Season 2 - Chapter 01
"You know,"
Mr. Shekhar was saying,
"Sheelu is very happy .. she's happier than ever now."
"But how?"
I searched for words to interrupt.
"Have you asked Sheelu?"
I managed to ask.
"She's very happy to be with you, Krish. She will be with you. Forever."
"She did tell you that?"
I couldn't believe him.
"She did. Actually she's here only. She's waiting for you in your bedroom."
What the hell?
"Yes. You just need to open that door to your room. She's waiting for you in your marital bed. She's all yours, buddy!"
I shouted.
"I can't go in there. Meera doesn't like her coming close to me. Please ask her to leave. She must leave before Meera come."
Mr. Shekhar laughed aloud.
"Krish, she isn't coming. She's already at my home. She's mine.."
I had become a bad dreamer.
I wake up from my dream to face the truth. It's been days since she had left me.
"Krish. Please stop playing games with me. I'm not your woman anymore. You're not my man anymore."
"It's over, Krish!"
"Krish, don't try to meet me at work. I don't want people to talk about us."
"Will you please do me a favour? Leave me alone."
"Krish, don't think you can talk to me through Ananya. Do you want me tell her what you did make me do?"
I hadn't gone to work for three days. When the pressure mounted, I eventually showed up at work. And it put a brake on my stream of reclusive thoughts.
But the dreams kept coming. Most of them had Mr Shekhar in it. Sheelu in it.
What was it that I actually wanted?
I had never been confused like this.
I've been a bad dreamer.
Not because my dreams are bad.
But they leave me sleepless.
One of those tough days I met my old pal Deb. He's a person whom Meera never liked.
Meera always believed that Deb left me when I was in need of his help. I never approved that argument because I knew he was equally at financial crisis during that time.
Meera already hated him, because he often talks his mind, so I could see she's judging him wrong.
Deb too hated her.
"I don't like your wife, friend. She's too beautiful and it's intimidating me."
I thought it's a compliment. But he meant it.
When I told him about the current scenario, of course hiding my wife sharing incidents, he had only one comment.
"Leave her."
I was taken aback.
"Oh come on man I'm talking about bringing her back and you're talking about breaking up."
I said.
Deb always hated the beauty. He doesn't like beautiful women. He just doesn't trust them.
Because, "with so many chasers behind them, one day or other, they will cheat on you", he said.
His wife was a beautiful woman. And she cheated on him with her friend's husband. That's why he's left her.
I felt like he has a point.
I told him about Sam. Sam was my biggest challenge. He had his eyes on Meera and I could do nothing to stop him.
Then he confirmed it.
"Okay, let me tell you this clearly. She will be taken, no matter how hard you try and pray. She'll spread her legs for him. I'm damn sure. I know how far a woman can go."
That night was fifth in a row since I had lost my sleep.
Shekhar. Deb. Dead or alive, doesn't matter.
If you don't deserve peace of mind, you won't get it.
My life was getting terrible day by day and night by night.
I became reclusive. I had already fallen out with Sam, and his support to Meera during our break-up further allowed us to move away from each other. We were like enemies.
I was alone. I talked less and thought more.
Then after some lonely and unbearable nights, I decided that whatever I need to do, I have to do it myself.
I had to do something.
I called Ananya.
I told her that I wanted to meet her. She was well aware of my fallout with her husband. She though had some sympathy for me.
She immediately told me to leave Meera alone because she's not interested in seeing me. At least not so soon.
"Not Meera, I need to talk to you."
She thought for a moment and agreed.
I waited for two hours for her at the coffee shop she had mentioned. She didn't come.
Her mobile was unreachable. Finally I gave up and left. I thought she might have discussed it with Meera.
But on the way back to home, I got her call. She was apologetic and mentioned some reasons that were undigested by me. She though eased my mind by promising she'd meet me at my home.
She arrived after one hour and we talked.
About Meera. About my dreams. About my unsocial reclusive life.
Strangely, as she sat across me, I caught myself watching her lips. I've never been like this. The vulnerability of being single, suddenly I could sense it in me. It gives you a sense of freedom. You can get horny at any moment at anyone.
The way her lips moved was amazing. I had the taste of them once. They were delicious. She had moaned my name through them when I was pumping my dick into her. She was in her marital bed, asking for more.
The more I watched Ananya talk, the more it reminded me of that day. And the harder I grew in my pants.
