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Note: this story is a bit of a departure from what I normally do, it's based in a fantasy world that center's on a royal family. If exaggerated organs and marathon sex sessions aren't your cup of tea, this story may not be for you. If you're expecting a certain type of speech from the characters since this is stylized as a period piece of sorts, there's a bit of that but there are some deviations. As always, I hope you enjoy.
Prudence could hear the squeals and moans as they echoed down the hall. The sounds were unmistakable and had become commonplace. Prudence was a servant who worked in the family wing of Sparrington Castle, specifically she was one of a number of servants who catered to Philip Blackwood, the crown prince of Atheron and his younger sister princess Seraphina.
As always the moans and groans were coming from the crown prince's chambers and Prudence suspected the moans of desire belonged to the princess.
It was an open secret among those close to the Blackwood family that Seraphina and her brother were in a sexual relationship and had been for the past year.
The closer Prudence got to the prince's chambers the louder the moans got. Finally she stood at the large oak door and listened for a moment.
Seraphina's unmistakable giggle was heard as she squealed and moaned with lust.
"Yes yes yes yes Philip!" came the cry of passion from the attractive young princess.
Prudence couldn't blame Seraphina for being attracted to Prince Philip or for spending so much time in his bed. The crown prince was tall with broad shoulders, blonde hair and blue eyes and a powerful physique.
The 25-year-old prince was heir to the throne and an extremely popular member of the royal family, much more popular than his father.
Philip was a war hero, having fought valiantly against Ebrath in the three year war and was seen as the future of the family and country. His father's popularity was on the steep decline following years of heavy spending, high taxes and plenty of war. It angered King Taron to no end that his son's popularity was based on his actions during his own unpopular wars. While they were successful, the cost to the royal treasury and to the people was immense.
The prince also had a reputation for being a gifted lover who had satisfied and seduced many women. It was said he carried two swords, one inside his pants and the other outside of them, and there were some who believed the sword inside his pants was the larger of the two.
Prudence listened to the prince and princess as Seraphina's whines of lust turned to moans of pleasure, part of her wishing she was in Prince Philip's bed as well.
The princess was equally as striking, she was also blonde with blue eyes and fair skin. The princess was highly sought after on the social circuit and by other royal families hoping to make allegiances with the Blackwood family.
Seraphina had a shapely figure with bulging, plump breasts that were nearly impossible to cover up, long legs and a tight round posterior to complete her hourglass figure and cement her place in the fantasies of men across the kingdom.
There had been some talk over the past year about why the 19-year-old princess wasn't promised to be married to a young prince but those within the royal court knew why.
The king was sick and Prince Philip wouldn't allow it because the prince had some changes in mind for when he took the crown - he planned to make incest legal.
To those unaccustomed to Atheron's ways that may have sounded odd but for hundreds of years it was the law of the land until Philip's great grandfather King Arthur changed the law and made it illegal.
Philip had a plan to grow the Blackwood family's popularity in Atheron and solidify their power from rival families. He would rebuild the country after years of war and use the royal treasury to do it, he would lower taxes and reinstate some historic laws, including allowing incest which still remained popular among the people.
So it wasn't all that surprising Seraphina would find her way to her brother's bed or that he would welcome her into it. It was in their blood and Philip intended to keep it that way.
"Yes yes yes yes Philip! Yessssss!" came Seraphina's excited moans from the other side of the door.
Prudence hated to interrupt, especially at this moment but Queen Charlotte had requested their immediate presence. She grabbed the door knocker and rapped on the door.
"Your highness!" she called.
"Prince Philip! Princess Seraphina! Your mother requests your immediate presence! She says it's urgent!"
Philip and Seraphina were indeed in his bed, the bed sheet covering their bodies as Philip drove his hard cock into the wet opening belonging to his sister.
Philip thrust twice more into his sister until Prudence knocked again.
"Your highness I'm sorry to interrupt but I must insist! Your mother was quite emphatic!"
Philip groaned with annoyance as he rolled off his sister and sat up in bed, leaning against the headboard.
"Come in!" he bellowed.
Prudence slowly opened the large heavy door and walked in to find the princess in bed with her brother, both covered by a sheet, her body next to his.
