Season 1 - Chapter 04

The following days were really difficult between us. Next day, it was a Friday, Mr. Shekhar called Meera during her office time. He asked if she's okay. He was worried of her outburst after the sex. She said she's okay. Anything more wasn't talked about.
Meera told me about this in the evening.

"It's a good sign that he's not bringing up the topic again." I said.

A few days later, it was Tuesday evening when she told me she wanted to make a confession.
She said it's about the night we had gone to his bungalow and something she had been thinking deeply for a few days about. The first thing that ran to my mind was what I had already witnessed that night.
And that was exactly she wanted to reveal.

She confessed that when I had gone to washroom during their dance, he had kissed her. And she said she didn't stop him. She let him kiss and even responded positively, by kissing him back.
I wasn't surprised. I felt good that she came clean about it. She wasn't a woman who wanted to hide something from her man. I effortlessly dismissed my memories of Mr. Thomas and Mr. Mohan. Only thing that I thought was me. And at that moment, I Also felt an urge to confess. I looked into her eyes and she easily made out that I'm holding something back. That wasn't something she expected from me after her confession.
She asked what is that.
I decided a go.

"Meera, I'm glad you've come clean about it. I too want tell you something; I had seen you kissing. I was coming to the room and saw you embraced by each other, and kissing.."
I told her how I had walked back and made some noise by shaking the bead curtain.
She was surprised.

"Then why didn't you scold me?"

"I thought you both were drunk and it may be a mistake. I never believed that you will ever do that otherwise."

She fell silent over next two minutes.

"Were you excited?"
She asked suddenly.


"You were excited watching us kissing, weren't you?"

She sounded like she was sure of it. And I conceded it as I shook my head. At that moment I had no idea about how she came to that conclusion, but her subsequent questions suggested that I let it slip myself by not mentioning certain things in my confession.

"You saw us kissing. And what else you saw?"

I felt like I was being interrogated about something that was already known to her. If I lied, she would catch me in a second.

"I saw him feeling your body."


"And... And I saw him touching your...."

"My what?"

"Your.... down there."
I faltered.


"That's it. That's all I saw."

"And you were excited."

I didn't reply. I didn't have to. Because it didn't matter anymore.
She looked me straight into my eyes.

"Tell me one thing, Krish. Don't lie. You were always excited to see me with Mr. Shekhar, weren't you?"

"No. No."
I denied hastily. She ignored me.

"You liked seeing me talk with him, dance with him, and being touched by him. "

I shook my head in denial.

"You did. I told you, don't lie to me Krish."
Her voice was harsh.

"Say you were excited seeing all that."

I looked down.

"Look at me Krish. And tell me."
She demanded and turned my face to her.

I was weak.

"I knew this."
She whispered into my ears.

"I knew that you always liked watching me with other men. I mean, I had that feeling."

"Yeah I liked."
Finally, somehow I mustered strength to speak to my wife.

"I liked watching you do all those stuff, but I didn't want this happen, I mean, what happened with Shekhar..."

"Yeah I know."
She said and put her hands over my shoulder.

"But I love you Meera. My baby, I love you, I can't live without you. I may want to see you talk and dance with them but I want you make love to me only..."
I let it go.
Her hands tightly held my weak body to hers.

"It's okay Krish. I love you too."

It was a conversation between a husband and wife that lasted merely a few minutes, but it had the power to set the tone of their entire life. It held the consequences that later proved inevitable. I never wanted to be looked down at like a man who gratify himself from the sight of his wife with other men, even though I had realised I was. I wanted to avoid it. But we often meet our fate on the road we take to avoid it. I was destined to be a cuckold.

During those days I made a Google search on the topic 'my wife slept with other men'. I was expecting stories of mourning men. But the results were a revelation to me. Of course, there were mourning people but there were more. There were men who knew their wives slept with other men and sought pleasure from it. There were men who wanted their wives to sleep with other men. There were men who set up their wives sleep with other men. Some of them where true experiences, while others were simply fictions. Erotic fictions that gave detailed narratives of how their wives fucked around their bosses, friends, strangers or even their family members. I read many of them and one word eventually stuck my mind.

