Part 18.1
Editor's note: this story contains scenes of non-consensual or reluctant sex.
The effect of Susan's disappearance was shattering: like a nuclear weapon going off at the same time as there was a massive earthquake. If I'd ever had any doubt just how much Charlie and Christine loved her, let alone her children and parents, they were totally wiped away.
It wasn't as if anyone really understood what must have upset her so much. Obviously, her husband making her twin sister pregnant had to be part of it, but both Charlie and Christine assured us all that she had come to terms with it. The knife through the droid's heart, or where it had been had it had one, had to mean that those damn droids were part of it.
"I really miss fucking Susan," Charlie said, "but somehow fucking her robot clone seems to make things worse, rather than better."
Tony, and everyone else agreed with him, so those troublesome droids went straight back to the factory in California.
The police, who we had reluctantly consulted, said that in the absence of any evidence of foul play, they couldn't do anything. So, I got the job with my son Hank, of finding her, on the spurious logic that Susan had found Hank for me, so we could find her.
She had taken almost nothing, leaving even her phone and iPad behind, having wiped them first. She'd taken out as much cash as she could get on several of her cards, then left them behind, so we couldn't even track her through them. The only angle we had was that she had taken her car, but that didn't seem to help for several weeks, even though Tony was using all his hacking skills to try to find any record of it.
"Rosemary, Rosemary! She sold her car. I've just found someone else who's registered it," Tony came in yelling one day. "It's in state, and you should be able to at least get some sort of lead from the dealer."
It helped, but only a bit. The dealer said that Susan had looked stressed, and had basically swapped her car for a three-wheeler Harley-Davidson, without even bothering to haggle about the deal. He'd filled it with gas, and she'd ridden off. That didn't seem to help much. Why on earth would she swap from a car to a motorcycle?
A few more weeks had passed, until one morning I woke up with an idea. Susan had been trying to track down Hank's father, knowing only that he was part of a hippie group I also joined, until he threw me out when he found I was pregnant. Of course, he was a wannabe Hell's Angel, and we all rode around,Easy Rider style on hogs. I got Hank to track down Sister Euphemia, the nun who had tormented me, but who had given Susan the initial lead on his whereabouts. She said that she'd found Hank's birth certificate. She'd told Susan his father was Aaron Banks, and she said that she'd found a way to locate him.
She gave us the name of a sheriff, then Hank followed a trail of more local sheriffs, which led to a group of ageing bikers in upstate Vermont, which supposedly was let by an Aaron. That had to be where she had gone, surely? And they must have kidnapped her, or something, else why wouldn't she have come back? Not that that quite explained all her secrecy, but Hank and I set off on the long drive from Montana to Vermont in a giant camper, having loaded ourselves up with pump-action shotguns, some hand guns, and a couple of Kalashnikovs, just in case.
It took a while to find the isolated farm which we were told the bikers owned, and we spent a day checking things out before we drove in the following evening, turning the camper ready for a quick exit. Hank and I got out, and walked to the large farm house, holding shotguns, one of the automatics slung over a shoulder, and handguns tucked wherever we could. We kicked the door open, and walked in.
"Aaron. Aaron Banks. Have you kidnapped my niece, Susan?"
"Huh, Rosemary? Is that really you? And who's the guy with you?"
"That's your son, Aaron. Remember, the one you implanted in me before you threw me out."
"Rosemary, well, well, well. You've got a nerve, coming back." I turned, and saw an overweight woman, her enormous tits flattened under a Hells Angels T-shirt, her grey hair pulled into a pony tail. I recognised her face, but could hardly believe that this was Janice, my arch rival for Aaron's attention when we were young, and whose looks and figure I'd always envied. "Kidnapped her! You must be joking! She came of her own free will, and we'd be glad to get rid of the fucking cunt. You'd think she wanted to be fucked to death, 'coz she never lets up."
"She's right, Bob'd rather fuck her than me, and it's the same for everyone. We've had to keep her drugged up, as even the guys couldn't satisfy her," another grey-haired biker woman said, whose face seemed familiar, but I couldn't put a name to.
Janice went into another one of the rooms, and when she came back, she was dragging a woman wearing only a thin shift, her hair a mess, her eyes rolling, and who was clearly out of her mind on something, and moaning "fuck me," over and over. It was, though it took more than one look, Susan. I grabbed her arm, and pulled her towards me.
