work out how close their partner was to coming, which meant that a droid could never come too soon, and although simultaneous orgasms couldn't be promised, they wouldn't come way too late either.
At the time, though, I thought fuck it. If I come to soon, I'll just look like the slut I am, and she can get me again if necessary. So, I just went for it, letting her cock, tit and fingers decide what was happening to me.
I had no idea what sort of sensations were going through her droid brain, but somehow I myself seemed to zone into the electrical signals zipping through her electrical senses. I could feel the sensation of my cunt rubbing up and down her cock, the wonderful feelings my hand was sending though her cunt and her clit, the warm, wetness inside my vagina, and the rubbery nub of my clit under her fingers.
Oh fuck. Oh fuck. I couldn't take any more of that double stimulation, and I came, which only made the feelings going through me even more unbearable. I was sure that I could feel every artificial drop of Tosu's artificial spunk as her artificial cock pumped it into my real woman's most intimate orifice.
I knew that there must be at least three electric pumps working away inside her, for her milk, her vaginal cum and her spunk, but I couldn't hear them at all, just her gentle groans matching mine as the pleasure I was suffering was almost too much to stand. It struck me just how clever these Japanese were at micro-engineering, and I couldn't help wondering if they'd also designed tiny electrically powered sperm, which were now cruising around inside my cunt, trying to track down an egg.
I thought it was a pretty good performance, myself, so I was a bit disappointed not to have got some applause, or even a positive comment from Shuji, but as Tosu pulled out of me, her spunk running out of me, all he did was to say he'd adjust down the volume of Tosu's ejaculate. Oh well, a bigger disappointment was coming, because when I asked her to clean me out, Shuji reminded me that this wasn't a good idea, as it would just go to the waste tank, and if there was too much of it, it might not empty through Tosu's pee, which would come through her cock, as one of the compromises in her vulva.
This left me with gorgeous memories of being fucked the first time by Tosu, but yet nowhere near satisfied. Shuji showed me where I could shower, after he'd told me the rest of the afternoon would be teaching me how to connect to the droids, control them from my phone and tablet, and worst of all, how to clean out the droids and top up their reservoirs. Oh, and I what I kept forgetting: how to set up and charge them wirelessly. Incredibly important, as not only the brain, the pumps and the motion took battery power, but also keeping their synthetic flesh at the same temperature as the human body.
It was late, and my mind was reeling after all the information, when I was driven back to the hotel, not by Yui, who I'd kissed goodbye, but a young Japanese who seemed barely to speak any English, or perhaps just had nothing to say to a sad, middle-aged white woman who'd just been fucked by an hermaphrodite robot.
I walked in to the hotel, and was immediately greeted by the gorgeous young brunette who I'd seen the day before.
"Welcome back, Mistress Susan. I hope you had an enjoyable day at the factory? My name's Anna, and Yui San told me I had to look after you tonight, and make sure you get everything you want."
I liked the way that all the girls called me Mistress, and there was definitely one thing I wanted. More like needed, actually as my cunt was really starting to tingle, as I scanned her face and body, noting her full red lips, her almost emerald green eyes, her wavy auburn hair, and her slim waist above curvaceous hips under her grey, pencil skirt.
Most of all, though it was her pert breasts which caught my attention. The top two buttons of her crisp white blouse were undone, revealing a glimpse of cleavage and the black and white lacy bra underneath, which also showed faintly through the blouse where it was stretched over her tits.
"Thank you, Anna. Everything?" I asked, smiling, "surely there would be some things you might not want to do for me?"
"Oh no, Mistress. My job is to satisfy your every need. I've arranged for us to eat in the private room again, but I'm sure you'll be happy to know that we will be sitting on proper chairs tonight? Just give me a call when you are ready to eat."
Hell, I'd heard of women who were naturally submissive, but I'd never come across one myself. I mean, in my family everyone who knew about the incest trait was sexually aggressive. Could I really have discovered one? Given the images in my imagination of this attractive young woman's body beneath her smart uniform, there was no way I was going to pass up the chance of finding out.