That was the first time I heard of that word.
Cuckold means a man whose wife committed adultery. And the word 'cuckoldry' had even more impact in me. It meant sexual conquests of a married woman.
In the night I looked into darkness and wondered if Meera is cuckolding me. It was a question that made me numb.
Who's playing the game now? Me? Or her?

Next day evening she showed me her mobile. It had a message from Mr. Shekhar.
It was a pic of a coffee.

"Mr. Shekhar is asking me out for a coffee."

She said. I found a smile dancing around the corner of her lips.

"So what?"

'You want me to go?"
She put her hand around my shoulder. I got it.

"It's not up to me. It's up to you to decide"
I put the ball in her court. She looked deep into my eyes.
"I don't want to go"
She said.

I felt really good. This simple incident made me feel like we've dealt with the damage in our marriage.
She further proposed to take a week's leave from her work. It would not only let her regain her life but also send Mr. Shekhar a message that she's not very okay with what happened.

I instantly agreed to the idea. It eased my mind. But next morning when I left for work, all my comfort was gone. Because I knew she's alone at home. Mr. Shekhar still remained friendly enough to walk into our house any time of the day. At work I was constantly at worry thinking about the possibly of Mr. Shekhar visiting her at home. I didn't think she would stop him from entering the house. Even I wouldn't do it.
It was a horrible feeling. It was a horrible day.

My heart was constantly at pressure and I felt by evening that I would die of heat attack. When I was relieved from work, I rushed home.
She was there, sound and safe. Yet, I spent a few minutes for observing her very closely to ensure it. I had become suspicious. I regretted behaving this way but I couldn't help myself. That night I told her that I'm also taking a few days off. She was glad at my decision.

Suddenly there was some relief in my heart. It was so simple. At some point of our lives, we all do come across these types of struggles. The cure would be so simple and close yet we feel like there is no escape from the pain. I felt like I just found a way to ease my pressure.

She suggested we should get away by ourselves for vacation to some places. It has been more than an year since we had our last vacation in Kolkata. After much thinking, we decided we should do a short trip to Goa and spend a few evenings there watching the sea. We still had the money from the 'token of love' gifted to her by Mr. Shekhar.

By Friday evening, we were at Goa and we chose to spend our stay at a vacation resort. We didn't have much of a plan to follow. We got off our room on the same day itself, though we spent it site-seeing and walking through the beach only. After that we had dinner in a nearby restaurant that set the right mood in both of us. We spent the night in the comfort of each other's warm bodies. We just slept, nothing more than that. But we both were feeling a sense of relief at each other's hands.

Next morning I woke up to see a recharged Meera. She wanted to go out as early as possible. After breakfast we went to watch a film. Then we had lunch and did some shopping. Before evening we hit the beach again.
She wore a blue dress that was really sexy and oozed confidence she had gathered in two days.

There were many couples like us in the beach. The waves ran between ours feet as we watched the sun sinking to the other side of the sea. I held her with my hand over her shoulder and we walked forward to the water. Some couples were in the water, playing and swimming.

"Tomorrow we'll also swim" Meera said, watching them.

Her dress and my jeans up to knees were drenched in water when we got back. We sat down on the sand to dry them before going back. Crowd was gone and darkness was spreading through the beach by the time we left our place. A security officerman was also seen advising people to leave. Meera didn't want to leave. She wanted to stay there till night. We walked along the beach to right side.

"Let's go sit on top of the stones"

She pointed towards the stones at the end of the path. It looked like there beach ended there. We walked around the stones to reach the other side.

"There's no one here." I said.

She looked at me and smiled. I too smiled. She turned to me and gave me a warm hug.

"I'm so at peace now, I love you Krish."

I really doubted if she needed this lonely place to hug me. Never mind, I said myself and I wasted no time to reciprocate.
I embraced her and quickly landed my lips on hers. It was our first kiss in a week. We didn't want to stop ourselves. We stood there in the shades of the big stones and kissed.