"Hey, bitch, not so fast. We hadn't finished with her, 'coz she let us do things to her that our old bitch cunts wouldn't."
Shit, that sent a shudder through me, as my mind struggled to imagine what the hell could they do to her that their own women wouldn't stand, given what Aaron and the other guys did to me all those years ago.
"Put her in the van, Hank -- quick," I said, while I backed out of the door, keeping the old bikers in front of me. "Back off, else I'll let you have lead shot where it hurts you most!"
"You wouldn't shoot us, now would you, Rosy?" Aaron said, unzipping and starting to pull his cock out.
"Oh yes, I would," I replied, smiling. They'd misinterpreted what I said, and I pumped two rounds into the line of bikes lined up over to the side, just between us. The hot lead went through the gas tanks, and the bikes erupted into a flame-filled blast. I turned I jumped up into the van, that Hank had started already.
"Go, Hank. Go!" I yelled, as we shot down the track, as fast as a camper van could ever manage.
It wasn't an easy drive back to Montana, that was for sure, nor were the first few days at the ranch easy either. Susan was so thin, with bruises all over, and whatever she'd been on, she was well out of it, often having flashbacks, which gave her nightmares even when she seemed awake. Luckily, I'd had the foresight to get hold of some sedatives, which helped. I'd heard stories of what it was like getting Jade off heroin, and I guess it wasn't that bad, but while I enjoyed Susan peeing in my mouth while I was sucking her out, stopping her messing up Hank's van and bedclothes was definitely not fun.
"What the hell's she on about, Mom? Golden rain or something, and throwing up riding a bike upside down, and other stuff I couldn't even make out?"
"Well, rain must have been about one of their favourite initiation rites, where the newbie was naked, and everyone pissed over them. I guess the other was that the guys had a game they used to play, called 'Bitch on a Bike'. A naked woman was laid on a Harley, head over the front light, facing upwards, arms tied to each of the handlebars. A guy then got on, put her her legs over his shoulders and shoved his cock up her, and the game normally was to see who could do the most laps before they came.
"Sometimes there was the added spice of getting the woman to come the most times, though they tended to cheat. More verifiable, though, was to get her to throw up, the woman losing if she did, and having to pay a penalty. Believe me, Hank, after you've gone round a bumpy track, upside down, getting fucked by twenty guys, it was hard not to barf."
It was a couple of days before Susan woke in the morning, her eyes showing that she understood where she was, and what must have happened.
"You cunt, Rosemary! You should have left me. Take me back, please."
"I can't Susan. Charlie, Chrissy and all the rest of the family would never forgive me. They want you back. Why the hell did you run, anyway?"
She wouldn't tell me, at first, but she did let me and Hank try to get her back in shape. He went running with her first thing in the mornings, then taught her to ride in the afternoon, which she took to easily; then, of course, we fucked her in the evening.
Gradually she opened up on why she'd disappeared. Somehow, she'd convincer herself that the rest of the family were either so fixated on Jade's and Christine's pregnancy as their time came near, or else they preferred to fuck one of her droids. And worst of all, that having set out to be the biggest, dirtiest slut of the whole family, her own mother, who she'd had to persuade to accept her desire for incest, had shown herself to be an even bigger slut.
I'd delayed telling the family that we had found Susan until we had got her back into better physical and mental shape, but they were, not surprisingly, pushing Hank and I to take her back home.
"We need to take you back home, tomorrow, Susan," I said, but I wasn't surprised when I saw the look of horror on her face, and tears forming in her eyes.
"I can't Rosemary. Please."
"You've missed the birth of Crissy's daughter, Trinity, and Jade's twin boys, Owen and Oliver, and they and Charlie and Tony particularly want you back, Susan. They love you, you know?"
"I love them too, but...."
"But. Yeah. I hated the time with the nuns, not least because they took Hank away from me, but they did teach me about two things. Firstly, about the corrosive effect of carrying guilt, and that the longer you carry it, the worse it gets. Goodness knows, I carried plenty for so many years. Not just that I'd run away from home, got pregnant, then had my son taken away, but seducing your father, my sister's husband, getting pregnant again by him this time, then finally getting pregnant again by his father, your grandfather. The thing is, Susan, you have all the signs of carrying something you feel guilty about, and which you haven't told me. So, what is it?"