The talk didn't bring any result.
But it certainly gave me one more reason to worry upon.
The sense of freedom. Meera was as vulnerable as I was. She could look at other men with the same sense of freedom. She must be with Sam. It was enough for my hard-on to disappear.
Sleepless nights awaited me. There was nothing I could do about it.
One day my car collided with another and Mrs Neerja got injured.
Mrs Neerja. Fat. Rich. Angry. In her forties.
I took her to a hospital and did what was necessary. Her husband arrived and he seemed not bothered in her condition. He actually looked happy.
When I said sorry, he said: "Just chill man!"
He then said even he was thinking about giving her some rest. "So that I can get some rest!"
Mr Das seemed to be in the same age of his wife but he was healthier. I expected him to be exercising regularly. He was well dressed and well behaved. Especially to me.
Starting from the damages we both incurred to our cars, we discussed a lot and eventually, he invited me to a drink in his favourite bar. He always referred me as Mr Menon only, because that's what hospital staff had noted in their report.
"Are you Mr Menon?" He had asked me when we met. He never asked my first name after that. I too never bothered to know his full name. His wife called him simply 'Das', so I assumed that it's his first name.
So we hit it off in the bar. On the fourth round, he congratulated me for being a divorcee at this young age and said I can be assured of a peaceful future.
"By the way where is she now?"
"I don't know. I've kinda forgotten her."
"You lucky bastard. I envy you, Mr Menon. You look at my wife. And look at me. Tell me, don't I deserve better?"
I laughed.
"Yes. I know."
The talk went on.
Though we didn't meet regularly, we met many times. It went on for a couple of months.
Eventually, we were close enough to talk about women.
Das said there was a woman in his office. She was really hot. A married chick with who got everything in the perfect shape.
"You know what I'm talking about. I wanted to kiss her whenever I saw her in my office. I wanted to bend her over my desk and do it. But only in my daydreams."
"That's good, tell me what have you done with her.." It was nice to hear more from him. I felt a slight hard-on in my pants.
"I just kept dreaming."
He said, finishing his drink and immediately ordered another.
"Her name was Meera. And she remains the most beautiful woman I've ever worked with."
I forgot to sip the glass I had on my lips.
Meera. My Meera.
The Earth was round and small, indeed.
I recollected the story involving her old boss, Mr Das. The man who wanted to sleep with her in exchange for letting her keep her job. She had landed a slap on his face, giving up her job. It was long ago.
The same Mr Das was my new friend Mr Das.
Suddenly my growing erection was taken a hit. I sensed it becoming dried up. I truly loved my wife. I became more aware of it while listening to someone lusting for my wife.
Not again! I said in my mind. I certainly didn't want to deal with someone telling stories about my wife.
I sipped my drink very slowly as if that's what I cared the most in the world.
"What happened then?" I asked.
"I made a stupid mistake. I played a prank at work. But how, it fell flat and she slapped my face right here." He touched his ear.
"And she quit the job."
"What type of prank was that?"
"She was in a weak position because of one of her close friends, one Mr Shekhar who was not there on our company's favourites list. When I arranged for a negotiation I took Meera for granted. I demanded favours from her. My target was Shekhar whom I wanted to insult. But it ended in an anti-climax, as she stood for him and punished me."
It was a revelation. I remembered that night's celebration. Mr Shekhar had all the fun that night.
Mr Das took a sip and continued.
"And she left the job. Completing the tragedy."
"That's how shit happens."
I tried to look like I cared about it.
"So, have you moved on now?"
"No. I still rue that silly prank."
He finished his glass, gulping it one last time.
"And I still dream of her."
Ananya called me next day and she wanted to meet me. I was on Laxmi Road.
"How about afternoon? Right now I'm a bit busy here." I said.
And it turned out she was also there.
Ananya and I in the Laxmi Road. It reminded me of a story. Those who have read it may or may not remember about it. But since I am the one who lived it, I'm expected not only to remember but also to get excited about that day, ain't I?
Well, the time had changed. Showing that I am excited about her might put me in a bad image in front of Ananya. I thought. Suddenly I was thinking like I should behave like a male version of Sati-Savitri. She should never know I got a hard-on while speaking to her. What if she goes to Meera and tell her, 'I think he'll move on soon, he was very horny looking at my boobs, I'm sure he'll soon be seduced by someone..'?