"Did our mother tell you what was so important?" he asked.
Prudence shook her head no, trying not to stare at the crown prince and his sister.
"No my lord, she just said it was urgent."
Seraphina smiled and got out of bed, the bed sheet wrapped around her body covering her nakedness.
"If mother requests our presence then we would be wise to attend. You aren't king yet my brother," she said sweetly as she leaned down to kiss his lips.
Seraphina kissed her brother and then moved over to Prudence, "come and help me change. I don't think my mother wants me to be wearing my brother's sperm when she sees us next," she said with a laugh as she left her brother's room with Prudence in tow.
Philip watched his sister leave his chambers and couldn't help but smile. They had been fucking for the past year and a half ever since he returned from the three year war.
When Philip left Seraphina had still been a girl, beautiful, sweet and smart but still a girl. When he returned she had grown into a confident and beautiful young woman.
Philip and Seraphina were very close growing up, they rarely fought and his protective nature regarding his sister was legendary.
Despite many opportunities to lose it during Philip's absence, Seraphina was still a virgin when her brother returned from the war, and had kept it specifically for him.
As he dressed Philip thought back to that moment 18 months ago when he returned home and his relationship with his sister became an unbreakable bond...
18 months ago:
Prince Philip rode his horse confidently as the royal procession made its way through the Hardosa city gates, the capital city of Atheron.
A large crowd had gathered to welcome the conquering hero's home with the prince leading the way. Philip arrived at Sparrington Castle road weary and happy to be home. It had been a long three years and he would be happy to never have to lift his sword again.
The prince smiled as he viewed the greeting party out front of the castle, the entire royal court was there to receive the prince and King Taron's generals.
Philip spotted his mother and father first, they were surrounded by his aunts, uncles, cousins and his father's advisors.
"Where is Seraphina?" he asked himself, and then he saw her. The young girl he last saw three years ago had blossomed into a beautiful young woman.
Philip beamed when he spotted his sister. They made direct eye contact causing Seraphina to blush.
Finally they arrived and were greeted warmly by the king.
"My beloved son and our triumphant army have returned! Three cheers for their safe arrival!"
The crowd roared as cannons ignited to celebrate their return.
The king approached his son first, hugging him warmly, "it's good to see you my son. You've made the country proud, you've made me proud."
King Taron then moved to his generals and embraced them as well; hugging them and telling them the entire realm owed them a debt of gratitude.
The entire party walked up the stairs into the castle as servants saw to the horses. Philip tried to maneuver over to see his sister but was swarmed by family members and well-wishers alike.
At the feast celebrating their victories everyone ate well and drank even better. King Taron got drunk as usual and had to be quietly ushered out following his umpteenth goblet of wine.
Philip was only able to get a few words in with his sister; they were constantly being interrupted by cousins, step-siblings and all those who wished to be seen with the popular prince.
Finally as the party wore down the prince and princess were able to sneak away without being bothered.
"I never thought I'd get a moments peace!" he said as they stopped midway in the hall as the roar of the crowd faded into the distance.
Seraphina flung her arms around her brother, "I'm so glad you're home brother. I was so worried you would be hurt - or worse."
Philip hugged his sister back, holding her tight as he smelled the sweet scent in her hair. "I missed you too Sera, more than you know. You've grown so much!"
Seraphina smiled, enjoying the feeling of being in her brother's arms, "I'm not a little girl anymore brother..."
Philip grinned as he broke their embrace so he could gaze at his sister once more, "no you aren't, and by the looks of you I'd wager you're the object of the dreams of many men."
Seraphina blushed once again, "maybe so but they aren't the object of my dreams..." she said as her eyes locked onto her brother's.
Philip slipped a strand of hair behind his sister's ear as she leaned in softly to him, "Oh? What lucky man is the subject of your wants and desires?" he asked.
Seraphina bit her bottom lip and played coy, "there is one person, but I don't think father would approve. It infuriates him; he's told me several times he would like to see me wedded and pregnant by now."
Philip kept his sister close as he leaned her against the wall, her blossoming chest heaved as her brother looked upon her.
"Well I'm glad to hear it sister dear, I'm not ready to see some other man replace me as the man in my sister's life," the prince teased.