"Oh... I can't... you and everyone will hate me..."
"The second thing the nuns taught me, that all good Catholics know, is that the only way to get released from guilt, is confession. If you get it right, it's a bit like having a climax. The pressure builds up and up inside you, but then it's as if everything explodes inside you, and you get that wonderful feeling of release. I can't tell you what a joy it was when you released the incest trait in your family, and I could confess everything to Martha, and all the rest of you. It helped that you all wanted to get at what I had between my legs, sure, but don't you think that will be true for you too? Even though I know you hated me to start with, you have got over it, haven't you?"
I thought she was going to pass out, as she fell against me, her tears soaking in to my dress, but through her sobs, she told me her guilty secret. And shit, was it a doozy! I would never have guessed it in a million years, but for a woman who'd fucked her children, her parents, and many more of her family, not just in private, but in videos which she'd sold online, maybe it wasn't that bad. I was confident that they would forgive her. They would, surely?
I got her to tell Hank later, while I booked the flights, then called Christine to prepare her for our arrival. I hadn't shared Susan's secret: that was for her to do, but having confessed to both me and Hank, she really did seem a bit more like herself. When the three of us fucked that night, she seemed to have regained some of the enthusiasm and inventiveness that had been missing after the rescue.
On the flight the next morning, I'd decided that if I was going to explain to the family why I'd run away, confessing my terrible secret that I'd hidden for almost twenty years, then I was going to do it with style, the style I'd tried to make my own. Even so, I was trembling inside when Rosemary and Hank drove me up to the house -- my house, which seemed somehow different to when I had left it.
When I walked into the big, open plan room, everyone was there, dressed in casual robes: Charlie and Christine, Jade and Tony, Laura and Michael, Lucy and Chloe, Jud and Jason, Mom and Dad, and Brian and Ingrid. Jade's and Christine's babies must have been asleep in another room, I guessed, maybe with Elizabeth looking after them.
"Hello, Susan, welcome back," Christine said, "we've missed you, darling."
It wasn't what she said, but what she left unsaid, and the way everyone was looking at me that nearly caused me to lose courage. They clearly wanted to know why the hell I'd gone, leaving only a cryptic message, telling them not to try to find me. Still, I gathered my strength, and started to speak.
"After Michael's blackmail had made me recognise my own sexuality, I guess I'd stupidly let myself think I was the centre of this family. After all, I helped restore relations between my father and his parents, Brian to come back home, Christine and her family to move from Canada to be with us, Rosemary and Mom to reconcile their differences, and, of course, I found Rosemary's lost son, Hank, who we've all enjoyed. Even more stupidly, I tried to be the biggest, dirtiest slut of all of you.
"Well, that all came to a grinding halt, didn't it? To start with, Mom fucked way more men and women than I did at the big family event. Then everyone got obsessed with having babies, first Jade, then my cheating bastard of a husband decided to get my twin sister pregnant. No one seemed to have time for me anymore. Shit, you even seemed to prefer fucking my droids, and even those fucking robots cheated on me. I thought I'd come to terms with Chrissy having a baby with Charlie, but I found I hadn't.... Fuck!" I gasped as I found myself bursting into tears.
"Now tell them the full story, Susan," Rosemary said in the sort of whisper that everyone in the room must have been able to hear
"Stupid, fucking cunt, you're thinking, aren't you? Is that all?" I asked, brushing away my tears, and trying to pull myself together. "I've got a confession to make, and I'm not sure you'll be able to forgive me for it.
"It was only a couple of months after Tony was born that I realised that Charlie had been cheating on me -- he came home one stay stinking of another woman's cunt, and I just knew. I was devastated. I still fucking loved the cheating bastard, but I wanted to find some way to get back at him.
"Well, only a few days later, the church had a visitor from Africa, who was trying to raise funds for girls who had been raped and had contracted AIDS -- you remember how high profile that all was back then? Isaac was his name, and though he was a priest, he looked more like a body builder, or a male model.
"Because of the church, I had to work with him anyway, but what better way to pay Charlie back than have this black priest fuck me? So, I threw myself at him. I don't know if he'd never had a white woman -- or for that matter a woman of any skin shade -- but I must have flashed my tits and pussy enough that he couldn't resist. And shit, once he'd succumbed, he gave it everything. We fucked and fucked and fucked - in his hotel room, stood up against a wall outside the church before he went in to preach, and even in the church itself.