Until I heard someone moving behind me. I stopped and turned back, but before that I felt a very hard blow on the right side of my head. It wasn't something that would break my head but it indeed carried enough power to make me fall to the ground. Meera started to scream, but I heard her scream being cut. With my head still spinning, I saw her being held by a man whose palm was pressed across her mouth, through the corner of my eyes.
"Leave her..." I screamed in a lesser volume than I believed I could make and tried to get up. But next thing I knew was a piece of cloth being pushed into my mouth. He then pressed me to the ground overpowering me very quickly and tied my both hands to my back. Then he took his heavy bag and hit my head again. I felt like this time it must have broken in parts. But I didn't care much about it. I was looking to Meera. The man pulled her to the darker side and simply laid her to the ground. She struggled in his hands and shook her entire body to escape. I saw the man from my side quickly walking to them.
"Leave her!"

And he removed his hand off her mouth. Next thing I heard was a sound that left my heart reeling. It was a hard slap across her face that was enough to make her as well as me to become numb.
"Don't move!"
He grunted. I thought she must have become unconscious. Though she wasn't, it didn't matter. We both couldn't do a thing. I wept like a child for that was the only thing I could do. I saw her taker leaning to her face and I closed my eyes helplessly. It was devastating.

Suddenly I heard someone running and falling. When I opened my eyes I saw two men fighting. The man who were kissing Meera came to help but the newcomer unleashed a series of blows to both the men. They both fell to the sand a couple of times before they ran away. The new man, our saviour, came to me first.

"Are you okay?"

He asked while untying my hands and getting me up. I don't remember now what I replied to him as I ran to Meera. She had got up but was still sitting on the ground.

"Are you okay, baby?"

I touched her cheek. She let out a cry and hugged me tight. It took a few moments for us to calm down and acknowledge our saviour.

"Thank you sir, thank you very much" I said walking to him holding Meera along with me.
He stood there looking at is both. It was dark and I couldn't make out his face. But deep in my heart I knew I would never forget this man.
He asked me if we can walk. I said we can.

"I had seen them hitting you. I thought they're checking your purse for money and I thought I would catch them when they leave.."

He said while walking.

We had reached the road and street light were falling on us now. My gaze fell on her face which told every bit the pain she'd just been through. I checked her face. When I touched her cheek, she pulled her face back in pain.


"You should see a doctor right now"
He said.

He knew one nearby. He straightaway guided us to the clinic. It was closed, but his presence ensured Meera as well as me received treatment. He didn't come inside the clinic. When we came out after half an hour, he wasn't there. He was gone.

We didn't even know his name. It wasn't really a situation to get to know each other. Nevertheless I wished had I asked a thing or two about him.

Doctor had suggested we take a bath in warm water. We decided to go to our room. I ordered the food straightaway. By the time we both finished our shower, food was delivered at the room. We quietly had the dinner and went to bed.

While I was lying there, I could not erase from my mind the sight of Meera crying. It was a horrible situation. Right now when think of that evening, there's one thing that I later came to a conclusion. When a cuckold is sharing his past and if there is a bang attempt among the flow of events, people may be thrilled of it. The possibility of the 'bitch' getting screwed by an unknown guy may amuse them. They'd even expect the man -the cuckold- getting horny from that sight. But folks, it's not simply true. I too would have thought it could happen but once I went through it, once I saw the helplessness in Meera's eyes, I realised this reality. Till that day, I had been imagining various possibilities of Meera having sex with different men. Suddenly I felt like they were not true. Suddenly I felt like I'd been imagining them all. Because suddenly I felt like Meera is so innocent to do them.

At first I thought she had sex with Mr. Thomas. But are you sure? What if Meera had objected him? The only visible proof other than my preoccupations that I had was the bedsheet change. Maybe it was changed in the evening itself. As in Sunny's case also, sitting two people together doesn't mean they'd necessarily end up in bed. With a strange dream still fresh in my mind, I had already realised the possibility of Mr. Mohan lying to me. And, finally, about Mr. Shekhar. I asked myself if I can find a way to dismiss that too. I hadn't thought of that night for its compliancy to the truth. I believed it because Meera had herself confessed it. But, she knew that it turned me on when I heard such things. What if she had lied to me only to check whether I enjoyed or not? Maybe she's upset because she was kissed by him, which also she had confessed to me. That night she had spent just fifteen minutes with him, and is that really enough for an old man to walk in, fuck the girl, and go home?

