Season 2 - Chapter 12

When they left I felt like I was relapsing into my old days when Meera had left me a year ago. And this time the gap between us was swollen the widest. I lay in my couch reliving all of my life since Meera. So many ups and downs.

The only solace was her admitting she doesn’t deserve to be angry with me. That’s because she know what she did was wrong. She must have felt herself to be equally at fault like me. And for all of her misery, I was responsible. My experiments with her failed every time. For my sins, the punishment she gave me appeared merciful to me.

She was kind. What if she had asked me to stand undressed while she proceeded with Mr. Das? She could have tied me to the chair and laughed at me. I was ready to take all she would force upon me. But she was kind. She had mercy. She let me live.
Her kindness allowed her to let me masturbate. She chose to let me wank.
My thoughts were like from a chain reaction. One thought always set off another.

I emptied an entire bottle of whisky that night. Blind drunk, I couldn’t really make out whether my dick was hard or not, but in my mind it stayed on. And I feared masturbating. I didn't try to stop my urge to pull it out and shake it for my wife’s soft moans were still in my ears; her eyes just before sucking his balls flashed in my mind repeatedly. I know I would follow Meera’s instructions and wank; and in defence in had only one weapon; my laziness. I just delayed it; to procrastinate it. I never kept my drink down. It remained in my hand, until the bottle was empty.

I felt my dick was still hard and I opened another bottle. But it slipped out of my hands, and fell on the floor. I heard the sound of it breaking into pieces. I didn't care.
Those glass pieces resemble my life; I thought. All shattered.
I checked my store for another bottle, and came back empty handed. I found my wife’s panty in the couch. I picked it up and smelled it. It had my wife’s smell. Still arousing to me. Still drugging my mind. My dick jerked again inside my trousers.

No. No. I shook my head.
I walked into my room with the tiny cloth that too I felt resembled my life at the moment. All torn into pieces.
I threw it into the table drawer. When I opened the drawer, I noticed a pack of condoms; well, one piece less.
One condom was used by Das to pleasure my wife anally. She had enjoyed it very much, despite fearing it. I closed my eyes and heard her moans.
No. I opened my eyes. Now even the condom packet symbolized my life. Unused. Unlucky. Abandoned.
I pitied those unused, unlucky, abandoned condoms.
I pulled out one from them and laughed at it.
Don't worry buddy. Next time when I find a hole, you’ll be honoured.
I kept it in my purse that lay on the table, and walked back to my bed.

I don't remember much about that night. When I woke up next day at eleven, I found five missed calls. Three of them were from Das.

Bastard. I ignored it.

Two were from Sija, my colleague.
I ignored her too, and walked to kitchen. When I realised I had no liquor left, I was compelled to come back to my reality. I had to buy them first in order to have them.

I was getting ready when Sija called again. I was irritated. I didn’t like this woman though I found her quite hot. I didn't have a specific reason to hate her but I did.
“What?” I asked arrogantly.
She wanted to invite me for her daughter’s birthday.
“Sorry to invite you in the final moment. It’s actually today, tonight. I had tried to call you yesterday too, but you didn't pick up.”
She said.

Oh, that missed calls were of yesterday? I thought.
Yesterday, today, tomorrow. Do such things still happens? I wondered.

“Okay, I will come.”
I said.
My day time mission remained to be purchasing of four bottles of whisky.
At seven thirty pm sharp, I reached Sija’s house. Surprisingly, there were no guests other than her neighbours.
“What kind of birthday party is this? “
I didn't hide my surprise at Sija. She looked at her husband. Jayaram looked a perfect banker. Specs. Pot belly. Half bald.
“She said you’re the only one at work who doesn’t like her. So we thought we should invite you.”
Jayaram said. I felt he was joking.
“Strange selection. Are you expecting me to start liking her after this?”
He laughed.
“I was wondering, when she told me about you, I was wondering how can a man can work with her and dislike her. I thought my wife was hot.”
I wondered the man was a sarcastic suspicious moron or a perfectly friendly natural husband.
Sija was pulling his shirt in embarrassment.
“Well. Your wife is pulling at your shirt. You are embarrassing her.”
I said.