"God, it was wonderful. Seeing that massive black cock stretching out my hole -- and thank goodness I was still a bit loose from giving birth to Tony, else he might not have got it in me.
"There was a problem, though. I was still feeding Tony -- Isaac loved drinking my milk, by the way -- and my periods hadn't really started up, so I thought I was safe, as we only had five days before he had to move on to the next church on his fundraising trip. I should have known, given the way I'd conceived Tony, but I didn't. I was all set to tell Charlie what I'd done, when I could feel that it was far more than I'd ever intended: I was fucking pregnant. I knew it, though I had to wait a couple of weeks before the pregnancy test confirmed it.
"I mean, shit, cheating on Charlie with a gorgeous black priest was one thing, but there was no way I could pass of a brown baby as his, even if he'd been fucking me rather than the other woman. I'd be cut off from the church, and it would have destroyed Isaac's career, let alone limiting the help those Ra*e victims were going to get in Africa. No, I knew I had to have an abortion, and the sooner the better.
I heard the gasps in the room, but didn't have the courage to look at anyone, but just to try to get to the end.
"I managed to track down Isaac on his travels. I guess he must have mentioned something, because once he got over the shock, he said he could get me in to a not-quite-legal clinic in New York that they used for abortions on Ra*e victims. I told Charlie and Elizabeth that I had to have a small operation for a 'woman's problem' and she looked after Tony, Michael and the girls while I went off to kill their half-sibling.
"Actually, it would have been their half-brother, I discovered. I suppose in a way, it was good that it turned out to be an ectopic pregnancy, the egg getting caught by Isaac's sperm before it had even got properly into my womb, because there was no way he would have survived whatever I had done. The bad thing was that they had trouble finding the embryo that early, hidden away, and when I came around from the anaesthetic, they also told me that they hadn't been able to avoid damaging both of my Fallopian tubes, and then they got infected. So, I'd never be able to have any more children, even though I'd still produce eggs and have periods."
"But Susan, you're still on the pill, aren't you?" Chrissy asked quietly.
"Yeah, I mean it would have been a bit of a giveaway, wouldn't it? I could hardly tell Charlie, could I? I loved him, and I was afraid it would be the end for us. No, I gave up the joy of getting my own back by letting him know I'd cheated on him, and decided never to try again.
"Oh fuck!" I yelled out, starting to cry again. "I never wanted to have another child, but there was my sister, pregnant by my husband, doing something I knew I could never ever do. I was so fucking jealous! It was stupid, as I didn't want to be pregnant myself, but it just released nearly twenty years of guilt and anger, at myself, at my unfaithful husband, and at my sister whose womb was obviously in full function.
"Shit! And you all seemed to have turned away from me as well. I wanted to die, and if I'd had more courage, I'd have got Charlie's gun and shot myself. I couldn't even fucking do that, but I'd found Hank's father, leader of a now aging group of Hells' Angels, and what more fitting end than letting them drug me and fuck me to death."
By this point I was trembling all over, and I fell to my knees, my head in my hands, crying my eyes out. You could have heard a pin drop in the room, as all of my family tried to get their heads around my awful confession. It felt like forever, as I tried to sort my emotions out, release for having made the confession, but fear like I'd never felt before that no one would ever be able to forgive me, and let me back into the family.
Eventually, I managed to get back on my feet. I pulled my dress over my head, wiped my face on it before throwing it to one side, and throwing my arms wide, standing naked in front of everyone.
"They couldn't even fucking manage it, and after Hank and Rosemary rescued me, I realised just how fucking stupid I had been. I love you all, and I've missed you. So, can any of you forgive me even a little bit? Do any of you still want my body that I'm offering back to you, to see if you can do better than the bikers?"
I guess I'd expected, hoped, maybe, that either Christine or Charlie would have spoken first, but out of the corner of my eye, I noticed that Chrissy had picked up the video camera, and had started recording, while Charlie just sat watching. No, it was Jade who stood up and walked over to me first.
As she came towards me, she undid the tie on her gown, and let it slip to the floor. I remembered how skinny she had been when she first arrived with us, her tits empty and sagging. Once we had her off the heroin, she had filled out, but God, she had changed!