I was ready to eat immediately - eat her cunt, that is. I hurried back to my room, and called reception as soon as I had tidied myself up a bit.
"So, tell me something about yourself, Anna." I said, as another young woman in an identical uniform came in to serve us the first course of our meal. "The waitress looks a bit like you, and so did one of the other girls yesterday. Are they relatives?"
"You could call them that, Mistress. We're all part of what you might say was an unusually large family," she replied, smiling, which made her look more beautiful than ever, and I felt a twinge shoot through me where I was resting on the seat.
"What about boyfriends? I'm sure an attractive girl like you must have loads of boys wanting to go out with you - and get into your panties, no doubt?"
"Oh no, Mistress, I've never let a boy do that. I'm a virgin still, believe it or not."
Fuck, I found it difficult, I have to say, and I knew if Charlie had been with me, he'd have just changed into overdrive at this point, and been determined to take it from her.
"Ah, maybe you're a lesbian then? There's nothing wrong with that, many young girls find they are more comfortable being introduced to the joys of sex by another woman. Especially and older woman, perhaps?" I said, smiling back, and looking for an opening.
"No, Mistress. I've never been with a woman either, though I could see that you and Yui San were enjoying each other a great deal last night. Perhaps I should try it, Mistress?"
Oh, yes, she certainly should. For some reason, though, I was as nervous as I had been the first time I set out to seduce my daughters into sex. I didn't want to frighten Anna, and make her withdraw, and we were still only at the start of a meal where the waitress was in and out all the time. I decided just to play it gently for now, submissive or not, as I started to eat, only going back to the game when we had both finished our starters, and our empty plates had been taken.
"That looks a very pretty bra you have on, Anna. Could I have a closer look? I might like to get one like that myself."
"Oh, yes Mistress," Anna said, starting to undo more buttons on her blouse.
I had to push my hand between my legs to try to contain the jolts of electricity which seemed to be shooting through my pussy, as she kept going, and more and more of her lacy black and white bra was revealed. Shit, now I could see the darker pink of her nipples showing through the sheer material. Eventually, the blouse hit the floor, as she took if right off.
"Well, Mistress? What do you think?"
I thought I needed to fuck her badly, to get those delicious nipples into my mouth, my fingers inside her, and her face buried into my cunt, which was now almost as wet as the wine in my glass on the table.
"Um ... yes ... "
"Here, Mistress, why don't you try it on? At least you can see what it looks like, though your breasts are bigger than mine, so you won't fit into the cups properly."
As the waitress came back with the plates holding our next course, Anna whipped off her bra, and handed it to me across the table. Fuck, freed from the pressure of the bra, I could see that her nipples were not only a lovely pink, but were puffy, the areolas looking like caps on the front of her gorgeous, torpedo-like, perk breasts.
As she handed me the bra, her tits were within grasping distance, but I chickened out of grabbing them while the waitress placed our main courses, without blinking an eye at her colleague's naked breasts dangling over them.
"I think you need to take your own blouse and bra, Mistress, before you can try this on," Anna said, giving another girly laugh.
Shit, what was happening? The submissive seemed to be the one setting the pace, and this would never do if I was going to keep my own self-respect as major slut, let alone anyone else's. I undid my blouse, unfastened my bra, thrusting my larger, naked tits towards Anna. I took her bra, and as she'd predicted, I was only going to be able to put it on with a major squash. I threw it over to the vacant chair behind me, deliberately planning to stop her picking it up again. I was a bit disappointed that she didn't make any comment, nor succumb to a desire to touch me, so I decided to step things up a bit.
"And are the panties matching ones, Anna? I loved the bra, if it were in my size, and I'd like to see if the panties would be equally nice."
Without a murmur, Anna stood up and let her skirt fall to the floor. The panties were indeed matching, and from what I could see, or rather couldn't, it looked as if her pussy was completely bald. I felt a gush of cum moisten my own panties as I had a vivid picture of my tongue licking the smooth slopes on her belly, before my tongue forced its way into her cunt.