My mind was scrambled. I wanted to go back in time and erase all those incidents that had turned my mind to a piece of shit. I felt like I need to run to see a psychiatrist.

Sunday morning I woke up expecting to see Meera upset. Well she wasn't. The fingermarks on her face had also disappeared. I still had pain on my neck. But seeing her smiling a couple of times helped me forget my ache. Both mentally and physically I felt myself at ease.
We had our breakfast and lunch in the resort only. By evening I was feeling better than I expected and I suggested we should get out. We already had lost two days/nights from the weekend. Monday night can never replace a Sunday night.

There was this weekend house party, which we came to know of from the resort and they also provided us with the entry passes.

I thought it should be good to land in the crowd and join their -whatever that maybe- celebrations. Meera quickly agreed. For the night, she chose to wear a black colour, dotted frock that ended just about her knee. That was the first time I was seeing her in that dress.

She looked absolutely gorgeous. She wasn't carrying any shades off last night either. It really pleased me. Finally we're going to have a blast as we had hoped for.
We got ready in time and hit the place by 8 O'clock.
The crowd was good, but it wasn't anyway overcrowded. We took our seat and enjoyed the music that was coming from the dance floor on the other side. She chose wine and I asked for beer. She appreciated that.

That's when I saw him. Across the hall, in a corner, by the bar, sipping his drink, probably whisky. He hadn't seen me. I quickly gestured Meera to look at his direction. She turned her head to look at him, and that's exactly when he saw us too. Our eyes locked for a few seconds. Or was it theirs only? I don't know.

He raised his glass at us and I too did, while smiling back at him.
Meera just kept looking at him, though.
He then slowly walked towards us, holding the glass in his left hand. As he was closer enough for his face to be seen clearly, I realised that his eyes were also locked with hers. He didn't look away even once, throughout his long walk. She didn't break her intense stare either, even when he stopped right next to our table. I felt like their eyes were having a conversation that their lips didn't want to share.

I said, and they both turned their eyes to me. It felt like my timing was wrong. Honestly, I was intimidated.

Yet I smiled at him again.

"Glad to see you both here... to see you guys back" he said and turned his eyes back at her.

"Your wife.... she seems all good.." I noticed his voice were laced with all the charisma in the world.

She had a smile dancing around the corner of her lips, yet she wasn't generous at all.
At that moment I wished if she smiled at him. I couldn't see why she's holding it back.

"Actually we're glad to see you here.. We wanted to thank you for what you did yesterday.."
I said.
He broke his eyes with hers again.

"Well you can thank me, now" He said.

I suddenly couldn't find words. I was upset myself for breaking their stare contest.

"Can I buy you a drink, to start with?" I somehow asked.

“I already have one, thanks,” He said, maintaining nonchalance.

"Oh yes, uh.. then please join us" I said.

"I've already joined you." He looked at my eyes. "Would you mind if I take your wife to the dance floor? It's one of my favourite songs.."

I actually wasn't paying any attention to the music since the moment I saw him. When he was looking at my eyes I couldn't really feel there really existed any word that I could use to practically object him, and I politely nodded to him with a smile.

He didn't wait for her consent. It was like he already knew it. He extended his hand to her and she instantly arose from her seat, promptly placing her palm at his hand. He put his glass over the table before walking away with her.

I haven't told you about the physical features that I had noticed so far about him yet, have I? Well, he looked same to me in the age and complexion but that's where the similarities end. He was visibly taller than me by a few inches at least and his beefed up biceps could be noticed by anyone without much effort. He visibly possessed a toned body and his manly strength were already proved a day earlier. But none of those wasn't the feature that help him outclass the rest. That was the fire that I had just witnessed in those eyes, a few moments ago. It possessed the power to communicate his mind to whoever he wanted.

Though I could tell you all this, one thing still remained a fact. That I still didn't know his name. But I felt it's irrelevant. What he had done to us yesterday had already earned him my trust. I had noticed the same in Meera's gaze she had maintained with him earlier. I was sure he's gonna keep her at ease. I chose not to follow them to the dance floor.
I had finished my drink and gestured for another.
After the song, they promptly returned to me.

"She's great on the floor"

He commented and instantly grabbed his drink. My drink arrived at the moment.