Ananya was very close to her. And she remained the only person from whom I heard about her. She'd let me know if there's even a slight change of mind in Meera, I hoped.
But we can't really do much about the way women think, can we?
So we met again in that market. Same old market.
She was wearing a churidar and looked very beautiful. Her smile was alluring as usual.
"Do you remember when we met last time here? We went to a coffee bar. Let's go there."
I didn't behave enthusiastically. I was scared of myself. But she insisted and we ended up in the same shop. I saw the old seat. She quickly walked over there. I noticed that it was the only table available. In that table, she had grabbed my hand for the first time. Later that evening she led me to her bed. And she made me tell that I loved her. In those moments, I wouldn't have thought twice before committing myself to spy on China if she wanted it; to be honest.
Holy shit! Why am I feeling this way now?
I thought when I sat facing her.
Why I'm remembering all those episodes?
I tried to calm down myself. But I could tell I was getting excited. I tried to look away from her but it wasn't helping. I was getting intoxicated by her presence. I could feel it. A hard-on. My dick never listens to me. Does yours do?
I had forgotten to ask why she wanted to meet me.
Eventually, she spoke.
"You know why I wanted to meet you?"
I saw a juicy smile playing around the corner of her lips.
"You can name this my sweet revenge. I know what you did last summer, honey! You slept with her friend's widow, didn't you? That's why she left you!"
Sweet little revenge. I remembered. That day, sitting at the same table, I had hinted her that I knew of her adulterous affairs and now it's her time to avenge that scene.
"But she already knows it. There's nothing left to avenge."
I said quietly.
"Hey, I was just joking about revenge."
Nice joke. I didn't smile.
"But we can make the joke a lot more fun. If you want."
She leaned forward.
"That day I let you have you-know-what with me by taking me to my home. Today you can let me return that favour. Let me take you to your home."
She bit her lip to make it even red. I had a gut feeling that she's making fun of me.
"What the fuck!" I got angry in a silent voice.
She interrupted me confidently,
"Tell me you're not hard. I can see it in your eyes, Krish. And I know that you were carrying this when we met last time too."
I had to agree. I couldn't disagree.
I swallowed some air.
"But I want Meera only."
She sat back and kept staring at me more than I deserved.
She said slowly.
"So it was an accident."
"Tell that to Meera."
She just smiled.
"How is she?"
I hoped I could turn her attention toward Meera.
"She's not feeling well, she's at home."
"So you grabbed this opportunity to chitchat with me?"
"No boy, I'm taking good care of my friend. I have Sam with her. He will take care of her."
"You left Sam with her?"
I didn't try to hide my distress.
What is happening? I thought.
Ananya smiled and said.
"He's not like you. He's Sam. I trust him."
After this unwanted meeting with Ananya, I was in a hurry. I was unsure of what to do. Then like a guest role in an action thriller, Deb appeared. I borrowed his bike and rushed to Ananya's house. After a two hours marathon, I managed to reach there. My heart was pounding hard and loud enough to make me believe I might not need to knock on the door.
I located Sam's car in the parking lot.
He's at home. He's with my wife. I said myself.
I couldn't believe it's happening this soon. I knew he would not hesitate to jump on her at the first chance. She's not well, according to Ananya. How could she be so stupid and trust her husband so blindly? I even thought I should have told her about Sam's attempt to bang Meera. It's my mistake. I rued myself as I climbed up the stairs.
I rang the doorbell and waited outside Sam's flat impatiently. Is he going to open the door? I doubted. My mind again dived into the web of thoughts, discussing myself the possibility of facing the worst. The visuals of Sam trying to overpower Meera popped up in my mind.
No. I won't let that happen. I will kill him.
I mentally prepared my fist as I stood there.
The door was opened after a-hundred-and-something odd seconds and I saw a gorgeous face behind it. She looked tired. And her face paled as she saw me.
Of course, my attempts to talk to her fell flat. But I was kinda relieved to know Sam wasn't there.
"I'm too tired to talk to you about us anymore. Please spare me this time." She said.
"Dear I've not come to disturb you. But please don't turn your face away from me. Be at least a friend to me. And please stay away from Sam. I don't trust anyone these days."
"What makes you think so? He was your friend."
"Because of what I've done to you. I never think I'd repeat that. But it can happen to anyone."
I was playing a bit of sentiment.
"Don't worry too much about me. I'm moving out to a new flat."
As I looked unconvinced, she took her purse and showed me the keys.