"Take them off, and throw them over, Anna. Let me hold them against me and see what they'd look like."
Once again, Anna simply did what I asked. Of course, to make sense of it, I had to drop my own skirt, and pull down my panties. I wondered if Anna noticed the huge wet patch under the crotch, but then I had to suddenly reach out to catch her panties that she'd thrown at me. I almost missed, and they hit my face. God, I almost passed out as the scent of her pussy hit me like a tidal wave.
"Sorry, Mistress," she giggled, "I think they're a bit wet and fragrant."
"Hmm - well, you don't smell like a virgin, Anna. Look, though, our food is getting cold, but the room is warm, so why don't we just sit down and eat the way we are?"
The food was delicious, but I barely noticed, my attention entirely on her beautiful perky breasts, and those luscious puffy nipples, which jiggled around as she used her cutlery and drank her wine. I couldn't contain myself any more, even more determined now that I was going to fuck her as soon as the dinner was over.
"Your breasts are spectacular, Anna. I just wish it was one of your nipples in my mouth rather than this food, however good it is. Look at mine - so much bigger, and starting to sag, I'm afraid."
"Oh Mistress, you should have said. You could have sucked my nipples before we sat down. I've never had anyone do that, and it would be interesting to find out what it felt like."
"Maybe you can find out later, then Anna," I replied, not that there was any maybe about it if I had my way.
My brain was whirring away, trying to work out how to get my hands on her, and break open her virgin cunt without frightening her away. As I finished my meal and put my fork down, I just hit it with my hand, and it fell on the floor under the table with a metallic clinking.
"Pick that up for me, Anna, will you please?"
She ducked down under the table, and I opened my legs as wide as I could, wanting her to get the best view of my slit, and a blast of my perfumed cum. I could feel her close to me. I pulled my chair back so I could reach under the table, and with both hands I forced her head against my pussy.
"Eat my cunt, Anna. You know you want to, don't you? Your panties told me how aroused you were about losing your lesbian virginity."
She didn't object, and the first touch of her mouth on my vulva sent a blast of excitement bursting inside my pussy, and I knew more of my cum was now coating her face.
"Would you like a few minutes before dessert?"
Shit, I hadn't heard the waitress come back in, and I still couldn't believe that she made no comment about the two of us being naked, and Anna's head pushed up between my legs.
"Just give us a few minutes," I gasped. "That's right, Anna. Pull my lips open. Find that stiff nub of my clit, and rub your tongue around it. Aaaah. Yes. Now put your fingers into my hole - as many as you like, because I'm certainly not a virgin."
She certainly took orders well, that was for sure, as her tongue circled my clit, then exploring my labia before returning to their target. Shit, she must be using both hands and all of her fingers, as the opening of my vagina was stretched wide, reaching the delicious point where pleasure and pain merged.
I brought my hands back up, and started massaging my breasts, holding the fullness of each orb, then sliding my hands towards their points, pinching my nipples when I got there, and pulling them out until I heard myself let out a little squeal, as I couldn't stand them being stretched any more.
Oh God, she may have been a virgin, but I'd never have guessed it, given the way her mouth was eating out my cunt, taking me close to coming, then just backing off. I could hear her slurping down my cum, and I could feel myself getting closer and closer to the edge.
"That's right, lick my clit, you little virgin," I groaned to Anna, then "pull my nipples as hard as you can," I whispered, which was just an instruction for me, except that I felt two more hands pushing my own back, then pulling harder than I'd ever dared on my stiff nipples, pulling my whole breast out.
"FUCK!" I screamed, as I came, realising that the waitress must have come back in with dessert, and taken my words as a command for her. It wasn't what I had intended, but having another woman touching my nipples as Anna sucked my cunt was just wonderful.
After I'd recovered my senses, the waitress let go of my tits, and simply walked out without a comment, while Anna climbed out from under the table. The dessert was sweet and delicious, but that's just the way Anna's breasts and puffy nipples looked to me as we ate, and I could feel myself adding more of my cum to the already mess of cum and saliva in between my legs.