Motherhood must have been good for her. Her breasts were full, the nipples darker than I remembered, and one had a drop of milk glistening at its tip. She'd always kept her pussy shaved, her full, pink lips visible between her legs, but now she had a neatly trimmed brown bush, her lips still showing clearly.
"Well, Susan, I for one forgive you. You rescued me from drugs, and forgave me for charging your husband to fuck me when I was working as a prostitute, and you even let me marry your younger son and have his babies. But even they can't fully empty my tits, Susan, so let me suckle you," she said, smiling, and pulling at one of her tits, milking it, sending streams of her milk jetting out of her nipple, covering my face and breasts.
She led me over to a bed, which in my nervousness I hadn't really noticed, sat on the edge, and pulled me so I was laying across her. I'd loved sucking her tits before, but it was now even better, as I closed my mouth on one of her nipples, and sucked down the sweet, warm milk which flooded into my mouth.
I felt her hand skimming over my belly, and I opened my legs for her, longing to feel her fingers on my pussy, as hairy now as hers, and then opening up my cunt lips to reach my clit, and to slide into my vagina. God, how I'd missed her skilled fingers in my slit, gentler than any of the bikers, male or female, but yet far more relentless in sending my arousal soaring.
"I forgive you too, Mom," I heard Tony say behind me, as his hands pulled my ass apart, so he could see my asshole, and his wife's, my niece's, fingers working on my cunt. "You were the first woman I ever fucked, and you let me see you do things, and do things to you in a way that few married couples do, let alone a mother and her son."
I felt something gently stroke across my butt, and I knew it must be my son's cock, which out of my sight had grown again from a little worm to a throbbing, rigid cock, as thick and as long as the black priest's which had caused my downfall.
"Just shut up and fuck your mother, Tony," Jade said, lifting one of my legs, while with the other hand she opened up my hole, and I felt my son, my dear young son, ram his massive cock in me, until it hit the base of my barren womb, his wife's fingers rubbing up and down my slit, pressing on my clit, making the pressure in my belly rise and jolts of pleasure shoot right through my body.
"Sit on her face, Jade, make Mom eat your fucking cunt until you come as well," I heard Tony say, before Jade's tit was pulled out of my mouth, and my body was manhandled further on to the bed, while Tony tried, not quite successfully to keep his dick inside me.
I looked up, as saw Jade's gorgeous vulva descending on my face, her lips apart enough that I could see her gaping vagina, wet with her cum, before it landed on my mouth, filling it with the beautiful salty, spicy tang of her cunt juice. My legs were lifted up between my son and my sister's daughter. My son rammed his dick hard back in me, and Jade's fingers found my clit again.
God, how could I ever have worried about who else Charlie was fucking, or how many of the family were screwing my mother, as long as I could have my son's mammoth tool inside me, and his wife's tasty, wet snatch on my mouth? I could feel Tony and Jade rocking backwards and forwards, and I imagined they were kissing, and Tony sucking milk from her full breasts.
Oh fuck, I was going to come! But I underestimated Jade's skill, as she stopped working my clit, encouraging my son to fuck me harder, and fill my vagina with his potent seed. At the same time she worked her vulva backwards and forwards on my face, rubbing her clit on my chin, my tongue, my teeth and my nose, coating my face with her own cum.
Tony's strokes shortened and became more rapid. Jade obviously knew her husband was going to come in his mother any second, so she pressed harder and faster on my face, and pinched, flicked and rubbed on and around my clit. I screamed into Jade's vagina as I came, pitching and bucking underneath her, as more of Jade's cum flooded into my mouth, and my son's spunk erupted into my cunt.
They climbed off me, leaving me laying on the bed. I saw Christine with the camera, obviously having captured it all, and she zoomed in on my cunt as I caught some of my son's cum on my fingers, then lifted them to my mouth, wet with her own daughter's cum. I licked the white goo off my fingers, and poked out my tongue at the camera, smiling. I'd enjoyed it so much that I'd almost forgotten wanting some more forgiveness, until I heard another voice coming towards me.
I turned to look, and saw Laura, my elder son Michael's wife, walking towards me, holding a baseball bat, and slapping it against her other palm. The bright ginger of her long hair was matched by the ginger of her bush, which she'd now had trimmed into the shape of a heart. Her breasts were capped with bright pink, tight nipples, the freckles of her chest and shoulders thinning towards them and her hands.