The cake was cut soon, and the neighbours left immediately. Jayaram asked me to have dinner with them. I stayed.
The kids were so happy to see my gift. I had packed two teddy bears in it. They shared one each peacefully.
While at dinner, more strange things began to appear. Jayaram got up many times and disappeared to kitchen for bringing some silly things like a bottle of old pickle, a small slice of lemon etc that nobody asked for. He finished his food in a hurry and went inside his room talking with someone on the phone. I finished food and waited in the hall but he never came out.
I offered to help Sija to wind up the table for the sake of being polite, but she refused.
She quickly dumped the empty dishes in the kitchen and joined me in the hall.
“Where is jayaram gone?” I asked.
Sija was embarrassed a bit.
“He’ll be here soon.” She said.
“Just a phone call. I think it’s his friend.”
But he didn't.
After ten minutes of awkward silence, I came up with conclusions.
“What’s happening here, Sija?”
“Please don't be angry. I don't know how to tell you this. But he has doubts over me. When I said you don't like me, he started to be suspicious that I am hiding it from him.”

So he turned out to be a sarcastic suspicious moronic husband. I thought.

“So what is he expecting now? We make out here?”
Sija’s eyes rolled in bewilderment. She seemed never expecting me talking like that, considering my history of strictly professional conversations with her. She was embarrassed even more.

“Please don't be angry.”
She pleaded.
“Does he like it if his wife is flirting with me?”
“No, no... he doesn't. “
She shook her head sideways.
“He never like me talking with other men, he scolds me always. He’ll never want me...”
“Sija I am definitely not enjoying it. I think I should leave now. Call him.”
I interrupted harshly. I couldn’t bear him anymore. I felt he was a version of my old self.

She went inside and returned after two minutes. When he walked in, I straightaway looked at his crotch. His bulge was pretty visible. He noticed where I was looking at, and he was embarrassed.
“Sorry for leaving you people alone... my appologies... “
He adjusted his clothes a bit, in an attempt to hide his erection.
I laughed, for nothing.
“It’s okay.”
I said.

The man was a two-face. He was hard imagining his wife with her colleague and at the same time accused her for that. I wondered if Sija had ever cuckolded him. Would he ever accept his mind to his wife? Would he ever let her have a date with someone? Would he ever watch her being taken? I wondered.
He would end up worse than me. I thought.
That night I took a walk along the street across my house. I saw a lot of women walking; many of them with their partners. Some were alone.
I felt the hot looking were always those who had men with them. Is it a law of nature?
Others’ wives always look hot. I thought.

Many of the cute faces I saw gave me wonderful smiles. They knew me, hence the smiles. I nodded at them all.

Monday I got calls from Das again. I picked up once.
“Das I don't wanna talk to you.”
“Krish, please listen...”
“Shut the fuck up.”
I said angrily and cut the call.

When Sija came to me at tea break, I pulled her aside. I looked at her eyes, she looked a bit tired.
She asked, surprised at my sudden move.
“You look tired. You slept very late last night.”
“No. Nothing happened."
She said.
"I know exactly what happened."
“He took you for a surprise, didn't he?”
She was taken aback. She stared at me, a slight smile flashed at the corner of her lips.
“What are you saying?”
I knew she understood what I was saying.
“I am saying he was very good in bed.”
She was embarrassed now, and looked around if someone’s hearing us. She said nothing for a few seconds.
“How do you know?”
“Did you enjoy it?”
“Come on... you’re invading my private... I mean it’s too personal...”
She stuttered.
“How are you going to thank me?”
“Shut up, Krish.”
“Don't call me for dinner again. “
“Yeah I will never call you for dinner.”
“You know I will never come even if you invite. Never again.”
“Really? Why?”
“Because your food was very bad.”
She laughed. She bit her lips. She kept looking down shyly. She was enjoying it. I saw her cleavage this time, perfectly.
I deduced she would soon end up in someone else's bed.
That moment I also realised why I could never find a reason for why I hated her. There was none.

Monday night I took my walk again, and saw those hot, other men’s wives again. None of them really fascinated me. I was never looking for a hook up anyway. I compared every beautiful woman out there to Meera. Everyone failed in front of her. My unconscious mind was still dreaming of her. I struck up short conversations with a lot of women, knowing that none of them would excite me like Meera.