"Let's skip coffee, Anna. I want to fuck you, suck those lovely firm breasts and taste your virgin cunt, which I'm sure will taste even better than that dessert."
We stood, and I led her into the bedroom, one arm around her slim waist, and the other gently stroking one of her torpedo-like breasts. I was a bit surprised to see another young woman already in it, presumably just turning down the bed. Was it the waitress, or another girl who looked like her? I couldn't tell, and as I was about to ask her, she spoke first, and completely surprised me.
"Will you be pissing on Anna, Mistress Susan? If so, I'll get a clean sheet and underlay ready."
I was so completely shocked, I could feel my face getting hot, as a blush spread over it, and down my chest. Shit, a slut wasn't supposed to blush, was she? But somehow being asked that while I was naked, and with two girls young enough to be my daughters, must have taken me back to more innocent days.
"Um ... no ... I don't think so, thank you ... unless you want to, Anna," I added as an afterthought, having decided that this was probably a bit too far to go with a woman who had just eaten her first pussy, and who was still a virgin.
"No, Mistress Susan, I 've never let anyone to see me pee."
I might have been embarrassed, but the woman didn't seem to mind at all, and I couldn't wait to get my mouth around one of Anna's nipples until she had finished checking the bathroom, and laying out two chocolates on the bed, with a breakfast room service menu. I bent over and sucked one of Anna's lovely breasts into my mouth, while the other woman just watched, then turned away without a sound.
"Finger me, Anna. Feel what a well fucked, middle-aged, mother's vagina feels like," I said, taking a quick breath before going back to her other nipple, pushing my hand down between her legs.
God, her nipple felt every bit as good in my mouth as I had imagined. I slid my finger along her shaved slit, pushing her legs apart, then slipping a finger between her labia. I'd expected her to be tight, but I could barely get even one finger inside her, even though there was nothing lacking in the amount of cum she was pumping out.
"Lay back on the bed, and let me look up your cunt, Anna. I want to see what a real virgin looks like," I said, after we'd explored each other's clits enough to get both of us panting with renewed lust.
I'd seen up my niece Becky's hole, of course, checking her hymen was intact before I let Charlie take her virginity. Huh, not that I could really have stopped him! But Anna was so much tighter, an almost perfect ring of pale pink skin closing off her opening, except for her peehole and a circular opening barely big enough for my middle finger.
Her hole might be small, but it was sparkling with sticky, translucent cum. Her aroma was strong, but fragrant, musky with perfumed overtones. I bent my head down and touched my tongue gently on her clit, pink, stiff and standing proud of her pussy lips. That was fabulous enough, but Anna had managed to get a hand around my ass, pulling me over her, and her fingers pushed into my own, gushing hole.
"You were right, Mistress, your cunt is so big and wet, I think I could get my whole hand inside you."
"Then fucking do it, Anna," I said, just moving my mouth far enough away from her slit for me to be able to speak. "You know what they say about the difference between a lesbian and a bowling ball, don't you?"
"No Mistress. What is the difference?"
"You can only get three fingers in a bowling ball - so ram your fist up me, Anna."
Fuck, I'd forgotten how rapidly and diligently she took my orders, and she punched her fist into my cunt so hard it pushed me forward, my mouth colliding with her vulva again, more forcefully than I had intended.
She pulled her fist back, making me squirm as a tsunami of pleasurable pain went through my stretched-out hole. I worked my tongue around her clit, enjoying hearing her groans as she got more and more aroused. Did I have the courage to carry through the wicked thought that was going through my mind, though?
"Play with my clit, and ram that arm up me, Anna, while I take your virginity," I said, before locking my mouth over her clit, but moving my fingers to the tight opening of her cunt.
God the way she was playing with me, I almost lost control before I could follow through. I positioned three fingers together, drew my hand back, and rammed them as hard as I could into her virginal hole. I felt something give, and then my fingers touched the flesh of her vaginal wall, her hymen torn and broken.
