Page 02

Together we step out and dry each other off. Once we are dry we head to the bedroom to dress. Barbie puts her sweats on from earlier in the day and I put on my shorts and tee from yesterday since I didn't get to wear them very long. They went off to the kitchen and looked into the fridge together.

I say, "You know what, I don't feel like cooking tonight. How about you?"

"Not really. How about we order delivery?"

Again we look at each other and smile, "Pizza!" We blurt out together.

After a good laugh, we remembered any time our parents didn't want to cook either, it was usually pizza the kids begged for. "Hawaiian?" Barbie asks.

Our parents didn't care for it so we rarely got it as kids. I answer, "Is there another kind?"

I move to the house phone, and dial Papa John's from memory. When they answer I recognize the voice and say, "Evening Peter, it's Officer Ken. I want to order my special Hawaiian please, a large one tonight. And for delivery, please. Long day and I'm not up for getting out again. I'll pay cash as usual. How long? Okay, that's fine." I hang up and turn to Barbie.

She is looking at me with a curious expression, "Special Hawaiian? And they know you by name and you of them too it sounds. How cute."

"I have had some doozies on this job and have resorted to pizza as a balm for those days. Sometimes I pick it up and sometimes I have it delivered like tonight. I had a good day today but for some reason am feeling a little drained."

"Um, that sounds serious, maybe we should get some water back into you." Barbie grins at me, loving her brother all the more.

We reach back into the fridge and I grab two bottled waters. Being cheeky I push one up to Barbie's twat. "Hey that's cold but wait it feels pretty good, thanks Bro."

I chuckle watching her hold it in her crotch as she waddles to the couch. "Now that's cute. Don't refrigerate that too much. I wanna be able to slip in without frostbite later."

Barbie giggles at my being so silly. I join her on the couch and she grabs my bottle and swaps it for hers. I laugh, shocked.

"What, that one was getting warm enough not to help."

"Glad to be of service ma'am." We sit in peace for a minute then I grab the remote and flip on the TV. "How about a movie? That way we can start now and finish while we eat."

"Okay. Got anything in mind?" I look at her out the side of my eye and say, "Robocop?"

"Oh, you're so bad. No. How about a Rom-Com in the spirit of our new relationship?"

"Okay, you pick one out you haven't seen yet but wanted to."

I hand her the remote and lean back hoping for something not too sappy. She looks through the newer movies but doesn't see anything she likes so flips to older movies. She finds and picks out 'Hope Floats'. I think I remember it was pretty good and did always liked Sandra Bullock. She starts the movie playing and we settle in.

About twenty minutes later there is a knock at the door. Barbie pauses the movie and I hustle to our bedroom for cash. Then returning just as quickly and opened the door just as the kid outside was about to knock again. "Evenin' Charlie. How much tonight?"

Startled, he stumbles for a second and then looks at the ticket. "$28.50, Officer Ken."

I nod and pull up my cash, pulling out $35 and handing it to the kid. Smiling he says, "Keep the change Charlie, Good night."

The kid quickly makes sure he has enough and says, "Thanks, Officer Ken. Good night to you too." The kid turns and heads back to his car and onto the next delivery.

Bringing the hot pizza to the couch and dropping it down blowing on my fingertips. Then head to the kitchen and grab a couple of Mike's Hard Lemonades. Popping the tops off on the way out of the kitchen, tossing them into the trash. Getting back handing one to my sister I then lean in to kiss her lips tenderly. "Damn, I could do that all day Barbie. I love you Sis."

"Me too, but I'm too hungry to do that now." She grins giving me a peck on the lips then grabs a slice of pizza and starts eating like she's starving.

Chuckling I reach in, grab a slice, and join my sister in eating our favorite pizza. Barbie flips the movie back on as we enjoy our meal. When we are both full there are still 2 pieces left, 'The beauty of a large' I muse amused. Closing the box pushing it away from us, then I slide in and cuddle with my beautiful sister and the best lover I have ever had. We finish watching the movie then after dropping the leftovers in the fridge head to bed. We make love just like the night before, this time remembering to take a shower together before going to sleep.