A day later I had a surprise call. It was from Nikita. She was back in town.
I hoped she wouldn’t need any special favour from me like last time and immediately asked her out on a coffee. We met at a cafe at six. She wore a brown frock and looked elegant. Hotter than I ever thought, actually.
“You look hot, Neeku.”
I said. Her eyes widened.
“Wow. If you’re saying it must be true.”
She mesmerised me with her smile.
“By the way only my ex calls me Neeku.”
“Oh really, how do I know?”
I showed an innocent face and she grinned.

“How long are you here? “
I asked later.
“I had made a visit a few weeks ago but I couldn’t contact you; it was a very short one. This time I’ll stay for a week. Das has left for Paris.”
I didn't know that.
“When is he returning?”
I didn't really wanna know. But I pretended otherwise.
“Maybe this Saturday... he is...”
“Your husband would be missing you, wouldn't he?”
I interrupted her.
“Nope. He’ll adjust with his work.”
She said.
“That sounds a bit reproachful.”
“I didn't mean reproachful.”
“Are you sure?”
“mmm...okay, maybe somewhat it is...”
she admitted.
“You don't talk for the sake of saying it. I know. Not with me.”
“Yeah. I know. I have that freedom with you, haven’t I?”
I just nodded.
“I feel like I have the freedom with you to share my secrets without really worrying about it...”
“You feel like that? I am afraid you are hell wrong baby...”
“I was planning to blackmail you with what I know...”
She was already smiling.
“Blackmail me? for money?”
“No. No.”
"Then what for?"
I leaned forward and lowered my voice.
“I was gonna take you home...”
“Oh really? “
She grinned.
I said seriously.
“And then what?”
“You have no idea?”
“Oh my Neeku... how can you be so innocent about it?”

“Stop it you stupid. Don't call me Neeku.”
She kicked me under the table. The girls at next table stared at us again and I winked at the cute one.
Nikita grabbed her coffee and took a swig.
“I am really sorry. I had to use you that day. I didn't think...”
“No you didn't use me."
She looked at me unbelievably.
“If you did, you wouldn’t be sitting here with me.”
She smiled.
“Thanks for making me feel better. You know I am really ashamed to even think about it now.”
“But you were really enjoying it while doing it...”
“Shut up. Why is it so difficult to talk to you?”
“This is our first ever coffee date, isn’t it?”
“No it’s not. But yes... first one like this...”
“There is a first time for everything... even I never thought you would be so loud...”
I constantly dragged her into the memory of her fling with her ex in my house a few months back, and she found the cafe a wrong place to be with me. She was embarrassed. And her voice became lower with each of my leg-pull.

“You know I was getting a hard-on, actually.”
I added.
She grinned and kicked my legs again. I caught her between my legs this time.
“Is he still in contact? Ask him to visit again. I am still staying alone.”
"Shut up. It’s a public place. Don't make me throw this cup on you."
She threatened.

It was fun. We parted after the coffee.

When we were leaving the cafe, I saw a familiar face at the other end of the cafe. I waved my hand at her. She returned a smile.
Nikita noticed it.
“Who’s that?”
“That’s Meghna. A friend.”

This time I felt good that she saw me with Nikita. To me, Meghna seemed like an eye of Meera. I felt like Meera was watching me. She must have seen me playing foot games with Nikita. I thought.
Suddenly I felt myself more attracted to Nikita.

Nikita called again at nine in the night.

“Didi fell from the stairs.”
She said.
I immediately rushed to her and helped her take Neerja to a hospital. There was nothing serious but both the ladies were anxious. Neerja had her right hand fractured and ankle twisted; and they were dressed very soon. Neerja seemed too much tensed.