"I want to keep her there some more... But she insisted I should inform you first.." saying so he smiled at her and she smiled back at him.

I couldn't say no, yet again. At that moment, I couldn't find a reason to say so.
She finished her drink with him and waved her hands to me as he walked her away from me to the dance floor.
I chose to be seated up to the end of my third round of drinks. Then I got up and walked towards the dance floor. By the time it was crowder than I thought it was when we arrived, and I saw them dancing at the centre of it. They were dancing with their moves exactly to the tune of the song being played. Especially the way Meera was dancing held my attention for a few moments, and I wondered how come she's mastered those moves. They were perfect as of a seasoned dancer. I remembered her having told me about the dancing programs she used to participate during her college life. It was years ago. I now really felt myself proud of being her husband.

Then the song ended, and another one began to play. As everyone around switched their steps to match with it, I noticed Meera and him remaining still. They looked in each other's eyes and slowly the small distance between them shrunk. Her eyes were glued to his, and her hands rested on his chest. He ran his hands over her upperarm. He was telling her something. At a moment she turned her head to her left, to where I was standing and she saw me. He too looked at me and I immediately felt like being caught in a wrong place. She might have expected me to be standing there, watching them dancing together. I couldn't understand how or why.
Meera's eyes remained with me for a short time, before being averted back to its original place. Was she seeking permission from me? For what?

She told him something again and he looked at me. I couldn't stand there anymore. I smiled at him once, turned back and walked to my table. I gestured for another round. At the moment I noticed I was carrying a boner. And it felt amazing. As the drink arrived, I wanted to finish it as quick as possible and return to watch them dance again.
I finished it as I wished and I left the table immediately. Though I wanted to run to the dance floor, I restrained myself and managed to walk.
But I was dismayed quickly as I reached there. They weren't there. I walked around the corners and looked at every dancing groups for the next two minutes. There weren't there. They were gone. But where?

The dance floor was basically a centre place where two more hangout halls joined. If they're not the centre, they must have moved to the one of the halls. I walked along the aisle looking at each and every couch.
There, I saw her. But only her. She was sitting in a couch and she seemed expecting me.

"Where is he?"
I asked about my biggest concern.

"His name is Arman." She smiled at me, completely ignoring my question.

"Arman? Oh, I see!" I responded and sat on the couch.

"Do you think we can trust him?" She asked.

I failed to see her intention. But I could answer it.

"Yes, of course. But why? I mean... Why do you have such a doubt?"

"He's asking for a walk outside.."

"Oh, that's good.."

"So, can I go?"

That's when I learned actually he's asking out her. He didn't mean to walk with us but her.

I nodded without really thinking much.

"But make sure you return in time. I'll be waiting here only"

She instantly got up and gave me a light hug.

"Thank you Krish. I love you. And you make sure you don't get too drunk"

She patted on my cheek and walked away to the door.

I sat there thinking whether I should return to my earlier table or I remain in this table. But another thought crept in to my mind next moment. Why shouldn't I follow them?

I didn't wait much. I arose from my seat and walked out. I entered the corridor and looked right and then left. I thought I saw them walking out of the corridor from the left exit for a fraction of a second. I walked towards that exit.
It didn't take much to locate them.
They were walking slowly on the pavement along the small road. It was well lit, and I felt it's not safe to be visible. I slowed down.
I still didn't know if it's just a simple walk or what. But they walked together like a couple. Every bit of them. His right hand constantly rested around her hip as they walked along. Eventually they turned left and entered a park where I saw many couples sitting under various plants of various sizes as I walked past them. All of them seemed engaged in their own world and none noticed a man stealthily following his wife and her... I don't know how to describe him.

Was he her lover? No. Never.
Was he her friend? No. Not yet.
Was he an acquaintance? No. Not even that.
Then who was he?
I really found it strange. All I knew about him was his name. I didn't even know if that's true. And yet, he was allowed to walk away with my wife this far. He was allowed by me as well as Meera. I was supposed to be sitting in the bar and she seemed completely at ease with this strange man. What was in her mind? Was she equally confused like me? Or was she just following her impulses?
He lead her to a lone corner and sat her on a bench under the dark shade of a tree. I knew it's not a good sign at all.
And I was correct. As soon as they sat together, he leaned to her and kissed her. It was quite an intense one, I assumed, as it lasted longer than a normal first kiss. I couldn't see the kiss, as he was facing the opposite side. His right hand was around her shoulder and I saw his left also moving to her. But I couldn't exactly make out what he was doing to her.