Seraphina suppressed a moan as she looked up at her brother, "neither am I, in fact, I don't know if I ever will be."
Philip smiled softly as he leaned down to kiss his sister on the cheek, his lips pressing against her soft skin before moving to her neck along to her ear.
Seraphina moaned as she felt her brother's hot breath on her neck, "come join me in our private baths, I've ordered the servants to prepare a warm scented bath so I can rest my weary bones," Philip whispered.
Seraphina looked up at her brother and smiled a sultry smile.
"Ok," she said softly.
It wasn't often that men and women shared time in the bath house together but when you're the crown prince and princess you can do what you please.
Philip led his sister further away from the feast to a more private wing of the castle where only family and a privileged few were allowed.
Philip and Seraphina used separate entrances to change in their own change rooms then met once more with the steaming water below them.
Both wore loincloths that left little to the imagination, especially as they entered the water.
Seraphina slipped into the water and sighed as it touched her skin, she sat opposite of her brother until he called her closer. The princess decided to tease her brother by only going half way, "now it's your turn brother..." she giggled.
Philip's eyes sparkled as he slowly moved closer to his sister, "same old Seraphina..." he smiled.
Seraphina looked at her brother, "tell me the truth, are you home for good?" she asked.
Philip grinned, "Yes I am. I'm back and I plan on staying for a long time."
Seraphina squealed with joy as she leaned in to hug her brother, her wet body pressing tightly against his, "I'm so happy, it's so much better when you're home. Even a full castle can feel empty for a lady when her brother is away..."
Philip held his sister close; he pulled her on his lap forcing her to straddle him, which she eagerly did.
"I promise you won't feel lonely ever again and now that I'm back I have big plans for the future," he started.
Seraphina squirmed on her brother's lap, her excitement rising, "what plans?"
Philip toyed with the top of his sister's two piece loin cloth. "Father needs to rebuild the country whether he realizes it or not and the people aren't happy. We have to make them happy."
Seraphina shifted closer to her brother, "I like making people happy, and how do we do that?"
Philip's hand softly moved over his sister's skin, "we do that by looking to our past. Those who ignore the past are doomed to repeat it. Father will never do it but when I'm King I'm going to bring back the laws of our ancestors, I'm going to make family love legal again."
Seraphina sucked in her breath, her nipples hardened in the warm water. She and her brother had read the old texts when they were younger; even then Philip had felt their great grandfather's decision was wrong.
Philip started to undo his sister's top, he started slowly at first but when she didn't object he tossed it aside. "Would you like that?" Philip asked.
Seraphina felt her pussy throb as she stayed on her brother's lap, "it would depend on who it was," she said softly. "Our father? No. Fat uncle Rufus? No. Our wretched step-brother Julius? No." Seraphina paused before she continued, "but... if it were you... I'd like that very much."
Philip smiled broadly and pulled his sister even closer to him, his hard cock now pressing against her.
"I wouldn't have it any other way Seraphina," he said as he pulled his sister in for a kiss.
Philip and Seraphina kissed passionately in the water, Seraphina started to grind against her brother as they kissed hungrily, releasing tremendous amounts of suppressed desire.
"I had heard stories from messengers my sister had become the most beautiful woman in the land but I didn't believe it until I saw it. It wouldn't have mattered, you've always been my special sister," Philip groaned as they kissed again.
Seraphina broke their kiss as she stayed on top of her brother, she felt his hands slip under the water as both their loin cloths were removed, her eyes lighting up with desire.
"I've been saving myself for you Philip, no one has ever measured up to my dashing big brother," Seraphina moaned.
Philip groaned as his cock rubbed against his naked sister under the water, "I won't disappoint you sister."
Seraphina reached under the water to grab her brother's rod for the first time, "I don't think you possibly could..."
Seraphina moaned as she felt her brother hold her and lift her out of the water, her naked body wrapped around his as he stood up and carried his sister from the water onto one of the cushion-lined couches in the steamy bath house.
Philip laid his sister down and looked down at her, Seraphina rubbed her thighs together with anticipation as she looked up at her brother.
Seraphina spotted a long scar on his midsection and pointed to it, "what's that?"
Philip looked down at the scar and moved over top of his sister, "it's a battle scar I got a year ago," he said.