“It’s all normal Neerja. You’ll be alright soon. Why are you so stressed?”
I asked her later.
“I was worried if I couldn’t travel.”
“Travel to where?”
“You are also going Paris?”
“Das didn't tell you? We are moving to Paris.”
“What do you mean by moving; are you gonna settle in there?”
“You don't know?”
She looked at Nikita. She was equally surprised.
“We are moving to Paris, Das is joining our son’s business there...”
“And you’re not coming back?”
I asked in a hurry.
“We haven’t planned our return yet. Not soon, for sure.”
She said. I was surprised.
“Really? Das never told me. Is that a surprise?”
I wondered.
“It’s strange Das haven’t told you. You guys are very close.”
Nikita said.
Well, we were. I didn't say.
By the time we got back home it was almost midnight. I and Nikita helped Neerja reach her bed comfortably. Neerja wasn’t happy about using a crutch.
“You know why I asked Nikita to seek help from you? Because you are the one who’s all responsible for this.”

Neerja said.
“Me? How?”
“Yes you. My knee is weak since our accident and because of that I fell down the stairs today.”
I laughed.
“You had caused that accident that day, madam.”
That car accident had indeed brought her troubles. But more than her, it had caused troubles for me. If not for that accident, I wouldn’t have met Mr. Das. And I wouldn’t have sought his help to save my wife from Sam’s apparent danger. And Das wouldn’t have seduced her to his bed. Yes, I was more at loss.

I bid Neerja good night and began to leave. Nikita walked me to the door.
“Are you leaving? You can stay if you want. It’s a big house, a lot of rooms...if you want...”
“If I want, huh?”
“No, I insist. It’s too late.”
“Beware what you wish for, young lady.”
I patted lightly on her cheek.
“If I stay I won’t let you sleep. “
Her eyes grew wide even in her sleepy mode.
“Is that a threat?”
“No, it’s a promise.”
“I can't believe you’re talking to me like this. Are you alright?”
She teased.
“Am I alright? Check for yourself!”
I turned myself to her, to stand face to face with her, just a few inches away from her. She stood her ground, her eyes challenging me. She wasn’t sleepy anymore. Suddenly some moments of silence crept in between us. A small smile began to appear at the corner of her lips and she erased it with a quick bite.

“What are you gonna do, gentleman?”
She forced out some words in the end.
Even though I wasn’t directly looking at, I could see the swell of her breasts, round and full, against her fine dress. I was constantly aware of the valley that could lead me deep into those fine globes. I was feeling aroused.
I cupped her face in my hands and leaned forward, as if to kiss her. She initially made a trivial attempt to withdraw, but then stood her ground. I avoided her lips and bit on her cheek instead. My teeth sank into her soft skin a bit hard and she writhed under the lock of my hands. Like a hen under a cock.
She tried to push me away, albeit in a very feminine way.
I moved. But I had made an almost ‘O’ mark on her cheek. She rubbed it with her palm.
“It’s yummy.”
I said.
“You pervert. Cannibal!”
She made a face at me, and she looked absolutely cute. I wanted to bite her more, making ‘O’s all over her.
“There are more yummy parts. But I am not gonna let you.”
She pushed me again, without making me really feel being pushed away. I knew where it was leading us.
“Yummy, yummy parts; yeah I know.”
I laughed and walked out of the door. I wasn’t really sure if I should stay. Meera’s face had started to flash in my mind. I felt her presence a few feet away from me, watching me. Despite having no idea on why she would do that, I felt she’s still observing me.

Nikita stopped me again.
“Are you really leaving?”
“I should be.”
I said firmly.
She was suddenly at loss of words.
“ about a coffee?”
“You mean now?”
She shook her head.
“Just a coffee. I will make it.”
I looked at her and said quietly, “Okay, let’s see how you make it.”
So I walked into the house again. It was now more like sneaking into the kitchen and making a coffee, because of the way she handled the tea pot and cups; absolutely no sounds.
“I don't want didi know our secrets. She thinks she is your friend here.”
“What if she knows?”
“She’ll kill me, she not what you see. She’s nothing short of a lioness.”
I remembered Das behaving always scared of his wife, making me wonder what was so frightening about her. I felt she’s not that dangerous. What power does she possess to scare all the people around her? I wondered.
I felt I should call up Das and tell him ‘hey buddy, I am gonna tell Neerja about what you did with my wife.’