I heard someone walking to me from my back side. I thought a second and quickly pulled out my mobile, and held it close to my ear. Pretending to be talking over the phone I turned to them. It was a couple. They saw me and turned to their right and disappeared among the bush. I had unintentionally averted the possibility of stopping Arman and Meera from whatever they were doing. Having ensured no one's coming that way, I turned my attention back to them. This time I could see what was Arman up to with his hand. He was working under her dress. Probably touching her delicates. She has leaned back by then, inviting him for more. And he went for more. His face moved along her neck to her chest. With right hand he slipped her frock from the shoulder. I could see her moaning as he kissed or even licked around her chest. This went on for a few minutes.
At a moment, he stopped it all and looked around if anyone's watching. I moved back quickly to hide myself. I couldn't see them anymore. I bent down and crawled inside the bushes slowly. It was really dark inside. I crawled forward until I got a clear view to them. And what I saw, simply stunned me.
He had freed his dick out if his pants, and the fingers I saw touching it wasn't his. It was Meera. She slowly touched it while being kissed relentlessly. Very soon she gained confidence and almost grabbed it with her right hand. Arman shifted his face to her tits yet again, and I watched in amaze Meera slowly moving her hand up and down. It was quite dark, and a part of it was still inside his pants and I couldn't make out it's size. But I eventually saw its thickness. It was thicker than the one I see everyday.

The moment I thought about my dick, I noticed the pain it was bearing under my tight pants. It had grown to the maximum watching all this and I sensed it would be damaged soon. I slowly unzipped my pants and freed it to the air. It was throbbing and I immediately felt ashame of myself. But I wasn't the one who feared shame. Not anymore. I had learned to enjoy it. If I was scared of anything at that moment, that was to touch my dick. I was scared if I explode as soon as I touch it.

Arman then pulled Meera onto his him, to his lap first, and further turned her body to lay her on the bench. She didn't put up a single gesture of resistance. She laid there on her back watching him getting up by his left knee still on the bench and bending down to her to kiss her. When he finished his kiss I saw where his left hand was, it was slowly pulling her panty along her thighs, which were folded and up in the air!
Without facing even a small pause, he was allowed to remove her panty and keep it aside. I was watching all this, with all my conscience, and I was still able to stand it. My lovely wife, who had just whispered the words 'i love you' in my ears a few minutes ago, making me feel she meant it then, was about to be provided with moments that belonged entirely to me. In a few moments, watching her do it, I would watch myself being relegated from the one to the one of many. I knew all this. But I still could stand it. I cursed the fact that I'm not angry. I cursed that I'm enjoying it.

She had spread her legs apart. Right leg was raised in to the back of the bench and left one hung to the ground. Even in that darkness I could make out how shiny were her thighs. He lowered his pants and I saw it now, clearly. Then I saw him adjusting himself to the point of no return. Beginning with a gentle push, he quickly stuffed her with whole of his meat. I wondered how she managed to contain him. I had seen its length and girth, even in the darkness. I didn't even stand a comparison to him. Suddenly I realised a fact. A truth. That I was providing her with something that wasn't enough for her, all through her life! Here, she was receiving what she truly deserved. And he was giving it to her perfectly. She moaned, rolled her head on the bare bench, and held on to the edge of it, as he went on to give it to her for longer than what I could do in a month combined. It was a real test for her and she stood it, enjoying every bit of it. After five minutes or so, I saw her letting out a suppressed scream, making me realise how she truly responds to an intense orgasm. Once it was seemingly subsided, she grabbed his hip with her both hands, and raised her left leg up to wrap him between both of her bare legs. She had forgotten that she's in a park, so open. Arman still had it left in him. He fucked her for more, and his moans were audible to me. I was scared if someone would heard it. He kept going furiously, before finishing with a series of quick pushes deep into her. I forgot to breathe, or breathed only when my body cells begged my subconscious mind for some oxygen to keep me alive. He then held it still, pushed into her for a few seconds to ensure he's discharging all of his juice in the right place. I was watching my wife receiving it from another man with all pleasure, without protection. Her safe period was over as per my knowledge. But it didn't concern me at the moment. I felt kind of thrilled, of what I had just witnessed. I really felt it normal.