Seraphina's hand softly moved over the scar as tears welled in her eyes. Philip smiled and wiped his sister's tears away, "its ok, just a scratch. It was a sneak attack before I had my armour on, believe me, the other guy got the worst of it."
Seraphina pulled her brother down on top of her, "It's more than a scratch Philip! I never want you to fight again! I want my brother to be with me, you've given enough for this country. Now it's my turn..."
Philip's hard cock rubbed against his sister's pussy which was getting wetter by the second, "I fought for you Seraphina, you are Atheron to me..."
Seraphina moaned again and pulled her brother's lips to hers. "Make love to be Philip, be my first. Make me yours," she breathed.
Philip held his sister tightly; his body loomed over hers as she offered herself to him. Philip's cock throbbed while Seraphina's chest heaved with anticipation.
Seraphina felt her brother's cock against her and start to press into her. "I'll be gentle for your first time sister," he said.
Seraphina's eyes bulged as she felt her brother's large hard cock push inside of her. It was even bigger than she had heard it was. Philip pushed deeper and deeper inside of her until he reached her maiden hood, "are you ready sister?"
Seraphina huffed and puffed, she was already stuffed with her brother's cock and felt like her body was on fire and wanted more.
"Make me yours brother..."
Philip groaned as he leaned down to kiss his sister once more and then thrust deep inside of her.
"Mmmmmmmmmmm sister," he groaned through gritted teeth. Seraphina's pussy was tighter than any he had been in before.
"Mmmmmm my god Seraphina," he groaned again.
Seraphina couldn't speak; she gripped her brother tightly and emitted only a high pitch squeak as she felt her brother's cock slide deep into her.
Philip pushed deeper and deeper into her, he pulled back and slid even deeper inside of his virgin sister.
Seraphina clutched her brother even tighter as she finally found her voice, "Philip Philip Philip Philip Phillllllllip!" she moaned.
Philip's muscles ached as he started to make love to his sister, he was weary from war and travel but nothing would keep him from this moment.
His large cock slid deeper and deeper inside of his sister as the princess wrapped her legs around her brother.
Philip thrust back and forth inside of Seraphina, her moans starting to echo throughout their private bath house. Philip drove his cock deeper deeper inside of his sister, Seraphina huffed and moaned with lust, immediately hooked on the act of incest with her brother.
"More Philip, more. Give me more. I want all of you, give me every last inch," she moaned.
The prince obliged his sister as he dug his cock even deeper inside her. Philip's cock glided back and forth as his sister's juices lubricated his shaft making it easier to pleasure his sister with his love sword.
Just when Seraphina felt she couldn't possibly take any more of her brother's cock she felt him slide balls deep inside her, resulting in a guttural moan from both siblings.
Philip pulled back and thrust inside of his sister's heavenly tight pussy once more, it gripped him tightly as he grinded deep and hard into her.
"No one has ever taken all of me sister, you're the first," he groaned.
Seraphina blushed with pride and moaned for more, "it was destiny brother, it's in our blood." Seraphina started to thrust back against her brother now as his cock found a rhythm gliding back and forth, in and out of her.
Seraphina's moans fuelled Philip's desire as she raised her hips to meet him and take his entire shaft.
Philip groaned as he fed his cock to his sister again and again, Seraphina loved the look of lust and desire in her brother's eyes as he moved deep inside his sister.
Her heart beat a mile a minute as she gripped her brother not wanting this to ever end. It felt so natural to be in her brother's arms and to have his cock buried inside her.
Their mutual moans grew louder and louder as their sibling love making grew in intensity. Seraphina's pussy gripped his shaft as Philip filled his sister completely.
Philip's cock started to throb as Seraphina's pussy buzzed. Seraphina started to whine with lust as her orgasm grew rapidly and boiled over.
"Oooohhhhhhh yes yes yes yes brother YES!" she exclaimed.
Philip thrust harder and harder as his sister shook and came all over his cock.
"Mmmmmm yes Bertie!!" she moaned, using the nickname only she used for her brother based on his middle name of Albert.
"Mmmm God yes brother, yes yes yes you make me feel so good..." she moaned.