"I'll forgive you, Susan, if you can work your trick with this. Michael's batting has been hopeless ever since the season started while you were away. He's rammed this fucking bat up me until my cunt couldn't take any more, but I just don't have a mother's touch, it seems."
"Shove it up her, then, Laura. Tony's cum should make it slip it easily." I heard my elder son say from behind me.
She proved it straightway, stretching my hole, and filling my vagina with the polished maple wood, making me gasp from its coldness inside me, and the forceful way Laura had made my cunt open for it.
"Yeah, Mom, if you can make sure I keep my place in the team, then I'll forgive you, that's for sure. Anyway, I guess I was responsible for starting the transformation from a MILF Mom into a total, incestuous slut, and yours was the first asshole my cock ever fucked, so I forgive you, Mom."
I guess the two of them had it planned, because Laura slid alongside me on the bed, putting me mostly on my side. She was still holding the bat in my cunt with one hand, as she forced my head between her legs, trapping it so that my mouth was eating my second daughter-in-law's pussy. Of course, I knew what was coming next, which sent a shudder through me, from cunted baseball bat to daughter's mouth. Michael lifted my upper leg, exposing my asshole for him, and he drove his cock into it.
God, my belly felt as if it was going to explode, as the bat and Michael's dick fought each other for space inside it, my vaginal wall feeling as if it were screaming out, as it was squeezed between the two. Michael got into a good rhythm, helped I guess by the trail of Tony's spunk that had run down to my ass, and somehow Laura was managing to pump the bat in and out of my cunt less regularly, each thrust sending shivers through me as it hit against my son's cock in my other hole.
I'd managed to get one of my hands down between me and Laura to reach my clit, which was standing proud and exposed where my lips were stretched so far apart. I rubbed it around, sending my excitement levels soaring when combined with the violation of both my holes, and Laura's ginger cunt filling my mouth with her cum as I licked her clit, nibbled her lips, and poked my tongue up into her hole. She certainly tasted different to Jade, though every bit as delightful, and surely it wasn't just my imagination that her juices tasted as ginger as her pubic hair?
My sporting older son was way more brutal with me than his younger brother, my holes feeling as if they were going to split and become one, as cock and bat pumped in and out of me. At least Michael's cock was smaller than Tony's, else it would have been even harder to take them both, though the idea of it sent another thrill racing through me, accelerating me towards coming.
In the end, it was Michael that came, my tight asshole being tightened even more by the bat, I guess, and he dumped his load of come in my bowels, which made me come. As I bit down on Laura's cunt, she came as well.
We lay there panting for a minute or two, until what I guessed was something else they'd planned happened. Michael pulled out of my ass at the same time as Laura ripped the bat out of my cunt, leaving both holes gaping, and now both my holes oozing one of my son's cum. When I looked around, there was my sister capturing it all with her video camera.
God, I was really starting to enjoy this confession business. Sure, I'd been fucked by both son's and their wives before, and in front of an audience, but I hadn't realised just how much I'd missed it, and none of Aaron's old bikers had managed to get anywhere near the intense sensations I'd just experienced as I'd come.
I was just wondering who might be coming next, when I heard muttering and giggling. I looked up, and saw my gorgeous, naked, twin daughters in front of me laughing, and my sister's naked twin boys, Jude and Jason, equally indistinguishable, their cocks stiff as tree trunks pointing out in front of them.
"We'll forgive you, Mom, if you let us get married," one of my daughters said, though whether it was Chloe or Lucy I had no idea, separation having done nothing to improve my ability to distinguish them, even the little bluebird tattoos on their bellies being perfectly matched.
"OK, but who's marrying who?"
"Don't be silly, Mom," the other daughter said, "we're all marrying as a foursome."
"It's legal for cousins to marry, remember..."
"Yeah, Tony and Jade..."
"... and we've fixed that Tony can hack the marriage records..."
"... so they aren't clear, at all..."
"... and we'll just all live together, fucking whichever partner we want, Mom."
"That's fantas..." was all I managed to get out, as four naked young bodies all launched themselves at me.