In those moments there was one thing that slightly bothered me, which I do remember even now, and it now feels quite funny. That was about this: she wasn't on her safe days, and he's just inseminated her. What if she forgets to take an afterpill? How would I remind her to take one? She had to do it herself, but the worry was mine.

Arman was still bent down on her, devouring her mouth. Meera willingly lay there, until he decided to stop. He said something to her and she smiled. I couldn't see her face completely but I was able to imagine how beautiful it was.
Then they both sat up, adjusting their clothes. I saw his now limp cock for a fraction a second. I felt like it was staring at me and still trying to challenge me.

"Lucky bastard" I said in my mind and looked at mine, still hanging out in the air. It was in a mess, complete mess. I saw cum leaking from it, and that's when I realised that I had ejaculated, somewhere during the show. I quickly grabbed it and hid it inside my jockey, like it wasn't worth showing it off. I felt embarrassed for owning it.

I was impatient throughout the short time before I was served with my drink. I immediately asked for another and finished half of it in one go. Then I saw them, coming to me hand in hand.

One look at her and I became speechless both in sorrow and confusion. Sorrow at the sight of her and confusion at the thought of how it could happen to me.
Once you release it, you begin regret it. Universal truth.

"We ain't too late, are we?"

Meera sat next to me and snatched my drink. She did a sip, and return to me. I looked at the glass. Does it have her lip marks? The lips that were devoured by another man a few minutes ago...

"Hi Arman!" I heard a girl and turned my head.
A young girl in a pink dress walked in and and hugged Arman.

"Where were you? I've been looking for you all over there.."
She said.

"I was.... Well... Sunaina, meet these guys, this is Krish and this is Meera, his wife!"

Arman said.
I smiled a 'Hi' at Sunaina when she looked at me. I feared she'd catch me faking that smile.
Arman then turned to us.

"Krish, Meera, this is Sunaina, my fiancee!"

He said with a perfect smile on his face.

"Hi Krish, hi Meera, Can I steal my fiance back, I wanted to dance with him desperately"

So saying Sunaina grabbed his hand and started pulling his arm.

"Come on... All are waiting there!"

"Oh please, he's all yours!"
I said.

Waving us a bye, especially to Meera, Arman walked away with Sunaina.

"Nice couple right?" I managed to say.

Meera was silent. Suddenly, she looked lost. What has he taken away from my wife?
I asked her what happened but she remained silent.
I couldn't understand. Is it guilt? But why?
One moment she wanted to make love to a man so willingly, and another moment she's remorseful. Yeah, one may feel so, but it's not her first time. So what's the big deal?

She maintained her silence throughout the night. She went straight to washroom at resort, and took a long shower. I dared not to question her much, fearing it would force her break down.
That night I didn't bother her to have sex.
I just laid there looking at the ceiling wondering how is this going to heal?

"You know what happened, don't you?"

Meera asked suddenly. I wanted to turn my head to her but I couldn't. I was scared to face her. Because I knew I need to lie. A lie and a lot of lies to support it. A chain of lies.

"You know, don't you?"
She asked again.

I couldn't believe it came out of my mouth.

"Do you hate me?"
Neither of us moved a muscle.



"I... I don't know... I can't hate you." I was honest. This was something that I was sure of myself. I didn't know how to hate her. Never.
She turned to me.

"Krish, please...."

I turned my head to her.

"Please hate me..!"

She pleaded. I could see the guilt in her eyes.
I reached out to embrace her but she stopped me.

"No, baby. Please. Don't touch me. I don't worth it. I cheated on you... Please hate me"

She sobbed.
How can I hate those wet eyes?
I wanted to cry with her. But I was spent already. Spent, of any secretion that could be triggered by excessive emotions.

"No... I can't hate you Meera. Not in this life. Please understand.."
I wiped her tears and kissed on her forehead. She hugged me tight and wept.