"I've got the keys already."
"Where's it?"
"Kalyan Nagar. I've paid the advance."
"Okay, that's a good choice. When are you moving?."
"Very soon."
"Will you invite me?"
"I Will think about it. But I don't think I would. I need some peace of mind. I like to be alone."
I sat staring at her and later asked if I can get a cup of coffee from her hand.
When she moved to the kitchen, I stole one of the keys from her purse. It had number 115 inscribed on it. Maybe it's the flat number.
I didn't have any idea what to do with this damn key. But there was an inner feeling that this key was not just a key.
I asked Ananya more about the new flat. She confirmed the number. She had seen it and said it's ready for possession.
However, exactly after two weeks, everything went south.
A cost-cutting scuffle in her firm cost Meera her job. Perhaps she had been paying less attention, and she never saw it coming.
And all the hell broke loose.
Even though a part of the blame fell upon me, I felt actually better than worse as I still had a job and herself becoming jobless might turn the whole thing around, I hoped.
But it soon proved otherwise. Meera decided that she would give up the flat and to stay back at Ananya and Sam. Actually, the flat dealer had a better deal on his hand so he immediately agreed to refund the advance paid, provided that she exits the deal ASAP.
She was going back to Sam again.
When did this fucking Sam become such a threat? I thought.
Next time when I was sitting in the bar with Mr Das, he brought up this news.
"I wonder if her in-charge was a gay. That's only when beautiful women lose their table."
He commented.
Suddenly an idea stuck in my mind.
"Can't you help her to get her old job in your firm?"
"I'd like to, that's what I thought when this news first ran into me. But I don't think she would agree. She won't come."
"Come on it's your best chance dude. You help her when she needs it the most. This way you can get back into her good book."
"I don't want to befriend her, Menon. I want to fuck her."
I wanted to thrash him black and blue right there.
This man is never gonna get my wife. I thought.
She'll never fall into his hands. He's such a dick.
And my optimism relieved my anger and I pressed him further.
"You never know man. You stand a chance at least this way. Otherwise, you don't. It's your call."
I advised him as we left the bar.
Next day I got the message from him.
"She agreed, man; she's joining back."
I demanded party from him and he quickly said yes. He said he'll throw the big one when he makes the biggest move.
"You know what is my biggest move?"
"Tell me?"
"That's when I show my thick meat into her tight hole!"
That night I slept puzzled.
Would Das be able to fulfil his dream? Wasn't I playing with fire again?
To protect Meera from Sam, I had risked her with Das.
At heart, I was tensed whenever I thought of Meera and her vulnerabilities. But then I was me. I had my weakness. I love to hate those damn nights when my dick was damn hard without having a reason.
Ananya gave me the news of obvious repercussions.
Meera had the new job offer. She reverted the flat order cancellation and soon moved into it.
What went wrong with my calculation was that when Das attempted to reconcile with her, he apologised unconditionally to her. She sat through his justification on his old prank and she believed it. Both me and Meera had no chance to validate the volume of his rivalry with Mr Shekhar because the latter was no more.
Within a few weeks, Mr Das rang up me to inform me that she had just agreed to go for a coffee with him. I felt a sick to my stomach. I asked myself if I were seeing the writing on the wall that it was again going wrong.
One Saturday I got a call from Das saying if I can drive Neerja to the airport on Sunday to receive her sister because he would be too busy in the office with some important work. Neerja wasn't comfortable driving with her ever recovering leg. I wondered why they ain't hiring a driver. I didn't really believe if they were holding me alone responsible for her leg injury.
I was free, so I said yes. Sunday, I and Neerja reached airport and waited over a coffee for her sister's arrival. Her younger sister, Nikita turned out to be a beautiful young lady. She was married and her family was in Delhi.
Actually she was very hot and sexy. I couldn't save myself measuring her sizes and angle of curves with my eyes whenever I got chance. I felt guilty everytime though.
"Call me Nikki." She said when I shook hand with her.
There was more with her. Her eyes were repeatedly on me from the beginning.
"Are you married?" She asked once.
We visited an expo site that we happened to cross, under demand from Nikki.
I saw Ananya among the crowd as I walked with the sisters. I noticed her noticing Nikita.
"She's just a friend." I said.
"I thought you'd never move on. It's good."
She smiled, ignoring what I said.
"I told you, she's just a friend."
"She's beautiful."
"Oh come on, Ananya!"