Philip couldn't hold out any longer, his cock was on fire inside of his sister. He pulled out of her tight young wet snatch and exploded all over her plump, firm breasts and chest.
"Aaaahhhhhhhhh Sera yes!!" he bellowed as his sperm showered his sister.
Philip and Seraphina came together in one wild orgasm and slowly felt their sexual high fade away.
Seraphina dipped a finger in the pool of cum on her chest and tasted it, "mmmmm yummy..." she giggled.
Philip groaned as he watched his sister start to rub his cum into her skin, "you intoxicating wench..."
Seraphina cackled with pleasure as she and her brother slipped back in the water to wash off the sweat and cum, "anything for my big brother."
Philip came back to reality from his day dream as he finished dressing and walked down to his parent's chambers.
Philip and his father had a somewhat strained relationship despite the warm welcome he received upon his return. King Taron had a wandering eye when he was younger which resulted in Philip and Seraphina having five half-siblings. Philip didn't mind his father's promiscuous nature but he did mind that his mother had been sheltered from the truth and later embarrassed when Taron's indiscretions came to light.
Philip wasn't a prude, far from it, but he felt a union could only be truly strong if it was open for both, a philosophy he and Seraphina shared.
Philip entered his parents private chambers and was greeted by his mother, "it's about time you arrived, we've all been waiting for you!" an an exasperated Queen Charlotte said.
Philip was indeed the last to arrive, his sister having arrived five minutes before him; her eyes twinkled as their gaze found one another.
King Taron's chief advisor Cirro approached Philip, "my prince, it's time..." he said simply as he motioned to the king.
King Taron found his voice as the attention turned towards him, "now that we are all here we can begin. My doctors say my illness has progressed and I will be dead by night fall."
"Father no!" Seraphina exclaimed as she rushed to his side.
"There there my sweet, we knew this day would come. Better I have the opportunity to say goodbye to you all than never say goodbye at all," he said.
The King held his daughter's hand as he looked at his family, "my doctors will give me something to drink to dull the pain and allow me to die in peace. I can die happy knowing the realm is secure and our legacy will continue," he said as he looked at his son.
"It's Philip's time now, he will lead our family to greater heights," the King started. He looked at his five illegitimate children from his two mistresses, "you are Philip's blood as much as you are mine. I've allowed you to have my name but you have no claim to the throne, you will serve your brother and love him as you've loved me."
Taron looked to his wife and continued, "I'm sorry I was not a better husband my love, you will always be in my heart," he said before turning to his daughter, "you are the most beautiful woman in the four kingdoms, I know you will accomplish great things."
The King then looked to the entire room, "I wish to be alone with my son now, leave us."
Philip watched as everyone left the big heavy doors closing shut behind them. Philip approached his father as he took a large swig of wine.
"You will be a good King, my son; the people love you, as they should. I know we've had our differences but I've always loved you. Look after you step-siblings, they will be good for you and take care of your mother, she worries," he said.
"I will," Philip responded.
"I know you and Seraphina are... close," the King said, understating the fact. "I won't tell you to stop or to rethink any plans you have for the future, just follow your heart, it will lead the way. But son, if you look after the country the way you love and protect your sister, you will be a great King."
Philip dabbed his father's forehead as he started to sweat, "I will father."
Taron reached for an old leather bound text and handed it to his son, "all you will need to lead the country is in this book. It's been handed down for 9 generations now," he said.
King Taron took off the ring bearing the Blackwood family crest and removed his crown, handing it to his son. "Make me proud, my son."
Philip swallowed hard as he looked down at his father, "I will father, I will protect the family first and foremost and I will ensure our legacy for generations to come."
Taron smiled and patted his son's hand, "that's my boy. Now do me one last thing, empty this powder into my wine and let me die in peace."
Philip paused for a moment then did as he was asked.
Taron took the goblet and smiled at his son one last time, "goodbye my son," he said as he drank the entire glass.
Philip stayed with his father as he lay back on his bed, his eyes closed and then his breathing slowed before his pulse stopped completely.
Philip called in his father's doctors who confirmed the King was dead.
The family re-entered the room as a sheet was pulled over Taron's body.
Cirro looked across the room and took the crown from Philip.