I remember seeing some nature program about snakes mating, where loads of them were all tangled together, the males all fighting to get at the females. I guess that must have been what we looked like, and certainly felt like. Five naked bodies writhing together, all of my holes being occupied just about the whole time, as well as my hands.
One minute it seemed I had a cock in my cunt, someone's fingers in my asshole, and one of my daughter's vagina's leaking into my mouth, one hand on another cock, and my thumb and fingers filling my other daughter's two holes. The next, I had a tit in my mouth, a fist in my cunt, and goodness knows whose fingers pushing against it from my asshole, another tit in one hand, and rubbing a cock-filled pussy with the other.
My tits were getting sucked hard, and I was giving as good as I was getting when I managed to grab one of my daughter's breasts. I heard my cunt slurp loudly, as either Lucy or Chloe wrenched Jude or Jason's cock out of me, forcing it in into one of her own holes, or maybe even her sister's. And we all played ten-handed on clits and dicks.
Eventually, it all became too much, though I had no idea who came first, who came in who, or which hole was filled, as we all rolled around on the bed, banging against each other as we surrendered all control to our climaxes. As soon as we had extricated ourselves, leaving me on the bed, my face covered in cunt juice, and my holes still leaking, I saw my mother and father walking towards me.
Dad's cock was stiff, bigger than I remembered it, and I watched it pulsating up and down as he spoke first.
"You were the first of my children and grandchildren that I fucked, Susan. When you made your mother accept her fundamental nature, I could fuck her sister again,without her blaming me for it. So, let me fuck you again, and I'll forgive you, Susan."
It was only when Dad was speaking that I noticed that while my Mom's tits were bare, she was wearing some sort of granny pants, which confused me.
"Not so fast, Henry. She was always the troublesome daughter, wasn't she? Always wanting to push things just that little bit too far. She stole her sister's boyfriend and married him, and it took him years before he got to fuck her, and nearly twenty before he got her pregnant. I accept she reconciled me with my sister, and the first time my grandson's cock slid up my cunt, I might have forgiven her. Alright, I'll forgive you, if you can show that you're a bigger slut than me, which seems to be what you want.
"You're wondering why I'm wearing these panties, I guess, Susan? Well, I did some preparation when I knew you were coming. I got all of my older male relatives to fuck me -- there must have been at least thirty of them, and I've left their cum inside my holes. Actually, there's a pad inside to make sure none of it got lost. Yes, darling, I am a fucking slut, aren't I?
"But wouldn't it take an even bigger slut to eat all of that cum out of her mother's holes, and lick it all off the pad? I'm afraid also that I needed to pee, and I didn't want to lose any, so you'll find the pad will taste a little pissy, darling. And of course, Henry is going to fuck you, and together we're going to find out just what a huge cunt you have. OK?" she said, giving me a wicked smile as she carefully pulled down the panties, pulled out the pad, and forced it into my face.
Even though I'd already come several times, I felt a shock like lightening shoot through my pussy as the sticky mass of spunk and Mom's piss covered my face, and was forced into my mouth. Oh yes, I was going to fucking show her who was the bigger slut, so I licked and swallowed with pleasure.
"Don't worry, Susan, I'm keeping my legs closed so you won't miss any. Help me pull her fucking cunt open, Henry. I want you, and everyone else be able to see right into her vagina, and all her sons' and her sister's sons' poor little sperm fighting to get into her womb, not knowing that even now she is off the pill according to Rosemary. that they haven't got a chance.
"It's not just the family I want to see up her, but to show everyone who will buy the video that her sister is making, just what a fucking slut our daughter has become."
God, the way Mom was talking about me was turning me on big time, but it was what was happening between my legs that was the killer. Dad must have got a couple of fingers into one side of my cunthole, then Mom got a couple on the other side, and between them they were stretching me wide. The pain was shooting along my gash, sending my clit into a spasm, and I could feel a cool breeze playing over my cervix, so I knew my hole must be stretched open more than even Michael's baseball bat had done, and I just hoped that my sister had caught it well in close-up.
"Now ram your cock up your fucking slag of a daughter, Henry, while I keep my fingers in her as well. Have you finished with the pad yet, Susan? I want it as clean as can be."
I gave a grunt and tapped Mom's leg to let her know that I had. She pulled it off my face, but immediately swung one leg over it. I could see the cum oozing out of both her holes, as she lowered herself on to my mouth, and I drank down the cum of all those great uncles and grandfathers along with the slime from Mom's vagina.