The couple decided to go ahead and have their DNA checked at independent labs and get clean bills of health. Their relationship continues for a few months until one day their parents stop by to check on their kids on one late afternoon. Seeing their son's truck they know he is home. They knock but after not getting an answer after trying twice. They use their spare key figuring the kids might be in the small backyard. They head on in but after several steps in they hear noises from upstairs. They move towards the sounds and in short order recognize the sounds of passionate sex.

Mom looks at her husband and whispers, "You don't think?"

"Why not, they're young, virile, active, and beautiful kids." With a knowing smile, they move slowly forward to the open bedroom door.

They slowly look in together and see exactly what they expect, their kids having incredibly hot sex together. They watch until both their kids cum together and collapse in an exhausted heap. Dad tugs on his wife's sleeve and nods behind them. They slowly back out not making any noise and leave quietly.

Once they were back in their car and headed away Mom says, "That was fucking hot. They moved so well together and they looked like it was just sex I think I saw love there too."

"Yup, you're right, hot definitely describes what we just saw. I guess now it's time to have them over for some honesty."

"It's going to be great honey, no more hiding from our kids." Dad just smiles and drives them home with a grin plastered to his face.

A couple hours later Mom calls Ken and asks, "Can you come to the house on Saturday."

"Sure Mom, is anything wrong?"

"No Honey, we just miss our kids. See you on Saturday, come early okay."

Without waiting for an answer she hangs up forestalling any more questions. She smiles and looks over at her husband of 28 years. They are lying there naked after just having incredible sex themselves after witnessing their children enjoying each other so thoroughly. "They are coming over as you suggested. I can't wait to let them know we saw them and are okay with it."

As Saturday arrives the kids head to their parents wondering what could be on their parent's minds. It didn't seem to me it was just wanting to see them since Mom hung up so abruptly. We arrived in no time since I had bought a house near enough to be able to visit but far enough I still had my own life. They go in the door without knocking as it's their parent's house, where they lived as children until leaving to start lives of their own.

I holler out "Mom, Dad we're here. Where are you?"

Mom calls back, "Upstairs kids, cum on up." They hear their parents chuckle.

They trudge on up the stairs. When they get to their parent's bedroom together they are shocked by the sight before them. Both parents are naked and Mom is laying on her husbands' chest on her back with his cock firmly shoved into her ass. "Come on in, kids. We have been waiting for you. Kenny get those clothes off and get over here and fuck your mothers' pussy. It won't be any worse than fucking your sister after all." Mom smiles letting the cat out of the bag.

"Come on boy, your mother is waiting for your big cock to fill her pussy while I pound her from behind," Dad says with a broad grin. I slowly start taking my clothes off and then I pick up speed until all the clothes are on the floor.

"I told you he's almost as big as you are. This is gonna feel awesome." Mom quips.

Barbie gets a little cross, by the look on her face and says, "That means there's no cock left for me." She pouts.

"Oh Honey, strip down and sit on your Daddy's face, he's really good at that too."

I step up and rub my cock on Moms' soaking wet pussy getting myself ready. When it's sufficiently covered I push straight in to feel her hot pussy wrapped around my hard cock and moan. "Jesus Mom your pussy feels great and fucking Hot." I compliment Mom.

She smiles and replies, "It's all yours for this round."

"Pound her Ken, she loves that." Dad encourages his son.

Grinning and looking at his beautiful sister I say, "It must be a family trait." Barbie giggles.

Once naked she climbs up and sits on her father's face facing towards me. Dad immediately begins eating his daughter, Barbie cums for the first time in just a few minutes.

Meantime, I began plowing my mother and after several strokes, I got the rhythm down with our father. As one shoves in filling the mom the other is pulling out. She begins moaning when each cock bottoms out inside her. In short order, Mom cums explosively.

When she gets her breath back she says, "Oh My God! That was great fellas. But now's the time for both of you to fill me up in both holes. Get to it, boys." I look at his Dad and grin, "We gotta do as Mom asks right Dad?"

Dad just grins and nods and we return to pounding her to get off too. Dad returns to eating Barbie again too. This time we all cum together. Barbie nearly drowns our dad when she cums so hard this time squirting all over his face.