I made a face.
"Don't worry. I won't tell Meera."
"No, I will tell her, so she can also hook up with someone."
"Don't be surprised if that someone turns out to be Sam."
"I won't mind that too."
She laughed.
"What? Are you nuts?"
"But I'll make sure they're caught in time. It should give me more freedom."
"Do you really know what the shit are you talking about?"
I got angry.
"How far you want them go?"
"How far I want doesn't matter. Because I just know Sam wouldn't cross the limits."
"I trust Meera more than Sam."
"That's good for you. Then why you're so worried?"
I couldn't make out whether she's trying to ease me or tease me.
Before leaving, she said, "By the way, you don't worry about Sam today because she's not with him. She's gone to office. Her new boss likes her."
That initially sounded good to me, but then I remembered about her new boss. He said he's got an important work at the office. Today office can't be crowded like weekdays.
Perhaps it will be them only.
I rang up Mr. Das right away. He said he's still at work.
"So much work on Sunday?"
I asked casually.
"My work is done Mr. Menon. Actually I'm trying to get two of my staffs to leave. Then it'll be me and Meera only. In the whole office."
He sounded ecstastic. Depriving me of my breath.
I heard Nikita calling me.
"Who was that young lady?"
"She's my wife's friend."
"You said you're divorced."
"Former wife."
"She seems to be very close."
"She does? I never noticed."
"You were angry and she was enjoying it."
"Come on. Are you suggesting something?"
"Yes. You better pay attention."
"Thanks for advice."
"She's very beautiful."
"Is she?''
"Don't tell me you haven't noticed!"
A gorgeous woman was trying to hit it off with me. But with each try, she was making me agonisingly divert my mind to a possibility that Mr. Das would be trying his luck with my wife in his office.
At times you can see things go wrong and understand how they go wrong. Yet only thing you can do is to watch helplessly.
That night I called Das. I was eager to know what happened in the office.
Fortunately, nothing had happened.
He said he played a perfect gentleman because he knows that's the way forward with her.
"She's enjoying my compliments. I know that's a positive sign." He said.
Nikita called me two days later.
She was getting bored at her sister's company.
"She has become too boring, too much gardening."
She complained.
"Let's try something better."
We went out for an evening movie show.
I still had not given up on my wife. It helped me play the safe guy throughout the evening.
"You're really different from the guys I meet often. You give them an inch and they try covering the entire land. You're a really good friend my friend, Krish."
She said when I saw her off.
Next day she called me again.
"I need a help from you. It's like urgent."
It turned out that she had a friend visiting the city. She wanted me to help her by accommodating him. He wanted a place to stay in the night where she can meet him. She wasn't comfortable visiting him in a hotel room.
I wondered if he's one of those guys who'd 'try covering an entire land if you give them an inch'.
I was happy to help her.
"He can stay with me. When is he coming?"
We reached the airport at six and waited for her friend. She looked nervous.
"What's happening to you?"
"I know. I look nervous, don't I?"
"Promise me you won't say a word to didi."
She held my hand when she said that.
"I promise."
I wondered what's the big deal.
Karan arrived forty minutes later. He was a handsome man, looked younger than me. I shook hands with him. I felt him stronger too. No, he's just acting stronger. I thought.
"My flight is at one twenty. How much time do we have?"
He asked her.
"Six hours."
I said.
"Let's have dinner before going to Krish's place."
Nikita suggested.
"Yeah let's do dinner quickly. I'm really hungry."
He said looking at her.
I felt his eyes were hungry for her. But she was smiling.
I drove them to The House and we had dinner there. It turned out they were old friends who were met on facebook.
"Do we look like a couple, Krish?"
She asked me as we reached my home.
I didn't quite understand the tone.
Karan wanted to change his dress. I showed him the additional bedroom.
"You have quite a large house. How do you keep it clean?"
Nikita said eyeing the whole area.
I just smiled.
"Do you mind if I spend some time alone with Karan? I hope it's not your bedroom, is it?"
She asked suddenly.
"No, it's okay."
I said.
She got up and walked into the room.
I went to the kitchen and prepared three glasses of lemon cordial. When I came back to the living room I noticed the bedroom door was locked. I sat on the couch and waited for them.
Nobody would have done that. But I did.
And how I was made a fool.
I wonder how I was made a fool.
I realised it staring ten minutes into that closed door.