"The King is dead, long live the King!" he bellowed as he placed the crown on Philip's head.
During the days that followed the country mourned the death of King Taron. It was traditional for there to be 12 days of mourning before an official coronation.
On the sixth day Queen Charlotte stood on the balcony as she watched her son and daughter leave the safety of the castle to go mingle in the crowd, accepting their well wishes.
Philip held Seraphina's hand and the Queen had to admit, they did look good together and made quite the dashing couple.
Charlotte did not approve of her son's desire to reinstate the old laws but had long since given up on changing his mind. She watched as the crowd responded to Philip and Seraphina, "if only they weren't brother and sister they would make the perfect couple," she said to herself.
The crowd loved Seraphina as much as they did Philip and fought one another for the opportunity to be seen with the royal family. It had been a smart idea by Philip and was already paying large dividends.
That night after dinner Charlotte visited her son, trying one last time to change his mind.
"My mind is made up mother, the laws will return and Seraphina will be my queen. Our family rose to prominence because of the old times and we will grow even stronger by returning to them," Philip said.
"I'm not embarrassed by our past the way my great grandfather was. I could care less what the Claymoore's think in Draavis and I don't care if the De Clare's smirk in Esmerth. Atheron is the most powerful country of them all and they cross us at their own peril. I will strengthen the foundations of this country and keep the family line pure," he continued.
Charlotte sighed as she looked across at her son, "there will be many who will be upset Seraphina will be your queen and not theirs. They will view it as an insult."
Philip stood up and walked over to his mother, "the Whitehall's, Mortcombe's and Harridan's all support me and we just conquered Ebrath. We aren't the ones who need to beg for alliances or safety."
Charlotte looked at her son, "and what will become of me?" she asked.
Philip smiled, "you will be my most trusted advisor. You will be the queen mother and you will be free to take any lover you wish. I promised father I would protect you, and I will. Although, you've never been someone who has needed protection from what I've seen," he chuckled.
Charlotte stood up and smiled, "very well," she said as she kissed her son on the forehead, "your father trusted your vision on his deathbed so I will as well."
The 12 days of mourning passed quickly as all of Atheron prepared for Philip's reign. The night before his coronation Seraphina found herself once again in her brother's chambers.
Philip smiled as he watched his sister enter his chambers, she had recently bathed and washed her hair and smelled heavenly. Seraphina wore a mostly see-thrown night gown that was short and left nothing to the imagination.
"The next time I enter your chambers you will be the King and in the King's chambers," she said.
Philip opened his arms to his sister and kissed her passionately, "starting tomorrow my chambers will be your chambers as well sister; I sleep much better when you're at my side."
Seraphina moaned with desire as she kissed her brother back, "whatever my King wants," she cooed.
Philip lifted his sister off her feet and pressed her against the wall as they kissed passionately, Seraphina's legs wrapping around her brother's body.
She tugged at his tunic and threw it on the floor. Philip felt Seraphina's hands on his body as their tongues met and their passion grew.
Seraphina broke the kiss and smiled at her brother, her arms around his neck, "mmmm brother I have a surprise for you."
Philip raised an eyebrow as he looked at his sister, kissing her pouty lips once more, "and what would that be?" he asked.
"A present," Seraphina giggled as she looked to his door, "come in Prudence!"
Philip looked to his right as he watched Prudence enter the room. Like Seraphina she was dressed for bed wearing a revealing night gown.
"What's this?" Philip asked.
Seraphina slipped from her brother's arms and walked over to Prudence. "I've asked Prudence to join us tonight, I've seen the hunger in her eyes and thought she'd be a nice treat for you before your big day tomorrow," she said, her desire obvious.
Philip looked at Prudence, "would you like to join us?" he asked.
Prudence's heart raced as her nipples hardened, she blushed and then looked to the floor, "yes I would your highness, if you'll have me that is..."
Philip smiled she stepped closer to her, he lifted her chin up and looked her in the eye, "I'd like that, I'd like that very much."
Philip leaned down to kiss Prudence and she responded by hungrily kissing him back. The kiss lasted until Philip broke it so he could kiss his sister once more.
Prudence was aware Philip and Seraphina had invited others to their bed over the past 18 months, they had even held a few orgies involving trusted friends, she just never thought she would get the opportunity to participate.