That would scare the shit out of him.
“Coffee is ready.”
Nikita said soon.
It was delicious.
“I feel awake now. “
I said.
“Yeah that’s what I wanted. I didn't want you drive asleep and get into accident...”
We walked to the hall with coffee.
“It’s a really big house for two people. How many rooms are there? “
I asked.
“I haven’t counted. Are you planning to buy? It’s already sold.”
She said.
So they are not gonna come back here. I figured.
Does that mean Das is leaving Meera forever? My heartbeats rose with an unknown sensation. I couldn’t make out I was pleased or more confused. If he goes away from her because he is moving out, that’s good. But how can that be possible? He could make a visit every now and then to her and meet up with her at random places; and their relationship would find some meaning in the long run. She’d be happy with that.

In the end I found more validity for my confusions. I even foresaw Meera getting pregnant, and I forced myself back to Nikita and her coffee.
“So, are you gonna miss this house? Which room was your favourite?”
I asked her.
“The master bedroom. It’s the largest. Plenty of space and practically everything...”
“The one Neerja is in now?”
“No. This one’s upstairs. Wanna see?”
“Yes. Definitely.”
I placed the empty cup on the centre table and got up with her.
“It’s already sold. Don't forget.”
She said as we walked the stairs. I walked behind her, watching how her back moved in a slow tune.

“It’s perfect.”
I said.
She stopped and looked back at me.
“I said you look perfect from behind; I like it.”
She laughed.
“I know you wouldn’t say that.”
“Well I just said that. Now stop laughing and walk.”
I slightly pushed her, running the tips of my fingers down from her shoulders. I touched her bare skin; it was soft and...
She soon led me to the large room.
“It’s Das’ bedroom. Isn’t it the best one?”
She asked.
It was. A king size bed and the decor that screamed luxury formed its basic character. I walked to the bed. She stood next to me.
“What are you planning, dear?”
“I was thinking about using it for one time...”
I grabbed her hand and looked into her eyes.
“No, you won’t...”
Her voice was soft this time. We both stared into each other’s eyes.
She was not challenging me. She was not daring me with those eyes. Not anymore. I had brought her too forth, and I could see where she was.
No one stays indecisive in those moments.

I pulled her closer, without breaking my eye contact with her. I could feel the beating of her heart I could feel the outlines of her body that pressed against me, and I sensed more of myself waking up in the middle of the night.
Her voice was husky. I wrapped my hands perfectly around her and initiated a long kiss. She made no objections. She was seduced. She opened her mouth and let me taste her tongue very soon. She was warm and soft, and my kiss became intense with each passing moment. She had her arms around me making me feel I deserved her. I felt her arms caressing my back and I felt loved. It was a small gesture, but it made a big statement that it wasn’t lust but affection that was guiding her. Perhaps love.

I broke the kiss and sat her down on the edge of the bed.
She said suddenly. It was against the flow of every stream of wind that existed around and within us.
“I can't. I am not safe.”
She mumbled.
“I am sorry, Krish. But I can never take this risk. I am sorry Krish.”
She began to get up and I stopped her.
“What makes you so worried about it? I’ll buy you a pill in the morning.”
She looked at me for a moment before replying.
“No. We’ll forget it. I can't take that risk. Even I want to be...”
She paused and sighed.
“But I can't. I know it was so stupid...I...”
She rued herself.
I was taken aback. Not because of her refusal but when I recollected Das’ confession of having sex with a family friend on the party night. Was it Nikita? He had said she was adamant about precaution measure.

Yes. Nikita herself had told me that she had made a short visit a few weeks ago.
A wry smile appeared on my lips as I wondered how small moments bring about big secrets.
“I am sorry, Krish. You can't find anything in here...”
She noticed my smile and stopped. I laughed.
“Yeah I know this house is worthless... but I am better equipped, my dear!”
I took my purse and pulled out a condom.
The same old unlucky, unused and abandoned one.
The sudden spark in her eyes in her eyes outshone every light Das had luxuriously set up in his room.
“You carry this in your purse?”
I just held out the little thing to her.
“Do you know how to use this one?”
She grinned.
“Eeeee! No! I want to know.”
She wasted no time to jump on me and felled me onto the bed.
She was a strong woman. It soon turned out.
She sat astride me and pulled up her kurti. I unbuttoned my shirt and bared my chest.
“I never thought we'd end up here.”
She lay on my chest and whispered.
“Me too.”
I said and bit on her ear lobes. She giggled lightly. Her lips were soon over mine. I unhooked her bra and she discarded it without breaking our kiss.
“You're a great kisser, Krish. I like it.”
She says when she sat up finally. She licked her lips.
“You don't hold back, do you?”
She was feasting my eyes with her bared breasts. She had light brown tits and they were really beautiful. I squeezed them softly and then ran my fingers down to the sides of her little fat belly.
“You look stunning, Nikki.”
I said.
“Like this?”
She smiled.
“Like this too.”
She ran her fingers over my chest and then followed it with her lips. Her breasts pressed over my stomach. I was getting harder with each of her moves and I wanted her touch my sex at the earliest. When her lips almost reached half of my stomach, I unfastened my pants and slowly pulled out my gift. It was hard and high, and throbbed under her firm grip very soon. I wanted more.