After she can move though, she quickly pushes her brother out of the way and starts sucking the cum from her moms' holes. Mom cums again lightly flushing Kens' cum out directly into her daughters' slurping mouth.

They all lay on the bed for a few minutes catching their collective breaths When everyone is good again Mom tells the two men, "Now it's time to switch holes and do it all again." She tells me to lay down and she will mount me like she did our father.

"Wait Mom, I want to get in on this too. I want to fuck you too. Please?" Barbie laments.

"Sure baby but how?" Mom asks.

Barbie smiles, "Let me show you, I'll be right back." She almost runs from the room and into her old room. She grabs what she is after right where she left it a few years ago. She puts it on and returns quickly. When Barbie walks back in they all stare as she is wearing a good-sized flesh-colored strap-on. "Let's make you airtight Mom. Would you like that?" Barbie asks her with a devious smile.

"Oh God Yes. I've always wanted to try it but we never found anyone to try it with until you kids. Thank you Honey."

"Careful what you wish for Mom." Barbie quips back.

Ken then pipes up and says, "I got an idea to make it easier for you Mom. Dad get back on the bottom again but Mom you turn over and that way Barbie can fuck your face easier for both of you and Dad and I still switch holes."

Both parents love the idea and move back to positions. Barbie says, "That's my smart brother always thinking outside the box, or is that about the box?" They all laugh and get set up.

Barbie starts beside her Mom and says, "Suck my cock Mom, get it nice and sloppy so I can fuck your throat." Mom grins and immediately starts sucking the phallus until it is coated in her spit. Barbie moves back over her father's face and he starts back in on her pussy. I help Dad get in Mom's pussy then without pausing shove my cock into Mom's winking backdoor. We men get back to the previous rhythm and Mom starts moaning loudly. Then Barbie shoves her cock into her mother's mouth and completes her being airtight and Mom moans around her daughters' phallus. Barbie makes sure to pull out often enough so her mother doesn't pass out. They go on like that until Mom cums hard and squirts all over her sons' crotch and legs. Everyone pulls out of their respective hole and lets Mom recover. She lays across her husband's chest like a limp rag. "Okay, boys time to fill me up again, and Barbie I would love for you to clean me up again."

We men just grin and return to our assigned orifice. Barbie takes the strap-on off to be ready to suck her moms' holes clean again. "It would be my pleasure Mom."

We go back to pounding the horny hot woman between them. After both men dump their loads into her again, Barbie jumps in and I already know to move out of the way. Barbie enjoys cleaning out her Mom's holes again, this time both have little orgasms at the purely erotic moment. Fortunately for me, Barbie has to stand up and squat a little to access our moms' holes which gives me the perfect angle and target then.

Since I am hard again already I step up and gently push into my sister's pussy. Barbie moans again into our mom's snatch. Mom and Dad just watch as the kids make love over the top of the two of them. When I drop a third load and step back, Mom pushes off Dad. Mom returns the favor to her daughter and sucks her sons' still huge load from Barbie's steaming pussy. They all crawl onto the bed and the two couples cuddle and mother and daughter hold hands.

After a while Mom says, "Well Barbie are you ready for the other cock?"

"Sorry, Mom, sorry Daddy. I'm not ready for that yet. Besides the love Kenny and I share I don't need anyone else. Plus I want to stay 'Daddy's little girl' and I think that would change if we had sex. Is that Okay?"

Dad answers, "That's perfectly fine pumpkin. I don't think I have another one in me today anyway." Dad looks over at her, smiling at the love for her as a father is not diminished one iota.

"Who's up for showers then?" Mom asks. Everyone raises a hand and they all laugh. Mom and Dad go into their En-suite bath and the kids go to the one they shared as kids. Both couples get cleaned up and meet up back in the kitchen for drinks of water first. Then move to a light lunch.

When they are all sitting around the table eating, it's time to address the elephant in the room. I say, "Okay, while that debauchery was awesome, where did that come from?"

Barbie adds, "Yeah, you guys did the wink-wink nudge-nudge thing before we all jumped into it, what gives?"

"Well, our story goes back of course before you were born when we were kids still in High School. It's why we never saw any of our family during the holidays. You see, your father and I are brother and sister too. We had to hide it from the outside world for so long when we found you guys having sex the other day we knew it was time to cum clean." Mom giggles and Barbie does too, while the men chuckle.