Anna was groaning still, but to my surprise, not to say disappointment, she didn't scream out, though, and I had to pull my hand out of her, and leave her clit long enough to check for blood on my fingers. There was none, but when I pushed them back in her, they went right in, her hole clutching around my fingers, but with none of the tightness she'd had before.
No, it was me that screamed, as Anna's second hand started rubbing hard on my clit, while her fist was still going in and out of me, making massive slurping noises as she pulled it right out of me, then setting off loud and long pussy farts as she rammed it back in, forcing back out all of the air that had rushed into my gaping hole.
I don't think my hole had ever been given such extreme treatment, but despite my groans and the noises from my cunt, she just kept going. I suppose it was my fault, given that she was a submissive, because I didn't yell stop, though I doubt I could have formed the words, as my body was wracked with pleasure, pain, and every other sort of emotion.
She didn't even stop as my climax tore through me, but just kept going. My clit felt as if it was on fire, and my vagina felt as if it was delivering octuplets or something, as her fist continued to pound in and out of me, filling my belly, then leaving my cunt gaping wide open.
Fuck, I couldn't let that go, so when Anna herself came shortly afterwards, I kept going as well, sucking hard on her clit, and rubbing my mouth against it, while I did the best I could to get my hand up her as well. I didn't make it, but I did make her come, and come and come.
The time came when I started to think I'd never be able to stand again, given the ache in my pussy, and the way my legs were trembling. We pulled apart, gasping and panting, our holes slowly closing back over.
"Thank you for taking my virginity, Mistress Susan," Anna said, "perhaps I am a lesbian now, but I think I'd like to try a cock somewhen as well."
"Not when I can do this, though," I replied, leaning over to suck hard on one of her nipples again, while I stuck my thumb up her cunt, and started to work on her asshole. "Just do what I'm doing, Anna."
What the hell was I doing? I really didn't think I could take any more, but I just couldn't resist those gorgeous tits, and her newly stretched cunt. I wasn't sure I needed to give her any encouragement, but better safe than sorry, I thought. Oh God, we fucked and fucked and fucked, and only when both our breasts were covered in red marks and drenched with saliva, and our cunts were red and sore from our mouths and fingers, even wetter with cum than our breasts, did we stop.
The last thing I remember was Anna pulling the bedclothes over me as I slipped out of consciousness, making me wonder how long she could have kept going. When I woke up in the morning, she had gone, although I thought I'd felt her next to me during the night.
I was checked out by yet another young woman who looked as if she could be one of Anna's sisters, and the Japanese guy from the previous evening took me back to the airport. I hoped this meant that I'd utterly exhausted Anna, the way she had me, and she was taking a day off to ease her aching pussy.
There was a delay to the flight, of course, and I used the time in the lounge to look through some of the pile of instruction manuals and leaflets Shuji had given me. I picked up a little two-page flier, immediately thinking it was a mistake given where I was, because there was a close up of a cunt showing a hymen, just like Anna's had been.
It wasn't just like, though, it was fucking identical! Then I noticed the headline:
"New for models 8 and above: recyclable hymens. Now you can fuck a virgin every time!"
Fucking hell, there could only be one explanation. Anna was a droid, and so presumably were all the other young women at the hotel, perhaps all based on Shuji or someone's idea of female perfection. Shit, I'd spent all evening fucking a virgin droid, who probably was already a virgin again, ready for the next hotel client!
I'd read about some Japanese hotels using robots for check-in, but the description of them was nothing like as convincing as Shuji's robots, and I was pretty sure that you weren't supposed to fuck them.
While on the flight, I went back over my memory, and convinced myself that Yui was a proper human, and although I was looking forward to having the final versions of Subot and Tosu arrive at home, I was looking forward to having a human again.
I was going to have to wait, though, because I fucking came on that evening. Brought a day of two earlier by the vigor of Anna's fisting, perhaps? Anyway, for the next few days I had to make the best of it with my red rabbit. Red, because it was one of those with a rotating, pumping action on the bit that went up me, and after I'd used it the first time, no matter how much I tried, I could never quite get rid of the red rings where the plastic joined.