Those ten minutes were the moments that redefined the meaning of silence. There was a lot of noise I could hear around me but nothing made me understand a thing. Until I heard a moan.
I heard a moan and it was from Nikita. I almost jumped up from the couch as I realised what was going on, in an instant.
You put a sexy young woman and a handsome young man in a room and let them close the door, and you know what's supposed to happen. I was too reclusive I guess.
As I drew closer to the door, I heard the noise of passionate lovemaking.
"Neeku...are you okay?"
"Mmm... Yes, push it...huh.."
"Aahh..haah... huh..huhh..!"
Her moans were peaking soon.
I heard the bed squeaking with every push he made, making her moan like that. I guessed he'd be on top of her. And she'd be lying on her back, with her legs wide apart.
I was shocked indeed. Yet I was incredibly turned on.
I even wished if I could peak into the room. I recollected peaking to my bedroom once when Meera was making love to Mr Shekhar. They were too lazy to close the and perhaps made it a point to tease me. But here, however, the room was closed and even bolted, forcing me to hold in my temptation.
The bed squeaks were clearly audible until they were outgrown by her moans, and I felt like she was still asking for more. I heard their bodies ramming into each other.
The rhythmic moans inside the room were soon brought to a halt as soon as the couple brought it to the peak. I heard a groan from the man but she was mostly quiet. I just heard her panting. Is she suppressing her scream? I wondered. What's the point in hiding it now? She had let happen everything that shouldn't have happened.
"That was too good, babe."
I heard Karan later.
"I wish if we could stay here a bit more... "
Nikita, in a tired voice. I instantly loved that voice.
"I'll fall asleep if I stay."
"Kiss me once more."
That should be the kiss.
"We won't talk about next, will you?"
"We'll wait and see. We get what we deserve."
"I'm not on pills, you aware of that, right?"
"My pleasure, babe!"
"Rascal, you've flooded me."
"How about your friend, has he ever flooded you?"
"Shut up you bastard!"
"I hope he's at least better than your hubby."
"Stop it. Krish is my very good friend. And don't you ever talk about Vikas like that."
"I know he can't satisfy you like I do."
"So what? He's a loving husband. Not an asshole like you."
So she cared about her husband. I wondered what type of love was that. She was spreading here but legs for another man a few moments ago, letting him 'flood' her and still claiming she cared for her husband.
I felt for that unknown man.
A major chunk of the male population belongs to the stupid ones. Like me, like Vikas.
We let it all happen, let their women do whatever they want, only to leave themselves with a rock hard dick in the end.
I suddenly felt like a lost man. At that moment, I actually couldn't understand myself. I kept asking me questions.
Why do you feel like this? Who is Nikita? She's not your wife. You met her just a few days ago. You don't have to care anything about her. I could ask all these to myself, but one fact still remained a sour, that she's also a married woman, who has a loving husband and a couple of children at her home. She had just allowed herself enjoy the pleasure of being invaded by someone else.
Her husband has no clue about his trustful wife was being pounded hard in a bed while another husband almost like him guarded her door. How these women play with their men's heart.
And what was more pity than that, was that this all could still give him a hard-on. Like the one that I was having. Helplessly hard.
I wanted to pull out and start jerking immediately. I still have no idea how I resisted my thirsty hands.
The door was opened finally, and Nikita showed up all spoiled. Fucked up face and smile.
"How was it?"
I asked though I knew. I was calm like I didn't bother the fact that she was having sex with her boyfriend in my bed without telling me a shit.
"It was awesome. Thank you, Krish."
She hugged me. I smelt her. I thought my dick jerked up in my trousers. I'd hate to admit that.
"You're a great friend, Krish."
She said.
When Karan showed up, he was changed to a new dress and he looked prepared to board his next flight after the short break.
Before leaving, Nikita told me one more thing.
"That girl, Ananya, she is completely into you Krish. I can tell you that."
"What makes you say so?"
I asked.
"I saw her talking to you. You were angry I don't know but she was...she was liking it. You know she likes you."
"I know that."
"Then bring her over. Here. Your mattress is really smooth."
She said and bit her lips. It made her look lewd. She was.
In the night, I lay in that 'smooth mattress' and wanked harder than I ever did, thinking of Nikita and reliving her moans.
Sometimes you find yourselves on a cliff about to fall down. What you need all is a helping hand to climb up and save your life. But all you get is a push that makes you fall quicker than you imagine.