“Feel me with your lips Nikki.”
I asked.
“Call me Neeku... Krish!”
That's all she wanted me to do in return of what I had asked. As I watched her rubbing her face over the tip of it, I let out a moan.
She teased me further with her lips trailing up and down over it.
“Take me in, Neeku!”
I moaned.
She ran her fingers up and down on a swirling motion, and swallowed its round head.
All in a sudden, she transported me to an awkward situation in the past where I was denied to be felt with her lips by Meera during our honeymoon days. Meera had said she didn't like the idea because she thought it's not a healthy practice. She had never done it to me, until of course, taught otherwise by other men. Our fate had me watch her do it to other men before she eventually gave me that pleasure.

Here, this woman was doing it as response to a small gesture. I wondered if she had ever given her husband a blowjob.
Nikita rolled her tongue around its top and brought me back to the present. Nothing was needed to be spoken after that. She opened her mouth and swallowed me completely, and began sucking it like a lollipop. She was awesome. She was lovely. She was hungry and thirsty too.
Rest of our clothes disappeared in a matter of few minutes. My dick plunged deep into her throat many a times, and I then returned the favour by doing what I was eagerly waiting for, as I jumped myself between her legs. I rubbed my cheeks against the creamy white skin of her thighs to tickle her, and my tongue slowly danced its way to her centre. I saw goose bumps appearing on her softest and flawless skin. I soon had my mouth diving into her hole. I drove my tongue inside her and she began to moan in pleasure. I sucked her and slowly pulled her inner lips, hard pressed between my lips.

“Aaahh... aaahh... aaahh!”
She moaned and grabbed my hair, reach time I twisted my tongue inside her. Her cleanly shaved mount and the dark lips were tempting me to give her more than what she was asking for. I plundered her with my tongue and sucked into the darkness between otherwise light toned skins, intensely, until they were swollen, and she came soon. I pushed my finger through all the wetness she had been subjected and thrust into her repeatedly. She let out more and more of the glorious sounds that were music to my ears, until she cried out another of her wild explosion.

“Oh my Krish... aaahh...aaahhh... Stop it please...”
She cried.
“No... No... Nooo... Aaahhh... You're killing me...”
She had pressed her palm over her mouth to suppress her orgasm. She was all watery and I plunged into it, again to slurp her some more.
“Yummy... Yes, it's yummy!”
My voice was drunk with her honey. I was drugged. When I finally got off her, she kissed me deep into my lips for a moment before begging me to fuck her. She had the condom intact in her hand all the time; she tore it open and wore it on my dick, biting a smile into her lips.
“Fuck me now, Krish. Huh!”
She breathed and lay on her back with her legs split for me. I pulled them up over my shoulders and knelt between them, and drove myself into her. I was not yet in a hurry.
“When was the last time you had one in here?”
I asked, once I was fully inside her.
She cupped my face in her hand and looked at me with all the love in the world.
“Not in recent times... a few weeks ago... but it was nothing like this...”
I didn't hear her completely. I knew it was Das. I felt like I was taking his woman. I felt reborn.
I wanted to peel off my rubber and shoot a heavy load of my cum deep inside her and make her pregnant. Just a momentary thought.
I began to move myself and kissed into her mouth. As I worked into a perfect slow burning rhythm of friction inside her, she moaned and moved her ass up against me. I grabbed her face and licked her lips, resisting my urge to bite them to bleed.