Maybe it didn't make so much difference, though. Both Jade and Christine were coming up to the last month of their pregnancies. Jade especially, given she was carrying twins, was suffering from all of the horrible side effects of late pregnancy that I remembered only too well: constipation, piles, lack of energy, aching legs, swollen ankles and needing to pee what felt like every few minutes.
A few days later, I was coming to the end of my period, and looking forward to a time when something warmer and livelier than my rabbit would be up inside me again, when there was a knock on the door. I wasn't expecting anyone, but given it was just me, Jade and Chrissy at home, and they were either complaining about their huge bellies, or were going on and on about how exciting having the babies would be. I was more than happy for any sort of distraction, soI went to the door.
"Hi Susan. It is Susan, isn't it? I almost didn't recognise you with your clothes on."
Fuck me, it was Subot and Tosu. Well, it had to be, because they looked just like me, and Chrissy had come up to stand behind me, so I knew it wasn't her. But I barely recognised them either, as they both were wearing smart dresses and high heels, as well as make-up.
"Well, aren't you going to let us in?" Tosu asked, in her husky voice, sounding more than ever like Eartha Kitt with hints of my own voice. "These fucking panties are driving me crazy."
Hmm, yes, I could imagine that finding suitable underwear for Tosu might be tricky. As I looked past him, though, as I tried to find a suitably witty reply, I saw Hiroshi and another Japanese guy walking up from a huge truck, which must have been what delivered the two droids. As he got close and started to speak, Subot and Tosu pushed past me.
"Hi Susan. As you can see, we got them all charged up, and they'll automatically switch to your app to control them, once I turn mine off. We just need to unload all the supplies, and fit up the charging points inside.
Shit, I'd forgotten about all of the fluids that needed storing. Fortunately, Hiroshi told me they were all freeze dried, and just needed water to make them up. Still, there was an awful lot of them. Just as well my old car didn't need to be in the garage at this time of the year. First, though, they fitted up the charging points in one of the spare bedrooms, then went back to unload, leaving me in control of my two droids. Or so I thought. When I went back in, they were chatting away to Jade and Chrissy.
"Now we're triples, Chrissy, aren't we?" I heard Subot say as I came back into the room. "Lucky we're the prettiest, isn't it? I always think a pregnant woman has that special look about her. I'm hoping I'll have a baby myself one day."
Some hope, I thought, as I struggled to remember how to reset Subot's conversation on the app, but my sister, niece and two droids kept on talking about what names they had chosen for the babies, and a whole load of other similar things that I had come to loathe.
I was still fiddling around with the app, when Tosu stood up, pulled up her dress, then pulled off her panties, throwing them away in disgust. Well, I could see why, because whoever had dressed her had given her more of a thong, and her cock was hanging out the side of one of the leg holes.
"Fucking hell, Jade, doesn't that look like ..."
"Tony's cock?" Jade finished off for her mother.
"Yes. Subot is a clone of me, but Tosu is me, only with Julia's milky tits, Tony's cock, and a slightly small version of my cunt. Take your clothes off, both of you, and show them."
"Shit Susan, I'm sure you don't look that fit..." Chrissy said, tailing off as she saw Tosu's body, his cock growing and stiffening the way my younger son's does, as they both knew only too well.
"Why don't you let Tosu fuck both of you? Subot, you can come and eat me out. I've been so frustrated with just my rabbit this last week."
"I wouldn't, Subot, 'cause she's still on a bit," my stupid sister said, either to annoy me, or because she'd forgotten it was a robot she was talking to.
"Ugh, no fear," Subot replied, "I don't fancy that at all."
Shit, even my own droid, that I was supposed to control had turned me down. I know I wouldn't have done it either, but how had Shuji and crew managed to get even that into her artificial personality?
"Unfortunately, I find Tony's cock a bit uncomfortable as well, Susan, now I'm so far gone...", Jade said, a look of regret on her face.