Barbie asks breathlessly, "Oh tell us about how you fell in love please Momma?"

"Of course Baby, that's what I'm doing now." Mom smiles at her daughter's exuberance to know.

"We had a childhood much like you did, only we are less than a year apart. So when your father was a Senior and almost 19, I had just turned 18, he was seeing someone but she was a bit frigid. He was headed to his Senior prom and as it turned out one of his classmates had asked me to go. So we did the whole Pre-Prom pictures before we left thing, and then we drove to the dance. Nearly as soon as we got to the dance my date started hinting at the tradition of Prom of the sex after. Initially, I just looked at him like he was crazy. He had never taken me out for a date even, he just asked me out for this Prom a couple of weeks before. As the night went on I was getting more uncomfortable and made my feelings known to both my date and my brother."

"He took my date aside and tried to get him to cool it, his sister wasn't 'some plaything' he had said, I overheard him tell my date. He was a little drunk and got stupid and said to my brother. 'Sounds like you want her first. Gonna fuck your sister tonight instead of your date Dude?' My brother pushed him off of him and the guy went full mental and came at him. Your Dad set his feet and dropped the guy with one punch to the chin and we left him right where he dropped. To cap it off his date dropped down to see if the asshole was ok, like my brother was the problem. He told her, "We're done and she could stay with that asshole."

He took me home but on the way, we stopped so we could collect ourselves. I was shaking so he pulled me in to hold me so I could calm down and I noticed he was shaking too. I found out two things later. One the guy had taken a bet with some of your father's friends that he couldn't bed his little sister, of course, he took the bet. And that my brother was shaking in anger over his fight and excitement over the thought of sex with his sister, it had struck a chord."

"I leaned back towards the passenger door and I pulled him with me away from the steering wheel. Next, I straddled his lap to hug myself against him worried about his shaking. I pulled back after a bit and looked into his eyes and saw the truth, he wanted me. Right then I wanted him too, but having never thought of him in that way I didn't know what to do. My brother saw the shift in my body, my attitude, and my eyes as I searched his. He leaned in and kissed me tenderly and we were off to falling in love. We kissed for a bit until a car passed us and we decided sitting in the open might not be the best idea. We went to a motel away from the event and made love for the first time. It was the sweetest thing ever. I still think fondly of it to this day."

"Wow!" Barbie and I say together. "And you have been together ever since?"

Mom looks sad for just a second but both of us see it. She continues, "Well, until I was a Senior we were able to keep it from everybody. Then our parents caught us in the act at home and with a blistering rant at my brother, who was kicked out for 'corrupting' his little sister. I told them it was both of us but they just shut me down. They did ground me for a long while though. We weren't able to speak or see each other until the day I graduated High School. My brother showed up to support his little sister, watching her graduate but the disgust from our parents was palpable to us."

"When the ceremony was over and the family came to me to congratulate me they almost got into it right there, nearly spilling our secret love. They tried to take me home and away from my brother. That's when I put my foot down and told them in raw husky whispers that I loved him and was going to be his wife. They almost had heart attacks right there. They got all stiff and walked away leaving us standing there. My brother pulled me to him in a hug to comfort me but I didn't need comfort I needed him. I told him to take me home with him and make love to me again. We have been together since and moved away to be together, living as husband and wife since that day."

The kids repeat themselves, "Wow!"

"That's so tragic and romantic at the same time Momma. Thank you for sharing that with us." Barbie says with tears in her eyes.

I grin at Dad and say, "Dropped him with one punch huh Dad? Nice."

Dad grins back and replies, "He was stupid as well as drunk. He was under 6' and maybe 150 pounds, I was almost the size I am now, no contest but it was really satisfying watching him drop." They all chuckle at the image. At this point, lunch is over and they all quickly clean up.

They move to the living room to continue the conversation on a different tack.

I opened up with, "Well, not knowing this we had some DNA tests done to be sure we didn't have any genetic issues if we decide to have kids. Barbie was all ready to have kids that first day." I smile at her and kiss her tenderly.