"I am sorry krish... my baby!"
I was melting. Meera took her time to calm down herself.

"It's okay baby"
I looked into her eyes and said.

We didn't speak anything for the next half an hour. It was 1A.M. on the clock.
I was sitting on the bed with my back resting against the wall. Meera laid leaning on to my chest. At one moment she turned her head and looked at me. May be she wanted to know if I'm slept.

"What are you thinking, baby?"

I was thinking things that I had lost track of.

"I was wondering how it happened.. I shouldn't have let him take you out. I trusted him..."

Did I? I asked myself. Questions that pop up in my mind like this are very disturbing.

"Him only? Not me?"
Meera's voice was soft but what she meant wasn't.

"That didn't matter at that moment baby. If I'm sending you to be alone with a man I've just met yesterday, and then that means he must be one who earned my trust in such a short period of time. You choose to walk with him because you trusted him, don't you?"

She looked convinced.

"Yeah that's true. I trusted him. Or may be more than that. I want to be completely honest with you now Krish. I don't know how it happened, but he was drawing me to him. He had something mysterious to him. I don't know if it's his eyes or smell... I just followed him... His every gesture"

" When he sat me on a bench I don't really know where it was, and when he put his hand around me, I not only found its normal but also thrilling. I wanted to sit with him. I felt a sudden urge to be loved no matter by whomever.."

I slowly caressed her upperarm as she continued.

"Then he kissed me. His lips and hands were all over me. I never wanted him to stop. I didn't stop him. I couldn't. When he slipped my clothes from my shoulder, and when he bared my front, only thing I wanted was to be caressed by him. I don't know how and.... you know, it was like he knew what I wanted. Perfectly. I can't now believe that I was actually lying on a park bench with my legs..."

She paused..
I waited for her to tell more. I was feeling the itch to touch my dick which was growing in pants. As she was telling me all this, I was visualising it. But she didn't speak anything.

"How was he... I mean, inside you?"
I dared to ask, though I hesitated at first.

"He was like... no, I can't describe it. The moment I saw it, I felt like I'm about to do something adventurous. I was thrilled to see his... his erection and I was like I immediately wanted to have it inside me. It was so tempting, I couldn't think of anything. What is right... what is wrong.... Nothing. I just wanted to feel it. He mentioned how slippery I was when he did it. I still feel like it's in here...."

She touched her crotch over the clothes. Her words were driving me crazy like hell by then and I unintentionally adjusted my pants. I regretted that move next moment. I was hard and quite visible.

"You're having fun while hearing all this, ain't you?"

She raised the inevitable question.

"Sorry baby, I can't help it. It's totally out of my control."

I tried to reason me. I tried to blame my dick. It had always been a bad servant for me. Never did his job properly but he had no shame to stand up in all its fake glory at all wrong places. I wanted him to share some of the humiliation that I faced on behalf of him.
I don't know how did she do it, but she read my mind. Or at least i thought so, as she poked it.

'Your dick is never under your control. It sleeps when you need it most and wakes up at odd hours!"

I suddenly felt there are three people in the room. Meera, me and my useless dick.
But Meera wasn't as angry as me. She had no right to be angry that night, but I couldn't realise that then. I thought like, wow, she's so nice! How stupid I'd been.
She touched it over my pants.

"What did excite you the most, when I told you all, you know...."

She paused. She knew that's enough to make me understand. May be she was ashamed to complete the question. What she did wasn't something she could feel pride.
I couldn't answer at first. In these type of situations, I've always found me scared of muttering something stupid and earn her fury, though such events were actually very rare.

"Tell me, baby, what excites you? She asked again."

"Everything.. "
I mumbled.



"You are excited of me kissing him?"



"I think it's otherwise.."

"How is that?"

"I mean him, kissing you..."

"Oh... So you enjoy when I'm being enjoyed?"

"I don't know.."

"Baby it's okay..."

"May be yes I do perhaps..."

"No... there's no maybe and perhaps... I know you do..."

I end up accepting all whenever I have these kinds of intimate conversations with her.

"Yes I do. I don't have much control over my body."

"Mmm.... like this..."
Next page: Season 1 - Chapter 05
Previous page: Season 1 - Chapter 03