Seraphina broke her kiss with her brother and turned to Prudence, "kneel before your King," she ordered.
Prudence did as she was told and looked to the princess for more direction. "Remove all his clothing," Seraphina purred, enjoying her role as facilitator.
Prudence removed the Kings slacks and moaned loudly when his large cock sprung free. Seraphina licked her lips when she saw her brother's magnificent tool and enjoyed Prudence's reaction.
It was the largest, thickest cock Prudence had ever seen, the legends had been true. "May I taste it?" she asked.
Philip groaned as Seraphina gave her approval.
Prudence grabbed the royal cock before her and licked it slowly with her tongue. She closed her eyes as she stroked Philip's cock and licked it from his tip to his balls.
Prudence opened her eyes once more as she looked up her King and took his dick into her mouth. Philip looked down at Prudence as the servant started to service her lord, her warm mouth happily taking his shaft.
Prudence moaned as she sucked Philip's cock, her lips sliding back and forth on his shaft. Prudence felt Philip sweep her hair away from her face as he held her head and started to feed her his cock.
Prudence sucked with more urgency now as Philip started to fuck her mouth; his cock was so large she couldn't believe anyone could take it all.
"Suck your king, suck that cock, suck your lord," Seraphina moaned as she watched her most loyal servant orally service her brother and lover.
Philip pulled Seraphina closer to him and kissed her passionately as Prudence sucked his cock. The sound of her slurping on his cock mixed with their moans as Philip held his sister tightly.
Philip watched as Prudence's head bobbed on his cock. She attacked his cock with a hunger that excited him. He groaned as his sister slipped to her knees beside Prudence and started to share his cock.
Prudence was disappointed to feel the Kings cock pop from her mouth but didn't dare take it back from the princess and future queen.
Seraphina started to suck on her brother's wet cock as Prudence looked on. Even though she invited Prudence to join them and she knew Philip had eyes for her first and foremost and Seraphina wanted to stake her claim on her brother.
Prudence watched as the princess took more and more of her blue blood brother's cock, swallowing more than she had even dared to try. Seraphina moaned as she sucked and swallowed her brother's cock, pausing only once to lick his shaft seductively before swallowing him once more. Prudence sucked in her breath as she watched the princess take every inch of her brother's impressive tool in her mouth, doing what she had thought would be impossible.
Seraphina pulled off her brother's cock as she came up for air and kissed his shaft once more before offering his it back to their servant.
Prudence gladly took back his cock; she grabbed hold of it before sucking him deep with a suck and a slurp.
"Mmmmmmm yes Prudence, suck that cock," Seraphina moaned.
Prudence did as she was told, playing with the King's balls as she sucked his shaft. Eventually her hands were replaced by the princess's mouth as she sucked his balls while Prudence pleasured his cock.
Philip pulled his cock from Prudence and told both women to open their mouth's, he smiled when they obeyed and started to fuck both of their mouth's as they moaned loudly for him.
Philip's cock moved from his sister's throat to his servant's mouth and back again, long lines of saliva connecting his cock to their lips. Both women sucked his cock with gusto as his meat stabbed their mouths.
Philip stopped just as his cock started to throb so the two women shared a kiss, each tasting Philip's cock on the other woman's lips.
Seraphina and Prudence stood up, both licking their lips. Philip guided them over to the bed and started to remove their nightgowns. He started with his sister, taking off her thin see-through gown and tossing it aside. Prudence again sucked in her breath as she stared at the princess in all her naked glory.
Her skin was soft and smooth, her stomach flat and tight, her large breasts somehow defying gravity.
Seraphina leaned in to kiss her brother and Prudence watched as their bodies rubbed together. Philip's chest hair perfectly dusted his torso, his muscles rippled slightly as he held his sister against him and he tasted her lips. Seraphina fit so snugly into her brother's arms.
Their kiss ended and Philip turned his attention to Prudence, goose bumps covered her skin as he lifted her nightgown over her head and tossed it on top of Seraphina's.
Philip and Seraphina looked the naked Prudence. She was shorter than Seraphina and her breasts weren't as large but they were perfectly sculpted to her body. Her black hair dusted her shoulders which perfectly showcased her green eyes.