Then I continue, "Would you two consider getting the tests done too? Just so we can be careful if we go down that road."

Their parents look at each other and then look back grinning Mom says, "Of course Kenny, we want grandkids."

Barbie jumps up with a squeal to hug both of their parents at the same time. I just look over Barbie's shoulders smiling at them with tears in my eyes, now knowing I will have children with Barbie someday.

The kids give their parents the companies they used and just for symmetry Dad uses Ken's lab and Mom uses Barbie's. A surprise came when the results came in as they had also submitted the DNA to the major ancestry sites on a lark. Of course, the little incestuous family showed up on their own branch. The surprise came when the parentage of the parents came back different, Mom had a different father. Turns out their Mom, our grandmother, had an affair at the time of her conception. Our grandparents had patched things up before she found she was pregnant so they assumed her husband was the father. The now adult children, parents themselves went back home and confronted their mother with the DNA results.

She immediately starts crying and saying to both her children and her husband how sorry she was. The elder father almost had a stroke as he got so mad his face was nearly purple. The kids calmed him down and asked about the cause that would drive their Mom to another man. He admits he was rarely home then, working too much, and when he found out they split for a bit before working it out. Then her pregnancy brought them together even stronger. He stops working so much to spend more time with his family. It turns out the older parents had been to some dinner party and had been convinced to do the ancestry thing. They didn't get much back but some cousins on each side, until now.

The younger parents ask if they would like to meet their grandchildren. After a pregnant pause while the older pair look at each other, they both look back and nod 'Yes'. Our Dad calls us and tells us to come over to the house providing the address several towns over. A short time later we kids show up. I surprise them by arriving in my police uniform. After introductions and some guarded hugs, they all sit back in the living room.

The next surprise shocks the grandparents again, as both women take seats in the men's laps with loving kisses for them. Dad says to his folks, "Our children have become a couple as well. It's what started this road with the DNA and ancestry thing. They want to have children together. Now we know how My sister and I don't have the same father plus our genetics are clean, they can."

I cut in and looking at Barbie said, "And we will soon." Barbie gasped not knowing yet I had decided I was ready.

"Oh Kenny! I love you!" She plants a passionate kiss on my lips with everyone watching as she begins to cry happy tears. Both mother and grandmother begin to cry too seeing the love there.

Grandmother looks at grandpa and says, "Boy did we screw up. We lost our family for nothing. Now we don't deserve them." She begins crying harder at their pain and stupidity.

Grandpa looks at Ken and asks, "But how can you do this, you're a police officer, it is illegal after all."

"Because Barbie is the most important thing in my life. I have no regrets. Other people's morality shouldn't be the yardstick anybody measures love by."

His grandfather sees the recriminations in his attitude and says to them all, "I'm sorry. We're sorry. We shouldn't have been so stupid as not to talk to our children." He puts his head in his hands in shame and regret. The younger parents each move to a parent to console them, the younger Mom to her father, son to his Mom.

After a bit, everyone is calm enough to discuss the future. Our parents tell their parents how their lives had been in broad strokes. First, they moved to a place where common law marriage still exists and became husband and wife legally after seven years there. The community is small enough that it won't work for Ken and Barbie as they are known too well in their circles. They will need a new community of their own.

The grandmother sees the answer before anyone else and hopes it will repair the damage done by their insensitive response to their children's love. "We could switch houses. They could move here and we could take their home. That way we could be close to our own children again and the grandchildren would have a new bigger community." She then almost whispers, "Common law is still legal here too."

Ken quickly grabs his cell and hits Google to check on the local police force website for job openings. There are a few positions open, even one for a Sergeant. He looks at Barbie and just nods. She looks at her grandparents and asks, "You would do that for us even after all of the history?"

Her grandfather answers, "It's because of that history we need to do this for our... grandchildren."

"If our children can forgive us, we want to make it up to all of you. Our children lost their parents. Our grandchildren had their grandparents stolen from them by stupidity and prejudice." Grandmother finishes.

"This would be a step in repairing that rift we created by being utter fools." Grandfather adds.

I say, "How would this work? I don't own my home, I'm still paying a mortgage and we definitely couldn't afford to buy this place from you."