I breathed into her mouth.
“You want my juice baby?”
That’s all she could say to me. I pushed my tongue inside her mouth and she sucked it.
“Do you like it baby?”
“Mmm... Yes...”
“You want more?”
I pushed my tongue again, this time more wet with saliva. She sucked it all and I began pounding her harder and deeper but faster.
“Gimme more... I’m thirsty...”
She opened her mouth asking for more of me.
“You want my juice?”
She just moaned in reply.
“My mouth juice...”
I brought down my mouth and let my saliva ooze into hers. She had surrendered to me completely and swallowed all of it. I saw her rolling her eyes back frantically and she encircled my neck tightly with her arms, and then I witnessed another absolutely delicious voice of pleasure arising from the insides of her throat. I too was very close. I upped my speed all the way, taking me to my explosion.

“Oh my baby... I am coming...”
I moaned into her mouth. She gasped with me with her mouth open and I lost myself there.
“Here’s my juice baby...”
I breathed and spit out another load of my saliva into her mouth. I had filled my rubber yet she had enough of my juices. She was content with her own melting. We breathed hard together and kissed a lot more like a real couple in love. We lay in each other’s arms looking into each other’s eyes.

“That was so good. Too great.”
She gasped.
I was so tired that I wanted to drop off at Das’ bed. But Nikita got up and pulled me out of it.
“You scoundrel, you’ll ruin my life.”
She blamed. I got up reluctantly and wore my clothes.
I was ready to leave very soon, and she walked me to the door. We hugged again, only to find ourselves kissing madly.
“Thanks for the wonderful night, Krish. I will never forget this one.”
She said. I too felt the same. The fact that it was so unplanned had made it even more wonderful for us. We felt like we were almost in love.
The fun with Nikita wasn’t going to end with just one night. The following night she sent me a message.
‘Dreaming of you.’
I called her and we chatted into late night. I often felt an urge to ask about her night with Das, but I resisted it every time.

It would offend her. I thought. I didn't want to hurt her pride.
Friday I eventually asked her out.
“There is a wonderful place called The Square. You’ll love it.”
I said.
She initially didn't like the idea of late night returning to Neerja.
“I will have to tell a lot of lies to her. “
She worried.
“Well, do it then!”
“No, I can't.”
She said.
Well, we showed up at The Square at sharp 8pm. The crowd was already heavy, though not at its peak. A group of Hungarian dancers were expected to set the night ablaze. Nikita was amused at the ambience.
“It’s a wonderful place.”
She said.
“So are you.”
I said.
She lent me those beautiful eyes.
“You know, I knew you were going to ask me out again, but I wasn’t expecting this. I was expecting- not wishing particularly for- that you’d take me to your house...”

“Of course, I am gonna take you there after this...”
I said, caressing her arms.
She blushed.
“That’s what I like in you, Krish. It’s not only the sex, is it?”
I smiled. She was true. The rage against Das was something, and this woman had actually nothing to do with that. I was naturally attracted to her.
To hell with Das, to hell with Meera; I love the moments I spend with this woman. I thought.
I leaned to her and kissed her. She was embarrassed at my public show, but she hardly had any issues with it.
“Of course, it’s you, Nikita. I am looking forward to the moments I spend with you. I want to keep us happy by doing happy, new things. “
I said.
She looked at me adorable for a few seconds.
“I want to sit with you, with your arms around me.”
I her eyes, I saw affection. I took her to the huts across the garden. I chose the same hut where Meera and Vivek had made out. We sat where she had sat with him. Nikita instantly kissed me.

“Why didn't you try it on me earlier?”
She asked.
“Try it on you?”
“I mean, I wish we were a bit earlier. I am sad that I may not visit this city ever again.”
She was obviously a guest in my life. She made me remember.
“When are you leaving?”
“Day after tomorrow, early morning flight. This is our last night together.”
She said sadly.
“Last night, yes. How do you want to celebrate it?”
“I want to be in your bed, very intimate.”
I held her close and rubbed my arm into hers. She cooed against my neck. I too wanted her in the cosiness of my bed, as quick as possible. I began to ask about leaving immediately, but my phone rang to stop me.
Nikita moved away slightly to help me pull it out of my pocket.
The caller was Meera.
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