"Take your dick out of her pussy, and ram it into her asshole, Henry. Then we can see just how far we can open up her cunt, and how many fingers we can get in her. Let's see just how much of a fucking slut you are, Susan."
I was enjoying the feel and taste of my Mom's spunky cunt in my mouth, but I really started to tremble when I heard the tone of her voice, a tone I recognised from when I was a kid and she was cross with me or Chrissy, or even someone else, and she'd developed a plan to make us or them pay for it.
I felt my father's cock batter its way into my anus, fortunately well lubricated by my sons' and nephews' semen, and I felt several of his fingers push into my vagina, his thumb rolling my clit around under it.
"Open your mouth wide, Susan," Mom said, lifting slightly up from my face, and adjusting her position.
For a moment I wasn't sure what she was intending, but then she lowered herself back slightly, and I could feel her straining down. She let out an enormous wet fart, cum spraying over my face, the sound echoing from my open mouth, which caught most of the gooey mess that came out of her asshole.
"What a fucking slut you are, Susan! How many daughters would let their mother fart their ancient relatives' sperm into her mouth, and you are swallowing it down, aren't you darling? Henry! Surely you can get your whole hand into her cunt? You managed to fist her sister when she was still pregnant, so even though your dick is in her as well, you must be able to get it all in."
I knew she hadn't finished, as I could still feel globs of cum hanging out of her ass, but after another three or four farts, when I sucked hard, nothing more came out, and Mom moved her spunk-covered slit back over my mouth, and bent forward.
God, my whole body was tingling, my belly full with my father's cock and fist, and now Mom's hand taking up teasing my clit. I was overjoyed with the realisation that I was really the massive slut I'd always intended, and that not only were the family going to see it, but whoever bought the videos as well.
I sucked my Mom's cunt, licking out the multiple loads of cum that came out of her vagina, loving the taste of it, mixed with the spicy, acrid flavour of her own secretions.
"Go on, Susan, make me come on your face, you motherfucking cunt," she screamed as I bit her labia and nibbled and licked her clit.
Dad started pumping his fist in and out of my cunt, changing the tempo compared to his cock which was pistoning in and out of my asshole, leaving me with a feeling of emptiness inside, only to be followed by massive pressure, as cock and fist met up with each other, pummelling my vaginal walls, pushing my bowels back up into me. It was just such a wonderful feeling, taken to perfection by my Mom's skilled fingers massaging my clit and the over-stretched flesh around my hole.
"Make her fucking come, Martha, and you can get her again when I fill her ass from my balls."
I timed Mom's cunnilingus to try to match the pace that her fingers were sending me racing towards my climax, and I came. Hard, my hips trying to twerk up and down, but my father's cock and hand didn't slacked he pace of ramming in and out of my holes, and Mom still kept pressing my clit, turning ecstasy towards pain, as my body screamed out for release. I felt her come herself on my face, and I bit hard on her lips, making her scream out as well.
"Oh, Susan, you'll fucking regret that," she croaked, as we both let our arousal die back, even with my father still fucking my holes hard.
"Pull your fist out of her cunt, Henry. Just leave a few fingers in so I can get mine in as well."
Oh God, I thought they'd stretched my vulva as wide as it would go earlier, but I was wrong. Dad's pace had slowed, and he'd pulled his cock out of my ass partway, then I felt multiple fingers pushing their way into my cunt. I screamed against my Mom's pussy, as the pain in my stretched hole went through the roof.
One of their hands must have got completely inside me, which reduced my agony, but then it ramped up again, as my other parent brutally forced my hole to open even further. I screamed again, as my Mom let out a yell of triumph, as the second fist disappeared into my vagina, my poor hole doing its best to close around their wrists, and I sank my teeth into the tender lips surrounding her clit to give her some pain in return.
My guts felt as if they were going to come out of my mouth, especially when my Dad rammed his cock back into my asshole, his balls hitting on my ass. I wasn't sure whether this was the best or worst experience of my life, my belly aching from the hands and cock up inside it, the gorgeous feeling of my Mom rubbing my clit turning into a jagged rasp of pain every time my father's cock drove back into my anus. The taste of Mom's cunt, as I sucked and tongued her cunt, just added to my pleasure.