Grandfather smiles and says, "I would sell you this place for a dollar, I own it outright, we have for years. One of the good things about having worked so hard all those hard years. Plus we have quite a nest egg that we never touched."

Our parents looked stunned at the generosity of the man they had hated for so many years. Years later they realized it was a waste of energy and just moved on with the life they had built. The returned children hug their parents for the first time in years in love, all for the benefit of their children. No. For their benefit too they realize, getting their parents back after so long. Barbie and I are stunned.

I asked Barbie, "What do you think Baby? Are you game?" So choked up she can't speak she vigorously nods her head 'Yes'. She throws her arms around my neck and buries her face in my shoulder crying happy tears.

I stand up with Barbie wrapped around me and move to my grandfather, my hand out. "Thank you Grandpa. We would be honored to switch homes with you."

The oldest and youngest shake like men and grandma starts crying again and her daughter and granddaughter join her. Dad gets misty but doesn't allow himself to cry.

"I need to apply for the department here first. If I don't have a job here, I couldn't even take possession to put food on the table." I say earnestly. "Who knows I may get a promotion too. I passed the Sergeants exam back home but there aren't any positions so I'm on the waiting list. Maybe a transfer will get me those stripes and with the money we can have kids as soon as we want."

"Oh Kenny," Barbie moans again and clutches me tighter.

Dad breaks the emotional tension by asking, "So who's ready for lunch?"

Barbie and I ask together, "Pizza?" Then giggle together and kiss while I set Barbie down on her feet.

Dad looks at his parents, "How about it Dad, Mom? Does pizza sound good to you?"

His mother grins and says, "Sounds good to me, I don't think I could cook if I had to. What kind?"

"Hawaiian!" Me and Barbie chirp together, then laugh looking at their father as he makes a face.

Grandpa answered, "I'd be up for a Supreme, everything but the kitchen sink."

"Now that's a pizza. Nice choice Pop." Our Dad says.

"I guess it's pizza all around. Want to share a veggie Mama?" Our Mom asks her own mother. She just nods at her daughter calling her 'Mama' again with affection.

Grandma calls in the order and they all gather in the huge kitchen when it arrives. I note that my grandfather has some Mike's in stock and requests a couple for him and Barbie.

Grandfather says, "Get them out for everybody, they are great with pizza."

We grin nodding knowing it's true. I pass them out. Our Dad looks at it with suspicion but tries it and is seriously surprised at how much it does taste like lemonade. Then swigs another big gulp. I laugh and say to him, "Take it easy Dad. They taste like lemonade but they hit like a truck after a few too fast."

Dad listens to his son with a grin and sets the rest down until he gets some pizza into himself. The restored family eats and feels the love and reconnections beginning to form.

Dad and Mom get a little loopy on the Mike's and later beers for Dad and they decide to accept their parent's invitation to stay the night. I took it very easy since I was in uniform and would be driving us home. We drive the couple hours to our house and after fooling around then a shower climb into bed the happiest we have been yet.

I get up early the next day and jump on the computer to apply to the police force near our grandparents. I got a confirmation of the received submission a few minutes later in an email. Smiling, I crawl back into bed with my lovely sister.

She snuggles back into me mumbling, "Now that's done come here and cuddle your wife."

I feel a warmth spread through me when she says that. I fold her in my arms saying, "Your husband loves you Barbie girl."

She opens her eyes and leans up to kiss me, then with a grin says, "You could fool me, I'm still wearing clothes."

I pull the covers over our heads and Barbie begins squealing in delight as I begin peeling her minimal clothes off before ravaging her over the next hour. When we get tired and are wholly satisfied we emerge from bed to enjoy our Sunday off.

Over the next couple of months, all the pieces slowly come together. The last part is Ken's promotion to Sergeant and moving into his grandparents' home, the exchange is complete. The new couple begins making small changes to the house. We make it more ours and prepare it for our children. After having been on the new force as a Sergeant for a few months, the couple find out they are now expecting their first child and tell the family first.

Mine and Barbie's coworkers find out that not long after and before long baby parties are planned for both sets of family and friends. They welcome their daughter several months later, and they name her Hope, like in one of their favorite movies, The Postman.​
Previous page: Page 01