Philip trailed a finger over her olive skin as he soaked in her beauty. She had a tight little rump, sexy legs and a tight body. He pulled her into him, his large body swallowing hers as he kissed her just like he had his sister.
Philip broke the kiss as the three of them moved to the bed, Seraphina on Philip's left, Prudence on his right. Both women leaned in to kiss him allowing all three to share a kiss. Phillip's hands wrapped around each woman as he playfully smacked their asses as they leaned even further over his body, both women giggling with lust.
Philip's cock rubbed against them as they kissed until Seraphina couldn't help herself any longer. Prudence watched as she moved down her brother's body and moved her wet pussy over his cock before sinking down on top of him.
Philip groaned as his sister started to sit on his cock, "mmmmm yes sister, eat my cock with your sweet seductive hole."
Prudence watched as inch by inch Seraphina took her brother's cock, her eyes bulged and she whined with lust as her hungry pussy ate her brother's cock.
"Huhhhnnnhnnnnhnnn yessssssss..." she whined as she took more and more cock.
Philip reached up to hold his sister as she impaled herself on his cock, finally taking every last inch.
Prudence rubbed herself as she watched Seraphina take every inch of her brother's giant cock. "Oh my god," she moaned.
"Fuck your brother Seraphina, show her how much you love my cock," Philip grunted.
Seraphina's eyes twinkled with lust as she lifted herself up and started to grind on his cock, "mmmmmm yes my King," she moaned.
Seraphina started to ride her brother's large dick, her pussy gliding up and down, again and again, faster and faster as Prudence touched herself and watched.
Philip grabbed Prudence and pulled her on top of him so he could taste her sex and suddenly had two women straddling him.
Philip's tongue dug into Prudence as Seraphina's pussy glided up and down his shaft. Seraphina and Prudence both toyed with their breasts as their pussies were satisfied in different ways.
Prudence started to grind into Philip as he licked and sucked on her wetness, she used one hand to play with her breasts while the other tore through her hair as she moaned loudly with pleasure.
"Yes yes oh god yes my King! Yes!" she exclaimed.
Seraphina rode Philip's cock while Prudence rode his tongue as all three moaned.
Philip lifted Prudence off of him as he ordered both women to get on their hands and knees.
They did as they were told and soon Philip was looking at two horny, wet and drooling pussies, "fuck us good Bertie," Seraphina moaned as she looked back at her brother.
Philip moved behind his sister and thrust back inside her, stabbing her sopping wet pussy with his cock.
"Aaaaahhhhhhhhh YES!" she grunted as Philip thrust hard and deep into her from behind.
Seraphina's head dipped as she clutched at the sheets while Philip fucked her, "mmmmm yes yes more, give me more, I want it all," she breathed.
Philip held her hips as he fucked her deeply, his cock powering into his sister from behind. Prudence reached back to rub her wetness as she watched her future king royally fuck his sister. Every woman in the kingdom wanted to be in his bed, every man wanted to get between Seraphina's legs, and she was with them both.
Philip pumped in and out of his sister faster and faster, teasing her as he fucked her before pulling out of her. Prudence's heart beat faster as he turned his attention to her and she realized she was about to fuck the next King of Atheron.
Prudence moaned the moment she felt Philip's cock press against her and then whined with lust as she felt his royal prick start to probe her pussy.
It was by far the largest cock she ever had inside her. Prudence fell to her elbows, whining louder as Philip pushed deeper, "oooohhh yes," she moaned as she sucked in a breath. "It's so big, so big so big so big so bigggggggggg..."
Philip fucked Prudence hard and slow making sure she felt every inch of cock he slid inside of her. His dick was too large and her pussy to tight to take it all like Seraphina had but he loved the way she felt around him.
Philip pumped in and out of Prudence as she moaned loudly; her moans grew louder with every thrust, fuelling his desire. Her moans were only quieted when Seraphina leaned over to share a kiss.
Philip pulled his cock from Prudence as she pushed back at him and thrust back into his sister. Philip started to fuck both his sister and Prudence, he fucked Seraphina until he felt her orgasm rise, sliding back inside Prudence until her orgasm started to build, which chased him back to his sister's pussy.