"...and so do I, though I can still manage to take Charlie. Why don't you eat out the two of us, Subot? I bet you've never fucked a pregnant woman, have you, let alone two at once?"
"That sounds much nicer," Subot said, "let's fuck."
I couldn't believe it. I'd only got them - come to think if it, I wasn't quite sure why myself, but I suppose it was as super-intelligent masturbation toys - and it didn't seem as if even that was going to work. Still, I managed to find the super-override setting on Tosu's app, and I selected it.
"Come on Tosu, you'll fuck my bloody cunt, won't you?"
"Of course, Susan, it will be a pleasure," she replied, following me back to my bedroom.
After I'd dashed into the bathroom to remove my tampon, I dived backwards on to the bed, my legs wine and bent at the knees.
"Fuck me, Tosu," I said, completely unnecessarily.
Oh God, it was marvellous to feel Tosu's cock touch my labia, then plunge deep into my vagina. As he leaned over me, I grabbed one of her breasts. As I squeezed it, several tiny jets of milk sprayed out over my face. I pulled it to me, and sucked the nipple into my mouth, drinking in the luscious milk.
I could only catch a glimpse of my own face as Tosu thrust in and out of me, and I was only half conscious that the breasts I was sucking were Julia's, not mine. What I had no doubt about, though, was that it was my younger son Tony's cock that was in my cunt, filling me in a way that I could always recognise.
My mind went back to the time when I'd had to coax him into fucking me, even though he and his brother Michael had set up cameras to spy on me. He was a virgin, and his cock looked small when it was flaccid, but wow, it certainly wasn't when he was erect, and I could still remember the wonderful feeling as it forced its way up inside me, just as it was now.
It wasn't just that I loved about him, though. The fact he was my son, the fruit of my body, of course. No, it was that he wanted to see and experience everything about me, and he saw me do things that even my husband Charlie hadn't. He wanted to fuck me when I was on, in full flow, actually, something that Charlie had done when we were first married, but had stopped since, and after the initial embarrassment, I loved it. Yes, I loved my children, and loved having sex with them, but Tony remained my favourite.
Oh shit, I was going to come soon, as Tosu rammed her perfect recreation of Tony's cock into my bloody hole, making me remember a more recent time when Tony had fucked me when I was on. When my husband was busy getting Fiona, my aunt Rosemary and grandfather's daughter, pregnant, after I'd caught him cheating on me with Dolly, the latest of Brian's admin assistants.
"FUCK!" I yelled, as Tosu set her spunk jetting into my vagina, the pleasure increased by the memory of all the times my son had fucked me.
The trouble was, when I calmed down, there was another memory I couldn't get rid of either. The way my husband had cheated on me, right from the early days of our marriage. Now I understood the family curse, or gift, I didn't mind him fucking other people in the family, but he'd fuck any young woman who'd let him, and worst of all, he was leaving them with his baby inside them.
I needed a shower after that, and so did Tosu, of course. What I hadn't realised was that droids don't have the same need for showers, given that they don't sweat, and the fluids they are loaded with are all sterile, so no one had taught Tosu what to do. She wasn't doing a good job of cleaning off her cock, the one thing that certainly did need doing, given it was streaked with a mixture of red and white fluid.
I ended up using my soapy hands to do it for her. Problem was, her programming wasn't quite able to distinguish washing from sexual stimulation. Her getting stiff was helpful to the cleaning, but I really didn't need the ropes of cum that shot across the front of me, that I had just cleaned off.
Anyway, we managed to finish, but as we dried off and walked back into the bedroom, there seemed to be something not quite right. Then Chrissy and Jade came in with Subot, who was visibly limping. Something was definitely wrong!
It took me a while going through the manuals to discover that both Subot and Tosu had gone into 'limp back home mode'. I'd heard about this in a modern car, that when something is wrong with the engine, it might just keep going slowly: limp back home, as they called it. Turned out that when the droids got low on power, the same thing happened, but rather than giving their nature away, they just started limping. Who says the Japanese don't have any sense of humor?